OREGON CITY COURIER, THURSDAY FED. 19, 1914. SEVERE BRONCHIAL COUGH Doctors Feared tung Trouble) Restored to Health by .VinoL The medical profession does not be lieve that lung troubles are Inherited, but a person may Inherit a weakness or tendency to them. Mrs. Kate Heckman, Springfield, Ohio, says: "A few years ago I was In a very bad run-down condition, and the physician told me I had consump tion. I tried another physician, and he told me I had ulcers on my right lung. I Quit the physicians and started on VinoL' Today I am perfectly healthy, and that lfl why I recommend 'Vlnol'." Vinol soothes and heals the inflam ed surfaces and allays the cough, Vinol creates an appetite, strengthens the digestive organs and gives the patient strength to throw off In cipient pulmonary diseases. Try a bottle of Vinol with the un derstanding that your money will be returned If It does not help you. Huntley Bros. Co- Oregon City, Ore. Mrs. Josephine Shewman of Kisley Station, was in this city Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schoenborn, of Carus, was in Oregon City Wed nesday. Miss Elsie Raddatz, of Central Point, visited friends in Oregon City Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Achilles, of Clair mont, were Oregon City visitors on Wednesday. Miss Mabel Mills, of this city, spent Wednesday at Carus, the guest of friends. Mrs. Thomas Grace, of Eldorado, visited Mrs. G. W. Grace, of this city Wednesday. Joseph Leiser, chief of police of Canby, was in this city Thursday on legal business. Miss Laura Piepka and sister, of Eldorado, transacted business in this city Wednesday. Mrs. Bertha Hurst, of Canby, was among the Oregon City visitors on Wednesday. Mrs. George Brenner and daughter Carol, of Carus, were Oregon City visitors Wednesday. Forbes Pratt, of Portland, was in this city Wednesday evening on bus iness, and before returning to Port land visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Pratt. Gilbert Horton, of Portland, who is on the police force, and was formerly a resident of this city, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hor ton of West Linn Wednesday. Harvey Schuebel, who is attend ing school in Portland, was in Ore gon City Friday visiting with his sisters , Misses Grace and Gladys Schuebel, who are spending the win ter in Oregon City. Mrs. Augusta Schoenborn and son Henry, of this city, who have, been enjoying a few weeks at Newport, have returned and report that the weather was ideal during their stay. They were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Olson during their stay at the re sort V ..:t if i' .hit,wJi.LJria.i THOUSANDS ally at YOUR OWN PRICE. See CIRCULAR and COME! Don't Delay! These Bargains will NOT last long. Come Now! Elliot Mrs. John J. Tobin visited friends in Portland Wednesday. Mrs. Lake Casto, of Carus, was in Oregon City Wednesday. Dr. Morev. of Molalla, was in Ore gon City on business Wednesday. John Irish, who resides near Beav er Creek, was in Oregon City Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Driscoll, of Caru3, were in Oregon City Wednes day. Mrs. Edward Fields, of Portland, visited with friends in Oregon City Wednesday of this week. John Burgoyne, a resident of New Era, is in this city visiting his daugh ter, Mrs. Frank Busch, Jr. Mrs. Otto Schmeiser and daughter Martha, and son, Carl, were in Ore gon City on business Wednesday. Mrs C. 0. T. Williams left Wednes day for Portland, where she will vis it her daughter, Mrs. H. A. Berkman. Mrs. Maggie Johnson, a prominent real estate dealer of Milwaukie, was transasting business in this city Wed nesday. Caleb Cross, who formerly resided in Oregon City, but now a resident of Prineville, Oregon ,has arrived in this city to look after property inter ests. Mr. Cross will rebuild the struc ture recently destroyed by fire and occupied as a bakery on Seventh St. Mr. and Mrs. Kettern and daughter who have been residing in Oregon City for the past year, left this Fri day evening for the East, returning to their old home. Mr. Kettern has been employed in the paper mills, but had to resign his position owing to ill health. Miss Bunny Owenby, who has been at Seattle, where she has been employed by the Northwest Panama Pacific Tours Company, returned to Oregon City Saturday evening and left Monday morning for Vancouver, Wash., where she will work in a con test for this same Company, return ing to Oregon City in May. Judge Grant B. Dimick, candidate for the nomination of governor of Oregon, went to Portland Wednesday of last week, where he was extended an invitation to give an address be fore the Ad Club. The meeting was largely attended. Judge Dimick's ad dress was well received by the mem bers of the club. E. D. Olds, who has been at Al bany on business in connection with the Cowlitz Bridge Company, return ed last Wednesday. While at Albany the company was awarded two bridge contracts, and Mr. Olds will return south in about two weeks to com mence work. Mr. Olds left this even ing for McMinnville also on business for this company, where several steel bridges will be erected. Dillman & Howland, the real es tate men, who have been occupying offices for several years in the Wein hard building, have leased the office room in the handsome new building lust completed on tiighth and Mam Streets. This room is on the north side of the building and is 15x45 feet, They will take possession of their new quarters the tirst or this com ing week. FOR SALE Ten dozen Petaluma bred S. C. White Leghorn pullets from trap nested stock and com mencing to lay, at $1.00 each or $10.00 a dozen. Fine opportunity to get good stock cheap. D. A. Jones, It. 3 Box 149, Oregon City, Ore. ',tt 'it '.:$S r ' ' tvl illr t OF DOLLARS worth of Merchandise practic Bros 7th St. at Madison, on ECONOMY RULES COUNCIL'S WORK (Continude from Page 1) ,nrr aa the, naaessment would ranee from'60 to 90 per cent, it was said, of . mi M J... the valuation. ine iormer county UUUl Vf w up with them by last year's council, refused to pay any snare oi ine ca- penses. jly Attorney otnucun, t wwmua 1I1C LlVt v"i- ... j ed if any of them knew how much money was due Oregon uty irom ine A..nf.r a. fVia mnnipinnltt.iea flhflre nf tuuuij. a v.... . i' - - the road taxes. None of the council- men knew, and Mr. tscnueDei was ior mally requested to look the matter riP- . . i There was a Dare quorum present, at the meeting, Councilmen Temple- . r , TT - . LI. K .1 MJ ton, meizner, nacneii,, aiiui-bwb bmu VanAuken being the only ones pres ent throughout the greater part of the session. Five minutes before the ad journment Councilman rooze came i". Can We Change? Why cannot the state of Oregon go into the banking business? Loans could be made at a low rate of inter est and pubile improvements carried on by the people's money for the people's good. At present we pay In terest for the use of our own money. For instance, Farmer A comes to town, pays $100.00 in taxes. This the county treasurer deposits in the bank. Farmer B comes and borrows $100.00 at 10 per cent, pays his taxes and this is deposited in the bank. Farmer C then borrows the same amount at 10 per cent and so on ad infinitim. Mac. Cheaper and Far Better City Engineer Noble told the Live Wires Tuesday that every macadam street in Oregon City cost its original expense in repairs at the end of ten years, that they were a cloud of dust in summer and liquid mud in winter, and that hard surfaced streets would be far cheaper End more satisfactory. Pretty much right. The city is now putting in hard surfaced sidewalks (cement) to replace the expensive macadam (board) and any man will tell you it is economy. And it would seem that the same principle and reasoning would apply to the middle of the street as well as its edges. West Linn will Have P. O. West Linn will soon have a post office all its own and it will prob ably be the biggest little office in the state, as it will have the large, mails or the Willamette ana urown paper mills, which Oregon City now serves. Congressman Hawley notifies the baby city that the government has authorized an office to be estab lished there. George Horton, former postmaster of this city is now the only candidate for the office. You School Students Here's a problem to scratch your heads over. It has no "catch" but is a matter of plain solution, and we will send the Courier free to the first cor rect answer received from any school student in Clackamas county: Two trains, on separate tracks, are one hundred miles apart, running toward each other. One train is Tun ing at the rate of 60 miles an hour and the other at 50 miles, How many miles will each train run when they meet and pass? FOR SALE 10 foot extension din ing table. Phone Main 2073. shall be MUST the Hill, Oregon City O (P V) Dept. Waiting for Difficulties to be Over come The elevator derrick is up in the air. So are the contractors and city council. ' The S. P. railroad, two court cases and" the water commissioners stand between it and completion and op eration. Mayor Jones says it could be com pleted and running in three weeks if the obstacles were removed. Finally the obstacles will be over come. There has been too much money expended to give up the project, and it will not be given up. And why couldn't the work have been made easy rather than to have litigation, delay and expense piled Elks Ball Saturday Night Great preparations have been made for the grand ball to be given by the Order of Elks at Busch's hall on Saturday evening, and from all in dications will be one of the leading social events of the season. The committee on arrangements is com posed of H. L. Kelly, Jr., H. E. Wil liams and H. E. Young. Many from out of the city, mem bers of the order, have been extended invitations. The invitations are un ique, the poetry thereon being com posed by one of the Oregon City's young women, and reads as follows: The antlered Elk, the stately Elk Herewith present to thee An invitation to their dance On February 23. And "23" 'twill be to them, And "23" for you, Who do not come and join the band And dance the evening thru. SOCIAL MATTERS The Modern Woodmen of America assisted by the Royal Neighbors gove a most enjoyable entertainment, anu dance at Woodman hall Tuesday ev ening. Among the features of the evening was the literary and musical program followed by a banquet. Among those appearing on the pro gram were piano duet, Misses Ber nice Johnson and Aletha Oglesby; vocal solo, Miss Kohler; recitation, Sammy McLarty; vocal solo, Kenntn Woodward: vocal solo Ethel Curtis.. The excellent music for dancing was furnished by Holland's orchestra of four pieces. The affair was attended by over 100 people. Miss Anna White of Meldrum Sta tion, entertained the members of the Bithiah Class of the M. E. Church Monday evening. Business of impor tance was brought up for transac tion, among this being for the ar rangement of a concert to be given on March 4 at the Methodist church by Emil Enna, a Danish composer, and Robert Lovel Wilson, baritone, both of whom are well known musicians of Portland. ; The latter part of the evening was spent in a social manner, followed by refreshments. Attending were Miss Geneva Young, Miss Ada Hulburt, Miss Alice Bailey,' Miss Myrtle Cross, Miss Lr- ma Draper, Miss Wilma Myer, Miss Anna Myers, Miss Hazel Walling, Miss Mollie Rose, Miss Sadye Ford, Mrs. William Jackson and Mrs. T. is Ford. Monday evening of this week the second of a series of socials given by the fat. fain s Guild, fat. Andrew s Brotherhood and Kilig's Daughters of the St. Paul's Episcopal Church, at blast WE are determined that NEXT WEEK our BANNER WEEK. Entire Stock B E SOLD! ore Knapp's Hall, and was largely at tended, there being about 150 in at tendance. The early part of the even ing was devoted to a programme, this being followed by dancing. Re freshments were served during the evening. The Want Column SALE OR TRADE, Small portable sawmill, sell or trade for Oregon City property. F Mayfield, Spring water, Rt. 1., phone Beaver Creek. FOR EXCHANGE Good property in the beautiful town and health resort of Ashland, Ore., for some thing in or near Oregon City. Ad dress owner, J. H. Bellan., Rt. 6., Box 64, Oregon City, Ore. ROSE COMB REDS Great winter layers. Eggs prepaid, mail or ex press, $1.50 per 15. J. W. Vinocke, Canby, Oregon. FOR SALE Four cylinder Ford gas oline engine, Pacific Highway ga rage. FOR SALE 3'i Mitchell wagon, California hard wood box, wide tire, good as new; will trade for lighter wagon or for cattle. Frank Weisenbeck, Oregon City, Rt. 3, Home phone Beaver Creek 4 D 25. Have constant calls for' farms 40 acres and larger at $25 and upwards' per acre; can also use a few tracts of logged off land. Owners should write Wouglass McChesney, 602 Ti tle & Trust Bldg., Portland, Ore. NOTICE $1,500 to loan on real property at 7 per cent. Wm. M. Stone, attorney, Oregon City. FOUND by O. A. Hollinsworth, a a- lady's gold ring. May be had at Courier office on indentification. FOR SALE CHEAP On account of poor health, home in Oregon City. Address Box 53. FOR SALE Black Mare, coming 5 in spring, 1600 pounds, sound, true as steel, no blemish, a beauty. $250. Also 5 wood stancheons, used 2 months, $1.60 each. J. H. Van meter, phone Main 2013, city, P. O. Rt. 6. FOR SALE Canadian field peas, 3c per pound. John Dininger, Ore gon City,- Rt. 2. FOR RENT, FARMS Fifty acres, thirtv cleared, fair buildings, one and half miles from Eagle Creek on Clackamas river, three years cheap to good farmer. Address Box 265, Kt. 2, Hillsdale .uregon. FOR SALE Rhode Island Red roos ters, pure breed. Drop postal to Mrs . mma Jennings, Jennings Lodge, Oregon. 240 ACRE TRACT Nice rolling, easilv cleared land 10 miles south of Molalla. This is virgin soil of best quality. Grows fern seven ft. high. Railroad 10 miles, R. F. D. route close by; school one and a half miles. Weyerhauser interests " will build logging road into this territory. This will undoubtedly go quickly at our price of $4,200. Will take city property in exchange Macdonald & Van Auken. A Torpid Liver Is a line field for the Malarial Germ and It thrives wonderfully. The cer tain result In such cases Is a spell of Chills. HERBINE fa a Powerful Chill Tonic and Liver Regulator. It puts the liver In healthy, Vigorous condition and cures the chills by destroying: the disease germs which Infest the system. Hcrblne is a fine antl perlodic medicine, more effec tive than the syrupy mixtures that sicken the stomach; be cause it not only kills the dis ease germs, but acts effectively in the liver, stomach and bow els, thus putting the system In condition to successfully resist the usual third or seventh day return of the chill. Herblne is a cleansing and invigorating medicine for the whole body. Price BOo per Bottle. tfamesF.Ba!lard,Prop. St.Louls.Mo. Stephens Eye Salve Is a healing ointment for Sore Eyes. Amd RecompienoeOBW 1 Send for This Catalog We know you can save money and get belter eeds by setting in direct touch with the leading seed house. Correspondence Invited ne,CWH.LiUyCo.,SeaUl(, Notice for Bids for Constructing Road South of Milwaukie Notice is heieby given that sealed bids will be received at the office of the county clerk of Clackamas County Oregon for fun.ishing all labor and material and construction of a deck steel span bridge across Eagle Creek with approaches about six miles above the point where the P. R. L. & P. Co electric line crosses said Eagle Creek. All work is to be done according to specifications to be had at the of fice of the County Clerk. Each bid must be accompanied with a certified check to the amount of 10 per cent of the bid to insure entering into the contract by the bidder, should the contract be awarded to him, which check will be forfeited to Clackamas County should the bidder refuse to enter into contract after the same is awarded to him. Each contractor to whom contract is let will be required to furnish a suitable undertaking to guarantee completion of the work as provided in contract and also to guarantee the fulfillment of the law respecting the hours' of labor, material furnished by material men, etc. . Each bid must state the time with- 12 IS fill ififf pf. will ha comnlet- 111 TV 1111.11 liiw vuimi ,. . 1 ed, and contractor will be required by his contract ana Dona xo save wie county harmless in rejpect to damag es accruing to any one during the prosecution of the work. The Court reserves the right to re ject any and all bids. TVio hiHa will hp received until the 12th day of March, 1914, up to 4 o ciock Jr. jvi. By order of the county court. W. L. Mulvey, County Clerk. S.K.CHAN CHINESE DOCTORS 133 Vi 1st St. Cor. Alder. Pnrtland. Or. Dr. S. K. Chan Mrs. Dr. Chan The reliable Chinese Doctors, S. K. Chan, with their harmless Chinese remedies of herbs and roots as medi cine, can wonderfully cure all sick ness. They have cured many sufferers, both men and women, of chronic dis eases, and all internal or external sicknesses when others failed. No op erations. Examination free. Ladies treated by Mrs. Dr. Chan. Call r write for symptom blank. 133 Yi First St, Portland, Oregon (Opposite Oregon City Car Station.) Order to Show Cause why Petition for Safe of Real Property Should not be Granted In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. In the matter of the Guardianship of the person and estate of George a Thomas, an. insane person. W. W. Myers, the guardian of the person and estate of George B. Thom as, insane person, having this day presented to this Court, and filed herein, his petition, duly verified, praying for an order of sale 01 cer tain real property belonging to said Insane person for the causes and rea sons therein set forth, and it appear ing to the Court from the said petit ion that it is necessary and would be beneficial to the said insane person, that the said real property described in said petition or some part of it shall be sold. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, that the next of kin of said insane person and all persons interested in his said estate, appear before this Court in the court room thereof, in the county of Clackamas, State of Oregon, on Monday, the-lbth day of March, 1914 at 10 o'clock in the' forenoon of said day, to show cause why an order should not bo granted for the sale of such estate, as prayed for in said pe tition, reference to which is hereby made for futher particulars. AND IT IS HEREBY FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this order be published at least once a week for four successive weeks in the Oregon City Courier, a newspaper printed and published in said County of ciacKamas, &tate or Uregon. Dated February 4th, 1914. H. b. Anderson, Judge. 0 The Next. SACK of FLOUR. You Buy Ask For UNION MILLS "HIGH GRADE" AND YOU WILL GO BACK FOR. ANOTHER It is one of the best brands on the market and is highest in everything but price. We have recently remodeled the Union Mills, and are better than ever prepared for regular milling business. We exchange for flour, chopping, and carry a line of feed, graham flour, germ meal, Etc. D. L. TRULLINGER Fancy Highest Market Price paid at all times. Write or Phone WU I I TPll? Phon. Mutual-18-2 n. LJ VjIIs CANBY - ORE. Will be at Hodge's Livery Barn "Safety First" our Motto SHASTA R OF g - lObUtNfcbtlAblAI The Exposition Line 19 IS And now is the time to see California; to live outdoors and enjoy the sunshine, flowers and summer sports. It is a trip you cannot afford to miss. THREE FINE TRAINS DAILY including Shasta Limited the train of modern service with all steel up-to-the minute equipment. The California and San Francisco Express Trains with Standard, Tourist and Chair Cars and dining service that will please. Call on nearest S. P. Agent and let him outline a trip, quote fares and furnish Outing literature on California's famous resorts John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Gertrude M. Loomis, Plaintiff, vs. Wilbur E. Loomis, Defendant. To Wilbur E. Loomis, the above nam ed Defendant. t tim name nf the Stat eof Ore- Aii vii. - eon, you are hereby required to ap- pear ana answer me cuiiiymm against you in the above entitled Court und cause on or before the 2d day of April, 1914, that being the time fixed Dy tno uoun, iur you w anA nnfiwflr nnd more than UJJftl J ui.u ---- six weeks from first publication oi this summons. 11 you iau io upyeur end answer said complaint, plaintiff ,.,111 annl.r tn tho fVllirt for the T6 lief therein prayed for, to wit: that the bonds 01 matrimony now aim horotnfnro evistincr between clain- tiff and defendant be dissolved. This summons is published Dy or der of the Honorable J. U. Campbell, lrlna nf fho nhnve Entitled Court made and entered on the 14th day of February iai4. Date of first publication Febru uary 19, 1914. jUate of last publication April z, 1914. . John F. Logan, Attorney for Plaintiff. Registration of Land Title In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. In the matter of the application of fl any cro T. Rnrt.t. to ree-iater the ti- oil nf fho fnllnwinc described portions of the tract platted in the public records 01 wacKamas county, Oregon, as Oregon City Annex and otherwise known and described as "HViqut'o AntiPY tn Orpcrnn Citv" to- wit: All of Block 9; all of Block 10; all of Lots 11, 12, 18, la ana zu m Block 8; all of Lots 11, 12 ,13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 in Block 11 and all that portion of Lots 1, 2, 3, 9 and 10 in Block 8 and of Lots 1, 2 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 in Block 11 thereof, which lies East of the West boundary line of the George P. Newell Dona tion Land Claim, all situate in Clack amas County, in the State of Oregon. D. A. Dinsmoor and Adda E. Dinsmoor his wife; A. W. Fordyce and L. Fordyce his wife; Oregon City Real Es tate and Trust Company, a corporation; Franklin T. Griffith, individually and as trustee, Defendants, and All to whom it may concern: TAKE NOTICE: That on the 4th day of February, A. D., 1914, an application was filed by said George L. Burtt in the Cir cuit Court of Clackamas County, Ore gon, for initial registration of the title of the land above described. Now, unless you appear on or be fore the Sixth day of March, A. D., 1914, and show cause why such ap plication shall not be granted, the same will be taken as confessed and a decree will be entered according to the prayer of the application, and you will be forever barred from dis puting the same. W. L. Mulvey, County Clerk of Clackamas Coun ty, Oregon and ex officio Clerk of said Circuit Court. Potatoes each ..Thursday. Bring Samples OUTE Trains THE - - x RQLJTE5