OREGON CITY COURIER, THURSDAY, FEB. 12, 1914 Of 1BAHM0H S C'S. GREAT Now comes the final day of the greatest merchandising event Clackamas County has ever known. Never in our history have we had such a great re sponse as we have had to this sale. For miles around people have come to this sacrifice of new dependable merchandise. New cdpital has been interested.) We have filed our incorporating papers with the Secy of State. New Spring stocks have been ordered and we are on the eve of the greatest business year we have ever had. Before these gigantic stocks arrive the present stock must be reduced. Come and attend the greatest value giving carnival of bargains you have ever known. Remember behind every purchase made during this sale stands the personal guarantee of George Bannon. COME SATURDAY Buy your dry goods at the biggest savings you have ever known DOUBLE STAMP COUPON Double Ma" Green Trading Stamps will be given purchasers pre senting this coupon all day SATURDAY CUP OUT THIS COUPON and Bring It With You I 3000 Sample Towels values to 35c 10c 89c Lace Curtains, white only Foil length. 39c Pr. Mm JOc Amoskag Ginghams apron checks 6c 30 Bolts Lonsdale Muslin, 0 yards to customer 9c Every Pair of Blankets at Half Pt ice Absolutely every pair of Blankets in the store 121 pairs all told; wool and woolnap. Some slightly soiled. Regular $4 to $10 grades, incorpora ting sale price exactly half. One -Half 79-Ct. Mens' Shirts, with Military Collars, Price this Sale AN IMMENSE PURCHASE TO GO INTO OUR GREAT INCORPORATING SALE AT THIS LOW PRICE! COAT STYLE SOFT SHIRTS WITH ATTACHED COLLARS, AR MY LINENS, KHAKI, BLUE CHAMBRAY, HEAVY BLACK SATEEN. ALSO HEAVI ER BLUE CHEVIOTS FOR MILL WORK. SOME WITH MILITARY COLLARS, 2-BUT-TON DOWN POCKETS, ETC. SPECIAL VALUES, 9c Incorporat'g Sale stice M9c $1 White Shirts 69c FAMOUS "HALLMARK" SHIRTS WHITE PLEATED MADRAS IN ALL SIZE PLEATS. COAT STYLE WITH CUFFS ATTACHED. BEST $1. GRADES. INCORPORATING SALE PRICE. 69c $1.50 Wool Shirts 98c SMALL LOT OF MEN'S WOOL FLANNEL LOGGERS' SHIRTS FOR THIS SALE AT AN EXTRA LOW PRICE! GRAYS, TANS, BLUES, AND BROWN, WITH LAY-DOWN AND MILITARY COLLARS. REG ULAR $1.50 SHIRTS, ONLY 98c 89 Pairs Women's Boys' XQp and Child's Shoes to $3 Grades AN ABSOLUTE CLEAN-UP OF BROKEN LINES BEFORE OUR NEW SPRING STOCK ARRIVES. GOOD WEARABLE STYLES IN WO MEN'S, BOYS' AND CHILDRENS SHOES. ALL STYLES AND LEA THERS. ALSO WO MEN'S JULIETS AND COMFORTS. 89 PAIRS IN THE LOT. $1.50 TO $3.00 VALUES, PER PR E3 111 TV J- 69c $2.19 $5 Men's -Wo- men's, Boys' Shoes MEN'S -ENGLISH LAST SHOES IN TAN, RUSSIA AND GUNMETAL LEATHERS. ALSO BOYS' $3.50 HIGH CUT RUSSIA CALF SHOES WITH DOUBLE PEG AND SEWED SOLES. BUCKLE TOPS. THE WOMEN'S SHOES ARE $3.50 GRADES FROM OUR REGULAR STOCK. BUTTON AND LACE, PATENT OR GUNMETAL LEATHERS. NEW HIGH TOP STYLES. ALL SIZES AND WIDTHS. CHOICE OF THIS IM MENSE LOT OF SHOES DURING THE SALE, 82.19 New Piece Goods! At A Great Sacrifice! 15c Flannelettes 9c 25c Curt'n Scrim 10c 19c S'rp'tine Crepe 9c 25c Ripplettes 15c 10,000 Yd. Remnents Fleeced House Dress Flan- 100 yards of pretty new Cur- About 300 yds. of famous 25c Famous Ripplettes and Ginghams Outings nelettes in light and dark pat- tain Scrims, Etamines, Voiles gerpetine Crepes in all the Krinkledowns in all the new Curtain Scrims terns, Staple 15c grades, limit and Bungalow Nets in brand atterns fast colors Limit Spring patterns... Requires no Percales Velveteens 10 yards to a customer. IN- new Spring patterns. Staple ' itctompii ,ronin- F0K HUSE DRESS- Silks Dress Goods CORPORATING SALE PRICE 25c goods for this great sale, 10 YARDS T0 CUST0MEB- ES) WAiSTS etc. REGU- Laces Embroideries PER YARD ONLY THIS SALE . LAR 25c QUALITY, YARD. 9c 10c 9c 15c Half mmmmi MASONIC TEMPLE BLDG., OREGON CITY, OREGON 7 50c Boys' Blouse Waists, All Colors, Limit 2 35c 50-Cent Children's Black Sateen Bloomers HEAVY QUALITY, WELL MADE, ELASTIC KNEE; SIZES 2 TO 14; LIMIT 2 PAIRS TO CUSTOMER 25c Notions 15c Child's Elastic Supporters pr. 8c 10 Skirt Belting, all colors, yard 6c 10,000 Best Hair Nets, all colors 2c 12 c Pearl Buttons, fish-eye, card4c 10c Wilson Dress Hooks, card, 5c 20c Large Size Fish-net Bags, 9c 5c "Klicket" Dress Snaps, card, 2c 10c Best Hair Pin Cabinets, each 5c 6c Non-Rust Hooks and Eyes 2 cds 5c 5c Best Safety Pins, good sizes, cd 2c 10c Wash Rags, blue & white, each 5c 5c Dress Pins, 300 in each paper 3c Notions New Idea Darning Cotton, black only, for Incorporating Sale, spool lc 15c Fancy Linen Handkerchiefs, bordered. during Sale, each 6c 50c Way s New Mufflers, all colors each, 6c 50c Children's Knit Black Under pants, during Sale, all sizes, per 29c 5,000 Yrs. Val. and Torchon Laces all new and dainty designs. 10c val. 2c 10c Hand Scrub Brushes, good quality , each 4c WOMEN'S $2.00 New Style HAND BAGS 98c All The New Shapes, reduc ed to Only -