OREGON CIT.Y COURIER, THURSDAY FEB. 12, 1914. COD UYERJIL AND IRON Two Most World-Famed Tonics Combined in Vinol. Cod Liver oil and Iron hare proved to be the two most successful tonics the world has ever known Iron tor the blood and the medicinal curative elements of cod liver oil as a strength and tissue builder for body and nerves, and for the successful treat ment of throat and lung troubles. Two eminent French chemists dls covered a method of separating the curative medicinal elements of the cods' livers from the oil or grease which Is thrown away , out to there medicinal elements tonic Iron is tow added, thus combining la Vinol the two most world famed tonics. As a body-builder and strength cre ator for weak, run-down people, for foeble old people, delicate children, to restore strength after sickness; and for chronic coughs, colds, bron chltis or pulmonary troubles we ask you to try Vinol with the understand ing that your money will be returned If It does not help you. Huntley Bros. Co.. Oregon City, Ore. PRECINCT BOUNDARIES DAMASCUS PRECINCT: Beginning at Southeast corner of section Hi, T. l. s Jtt s a, inence mjuui tn T.iW.la DeeD Creek: thence down Little Deep Creek to Vi section line running east and west througn sec tion 11 T. 2 SR 3 E. thence west to Vt. corner on west side section 11 thence South mile; thence west 1 mile; thence south 1, mile; 'thence west to Clackamas Kiver; tnenc down said riv.er to section line be tween sections 11 and 12, T. 2 S R 2 E. thence north to Southwest cor ner of the N.W.M, of section 12 thence east L mile; thence north 34 miles; thence east Ai9 miles to be ginning. DICKEY PRAIRIE: Begin where the Molalla River crosses the north line of section T. 5 S R 2 E. thence east to north- west corner of section 6, T. 5 S R 3 E. thence south 2 miles; thence east 2 miles; thence south 4 miles; thence west to Molalla River thence down Molalla River to beginning. EAGLE CREEK: Begin at a point on north bank of Qlackamas River at intersection with section line between sections 24 and 25 T. 2 S R 3 E. thence east to south fork of Deep Creek; thence up south fork to the east line of section 34, T. 2 S R 4 E. thence south on east line of section 34 to southeast corner thereof; thence east l9 mile; South 1 mile; west mile; South 1 mile; west mile; south to Eagle Creek; thence down Eagle Creek to cor ner on north line of section 9, T. 3 S R 4 E; thence south to center said section 9; thence west to Clackamas River; thence down said river to be ginning. ESTACADA NO. 1. Begin where, in the center of the Clackamas River, south of the mla- dle of the alley running north and south between Zobrist and Broadway streets in the city of Estacada thence north through the center of said alley to center of the county road; thence easterly along center of said county road to the . section corner line running north and south through section 22 T. 3 S R 4 E, thence north to the center of Eagle week; down fcagle Creek to 'A cor ner on north side of section 9. T 3 "S R 4 E. thence south to center of said section 9; thence west to Clack amas River; thence up said rivor to beginning. ESTACADA NO. 2. Beginning in the center of the Clac- amas River south of the center oi . the alley running north and. south streets in the city of Estacada thence north through said alley to center of the county road; thence easterly along center of said county road to the i section cornor line running norm and south through section 22 T. 8 S R 4 E. thence north to center of Jbagle Creek; down Eagle Creek to Vi corner on north side of section 9, T 3 S R 4 E. thence south to center of said section 9; thence west to Clackamas River; thence up said riv er to beginning. ESTACADA NO. 2. Beginning in .the center of the Clackamas River south of tho center of the alley running north and south between Zobrist and Broadway streets in the city of Estacada thence north through said alloy to center of the county road; thence easterly along said road to Vi section line run ning north and south through center of section 22, T. 3 S R 4 E. thence south to center of Clackamas River thence up Cluckamas River to south line of section 3 T. 4 S R 4 E. thence west to Southwest cornor sections 3; thence north 1 mile; thence west Vi mile; nroth mile; west Vi mile; north Vi mile; west 1 milo; north 1 mile; west IVi mile; north Vi mile; thence west Vi mile; thence north IVi miles; west Vi mile; r.orth 1 mile; east to center of Clackamas river; thence up Clackamas river to begin ning. EVERGREEN: Beginning at a point where the south bank of the'Clackamas river intersects the township line between sections 13 T 2 S R 2 E. thence south to southeast corner said section 13; thence west 2 miles; South 8 miles; east IVi miles; north to north line of Mathew Richardson D. L. C. east H mile; north to Clear Creek; down Clear Creek to Clackamas River; down Clackamas River to beginning. GARFIELD: Begin on north bank of Clackamas River where it intersects Vi section line running -north and south through section 84 T. S R T E. thence , up Clackamas river to summit of moun tains; northerly along summit of mountains . to Salmon River; thence down Salmon river to south boun dary of T. 8 S R 7 E. thence west on township line to south fork of Eagle Creek; thence down south fork Eagle I Creek to where it crosses the Vi sec f tion line north and south through i section 10 T. 3 S R 4 R. thence south to beginning. GEORGE: Begin at a point where the south line of section 11, T. 3 S K 4 su inter sects Eagle Creek; thence east to S. E. corner of section U; soutn .i mile; east 6 miles; north 3 miles; east to Salmon River; up Salmon River to south boundary T. 2 S R 7 E thence west to South fork J!.agie Creek: down south fork Eagle Creek to Eagle Creek; down Eagle Creek to beginning. r.T.ADSTONE NO. 1. Begin at a point where the north line of the Cason D. L. C. intersects the Clackamas River; thence westerly on north line of Cason claim to the northwest corner thereof, which is the center line of Portland Avenue in the town of Gladstone; thence southeast along westerly line of said Cason claim to its intersection with Clackamas River; thence up said river to the place of beginning. (This precinct consists of the Fendal Ca Bnn Donation Land Claim and no more.) GLADSTONE NO. 2, Begin at a point where the west line of the Cason U. l,. u intersects the Clackamas River; thence westerly along west line of said claim, being tfca oentpr line of rortiana Avenue in citv of Gladstone, to an easterly tension of Glen Echo Avenue; thence westerly on an easterly ex tension of Glen Echo Avenue, ana continuing in a straight line to the Willamette River; thence up tne saw river to the beginning. HARMONY: Beginning at the quarter corner on the north 'Side of section 30, T. 1 S R 2 E. on line between Clackamas and Multnomah Counties; thence west 2Vi miles; thence South 2 miles; thence west to the east line of Dan iel McLaren's land; thence north to Northeast corner of same; thence west to the west line of the Garrett D. L. C. thence north to the south line of. the Hector Campbell claim; thence east to the southwest corner of Gibson's subdivision of Logus Tracts thence west to north line of Hector Oampbell claim; thence east to Vi section line running north and south through section 30, T. 1 S R 2 E. thence north to place of beginning. HIGHLAND. Begin at northwest corner of sec tion 32 T. 3 S R 3 E. thence west to Clear Creek; thence up Clear Creek to where it crosses the south boun dary of Section 26 T. 4 S R 4 E. thence west to southwest corner of section 30; thence north 2 miles; West 2 miles; South 1 mile; west 1 mile; north 1 mile; west Vi mile; north 1 mile; west mile; north 1 mile; west 1 mile; north 2 mile to place of beginning. JENNINGS LODGE Begin at intersection of the north line of the Plat of Roethe's Willa mette River Front Tracts with the Willamette River; thence east to east line of Rogers D. L. C. thence south easterly to southwest corner ol Baumgartner's land; thence easterly to Oatfied Road; thence northerly to northwesterly line of the McNary D. L. C. thence northeasterly to most northerly corner of said claim, thence southerly to easterly corner of said claim; thence east to 1-16 section line running north and south through the N. E. 'A of Section 17 T. 2 S R 2 E. thence south to north line of Fendal Cason Claim; thence westeryl and southerly on said Cason Claim to east line of Rinearson claim; thence north westerly to an extension of Glen Echo Avemlo; thence westerly on said extension to Willamette River; thence down said river to beginning, K1LLIN Begin at the southeast corner of section 32, T. 5. S K 1 K running thence west to Butte Creek; down Butte Creek to Pudding River; down Pudding River to mouth of Bear Creek; up Bear Creek to a point on the west line of section 16, T. 5. S. R, 1 E. thence south to beginning. LIBERAL. Begin at a point where the Molulla River crossus the tection Iflne be tween sections 13 T. 4. S R 1. E. and section 18 T. 4 S R 2 E. thence south to southwest corner section 36; thence east to Molalla river; thence down Molulla River to place of be ginning. LOGAN. Begin at mouth of Clear Creek thence up Clear Creek to where it crosses the section line between sec tions 4 and 5, T. 3 S R 3 E; thence south to southeast cornor said sec tion 6; thence east 1 milo; South Mi mile; east to Clackamas river; down said river to beginning, MACKSBURG. Begin at a point where the Molalla River crosses the section line between sections 8 and 9, T. 4 S. R. 1 E. thence south to Vi section corner be tween sections 28 and 29; thence east IVi mile; thence south mile; East Vi mile; east 2Vi miles; north to Molulla River; down Molalla Riv er to beginning. MAPLE LANE. Beginning at northeast corner of section 1, T. 3 S R 2 E. thence west to Abernethy Creek; thence down Ab ernothy Creek to mouth of Newell Creek thence up Newell Creek to south line of Fisher Cluim; thence west to eastern boundary of Oregon City; thence southerly to Molalla roud; thence southerly along said road to north line of Samuel Vance Claim; thence westerly to northwest corner of l'etzold tract; thence along west line of l'etzold tract to John GatTney's land; thence to most south erly comer of said land; thence to the north line of the J, S. Howland D. L. C, thenco southeasterly to niost rast- erlv corner of same; thence south westerly on east line Howland Claim to north line of section 17, T. 3 S R J i.. thence to northeast corner said section 17; thence south 1 mile; thence cast 4 miles north 3 miles to beginning. MUL1NO: Beginning at the northeast corner of section 11, T. 4 S., R. 2 E., and run- ning thence west 1 mile; thence south Vi mile; thence west 3 milesj, thence north 1-3 mile; thence west Vi mile; thence south to Molalla River; thence up Molalla River to crossing of. south line of section 34; thence east to south east corner of sections 31, T. 4 S. R. 3 E. thence north Vi mile; thence west 1 mile; thence north Vi mile; themce west 1 mile; thence north Vi mile; thence west 1 mile; thence north 4 miles to beginning. MOLALLA: Begin at northeast corner of sec tion 6, T. 5 S. R. 2 E. running thence east to Molalla River; thence up Mo lalla River to. where said river crosses the zount line of section 31, T. 5 S. R. 3 E. thence west to southwest corner section 31, T. 5 S. R. 2 E. thence north 6 miles to place of be ginning. MILWAUKIE HEIGHTS: Begin at the intersection of the di vision line between the husband and wife's half of the George Crow D. L. C. and the Willamette River; thence down said river to south line of Mil waukie; thence easterly and norther ly on said south boundary to intersec tion of the west line of the J, D. Garrett claim; thence south on said west line to the northwest tforner of McLaren's land; thence east to north east corner of McLaren's land; thence south on McLaren's land to Foster road, thence easterly on Foster road to McLaughlins east line; thence south on McLaughlin's east line to north line of Oren Kellogg D. L. C. thence west along the north line of said claim, the sounty boundary of Milwaukie Park, tho north line of Pinehurst, and the center of Courtney Avenue to the Willamette River, the place of beginning": MILWAUKIE NO.. 1: Begin at a point where the Willam- ette river intersects the north line of the City of Milwaukie; thence easter ly along the north line of said city to intersection of main line of the 0. C. R. R. track; thence southerly along said track to Penzance street, Sellkood Addition to Milwaukie; thence southerly down said street to Fourth Street; thence southeasterly on fourth street to Whitcomb street in Quincy Addiion to Milwaukie; thence southerly down Whitcomb street to the line of Mr. Holt's and W. II. Grasle's land; thence southerly on said property line to Foster road; thence northeasterly on said Foster road to the property-line owned by Miss Sinclair; thence southerly on easterly line of Sinclair property to. Kellogg Lake and an intersection with city limits of Milwaukie; thence west erly on said city limits to Willamette River; thence down said river to be ginning. ' ' MILWAUKIE NO. 2: Begin where the north boundary of city of Milwaukie limits intersects the main line of the O. & C. R. R. track; thence southerly along said railroad track to Penzance street; down said Penzance street to Fourth Street; thence southeasterly down fourth street to Whitcomb street; thence southerly on Whitcomb street to line between the Holt and Grasle property; thence southwesterly down said property line to Foster road; thence northeasterly along said road to the property owned by Miss Sin clair; thence southerly along the easterly line of the Sinclair property to Kellogg lake, where same inter sects the south boundary of Milwau kie; thence southeasterly, northerly and westerly along the eastern and northerly boundary of said city limits to place of beginning. MOUNT PLEASANT: Beginning at a point on the quarter section line running east and w'esv through section 14, T. 3 S. R. 1 E. where it intersects the top of the bluff; thence following said bluff in northerly direction to the city limits of Oregon City; thence the south and southeasterly limits to. a point where same intersects the Molalla Road; thence southeasterly on said road to intersect the north line of the Vance Claim; thence west about 19 chains to northwest corner of a 25 acre tract now owned by R. Petzold; thence southerly to northwest corner of land now owned by David Scherubble, thence on same course to the most northerly corner of land now owned by John Gaffney; thence following said west line to most southerly cor ner thereof; thence southwesterly on a continuation of said Gaffney's line to the north line of the J. S. Howland D. L. C. thence southeasterly along the north line of said Howland Claim to the most easterly corner thereof; thence southwesterly on said claim to north line of section 17, T. 3 S. R. 2 E. thence west on north line of sec tions 17 and 18 to the northeast cor ner of NWVi of NWVi of section 18, thence south to S. E. corner of N. W. Vi of N. W. Vi of said section 18: thence west to intersection with southeasterly line of the White Claim; thence northeasterly on said White Claim the N. E. corner of a 22 acre tract now owned by W. E. Young thence northwesterly on said Youncs land to north west corner thereof; thence following said Young's west ine to the north line of a 90 acre tract now owned by Rittinger; thence northwesterly on Rittingor's north line to tho north line of said White Claim; thence southwesterly along north line of said White Claim to 1-16 ine running east and west thromrh the. northwest quarter of section 13; thence west to . northwest corner of the S. W. Vi of the N. W. Vi of said section 13; thence south Vi mile; thence west on said quarter section line, to the Bluff, the place of begin ning; this precinct consists of all the territory within the boundaries of School Districts No. 43 and 109. NEW ERA: Begin at northeast corner section 17 T. 3 S. R. 2 E. thence west 1 miles; thence south Vi mile; thenc- west to intersect the southeasterly boundary of the White Claim; thence northwesterly on White claim to the northeast ' corner of a tract of land now owned by W.. E. Young; thence northwesterly to Young's northwest corner; thence southerly on Young'i west line to north line of a 90 acre tract now owned by J. and C. Ritting er; whence west to the north line of said White Claim; thence southwest erly on said White Claim to 1-16 sec tion line running east and west through the N. W. Vi of section 13: T. 3 S. R. 1 E. th'ence wesj to N. E, corner of S. E. Vi of N. E. Vi ; thtnee south Vi mile; thence west Vi mile west on quarter section line running east and , west through said section 14, t the top of the bluff; thence nor- therly following top of said bluff to the north line of Milton Brown Claim thence westerly on north line, saul Brown Claim to Willamette River thence up said river to south line of sections 10 and 11 T. 3 S. R. 1 E, thence south to Willamette River thence down said river to Vi section line running north and south through section 27, T. 3 S. R. 1 E. thence south to Vi corner' of south side of said section 27; thence east 1-3 mile thence south Vi mile; thence east 1 mile; thence south Vi mile; thence east 1 mile; thence north Vi mile thence east Vi mile; thence north Ms mile; thence east mile; thence north 2 miles; thence east 1 mile; thence north 1 mile; to place of begin ning. OAK GROVE: Beginning at a point where the dl vision line between the husband's and wife's half of the Crow Claim; intersects the east bank of the Wil lamette River; thence east on said di vision line, also called Courtney Ave nue, and continuing east between the plat of Milwaukie Park and the plat of Pinehurst and along the north line of Oren Kellogg Claim to the north east corner of said claim; thence south on east line said claim to most nor therly corner of the McNary Claim; thence southwesterly on northerly line of said McNary claim to most norther ly corner of John Baumgartner land; thence southeasterly to Baumgart ner's northeast corner; thence south westerly along Baumgartner's south easterly line to the east line of the Rogers claim; thence northwesterly on easterly line of Rogers claim to the northeast corner of plat of Covell; thence southwesterly on north line of Covell and north line of Roethe's Wil lamette River Front Lots to Willam ette River; thence down the Willam ette river to place of beginning. OSWEGO NO. 1: Begin at a point where the center line of "B" Avenue in town of Oswe go extended would intersect the Wil lamette River; thence westerly along the center line of "B" Avenue to the west line of city limits; thence south to section line between sections 3 and 10 T. 2 S. R. 1 E.; thence west on sec tion line to northwest corner of sec tion 7, T. 2 S. R. 1 E. thence south to the center of Tualatin River; thence down Tualatin River to west line of section 34; thence north on section line to Vi corner between sections 27 and 28; thence east to Vi section line running east and west through sec tion 27 to west line Samuel Miller Claim; thence north on said west line to northwest corner of said claim; thence east on north line said claim to section line between sections 22 and 23; thence north on section line between sections 22, 23, 14 and 15 to south line of Jesse Bullock Claim; thence easterly to Willamette River thence down said river to place of be ginning. OSWEGO NO. 2: v . Beginning at a point where an east erly extension of "B" Avenue inter sects the Willamette River; thence westerly along center of "B" Avenue, and an easterly and westerly exten sion of said Avenue to the west line of Oswego; thence south to section line between sections 3 and 10 T. 2 S. R. 1 E. thence west on said section line to the Southwest corner sectlou 6; thence north 1 mile; thence east on township line, and county line, to Wil lamette River; thence down Willam ette River to place of beginning.' TLEASANT HILL: Begin at a point' where the north bank of the Willamette river inter sects the section line between sections 27 and 28, T. 2 S. -R. 1 W. thence north to northwest corner section 22 T. 3 S. R. I W. thence east Vimile thence north 2 miles; thence west Vi mile; thence north 1 mile; thence west 2 miles; thence south 2 miles; thence west 1 mile; thence south 4 miles thence east on south line of section 31, to Willamette River; thence down Willamette River to beginning. (To be Continued.) Notice to Creditors In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. x In the matter of the estate of Sybil Roberts, deceased. Notice is hereby given, thaf" the uiidorsign id has been appointed ad ministrator of the above named es tate by tho above entitled Court, and has qualified. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to pre sent same to the undersigned in his office in tho Stevens Building, Ore Kon City, Oregon, with proper vouch ers and duly verified within six months from" the date of the first publication of this notice. Date of first publication February John W. Loder, Administrator of said estate. Bids Wanted The school board of District No. 2, Clackamas Co. Ore., will receive bids for the furnishing of material and the erection of an additional schoool build ing in said district, plans and speci fications of which are in the hands of the Clerk. All bids are to be under seal and in the hands of the clerk on or before Feb. 24. 1914. The board reserving the rfght to- reject any or all bids. By order of the board. A. F. Lenhardt, chm. N. R. Graham, elk. R. 2 Woodburn, Ore. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR1A Order to Show Cause why Petition for Sale of Real Property Should not be Granted . In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. In the matter of the Guardianship of the person and estate of George B. Thomas, an insane person. W. W. Myers, the guardian of the person and estate of George B. Thom as, insane person, having this day presented to this Court, and filed herein, his petition, duly verified, praying for an order of sale of cer tain real property belonging to said insane person tor the causes and rea sons therein set forth, and it appear ing to the Court from the said petit ion that it is necessary and would J)e beneficial to the said insane person, that the said real property described in said petition or some part of it shall be sold. IT IS HEREBY . ORDERED, that tne next 01 Kin or said insane person and all persons interested in his said estate, appear before this Court in the court room thereof, in the county of .Clackamas, State of Oregon, on Monday, the 16th day of March, 1914. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, to show cause why an order should not be 'granted for the sale of such estate, as prayed for in said pe tition, reference to which is hereby made for futher particulars. AND IT IS HEREBY FURTHER ORDERED that a cony of this order be published at least once a week for four successive weeks in the Oregon City Courier, a newsnaoer nrinted and published in said County of Llackamas, State of Oregon. Dated February 4th, 1914. H. S. Anderson, Judge. Registration of Land Title , In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas Countv. In the matter of the application 0 ueorge l. aunt, to register the ti tle to all of the following described portions of the tract platted in the public records of Clackamas county, Oregon, as Oregon City Annex and otherwise known and described as 'Shaw's Annex to Oregon Citv" to- wit: All of Block 9: all of Block 10: all of Lots 11, 12, 18, 19 and 20 in Block 8; all of Lots 11, 12 ,13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 in Block 11 and all that portion of Lots 1, 2, 3, 9 and in in biock 8 ana ot Lots 1, 2 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 in Block 11 thereof, which lies East of the West boundary line of the George P. Newell Dona tion Land Claim, all situate in Clack amas County, in the State of Oregon. D. A. Dinsmoor and Adda E. Dmsmoor his wife; A. W. Fordyce and L. Fordyce his wife; Oregon City Real Es tate and ' Trust Company, a corporation; Franklin T. Griffith, individually and as trustee. Defendants, and All to whom it may concern: TAKE NOTICE: That on the 4th dav of Fehi-nnrv A. D., 1914, an application was filed oy said ueorge L. Burtt in the Cir cuit Court of Clackamas County, Ore gon, for initial registration of the title of the land above described. JNow, unless vou aonear on nr he. fore the Srkth day of March, A. D., 1914, and show cause whv rhMi in. plication shall not be granted, the same will be taken as confessed nnH a decree will be entered according to the prayer of the application, and you will be forever barred from dis puting the same. W. L. Mulvey, County Clerk of Clackamas Coun ty, Oregon and ex officio rioi-t t said Circuit Court. Horrible Blotches ef Eczema Quickly cured by Dr. Hobson's Ec zema Ointment. C. P. Caldwell, New Orleans, La., states: "My doc tor advised me to try 'Dr. Hobson's Eczema Salve.' I used three boxes of Ointment and three cakes of Dr. Hobson's Derma Zema Soap. Today I have not a spot anywhere on my body, and can say that I am cured." EXZ! Children. Cry The Kind You Have Always jjr mm mi ur tt ill in use lor over 30 years, lias borne the signature 01 All Counterfeits, Imitations and ' Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health ot Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Cantor Oil, Pare-, goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishncss. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation. Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Si pBears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY STREET. NEW YORK CITY. "Safety First" our Motto SHASTA P The Exposition Line 1915 And now is the time to see California; to live outdoors and enjoy the sunshine, flowers and summer i sports. It is a trip you cannot afford to miss. THREE FINE TRAINS DAILY including Shasta Limited the train of modern service , with all steel up-to-the minute equipment. The California and San Francisco Express Trains with Standard, Tourist and Chair Cars and dining service that will please. Call on nearest S. P. Agent and and furnish Outing literature on John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon "I t The Courier and Colliers only $2.50 J It will do the same for you. Its sooth ing, healing, antiseptic action will rid of i y?u of all skin humors, blackheads, nimnles. Eczema blotches, red un sightly sores, and leaves your skin clean and healthy .Get a box today. Guaranteed. All Druggists. 50c, or by mail. Pfeiffer Chemical Co. Philadelphia & St. Louis. for Fletcher's Bought, and which has heeu ana Has ueeu matte under his per-J-yi J1- eonal supervision since Its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Signature of OUTE Trains OF THE let him outline a trip, quote California's famous resorts fares