1 OREGON CITY COURIER, THURSDAY, FEB. 12, 1914 5)M "nrr ,JUJ 7 n JVJ r ..,,.-..-. , - - - , ,. 1J Wow MM J ock Must Be Greatly Reduce d In The Next Fen Days n the History of Clacka- mas County is In Progress (Jitv its Poicv has been vroaresswe. vveve irwu u; aer w yv w. y.ww give you better merchandise, better service, better values, than you have ever known before That our Efforts have been known and appreciated is shown by the big increase in business, hach montn our traae has grown larger. Each season we've added , mnn t,. . KinnM capu HAY I a larger stock. I DOUBLE STAMP COUPON GOOD TILL NOON EACH DAY XLIP O Double 7fa" Green Trading Stamps will be Kf. to flLUSa given ' to purcnasers presenting im hofara nnnn rtn anv dav of InCOrDOrat- ing Sale. Remember, double stamps only to I morning shoppers. X.fF v- SmW? V xT N A V - V) -B?lW5? . N. -s !,..'..-J New catAtsl has become in- INOW we re on me eve oi a new h iv wS. . Tv c,-.a- rf titfl terested. We have filed our papers as an incorporation with the Secretary of State 'at Salem. Immense, new Sp&g stocks-the largest ever brought have been ordered ana. are now on me way irvm ------- M - But beforethey arrive our present stocK LIT igsboppers. I good, reliable merchandise will be sold at tremendous reductions::: , , o i , 0 and BmNcwiTHjuJ Every Item a Barf M ReadThcmAlli Be Here WhenSaleStang To $35.00 Women's The first 27 women here will get the biggest Suit values in their lives! Famous "Marshall" Field" high grade Suits, that sold in our reg ular stock at $18 to $35. Beautiful materials and colorings. Elegantly tailor- T Q ed. Take your choice (no altera-J) ( J tions.) Incorporating Sale Price Any Woman's Coat in the Store, Val- $ C ues to $15.00 These include Silk Poplin and Rubberized Raincoats, in blue, black and tan. Also wool mixtures and novelty weaves. Only 32 coats that sold to $15. Sale price, $5.00. TO $22.50 DRESSES Exactly 41 Dresses of silk and wool positive ly every one in our entire stock! Poplins, charmeuse, messalines, ratines, ' serges, in popular colors. Dresses' for women, misses and juniors. Regular prices, $12.50 to $22.50, choice $5.00 5 piBUUftH , : NEW WASH GOODS AfoS : d " ' ,19c " SERPENTINE CREPES 9c Over 1,000 yards famous Serpentine Crepes, in all new 1914 patterns, fast colors. Beautiful and dainty, for ki monas, house dresses, ' etc. Q ' Sold everywhere at 19c, limit y Q, 10 yards to the customer 15c FLANNELETTES, 9c 2,200 yards of Fleeced House Dress Flannelettes, in neat, dark patterns. Staple 15c grades, limit 10 Q yards to a customer Sale yQ, Price special for the yard 25c CURTAIN SCRIMS, 10c 800 yards of pretty aiew Curtain Scrims, Etamines, Voiles and Bunga low Nets in brand new Spring r patterns. Staple 25 cent I M I" goods, sale price, per yard v Shoes for All the Family at Remnants At 2 to 10 Yd. Lengths GINGHAMS, OUTINGS, CURTAIN SCRIMS, SILKS, VELVETEENS, DRESS GOODS, LACES, EMBROIDERIES, ETC., ETC., BIG TABLES PILED HIGH WITH THEM ANY PIECE AT EXACTLY HALF PRICE! 1 2 12 Vic MUSLIN, YARD 9c Only 800 yds. of "Sarilla'' Bleached Muslin, 36-inch, heavy and soft fin ish. Best 12 c grade on Q the market limit ten yards to the customer, per yard 25c RIPPLETTES, YARD 15c Famous Ripelettes and Krinkledowns in all new Spring patterns. 1 -Require no ironing. For house Yj, dresses, waists, etc. Reg. 25c, NEW GINGHAMS, YARD 10c 3,000 yards of brand new Spring and Summer 1914 Dress Ginghams. "Hun dreds of beautiful, absolutely lA new patterns plaids, checks, J stripes, etc. Special sale price An absolute cleanup of broken lines before our new Spring stock arrives! Good, wearable styles in Women's Boys' and Children's Shoes. All styles and leathers. Also Women's Juliets and Comforts. 600 pairs in the lot. Values $1.50 to -3 while they last, pair 49c. 49c 1,000 PAIRS RUBBERS MEN'S WOMEN'S, CHILDREN'S Think of it! Rubbers for all thefamily grades that sell for 75c and 85c. Even $1.00 Women's Artie KUDDers in me lot. In this great incorporating Sale, selling, pail 35c 79c MEN'S SHIRTS at An immense purchase of 100 dozen Shirts go into our Great Incorporating Sale at this astonishingly low price! Soft Shirts, with attached collars army linens, khaki, blue chambray, heavy black sateen. Also heavier blue cheviots for mill work. Somo with military collars, 2 but ton-dawn pockets etc. Splendid 79c values, sale price $1.50 WOOL SHIRTS.-30 dozen Men's Wool Flannel Logger's Shirts for this sale at an extra low price. Grays, tans, blues, brown lay- down and military collars. Regular $1.50 Shirts, rs, t dui- 49c ivn lay- 98c 4c EXTRA! 39 c Toques 10c 25c Blank'tsExactly 15c Children's Elastic Supporters, at, pair 8c 10c Skirt Belting, all colors, on sale, yard Jjc 10,000 Best Hair Nets, all colors, each, at 2c 12c Best Pearl Buttons, fish-eye, card, 10c Wilson Dress Hooks, all colors, card, 5c 20c Large Size Fish-Net Shopping Bags, jjc 6c "Klicket" Dress Snaps, all colors, card 2c 10c Best Hair Pin Cabinets, all sizes, each 5c 6c Best Non-Rust Hooks and Eyes, 2 cds 5c oc Best eaieey nns,a u gooa sizes, cara Notion Specials Half Price Absolutely every pair of Blankets in the store just 121 pairs all told, wool and woblnap. Some slightly soiled. Regular $4 to $10.00 grades. In corporating Sale price, exactly, 100 Pairs Infants 50c to 79c Shoes hard soles; sizes 0 to 5. f Sale price, while lot I II H lasts, Bannon's price w 30 Women's $6.95 to $8.50 Skirts- blue serges, voiles, and 4 P A worsteds. A saving tnai J) J J V can't be overlooked T 29 Dozen Women's 98c to $1.25 Waists tailored madrases, nnenes, lawns, ripplettes, etc. Some with at tached soft collars. Also dainty low neck chambray Waists. Incorporating Sale spec ial. Bannons price. 10 Dozen Children's 25c grays and combination colors, aaie price, wiuie they last. Bannon reduc es the price to 20 Dozen Childrens' 65c Sweaters two pockets, military collar, pearl button trimmed. Cardi nal only; Bizes 4 to 10 years. Limit one to cus tomer. Sale Price To 25c Women's Black and Fancy Colored ZfC Hose,, sale price, pair 50 Dozen Women's 50c Fancy' Hose black and all colors. In- Q corporating Sale, extra I special, per pair 2,000 yards 12c Heacy Scotch Crash 17 inches wide. Best grade at the price. Limit 10 yards to a customer. A saving that can't be overlook- fJC ed. Sale Price, yard 50c Children's Fleeced Union Suits extra well made, sizes, 4 to 10. Extra spepcial, JP suit. Sale Price per suit w 40 Dozen Children's Undcr-Waists shoulder straps, non- 4 4 tearing buttonholes. All C sizes, extra special. 27.lnch Embroidery FlouncinRS beautiful openwork pat- 3Q terns, and dainty Baby 3C designs. Extra special 2,000 Yards Swiss'1 Embroideries Ed ges and Insertions, ex- A tra special. Bannon re- lC duces the prpice to 3,000 Yards Bleached Outing Flannel limit 10 yards to a cus tomer. Extra special while they last, each 50 Dozen Women's 5c White kerchiefs, extra special, while they last. Incor porating sale price 7c Hand- Ic EPSON'S COMFY SELL FOR LESS OREGON CITY OREGON 14 I. J