Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, February 12, 1914, Image 2

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Letters From The People
One at Commercial Club Parlors, the
Other at Gypsy Smith Tabernacle
There is never any effect without a
cause. Things do not happen so.
Sometimes we fail to see the cause,
or we think certain things or that
persons aro the cause when we are in
error. Whenever we study effects suf
ficienty we can trace back to cause.
To my mind a case of cause and
effect coming in close contact was
presented in Portland January 30,
when the official agents of the money
and credit monopoly were visiting
there to confer with the banks and
business concerns in regard to the
establishing of a regional reserve
bank. At the same time a number of
men were quartered at the Taber
nacle and classed as hoboes. These
men were fed "mulligan" and the
others well, I did not see the print
ed menu, nor-did I put my feet un
der the table. I was too busy hauling
out manure; having been informed by
the Hon. ( ? ) Commission, which was
sent abroad to study farm problems,
that that was one of the important
preliminaries necessary to growing
crops, ihis very valuable information
having been obtained at a nice cost
to the taxpayer, came to me gratis,
otherwise had it not been for this er
udite commission most likely I should
have attended the banquet at the
Commercial Club headquarters and
wasted valuable time.
ay the way, l did not see your
name among "those present and 1
am puzzled, for I read in the edi
torials of newspapers, that the cur
rency bill was for the benefit of us
American citizens. Surely, after vot
ing the Democratic ticket it is not
probable that you were overlooked by
the committee in charge. You know
we are all equal in this "our country"
for you heard that last Fourth of
"It was a patriotic, social function"
says the press report, "called primar
ily to pay compliment to the disting
uished visitors, and the successful
enactment and accompanying hope of
eany inauguration 01 tne new cur
rency system.
"American flags were displayed
conspicuously in the big banquet
We are informed under a subhead,
which says that "Evening is Patrio
tic." You see that these chaps can use
old glory for advertising purposes,
"A. L. Mills, president of the Port
land Clearing House, who presided,
probably struck the prevailing senti
ment of the assembled banqueters
. when he arose and proposed a toast
to 'Our President Woodrow Wilson,
who has made possible the new cur
rency law, which will give business
affairs of this country new free
dom.' " Tip 'er up and down she goes.
"The orchestra struck up 'The Star
opangiea Banner,' and. the toast was
drunk with great enthusiasm."
So says the Orejronian. Drunk was
no doubt the descriptive term. I ob
serve the hero of a dilapidated min
ing camp episode was there also, but
no martial law was proclaimed, but
perhaps these gentlemen observe the
code of morals applicable to such un
usual occasions. I wonder what some
of our milk-sick reformers would
have said had they had a looking at
this Belshazzcr feast. I noticed that
one "Divine" gentleman was there,
but I did not see that he called at
tention to the handwriting on the
wall, but perhaps he was looking to
ward the ceiling thru a glass so he
did not see it.
I am more familiar with "Mulligan
stews" than with champagne sup
pers and am more acquainted with
bare floors than Brussels so let us go
to the Gipsy Smith Tabernacle for
a while. The sensation to fyou no
doubt will be novel for I am sure you
are a prosperous farmer.
About the time that this banquet
was going on a squad of 12 deputy
sheriffs, supported by about 20 po
licemen, searched the idle for fire
arms, the county commissioners hav
ing oruorea the search. These guys
must be looking for blue ribbons for
prize ioois.
I whs mixed up in a similar scach
nearly 30 years ago where tho result
was line tne rortland nllair no fire
arms and littlo else hut nnvnrfv 1
bet if those smart Alecs would have
searched the other crowd somo fine
automatics would have hepn fnnrM
Altho I belong in a general way
to the Tabernacle crowd, I will not
say that they are all good nor that
there arc some of them not actually
lazy. 10 anmit mat is something dif
ferent to saying "They do not want
worn." A rare item appeared in
recent issue of the Courier under
that head
Sometimes you will hear someone
who is no more than two jumps ahead
of the hounds say, "looking for work
and praying not to find it." Then he
tries to look wise hoping that you
will think that the stupid remark is
original. In a general way these men
are idle because no one has hired
oj A"nd 5Rnm Xmy nKnoqa.io)s s.ojni
-uu 10)118 oj jCimniJoddo ou Siiunji
someone for the privilege of enrning
o living. Furthermore tho cnpitalitic
system cannot exist without an army
of hungry, unemployed persons.
There is another phase of these idle
men that concerns everyone and the
larmer in particular, first, they musV
fnf.' unA Yil-nlilnf mm. 4-U..
It is added to our expense account
...... ui. i o IIIUDb iltu VMt'IIl
wunout oeing itemized.
Secondly, these neonle do not con
sumo the full amount that by right
ociongs to normal beings, because
they have no means to obtain them,
tnererore some of the market de
mands nre lost, to us who produce a
surplus. Their idleness is a drawback
upon society at large, not so much as
those who are engaged in useless or
vicious occupations. Labor power is
a commodity (?) that must be used
at once or is forever wasted.
It is not pretended that there two
government agents are in themselves
causes. They are merely incidents to
the system and are merely represent
atives of the money monopoly, to
complete arrangements by which the
gamblers may play the game for a
greater and safer rakeoff than hereto-fore.
There are many well meaning
people who, having hoard vague
promises of justice and concern for
the working class coming from the
party in political power, feel sure
that these political prostitutes meant
what they said and are willing to
wait to end of term and then "giv
them one more chance" to make good.
Such people will object to criticism I
Subjects of General Interest
of their heroes. Let those remember
that these people all start out look,
insr after the welfare of the exploit
ing class first. Were the present ad
ministration concerned about tne wei.
fare of the workers, a commission
looking after the unemployed would
be the first official act and then to
provide employment, not charity or
guff would be the program. That of
course would be revolutionary and of
course you would never want that.
You prefer starvation. Perhaps you
feel secure from that fate because
the mortgage is not quite due yet and
before it comes due you will have
learned from this precious "high
jinks commission" how farming is
done on the European plan, and then
you will be on top of the heap, or
maybe under the sod.
The manner that these government
bank agents travel about in their
"den Dcratic simplicity," the manner
in which they are entertained, and by
whom they aro wined and dined mak
es it appear to this bucolic rube that
it must be a snap to govern the most
enlightened nation on earth. But
am not bellowing my head off because
the guy who begged a pension from
Carnegie landed in the, whitehouse.
Whenever a working man becomes
president of these United States it
will not require four gold pens to
0. K. the biggest gamblers' license
on earth.
"And the toast was drunk with
great enthusiasm."
John F. Stark.
Writer Condemns Bond Issue and
Several Other County Matters
Mt. Pleasant, Feb. 9.
Editor Courier:
I see so much said in regard to
bonding old Clackamas county. I be
lieve the people are bond-crazy. Now,
Mr. Editor, who sprung this propo
sition? The tax booster of Oregon
City? Oh yes, to be sure, or in other
words, the grafters.
They tell us about so much road
money being squandered. That is
just a ruse to get people to give
them one more trial. It does seem
funny for men to blame themselves.
Every old settler had dealings with
Judge Ryan, Dimick, Beatie and they
were just as careful with tho county
court money as they were of their
own business. People must look wise.
They say to bond our county, that the
city is trying to spring the same ruse
that will make over one million dol
lars on the taxpayer. That is a nice
advertisement for our people to send
Everyone knows that the kind of
road that they are going to build will
cost thirty thousand dollars a mile
so your bonded money would just
about build one road across the coun
ty. What benefit is that to anybody
living more than half a mile on either
side of said road?
Mr. Taxpayer, in the eastern or
western part of old Clackamas Coun
ty, are you going to see your farms
bonded for a few tax boosters? It is
a known fact that they are going to
nave a road the auto manufacturers
will appreciate, but if they can shove
it on the taxpayers all the better. It
is not the first time it has been tried.
They thought this was a good way
to pun some wool over your eyes.
They say that we want to catch the
tourist travel. I think we ought to
vote our county court thanks for not
letting those tax boosters call a spec
ial election, which they wanted to fin
ish before the people had a chance to
talk it up.
I see that the Molalla Pioneer cri
ticized the bond issue and the tax
boosters sent a committee to buy him
How much more (rood these tax
boosters could do if they would get
busy and get everyone of these use
less offices abolished. Game and fish
and fire warden, school supervisor
county attorney and forty more such
blood sucker.
Just such work as this bonding
nas doubled our taxes in the last ten
years. Just think what the interest on
this million or more that will be ad
ded to our taxes.
You all know what the -bier Bull
Mooser said to beware of the cor
poration for they are the curse of
tho country. Won't it be a good time
to show these gentry how much we
appreciate their company when they
come up for nomination ? Just put
your little x lor the other fellow.
X. X.
We want to get the news to all old
people about Roxall Olive Oil Emul
sion, a remarkable new food-medicine
which we firmly believe is the
best remedy ever made to overcome
the weakening, debilitating effects of
increasing old age. It helps to rebuild
wasted tissues, strengthen the nerves
and give new energy and a lively
feeling to the body. It contains no al
cohol or dnngcrous drug. It may not
make you feel better for a few days,
but if you do not feel much better and
stronger before you have taken a
quarter as much as you have of other
medicines that have not helped you,
we will gladly give you back your
Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion con
tains pure Olive Oil and the Hypo-
nnospnites which, though they have
long been endorsed by successful
physicians, are here for tho first
time combined. The result is a real
body, nerve and blood-building food
nicuicine that we believe is superior
to anything else in overcoming debil
ity, weakness and liability to disease.
and to tone and strengthen the nerves
and enrich the blood. You who are
wean ano run-nown you who are
often troubled by various cold weath
er ailments, use Rexall Olive Oil
hnuilsion to get and keep well and
strong. It is a sensible, pleasant
tasting aid to renewed strength, bet
ter spirits, glowincr health. If it
doesn't help you, come and tell us
and we will give back your money
without a word. That is how much
faith we have in it Sold onlv at the
7,000 Rexall Stores, and in this town
only by us. $1.00 Huntley Bros. Co.
Oregon City.
Colds, constipation and headache
aro three common afflictions and re
lieving the constipation helps the cold
and stops the headache. Use Foley
Cathartic Tablets because the yare
very prompt and thoroughly cleans
ing with absolutely no unnWsnnt f.
fects. A whole bottle full for 2K
cents. Huntley Bros. Co.
Medical Association is Fighting to
Fasten Itself on the Country
By Dr. ,W. A. Turner, Naturopath.
The Morning Silurian, organ of
the medical trust, announced today
that Constable Andy Weinberger has
asked the County Commissioners to
appoint a special deputy to worn un
do the direction of the Oregon So.
cial Hygiene Society for the purpose
of driving out an "quacit uucuiia.
This is a commendable piece of work
and if thoroughly done will rid Port
land of a large number of the medical
A "quack" properly defined, is a
doctor who promises much, performs
little, fails to deliver the goods and
swindles the patient. The medical
profession is literally alive with these
kind of men, who, through ignorance
cut out adenoids and tonsils and fill
the bodies of healthy school children
with filthy animal pus diseased vac
cine matter under the promise of
never having smallpox, if twice vac
cinated; who carve and mutilate wo
men for the slightest ailment, unsex
ing and crippling them for life under
the promise of "perfect health" after
the operation.
Look at the thousands of mutila
ted women daily walking the streets,
realizing all too late that they have
been deceived and robbed for such op
erations are done for money only.
Witness the absolute failure of "med
icine" to cure people.
Being unable to stand up on its
own merits and meet successful com
petition the medical fraternity re
sorts to illegal laws of their own
making to kill off all other schools of
healing if possible.
They may confine their activities
to their own kind of people who prey
on men and women, but they will butt
up against a brick wall if they at
tempt to interfere with the various
drugless doctors who aro completely
protected by law in Oregon. A ftw
suits for heavy damages against
some of the gentlemen who head the
0. S. H. S. will jar them back to rea
son. This crusade is dictated by the
A. M. A. and is one of their "period
icals." It is now going on in Chicago,
Los Angeles and other cities, with
the medical trust getting the worst
of it in every case.
Chicago and Sex Hygiene
During the past four months 127
allopathic doctors have been deliver
ing Sax Hygiene lectures to tne
school children of Chicago. Bills for
$6,500 as the expense thereof have
also been filed with the Board of Ed
ucation. The lectures were of so fil
thv a nature that the U. S. postal
authorities refused to allow them to
be sent through the mails.. The oh
joctions of the parents was so great
and tne attenaance so smaii tnat tne
Board ordered the lectures abandon.
Verily the latest obsessions of the
medical trust burst one after another.
The "demand" for these lectures
comes from the same source that the
"demand" for medical inspection of
the schools come from the doctors'.
The people oppose both.
A Frank Admission
Dr. Wiley, of "pure" food fame,
has been resurrected from the depths
and declares that the National Leag
ue for Medical Freedom must be
crushed, because no medical legisla
ture can be had in Washington, as
long as it exists. This is indeed a
graceful tribute to that splendid or
ganization which is fighting to re
gain the rights and liberties stolen
and usurped by the medical trust.
Write Your Senators and Congress
men to vote against the infamous Owen
bill to establish a "Department of
Health" with a political medical doc
tor in the President's Cabinet. It has
been steadily defeated at each con
gress for 20 years, but if it passes
no man's life or that of his family,
is safe from these medical vultures.
Write hard and often.
People Cheaper than Animals
The Chicago Tribune says that the
ignorant poor of Europe are cheaper
than animals to vivisect and experi
ment on that they are operated on
just for fun to see the effect; that
they are purposely inoculated with all
kinds of diseases to see how they will
take in fact the doctors have a fine
time mutilating the poor devils in the
name of "medical science." These are
the class of gentlemen who foster
sterilization, eugenics and other fool
fads and who will get a crack at all
of us if this infamous Owen bill be
comes a law by Congress.
Wisconsin's Crazy "Eugenic" Law
has been declared unconstitutional
by a Wisconsin Court. All medical
laws are unconstitutional that are
class legislation and allow one class
of doctors special privileges. Our
Oregon laws are illegal and our state
board of health should be put out of
business as it has no standing under
our state constitution. Every medical
law in Lord s Code Is there at the
suggestion of the A. M. A. Not a
single one of them has ever been de
manded by the people, neither have
the people known anything about
them until after they have been pass
ed by subservient medical tools in the
Smallpox Scare in Toledo, Ohio
The periodical smallpox "scare"
was sprung on the people of Toledo
in December and worked to a whirl
wind finish, but this time it finished
with the people on top. A few cases
of chickenpox caused the panic. One
doctor offered to bet $100 there was
no smallpox and had no takers. The
"health" department ordered vaccina
tions of all school children and the
retiring school board tried to enforce
it. The citizens arose en masse and
protested, two-thirds ot the teachers
and about 18,000 children remained
away from school and the "strike"
was won. The new school board or
dered vacation for a week at the end
of which time tho schools were open
ed to all regardless of vaccination.
Things have come to a fine pass
when a bunch of political doctors of
one school of healing try to close the
public schools that are supported by
all the people in order to try and
force some of their medical supersti
tions on school children.
School Children are The Victims
You will notice that in all the
smallpox scares and vaccination pan
ics the children are the chief suffer
ers. They are the ones to be vaccin
ated. This is insisted on and the rea
son is obvious. "Preventive Medicine"
vaccinating or serumizing people is
the latest fad of the medical the
orists and their last stand for life.
The mixing of human and animal
pus and filth breeds future disease
and the medical men know it, hence
seeds for future business must be
sown and healthy school children are
easy marks, r Tightened children and
fool parents fall for it The adminis
tration oi any vaccine or serum
should be made a prison offense, as it
is but "scientific" murder deliberately
The pre-historic fossil .who thinks
he writes "medical" editorials for the
Morning Silurian has burst forth
again and emitted an eruption on
"Cancer and the Radium Cure" in
which he deliberately invites people
to commit suicide by telling them
that the knife is the only "sure cure!'
for cancer. It is, but always at the
expense of the patient's life.
The most eminent medical cancer
"specialists" admit that cutting for
cancer not only fails to cure, but al
most invariably kills the afflicted per
son in a hurry. With blood following
the knife no surgeon can tell if all
cancer cells are removed and if one
atom of a cell remains it agains vege
tates, goes down deeper under the
scar and the patient is soon beyond
help any medical doctor can kill an
external cancer in its early stages by
the use of escharotic drugs if he
knows how to combine them but as
dozens of them have told me, "What's
the use, there's no money in it"
Some cancer doctors ilo this success
fully, but it is considered very "un
ethical" a man who deliberately ad
vises people to be carved for a cancer
does a great injustice to sufferers
from that disease, who might be
cured otherwise. As for Radium, It
is only another medical fad and has
now gone to join the X-Rays, Finsen
Rays and other medical superstitions
now dead and burried.
(Questions relating to health matters
will be answered if addressed to me,
care of Hotel Edwards, Portland,
Thinks tbe Lady who Criticized
Knew not the Facts
. In last week's issue of the Courier
Simple Apron J , , t ' ?V J
Both s,deslw I-1 "'j-U'i v,2r iv, ,fWV 'A -V m3S$L
y ? isw"- feu. vh Mr
-AV I Giving Direct Draft and eliminating I -4 jgV
Giving Direct Draft and eliminatinq
all strain from Spreader Box
A Reach is as indispensable on a
Manure Spreader as it is on a Wagon.
Last a long time and please you better
every time you use it? Look no further.
By breaking it up fine and spreading it evenly Easy, sure control and
no horse killer The only Spreader with a reach Farmers
who have bought them say they are the best farm
machine investment a farmer can make.
See the BLOOM
the nearest
Mitchell Agency
write us for
there appeared an anonymous com
munication, presumably from a lady
who is either mis-informed or who
does not wish to spray her trees.
She asks, what is the use of spray
ing with white wash? There is a law
that spraying must be done with pre
scribed materials of sufficient
strength to effect the destruction of
the pests. If the correspondent has
specific knowledge "pf sprey being
used which is not up to requirements,
and therefore worthless, she will be
doing a much more effective work to
notify the fruit inspector and he will
take the steps which the law provides
to remedy the evil. People who spray
with any old stuff just to fulfill the
letter of the law regardless of results
are no better than those who resist
spraying and whose trees will be cut
Owners who do their own spraying
with spray which is not of sufficient
strength to kill the pests or those
who hire it done, and the work does
not pass inspection, are liable to the
law which provides for the destruc
tion of infected trees.
The person who thinks that work
has not been satisfactorily done
should call in the inspector before
paying for the work as he has noti
fied all parties who have spraying
outfits that their work must be cor
rectly done and they all have orders
to this effect
There is a law, that all spray ma
terial, whether lime and sulphur so
lution, arsenate of lead or other spray
must stand government test, and the
spray materials handled by the mer
chants of Oregon City have been so
tested and have, all cases, been found
to be of standard strength. If this is
used in the proper proportions effec
tive work will be accomplished, but
over diluting will render the time,
means and labor absolutely valueless.
and this through no fault in the spray
as purchased,
Sprays should be used as follows:
The first should be lime and sul
phur solution, for, the eradication of
the scale on old mossy trees 1 gal
lon spray to 8 gallons water. On
thrifty younger trees the solution
may be 1 gallon spray to nine or ten
of water. These are winter strength
and must be used while the trees are
dormant. This spray should be used
now, on clear days when there is lit
tle wind.
For Apple Scab
A weak solution 1 gallon lime &
Sulphur to 30 gallons water should
be used just as the bloom opens.
This spray is- to destroy the scab
which is so prevalent here, or 3 lbs.
blue stone, 3 lbs. lime to 60 gallons
water may be used for same purpos
es. Immediately after the bloom has
fallen, and before the calyx is clos
ed, arsenate of lead should be used to
destroy the first crop of coddling
moth. The strength of this solution
is 2 pounds arsenate of lead to 60
gallons of water. 1 gallon of lime
and sulphur may be added to this
About the middle of July and the
middle of August, another application
of arsenate of lead should be used,
using three pounds of arsenate of
lead to 50 gallons of water each time.
In order to make the apples keep
and to protect the trees from the
ravages of anthracnose and scab a
spray should be used, 4 pounds of
blue stone and 4 pounds of lime to 50
gallons of water, before the apples
are picked, and thorough work should
be done.
This should be done before the 1st
fall rain of the season in order to de
stroy the fungus spores or seed of
the anthracnose.
Another solution of the bordeaux
6-6-60 should be used in November.
If this method is carried on for a
-1 s,r LOWEST-DOWN MACHINE 1 TeethMaiWOiffempOTd Spring Swl
- For a Low Down Easy Loading Light
Pulling Manure Spreader One that will
period of three years the anthrac- whether the districts have $500 or
nose will be totally destroyed. $5,000, and it is very plain that they
Any one who knows the fame of should have control of all the work.
Hood River knows that spraying I will give one illustration to show
pays. ; how necessary this is. '
The fruit inspector desires to co- I Right here in my own district, and
operate with the people who are try- on the mail route too, our supervisor;
ing to raise fruit, and if any spray went to work, last fall, and blasted
material is purchased which is not up out a lot of stumps that needed o be
to standard, a great favor will be taken out very badly. He expected to
done by reporting to the fruit inspec- get the holes filled up and planks
tor and great good for the fruit in- put over them before wet weather set
dustry will be accomplished. in, but the weather and ground were
A few fruit trees at each home in unfit for doing work, and also for
the City would provide shade, and digging our potatoes, and as it was
would be a source of saving in fam- late in the fall it was not safe to let
ilies in these days of high prices, and the opportunity pass. Just about the
a delicious healthful fruit would al- time the potatoes were finished the
ways be available for the children rain set in and has kept up, off and on
who are always asking for more. By ever since, so that it has been impos
spending, not to exceed $1.25 per sible to fix the road. It has been in
year per tree for adequate spraying, terrible condition all winter and will
25c per tree for each spraying being have to remain so until dry weather
the usual price, a clean wholesome arrives.
fruit would be produced, from to to We do not blame this on the sur
25 boxes per tree being a lwo esti- pervisor, but on the system. When
mate for production from trees that the supervisor got in his mix-up he
do not have to spend half their vitali- had no way of getting the work done
ty overcoming the ravages of dis- without doing it himself, and that he
ease. With the production of a good- could not do under the conditions of
ly supply of fruit the children need things. If the roadmaster and the
not be stunted of their favorite fruit, C0Urt had been attending to the work
of which adults are equally fond, the road could have been attended to
There is an old saying that "three in the spring of the year or thev
apples a day will keep the Doctor
When spraying trees near the
house, a thorough soaking may be
accomplihed without spoiling the,
paint by protecting the exposed por-
vY lTlS.irW cessity of havi"S a countv roadmas
rhouldte provided!1 & !? ft-' J b at
O. E. Freytag.
Children Ory
Correspondent Fears Interest Charge
Will Prove Undue Burden
Editor Courier:
There is a point in the discussion
between the Live Wires and Mr.
Schuebel' in regard to this new road
law, that appears to me to be over
looked. The section of the new law
that Mr. Schuebel calls our attention
to, does not. say that all the perma
nent road work, that is begun by the
court and the roadmaster, shall be
finished the same year, and it does
imply that the construction of all
Dermanent roads in the county, is
put under the control of the county
court and the county road master.
Now the final completion of all
road work, and almost all other work,
is preceded by a whole lot of prep
aratory work, which belongs just as
much to the construction of the per
manent road as the final surface
dressing does. As all roads in the
county are permanent roads, it looks
to me that every lick of work done
on the roads of the county, by the
court and the roadmaster, is a por
tion of the great plan of preparation
for the final completion of all the
roads of the county.
To do justice to the taxpayers of
the county, and also to the c.ourt and
roadmaster, this should all be done
under the supervision of the court
or roadmaster, or under some capable
man working under their immediate
direction. If it is not done in this way
how can any court or roadmaster lay
his plans for the work of the county
so as to make their work effectual in
the final and speedy completion of
the roads of the. county ;
From reading the sections of the
law that Mr. Schuebel pointed out, It
looks very plain to me that the co fit
and the roadmaster have control of
all the roadwork of the county,
Teeth set staqqered.
forming splral.qiv
Inq wide delivery.
Formlnq alignment Cage
for Main Axle Rigid
under all conditions
Impement and
could have secured someone that had
the time to attend to it, when the
roads and the weather were right ;
This condiion undoubtedly prevails
in a good many other districts beside
this one, and it shows the great ne-
the right time.
I It looks to me as it the court might
do as the committee of the Commer
cial Club advised them to do, that if
they would make their plans Und
specifications so as to cover all the
worst spots in each district, and
where they were not going to have
any road finished up in a district,
just make the specifications to cover
the work they want to have done in
that district, and make the probable
cost low enough. If anyone wanted to
do the' work at that price the county
would be the gainer, and if the bids
were not satisfactory they could be
rejected. Let the roadmaster go right
ahead and do all the work he could
on the roads under the supervision of
the supervisor or anyone that the
roadmaster sees fit to put in charge,
and if they have a piece of road in
any of the districts that they want to
finish up, and can get a reasonable
bid for, let it out by contract, and
keep right on at the preparations of
all the roads as fast as they can, for
the final finishing work.
It is absolutely necessary for the
roadmaster to have the supervision
of all the work to make a success of
it, and if we can get an honest and
capable roadmaster and an honest
and straighforward court along with
him, it will be a success.
George Hicinbotham.
Writer Declares that European
Training is Sought by Majority
Editor Courier:
In reply to Mr. Withol's article of
the 5th. It is admitted that the Unit
ed States benefit the European vocal
ist and musician from a financial
standpoint just the same as it does
any other person who has to work for
a living. That is the reason why the
immigration is so heavy, . bceause
there are more and better chances for
the worker over here, and they, the
same as anyone else, are after the
"Almighty Dollar."
But in regard to their musical abil
ity not being appreciated over 'there,
well, I noticed that the writer refer
red to his experience in Russia, and
I would like to say that that country
is not the whole of Europe, altho it
covers milch of its territory, but in
regard to musical Europe it is only
a very small part.
And in regard to who paved the
way for Tetrazzini, well, it was not
over here that that world renowned
artiste found her vocal power.
I would also like to know where
we could find any' American-trained
vocalists to compare with those
trained in Europe, Why is it that all
our leading musicians of today had
their training in Europe, and why is
it that all our promising pupils of
today go to Europe in order to com
plete their training?
I notice that the writer referred to
the Russian National Music Festi
val. Well, its news to me if that coun
try has ever produced a choral so
ciety of any note. But I would like to
refer you to the "Welsh Ladies'
Choir," also the "Mountain Ash Male
Chorus," which toured this country
about twelve months back, and it
would give you an idea of what chor
us singing really is.
And again the writer refers to
Phillip Pelz, late conductor of the
Imperial Orchestra of Russia, where
he said that the reason of that gen
tleman being out of employment was
because the aristocrats of Europe
did not know what good music really
was. I would like to know how long
the musicians of today would last if
they had to depend on that class of
people for their livlihood? Is it not
the working class that supports the
musicians just the same as they do
everything else? Also, if the above is
such a competent musician, why is he
still out of employment while in the
United States, which the writer
claims is so far ahead of musical Eu
rope ?
1 would like very much if Mr.
Withol would tell me how many of
the World's greatest artists are Am
erican born; also haw many have -gained
fame without European train
ing. Also, I would like to know where
we could produce artists to compare
with Caruso, Scotti, Melba and Schu
man Heink and numerous others?
In regards to organists and con
ductors, well you have to show me.
S. Price.
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