Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, February 12, 1914, Image 18

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An enterprise, which stands as one
of the pioneer landmarks of Oregon
City, and has for one half of a cen
tury stood as a bold corner-stone fof
the business achievements of this vi
cinity, is that of the Oregon City
Manufacturing Company. The busi
ness of this institution dates its in
ception from 18G4, since which time
it has gradually increased the mag
nitude of its operations, until today
it bears the proud distinction of be
ing the largest manufacturing in
dustry of its kind in the West.
Known popularly as the Oregon
City "Woolen Mills," the concern
manufactures close to a million dol
lars' worth of products every year,
Oregon Engineering and
Construction Co.
The Oregon Engineering and Con
Btruction Company, of which Messrs
J. W. Moffatt and C. Parker are the
executive heads, holds a prominent
place among the business institutions
of Oregon City. The business of this
concern embraces construction work
in all of its branches and the charac
ter of their work is always of the
highest standard.
The business was established about
four, years ago, and during their oper
ations the firm has brought to a suc
cessful issue muny contracts which
proves their knowledge of this line
of business. Both Mr. MolTett and
Mr. Parker are men of high standing
and are well versed in the lino of
James Adkins Lumber Co.
Among the industries of Oregon
City that merit a representation in
this edition is that of the James Ad
kins Lumber Company. This concern
is probably the leading industry of
its kind in Oregon City, and olTeis
to the public a well selected stock of
lumber of all grades at the lowest
market prices.
The quarters occupied are large
and well equipped to render service
of the highest standard. Promptness
in the execution of orders, as well as
in all business transactions, is a
characteristic of the James Adkins
Lumber Company, and by this meth
od, together with handling a large
and select stock at all times, is due
the excellent patronage which has
been built up. Anyone needing lum
ber of any description, will be well
looked after if they go to the office
of the James Adkins Lumber Com
Oregon City Cash Market
The Oregon City Cash Market, o
cated at (J00 Main Street conforms in
every respect to a first class meal
market. At this market will always
be found a choice Htock of fish and
cured meats, poultry and gamo in
The market is always kept neat
and clean, and is provided with un
excelled facilities for operating the
business upon the most modern plans.
Mr. Richard lVUold, the proprietor,!
A store whose name is literally a
"household word" in this vicinity,
and which is justly recognized us an
important factor in the prestige of
Oregon City's commercial interests,
is that of the Frank Busch Furniture
Company. Progressive and enterpris
ing, this Btore typifies the spirit that
is building a city here.
The stock carried embraces every
thing for household equipment, to
gether with a complete line of build
ers' hardwaie, paints, oils, varnish
es, farming implements and many
other varieties of more or less impor
i "
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thus putting into the hands of the
buying public between 1,500,000 and
2,000,000 pounds of wool the major
portion of the wool clipped annually
in the Northwest.
The plant enjoys an ideal location
on the river front, and is provided
with both rail and water transporta
tion , affording unexcelled shipping
facilities for the out-put of the high
grade productions. These mills are
equipped throughout with the lat
est and most improved machinery
and appliances known to this branch
of industry, and in every respect
stand as a model of high class con
struction. The products of this large indus
try are varied in the extreme, and in-
is a gentleman of much experience in
this branch of business, and his aim
is to make the Oregon City Cash
Market one of the highest standard,
characterizing a modern enterprise of
this kind.
Pacific Soda Works
One of the pioneer industries of
Oregon City, one that is deservnig of
a special mention in this edition, is
that of the Pacific Soda Works, lo
cated at 315 Main street. This in
dustry was for many years con
ducted by G. W. Bingham, a man
highly esteemed by all, who has since
passed away, leaving the business in
charge of Mrs. Bingham, who now
conducts the business upon the high
standard which it always enjoyed
under the management of Mr. Bing
ham. The business comprises the manu
facture of all kinds of soft corbon
ated drinks and siphons, making a
specialty of fountain . syrup. The
Pacific Soda Works ranks among the
substantial industries of Oregon City,
and the large patronage enjoyed
proves its popularity.
The Star Theatre
From the old magic lanterns of
our grandfathers day, has developed
an invention in motion pictures, which
is filling a place among the high-class
amusements of the country. In this
branch of business Oregon City is
able to compete with any town in the
west of the same population, a fact
which ia proven by a visit to the Star
Theatre, located on Main street. The
Star is the most up-to-date and best
equipped picture theatre in Oregon
City, and would do credit to a city
much larger than this one. The build
ing is absolutely fireproof being of
concrete construction, and has a seat
ing capacity for 300 people. It is
equipped with every facility for com
fort, and always kept neat and clean.
At the Star can always be seen
the latest productions in motion pic
tures together with vaudeville acts
from the leading western circuits, or
else dramatic and operatic companies,
who are especially employed. The pic
tures are shown with perfect light,
clear and distinct, and are of a variety
which always pleases the public The
Star Theatre is conducted by Council
man Long, whose aim is to give to
Oregon City a motion picture house
of the highest standard, and his ef
forts in this line merit the patronage
of the citizens of our city. 1
tance. The stock of furniture com
prises all that is new in design, artis
tic in workmanship, durable in char
acter and honest in price, and they
are prepared to furnish a home from
top to bottom, whether it be a cosy
cottage or a more pretensious struc
The magnitude of the stock and
equipment in each department, the
volume of patronage enjoyed and the
excellent reputation for reliability
and integrity, places this concern at
the head of the business houses of
this kind in Clackamas County.
Mr. Busch, the executive head of
S. ' ". -
elude all grades of blankets, "mack
inaw" clothing, shirts, bathrobes,
shawls, Indian robes , and woolen
yarns and cloth. The entire output is
sold directly to the retail trade thru
a special sales organization main
tained by the company.
"Quality" has always been the
motto of the company in the manu
facture of their goods and by this
method, together with their honor
able business methods, they have es
tablished a trade throughout the
country, which speaks in the highest
terms for the character of their op
erations. By giving employment to some 350
people, and doing the huge business
that is handled annually, the Ore-1
The "C. C." Store
In bringing into prominence the
different mercantile establishments
that have aided in the commercial
growth of Oregon City, due credit
should be given to the establishment
known as the "C. C." store. This
house dates its inception from Sept.
1906, since which time it can show
a commercial growth of progress,
constantly increasing its scope of
operations each succeeding year.
The stock carried by this popular
store,' embraces dry goods, shoes,
dress goods, notions, etc. Each de
partment is complete within itself,
showing goods of the latest patterns
and styles in the different lines, which
insures an easy choice for the pur
chaser, and despite the superiority of
the stock, the lowest prices prevail
The store is located at tenth and Main
streets, where every facility is at
hand for the convenience of their pa
trons. The stock is displayed in a
neat and attractive manner, and
corps of well trained and courteous
salespeople are always ready to show
goods, whether the prospective pur
chaser buys or not.
Courtesy and honorable dealing has
always been the motto of the "C. C".
store, which, together, with handling
goods that please and give satisfac
tion, is due the success of the house.
Mr. W. E. Carter, the executive head
of the concern, owns four other stores
in different towns, and like the Ore
gon City store, they all stand for
progress and enterprise. The "C. C."
store has long since taken its place
among the growing and progressive
mercantile establishments of Clacka
mas County. Mr. J. C. Cochran is the
local manager for the store, and dur
ing his residence here he has formed
many friends and proven himself to
be a wide-awake and enterprising
young business man.
D. M. Klemsen
The grocery store of D. M. Klem
sen, located at 508 Main street is one
of the newest business houses of
Oregon City. Mr. Klemsen oponed
his new store, the 17th of January,
with a full lino of staple and fancy
groceries, embracing canned and
bottled goods, and everything that is
carried by a first class grocery es
tablishment. Mr. Klemsen has lived
in Oregon City for the past twenty
one years. He is well and favorably:
known and the success of his new
enterprise is assured.
the enterprise, is an Oregon City pi
oneer, and has long been identified
with the commercial side of the city's
developement. He occupies his own
building, which is a modern struc
ture designed especially for this
branch of business, and which com
prises many thousand feet of floor
space. Mr. Busch has won the confi
dence and esteem of the entire com
munity, by his integrity, the accur
acy of his methods and the reliabili
ty of his representations, and as a
result this store stands eminent,
meriting fully the recognition it receives.
gon City Manufacturing Company
has long been an important factor in
the progress and prosperity of this
city. The management of the com
pany have always been liberal in
their views, and have always been
found in the front rank when it conv
es to supporting any enterprise that
has for its object the upbuilding and
development of Oregon City and
Clackamas county. In fact, the enor
mous benefits derived from the Ore
gon City Manufacturing Company
cannot be over-estimated, for its in.
dustry is a wealth producer to this
section, and through its operations
flow a continual stream of gold in
to the channels of commerce and
Continued from Page 1
magnificent water power has been
developed, bringing it in rank with
the greatest developed power of the
continent. About 60,000 horse power
has been harnessed' and put to work
turning -the wheels and spindles of
the largest paper and pulp mills
west of New York, and the largest
woolen mills on the Pacific Coast,
together with other industries of im
These large manufacturing plants
merely represent the infancy of Ore
gon City's developement along manu
facturing lines. Yet, because of the
cheapness at which power may be
developed and the great and varied
resources of Clackamas county, it is
able to show the largest pay roll
in proportion to its population of
any county on the Pacific Coast.
Manufacturing statistics show that
cheap power is the great economic
factor of all such industries and that
water power, where it can be devel
oped at little expense, is the cheap
est and most reliable.
Clackamas county claims the dis
tinction of having the advantage over
any other county on the Pacific
Coast in this respect, there being no
other locality where an equal amount
of water power can be developed at
so small a cost. Besides the develop
ment at Oregon City, Cazadero, on
the Clackamas River, has a develop
ment of 12,000 horse power, and it
is estimated that fully 600,000 horse
power can be developed on the
streams within the confines of this
county, at a minimum expense.
Facing the certainty that with the
completion of the Panama Canal
shipping rates will be such as to en
able us to ship our goods east at a
very low cost, and to supply the Or
ient with manufactured goods, Ore
gon City is serene in her superiority
over other coast localities, and feels
that her future as a great manufac
turing center, is assured.
Larsen & Company
Forming an important link in the
chain of Oregon City's mercantile es
tablishments, one that merits a special
mention in this industrial edition, is
that of Larsen and Company, whose
store is located at 1001-1003, Main
Larsen and Company are wholesale
and retail dealers in groceries, feed,
produce, etc. In the grocery depart
ment will be found a large and select
ine of goods, embracing every known
article carried by a high class gro
cery establishment, while on the
shelves will be found an assortment
of canned and bottled goods, bearing
labels which stand as a guarantee for
quality and purity.
By paying the highest market price
tor produce, this concern has been an
important factor in the development
of the agricultural resources of this
section. This, together with honor
able and reliable business methods
have made the house of Larson and
Company very popular with the farm
ers of this vicinity as well as the gen
eral public.
The quarters occupied are large and
commodious, affording ample facili
ties for the transacting of the liberal
and increasing patronage which has
been built up. Mr. H. D. Larsen, the
executive head of the concern, estab
lished, the business some six years
ago, since which time the house has
continued to grow in popularity, add
ing increased prestige to Oregon
City's mercantile houses. Mr. Lar
sen is a public spirited man and has
many friends and acquaintances in
Oregon City and vicinity.
The Portland Flouring Mills
For more than a quarter of a cen
tury the Portland Flouring Mills
Company have held an important
place among the business enterprises
of Oregon City. The company dates
its inception in this city from about
thirty years ago, at which time it
took over the- old established mills,
where now stands the plant of
the Hawley Pulp and" Paper Com
pany. The company operated these
mills and was engaged in the manu
facture of flour until some six years
ago, at which time the mills were
closed down, owing to the scarcity
of wheat being raised in this sec
tion. However, the company moved
into other qurters and maintains its
jrell established trade in this vicin
ity for its celebrated and superior
, The Portland Flouring Mills Com
What More Could
Oregon City is a beautiful place.
It's magnificent townsite with attrac-
tive and pretty homes ypify it as a '
home city. Its people are prosperous
and well-to-do. With its industries,
its business and commercial houses,
its great water falls and other kindred
pursuits, the city offers for the con-.
sideration of the man contemplating
settling in the west a wealth of op-1
portunity and advantage.
Burmeister & Andresen
The growth and development of the
jewelry business has gone on for cen
turies. Art, science and capital have
been utilized in the advancement of
the trade, until the present produc
tions appear to be the acme of all that
is beautiful. In Oregon City, this
branch of business is ably represented
by the house of Burmeister and An
dresen, and is the largest jewelry es
tablishment in Clackamas County. In
fact the store would do credit to any
town with a population much larger
than Oregon City.
A visit to this modern jewelry store
will interest and please all who en
joy attractive articles of jewelry, and
will convince the purchaser that buy
ing opportunities will equal those of
any large jewelry establishment in the
west The stock embraces a large
collection of watches and clocks, sil
verware, cut glass, diamonds and pre
cious stones of all kinds, the latest
novelties in jewelry, together with a
line of kodaks ranging in all sizes
and prices. In fact everything will
be found here that can be obtained in
any large jewelry store, and sold at
prices which will compete with stores
in Portland or any other city.
The house is an old established one
and has long enjoyed the reputation
for honorable dealing and courteous
treatment, which together with the
large assortment of high class goods
always carried has resulted in a trade
of immense proportions. This is a
business house that reflects credit up
on the mercantile interests of our
growing city.
H. P. Brightbill
The grocery trade occupies a most
important position in the commerce
of every city, and in this branch of
industry Oregon City is fully up to
the standard. One of the most popu
lar and reliable grocery establish
ments located here, is the one con
ducted by H. P. Brightbill. which
conforms in every respect to the best
type of a high class grocery house.
The store is located on Main street,
in the heart of the business district,
where is carried a complete line of
staple and fancy groceries, which are
sold at uniform prices. Mr. Bright-
bill established his business here
about nine years ago, since which
time his store has been a popular
trading place with the citizens of Ore
gon City and this vicinity. His stock
of goodse are always fresh, and well
selected, in reference to purity and
quality, and the service rendered to
his patrons comprises courtesy and
honorable dealing.
Personally speaking, Mr. Bright-
bill is a man highly esteemed by the
general public. He is public spirited
in his views and believes in helpin";
with any project that will benefit the
community in which he lives.
A prosperous city, a healthy loca
tion, magnificient scenery, a hanpy
people such is the condition of Ore
gon City. Then is room for more of
the right kind of people here.
pany now occupy large and commodi
us quarters on Seventh, street, where
is carried a full line of its produc
tions, embracing flour, feed, grain,
and stock foods of all kinds. The pro
ductions are shipped into Oregon
City from the various mills, the com
pany operating upwards of fifteen
mills throughout Oregon and Wash-4
mgton. By the magnitude of its op
erations this company is able to offer
its productions at the lowest mar
ket prices, and that this fact is ap
preciated, is shown by the large bus
iness enjoyed by the Oregon City
The quarters occupied comprise
about 10,000 feet of space, and are
equipped with every facility for the
handling of the large and increasing
business, and enables the company to
carry, at all times, a complete stock
in the various lines. The territory
No more inviting field for enter
prise and effort, or for the profitable
employment of capital exists, and rich
rewards await the exercise of brains
and well directed energy. There is no
more delightful climate to be found
upon the face of the earth, and there
is no more propitous, time than the
present. Surrounded as it is with an
immense storehouse of natural re
sources of the Creator's making, and
E. P. Elliott & Son
The real estate and lands of Ore
gon City and Clackamas County have
never before been so attractive to the
investor and the homeseeker as they
are today. And it is for this reason
that we desire to inform the outside
world of the possibilities offered her,
and to show what has been accom
plished by brain and energy, supple
mented by sufficient capital.
We also desire to put the prospec
tive settler in touch with some of our
reliable and trustworthy real estate
agents here, so that they may be of
service to the man seeking a safe and
sound investment. By so doing, calls
into prominence the name of E. P
Elliott and Son, who conduct a general
real estate business and are among the
leading and reliable realty dealers of
Oregon City.
This firm is thoroughly posted as
to the -land values throughout this
section, and are well versed as to the
best openings for both large and small
investments. The scope of their oper
ations comprise the handling of -farm
and timber lands, fruit lands and city
property. In fact they are prepared
to furnish the investor with any kind
of an investment in real estate. They
have many fine farms listed which are
situated in a desirable locality, where
land is constantly increasing in value.
Likewise, the firm has a large and
choice list of city property to choose
from, and their many bargains are
well worthy the consideration of the
man looking for a good investment.
The office of E. P.Elliott and Son
is located in the Andresen building,
and anyone writing to them or calling
at their office will be accorded cour
teous treatment, and will receive re
liable information regarding the re
sources of Clackamas County. The
firm has their own automobile to
show the prospective investor pro
perty, and are very willing to show
their list of property and explain the
merits of Clackamas County lands.
The operations of this firm are charac
terized by the strictest integrity, and
parties at a distance, as well as the
local public may always depend upon
fair and honest treatment at the
hands of E. P. Elliott and Son.
A Modern Livery"
A Modern Livery Establishment
Oregon City can lay claim to one
of the most modern livery establish
ments in this state, and this proud
distinction belongs to the Elkhorn
stables, owned and conducted by W.
J. Wilson. The building is of rein
forced concrete, absolutely fireproof
and equipped with every facility
known to the most modern livery
establishments of the country.
Each stall is individually drained,
and other culverts are so arranged
as to take off any surplus water or
waste. A special system of ventila
tion keeps the air in the stables clean
and pure and assures comfort to all
animals housed in the place. The
building is 76x105 feet in dimentions,
and the modern devices, with which it
covered by the Oregon City branch
extends throughout Clackamas coun
ty, and the large list of satisfied pa
trons, speaks best for the reliable
business methods and management
of the local enterprise.
During the thirty years that the
Portland Flouring Mills Company
have been doing business in this city
they have enjoyed the highest repu
tation for honorable dealing, and to
day they fully merit the large bus-,
iness which has been built up and the
patronage of our local public. Mr. R.
C. Ganong, the local manager, has
been with the company for the past
28 years, representing the Oregon
City branch. His pleasing personality
and broad acquaintance throughout
this section has been an important
factor in the building up of the well
established business of the Portland
Flouring Mills Company. "
You Ask?
boing, as it is in the midst of the
most inspiring scenery yet discovered
to dispel gloom and incite hope, Ore
gon City stands strong, thriving and
promising and calls COME. While
we portray a glorious present of our
town, we look with large anticipation
for an immense future. There is not
a man In this city but has the utmost
faith first, last and all the time in
Oregon City.
is provided insures perfect sanitary
conditions throughout.
In the way of rigs and driving
horses, the Elkhorn can compete with
any livery barn in the country, and
the ."turn-outs" are of the kind that
make a ride thoroughly enjoyable.
Mr. Wilson built up a large patron- -age
in his former place of business,
Dut in his new and modern barn, with
unexcelled facilities to offer to the
public, he is sure to increase his busi
ness and receive a patronage, which
his establishment fully merits.
1 Personally speaking, Mr. Wilson
is a man who is well and favorably
known throughout this section. He
is a public spirited gentleman, always
having the interest of Oregon City and
Clackamas County at heart. His past
record as a man of honorable and up
right dealing is a sufficient guarantee
that his future will be without re
prooach. Gorbett & Woodward
Real Estate Company
Located in the Post Office"building
cn Main street, will be found the office
of the Gorbett and Woodward Ral
Estate Company, who hold a promi
nent place among the reliable realty
dealers of Oregon City. This firm
has a laree list of farm and timher
lands, together with a choice list of
city property, and have many bar
gains to offer to the investor.
Both Mr. Gorbett and Mr. Wood
ward are old timers in Clackamas
County, and are well posted on lands,
the variety of productions and prices.
They do not believe in mis-representing
property in order to make a sale,
and buyers will always get value re
ceived for their money invested. The
firm is thoroughly reliable in all
transactions, and parties dealing with
them will always get results. They
will answer all correspondence giving
detailed information about their
many bargains which will be free
from any exaggeration.
The Pioneer Market
Among the business houses of Ore--gon
City that have long been estab
lished, .is the Pioneer Meat Market,
owned and conducted by H. W. Stre
by. At this market will always be
found a select line of fresh and cured
meats, fish, poultry and game in sea
son. The market is located at the
corner of Fifth and Main streets,
where every facility is at hand for
supplying the liberal patronage en
joyed by the market, and wher ecour
tesy is extended to the public.
Mr. Streby established the busi
ness seven years ago, since which
time he has built up a large and
growing patronage, by means of
honest dealing and reliable business
methods. Mr. Streby has resided in
Oregon City since 1905, and during
his residence here he has made the
city and county a loyal and public
spirited citizen. He has many friends
throughout this section, and is a man
whose word can be relied upon to the
fullest extent.
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