OREGON CITY COURIER, THURSDAY, FEB. 12, 1914 Ogle it . Mining Co. m x i ' i;tz a. Have Property Where Nature Has Bestowed Choicest Treasures Only waiting .for spring to open the mountain roads for the necessary daily supplies, Ogle mine stands ready to make good the claims of the men who have been digging and developing the mountain for eight years. One after another of the assays have shown the oro will pay $7.00 per ton. A cyanide plant is completed which has a capacity of from 100 to 150 tons per day, and will furnish employment to about 40 men. One of the best mining engineers in the country, E. F. Spaulding of the E. M. & M. R, has proven beyond all doubt that the cyanide plant will ex tract the gold and silver. It has the approval of the Cor poration Commission under the "blue sky" law of the last legislature, (un der which many a mine in Oregon has been forbidden by the commis sion to sell its stock) and has had no restrictions placed on it. There's the ore, there's the assays, there's the plant. J cyanide plant now ready to start. The stockholders have had an un wavering faith in the Fairclough brothers from the start, and they have responded time and again for the de velopment money. The brothers have backed their faith in Ogle mine 'by their own money and work for many years, and this has done as much to inspire confidence in Ogle mine as all the assays. The opening of this mine promises to be one of the real valuable assets of Clackamas county. A mine that pays is indeed a "gold mine," as it simply brings - more wealth into the country without tak ing any out, and the man who owns stock in a- mine that makes good usually gets a nice little pension for life for gold mines are invariably stayers, and after years of develop ment grow richer and show more ore. And when Ogle makes good, there is little doubt but many other claims in that vicinity, which have been held for years, will follow in development ' I j i C ' r' 1 1 r : M I H i if pin I US ty' v.i" s-.'Xx .4 Entrance to Mines on Ogle Mountain.-Buildings Over Shaft Is there any way to get by them? There have been a lot of time and money put into the long tunnels of Ogle mine. It is not a wild cat, stock selling proposition. ugie mine nas never yet sold a dollar's worth of stock, unless the dollar was needed for actual develop ment work of the mine. The company officials have always adnered to the policy of not selling a dollar more of stock than has been absolutely necessary to develop and equip the mine, and so firm has been the faith in the ultimate outcome that time and again the stockholders have increased their holdings, rather than to have the stock scattered. From the start the undertaking has been largely a Clackamas county enterprise, and Clackamas county money has largely financed the mine work from the first little hole at the top of the mountain to the third big tunnel at the base comprising 4,700 of development and the completed good, and Clackamas county will be pros pected and located to a finish. Time and again Ogle mine has had offers to sell, but the stockholders have always reasoned if it looked good to-English syndicates and East ern capaitalists, it looked good for Clackamas county, and they have held on. It haa been a long, hard struggle to get the necessary capital to keep up the years of development work and to finally install the cyanide plant, but it has all been accomplished and when spring permits the work will start. Probably ovcr half of the stock- noiuers oi uacicamas county nave a personal knowledge of the mine. Sing ly, by pairs and in parties they have made the long, hard trip over the mountains; have had their own assays made from the specimens they them selves have taken from the drifts, and these men have an abiding faith that Ogle mine will make more than ) t a I', jussa-j-. - J 3'K, The Crown-Columbia Company Industry That Is Source of Revenue to Many Homes In and Near Oregon City Hlfr t A Croup of Oregon CiLy Public Buildings Oregon's Ideal Climate The Climate of Clackamas County One of Its Most Valuable Assets A Land Free From All Climatic Extremes The advantages possessed by Ore gon City as a center for the manu facture and shipping of pulp and paper, has resulted in the establish ment of enterprises in this line, which are among the largest in the country, and their operations have, been the foundation of Oregon City's growth and prosperity. Engaged in this line of industry and commerce on a large and exten sive scale, is that of the Crown-Co-' lumbia Paper Company. This is one and is equipped with the latest and and this, together with its enterpris most modern machinery used in the ing methods, in keeping the equip manufacture of their product. In ment of their industries up to the fact, the plant stands as a model of . highest standard of efficiency, has high class construction. given the Crown-Columbia Paper Employment is given to upward , Company a commanding place among oi tne tnree large paper mills, to company also operates which Oregon City can point with Cama, Washington, and of 250 people at the mill, thus it can be seen that the Crown-Columbia Paper Company is a source of reve nue to many homes in this vicinity, and the fact that perfect harmony prevails among the employees and the management, speaks in the high est terms for the character of its operations. Besides the Oregon City plant, this mills at Floriston, j the large institutions of the west. Another crowmg feature of this company, is the fact that the man agement is possessed of a public spirited nature. In every enterprise that promises to benefit the locality, in which their industries are located, the company is' always found among the first to give financial aid, thus ' by its liberality, the company has been an important factor in the growth, progress and development of Oregon City and Clackamas County. nridfi. anH wtnVt, v,.v ioi oamornia, making the company tne t-,:u t j it. . , , largest manufacturers of paper and ; The benefits which Oregon City de. ,x.uu w u.e up-ounuing oi tne paper bagg on the Pacific Coast , riveg from the Crown-Columbia Paper city. This industry is situated across Naturally the management of such Company is an ever-yielding revenue the river from the business portion of a huge enterprise has given much aU to the ' business and industrial ac-i the city, by the great Willamette Falls tention to the perfection of a system tivities of our city. TV. ,, rlv a r in 3.VV I m vm An important thing to be taken in to consideration by the homeseeker and investor is that of the climatic conditions of a community. A de pendable climate is one of the farm ers assets part of his working capi tal. It has two relations one to crop productions and the range of produc tion, the other to comfort and health. The climate of Clackamas County is all that could be desired and offers every advantage to the different branches of industry, and is conduc tive to economic efficiency. The county is free from cyclones and bliz zards, and is a land where the farmer can work out of doors every day in' the year. The summer temperature is mod erate, owing to the cool winds which blow up the Columbia River from the Pacific Ocean, or down from the eter nal snow covered slopes of Mt. Hood The winters are very mild, and cold weather is of short duration. This being the fact, life here is lived at its best, with an absence of discomfort ing features and an assurance of con ditions that tend to the highest pos sible healthfulncss. The air is a tonic charged with health giving properties, which is so essential to health and comfort. In fact the climate is one of the most valuable assets to Clackamas County, OREGON CITY SHOE STORE E ECU DEALERS FOOTWEAR W':: V! Operating Pneumatic Drill in Tunnel PRICE BROS.,CLOTHIERS Oregon City's Leading Clothing: House It is very apparent to the careful an honest cpuivalent. observer that Oregon City is forging In 1,10 Nothing line the productions ahead, and in every lino of business she can lay just claim to having representative establishments, which are able to hold thoir own in any equal field with the best houses in similar lines. This is most emphatically true in the clothing lino, which can be proven vmuuuy un umi art can secure in neat, stylish, well-fitting and durable garments. The line of shoes carried embrace the leading makes of the world's largest factories, while tho furnishing goods assortment is attrac tive in stylo and varies in quality, and like tho other lines contains the productions of the leading makers, tvery article leaves the establish ment with u guarantee that It will be lllSt UH Wnravinnt.wl n..,l 1... leyond a doubt by a visit to the method of doim hv.kL i;. t success of the house, for it indicatesJ a tnoroughly honest policy which is bound to win popular favor. The modern store of Price Brothers. The efforts of this firm to secure a col lection of the best productions in wv......g, ..u e...o , u .mt.mnK !St0ro or JTico Brothers is a modern goods are woll worthy the recognition ; business house, and reflects credit up which is due to enterprise and a care-! on the mercantile interests of Orciron ful study of popular needs. These City. The firm is enterprising and efforts consist of placing before the wide-awake and fully merit the larjre public the best makes on the market,: and growing patronage which thev and at prices which are in every case J built up. Classed among the mercantile houses of Oregon City which stand as the best representative in their line is that of tho Oregon City Shoe Store, located at Seventh and Main Streets. This house is an exclu sive footwear establishment, hand ling productions of a world-wide rep utati&n for durability productions that give satisfaction to its patrons Among the brands to be found at this store is that of the John It. Cross shoes for ladies, the Dry Sox Shoes for men and Holland shoes for boys, together with the celebrated Martha Washington line The store makes a specialty of shoes for ten der feet, and has established a well known reputation in this respect. They also mnke a specialty of arch supporters having the reputation for selling more of these goods than any one store in Portland. . . The stock carried is complete in every respect, and embraces a large variety to choose from, ranging in all qality and prices, and to meat all tastes and conditions. The latest styles will always be found at this store, while the prices .will compete with any shoe store in Portland or any other largo city. Cautious treat ment, good service and honorable dealing characterizes the manage ment of the house, making it a reli able and desirable place to trade. Au up to-dato repairing department is also conducted, and in evrey way the Oregon City Shoe Store is a worthy and creditable business house, and deserves tho patronage of the local public. The business is under the management of Mr. L..J. Lageson, a public spirited and reliable business man of this city. U'REN UCHOEBEL Prominent and Well Known Law Firm of Oregon City The bar of Clackamas County holds a high position as compared with the other counties of the state. and comprises men of high legal tal ent, who have framed laws for Oru gon, which have been followed by other states. This statement applies most em phatically to the well known law firm of W. S. U'Ren and Chris Schuebel, whose ability and thorough know. ledge of the law has gained for them a state wide reputation. Mr. U'Ren is the father of the initiative and ref erendum, which is being rapidly adopted by other states throughout the Union. Both Messrs. U'Ren and Schuebel have seen service in the state legis. lature and in other political fields always, filling the office with much credit to themselves, and to the sat isfaction of tho people. They are both lawyers of exceptional ability and have always taken an active part in the affairs of our City and Coun ty, both municipal and professional, and are men whose opinion is regard ed as being of weight and value. Mr. U'Ren comes before the peo pie of this state at the next primary election as a candidate for governor, and his friends have the utmost con fidence in his success. His record as a leader in progressive government has made him already prominent in the state s affairs, and his contribu tions to the history and past cam paigns has shown that he is a power to be reckoned with. So taking it all in all the law firm of U'Ren and Schuebel reflect great credit upon the .bar .of Clackamas County. JONES DRUG GO. 'A Modern Pharmacy With a view of faithfully por traying the present progress and de velopment of Oregon City and Clack amas County, it is necessary for us to mane mention of many of our pro minent business houses and citizens who have been foremost in bringing about these unexcelled conditions. Using this logic as a standard, prompts us to make special mention of the Jones Drug Company, whose store is one of the business institu tions which reflect credit upon the mercantile interests of the city. As to the stock carried, it can be said that the store handles everything that WILLIAMS BROS. TRANS FER & STORAGE COMP'Y Williams Brothers Transfer and Storage Company needs no introduc tion to the people of Oregon City, for their business and reputation as lead long been established. However, it is only just that we bring into promi nence their latest step of progress in establishing their auto truck delivery between Oregon City and Portland. Alive to modern improvements and every facility to render good service, and with a view of benefitting our lo cal merchants, this firm is operating portant factor to the local business man. The large sign to be seen on their truck, bearing the name of Oregon City indicates the local pride and public spirit of the firm, and should be given due consideration by all those who believe in the saying or'' "Patronize Home Industry." It is the intention of the firm to put on anoth er truck in the near future, at which time they will maintain a two-and-one-half hour service. Williams Brothers Transfer and Wit- 1 an auto truck delivery upon the most modern plans. They have recently bought a large and modern Velio auto truck, which they are putting into service between this city and Portland, making two trips a day, on hchedule time. The firm maintains a depot and warehouse in Portland, lo cated at 205 Washington Street, where goods are taken; and from there loaded in their truck in a man ner which insures and enables them to render prompt and efficient ser vice to the Oregon City merchant, and this fact should prove as an im Storage Company do a general trans fer business, and make, a specialty of moving safes, pianos, and furni ture. They also deal in building ma terial, embracing sancl, gravel, ce, ment, lime, plaster and brick. Their Oregon City office is located at 612 Main Street, where all orders are giv en prompt attention. They fully mer it the business of our local mer chants having goods brought from Portland, for they are prepared to render unsurpassed service with their new auto truck carrying the name of Oregon City. J. H. ITTLE! For the past five years Mr. J. H. Mattley has been numbered among the business men of Oregon City, coming here from Corvallis, at which is to be found in any modern and high time he purchased the store .of W. F. B. SCHOENBORN, 7th Stmt Grocery When writing about Mr. F. B. Schoenborn and his grocery estab lishment, it is to bring into promi nence one of Oregon City's progrcs sive and enterprising business men and high class business houses. Some three year ago Mr. Schoenborn suc ceeded the firm of Miller and Miller, since which time he has proven his ability and the requirements that go to maKo a successful business man. since taking over the store. Mr. Schoenborn has made many improve ments. He has installed new fixtures and enlargod tho stock until he 'has brought the store up to its present modern appearance. The line of goods carried embraced the most celebrated brands on the market. The motto of Mr. Schoenborn is "good I groceries at the lowest market Drie- es," and this, together with honorable dealing and courteous treatment, has won for him the excellent natronnra which he now enjoys. The store is located at 420. Sev enth Street, and conforms in every respect to a first class grocery house. Mr. Schoenborn was for eiirht years in the employ of V. Harris, during mcn time ne learned the business in ! all of its details, and became well ac-! quainted and very popular with th ; public. He is a native of Clackamas County, having been born eiirht mil.. ! from Oregon City. He may be term-' ed as a "self made man," and it goes vMinout saying that his business abil ity, public spirit and pleasing person ality will win for him continued suc cess in his future business career. Mr. Schoenborn has many friends throughout this section and can well be classed among the young and hust ling business men of Oregon City. An Invitation We extend an invitation to all worthy people of the land to visit Clackamas County, and to see for themselves if we have not spoken the truth, when writing about the natural j vicinity is crowned by his extreme resources. 1 popularity. class pharmacy, and the interior bears every evidence of progress and able management. Mr. Linn E. Jons, the executive head of this business house needs no introduction to the people of Clacka mas County. He is probably the most widely known man today in this county. Having represented the people at the legislature on two dif ferent occasions, he gained a popu larity which comes to men of integrity and enduring worth. He is now serv ing his second term as Mayor of Ore gon City, and as an advocate of good, clean city government, as one having a strict sense of duty toward his fel low citizens, Mr. Jones seems to be the right man in the right place. As a business man and as a citizen, Mr. Jones is highly esteemed by all, and his striking personality and the in terest he displays in trying to acc'om plsh still better conditions for the H. Davis. Mr. Mattley is a dealer in new and second hand household goods, embracing stoves, ranges, tinware, graniteware, shelf hardware and no tions. In fact the stock embraces everything for the household, com prising various lines too numerous to mention. This store is located on Seventh street, on "The Hill," and is one of the prosperous business houses , in that thriving business district, y selling ms goods at a reasonable nnce. to gether with honest and upright deal ing with, the public, Mr. Mattley has established a liberal patronage and gained a reputation as a reliable business man. He is a man of a public spirited nature, and since coming to Oregon City has proven himself to be of that type of men who make for any community a good citizen. He has formed many friends here and is held in the highest esteem by all who iinow mm. STRAIGH T4 SAUS y 1 In the history of modern sanitary progress, no line of business is look ed upon as being of more importance than the plumbing trade, and in this branch of enterprise Oregon City has a firm which is capable of exact ing work of the highest standard, and whose ability as plumbers stand second' to none. This firm is composed of H. E. Straight and H. C. Salisbury, whose office is located at 817 Main Street. The business of the firm embraces plumbing, tinning and general job bing, and the scope of their opera tions extend throughout Oregon Citv and the surrounding small towns. The firm established the business in 1907, since which time they have executed many contracts which proves their knowledge of the business, and which stand for durability and satisfaction. They employ only skilled and com petent workmen, and under their su pervision each job bears the marks of expert workmanship. Both Mr. Straight and Mr. Salis bury have had many years' expej ience in this branch of trade and have mastered the business in all of its details, and stand as Oregon City"' leading plumbers. They are public spirited men and have much faith in the future progress of their city. OWEN G. THOMAS Aeroplane View of Oregon City, Showing River and Suspension Bridge A most excellent examnle high character and aualitv of Orecrnn City's blacksmithing industry may be found in the business of Owen G. Thomas, whose place is located at Fourth and Main Streets. Mr .Thom as purchased Mr. Story's interest In ousiness about three years ago, the firm being formerly Story & Thomas. The business eral blacksmithing and horseshoeing, and the equipment of the shon i .,k as to execute work of the highest standard for quality and durability. Air. Thomas is a man well versed in this branch of industry and when a job is turned out at his shop it stands for satisfaction.