The annual meeting of the stock holders of Clackamas Co. Fair will be held in Oregon City, Saturday, Feb. 7, at 9:30 A. M. 31st"YEAR 1 ' Clackamas In Which Await But Their Clackamas county may be describ ed as being a land of opportunity, with a wealth of natural resources and advantages, not surpassed by any section in the great state of Ore gon. It is, situated in the western part of the state, and embodies within its confines, both mountains, foothill and valley land, each of which possess es advantages of its own. Clackamas county has an area of 1,600 square miles, or 1,224,000 acres. The eastern half of the county is mountainous, most of it being includ ed in a government forest reserve. The tillable lands are in the western and southern portions. Along the watercourses the land is compara tively level and there are wide plat eaus removed from the streams, which are easy of cultivation. Through the county flows the Wil lamette River, an uninterrupted high way of commerce, 365 days in the year. No powerful trust or individ ual may dictate the rates on this stream. The Clackamas River, fed from the never failing snows of the Cascade mountains, rushes down the hillsides and furnishes an unlimited supply of the purest water, capable of being transmitted into elecrtic en ergy sufficient to drive all the wheels and spindles of the Pacific North west. The soil of Clackamas County is adapted to every form of agricultur al industry, and varies from a rich loam mixed with volcanic ash, to a clay sub-soil, strongly impregnated with iron oxides, nitrates, phosphat es and potash, eliments so essential to the growing of large crops. Every ' product of the North Temperate Zone is successfully grown in this county. It is not necessary to irrigate in the county. The precipitation is large PRIZE Frosp Q h , rt , , vn hit v l -77 55' : i Mi - " ( IS. ,. - - 3 ' z-r r, j OIEGOM erouis Oreg'on t ? . y. y v II , County Natural Resources the Touch of Humanity to Yield Up Treasures to The World , and the rains come until the crop is almost ready to harvest. There is an absence of rain during July and Aug ust, during which time, where water is easily available, the vegetable gar dens are irrigated by some of the truck farmers. The assessed valuation of property in Clackamas county, based upon the summary prepared .by the State Tax Commission, shows Clackamas to rank sixth in the state with a total assessed valuation of $30,521,327.12. This figure is based upon a 55 per cent valuation, and proves Clackamas County to be one of the richest in the state. Land values in Clackamas county depend on the character pf the land and its location, uncleared lands range in price according to locality, from $25 to $50 per acre. Cleared land within two or three miles of Oregon City sells for from $100 to $300 per acre. At a distance from two to twelve miles the price is $60 to $100 per acre. These latter figures are for land ready to plant. A few acres of Clackamas county land' if farmed properly, can be made to earn an immense return. Our facilities for reaching the markets of the world will always give the farmer of this locality a great advantage over other portions of the state. Portland, with a popu lation of 225,000, has the only deep sea, freshwater harbor on the coast. At her docks ships from all parts of the world are loaded with the prod ucts of' our mills, factories and farms. Besides the products that find their way ,to foreign markets, this county constitutes a large por tion of Portland's supply territory for small fruits, vegetables, milk and many other products of the farm. CLACKAMAS COUNTY PRODUCTS -. , . i .i , ("si, U ''v - - BIRD'S Clackamas county is possessed of a rich productive soil, capable of high cultivation,, of an excellent cli mate, of an abundant water supply, and of the steady cash market afford ed by the growing population of its cities and towns. Add to these an in telligent, industrious, enterprising population, and the secret of the prosperity of this county is at once apparent. It is a region of cosy, at tractive and even elegant homes, where all the graces of life flourish and where industry and culture com bine to produce their most charming effects. The entire county is one vast area of promise and its natural re sources await but the touch of hu manity to yield up their treasures to the world. . Our King Water power is king at Oregon City and it has been crowned by many large manufacturing' indus tries some of the largest in the west. A Fact Actual experience has demonstrat ed Oregon City is the most economi cal point in the Northwest for the operation of a manufacturing plant at the distribution of its out-put. Are You Interested? Are you looking for a manufactur ing site? If so, then come to Oregon City and see what this place has to offer to the man seeking a location for a factory you will locate here. Rich CTfHr V OREGON CITY, ORE., THURSDAY, FEB. 12, 1914. City and Clackamas Co 4 : : . .. . a y. I EYEVIEW OF OREGON E CITY OREGON CITY OFFERS MANY ADVANTAGES AS A PLACE OF RESIDENCE Though a city possessed of every advantage to make of it an industrial center, it yet cannot become a city of great and enduring importance if it does not possess those things which make a city desirable as a place of residence. Oregon City combines to a remarkable degree, the charms of a city, of homes with the activities of a busy industrial center. Oregon City is noted for .its pret ty homes, schools and churches. Fully 80 per cent of the people here own their own residences, all of which are kept up in an attractive manner, the majority of them having a well-kept lawn. Here are also the advantages of good school and church privileges, good water, pure air, inspiring land scape, and every means of making a livelihood for a man and his fam- ily. The scenic beauty of Oregon City is not to be surpassedby-any city in the county. Here are the strength and beauty of the hills, the golden skies, the music and dream of waters, the oft winds freighted with the perfume of flowers an ideal city for an ideal home. Everything conductive to health, happiness and prosperity that a wise and progressive city gov ernment, and a commendable public spirit can provide may be found here. Measured by the standard of en vironment, comfort, health, educat ional advantages, pure water, excel lent sanitation, diversity of commer cial and' industrial, pursuits and ac cessibility these features that are most important in selecting a place of residence Oregon City stands first among all western cities of the same population. 1 OREGON CITY'S GREAT WATER In the prolific use of printer's ink that is incident to the present age and generation, it is very often the case that exaggeration of more or less extended character is at times restored to by writers, where if they would only stop to reason, they would at once see that the facts would answer this purpose far bet ter. Using this logic as a standard, we will say that facts alone are needed when writing about the water power furnished by the Willamette COUKJ .."! ,V v. . - - CITY Oregon City, a City of Eight Thousand People Offers Excellent Opportunities To The Investor of. Capital-City of Homes, Schools Churches Situated on the banks of the beau tiful Willamette River, and nestling in an amphitheater of sheltering hills, like a diamond in the rough, sits Oregon City, the judicial seat of Clackamas County. Oregon City is located twelve miles south of Portland on the main line of the Southern Pacific Rail road, and is also reached by steamer and electric cars. The city has a pop ulation of 8,500 contented people. The class of citizens who go to form the population, are of that hustling, wide-awake kind, which promote and advance, and are ever alert for bet ter opportunities. The impression received by a vis itor to Oregon City . is one of thrift and energy. He may look from his car window as he enters her portals and .view the large factories and mills, where hundreds of men are employed and other indications of the busy life of the industrial city. But it will not be a confusing sight, nor a conglomeration of shrieking whistles, nor an un-wholesome riotu ous strenuosity. It will be the thrift which speaks of untold energy, strength, progress, manhood, devel opment and ambition, with perf 3 t control j nd scientific management. One of the greatest water powers or. the contii.pnt is developed at ihe Willnmette Talis, and which will i-r.e duv make C'recon City the manufac turing center of the Northwest. The FALLS OF THE WILLAMETTE, Falls, located at Oregon City. Imagine, if you can, a giant team of 187,500 horses in harness, contin ually refreshed and kept in the full of their strength and vigor by relays, then try to mentally grasp the tre mendous power of such a mammath team, leady for duty every hour of every day and every night for nine months of the year; supplement this for the other three months of the year by another team of 68,750 horses, always ready to apply their It - ,"-L city can now lay claim to three large paper mills, comprising the Willa mette Pulp and Paper Company, (he Crown-Columbia Paper Company, and the Hawley Pulp and Paper Com pany. These three industries alone employ upwards of 1,200 people ev ery working day in the year. Besides these industries, Oregon City has the largest woolen mill in the west,, employing 350 people. Also a large foundry, saw mills, furniture factory, a modern ice and cold storage plant, and numerous other enterprises of more or less importance. In fact Ore gon City is a growing center of in dustrial activities. v Oregon City . has many great re sources behind it which will contrib ute very largely to its growth, wealth and business prospentyMn the future. The developement of these resources has only begun, and the field is still largely unoccupid. Many important lines of business are as yet entirely open to enterprising men who want to employ their energies and capital in the pleasing and profitable under taking of building a new commercial and industrial empire in the great northwest. With conditions unexcell ed, Oregon City offers unparalleled inducements to the man pf capital looking for a profitable investment. The prominence and prosperity of the city is founded upon fortunate location, established wealth, merited prestige and successful achievements. The resources, advantages and facil ities are at hand, and the time has AT OREGON CITY concerted energy at the touching of a button. If you can do this, you will gain some idea of why Oregon City expects to some day become the greatest manufacturing center, in the Northwest. A single horse power, according to the prevailing calculation , is that measure of power which is required to lift a weight of 33,000 pounds one foot high in one minute. The real power of a horse, it is estimated, is only about three-fourths of this unit, If yon want, to buy, sell or trade, try a small ad in The Courier the best ad vertizing medium in Clackamas County and you will get. the desired results.. No. 35 5 , 4 ,lJL lii i I, n ii iAotsiii arrived to see Oregon City become the city it should be, and conduct the business its surroundings and condi tion warrant and make possible. Socially and educationally, the city can meet all ordinary requirements and the most fastidious in that re spect mav locate here in the full knowledge that their children can have "the same home advantages as in the older communities of the East ' and Middle West The country intervening between Oregon City and Portland now teems with settlements. Manufacturers, schools, churches and modern resi dences have dotted the landscape un til it takes no prophet to see that Oregon City is now, and will be more hereafter, a part of the giant young city. And in becoming a part of the city all persons will acknowledge that this will be the most romantic and healthful portion of the metrop olis. V Today, there is no question of the powers and strength of the city, and the upbuilding forces which are behind it. The only matter of conjec ture is the rapidity of the realiza tion of the greatness and magnitude . which the future holds in store for its people. Many conditions combine to make Oregon City an ideal place for business enterprise and the es tablishment of a home. It is today a city of opportunity the place that is beckoning to capital and enter prise, offering splendid facilities and a rich reward to both. in POWER hence the estimated total water pow er of the Willamette Falls, at Oregon City, which is placed at 150,000 horse power for nine months in the year, equals the total pulling strength of a team of 187,500 horses. During the three months of low water, the esti mate is placed at 55,000 horse power, or a force equal to that of 68,750 horses. Already more than a third of this Concluded on Page 8