OREGON CITY COURIER, THURSDAY, JAN. 22, 1914 nPffil a It m In r3 y u imp J uUuLzj 1 ,ni Wi egm DOORS OPEN 9 A. M. V A n W7 n n t n Tfti drs I open fl nJrl nn A-M- READ CAREFULLY TERMS AND RULES OF SALE NO GOODS CHARGED NO ORDERS FILLED NO TELEPHONE CALLS WILL BE ANSWERED. NO GOODS EXCHANGED. NO MONEY REFUNDED. NO CONCESSIONS MADE FROM . WHAT GOODS ARE MARKED. NO SALES PEOPLE HAVE RIGHT TO MAKE ANY CONCESSIONS. DON'T ASK IT. NO GOODS WILL BE PERMITTED TO LEAVE HOUSE WITHOUT BEING WRAPPED. GET YOUR DUPLICATE CASH CHECK. YOU WILL HAVE TO SHOW IT TO GET OUT AT DOOR. IT MUST BE STAMPED BY CASHIER PAID. DO NOT LAY YOUR PURSE DOWN. BE PATIENT. ALL GOODS WILL BE SOLD JUST AS THEY ARK THESE RULES WILL BE STRICT LY ADHERED TO BY THE FIRM. Ik Entire lock fill Now Closed Out Clothing, Shoes, Dry Goods, Notions, Furnishings, Hos iery, and all kinds of Wearing Apparel You can find here anything you want to wear, or make to wear, from head to foot, for man, woman, boy, girl, child or babe You will be surprised at what one cent will buy, greatly surprised at what 10 cents will buy, and dumfounded at the purchasing power of a dollar. COME iott Brothers Department Store 7th at Madison, on the Hill, Oregon City NEWS OTTHE CITY Miss Nan Cochran. .... .Local Editor. I George Bliss and son, John, of , Carus, transacted business in Oregon Uity Saturday. , Mrs. Justin Spagle, who has been seiiously ill at her home in this city, George B. Case, of Molalla, was s slowly improving. an Oregon City visitor Thursday and Friday. . W. A. Proctor, of Boring, was ' among those visiting this city recent ly. Richard Davis and son Earl, of Carus, were the guests of Mrs. Min nie Inskeep Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Hawley and son Willard, of Portland, were guests Joe Pfister, of New Era, was Mr- ana Mrs- ueorge sey bun' amoncr those transacting business in Oregon City Saturday. nn . t i: J TT T 1 misses mari.na ana Harriet rant- wa j tW it transacting business er, who have been M at their home qat-ja., Henry Babler, of Logan, one of the prominent residents of that place, on Fourteenth Street, are improving. Ml.. M foil., (!, ; v, n J T .ti.oo Alia IkVll V. ICOVim All bllC Miss Edna Deyoe, of Boring, a Portland J' t Saturday and well known teacher of Clackamas Sund in thig citwith her prentg andnSaturda3 " Mr and Mrs- K Kelly- n o i e ' Miss Gertrude Nefzger, teacher P. J. Spagle of Aurora, was m in the Portland schools, spent Sunday Oregon City Thursday and Friday, in m cit t f h'erFsister Mis s"a le and'Vmil Dora Nefz- n 1,01. I Misses Grace and Gladys Schuebel R- 8. Coe, of Canby, was an Ore- of this cit s t Saturday and Citv, victor Saturday, coming to Sunday with their parents, Mr. and attend the meeting of the Farmeis' Mr3. Schuebel, of Eldorado. -Equity, which met at the Commer- T , -,. , , . rial parlors. Mrs- Jhn Gleason, who left sey- , , , . . l eral weeks ago for Shepherds Mrs. Melvin McCord and son, of Springs, where she has gone for the Portland, who have been in this city ; benefit of her health improving, visiting the former's mother, Mrs. T , . W. W. H. Samson, have returned to' n Mrs- her Moore, formerly of their home . Oregon City, but now residing in m nr-ir j nn..! x ' Vancouver, Washington, returned to Mr. Wilfred A. White, mainten- her home recently, after spending ance manager of the United Rail- several day8 visiting in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schwab and ways, residing in Portland, visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. A White ,.,Ml"n' TT , , . of Eighth and Jefferson Streets, Sun- J't.tle Geraldine Schwab, formerly of dav e ' this city, but now of Porltand, were trnaca r.f niA U.a TanJnM Mrs. Mary LaForest, who has Osmund Sunday! Mrs . Mette Finley Thayer, who .? lla"SDe' w.no ?as has been seriously ilf suffering from bee" ? resldent J thls clty for e pneumonia, in Portland, has return-. Ras, fo"r yar8' has n?,w moved to ed to this city, much'impioved in lll Jahere she wlU make her health. Mrs. Thayer left several weeks to make a brief visit with friends in Portland, where she was taken ill. THE HUB If it is good to eat The HUB GROCERY has it. If the HUB GROCERY has it, it is SURELY good to eat. We are headquarters for the BEST in good grocer ies. Phone your orders to THE HUB GROCERY Seventh and Center Sts. On the Hill future home. Mrs. John Gaffney, who resides near Milwaukie, underwent a surgi cal operation at the Oregon City Hos pital a few days ago, and the opera tion, which was a success, was per formed by the Doctors Mount. Miss Mildred Kruse, instructor in the Blind School at Salem, returned to Salem Sunday evening, after hav ing spent Saturday and Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Anna Kruse, of this city. Mrs. C. B. Snyder, who has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Curran, has returned to her home in Portland. Mrs. Snyder was formerly Miss Josie Curran of this city. The house recently moved from Eighth "and Main Street, owned by David Williams, is being renovated and will be made modern throughout. Mr. Williams had the building mov. ed upon his lot and intends to have it for rent as soon as the improve ments are completed. Martin Boyles, of the Ogle Moun tain Mines, was in this city for a few days the latter part of last week. Mr. Boyles will return to the mines as soon as the weather permits the working to go on at the mines. At this time of the year there is consid erable snow in that section. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Swafford, of Salem, have been in this city vis iting at the home of the former's brother, J. L. Swafford and family, of Eighth and Madison streets. Mrs. N. D. Moser and daughter, Marjorie, of Tacoma, Wash., were also visit ing at the Swafford home. Mrs. Mo ser is a niece of Mrs. J. L. Swafford. Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Smith, of Port land, were in this city Monday. E. Kelly, of Chicago, 111., was an Oregon City visitor Tuesday. , Miss Pearl Schlomberger, of Car us, was in Oregon City on Tuesday. M. S. Morehead, of Sellwood, was in Oregon City Sunday and Monday. Noah Christner, of Carus, was in this city transacting business recently- Clyde Driscoll, of Carus, visited with friends in Oregon City on Sun day. Claude Howard, of Mulino. trans acted business in Oregon City Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Irish, of Un ion Hall, spent Monday in Oregon City. Dan Graves, of Hazeldale, trans acted business in this city on Moon-day. Jack Graves, of Eldorado, visited relatives in Oregon City Saturday and Sunday. William Jones of Palouse, Wash., has arrived in Oregon City, where he is visiting relatives. Arthur Zurphel. of Union Mills, was in Oregon City Monday, and while here visite drelatives. Thomas Evans, of Hazeldale, vis ited in this city Monday, and while here transacted business. Robert Schoenborn and son, Mar vin, of Eldorado, visited relatives In Oregon City Saturday. Edwin Foster returned to Mt. An gel Tuesday, after spending several days in this city with friends. Harvey Schuebel and Dr. Clyde Van, of Portland, were in this city Sunday, where they visited1'" friends. Frank Newton, of Portland, spent Sunday in Oregon City as the guest of his mother, Mrs. K. L. Newton. Dan Fellows, a well known far mer of Highland, was in Oregon City Monday. W. E. Epperson, of Seattle, Wash., visited with friends in Oregon City Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Stryker, of El dorado, were Oregon City visitors on Tuesday. While here they visited with friends. Mrs. M. Neylon and J. M. Kau- deau, both of Eugene, were quietly married in Oregon City Monday, and left immediately for Portland, where they will make their future home. Mrs. Vane Jefferson is very ill at her home in this city, suffering from an attack of appendicitis. Mrs. Jef ferson recently returned to this city from Chico, Ualifornia. She was for merly Miss Edith Follansbee, of this city. Mrs. Emma Touchot, of Great Falls, Montana, has arrived in Ore gon City and is the guest of Mrs. W. E. Pratt and Miss Katie Barclay. Mrs Truchot was formerly Miss Emily Pambryn of this city, and taught school in Oregon City many years ago. Miss Gertrude Espring and sister, Miss Selma Esping, of Geneva, 111., arrived in Oregon City Monday and on Tuesday morning left for their home in the East. The Misses Esping have been spending the past month with relatives at Central Point, Ore gon, and while in this city were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Young and family, of Fifth and Jef ferson Street, who also formerly re sided at ueneva, Illinois. OF SOCIAL INTEREST Palls, Parties and Entertainments of Interest to City Readers A grand ball will be given by the Willamette Fire Department at the firemens' hall at Willamette January 31, which is being looked forward to with pleasure by the residents of Willamette. There will be excellent music furnished for the dancing. The first of a series of dances to be given at Busch's hall by Frost and Thomas on Saturday evening was well attended and a most enjoyable time was had by those attending. The music was excellent and many en cores were in order. Meade Post G. A. R. and the Wo- niAna' Pelipf CnrnS Kolrl a taint, mppt- ing on Saturday afternoon ,the occas- fiinn hatno in t.nA foim nf a rprpnt.inn to commander of the department a programme was given during the afternoon and was comnosed of the following numbers dress Mrs. Charles Evans, depart- 1 1 1 , . j-1 . n I mens presiaeni; song, u. a. n. ana W R C: nriHr-ons. Mm. SnHio AeV. ley; recitation, Mrs. Gertrude Wood ward. Refreshments were served at the conclusion of the programme. Thuisday evening, January 15th, Miss Bess Warner entertained a number of her friends at her home on Madison Street. The evening was pleasantly spent in sewing "and mu sic. Delectable refreshments were served during the- evening. The host ess was assisted in entertaining her guests by her sister, Mrs Clara Stew art of Portland. The following were present: Miss Louise Huntley, Mi8g Belle Mattley, Miss Louise Walker, Miss Florence Grace, Miss Marion Money, Mrs. J. Lewis, Miss Ethel Davies, Miss Marie Sheahan, Miss Irene Hanny, Miss Hazel Tooze, Miss Clara Wieve siek, Miss Florence White. Under the auspices of the Broth erhood of St ' Anthony, St. Paul's Guild and the King's Daughters of the St Paul's Episcopal Church, a social will' be. given at the Masonic Hall on Thursday evening of this week at 8 o'clUck. The object is to have the members of the church be come betted acquaint and, Iplans have ben made to have these affairs held each month. There will be music and speeches, followed by refresh ments. At Willamette hall Saturday after noon a reception wag given in honor of the department commander by the women of Meade Relief Corps and the Post. The organization gave separate programmes, the ladies' part follows: Song, Columbia, "My County," and in response to an encore, "Over the Moonlit Sea," Mrs. Gertrude Woodward. Remarks by the department pres ident, Mrs Hosina Fouts-Evans. Song, "Tenting Tonight," encore, "Marching Through Georgia," Mrs. Nellie Cooper. Remarks, by the corps president, Mrs. Sadie Ackley. Recitation, "Barbara Frietche," with Dutch encoie, Gertrude Wood ward. After the program was' concluded light refrehmenti were served. The fourth Tuesday of each month is observed as the all day birthday meeting of the Women of Relief corps and the Post. Any members of the post or corps who have a birth day during this month are cordially invited to attend a dinner given in their honor at Willamette hall, be tween 12 and 1, Tuesday, January 27. A dancing party was given on Sat urday evening at Parkplace, the af fair taking place in Abernethy Grange hall, and was largely attended. The Intermediate Class of the Bap tist church held its annual meeting in the church parlors Friday evening, when the election of officers took place, resulting in the following: President, Gladys Cannon; Vice-President, Miss Muudd Lageson; Secre tary, Lola Batdorf; Assistant Secre tary, Katie Freese; Treasurer, Eschol Armstrong; Musician, Etta Staats; Chorister, Gladys Trimblo. Mrs. C. M. Trimble is teacher of the class. Fol lowing the business session refresh ments were served. The same evening Oregon City's affirmative team, Ted Miller and Al vin Wievesiek will debate the sub ject with Estacada at Estacada. Recently Oregon City High de feated Salem High and Woodburn High and will now endeavor to win the championship of this district. This subject is a live one, before the people of the state at this time and great interest has been shown in the debate. Mrs. H. B. Cartlidge, English in structor at our local high school, is the coach, and to her efficient me thods much of the credit for the past victories of the Oregon City team is due. Funeral of Thomas Mulligan The funeral services of the late Thomas Mulligan, who died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. John Fi nucane Sunday of last week, was held at the St. John's Catholic church on Tuesday following the services, which were connected by Rev. A. Hil debrand, were held at 10 o'clock, be ing largely attended by the many friends of the deceased. The inter ment was in the Catholic cemetery. The casket was covered with beau tiful flowers as a token of high es teem in which the deceased was held. The pall bearers were: Herbert Hanifin, Jacob Miller, Matt Michaels, James McMahon, Andrew Naterlin, and John Scherzinger. Mr. Mulligan is survived by Mrs. Margaret Finucane, of this city; Margaret Thomas, of Chicago, III; Mrs. Mary Smith, of Chicago; James, P. E., and Thomas Mulligan of Chi cago. Mr. Mulligan, whose illness was of but a few weeks duration, is the last member of his family to pass away, his death occurring at Jthe home of his daughter, Mrs. John Fi nucane. Oregon Social Hygiene Society Par ents' Meetings The last meeting in the down town district of the last series, will take place at the Commercial Club Parlors Friday evening, Jan. 23, at 8 o'clock. The speakers will "be Mr. J. W. Loder and Dr. W. E. Hemp stead. At the same time the first meet ing of the last series for the Hill j section will be addressed at the High School by Mr. McBain and Dr.! H. S. Mount. , The last meeting of these series will take place Jan. 28th at the1 High School when the addresses will be made by Mr. W. A. Hunt ley and Dr. H. S. Mount. State Debate Friday Friday evening in the High School Auditorium, Oregon City High will debate Newberg High School. Oregon City's negative team, Elbert Char man and Roberta Schuebel, will de bate Newberg's affirmative team on thes ubject: "Resolved That a sin gle House Legislature should be es tablished in Oregon." Music in Europe and America It is remarkable how often we 'err in looking for good things in distant lands, while we have' them right at our own door step. It is also remarkable how many young and ambitious Americans flock to the old country to study mu sic, not knowing the opportunities of their native land, nor the disadvan tages of the foreign. While there might be quite a few peoplo right here in Oregon City that dream of a study trip to Europe, we, from statistics, will give them a few statements for information's sake. First, Europe, with four times the population, has only little over half as many instruments in use. Second, Russia, one of the lead ing musical countries with its 160 million inhabitants, has not enough musical works to keep the musicians of Pacific Coast in bread and butter. Third, there is no royal opera house that can come up to the Metro politan in New York, and there have been very numerous productions made in America that are still be yond reach for Europe. The number of years concerts, re citals and musical plays, performed in America, is equal to any two in Europe. After all, knowing the two conti nents, no one can deny that Ameri ca is a far more musical country than the melancholy old Europe. WANTS, FOR SALE, ETC. FOR TRADE timber claim in Wash ington for property in Oregon City. Enquire of D. A. Jones, 711 Wash ington St FOR SALE Two fresh cows. Boss, Oregon City, Rt. 6. Fred WANTED To rent well equipped farm of 25 acres or more on shar es in the vicinity of Oregon City. Address J. H. McElroy, Oregon City, Care of Robinson Ranch. FOR SALE A number of hogs, in cluding two pure-bred Poland Chi na gilts and several grade sows, bred to a strictly high class Po land China boar. W. W. Harris. FOR SALE A beautiful little tan suit, size 36, perfectly fresh and clean, for $16.00. Cost $35.00. It is prettily trimmed up to date style, too small for owner. Enquire Cour ier Office. FOR SALE Petaliima Lncubator, 216 eggs, cheap. Inquire of Hogg Bros. FOR RENT farm 14 miles south east of Oregon City, cash rent in advance. For particulars write to Lewis Rath, Burns, Ore. FOR SALE Pigs Joseph Haas, Maple Lane. Address Oregon City, Rt. 8. I Watch Repairing That's Ri&ht To prevent wear and keep it in good condition for good timekeeping your watch should be overhauled at least every two years. Just now is a good time to leave it with our Department of Repairs. We will attend to it promptly and our expert workmen will put It in order "so that it will stay put." BUR.ME1STER , ANDRESEN Oregon City Jewelers CUT FLOWERS and Potted Plants; also all kinds of Fruit Trees, Roses and Shrubbery for sale at the new green houses on Center and Third Sts. Funeral work done at lowest possible prices. Orders received over pnone Main 2511. H. J. BIGGER. Six Good Reasons Why I can give you Eyeglass satisfaction. 1. My methods are the very latest and best. 2. New equipment and modern instruments. 3. Seventeen years' exper ience refracting eyes and man ufacturing glasses. 4. I use the best stock ob tainable iti my work. 5. I do all my own grind ing and know that the work is done right. 6. Last, but not least, my prices are moderate as possible, for accurate and first class work. Come in and consult me. Ulm. fl. Scbilltoa Optometrist and Optician at Wm. Gardner's Jewelry Store, Oregon City Factory on Premises