, ! - OREGON CIT.Y COURIER, THURSDAY JAN. 22, 1914. OREGON CITY, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1913 The City's Big Store Becomes' Roaring Vortex $40,000.00 GOES IN BIG FIRE BURNING FUUNACE TAKES THE I'LACE OF ELLIOTT 1MOS. STOKE AND STOCK MOT EVEN A SU0E SfKING U'FT INTACT Everything (Joes before Ravages of Demon and Crowd is Forced Hack by Intense Heat of Flames tn m i otSce' 0 ur Gfl0(l Firands Carried Out "v ifivi Lviiaiiuiac Tfiuui tya winy 01 ikluiy vr-, H nl Damaged by Smoke and Water and Is Just as Good as It Ever Was Before The FIRE. Yet Every Dollar of It Must Now Be Sold at Once for Forty thousand dollars worth of property was burned early Tuesday morning' by the third nuuniglit lire within three days when tno store building uud stock belonging to El liott brothers ut S07 Soventn street was totally destroyed. The origin of the lire is not dennitely known, al though it was common opinion of all who saw the fire and knew the cir cumstances that it was of incendiary origin. The firo broke out between mid night uud l:itO o'clock, but it was 1:00 o'clock before the ulurm was turned in und the department re sponded to the call, iiy unit tune the blaze hud broken out through the roof in several places und tho inter ior was a raging furnace. Several lines were stretched from the hydrants one block west on 7th street and on lilh street. Within u few minutes after tho first company ar rived, several streams were playing on the blaze. Tho hottest part of the fire was tho upper story of tho build ing and the roof. In order to bo able to play tho water upon these places it was necessary for the fighters to climb upon the roof of adjoining buildings. The fight v;is, at first car ried on from tho front und sides un til the entiie rear of the building hud become one solid mass of flames and it was necessary to concentrate the force of several streams on that part. After the fire hud burned for somo timo and the department had found it almost impossible to make any headway against its fury, a gen eral ulurm was turned in and several other companies responded to the call. Fierce Battle The battle raged for more than an hour before tho men were able to make any substantial headway against the flames. One part of the blaze would be quenched only to have another section break out aguin. Time and timo aguin the fighters and the crowd thought that ut last the fire was under control only to see the heavens lit up by an out break in another part of the structure. ; HI $4 Erin frTl ever in order that our Exact Loss may be arrived at for proper INSURANCE ADJUSTMENT NOW FOLKS, you will find Bargains here by the multiplied Thousands merchandise at Practically NothingDry Goods, Shoes, Clothing and all acces sory lines; everything to wear from head to foot, for Man Woman and Child. Space will not permit us to list and quote prices. You are invited to the greatest Slaughter Fire Sale ever held in the North West. The one opportunity of a lifetime. ELLIOTT BROS. DEPARTMENT STORE SEVENTH STREET AT MADISON On The Hill ' OREGON CITY, OREGON CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE