Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, January 15, 1914, Image 6

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Blazing Trails In Glacier National
Park With a Pathe Camera Man
L : :
raft tu1 Mi t r-' Jr. Hi 4
Pthe Prty U.vin4 Cl.cer P.rk Hotel jj SC
, -wm ' - "-tw : Mm
, ' ' ?(rrrick Falls-MovinJ Picture
J.ck. Expert Hor.craan. ' ' ' ' ' , , TJySL Operator. Expend Much T.mtf
With Cimera on Hit Back 6 , Swinging the Pethe Camera 3r fJ J ""' F,ce Hard,hP 4011 Eve0
Acroaa Entrance to Ice Cave 4 D,n'er ,0 e the P'l0'0 We
- fy '"Yvt the" City Enjoy In Comfort
rvVptth Weekly Camp b Glacier Park V-JX
Pithe Party En Route Through Glacier National Park
. . : i nn 1 I . t.- I .t -Htni TIalnh D
TO Include the wonderful scenery or Ulacler watloual puik in me new nw 4iue mni , 'f
Eurle camera man for the Pathe Freres company, recently made a trail blazing tour of unexplored regions
In the great national playground. Under the guidance of Tom Dawson, a veteran guide of the Rockies
of northwestern Montana, the Pathe man secured some unusual pictures of the waterfalls, mountains,
gluclers, rivers and lakes, which make the park more famous for Its scenic wonders than the Alps of Switzerland.
.Always seeking something new and marvelous for the patrons of motion picture theaters all over the world,
the Pathe company has sent Its northwestern representative Into Glacier National park on several trips.
Leaving the big hotel at Glacier park station, the Pathe party made a trip over Mount Henry, where a trail is
now being built, and came out near Two Medicine camp, one of the beauty spots of the park. For a week the
Pathe party, with its pack animals, camping outfit and guides, blazed new trails Into remote regions, and beautiful
waterfalls, Ice fields and picturesque mountain ranges were filmed. The picture under the caption "Blazing Trails
In Glacier Nutionnl Park" was recently released by the Pathe company and Is now being shown all ovr the United
Women and Wet Feet
Cold and wet feet are a dangerous
combination especially to women, and
congested kidneys often result. Bach
ache, urinary irregularities and rheu
matic fevers are not unusual results.
Foley Kidney Pills restore the regu
lar and normal action of kidneys and
bladder and remove the cause of the
trouble. Contain no habit forming
drugs. Huntley Bros. Co.
FOR TRADE timber claim in Wash
ington for property in Oregon City.
Enquire of D. A. Jones, 711 Wash
ington St.
CUT FLOWERS and Potted Plants;
also all kinds of Fruit Trees, Roses
and Shrubbery for sale at ihe new
green houses on Center and Third Sts.
Funeral work done at lowest iossible
prices. Ordors received over piione
Main 2511. II. J. BIGGER.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
FOR SALE Petaluma Lncubator,
21C eggs, cheap. Inquire of Hogg
K ali I M '--bmbcis;. E ".T.w IT""
Extraordinary Values Of
fered in AH Lines of Undernwslins
Without exception, you will positively find hero the greatest Underniuslin values in this city Includ
ed in this sulo are garments of every sort and description Corset Covers Gowns Skirts Combina
tion Garments, elc. in hundreds of stylos All neully finished and trimmed Road the description of
the followings pecinl lots picked at random:
A Great Muny Styles in Combination Suits, Princess Slips, Gowns and Skirts Perfectly Finished,
Neatly Trimmed Garments Made of the Finest Materials and Shown in All Sizes Garments f g
That Sell Regularly From $1.25 to $1.50, special at VOC
j, THE COMBINATION SUYl'S are made of high grade nainsook, crepe and longcloth they are shown
in a variety of styles, including the popular knickerbocker, princess or plain circular styles. They come
with either corset cover and drawers or corset cover and skirt. Neatly trimmed with dainty laces, inser
tions and Swiss embroideries. Shown in nil sizes from 31 to 44.
THE GOWNS are mado of fine nainsook and crepe and are shown in either slip-over, high or V-neck
styles, with either long or short sleeves. They ure all trimmed with laces, insertions, embroideries and
ribbons They come in good length and fullness. This assortment also includes a few gowns in pink and
blue colors. , s
THE PRINCESS SUPS are made of high grade nainsook and crepe and are neatly trimmed witl
' fine luces, insertions and swiss embroideries. They come with deep flounce or plain hemstitched hem,
: also scalloped embroidery edge. A large assortment to select from.
THE SKIRTS are shown in all this season's attractive styles and are made of fine nainsook and crepe.
, They are neatly trimmed with dainty laces, embroideries and insertions. They come with q
trimmed flounces, other plain and tucked or scalloped embroidery edges. These garments Weflf
f coll .,,. lp.,f frnm 1 !? n S1 Ml tl.lo cnU . W
j DRAWERS, 50c KIND AT 21c This lot includes a splendid assortment of Drawers
grade nainsook and neatly trimmed with ruffles, lace, embroidery and tucks. They c
sizes and sell reguiariy at tn cetus.t. pectany priced
f or
omc in
theClea ranee at
BlBltfe'STUev ON SrS2ak
Yet, of ini-LUTtKO
Thou thali do no murder."
Exodus 20:12-21 Sept. 14.
"Thou that! lot thy neighbor at iky
ielf."Luke to.n.
CHE Ten Commandments were
written upon two stone tablets.
One bore the first four com
mandments, appertaining to
God; the other, the remaining six, ap
pertaining to humanity. The essence
of these last six was expressed la
Jesus' words, "Thou shalt love thy
neighbor as thyself."
Whoever loves his neighbor will not
Intentionally Injure him in act, word
or thought. Hence. Love expresses
the full measure of the requirements
of the Law. (Romans 13:10.) Love Is
at liberty to do more than the Law re
quires, but cannot do less.
While only Christians are credited
by the Lord with fulfilling the require
ments of the Law because of the al
lowance made for their weaknesses on
account of their relationship with
Christ nevertheless, the Jews and
many others have been blessed in pro
portion as they endeavored to fulfill
the Law. Hence It is wise and proper
to lift high the Divine standards.
Honor Father and Mother,
All parents are deserving of consld
eration from their
course, the degree jflFE-GLHRO
of respect must against ,
depend upon the ,SImJI,TS
character of the lfcuw
parents, to some
extent. With dis
obedience to par
ents rank and ram
pant everywhere.
It may seem a
bard saying, but
we bellevelt true,
that the child's
disobedience Is due
to the parent or the guardian.
The child may have been Ul-born.
Disconteut and rebellion In the moth
er'g mind during the period of gesta
tion may have so marked the child that
no amount of training may fully re
cover It. in such a case parents may
well be patient with unhappy, diso
bedient dispositions In their children.
Terhaps the parents were only par
tially to blame. Perhaps their minis
ter did not preach the laws of God,
their human operation and the penal
ties of their violation, but gave flow
ery essays and anecdotes containing
neither food for the spiritual nature
nor assistance in understanding and
combating the human weaknesses. Per
haps the father forgot that he had a
duty toward bis offspring, chiefly serv
ed by assisting his wife to thoughts of
kindness, gentleness, nobility, etc.
A modern writer of Influence holds
that Sunday Schools, while accom
plishing good In one direction, have
also weakened the respect of children
for parents and released parents from
appreciation of their parental responsi
bilities. One hour per week In Sun
day School cannot take the place of
continual parental supervision.
Statistics show that boys from six
teen to twenty years old constitute
about one-third of all dnngerous crimi
nals, and that their proportionate num
ber is increasing. Hence benevolent
people should especially co-operate
with the Divine command by encour
aging obedience to parental authority.
"Thou Shalt Do No Murder."
Nothing In this command forbids the
necessary killing of animals. Neither
does it forbid the execution of crimi
nals, for thus It would conflict with
Divine Law elsewhere expressed, and
practised by Divine direction.
This commandment teaches that life
is to be prized, not Jeopardized. Its
spirit, Jesus declared, forbids an angry,
murderous spirit, restrained merely by
fear of consequences. This command
ment makes It Incumbent upon those
employing labor or having supervision
of others to safe-guard against, acci
dents. To allow self-Interest or love
of money to perpetuate dangerous con
ditions Is to violate this commandment
Commit Not Adultery.
One result of man's fall has bees de
pravity of sexual appetites uncbastlty,
lack of self-control. These tendencies
lead away from God and righteousness.
The family unit of one husband and
one wife, originally established In
Eden, is a corner stone of righteous
ness in both family and national life.
"Thou Shalt Not Steal."
To steal U to take from another his
possessions. Some
subtle farms of
theft are through
stock specula
tions, fake compa
nies organized to
take advantage of
others, etc. Mak
ing false returns
to the tax asses
sor Is stealing. So
are smuggling and
failure to glre
acreed upon serv-
-Thou alt nor afeoi." tces for wages re
ceived. Rut tho worst form of theft
Is stealing another's good name. In vio
lation of the Scriptures.
"Bear No False Witness."
Pally Is the spirit of this injunction
violated, not only in misrepresenting
what we wish to sell or buy. but by In
direct statements, by a nod, a shrug,
or by silence when it Is understood to
mean consent.
"Thou Shalt Not Covet,"
Covetousness Is a heart disease which
has to do with every crime; for sins
have their basis In selflshness, Which
is covetousness. Whoever would keep
the spirit of God's Law must guard
against covetousness.
The "Mischief Quartette" and It's
Each year the month of January
numbers its list of victims from influ
enzia, la grippe, bronchitis and pneu
monia. The prompt use of Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound will check
the onset of a cold and stop a cough,
preventing the developement to more
serious conditions. Keep it on hand.
Huntley Bros. Co.
Things That Almost Happen Some
times Bring Gray Hairs.
"It Is the things that almost happen
which cause gray hairs In this busi
ness rather than the things that actual
ly occur," said a veteran captain of an
excursion boat
"Every captain of a passenger carry
ing boat has the sinking of the Titanic,
the Slocum disaster and such accidents
on bis mind continually, but somehow
it's not the accidents that really occur
that bring gray hairs.
"My first gray hair appeared when I
was thirty-three years old. Then 1 was
running a boat to Coney island, and in
the lower bay fog settled down thicker
than mush. I held a compass course,
and everything went smoothly enough
until it was almost time to change the
course and bead from, the bay toward
Coney. 1 had beard a boat by her
whistle 1 knew she was a towing tug
pass me further up the bay.
"Even though 1 could not see the
bow of my boat I was banging with
my bead out of the pilot bouse window
and straining my eyes to see. when my
quartermaster, who was standing on
the very peak of the bow, called for
me to reverse. I rang for full speed
astern and threw the wheel hard to
"The fog lifted for an instant and
dead ahead of me I saw a scow with
'Dynamite' written on her side and a
red flag floating above her. 1 knew
that meant she was loaded with dyna
mite, and the Lord pity us If we ran
her down. I kept the wheel bard over,
and It seemed to me the engineer was
an eternity in getting the engine re
versed. We Just grazed the dynamite
scow. I learned afterward that she
had been In tow of a tug and that the
hawser broke and the tug crew bad
lost sight of the sepw In the fog.
"When 1 got home that night my
wife pointed out a gray hair the first
I bad ever had.
"My next bad scare came one Sunday
when I was captain of another excur
sion steamer. We were at the pier
loading passengerss. There were two
hawsers out to the pier, and the. one
astern broke. The gangplanks were
out. and. it being a very hot day, peo
ple were flocking aboard. There were
at least seventy-flve persons on the two
gaugplanks when tbe hawser broke,
and the boat commenced to drift from
the pier. I yelled, and the crew tried
to force the passengers off the gang
planks, but those in tbe rear kept push
ing, and the crew was helpless.
"There was only one thing to do.
rang for reversed engines. With the
bow line out tbe reversing of tbe boat
naturally backed her up against tbe
dock and held ber there, but that bow
hawser was an old one, and If it broke
the boat would back away and dump
every one on the gangplanks Into the
"To me It seemed like an age, bnt It
was really not more than a minute un
til they had another line out astern and
I could stop tbe engine. That' caused
several gray hairs.
"In all my experience I've never had
a serious accident; but, as you see, I
have a bead full of gray hairs caused
by things that almost happened."-
New York Sun.
D. D. D. Opens New Era
in Cure of Skin Disease
Direct or Alternating Currents.
It doesn't matter much the how and
why of the difference between a direct
current and an alternating current If
only you can tell which you are using.
Of course you have to know this be
cause appliances are made for one or
the other, and no appliance made for
an alternating current can be used
where direct current is supplied, or
vice versa. So to order Intelligently
you must either ask somebody who
knows or find out for yourself. Here la
a simple way to tell which is which;
Hold a simple magnet bar near a light
ed Incandescent lamp. If the current
Is alternating the filament that is, the
part Inside the lamp from which tbe
light emanates will vibrate; If the cur
rent is direct the filament will be at
tracted or repelled as the positive or
the negative pole of the magnet la held
near the lamp. New Tork Sun.
Good Ink, but No Bread.
Bweynheym und Pannartz, the two
Germans who were tbe first to print
books In Home, used paper and types
of excellent quality. Tbelr Ink on pages
printed more than 400 years ago can
vie In blackness with the best of the
present day. Tet with all their labors
they often lacked bread. In a petition
to the pope they Informed bis holiness
tbat their house was full of proof
sheets, but that they bad nothing to
Between the Two.
"I was so glad when my musical
neighbor on on side got rid of his
baby grand."
"I suppose so."
"But I got no relief from that, for
my neighbor on the other side has a
grand baby. Baltimore American.
A Hypoorlte.
Teacher (after explaining the charac
ter of the Pharisee) And now what do
we mean by a "hypocrite?" Pupil
Please, miss, a man wot says he Is wot
he Isn't but he ain't London Punch,
More Important
'I feel as If I were going to have
Well, 1 need a new gown, so you'll
Just have to wait" Ufa
Flat Refusal.
Jack So Kitty gave yon a flat re
fusal? Cholly Yes, she said she
wouldn't live In one or with one. Bos
ton Transcript
He who knows most grieves most for
wasted time. Dante-
Colds To Be Taken Seriously
Intelligent people realize that com
mon colds should be treated prompt
ly. If there is sneezing and chilli
ness with hoarseness, ticking throat
and coughing, begin promptly the use
loley's Honey and Tar Compound. It
is effective, pleasant to take, checks
cold and stops the cough which
causes loss of sleep and lowers the
vital resistance. Huntley Bros. Co.
Professor Budlong's ease of 'eczema
Was known to almost every hospital
and physician of reputation throughout
the state of Connecticut His letter Is
another Interesting demonstration of
what Is being accomplished by the
famous specific D. D. D., Prescription.
"It may be of interest to you to know
that your life-glvins preparation, D.
D. D. Prescription has been of Incal
culable value to me. I was covered
with eczema from head to foot when
I bepan using your remedies. I could
get no relief, although I tried a thou
sand means. I applied but two bot
tles of the Prescription; a cure wag
effected In a, very; short time, in less
than one month." Prof. C. J. Budlong,
South Lyme, Conn.
Ask any drupgist today for D D. D.
Prescription. He'll tell you It allays
the itch Instantly and soon there are
signs of cure.
We have handled the remedy for
years and regard it as the speclilo for
skin troubles of all kinds. Come in or
ask us about D. D. V. Prescription,
also about D. D. D. soap especially
for tender skins.
We offer the first full size bottle
on the guarantee that unless it stops
the itch at once, it costs you not a
3 SnjQ sauof
William Grisenthwaite, of Beaver
Creek, was in Oregon City on busi
ness Monday.
Tn Every Profession
there are men, wlio thru special train
ing and experience are more
fitted than 'others ;
My 17 years optical experience, enables
me to fit glasses successfully where
' others have failed
I am now manufacturing my on lenses
which being made under my own
supervision, assures you of
perfect fitting glasses
Come in and get the benefit of this ex
perience without extra cost to you
Broken Lenses Duplicated While
tou Wait
(Urn. Jf Sc!)illi:ni
Uerman Eye-Sight Specialist
William Gardner's Jewelry Store
Oregon City, Oregon
factory on premises
Officephones: Main 50, A50; Res. phones, M. 2524, 17 51
Home B251, D251 ,
Office 612 Main Street
Safe, Piano, and Furniture Moving a Specialty
oana, vjravei, Yemeni, juime, naster, uommon
Brick, Face Brick, Five Brick
In order to save your DISCOUNT
Electric bills must be paid before the
JOth of the month at our office.
6 1 7 Main St. Oregon City, Ore.
We have numerous electrical de
vices on display in bur show room
that you will be interested in know
ing about.
Po tland Railway, Light &
Powe Company
Phones Main 6688 and A. 6131
C. D. LATOUBETTE, President
F. J .MEYER, Cashier.
(Successor Commercial Bank
Transaotg a General Banking Business Open from 0 a. m to 3
Colliers and Courier $2.50