Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, January 15, 1914, Image 2

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Districts that will not Help Them
selves not Entitled to Court Help
Editor Courier:
A recent tourist, after making a
trip over the proposed Pacific High
way from Portland, through Oswego
to Oregon City, declares that it is
not a feasible route owing to the
numerous hills and narrowness of the
road, and that a large expenditure
of money would be necessary in or
der to make it a safe and desirable
highway for automobiles, however if
the taxpayers in tho districts through
which the Pacific Highway extends,
are willing to foot the bills that is
their privilege; but certainly no
County Court would be justified in
making a levy on the county for the
purpose of expending any consider
able portion of such levy in construct
ing a Pacific Highway over an ex
ceedingly expensive route, especially
when there is already an excellent
macadamized road almost completed,
from Oregon City to the north line
of the county. This road, known as
the River Road, will be finished in a
few months and that at the expense
of the taxpayers in the district thru
which the road extends. One road
district alone, besides paying on the
county levy about $16,000 in two
years, will pay in the same time
about $20,000 as a special levy for
this road.
An official statement published re
cently, showed that only 28 road dis
tricts in Clackamas county made any
special levy for roads this year and
that the entire special levy would
bring in only about $74,000. Now the
fact is that about one-seventh of that
comes from one district.
In some localities road construct
ion may be difficult and costly and as
sessed valuation of property so low
that any reasonable levy would be
inadequate to meet the necessary re
quirements, in such cases other por
tions of the county should render as
sistance. Districts that have valuable prop
erty and refuse to make any special
levy for the purpose of repairing or
constructing their highways, are not
entitled to a single dollar from any
other of the county. Why should
$4,000 be taken from' a single district
and put into a district that reluctant
ly pays even the county levy? It is
very considerate to let George do it.
C. A. Lewis.
Everett Whitten, who has been
very ill, is much better, at this writ
ing. Mr. and Mrs. G. Babcock, recently
of Hoxi, Kans., but now of Molalla,
spent Friday and Saturday with Mr.
and Mrs. S. S. Bourz.
The "measuring party" given at
Hazelia school house, New Year's Eve
was well attended, all report a fine
time besides $12.30 cents was raised
for the minister.
Master Eddie Wanker was a pleas
ant caller in Oswego Wednesday.
Miss Marion Forte of Portland,
has been visiting with Miss Marion
Miss Juliet. Weddli resumed her
school duties at Hazelia Monday, two
weeks after vacation.
Miss Harriet Duncan left for Eu
gene Sunday, where she is attending
From Oregon's Oldest Mason
Patton Home, Portlund.
Editor Courier:
I thank you sincerely for your no
wish to thank the members of the
Multnomah Lodge for their cour
teousy to me while there. I never
was more impressed with the impor
tance of the Fraternity of the Ma
sons than on that visit.
There were two hundred and fif
ty men present at that meeting, and
1 observed closely that the most of
them were young men who stood for
the business ami prosperity of thu
would be afraid to put my life and
prosperity into their hands, and all
good, honorable men. No outlawry
among them; no drunkards, but kind
to the stranger within "their gates."
All were respectable, law-abiding
citizens, ready and willing to do a
kindness to one in need.
I am perhaps the oldest Mason in
Oregon and have traveled in thir-
Parnell Averill Cites Instances of
How it is Worked in the U. S.
Editor Courier:
The writer reads with much pleas
ure and satisfaction each edition of
your virile and valuable paper. It is
refreshing to think that there is one
newspaper in the State of Oregon
that is not shackled by some purse
pi oud monopolist. A free press is one
of the greatest blessings we enjoy
and one that prostitutes its columns
to the base uses of a lot of greedy,
cold-blooded wretches with swollen
fortunes already beyond their most
extravagant wants or possible neces
sities, while thousands oi their iei
low creatures Of the same flesh and
blood are leading a heart-rending existence.
Your article about the proposed
referendum in regard to exemption
of $1,500 from taxation, is timely.
By the way, a pertinent article ap
pears in a magazine lately that is
masterful .and perfectly unanswer
able argument in favor of the singl
tax proposition.
The town of Kidderminster is situ
ated exactly on the line of Saskat
chewan and Alberta provinces in La
nada. The main street of this town
is exactly on the line and the Alberta
side has single tax, while the basKat
chewan side has the foolish and utter
ly absurd tax proposition in vogue
here, which penalizes a man for mak
ing improvements. Now what are the
results .'
The single tax side is growing by
leaps and bounds and even the men
who do business on the Saskatchewan
side have built their homes on the AI
berta side and in process of time and
as fast as possible the double tax
part of the town is being obliterated,
Vancouver, B. C. north of Seattle,
is fast receiving additions to its popu
lation from Oregon and washingto
and as a matter of fact over 40,000
people from these states have gone
to Canada in the past year, and the
greater part of the number have
gone to Victoria, Vancouver and to
other towns where the single tax
svstem is in vogue,
Why do the big dailies in Portland
fight this system? Simply because
Big Business and the land sharks hold
a lot of land out of use, and if it was
taxed as it should be, these greedy
land grabber would be taxed out of
existence. There is no use about being
mealy-mouthed about these specula
tors and their aides and abettors, for
the plain truth should be uttered, and
plainly written so that the great
State of Oregon can rightly occupy
the proud position as one of the great
est in all the states of the Union.
When Hazen S. Pingree was major
of Detroit, Mich., he told the poor
people of that, city to go out at once
and plant all the idle lots on and
around Detroit in potatoes and other
vegetables for their sustenance and
support. A roar went up that you
could have heard across the state
from the greedy speculators, but
"Potato" Pingree, as he was deris
ively called, held to his purpose and
many a poor family without injuring
anyone, replenished their larder.
Now there are hundreds and thou
sands of lots around Portland that
are held out of use by the biggest col
lection of land hogs in the world and
if any such attempt was made by
Mayor Albee, which is not likely,"
howl from the gray wolves of Big
Business and land sharks could be
heard to the top of Mt. Hood,
It is to be noted with pride that a
Democratic candidate for Governor,
tice of visit to your place and also lUohn Manning, has the heart and the
good sense to come forward with
proposition to release the awful con
dition of the many poor in the state,
This is for the state to furnish homes
on the idle land for the worthy poor
and help them to start, giving them
long time at low rate of interest to
pay back. This is being done in other
countries, notably France. Why not
here? Here is a lawyer and a politi
cian with a heart and a brain, who
ought to be encouraged and receive
a vote from the hands of every
thoughtful und sincere patriot in the
Did you notice the article in the
Telegram lately about Charles Allay
07., president of the Federated Labor
Union.' Ihe article characterized al
layez as a low, degraded, venomous
brute without a particle of decency
or honor. Now what are the facts in
teen states as a preacher; have had ' tho Vasc? Allayer w"3 peacefully at-
a good deal to do with the Masons
and have never called upon them in
vain. I have always met with help
and kindness.
And now let me ask the blessing of
Almighty God upon Multnomah Lodge
and its members.
Fraternally vours,
W. L. Molloy.
Notice is hereby given that on Sat
urday the Illst dav of January 11)11,,
at the hour of 5 P. M., 1 will sell at
public salo and esliay animal taken
up by me on the .'iid'day of Decem
ber, 1913, said animal being described
as follows:
Dark brown mare, weight about
700 lbs., 'star in forehead, age about
9 or 10 years, saddle broke, two or
three saddle marks.
Wm. M. Bruce
Garfield First Honor
Garfield school is ihe first school
in Clackamas County to become a
standard "A" grade school.taught by
Miss Roman? under the supervision
of Prof. Howard M. James, of Ksta
cada. On Thursday afternoon of
last week there was held at the
Garfield schoolhousc a standardiza
tion rally, when addresses were
made by M. 1'ittmari, of the state
Normal at Monmouth; County School
Superintendent Callavan; Supervisor
Brenton Vedder, of Gladstone. The
rally was to be in charge of Trof.
The reason this school has been
honored is that the building has am
ple light from tho left and rear;
heating apparatus and ventilating
system; single seats that have replac
ed the double seats; and out build
ings that are sanitary.
Before Miss Roman took up her
duties as a teacher at Garfield Miss
Rika Anderson was her predecessor,
and who was also an excellent teach
er, and these two young women have
assisted greatly in making this school
a standard "A."
Garfield school is located in a pro
gressive neighborhood and county and
is in the heart of the Garfield fruit
Many ills come from impure blood.
Can't have pure blood with faulty di
gestion, lazy liver and sluggish bow
els. Burdock Blood Bitters is recom
mended for strengthening stomach,
bowels and liver, and purifying the
blood. i
tending to the affairs of his high of
fice at Hancock, Mich., and trying to
settle the strike and while doing so
was set upon by a brutal mob in a
room at his hotel and brutally beat
en, kicked, slugged, and shot, and
dragged to the depot and put on the
cars and told to leave the country,
McNaughton, the main outlaw of
all the big bunch of bloody-minded
owners or the Calumet and Neela,
with a parting remark that "if he ever
came hack he would be hung. This
in free America, country our fathers
founded in mercy and equal and exact
This tyrant of a greedy Scotchman,
who are notorious for greed, kicks a
peaceful and law-abiding American,
the head of a great labor organiza
tion out -of a free American city and
the Telegram, swift to do its master's
bidding, has not, one word of con
demnation for this damnable act of
tyranny and treason.
It is said that wherever the iron
hoofs of the war-horse of Attila, the
Hun, touched the ground the grass
ceased to grow, and so it can be
truthfully said that wherever the iron
hearted wretches who own and run
our great corporations, like the coal
barons of Pennsylvania, or West Vir
ginia, the U. S. steel Co., or the iron
and copper Mine owners of Michi
gan, all pity and justice to the poor
lanoier ceases to exist.
Happily tho Secretary of Labor,
ilson, is a member of Labor Un
ions, and is now on the scene through
his representative, Densmore, and the
awful state of affairs existing in
Michigan, will be shown up to the
light of day and thji heartless wretch
es, who own these mines, will lose
out like their brutal associates did in
I einisylvanian and West Virtrinia.
That poor, colorless "boob by the
mistake ot tne silly voters of Michi
gan, deceived by lying papers find
speakers, Ferris, rattling around in
the Governor's chair, is reduced to a
nervous wreck by the awful fear that
he won't be able to do the will of his
owners, Hig Business, and thus lose
out for the future in politics. Ferris
hasn't any future only oblivion.
Parnell Averill.
Put Over to Boom the Drug and M. D.
By Dr. W. A. Turner, Naturopath
" (Questions relating to health mat
teis will be answered if sent to me,
care of Hotel Edwards, Portland, Ore
gon.) Crying for More Money
The boards of health in nearly
every city, are constantly asking the
taxpayers for more money. The claim
is set up that in Chicago for instance,
1700 people die every month, and a
million or more in the United States
die every year from "prventable dis
eases which could be prevented by
"preventive mdicine." This, of course,
is rot more money means more allo
pathic doctors inexperienced politi
cal ones, saddled upon the taxpayers,
and more graft. The medical frater
nity has a cinch now, the biggest it
will ever have for every department
of federal, state and city govern
ments is monopolized by them and
disease is on the increase. They pro
fess to be deeply concerned about the
health of the dear people and clamor
to save them from well, I hardly
know what, unless it be from the doc
tors themselves.
They are busy inventing new dis
eases and then inventing new serums
to cure them, serums, of course, be
ing the new craze; "preventive medi
cine.!' Therefore it stands to reason,
from their standpoint, that for most
of all the dreadful diseases you should
have a serum for each one of these
terrible maladies squirted into you
and thus "prevention medicine" will
keep you alive. But, what of the crop
of diseases such as tuberculosis, can
cer and others that come from vsing
their serums? Silence reigns ou this
The subsidized press is full of talk
about the 80,000 men of the U. S.
army who are compelled to undergo
vaccination for typhoid and last year
only had two cases of the disease.
"Eugenics a subject it knows nothing
about, and is also getting blue in the
face over the "great red plague"
alias, or in reality, Syphilis. The Ore
gon Social Hygiene Society was or
ganized at the suggestion of the
A. M. A. by Dr. Calvin S. White,
our $5,000 a year state board of
health man, who is president of the
aforesaid O. S. H. S.
This society has been trying to
carry on a whirlwind, panic-breeding
campaign in which this disease is the
chief topic. Lectures in theatres by
board of health doctors, lurid print
ed matter, including "Circular No. 10
for young women," a traveling side
show and other means have been
adopted to scare men and 'women
about it a method dastardly, but
sometimes effective.
At one time the ancient Jews were
threatened with extinction by this dis
ease but eradicated it by cleanliness
and diet according" to the laws of
Moses. There was neither mercury nor
"606" to poison and kill the people
with at that time.
Syphilis is a disease peculiar to
Christian countries and is a sign of
civilization. Its introduction into for
eign countries has been by Christians.
We have been educated and fright
ened by the medical profession into
beliving that syphilis is the scourge
of mankind. This is not so. While the
disease is a reality the great dangers
arising from it are largely the result
of the imagination mind over mat
ter, aided by medical ignorance in
treating it. As one doctor, an M. D.,
puts it: "it is a diseases of filth, plus
drugs, medical hysteria and medical enough money and nerve to get an in
The medical profession has many
sins to answer for, the chief sin be
ing the untold misery and suffering
caused by its ignorance in treating
syphilis but the people can be thank
ful that with the advent of modern, up
to date, drugless systems of healing
a new light is shown and a new way
pointed out to escape thet errors
caused by medical ignorance and mal
practice. Again, Mrs. Catherine Kelly
Mrs. Kelly is a "trained" nurse em
ployed by the state board of health
to travel over the state at the tax
payers' expense to "inspect" the
country schools. She has just sent in
her latest report from eastern Ore
gon and after a month spent in Pull
man cars, good hotels and travel, be
sides getting a comfortable salary,
she has reported finding one case of
impetigo, three cases of adenoids, six
defective children and one with a cleft
palate. It has cost the taxpayers a
tidy sum to find this out and then
what? Nothing, of course but the
political doctors have got to do some
thing to keep the pot .boiling and
make the people believe they are on
the verge of annihilation..
Mrs. Klly's work has been so "suc
cessful" that Dr. White has announc
ed that he intends to put on a second
nurse at the state's expense. Verily,
politics is a great thing.
As I have previously stated the
state board of health being composed
of allopathic doctors exclusively in vi
olation of the Oregon constitution, is
an illegal body and can be put out of
business by some taxpayer with
Mercury was first prescribed for
this disease 300 years ago by a Swiss
doctor and mercury or mercurial
poisoning is in reality the disease af
ter the first stages.
Syphilis at first yields easily to
a correct die,t, not such as would be
prescribed bv an M. D., for they know
nothing of scientific diet or cause of
disease. The mind put at ease and the
junction against it. Since writing the
above the daily papers announced that
-the county school superintendents
yesterday condemned Mrs. Kelly's in
spection, saying that in some schools
she spent only from three to ten min
utes and that in several instances she
did not state facts, so you can see it
has been a farce, for which the tax
payers are paying dearly.
Antitoxin Useless and Dangerous
Independent of fif i tr Control
Feedtnq from 4 to20 1-
par dcrg
Becausp Apron Passes Under R wr A If
TehdeofOilTemperfd Spring Sfggl
Teeth set stoqqeretl.
formincj 4pirjl.qiv
Inq wide delivery.
Simple Apron
Tiqhttntr 't
Both Sides
m Mi I m BJ V. I
JT I Givinn Dirfct Draft and eliminatina Ns89s.Ll
Giving Direct Draft and eliminatmq
all strain from Spreader Box
A Reach is as indispensable on a
Manure Spreader as It is on a Wagon.
Forming alignment Cage
for Main Axle Rig, id
undar all conditions
1. 1 i
' For a Low Down Easy Loading Light
Pulling Manure Spreader One that will
Last a long time and please you better
every time you use it? Look no further.
By breaking it up fine and spreading it evenly Easy, sure control and
no horse killer The only Spreader with a reach-Farmers
who have bought them say they are the best farm
machine investment a farmer can make.
See the BLOOM
at .
the nearest
Mitchell Agency
write us for
Impement and
Harry Bodley, a locomotive engin
eer for the Southern Pacific Railway,
is spending a few days on his farm
with his brother Victor.
John Roberts and his sister Lulu,
have returned to Corvallis, where
they are attending school.
George Kitzmiller and Lee Cooper
had a narrow escape last Friday when
the' team belonging to George Kitz-
Mr. and Mrs. Blackburn intended
to celebrate their crystal wedding
very quietly, but the best laid schem
es of mice and men oft gang aglee, as
quite a number of the neighbor
took a hand in the celebration and
gave Mr. and Mrs; Blackburn two
genuine surprises, the first being the
ordinary surprise-party, the second
bv calling the hosts into the parlor
miller, fell off the side of the bridge ' and presenting them witn a very
across Bear Creek on the Exon Road,
One of the hotses was drowned and
the wagon damaged pretty badly. The
cause of the accident is not known to
the writer at present.
Roy Hess, the famous coon hunter,
killed three coons down on Bear Creek
one day last week.
Pattriek Griffin, who is located on
a tract of railroad land east of here,
went to Sandy yesterday.
The party given by Mr. Morrison
Saturday night was well attended in
spite of the rain, everyone present re
porting a fine time.
John Affalter of this place, went to
Logan Sunday to get some cattle pur
chased by Roy Douglass of Douglass
Harry Morrison and a friend, fem
inine, were visiting the former's fath
er recently.
George Roberts has returned to
Boring where he is employed by the
Sandy Ridge Lumber Company.
Charles Dickey, who has been on
u:e sick list for several days, is able
lo be out.
Mrs. Wiley May is very ill.
Mr. Torrance has the barn moved
from 'he Lewellan place to his own
property en Molalla Ave.
The Union S. S. met last Thursday
evening at the church and elected
their efficers for the ensuing year.
H. C. Tozier, Sunt; Mrs. Scholtz,
Asst. Supt; Alda Clark Sec; Edith
Bullard, Librarian. After the election
a supper was served and all enjoyed
a pleasant evening.
James Owen from Iowa is visiting
his brother J. W. S. Owen of this
Mrs. Turney of West Linn, visited
Mrs. Roehl this week.
The selection ofMr. Van Auken as
councilman from this ward, meets the
hearty approval of people in general.
Mr. and Mrs Wm. Beard have
moved to Portland and will be miss
ed very much for good neighbors
they were hard to beat. Frank Beard
moved into his father's house and
rented his own. We learn that he has
bought his father's place.
Mrs. Gorbett is very feeble and
not much hopes for her getting bet
ter. The Ladies Aid of this place met
at the church Tuesday afternoon with
a large attendance and they have
plenty of work.
Every day people are asking for
Jiouses to rent, and several new hous
es are scheduled to be x built this
spring. High taxes and poor water
don't seem to scare many people
away from Oregon City. Just be pa
tient. It won't be long until Oregon
City will be the very best city on
the map. We remember ten years ago
when we first traveled over some of
the streets of this city. It was one of
the worst we ever saw to have the
name of street, and now, sjnee they
are being improved, what a pleasure
to look over the transformation that
has taken place and yet there is a
howl over high taxes. Nothing can be
done on improvements without mon
ey and the benefits derived from the
improvements ought to encourage all
property owners to lend a hand to
ward the betterment of conditions.
Let us all work together for Ore
gon City.
pretty water set, just to show their
esteem. Mr. E. W. Smith, who is to
be our next governor on the S-P-U-G
ticket, made the presentation on be
half of the visitors, in a few well
chosen words.' Music and cards fol
lowed, and of course Dug won anoth
er prize. Funny how some men, if
they can't win first are content to
take the Booby.
Sorry to hear Chris Muralt is on
the sick list.
Abolish the Senate.
Elect farmers to fill county offices.
Saturday evening the Homedale
Card Club was born, with Mr. Gevil
lim as President, E. W. as Secretary,
and Mrs. Muralt Treasurer. Meetings
will be held every two weeks, the
first taking place Saturday January
24th at 8 P. M., at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. E. W. Smith, the game
chosen being 500
Do you begin to cough at night
just when you hope to sleep? Do you
have a tickling throat that keepa you
awake? Just take Foley's Honey and
Taj Compound. It will check tne
cough and stop the tickling sensation
at once. Does not upset the stom
ach and is best for children and grown
persons. Huntley Bros. Co.
Find Health in a Simple Tonic!
How many women do you know
who are perfectly well, strong and
healthy as a woman should be? Tbey
may not be sick enough to He In bed
but they are run-down, thin, nerv
oua, tired and devitalized. "
Women are bo active nowadays,
and so much Is expected of them,
that they constantly overdo and suf
fer from headache, backache, nervous
ness and kindred ills.
Such women need VInol, oar dell
clous cod liver and iron tonic with
out oil which will create an appetite,
tone up the digestive organs, make
pure blood and create strength.
Mrs. Walter Price, Blloxl, Miss.,
says: "I was in a run-down condition
for months, I had taken several medi
cines but they seemed to do me no
good. Finally Vlnol was recommend
ed, and from the first bottle I begad
to improve until I am strong and well
as ever."
Try a bottle of Vlnol with the un
derstanding that your money will be
returned if it does not help yen
Huntley Bros. Co- Oregon City, Ore.
They say nothing about the Japanese patient given to understand that he ,
army of a million men in the war has nothing to fear and the disease
with Russian, who were not vaccina- heals and no constitutional after ef-
ted and although fighting and living feets need be feared for such effects
FOR RENT farm 14 miles south
east of Oregon City, cash rent in
advance. For particulars write to
Lewis Rath, Burns, Ore.
Children Cry
under war conditions out doors, not
single case occurred.
Sanitation is what did the work in
both cases. The Japanese will be heal
thy while the after crop of tetanus,
meningitis and other diseases will
follow in the Americans.
It is idiotic to believe that our med
al friends are really in earnest in
their desire to prevent disease for
they will be killing their business.
Still, while trying to kill one disease
they are making others, and the work
goes merrily on. Right eating, living,
breathing and better habits will really
prevent disease serums never will.
Syphilis The Red Plague
The medical fraternity is up in the
air and frantically hollering for
are caused only by taking mercury
and jnercury is the God of the allo
pathic doctor for this disease.'
Salvarsan or "GOG" is the latest
fad, but as it is chiefly arsenic thou
snds of men have been killed, made
blind, paralyzed ami otherwise injur
ed by arsenical- poisoning.
The disease can be easily cured by
drugless methods and diet, even if
some medical doctor has already pois
oned the patient with mercury, pro
vided all the frightful effects of the
disease are caused by mercury and
fright. It is not half as bad as it has
been pictured, but fear is the wor.st
tiling to combat. Drugs will never
cure or even help it.
Fill this Out It Will Pay You
Postoffice Address
I live miles from
on road near
I have acres of land.
There are acres under cultivation. There is an incumbrance of
$ against the property 'due on 191....
I would like to borrow $ for years, giving this prop
erty as security. Do you want to sell your farm?
If you have a mortgage on your farm, or if you wish to bor
row money for development purposes, or if you want to sell your
farm, it will be to your advantage to fill this out and return to us at
Aurora State Bank Building Aurora, Oregon
After testing the Diphtheria Anti
toxin for several years Dr. J. D. Har
rigan, an M. D. of some reputation,
says: "It requires no great amount of
courage whatsoever to make the
charge that it is not only valueless,
but Is on the other hand absolutely
and unqualifiedly dangerous," This is
the filthy stuff that boards of health &nd.
anu metucai aociors are squirung mio
people afflicted with diphtheria, un
der the pretense of curing them. It
often kills outright and in many cas
es paralyzes and causes blindness, be
sides sowing the seeds for diseases in
the future.
Mr. and Mrs. Berger visited their
brother, Mr. Albert Durst and fami
ly last week.
Miss Anna Mayfield is very ill
with the measles at Highland.
Miss Elda Marquardt went to Ore
gon City to work last week.
Edd Buol was married New Year's.
Otto Buol is ill with measles.
' W. H. Wettlaufer was in town
last week.
Ed Mclntyre1, Jr., is ill with the
The Clarke's school has been clos
ed on account of the pink eye and
Fred Zwahlen was in town last
Mrs. Edd Hettman and children, of
Portland, are in Clarkes visiting
Mrs. W. Fawver went to Pendle
ton to visit Mr. Fawver's niece last
Fred Marshall and children have
the measles.
. Born, to he wife of Joe Wallace,
of Highland, a baby.
Clarkes has made a sidewalk for
the school children recently.
Vernon Larkins is ill with measles.
Joe Wallace, of Highland, hauled
a load of hay to the city last week.
Frank Nicholas' children have the
measles. They live at Highland.
Mrs. Wallace is very ill with the
shingles at Highland.
Timber Grove school started Mon
day. Miss Zelma Cummins went to
Eastern Oregon recently. '
Albert Larkins and family are ill
with the measles.
Miss Erma Lee is working in Port-
Many Oregon City People Have Kid
ney Trouble and Do Not Know It.
Do you have backache?
Are you tired aand worn out?
Feel dizzy, nervous and depress
ed? Are the kidney secretions irregular?
Highly colored; contain sediment?
Likely your kidneys are at fault
Weak kidneys give warnings of
Heed the warning; don't delay
Use a tested kidney remedy.
Read this testimony, Portland.
Mrs. Henry Kankos, 502 Vancou
ver Ave., Portland. Ore., savs:
ofm y family was troubled by attacks
of backache which prevented stoop
ing or nmng. uoan s Kidney 1'ills
for weakness and pain across my
kidneys and they have? reatly bene
fitted me."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the Unit
ed States.
Remember the name Doan's
and take no other.
Measles at George
Measles are taking the town of
George by storm, much to the sorrow
of those suffering from the ailment.
A dance was lecently given at that
place and was attended by one of the
popular young ladies of that place,
who was suffering from the measles,
but unknown to her at the time.
Young and old are suffering, but all
are uiMiig meir misioriune good Tia
turedly and making the best of it.
The marriage of Miss Nora Moeh
nke and Mr. Rudolph Klinger, who
reside near Pendleton, Oregon, was
solemnized December 26 at the home
of the bride's father, Chris Moehnke.
The young couple formerly re
sided in Clackamas Countv near
J Beaver Creek. The bride left several
years ago for Eastern Oregon, ac
companying her father. Mr. Klino-pr
One ' has resided there for some time, and
is engagea in larming.
Mr. and Mrs. Klinger ar espend
ing their honeymoon at Beaver
Creek but will leave next week for
their future home in Eastern Oregon.
Wonderful Cough Remedy
Er. King's New Discovery is known
everywhere as the remedy which will
surely stop a cough or a cold. D. P.
Lawson, of Eidson, Tenn., writes: "Dr
King's New Discovery is the most
wonderful cough, cold and throat and
lung medicine I ever sold in my
store. It can't be beat. It sells without
any trouble at all. It needs no guar
antee." This is true, because Dr.
King's New Discovery will relieve the
most obstinate of coughs and colds.
Lung troubles quickly helped by its
use. You should keep a bottle in the
house all times for all the members
of the family. 50c and $1.00. All
Druggists or by mail.
H. E Bucklen & Co. Philadelphia or
St. Louis.
133 Vt 1st St.
Cor. Alder.
Portland, Or.
Dr. S. K. Chan Mrs. Dr. Chan
The reliable Chinese Doctors, S. K.
Chan, with their harmless Chinese
remedies of herbs and roots as medi
cine, can wonderfully cure all sick
ness. They have cured many sufferers,
both men and women, of chronic dis
eases, and all internal or external
sicknesses when others failed. No op
erations. Examination free. Ladies
treated by Mrs. Dr. Chan. Call er
write for symptom blank.
ISSft First St., Portland, Or.g.n
(Opposite Oregen City Car Statiea.)
The Insurance Man
Fire, Life, Sick and Accident In
surance. Dwelling House Insur.
ince a specialty. .
office with
UREN & SCHUEBEL, Oregon City
Children Cry
Straight & Salisbury
Agents for the celebrated
LEADER Water Systems
We also carry
A full line of MYERS pumps and
Spray Pumps.
We make a specialty of installing
. . Water Systems and Plumb- . .
ing in the country
20 Main St. Phono 2882
Fop Farm or Acreage.
8 room plastered house, bath, toil
et, gas, 3 lots each 25 x 100, "Sitnated
on graded street, cement walk, U
block from carline. $3,000.00. Will
trade for equal value or might assume
some on farm property.
Over the Courier Office
Oregon City, Oregen