OREGON CITfr COURIER, THURSDAV, JAN.8, 1914 Men's Women's & Children's RUBBERS 50c Rubbers for the whole family at a fraction of what they cost elsewhere. And they are good rubbers we've sold over 1000 pair and all were satisfactory. Storm style with Roll and Plain Edge. BAMM QN'S GREAT JANUARY g vF g 2VC Stamps FREE Present this coupon at the Premi um booth and receive 20 of the fa mous 8 & H Trading Stamps free with a 50c purchase. Are you a collector of S & H Green Stamps? If not you're miss ing a good thing an opportunity to get something which is really valuable and absolutely free of cost. Coupon expires Feb. 1st. 50c Knee Pants, 19c Boys' "Knicker" Knee Pants, Bloomer style, made of good quality of wool mixed Cassimere in dark colors. Sizes 6 to 14. 50c value on sale at .... ill utii rw 19c One of of the fundamental rules laid down for the management of "Bannon's" is that no goods must be carried over from one season to the other, but that all must be closed out no matter at how great a sacrifice. While this rule will entail a substantial loss on many items "Ban non's" rightly consider this a wise business policy because of two reasons. In the first place, the money realized from goods sold now will pay for spring goods soon to arrive. Secondly, those who take advantage of these wonderful clearance sale bargains will have mighty good reason to bear Bannon's in mind pleasantly and will certainly come to this store again and again. We want to impress this also on your mind: Every dollar's worth of goods offered in this sale is fresh, new,- perfect and up-to-date in every particular hardly any longer in the store than 30 to 60 days. We also want to impress upon you the need of coming as quickly as possible because first comers naturally secure best choice. And fur thermore, lengthy as this list is, it doesn't give only a small part of the bargains in the store. To tell them all we'd have to catalog the entire stock. So come and share in the bargains. The more you buy the larger your savings. It's the one occasion where you will save money by spending it. 25c Back Combs, 5c Women's Back Combs Amber and Shell Plain, Carved and Fillagree styles, all new and per fect. 25c values at 5c All Women's Suits-Half Price Women who have shopped around this fall have told us that we had the prettiest suits by far and very reasonable in price. And now comes this wonderful sale which gives you the opportunity for buying them at exactly half price. Kindly remember that everyone of the lot is a fall 1913 mod el. You will find the new draped skirts and the belted backs. The colors are mostly Navy Blue and Grey effects. All coats are Skinner Satin lined, and this more, there's only one of a kind so you need have no fear of meeting yourself coming around the W corner. Women's $20.00 Suits at $J0.00 Women's 22.50 Suits at 11.25 Women's 25.00 Suits at J 2.50 Women's 27.50 Suits at 13.75 Women's 30.00 Suits at J5.00 Women's 32.50 Suits at 16.25 s P 199 Women's $2.50 Umbrellas We offer 50 Womeit's Umbrellas Novelty mounting on handles steel rod Paragon frame, Silk and Linen cover Real $2.50 value, while they last at low price of only UI1U AJllltJU $1.00 Women's 25c Belts 150 Women's Belts leather and elas tic plain and fancy buckles black, tan and brown 25c values while they last at.... 5c 98c Hand Bags Quite the biggest value you ever saw in Women's Hand Bags. Fifty and Women's black Grain Hand Bags of real 98c quality at very low price of only 49c 25c Window Shades A wonderful value this! Opaque Win dow Shades 30 in- wide, 6 ft. long- mounted on Bprlng roller 25c quality at low price of each 15c All Women's Coats-Half Price Lots of time ahead for wearing a winter coat, several months at least. So why be cold and chilly when you can buy of this splendid Fall 1913 coats at exactly half price. There are over 50 to chose from wonderfully hand some garments, the kind that is at once dressy and comfort able real storm coats 54 inches long. The materials used are sturdy ones Boucles, Zibelines and Chinchillas. In black and in the wanted two tone colorings. Women's $17.00 Coats' at $ 8.50 Women's 20.00 Coats at 10.00 Women's 22.50 Coats at Women's 25.00 Coats at Women's 27.00 Coats at Women's 30.00 Coats at Women's 35.00 Coats at 11.25 12.50 13.75 15.00 J) 17.50 Iff. All Millinery at Half Price It seems a shame almost to sell these beautiful hats at half price! But this store's policy forbids taking chances winter goods must be out of the way before spring goods come in and we propose to make virtue out of stern necessity. You can therefore buy the very hat you perhaps folt you couldn't afford and still wanted badly at Just half Us regular former price. Remember too that you've many months of winter weather ahead yet and can Burely got full worth out of your investment. Buy any hat here at half. A Thousand Remnants at Half Price Piled high on big tables you will find remnants of every descriptions Silks, Dress Goods, Wash Goods, Ginghams, Table Linen, Toweling, Curtain Goods, Flannels, Suit ings, Laces, Embroideries, Ribbon, etc. There is this about Remnants desirable goods reach the remnant stage first. And any and all of them are on sale at exactly half price. UP TO $3.0 WOMEN'S AND C1 flfl CHILDREN'S SHOES ON SALE AT J .UU The greatest shoe value you ever heard of. These are broken lines not every she in each line but every size In some stylo. All are solid leather. They sold up to $3 While they last $1.00 per pair. Infants' 50c Shoes at 25c. Infant's shoes in hard sole and soft sole styles all color combina tions in the line all sizes. A 60c value at 25c. 50c "Spats" (Storm Gaiters), 11c. Women's "Spats" of Wool Felt in black and costume colors the 50c quality on sale at only 11c $1.25 Batting QQ The famous "Puri- Oub tan" Sanitary Batting full 3 pds. large comfort size -$1.25 always, now at 89c $3-$3.50 Blankets Q flfl The real "Wool Z.UU Nap" Blankets White, Grey and Tan-Extra large sizes and .very heavy. Al ways $3-3.50, now at $2. 65c Wool Suiting QQn Doubled faced, wool 0 Jt suiting 28 in. -suitable for women's coats, suits and al so fine for boys' trousers. Brown and Grey-65c reg.--now 39c. 10c 15c Dress Flannelette 100 pieces of new Dress Flannelette-heavy quality, fleeced back-neat designs in grey, blue and tan-Was al ways 1 5c. This sale 10c. Men Bargains for Every article designed for winter wear in our big Men's Store has been reduced in price because we must have them out of the way before the spring goods arrive. Lots of time for you to wear them however three months or more at least You can save like this: Men's $1.69 Flannel Shirts at $1.00 Made of good heavy wool flannel in roll or military collar, choice or blue, grey, tan and brown. $1.69 value at $1.00 89c Sweaters, 45c Men's Heavy Cotton nil sizes, also boys'. 89c value at 45c. Sweaters Grey only $2.19 Sweaters, $1.00 Mens' and boys' Heavy Wool Sweaters, all colors and In all sizes. Extra good $2.19 quality at $1.00. Men's Heavy $1.48 Work Pants $1.00 Will beat any overall for wear twice over and look dressy. Are grey in oolor, have bolt and cuff at bottom. $1.48 quality at $1.00 89c Night Gowns, 49c Mens' and boys' Outing Flannel Nluht downs. Neat pattern. Cut extra full nnd long. Properly made. S9o value, 49c. 85c Underwear, 58c Men's Extra "Wool Nap" Fleeced Back Underwear light grey In col or, finished seam equal to usual $1.00 quality, to close at BSc. Men's 35c Extra Heavy Wool Socks 25c When you put on these socks you'll say "They're like mother made.' Made of heavy wool yarn and come in colors and white. NOTIONS CHEAPER Yes, they're always less at Bannon's, those little trifles that cost little but mean so much to our daily comfort. At present prices are further reduced. 12 SPOOLS DARNING WAS ALWAYS 25c NOW Buy your darning cotton by the box it's much the cheapest that way. Best quality of course less than lc a spool. 5c SHELF PAPER Fix up your cupboard at little cost now, because you can buy shelf paper in all colors, 5c quality at 2c. 25c HOSE SUPPORTERS The genuine Kleinerts sup porter on pad Black and colors always were 25c. This sale at 5c. 10c DRESS HOOKS Genuine Wilson Dress Hooks in black and white All sizes. The kind you always pay 10c for here. this sale 5c. 15c-19c HANDKERCHIEFS About 25 dozen women's hemstitched, embroidered handkerchiefs crumpled and mussed through handling, on salo at very low prices. Were 15c-19c, now 7c. HEMSTITCHED HANDKERCHIEFS 100 doz. ladles' hemstitched handkerchiefs, fine quality, worth be. easily Just what children need buy all you want at the very low price of 1c each. 10c . that i than 2c uality 5c ale at c5 here, 7c ussed y low 1c bargains for Women No woman can afford to pass by any of the items listed here. They are of sufficient merit to warrant buying even if not needed at once. Come and examine them. You'll buy liberally if you do. That is certain. Women's $1.50 WaistsNow Only 69c Dozens and dozens of pretty styles to select from in tailored and lingerie styles. Some white, others colored. Made of Tub Silk, Flannel and Linens. High and low necked None was sold heretofore under $1.00 buy all you want at 69c. Girl's $1.50 and $2.00 School Dresses 95c You can't begin to make these dresses at this price If yon count your labor worth anything. Made in pretty dainty styles of fast eolored Galateas, Percales and Ginghams. Were $1.50 and $2 Now ouly 95c Women's $2.00 House Dresses at 98c And you can't make these either at the price unless you count labor worth nothing. Made of fast colored Percales and Ginghams In many pretty styles. Neatly trimmed $2 values, 98c. 85c Outing Flannel Night Gowns, 49c Women's and Children's Night Gowns made of good quality of dandy patterned Outing Flannel. Cut full width and length. 85c Value at 49c. 25c Curtain Goods 50 pieces of new 14c Curtain Goods Swisses, Scrims, Etamines White, Ivory and Ecru. Plain and figured all 25c value, now 14c. 65c Fancy Silk 0 7 n Meteor Brocade---26 J(, in. wide, in all the new Pas tel shades, for party dresses and waists latest fad for petticoats. 65c regularly, now 37c. 7c American Calico Cft 10,000 yds. best Am- 0C erican Dress and Comforter Prints Finest quality of goods-Light, dark and med ium colors small, medium and large figures. 7c val ue, 5c. 1 2c Outing Flannel ( A 2500 yds, of real 12c Outing Flannel new Pink, Blue and Tan, Check and Stripes heavy quality well fleeced. Was 1 2c now on sale at 9c. $2 Daisy Flannel Night Gowns Vou all know "Daisy" Flannel it's just the nicest thing imaginable in a night gown soft as silk and warm. Thirty dozen of such gowns go on sale now at about half price. Choice or Roll or Military collar. Silk trimmed. All sizes, $1.50 to $2.00 values, at 98c " MASONIC TEMPLE E3LDG. OREGON CITY. ORE. TWENTY FREE STAMPS-BRING YOUR COUPON 35c to 50c Gloves and Mittens For Men, Women and Children and there's enough for 600 persons if each is content with only one pair. But we know that almost everyone will want several pair so good are they. They re wool of course and come in black and colors. Were 35c to 50c. Now at 19c i