Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, January 08, 1914, Image 2

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Some Hot and Heavy Observations by
John Stark
I wonder why
More Oregon City people do not
ride on the elevator ?
It is that when you put a succes
sful business man at the head of mu
nicipal government he always puts
such enterprises thru quicker than a
ditch-digger would?
President Wilson, when signing the
currency bill with the remark "The
. machinery for free and elastic and
uncontrolled credits put at the dis
posal of the merchants and manufac
turers of this country for the first
time in 50 years," did not include us
They did not put "Chau-talk-ah"
guff on the free list? Were thev pro
tecting home industry? In a land of
plenty and times of prosperity the
workers think themselves lucky to
get cold storage charity once a year.
The workers, who work the hard
est and longest hours live the cheap
est and are broke ?
After so many eenerationa of in
dustry the people of this country are
so deep in debt?
The heads of the government never
think of devising ways and means
of abolishing debt but instead prolong
It was not wri'ten, life,' liberty and
pursuit ot a hand-out?
If we are at peace with all the
world as the president says, we do not
put up our shooting irons?
Germany was invited to send war
ships to attend the opening of the
l anama anai :
If we are attending peace confer
ences we do not stop war prepara
tions ?
Instead of going into bondage to
build public highways we do not use
the about $500,000,000 spent for war
purposes, toward building public high
ways i
As most of the cabinet have gone
for a winter's rest from Washington,
if, after all these political gods are
needed at all and if their feet are
clay ?
It took four gold pens for the
president to sign the currency bill,
and who pays for them?
The governor did not want to call
an extra session of the legislature,
has the platter been cleaned?
If all the important laws the last
session passed have become invalid
It would not be a good idea to let them
monkey with all other laws in the
state, perhaps good would follow by
If lawyers cannot write constitu
tional laws why should we continue
to send them?
Since Standard Oi 1 Company has
been busted as a trust, the stock and
dividends are worth twice as much
as oerore being busted?
These banking laws are now ad
vertised as being the real thing?
That was also done with the old laws
and we got poorer all the time. Pan.
ic will become impossible with the
new law, but that was also told of
me otner.
The president was peeved at the
burlesque pulled off at the army and
navy loafers' banquet. Was it so near
the real thing?
It would be a good idea to disband
the army and navy in pluce of rep
8f8 few high-priced loafers?
While the corn crop of Iowa is re
ported by Dunn's, is over 92,000,000
bushels less this year than last year
it is worth over 42 million more?
It is possible to pay $248,025,4,14
unearned increment in January in the
City of New York when fully 100,000
ate charity dinners at Christmas ?
Dr. Turner Com men st on Oregon City
Water and Other Topics
By Dr. W. A. Turner, Naturopath
(Questions relating to health mat
ters will be answered if addressed to
me care of Hotel Edwards, Portland,
, Do you remember that the Thanks
giving proclamation by the big 'un at
Washington told us of the great pros
, penty we were enjoying? Now no-
iice ine many charity dinners given
just four weeks from that date. One
railroad in Portland served 1,829 free
feeds to down and outs. Do you see
any harmony between presidential hot
air and cold facts? Is it not about
time for sober thot instead of ap
P'"U8e Now I do not propose to be
little the effort to give the hungry a
meal, it would seem that there was
urgent need for food regardless of the
calendar day. After that meal so
bounteously furnished and greedily
eaten, then what?
We all know that tho fed one be
gins to be hungry tho moment he
leaves the table. Now I claim that a
cnarity mat tools its duty discharg
ed by a Christmas feed is rotten. How
can anyone feel other than thut means
must be provided where tho recipi
ent will be able to help himsolf, not
to charity, but to the god-given right
to life, to the means of obtaining
mum wiuiuui iniiruy, nut as simple
justice. An opportunity to earn a
living by giving value received for
everything one obtains, which of
course includes every person, then
more would be no need of cold stor
age cnarity tor each person would
receive the full social value of their
Ihese people have simply been
shut out from their natural opportu
nities, huve been denied the right to
life, liberty and the pursuit of happi-
iicaa. iriwt iiro we going to do about
it? An answer must soon be found.
bomeone has figured that since
wool is on the free list a saving of
iu suit or nomes. now if 1 could
get only $14.50 I could connect with a
mucn-ncecieu outfit.
John F. Stark.
A JNcw Hack for an Old One How
an Oregon City Kesident Made a
Bad Back Ktronir
The back aches at times with n
dull, lndtscribnblo feeling, making
you weary and restless; piercing
pains shoot across tho region of the
kidneys, and again the loins are so
lame that to stoop is agony. No use
to ruD or apply a plaster to th: back
if the kidneys are weak. You cannot
reach the cause. Follow th0 example
vi mis uregon uity citizen.
Joseph McDermott, Washington
St., Oregon City, Ore., says: "I was
In bad shape with kidney and bladder
complaint My back was so lame and
stiff that I could hardly get about and
it was all I could do to dress myself.
On getting up in . the morning, the
kidney secretions were scanty and tho
passages were too frequent, After
taking a few boxes of Doan'g Kid
ney Pills, I was in good health and
during the past two years I have had
no cause for complaint."
For sale by fell dealers. Price 50
cents. Fostor-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
Oregon City Drinking Water
Several weeks ago I read that two
analyses of your drinking water had
been made, one by a chemist of a big
milling Co., who reported the presence
of colon bacilli in the water and one
by the state board of health saying
there was none. Of the two reports I
would prefer to believe that of the
milling Co., chemist, for as a rule big
business corporations employ men of
brains, who hold their jobs because
of their capacity, whereas political
appointees, especially those on health
boards, are appointed because or po-
litical pull. Successful doctors are not
out seeking political jobs, for they
don t have the time.
The Willamette river draining and
carrying off the sewerage of towns
scattered over 400 miles of territory
is one of the filthiest streams of the
West and no amount of straining can
make it perfectly pure. The old fable
that running water purifies itself
does not apply here and never does
successfully anywhere and the health
of Oregon City will always be men
aced until a supply of pure water is
A case or two of typhoid is the
golden opportunity for the serum ma
kers to boost and sell their filthy
stuff and medical treatment of ty
phoid is harmful and out of date, fre
quently fatal because or ignorance,
even if serum is not used. Get good
drinking water and be healthy now
and in the future, and keep out of the
clutches of the allopathic incompe
Great Alarm Felt
The City Health Officer of Cincin
nati is much worried over the fact
that mustaches are in style again. He
has given warning that they are
jungles in which germs are raised
and predicts dire results if men don'l
shave clean. If that fellow lived in
Oregon he would be in an asylum
This is only one of the many extremes
to which the bug theorists go in their
advocacy of the crazy and impossible
"germ theory and we can now look
tor a whiskers "scare.
Beards have been worn since the
beginning of time and are a wise
provision of Nature for the protec
tion of the face and throat for men
who are exposed outdoors more than
women, particularly in cold countries
and they are a prevention aeainst
disease. Again, ask the average lady
wnat sne minus ot a mustache.
....I am of the opinion that the ad
vocacy of such rot is deliberately done
as is the advocacy of vaccines and se
rums, for the purpose of planting the
seeds of disease in future generations
so that a living is assured. People are
now learning that disease makes
germs, but germs do not make di
sease, unless contracted by personal
Another Typhoid "Scare"
There is now, and for several days
has been, an outbreak of typhoid fe
ver in Centralia, Wshington. After
much shifting of blame from one goat
to another the state board of health
landed on the city health officer and
tired him for incompetence. They fi
nally decided that the source of the
"epidemic" was the well that sup
plies the city with drinking water and
they are probably correct in this con
clusion for much of the water that
supplies small towns is contaminated,
Dunne this -outbreak the deadlv
typhoid vaccine was administered to
over 4,000 persons free, so the papers
muiu. inis is cnarity wim a vengeance
ior it means that the people were
panic-stricKen purposely by the doc
tors and frightened into submitting to
this rotten superstition. It means that
they have sowed the seed for a fine
crop of TOncer, consumption and diph
theria in this and the nert generation,
but most important of all it means
that the serum makers got in their
work in elegant shape, noble philan
thropists that they are, in supplying
ine people tree but the taxpayers
will foot the bill and the state board
of health will buy another large sup
ply to be handy for the next "scare."
This graft is now due in several towns
in Oregon.
The Anti-Vaccinationists
The Chicago Tribune of Dec. 13, a
pro-medical daily sheet of 24 carat
fine vintage, has a "How to Keep
Well" column conducted bf Dr. W. A.
Evans, of A. M. A. fame and in which
lie bemoans the activities of those
who are opposed to valcinations and
thut "munitions of war are being
garnered and societies formed to
fight for tho continuance of typhoid
fever." This shrinking medical violet
is worried because tho people aro be
ginning to see the light.
Vaccination, or tho injection of se
rums under the pretense of prevent
ing or "stamping out" disease is a
crime, and will eventually be made
one by luw. Even the most progress
iva lights of the medical profession
now publically admit that vaccination
is a crime; does no good but instead
kills, cripples and poisons the blood.
It hus been conclusively proven that
these filthy animal poisons are re
sponsible for the great increase in
cancer, tuberculosis, diphtheria and of
other diseases, and it is a question
now wnemer or not it is done intent
ionally to breed disease and provide
a livelihood from the generations yet
to come.
Tho people have been cut and muti
lated, doped with poisons and murder
ed logully by millions in the name of
"medical science." Do vou wondor
that they are now organizing to fight
a peril that threatens tho existence
of the human race? Unless this evil
is checked and medical "health boards
and "health" officers kicked into
oblivion, and the curse of every known
evil prohibited, the people will bo rot
ted and mutilated until the race is
Don't allow any medical health of
ficer to bunco you into being vaccina
ted for smallpox, typhoid fever, or
any omer disease, lou have your le
gai ana constitutional right and are
not compelled to submit to this foul
superstition. Defend yourselves and
your fumilies or property by any
means you choose, for it is your le
gal right to do so.
Diseases are not "catching." Thev
are sometimes epidemic when a body
ot people are exposed to the same
conditions of filth, bad water or milk
or certain atmospheric conditions. The
weak succomb while the strong resist
iu nememoer, and don t allow your
self or your family to be innnilntnri
with "anti-toxins" or be vaccinated,
if you value your life.
uanger in Condensed Milk
I think I have previously written
about the dangers of using cow's milk
milk at its best is a poor food for
human beings. Coming as it does from
big, hairy, dense animals and being
entirely unlike human milk. The great
heat necessary in the process of evap
oration and sterilization kills the or
ganic salts in milk and renders it un
fit for food, in fact makes it a star
vation food and a person being fed
on it for any length of time is liable
to develope ricketts, scrofula and
consumption. It should never be fed
to children and babies. Goats' milk is
the best substitute for human milk
and is free from disease. The manu
facture of condensed milk should be,
and eventually will be, prohibited by
Spinach, Carrots and Beets
are excellent vegetables, abounding in
iron, phosphates and calcium, and are
very nutritious and make rich red
blood. They should be eaten frequent
ly on this account. These vegetables
are raised in large quantities in Ore
gon and as fine as any I have ever
seen anywhere. Cultivate Jhe habit of
having them on the table, one or more
of the three, three or four times a
week, and you will soon notice a big
difference in your health and appear
ance. "Medical Freedom"
is the name of a monthly publication,
issued by the National League for
medical freedom, 322 South Michigan
Avenue, Chicago, price 50c a year.
This magazine is the best of its kind
in the world and is the one which is
fighting the fight for medical free
dom sure enough. It is the watch dog
for the people, and battles incessantly
for the restoration of their rights,
illegally wrested from them by the
legislatures of the various states, at
the instigation of the political doctors
at the behest of the medical trust. It
has successfully fought the infamous
Owen bill now up in Congress again,
after having been defeated in every
Congress for 20 years.
This bill, the work of the Ameri
can Medical Association, seeks to es-
Mrs. J. L. Mumpower Gives them
Something to Think Over
Editor Courier:
Will you please give me space in
your good paper to tell the ladies
something they do not know about
An article from Collier's says that
all those foolish styles which our
American women are following, are
originated by women of the under
world in Paris. No decent women of
Paris will follow their styles. They
aro neither worn or endorsed by them.
They scorn them with contempt.
Whatever maybe the opinion of
the present indeeept styles ot our
heedless American women's dress we
know where they come from. Each
year the tendency to lower the stan
dard has become more strongly mark
ed. Now hold your breath and listen,
and heed what more. They are the
hall-mark of women of the under
world. One of their great dress de
signers said that he wanted to see
what damn fools they could make of
American women. The article says
that every woman of the underworld
in America knows them .As one of
them recently said, "Here are a lot
of girls and women who draw their
skirts aside when they meet us and
yet they are dressed exactly like us."
A social service worker only a few
days ago said that more decent girls
had been approached during the last
year by men in the streets of New
York under misapprehension as to
their standing than ever before. As
Madame Sarah Bernhardt said on her
last visit to America, that sh-3 wa
perfectly amazed to see ipparently
decent women dressed like the demi
monde of Paris. The Parisian dress
maker has become a degenval.o, and,
as such, it is time that every decent
American woman should leave their
designs unbought.
bpain is standing for Spanish fash
ion for Spanish women; Italy for the
C. W. Bagby Explains where Typhoid
Gets in Its Work
Editor Courier:
As we now have the report of
Engineer Rands on the feasibility and ' g0n City that know the process .of f il-
we had in the Oregon City filteration
plant, and how that confidence was
betrayed, and the sad thoughts that
these recollections bring to the hearts
of the people?
There are very few people in Ore-
cost of a pipe line up the South fork
of the Clackamas river for Oregon
City's future water supply, a few ob
servations and comments might not
be out ot order.
All water comes from the atmos
phere by condensation or precipita
tion in the form of rain, snow or fog
and this water falling upon the
earth's surface becomes the source of
our supply. Ground water, which has
passed through the natural filter of
the earth s surface and is made avail
able for our use by wells or- springs,
Surface water is the water in ponds
and lakes, also rivers, and while it
receives some ground water off from
the watershed following rains and
Now the rains and melting snows,
in washing the earth's surface are
likely to become, contaminated with
germs of disease, therefore ground
water is in reality naturally filtered
and purified. For this reason it is a
safer source of supply than surface
water. sut there are some very im
portant qualifications to this general
statement for ground water from
shallow wells, where soil pollution is
intense, may be dangerous, or if the
catchment area is in a limestone for
mation, where the water is stored in
caverns and crevices in the rock, they
are in communication with each other,
and with the surface pollution by the
means of cracks and crevices. In this
way water from the surface reaches
the subterranean ground water by di
rect channels instead of by filterat
ion through sand anH gravel, and the
danger of pollution is at once appar
The sanitary advantage of good
ground water is enormous, but the
small amount available at reasonable
cost generally excludes it from con-
I ndepndnt of Beattr Control
Feed no fror4to20b
I per dcra J
BecauspApronfr winder RearAxle
IggthMdJp of Oil-Tempered Spring Swl
High Carbon Beater
Teeth set staqgered.
formlnq spiral, giv
ing wide delivery.
dimple Apron
Both Sides
under all condiriona J
Giving Direct Drjf t and eliminatinci
all strain from Spreader Box
A Reach is as indispe nsable on a
Manure Spreader as It ison aWagon.
For a Low Down Easy Loading Light
Pulling Manure Spreader One that will
Last a long time and please you better
every time you use it? Look no further.
By breaking it up fine and spreading it evenly Easy, sure control and
no horse killer The only Spreader with a reach Farmers
who have bought them say they are the best farm
machine investment a farmer can make.
See the BLOOM
the nearest
Mitchell Agency
write us for
Impement and
tablish a department of health with fashions for Italian women C -rniany i sideration
a political allopathic doctor in the tor tashions for German wonicn and
President's Cabinet. 1 have a copy be- London won't have any Parisian fash
fore me and it is so cunningly and . ions. Xow comes tho foolish Ameri-
subtly worded that it would deceive cans.
a saint, but the intent is to absolute- j What are we going to do? Ha?Vt
ly fasten allopathic medicine on the America got people in it smart
people so securely that your life P1HHlf,h Bnd dm,nt enoujfh to dcsign
vour Senators ami Cnm-ross.,, In fashions and decent ones too? They
vote against this bill and send 50c are to uisinie it they do not cnange
for a year's subscription to this val- fashions.
liable journal, to Mrs, l.ora C. Littl
7110 4;Srd Ave., S. E. Portland, State
Agent, who will see that you will get
it promptly.
Mrs. J. L. Mumpower.
Children Cry
Many ills come from impure blood.
Can't have pure blood with faulty di
jgestion, lazy liver, and sluggish bow
I els. Burdock Blood Bitters is recom-
mended for strengthening stomach,
j bowels and liver, and purifying the
Fill this Out, It Will Pay You
Fostoffiee Address
I live miles from on rolid near
I have acres of land.
There aro acres under cultivation. There is an incumbrance of
$ against the property due on 191
I would like to borrow $ for years, giving this prop
erty as security. Do you want to sell your farm?
If you have a mortgage on your farm, or if you wish to bor
row money for development purposes, or if you want to sell your
farm, it will be to your advantage to fill this out and return to us at
Aurora State Bunk Building Aurora, Oregon
In towns and cities the amount of
water obtainable by one pumping sta
tion is 'limited and to collect the
ground water on a large scale many
separate pumping units are neces
sary, and this increases the cost keDt ud to the hiehest standard of ef-
teration at the local plant here, and
1 will describe the process briefly as
Sand filteration is the artificial ap
plication of the principles by which
good ground water is purified in pass
ing through the earth's surface, con
sisting of beds of sand and depends
on mechanical and chemical agencies
for germ removal. To permit of a
rapid rate of filteration a coagulant
is used. This forms a flocculent pre
cipitate, which entangles most of the
germs and is easily removed after ad
ding the coagulant.
To prevent clogging of the filters
the coagulated water is first passed
through sedimentation tanks, where
a great part of the flocculent precini
tate settles to the botom before reach
ing the filers and the remainder of the
suspended matter is removed by the
filters. This rapid rate of filteration
necessitates cleansing daily and some
times two or three times in 24 hours,
if the raw water is very muddy. This
cleansing does not involve the remov
al of the sand but is accomplished by
reversing the flow of water in the
filter and letting it in under con
siderable pressure and allowing the
dirty water to flow away from over
the top of the filter bed into the sew
er. While this operation is going on
the agitating system is stirring up
the sand and the operation is continu
ed until the sand is washed perfectly
Now sand filteration properly in
stalled and efficiently operated, is
very effective in removing germs and
in treating water from our muddy
western rivers. There is one defept. in
this plant here in Oregon City and
mat ougnt to be remedied. That is to
construct baffle falls in the sedimen
tation tanks. They are very effective
in controlline the aeritation of the
water caused by pumping the water
into the sedimentation tanks. Against
a head of 10 or 11 feet of water this
agitation greatly hinders precipita-
tiop, and mitigates against the effic
iency of the plant.
.superintendent Howell had no valid
excuse for this neglect. He knew that
they were put in all the sedimenta
tion tanks at Eugene and McMinn
ville and if he would have given' the
matter a few minutes serious consi
deration he could have understood
that they were of vital importance.
Sedimentation, with coagulation, is
considered to be efficient in bacterial
removal by St. Louis, and Richmond,
Va. without additional treatment. On
the other hand Omaho, Neb., and
Kansas City, Mo., found that certain
seasons of the year the method was
not adequate for the decree of ruri-
fication necessary to furnish a safe
water. Ihese cities supplemented the
coagulation and sedimentation bv the
treatment of the efflicent with hypo
chlorite of lime. The results have been
Cincinnati, Ohio, a citv with over
360,000 population, in 1908 installed a
filteration plant. It eets its water
from the highly polluted waters of
tne Uhio river. As it has a large ur
ban population on its water shed it
is polluted its entire length and vet
the water is converted into safe water
of very high quality.
Pittsburgh, a city with over 530.000
population, had its filter plant in op
eration; Columbus, Ohio, a city with
over 180,000 population, installed a
filteration plant in 1909 with satis
factory results. Albany, New York,
with a population of 100,000; Patter
son, N. Y., with a population of 125,
000, and Bingham, N. Y., with a popu
lation of 48,000, have all installed filr
tering plants with gratifying results,
and have statistics to show the enor
mous reduction in typhoid deaths fol
lowing installation of filter plants.
Now I honestly belieye that if our
filter plant is efficiently operated and
the baffle walls put in. the settling
tanks, that the people of Oregon City
will have no cause for complaint and
there is one filter tank that is rest
ing on a rotten foundation that is
both unsanitary and dangerous
know that J. E. Hedges said if the
plant was to be abandoned there was
no use to spend any more money on
it. Why abandon a plant that is nec
essary? It makes no difference from
what source we get the water it cer
tainly will not pollute the water if
it is pure when it is delivered to the
sedimentation tanks, and we would
be safe from transient pollution
I am quite certain that if Centra
lia, Wash., had a filteration plant
properly operated there would have
been no typhoid epidemic raging in
that city today, for the river they get
their water out of is evidently a shor
stream. The river is the Skookum
1hucK, a jargon name meaning
strong water. One would take from
that that it was a swiftly running
stream, and its watershed not thick
ly populated, but transient population
is ever present, as in all other sur
face supplies. At least a part of the
sewage and wastes from the inhabi
tants of the watershed finds its
way into the stream and many lives
have been sacrificed because of de
lay in filtering the water from pollut
ed rivers and I am of the opinion that
if our own filtering plant had been
filtered water, and there is no sedi
ment in that, or but very little.
But I will dare to say that he did
not invite a delegation io see him
draw the water off from the sedimen
tation tanks and let the people see
what they had been drinking water
off of, and tell them how long it had
been since he had had the water
drawn off and the tanks cleaned out.
Oh no, Bill is too sly an old fox for
that, and he had the gall to tell the
I men who were working for him that
no matter what they knew to keep
their damn moutli3 shut, or get off
the job.
C. W. Bagby.
Canhy Man Killed by Falling Limb
A blow, which fractured his skull,
supposedly made by a large limb of
a tree falling on his head while he
was working, caused the death of R.
Sopher of Canby Saturday. Sopher
left his house and started to some
woods near Canby Friday noon to cut
wood. Night came and he failed to ar
rive home. Becoming alarmed, his
stepson, Donald Hutchinson, started
to look for him, and after some search
found Sopher unconscious on the
ground. By his side was a large limb
which had undoubtedly hit him on
the head. He was taken home and a
physician summoned, but despite his
efforts Sopher failed fast and died
Friday morning.
Sopher was 52 years old. Funeral
services held at 4 o'clock Sunday and
were largely attended,
Mr. Sopher was married in this
city about a year ago to Mrs. Clara
Hutchinson, who has many friends in
this city. His wife is manager of the
Home Telephone Company at Canby.
Mrs. Sopher is the daughter of M.
Lee, one of the prominent Oregon pi
oneers, whose home is at Canby.
Children Cry
Do you begin to cough at night
just when you hope to sleep? Do yon
have a tickling throat that keeps you
awake? Just take Foley's Honey and
Tar Compound. It will check trie
cough and stop the tickling sensation
at once. Does not upset the stom
ach and is best for children and grown
persons. Huntley Bros. Co.
Wonderful Cough Remedy
Dr. King's New Discovery is known
everywhere as the remedy which will
surely stop a cough or a cold. D. P.
Lawson, of Eidson, Tenn., writes: "Dr
King's New Discovery is the most
wonderful cough, cold and throat and
lung .medicine I ever sold in my
store. It can't be beat. It sells without
any trouble at all. It needs no guar
antee." This is true, because Dr.
King's New Discovery will relieve the
most obstinate of coughs and colds.
Lung troubles quickly helped by its
use. You should keep a bottle in the
house all times for all the members
of the family. 50c and $1.00. All
Druggists or by mail.
H. E.Bucklen & Co. Philadelphia or
St. Louis.
In contrast with ground water sup
plies surface water supplies general
ly furnish abundance of water, but
are usually contaminated.
Dr. Allen McLaughlin, of the U. S.
Health Service, who is one of the
foremost authorities on this subject,
says the purification of all surface
water is inevitable.
Now if we go up the South fork of
the Clackamas River for our water
supply the danger of transient pol
lution is ever present as in all other
surface water supplies, and I am in
favor of retaining our filteration
plant in order to furnish safe water
olio days in the year. Some say that
it is just as good and as pure water
as Bull Run. I won't say that it isn't,
but I suppose it is just as good.
Let us go Portland one better. Not
only have pure mountain water, but
filtered also, to make it doubly safe,
for after the first heavy rains in the
fall the waters in these mountain
streams are always muddy, carrying
silt and decayed vegetable matter,
ficiency in operation, we would not
have had an epidemic of typhoid one
year ago.- Just to think that the seel
imentation tanks that are expected to
remove 75 per cent of bacteria from
the water, were allowed to stand for
a year without being cleaned and the
people drinking the water off of that
foul smelling mess where it is suppos
ed to be in part purified gives one
the shivers, and 1 call it carelessnes. I
should say criminal carelessness, for
there is no excuse for those tanks are
operated as units and each has its
own inlet and outlet equipped with
valves, so that any one of them can
be taken out of commission for clean
ing without disturbing the operation
of the others. They are also connected
With the sewers so that the settlings
can De drawn on and the tanks thor
oughly washed,
I don't blame the water board or
the help for this condition, only How
ell. He is the superintendent and is
payed to superintend that plant in
every particular, and is not handicap
ped in any way or was not when I
and it is liable to become contamina-' worked there. If he wanted anvthine
ior tne oetterment oi the plant and
went to the board I think he always
got it, if he could make it plain that
it was needed. It was a grand stand
play which he made when he invited
a delegation up to see the reservoir
emptied. He knew there was nothing
in the reservoir. How could there be,
when it had been cleaned out only a
short time before. There is no way of
anything getting in there, only the
ted with germs of disease. Who
wants to drink muddy water after
every heavy rain or sudden rise in
the Clackamas river? Evidently we
will have nothing else to drink but
this water after the first of the year.
I know that the people of Orecron
City are discouraged and impatient
in regard to the water problem in
our city and who can blame them,
when we think of the confidence that
John W. Skillen of Sidney, Ohloi
Has Found a Remedy.
Experts declare that the reason
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Try a bottle of. Vinol with the un
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Huntley Bros. Co.. Orecon City, Ore.
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The reliable Chi
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(Opposite Oregon City Car Station.)
The Insurance Man
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surance. Dwelling House Insur
ance a specialty.
office with
UREW & SCHUEBEL, Oregon City
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Agents for the celebrated
LEADER Water Systems
We also carry
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20 Main St Phono 26S2