Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, January 01, 1914, Image 8

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Published Fridays from the Courier Building, Eighth and Main streets, and en
; ( ', tered in the Postoffice at Oregon Cit Ore., as second class mail matter.
Subscription Price $1.50.
Telephones, Main 5-1; Home A 5-1
Official Paper for the Farmers Society of Equity of Clackamas Co
M. J. 3R.OWN.
Next , year will make or break the
Bull Moose party. It will be decisive
because if will embrace many states
and the choice of a new Congress
and new state officersEvery thought
ful man can see that next year will
determine whether the Progressive
party is coming: or going. A serious
weakness in the Progressive move
ment so far is that it has not been
able to attract any of the restless
Old but fittingly popular "How
Dry I Am."
' ; There is talk that the Progressives
' are going to bring action against the
Stand Patters for alienating the af
fections of Jonathan Bourne.
' It & common thief, with no posit
. Ion or bank account should convert
, the other fellow's property by means
of a forged check, and get caught at
it, he would be convicted by a jury
and Judge Campbell would send him
to the pen just where he would be
long. And that would end the com
mon thief.
, But with J. Thornborn Ross, as
head of the Title Guarantee & Trust
Co., we have a different story.
' J. Thornborn was a Real Noise.
". He was a Big Business banker,
i Six years ago his bank had $400,-
000 of school funds held in trust.
. J. Thornborn was a trifle color
; blind.
' He couldn't distinguish the trust
fund from the bank's money, and the
bank failed.
; Ross had no more right to use it
'than the Common Thief had to forge
the check.
But J. T. R. had Coin and he had
Influence and Pull. No Salem prison
i for his Rtrine.
He appealed to the Supreme Court.'
mi . l ' t n i 1 T,1
'mat AUgusc (.or oeuiemuer; jouuy
i reviewed the trial, said he was guilty,
;but that Marion County had found
;him Too Much Guilty. They lopped
Joff the fine.
Thornborn was Truly Grateful.
That half million would come in Mi
Ighty Handy in boosting his case to
,the Real Boss Court the U. S. su
preme and it was duly Boosted,
j Despite the battery of Celebrated
'Eastern Lawyers the half million
bought and despite of all holds and
, tricks known to Big Business, the
! Pa Court said the man with the Big
i Middle Name would have to take half
J the dose Marion County prescribed
for him and the Warden at Salem
should hold his nose until he swal
lowed it.
Then did J. Thornborn Cave In?
Did he fall on someone's neck and
weep ? .
. Nitty. , .
', He,, or his Eastern Attorneys, re
called precedent.
- They remembered Another Buccan
eer who the Big Court sent to a Pen
and who is now at the head of a great
.Navigation Company.
' They recalled Easy Bill Taft.
' A handy judge, Percy R. Kelly,
, "granted Ross a parole, while his
friends could think things over and
.devise a Means o beat Three Court
-Verdicts. '
j Miss Fern Hobbs, governor West's
'.private secretary, was dragged into
iitne uame.
' Breeches' influence had not been
.iVery Potent so far, and they would
! try Dress Goods for a change.
.;. She was private stenographer to
f the Convicted Banker when he was
( And J, N. Teal, of Portland, he was
'some Dent in a Can, and he joined
; Miss iiouus m the Mercy Appeal,
'y But why drag it on.
' Governor West Fell for It.
.' He pardoned the man who three
courts found guilty.
ii He never had served a day's time
in the six years he had stood off
Governor West justified his revers
,al of the United States Supreme
iLourt on the ground that Ross had
Been Sufficiently Punished.
The same reasoning would turn
i loose every man in the jail here,
v It would open wide the doors of
, Salem prison.
'; And the Check Forger has long
ago served his time and been set
He only tried to Convert a Hun
dred Dollars,
'l And my old friend Ella Wheeler
Wilcox said a mouthful- when she
"Steal, if you get a million,-
.' For you'll get out on bail.
; It's tho Great Big Thief
Who gets out on lief,
While the Little One goes to jail."
Judge Campbell and Judge Gallo
way seem to have different view
points. "When the doctors disegree"
why not let the people decide? Mc-
Minnville Telephone Register.
Any city that has once adopted the
managerial plan of government will
not return to the old form, because
its citizens are well satisfied. It is
business from start to finish. Eu
gene Guard.
The world is talking about the re
covery of Mona Lisa. No doubt it is
some picture but I would .like to see
it stood up beside September Morn
and see which would get the popu
lar verdict.
So often we hear it counselled "the
recall is over, forget it," yet the cor
respondents to the Portland papers
improve each opportunity to drag in
some little personal reference when
ever it presents.
The Oregonian doesn't approve of
the Courier's suggestion of compul
sory voting, and we are glad to state
it doesn't approve of anything the
Courier suggests. As we gather it,
compulsory education is the Oregon
ian's idea. Fine! Let it be made ob
ligatory that every Republican in
Oregon shall subscribe for the Ore
Ten saloons in this city got the K.
O. at 11 P. M. last night and stayed
down for the count.
For the first time in fifty years
Oregon City is dry. ,
And it is going to BE dry until the
people change their verdict, or the su
the - supreme court changes it for
them, for the ' same sentiment that
voted booze out November 4 is going
to see that it stays out don't make
any mistake about that. '
It is very unlikely that the su
preme court will decide against the
counted votes of the people, for it
would be neither law nor justice, and
if it did, then there would be such a
turning over of last fall's election re
sults that none of us. would know
where we are at. It's recent decision
on the registration law has about
half in the pickle now.
Oregon City voted to try a tem
perance town for a change, and the
only thing to do is for every police
officer and city official to get right
in ahead of the majority vote of Ore
gon City and see that any blind pig
that tries to run a pen, does not last.
as long as a snowball over a radia
We believe the officials of this city
will do just t his.
Five months ago Judge George
Bingham, as justice of the peace at
Oak Grove, Clackamas county, "en
tenced R. W. Moore to six months in
the county jail for beating his wife,
Wednesday of this week Judge Bing
ham was himself arrested on a sim
ilar charge and lodged in the cell ad
joining that of Moore. They had
delightful Christmas, these two wife
beaters, but it all goes to show that
being judge does not make a man of
a brute. Eugene Guard.
R. A.. Booth's' announcement of his
decision to run for senator reads more
like a satire on an oldtime politic
ian's reply to "the cawl uv the dear
peepul" than like a dignified states
man's dictum, to be taken in earnest.
It has all the inherent marks of being
conceived of political desperation.
written in insincerity and timed for
psychological effect. It should prove
a key to the manner of the man'i
statesmanship, and of those that
stand behind him. Cornelius Tribune
It is absolutely true that there is
great waste and extravagance in gov
ernment, state and national. Offices
are multiplied, salaries increased.
wanton extravagance in the purchase
of supplies, endless red-tape in the
management of departments and very
little attention given to economy in
the public service. This and govern
mental policy in legislation is fast
creating classes in this country which
we once thought could never exist.
But we have them and class hatred
is growing, too, and it is being foster
ed by those who think they have
something to gain through it.
The problem of the unemployed
would soon be settled if Uncle Sam
would start a few rairoads into the
undeveloped districts now. When the
railroads were completed the labor
would still find employment in mill
and factory and mine. Rogue River
The newspapers relate hovr Villa,
the . Mexican rebel general, has con
fiscated the vast tracts of land, mines,
houses, cattle and personal effects of
former ambassador Creel and Luis
Terranzas, and Villa rubs it in by
serving notice on these millionaires
that if the rebel cause succeeds they
would not get a ccntavo of indem
nity. ' ' .
This is one side of it, and it makes
an American tjiink it is a pretty raw
greaser dcaL?'-
When he,ets all the evidence he
doesn t think' if quite so raw.
Here's a. little in defence:
Terranzae owns two thirds of the
great state of. Chihuahua. The state
has almost ninety square miles. It
has a population of almost half a
And one senor owns two-thrids of
How did this Spaniard get these
vast holdings? He never got them
honestly. It is impossible. - He got
them just as Villa proposes to take
them by right of might.
It is such men as Terranzae that
has caused the rebellion in Mexico.
Seven hundred famllilies own all the
arable land in the great republic.
Terranzas is one of them. I have
ridden over miles of his great do
mains and seen his vast irrigation
undertakings. I wondered then how
long the common class would stand
for such conditions, conditions that
were forcing them into literal slavery.
Try the Experiment
This Year
1 Possibly you who read this have never kept a bank
account. If not, let ug stiKgcst that you try the
experiment. You will find it helpful in many ways.
Aside from the fact that your money will be safe
from theft and fire, nuih..a habit tends to thrift,
economy, discipline and a general understanding of
business principles, all of which are essential to
success. It also affords a convenient method for
the payment of bills; and, as the checks are always
preserved and returned to you, they serve as re-
ceipts for the amounts paid. We offer you good ser
vice, courtesy, liberality, and stability and every
accommodation consistent with safety.
The Bank of Oregon City
There is just as much reason for
and just as milch use for government
owned railroads in Oregon, or any
other undeveloped state, as in Alaska
The one great need of our state is
more railroads, but Wall Street money
will only build these as the big in
terests want them built until such
time comes that the government will
take over a railroad or two, make a
big success of them, and public de
mand will force the policy to be ex
tended to the building of government
roads into undeveloped states. It'i
a way off, but it's coming.
Here is a little single tax sermon
It will set the OregdTiian to bleating
and George Hicinbotham will come in
next week with an article blowing it
all away, by his peculiar way of reas
oning, but to men who do their own
thinking, it is bound to sink in a lit
tie for you can't get away from it,
In 1912 Houston, Tex., adopted
new plan of taxation, of lowering the
assessments on buildings, factories
etc. A few days ago the Courier ob
tained the financial statistics- of the
city for the year before and the year
after the plan was udopted.
' Here is the summary:
Building permits increased 65 per
cent in the first six months af,ter the
' Deposits of cash in the six nat
ional banks increased seven million
The postoffice receipts increased 25
per cent.
Can't dodge these facts. They are
results. You can t explain them away,
And then come the Houston boost
ers with large post cards which they
are sending . all over the United
A perpetual bonus to manu
facturers and merchants is offer
. ed by the City of Houston, Tex
as, through itg system of ex
emption from taxation.
Personal property, such as
cash, household furniture, and
evidences of debt,' are totally
exempt from taxation.
The Houston plan of taxation
contemplates that merchandise,
machinery of manufneturics and
all other improvements upon .
. land shall be assessed at only
twenty-five per cent of their val
ue. Land being assessed at its
fair value.
Take your money and brains
to Houston, Texns, and get the
full benefit of all that you create
by your industry and enterprise.
This Houston plan encourages
rather than fines, industry. It taxes
the vacant lots and the unimproved
lands at what they are worth in use,
and as they are improved, built upon
and made to produce the taxation is
NOT increased.
Under this plan there is little in
centive to hold idle lands for sur
rounding industry to make valuable
it is not an investment. Under it the
minute any man improves a piece of
land, be it a vacant lot or a logged
off tract, his taxes do not increase.
If he builds a house on a building lot
he is not assessed because of the im
provement. If ha builds a factory that
gives employment to labor, he is not
taxed out of the city. If a farmer
clears a field, plants an. orchard and
builds a home, he doesn't pay any
more taxes than his neighbor who
holds a dead piece of land for specu
lation, or in other words, the dead
land must pay as much taxes as the
producing land.
It seems to be hard for some peo
ple to understand that taxation on
land values only, would help the
worker and tax the shirker. But it
would do just this.
lions of idle acres in Oregon come
through for taxation on values that
surrounding industry is putting on
the speculative acres. It would en
courage the building of mills and
factories and it would put taxation
where it belongs.
A farmer wrote to this office last
week proposing that the Live Wires
give the flax mill exemption" from
taxation for ten years to locate in
this city.
The flax mill would make a great
er market for the farmers' acre pro
duce. So would any mill or factory
that employed help. Take Portland
out of Oregon and land in this part
of Oregon would drop 60 per cent.
Typical of Christ' Sec
ond Advent.
L23rodklyn -v
Review Sept. 28.
"Thou art a Qoi ready to pardon, graetout
and merciful, !ow to anger, and abundant
in loving kindnet."lchemtah 9:17,
UOEVER falls to see that
Moses, Israel and the Law
were types, fulls to get the
real lesson out of them.
Moses-was a type, not only of Jesus,
but of the entire Church, of which Je
sus is the Head. This St. Peter ex
plains, saying, "Moses truly said unto
the fathers, A Prophet shall the Lord
your God raise up unto you of your
brethren, like unto me. "-Acts 3:24.
Jesus was raised up first, and since
Pentecost the raising up from amongst
the brethren has progressed. The
work will be consummated when the
full number of the Church shall have
been accepted to glory. Then the antl--typical
Moses will begin His great
work of delivering all desiring to re
turn to harmony with God all of
whom are represented in the twelve
tribes of Israel.
The Church of this Gospel Age is
otherwise called the Church of the
First-borns, typically represented In
the tribe of Levi, nil of whom repre
sented the first-borns of Israel, saved
in the Passover.
These were divid
ed into two class
es the priests
and their ser
vants. The
priests represent
ed The Chrlst-
Hlgh Priest and
under priests.
The Levites rep
resented the re
mainder of the
The antityplcal
priests will become a Royal Priest
hood. Jesus, the greut High Priest, in
vested with kingly honors, will have
associated with Himself the faithful
Little Flock, His joint-heirs. The re
mainder of the overcouiiug Church will
be colaborers ou a less glorious plane,
yet spiritual. Their work will be pri
marily the blessing of mankind.
The First Tables of the Law.
The first tables of the Law were pre
pared by the Lord Himself. This rep
resents the fact that man was created
a perfect Image of his Creator, In full
accord with the Divine will and fully
expressive of the Dlrlno Law. Adam
needed uo other law than that which
was In and of himself its a perfect niun
dod'i law was written In his heart.
But by reuson of sin .this Law was
broken. Poor humanity has no longer
proper Judgment respecting sin and
righteousness. Man needs the great
Meditator, to make reconciliation for
his iniquity and to rewrite the Law of
God in his flesh. i
Then Moses was Instructed to hew
out tho two tnbles of the Law. TIiIb
represents that The Christ Is fully com
missioned to prepare the hearts of
mankind for the rewriting of the Di
vine Law. To prepnre men to obey
God's Law will require their Restitu
tion their lifting up out of slu and
degradation. This work, committed to
Moses in the type, is in the antitype
committed to Christ
Moses' socond coming with the two
tables of the Law was peculiarly dif
ferent from the first. Ills face shone;
and it was necessary for him to put on
a veil, which thereafter he woro In the
presence of the Israelites, but remov
ed when entering the presence of God.
Chest's work as Mediator, at His
Second Comlnir. will he nccompunlod
by a veiling of nix glory, so thuf the
world will not see Jesus. This lie de
clared. "Yet a little whllw. and the
world seeth Me no more: but ye shall
see Me." , The Apostle explains that
the Church will be prepared to see
Christ in Ills glory by being changed
from enrtuly to Heavenly nature.
At His Second Advent, our Lord will
veil His glory from mankind, and
speak to them through the veil, and
not directly from the, snirit nlano-
Poor Blood
is Responsible
or much sickness and suffer
ing because its quality deter
mines our resistive power.
With poor blood we are lan
guid, susceptible to colds, lack
natural energy and. ambition,
and the gradual decline cf
strength makes prompt and
careful treatment necessary.
Drugs or alcohol cannot make
blood and must be avoided.
Scott's Emulsion is nature's
grandest blood-maker because
of its wholesome medical nourishment,
so carefully predigested that it assimi
late s without taxing digestion and
quickly increases the red corpuscles
of the blood, strengthens the organs
and tissues and upbuilds the whole
Absolutely nothing compares with
Scott's Emulsion to purify and en
rich the blood to overcome or avoid
anaemia. It is totally free from al
cohol or opiates and your health de
mands tho purity of Scott's. .
ScUt & Eowue. Bloonifield. N. . 13-S5
Slnnklud win see .testis no more. In
stead, they nhall see His representa
tivesthe Ancient Worthies as He de
clared, saying. "Ye shall see Abraham,
Isaac. Jacob and all 'the Prophets."
The world will see them in human per
fection, samples of what mankind- may
attain during the restitution times.
Other Features of the Type.
The anointing of the Aaronie priest
hood typified the anointing of the
Koyal Priesthood
As in the type sac
rifices "were neces
sary .before anoint
ing and consecra
tion to the priest
ly , office, so in
the antitype Jesus
must offer nim
self. thereby show
ing Ills loyalty to
God. by sacrinc
lug even nnto
Similarly, the un
der priesthood con
secrate to office only by sacrifice. In
the case of the typical high priest, the
sacrifice was a bullock. The antitype
was our Lord's own body. In the case
of the typical under priests, the sacri
fice was a goat. The antitype Is, the
human nature of the Church. He
brews 13:11-13.
The typical mediator offered typical
sacrifices. The real Mediator offers
"better sacrifices." The typical media
tor led the typical people Into tb typi
cal Promised Land. The antitypicnl
Mediator, during the thousand years of
His reign, will lead God's people bach
to ' the blessings and privileges lost
through Adam's disobedience, and re
deemed by the Sacrifice on Calvary.
Aaron'a Anointing Typ
Elkhorn Barn .Rebuilt With Concrete
is Most Sanitary Place in City
There is an old saying that a good
man is kind to his horse, and if this
is so W. J. Wilson, proprietor of the
Elkhorn Stables, is going to have
more business than he can attend to,
for his new Elkhorn barn is virtually
an palace hotel for horses. Concrete
from top to bottom, and equipped
with every sanitary device, the new
stable recently erected i on lower
Main Street, and now ready for ser
vice, is the last word in modern con
struction Nfor this class of building.
The stable complies with every re
quirement of the drastic barn ordin
ance passed by the city council, and
then goes some further. ,
The new Elkhorn Stable replaces
the forker structure, destroyed last
year by fire. Built of reinforced
concrete, the new barn is absolutely
fireproof, there being but a minimum
of wood in the interior fittings. Each
stall is individually drained, and
other culverts are so placed as to
take off any surface water or waste.
A special system of ventilation will
keep the air in the stable sweet and
clean constantly; while the extra
large size of all stalls will assure
comfort to all animals boarded in the
Mr. Wilson has in the past built
up a large patronage among local
business houses, many of wMch kept
their teams in his former establish
ment, while among farmers for miles
around the Elkhorn was known as
the best barn in the city. In its new
guise the Elkhorn will continue its
former success, and its perfect sani
tation and obsolute fireproof con
struction will cause it to appeal still
more to the driving public.
Aside from its business of a board
ing and feed barn, th eElkhorn is also
the home of a number of excellent
livery rigs, and those desiring driving
or riding horses for a jaunt through
the surrounding county will be able
to have their wants promptly and
satisfactorily fulfilled.
Oregon City, Ore.
Hubbard, Oregon
miclt Stock
Importers and Breeders of High Grade
Best Foundation Stock in the West
Dimick Stock Farm
R. F. D. No. 2
Fill this Out, It Will Pay You
Name '-
Postoffice Address
I live miles from ; on road near
. I have acres of land.
There are acres under cultivation. There is an incumbrance of
$ against the property due on '. 191..:.
t would like to borrow for ..'....years, giving this prop
erty as security. Do you want to sell your farm?
If you have a mortgage on your farm, or if you wish to bor
row money for development purposes, or if you want to sell your
farm, it will be to your advantage to fill this out and return to us at
Aurora State Bank Building ' Aurora, Oregon
Wi I i'1 F f) I Art your dealer about the nw J,.l
Ph A 3 presents ' m
$VJ''if tiMl " JET S$ "Olympic Went Heart. tM
flroi Jr "Olympic" Pancake Flour Ml
"tyiW t li; It U ' j Juit the dandinst, oatoh- "JMl
''A')1 ill -JS II it, most interesting ','ijSf.
j.CTP;' li li I, J "nto" novelties iinagiua. Y'ijW
I'MfS 12 11 H We esPeoiil'y Sported
f MM Si II !( 1 from Germany. )
'11 B A 1 Portland Flouring
if urn iiirn iuimhii
"Upstairs, Downstairs, In My Lady's Chamber"
This familiar line from "Mother Goose" suggests one of the
greatest advantages of the Perfection Oil Heater. It is so light and
Handy it can easily be carried about the house-wherever heat is needed.
Smokeless J
Light it in the bedroom and dress in comfort. Take it to the bath-room-the
breakfast room-the sewing room. It keeps the house warm
aim cuz,y.
Burns oil-the cheap
est fuel. Easy to light and
care for. Can't Smoke.
Doesn't smell. Finished in
plain steel or blue enamel
ed drums.
Ask to see it at your dealers.
Standard Oil
For Best Results
Pearl Oil
- t
. v
s s, WTLI 111 Gil lit 1
It would make millions and mil