Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, December 25, 1913, Image 5

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: Eli Stark, of Schuebel, was in this
city Friday. '
Ambrose Brownell, of Concord, was
in this city Monday.'
William Hornshuh of Portland was
in Oregon City Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grossmiller of
Shubel, were in this city Friday.
Harvey Schuebel and brother, of
Eldorado, were in this city Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Holman, of Beaver
Greek, were in Oregon City Friday.
Robert Schoenborh and son, of El
dorado, was in Oregon City Thursday.
Dan Graves and family, of Hazel
dale, was in this city as a visitor Fri
day. George Kirbyson, of Shubel, was
transacting business in thi scity on
A. L. Jones, a well known farmer
of Eldorado, was in Oregon City on
Carl Cassiday, of Carus, was in
Oregon City Friday. He accompanied
his mother and sister.
Miss Rosa Guinther, of Portland,
visited her sister, Mrs. F. B. Schoen
born of this city, recently.
Frank Thompson, of Portland, vis
ited Mrs. M. London of this city, on
one day the first of this week.
Miss Elsie Schoenborn, who has
been visiting with her brother, Harry,
of Eldorado, has returned to her home
in this city.
Miss May Kelly, teacher in the
Portland schools, is in this city spend
ing the holidays with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. H. L. Kelly.
Lloyd Riches will leave Wednesday
for Silverton, where he will spend
Christmas with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Riches.
Hugh Bran, the popular repre
sentative of the Portland Zincograph
Company, was transacting business in
Oregon City Monday.
Thomas Sinnott, who has been for
several months at Klamath Falls,
Oregon, arrived in Oregon City and
will spend the holidays here with his
parents and sisters.
Miss Anna Smith arrived from
Bellingham, Wash., Saturday and will
spend the holidays with her sister,
Miss Edith, of Gladstone.
Charles Goldsmith, a prominent
resident of Sacramento, California,
is in this city visiting his mother,
Mrs. A. Goldsmith, who is now recov
ering from her recent illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Toban, who were
called here by . the illness and death
of the latter's father, the late E. S.
Follansbee, have returned to theirs
home at Powell River, B. C.
Mrs. A. Johnson, of Portland, for
merly of this city but now of Port
land, was in this city Monday visit
ing her daughter, Mrs. Maxwell Tel
ford, of Canemah.
Delbert Hart, a merchant of Mu
lino, but formerly of Oregon City,
was in this city Monday, while here
he visited his parents Mr. and Mrs.
H. Hart of Kansas City Addition.
Miss Bess Reynolds is improving
rapidly from, her illness and is now
able to be out. Miss Reynolds re
cently underwent a surgical operation
for appendicitis.
Miss Roma Stafford, teacher in the
Portland schools, has arrived in this
city to spend her holidays at her home
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B.
Stafford of Mt. Pleasant.
Mrs. H. A. Berkman, formerly
Miss Veda Williams, of this city,
but now of Portland, who has been
visiting the former's sister, Mrs. C.
G. Miller, of this city, have returned
to their home.
Miss Nellie Dimick, of Portland,
was an Oregon City visitor Thursday,
and while in this city visited her
brother, Judge G. B. Dimick. Miss
Dimick is just recovering from an ill
ness of several weeks' duration.
Miss Mildred Kruse, teacher in the
Blind School at Salem, arrived in
Oregon City Monday evening and will
spend the holidays with her mother,
Mrs. Anna Kruse, of Center and El
eventh street.
Mr. and Mrs. William Hankins and
little son, of Cottage Grove, arrived
in Orecron Citv Sunday and will spend
the Christmas and New Year's day
with the former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. T. B. Hankins.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Chase and fam
ily of Colfax, Wash., arrived in Ore
eon Citv Saturday and will spend the
holidays in this city as the guests of
the former's mother Mrs. S. A. Chase,
who, will have a family reunion at her
home on Sixth and High, Street on
Mrs. Edward' Lamport of Medford,
was in Oregon City Monday visiting
her sister, Mrs. Maxwell Telford. Mrs
Lamnort was formerly Miss Carrie
Lutz of this city. She and her husband
are spending the Christmas holidays
with Mrs. A. Johnson of Portland,
Mrs. Lamport s mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Raich Parker, far-
merlv of Gladstone, but who have
been making their home at Butte,
Montana, have moved to , Portland,
where thev will make their future
home. Mr. Parker having been trans
f erred to that city by the company
by whom he is employed. Mrs. Parker
was formerly Miss nuoa mciietcme.
We wish to thank the people of
Oregon City and vicinity, who
have given us their support and
helped to make our business a
success in the past two years.
During . the coming year we
are going to (ry to give you
even better service, as our stock
is larger and more complete
than ever.
We wish you all a very happy
New Year.
Seventh and Center Sts.
On the Hill
Jake Josi of Clairmont. was in this 1 MARSH-SCHOENBORN WEDDING
city Tuesday. '
Albert Olson, of Marquam. was to ' 1Av5R,?nXJ weaaing was soiem-
thija city Tuesday. . , a c S C" l Vo - i f
Henry Parry, of Beaver Creek, was the, contracting parties being Miss
in this city Tuesday.
Miss Mary Parry of Beaver Creek,
was in this place Tuesday.
Robert and Nathan Casiday. of
Carus, were in this city Tuesday.
John Brown of Gresham, was" in
Oregon City Saturday and Sunday.'
Mr. and Mrs. Georcre Brenner of
Carus, were in this city Tuesday.
A. Dahlen, of Silverton, was amone
those visiting in this city Monday and
Tuesday. , v
W. E. Putnam, of Gooding, Idaho,
transacted business in this city Tues
day. ,
Miss Jennie Blv. of Carus and her
brother, Lee, were in this city Tues
A. R. Doohttle, of Powell River.
has arrived in this city, where he will
spena tne holidays with . his son,
Louis Doolittle and family.
Misses Gladys and Grace Schue
bel, who are spending the winter in
this city, have gone to Eldorado p
spend the holidays with their parents.
Mrs. Don Meldrum, who has been
dangerously ill for the vpast three
weeks at her home in this city, is rap
idly improving from the attack of
Miss Agnes Harris, a student at
the Normal School at Monmouth, has
arrived in this city, where she will
spend the holidays with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Harris.
C. F. Romig, one of the well known
teachers of Clackamas County, and
teacher in the Canby High Cchool,
was in Oregon City Thursday on business.
Mrs. Cassie Evans, of Canbv. own
er and proprietoress of the Cottage
Hotel, was in Oregon City Thursday
and while in this citv visited with
Miss Georgia Cross, who is a stu
dent at the University of Oregon, has
returned to Oregoiv City to spend the
holidays with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. a. a. cross.
Miss Ruth Gregory arrived in this
city Sunday morning from Hoquiam,
Wash., where she is engaged in teach
ing. She is a guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry B. Cartlidge of this city.
Miss Pauline Hicks, a student of
Willamette University at Salem, ar
rived in Oregon City Friday, where
she will spend the holidays with her
father, B. N. Hicks.
Miss Lena Goldsmith, of San Fran
cisco has arrived in this city, having
been called here by the critical ill
ness of her mother," Mrs. A. Gold
smith, of Fourteenth and Main Street.
Mrs. Goldsmith is rapidly improving
Ralph Green of this city, left Sun
day for McMinnville, accompanying
A. J. Wyman of Gladstone, where
they have accepted a contract for the
plastering of the new Masonic Tem
ple, which is under construction.
Miss Mabel Tooze, who has been
ill for the past six weeks with ty
phoid fever, and who has been at the
home of her uncle, Fred J. Tooze, is
now able to be out again and will be
able to resume her position with the
Oregon City Bank soon.
Among the students 'of the Uni-
veisity of Oregon, who have some to
Oresron City to spend their vacation
holidays at home are, Miss Evelyn
Harding, Miss ttrna retzold, Miss
Anne Tolpolar, Joseph Sheahan and
Thornton Howard.
Miss Edna Gard, teacher of the
New Era school, was in this . city dur
ing the past week, where she has been
taking the teachers' examination, and
on Friday evening left for Portland,
where she visited until Wednesday,
when she departed for Boise, Idaho,
where she will spend the holidays
with her sister.
Mrs. Frank White, of Vancouver,
Wash., accompanied by her daughter
Mrs. Laura Guilott, and the latter s
little son, also of Vancouver, who
have been in this city visiting the
former s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo,
Boylan and also her sister, Mrs. An
na R. Williams, returned to their
home on Sunday afternoon.
Jack Christy, who left this city
about six weeks ago for California,
has returned to Oregon City, and has
formed partnership with Ferd Scott,
and they have opened a cleaning and
pressing establishment, the tempor
ary location of the same being at the
Armory, but a permanent location
will be secured within a few weeks.
While in California Mr. Christy made
his home m Sacramento.
Mr. and Mrs. William -Moehnke
and little daughter, Catherine, of
Beaver Creek, were in this city on
Saturday. Mr. Moehnke and family
will soon move to this city, where
they will make their future home.
Mr. Moehnke having traded his 80
acre farm to Chris Menke, of Beaver
Creek for city property, this being
located on Third and Washington
A. M. Sinnott of this city received
a telegram Thursday announcing the
death of his only brother, Thomas
Forrestelle Sinnott, of Rosebank,
Stayton Island, New York. Mr. Sin
nott's death came as a surprise as
he had been ill but a short time. Mr.
Sinnott was a prominent resident of
Stayton Island. He was 54 years of
age at the time of his death. Besides
his brother, A. M. Sinnott, of this city
the deceased leavers wife and daugh
ter of Stayton.
F. A. Dillon, who has resided for
the past four years on Ninth and
Monroe Street, and who recently un
derwent a surgical operation at the
Oregon City Hospital, died at that
institution xnursday ano ne remains
were shipped to his former home at
St. Joseph, Missouri, where the re
mains will be interred. Mrs. Dillon
accompanied the remains of her hus
band to the old home and was ac
companied by her two daughters, El
izabeth and Kathryn and son, Aubrey.
They were met at Denver, Colorado,
by a son of Mrs. Dillon, who will ac
company them to Missouri.
Mrs. Henry Henningsen, formerly
of Oregon City, but now of Powell
River, B. C, where Mr. Henningsen is
superintendent of the Floriston Pa
per Mills, arrived in Oregon City on
Thursday morning, where she will
spend the holidays with Mrs. M. Gross
of Ureenpoins. At me time oi ivirs.
Henningsen leaving Floriston,- the
residents of that part of California
were experiencing some very cold
weather, there being a heavy snow
fall, and ice is being cut for the ship
ment to sections of California, and is
being stored to be shipped later. Mrs.
Henningson states that the rain
"looks good to her" although she is
much Impressed with California.
Mable Marsh, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. C. H. Marsh, of Molalla, and
Mr. . Harry Schoenborn of Eldorado,
Rev. Witty, pastor of the Church of
Christ, officiated. Many friends of
the young couple attended the mar
riage ceremony, and only the immed
iate relatives of the contracting par
ties attended the reception given at
the home of the bride's parents, fol
lowing the ceremony.
The church was beautifully decor
ated by the young people of the
church, an archway being arranged
where the ceremony took place.
The bride was beautifully attired
in a gown of white silk with an over
dress of white chiffon with silver
trimming. Her 6 shower bouquet was
of white carnations and smilax. Her
attendant, Miss Elsie Schoenborn of
this city, and sister of the bridegroom
wore a. very becoming gown of pale
blue messaline with an overdress of
blue chiffon with trimmings of sil
ver. She carried a shower bouhuet of
pink carnations. Mr. Claude Marsh,
brother of the bride, was best man.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Marsh
where the reception was held, was ar
tistically decorated with cut flowers
and evergreens. The dining room and
table correspondingly decorated, were
in holly. Mrs. Marsh was assisted in
serving by Mrs. Jackson.
Mr and Mrs. Schoenborn have gone
on their honeymoon, which will be
spent in Portland and Washington.
Upon their return they will go to
Carus, where they will make, their
future home, and where Mr. Schoen
born is engaged in farming.
The bride is one of the popular
young ladies of Molalla, where she
has a host of friends.
The bridegroom is the youngest
son of Mrs. Augusta Schoenborn, of
this city, and of the late Richard
Schoenborn. He is an industrious and
well known young farmer of Clacka
mas County, having resided in this
county all of his life.
Among those .attending the recep
tion were: Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Marsh,
Mr. and Mrs. William Jackson, Mr.
Cordill, Mrs. R. A. Schoenborn, of
Oregon City, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Schoenborn, also of this city, Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Schoenborn, Mr. and
Mrs. Fernian, Miss Rosa Marsh, Miss
Esther Marsh, Miss Ida Bagby, Miss
Belle arsh, Miss Elsie Schoenborn,
Claude Marsh, Lukey Marsh, Hiram
Marsh, Clifford Marsh, Henry Scho
enborn, Donald Schoenborn and Mrs.
Augusta Schoenborn.
County Court
Continued from Page 6
John V. Green 15.00
L. S. Aldrich 6.40
G. H. Young ,. 4.00
Beaver Creek Hall Ass'n 5.00
Oregon City Courier 85.50
Oregon City Enterprise. 138.85
Wild Animal Bounty
Robert Putz , 3.00
Juvenile Court
D. E. Frost 6.10
Minda E. Church 450
Tax Rebate .. ..
Harry M. Courtright 88.34
Harry M. Courtright 14.73
Harry M. Courtright 65.60
Harry M. Courtright 9.21
Expenditure of County Road Fund
for Month of November
District No. 1
H. E. Sharrow 23.15
W. H. Counsell ...... 49.60
E. Battin ..
O. A. Battin
The Bithiah Class of the M. E.
Church was pleasantly entertained on
Monday evening by Mrs. JNicholas
Humphreys. The early past of the
evening was devoted to business of
the class, followed by refreshments.
Misses Daisy and Alice Larson en:
tertained the members of the Mehr
Licht Club at their home Monday ev
ening. The evening was devoted to
reading and music. During the even
ing refreshments were served.
Wm. Strange 70.00
Wm. Smart N 57.50
Davis 29.25
G. Newton .. 42.75
Wm. Mundion 41.75
G.Avery 11.25
R. Strange 28.25
R. Otty 57.50
. District No. 2
A. Searles 7.50
aontw 'aoa
E. R. Bennett 8.00
Elmer Shearer 6.00
M. S. Shearer 4.75
. Enghouse 2.50
Mather :.. 1.75
W. Bennett 7.50
District No. 3
J. C. Elliott & Co 8.35
W. W. Cooke 71.05
W. Ymore 33.30
Curtis Young 21.65
Frank Eberhardt 14.90
Earl Shearer 40.25
- Lehman 6.00
August Hellar 2.00
A. H. Ritzau 90.50
H. Gerhardus 68.00
Lee Stra,dley 37.50
W. Johnson 2.00
Herman Gerhardus, Jr 8.00
J. A. Stoll ...... 14.50
S. C. Young 14.50
O.Vogal 14.00
J. Moore . 9.00
H. Seibert .. 29.25
W. J. Arnett 9.900
M. Eberhardt .... , 11.00
Burton Deardorff
J. Abbuehl .1..
A. Osterback
Miss Nettie Kruse entertained a
few friends at her home on Eleventh
and Railroad Avenue on Saturday
evening. Games and music were the
features of the evening. The rooms
were very prettily decorated for the
The marriage of Miss Pearl Har
rington of Gladstone, daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. Edward Harrington, and Mr.
Thomas Rawlins of Arizona, will take
place at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
Harrington at Gladstone Saturday at
12 o'clock. The wedding will be a very
quiet affair and will be attended only
by relatives.
One of the greatest social events
to be held during the holidays is the
60th anniversary celebration of the
I. O. O. F. Oregon Lodge No. 3. This
will be given by the members of the
Order and those of the Rebeccas.
Manv prominent members will be in
attendance, both from this city and
out of town. This will be held in the
Busch hall.
The early part of the evening will
be given over to a programme. The
programme is as follows: Opening
Ode, prayer by the chaplain; address
of welcome, Judge G. B. Dimick;
song, Falls City Quartette; history of
lodge, T. F. Ryan; song, little girls;
address, Henry G. Taylor, grand mas
ter; vocal solo, Kenneth Woodward;
address. G A. Pogue, grand patriarch;
solo, Lorraine Lee of Canby; address
Mrs. Charlotte Woodman, president of
Rebekah Assembly; remarks, William
Gallowayj closing ode, orchestra. The
programme will be followed by danc
ing, the grand march and lancers be
ing first on the dancing programme,
There will be 19 dances including sev
eral extras.
The reception committee is com
posed of J. O. Staats, chairman; Jam
es Shannon, J. E. Jack, E. T. Mass
F. P. Fuge, J. J Cooke.
Floor Managers, C A. Nash, B.
Staats,, A A. Price, A. Rakel, Henry
Cook. Dromnter.
Proeramme Committe. L. J. Lage
son. chairman; E. A. Hughes, J. O
Staats, C. A. Nash, L. H. Feaster,
H W. Trembath. M. D. Latourette, G,
B. Dimick, R. J Hodson, S S. Walker,
E. W. Scott. '
Banquet, J. K. Morris, chairman, E
A. Hughes.
Couehs that Prevent Sleep
These coughs are wearing and if
they "hang on" can run one, down
physically and lower me vital resis
tance to disease. Mr. Bob Ferguson!
319 Pine St.. Green Bay, Wis., writes
"I was greatly troubled with a bad
cough that kept me awake at nights
.Two small bottles of Foley's Honey
and Tar Compound completely cured
me." Huntley Bros. U.
H. Gibson 65.00
A. Davis
.1 1.00
A. Kasper ...... 6.00
J. Borgman 13.15
W. A. Shearer'! . 13.15
P. F. Uhlig .......... 8.00
J. Moore 16.25
W. J. Arnett ..... ..i... 15.25
H. Bock .. ...... 16.00
W. R. Dallas ;.' 16.00
S. C. Young 16.00
Walter Krebs .... 1.00
District No. 7.
Oregon City Courier .... ' 5.00
R. L. & P. Co ...... 13.94
P. R. L. & P. Co 176.40
H L Browness & Co 10.75
Sanoy Lumber Co. 37.27
Straus Lumber Co 9.75
Sandy Fir Lumber Co ......... 60.00
Geo. Kirby 15.75
A. Klinger .: 9.00
Tom Hagan 10.15
Fred Gibons ;.' 15.75
Lee Cooper 14.65
Wm. Schlimmer 15.75
P. Harry 14.65
W. Gipson 13.50
Jesse Vanderhoof 1.50
E. R. Leaf 35.00
A. Shipley ". 15.00
Bolfield ...... 1-15
.. District No. 9. ..
Estacada Progress 5.00
B. F. Cogswell 1.30
A. M. Jansen 45.90
John Marshall 20.00
Frank Marshall .;., ....... 20.00
T. Harders .. ........ 21.00
H. Schmidt";!..""'...... 8.50
G. Zwerman .... 31.00
E. Guber ...... ........ 12.00
Carl Lins . . 6.00
W. Lins ' 14.00
F. Ochs 13.50
E. Grafenhein .. 31.00
H. Joyner 9.50
R. Miller 20.00
A. Miller .. 17.00
O. Paulson .
Johnson ..
N. Schiel
A. Wiederholdt
A. W. Lee ... .. ' 11.00
Paulsen :
District No 10
Estacada Progress .... .. .,
Cary Mercantile Co .......
Coast Culvert & Flume Co
Beall & Co ..
A.A M. Stephen 8.00
L. J. Palmateer 18.00
Clyde English ...... ...... ........ 6.00 ,
Elw Beebe 8.00
Arthur Perry ...... 7.50
C. Fr. Frazier ..
Richard Palmateer .
W. P. Snuffin
J. H. McKenney ...
W. R. Woodworth ...
T. J. Reagan 6.00
C. H. Duncan 32.50
District No. 13.
Wilson & Cooke : 3.30
Mattoon Lumber Co 11.62
F. Catho ...... ,
A. Schneider
J. T. Fullam
District No.
A. C. Warner ...
Wm. Fine
O. Vogal ..
J. C. Elliott
G. W. Congtoln
M. Abylanal ......
P. Thompson 4.00
sN....J4K..BAd aontk aontk aontk ai
District No. 4
Robert Currin .... 3.00
Albert Kitching 16.00
Frank Boyer .. 24.00
J. W. Dowty 13.00
Dan Matson 10.00
Geo. Kitching '. 14.00
W. Wade 10.00
Cor. 10th and Main Sts., Oregon City
WISH All our Friends and Customers
We Have
just received a Consignment of
and Needles for All Machines Made,
We can save you from $10 to $25 on the
Best Machine in the Market
Bathe In Cgi
Your cold bathroom can be
warmed easily and quickly by means
of a
Jk- 9mokei.es r-r
8 .61 1. 1 m
1 a
MrfeTOl Standard Oil
i For Best Results Vj
M JlWT&f Use Pearl Oil U-r
200i aJKI VmL I ' Su-H- i
4,oo , jjyi j
MTBSwr .VHiirt'iiwm.M "
You'll wonder how you ever got
along without it.
Easy to move from room to room.
Easy to light and take care. of.. Can't
smoke.. Doesn't smell. Will last a life
time, finished in plain steel or -
blue enameled drums.
Ask to see it at your dealers.
Standard Oil
A.. I Finnegan 10.00
A'lert.Scheer 5.00
Enos -Ayers ... 5.00
L. JS. Pentley ; 8.00
J. y Jack 6.00 J
District No. 16 j
C. ,W. Friederich .... 4.0'
August Staehely 99.25
District No. 1? .,.
George Koehler ...... 2.00
Almon Johnson .... .. , 2.00
M. Strye . . .1.00
D. R. Dimick 13.75
t r: : t 4mm
1VBU .. 1U."U .. , :j" J;!.4.! 11..
, , nue m me Btwu AunuiuouairiiA ttb mc
Clen Irish 4.00 office of her attorney, in room 504
John Robbing COO , Gerlinger Building, S. W. corner of
F. J. Reace 6.00 Second and Alder Streets, Portland,
rjanv " o oo Oregon) which said office the under-
y .... - signe(j selects as her place of busi-
Fv aontkq aontq aonoi nesa jn ali matters connected with
District No. 20. i said estate of Louis Lemery, deceas-
W. II. Wettlaufer 40.25 ed' ' , , '
' "" i Dated and first published at Ore-
I gon City, Oregon, this 25th day of
Notice to Creditors
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, For and in the County of
In the matter of the Estate of Louis
Lemery, deceased.
Notice is hereby given by the un
dersigned Administratrix of the Es
tate of Louis Lemery, deceased, to
the creditors of and all persons hav
ing claims against said deceased, to
exhibit such claims, with the neces
sary vouchers, within six months
after the first publication of this no-
Continued on Page 8
December, 1913. 1 .
J. Hennessy Murphy
Attorney for said Administratrix.
Notice of Final Settlement of the Es
t Me of Charles Reverman, De
ceased .
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned administratrix of the es- .
tate of Charles Reverman, deceased,
has filed in the County Court of ,
Clackamas County, State of Oregon,
her final account as such administra
trix of said estate and that Monday
the 2nd day of February, 1914, at
the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.; has been
fixed by said Court as the time for
hearing of objections to said report
and the settlement thereof.
Otillia Reverman,
Administratrix of the estate of
Charles Reverman, deceased.
U'Ren & Schuebel,
Attorneys for Administratrix.
Henry Githens
Lester Hale
Linsey Hale .. '
Paul Lovell ,
Fred Bannister
Henry Winks
Johri Githens 26.75
H. L. Gordon 2.16
District No. 5 '
C. W. Schuld & Sons 89.60
A. N. Wills . 50.40
Port. Ry Light & Power Co 128.10
T. Richey 2.00
J. Imel 24.00
W. E. Wheeler ...... 88.00
H. A. Beck....' 80.00
C. Lekberg '. 36.00
G. Tachern 8.00
B. Johnston .. 18.00
J. Fitzgerald 12.00
C. M. Lake 2.00
W. J. Hillyard ' 3.00
M. H. Wheeler '. 60.00
L. Ritzer 27.00
E. Anderson 4.00
S. S. Waybill 2.00
C. Wheeler .... ...... 24.00
Brooks 2.00
J. W. Roots & Co .... ......... 3.20
District No. 6.
Nick Schmitz 24.75
G'ust Finger 23.50
R. Lincfberg 25.50
W. E."Fellows : 16.00
Chas. Krebs 57.60
Ed Flatau 14.50
E. Albel 5.00
M. Mickleson 10.Q0
F. Lauderback .... ; 3.00
Will Senske 1.00
Fancy Potatoes
Highest Market Price paid at all
times.--Write or Phone
W.-H. LUCRE ?AfiBr-oa,o&2
Will be at Hodge's Livery Barn each ..Thursday. Bring Samples
For our Special
Christmas Bargain
we have put on
Sale a large assort
ment of LADIES
SUITS at Extra
Adams Department Ston