OREGON CITY COURIER, THURSDAY, DEC. 25 1913 w I C! . 0 V ! i r3 ) i . J U ' - J ' J I mm I I j wmI WihiiiI i i in i Wiii lirnn.ii n il nnnnnn nnnnnninnn l rdln njl n fu(n 0100 II fu I UflfL HI h ffi f ul if lfiri n U LVULI Uul II JJ vUU VJvw. in E nfflm Our stock it purchaa d. THE word "Sale" has been the most abused word in the English language of late. It is not consistent with legitimate merchan dising to sacrifice merchandise in the heart of the season. - You might be offered a bait on some small article, but the profit neces sary to operate will be hung on the merchandise somehow. It has always been our policy to have our regular Clean-up Sale twice a year at the end or each season's business, and our many patrons have always been prompt in taking advantage of the GENU INE BARGAINS we were offering. i Due to weather conditions we are left heavily overstocked, and we are going to offer, with the exception of a few contract articles, Reductions from 25 to 40 0 on Our Entire High Class Stock larire, selections are good and our guarantee of 19 years standing is behind every article ' . . i - T"T- t o t r bo now is your chance to take advantage or a KHALi jall. Sale Opens Saturday, December 27tl PI HT14IMP Genuine Clothcraft, Stein - Bloch, vJLAy 1 nilNVJ L System and Stratford makes. $12.50 Suits, O'coats and Gabardines J 9.35 $15.00 Suits, O'coats and Gabardines Q.QO $18.00 Suits, O'coats and Gabardines $20.00 Suits, O'coats and Gabardines " 3.95 $25.00 Suits, O'coats and Gabardines 1 7.85 $27.50 Suits, O'coats and Gabardines 9.55 $30.00 Suits, O'coats and Gabardines 21 .85 11.95 BOYS' DEPARTMENT $5.00 Xtragood Boys' Suits reduced to $3.85 $6.00 Xtragood Boys' Suits reduced to 4.25 $7.50 Xtragood Boys' Suits reduced to 5.75 $8.50 Xtragood Boys' Suits reduced to 8.1 5 $10. Xtragood Boys' Suits reduced to J. 28 SPECIAL REDUCTIONS in Boys' Shoes, Hats and Furnishings. Dress Shirts and Neckwear Bargains $ 1 .00 Dress Shirts - - 55c $ 1 .50 Dress Shirts -' - 95c $1.50, $2 Dress Shirts $1.10 Manhattan Shirt Specials $1.50 red label - - $1.15 $2.50 black label - $1.85 2.00 black label - $1.45 25c Neckwear, 3 for - 50c 50c Neckwear, 3 for - $1.00 HATS-Willamette and Crofut & Knapp Makes $3.00 Hats 3.50 Hats - $2.30 $2.65 Odds and ends in $2 and $2.50 Hats at $1.15 Jerseys, Sweater Coats, and Roughneck Sweater Specials of the GANTNER & MATTERN MAKE $2.50 values - $1.85 $5.00 values . $3.00 3.00 values - $2.15 6.00 values - $4.20 3.50 values - - $2.65 7.50 values - - $5.30 Space is too valuable to quote all of the many bargains we are offering, so in order to fully appreciate the values, we would deem it a special favor to visit our store during this Groat Bargain Carnival. 20 S. & H. (ireen Stamps Free with every SOc pun chase during this sale. PpACf Clothiers for Men, Young Men and Boys. 6th & Main Sts. DON'T FORGET THE LOCATION 6th and Main Sts. Established 1895