Alii II f ' OREGON CITY COURIER, THURSDAY, DEC 4 1913 ""'J ii-B iri i J w-wpp." v. i- -i w-, ,;.r..J i ' n rn in i J v M i 'Lti3 c ir ir 1 r :r. -Jr: i I c zL , SO NEAR WE ARE WE CAN ANNOUNCE IT!. Yet to be absolutely sure we inaugurate here the Greatest Seven Days Sale Ever field fa) in llllll ' It ZJ i J ft ul ID This Stupendous Barg'anized Bargain Event cc m es Sat Nfeht Dec 1 Don't wait, now! Don't Delay! bat come every day of the Seven Days! Our Big Store will be turned into One Big Carnival of Bargains Saturday Monday Tuesday Wed 'day Thursday Friday Saturday Each day featuring many new Special Bargain for its own self. Every day fighting to crown itself the Biggest CHRISTMAS IS JUST A STEP AWAY NOW! GET READY FOR IT MISCELLANEOUS GOODS BLANKETS Lace Curtains-Ketrular $1.00 top mir . A ft H MENS SUITS u u - - r i - mm . m mm u . T , w ouiis in urowns, grays and I xira large cotton Blankets, regular 1.50 u.iiiv uiuua tCOO I to SSz (III ' PU.7U I Calicoes Thousands of yards per yd. Shoes Childrens. 100 pairs of Childrcns' shoes up to $2.50 89c $20.00 Dollar Blue. Serges $9.93 Woolen Amoskeg C.inghanis Thousands of yards 1t yn Furs Buy them in the next 7 days and save I ONE HALF Percales Thousands of yards worth 124 and 15c, yd MILLINERY An 100 Ladies' Hats, $7.50 to $10.00 HHC BOYS SUITS $0.00 and $7.50 at $3.98 MENS PANTS $2.00 and $2.50, to go at . .$1.48 $3.50 to $4.50, to go at $2.48 Blankets, extra long silk bound : regular $5.00 98c 3.68 COMFORTS $1.50 Comforts $2.00 Comforts 98c $1.25 Shirtings Ever Wear Regular 12 cents, RIBBONS Thousands of yards from 15e to 35c per yd. HATS and CAPS Cr $1.50 to $2.00 Men's Hats, the very latest.. SWEATERS 100 Sweaters, $2.50 to $3.00 Scrims Several Beautiful Patterns 25 and A r 35c per. yd. to go I 7P mm v $1.00 and $1.50 Caps, extra fine SAFETY PINS COATS Misses' and ChiM ivvn n-nrwl urn A I . jjvuu Cll 111 OliUWI hnP C()ats' r'egu,ar 5,00 7-00 Per Dozen Clianihrays All Colors 12 1-2 and 15c the' .ViU'd 1 $1.50 extra heavy material ....HMO. 1 5(1 o WW V I wO W EMBROIDRY SILKS f f., C3..:j : . . . v "i-wu K.U1HHJ-S piain iiiacK and cheek 25 4 1" and 3ac I HI. I V" WOOLEN DRESS GOODS Hundreds of yards in mest all col ors, worth 50c and 75c, the yd ONE PIECE DRESSES MENS UNDER WARE :'-4":"f- 10c KKTl.r!. 4.98 Ext"a "eavr neaUh -'-44c I . I M H BED SPREADS urcTC Same' unfleeced 1000 regular $3.50, to go at I tLH HOSIERY Ladies' Burson Hose, regular 25c OUTING FLANNELS 100 yards Outin 17c Woolen Underwear, medicalized, extra fine fl C $1.50 ; yjjc JTING FLANNELS All wool ladies' and children's Hose, 4e &ttUHb5HOES , , V P r("ulilr 35c to go at . 1 Qp 100 pair Ladies' Shoes, all sizes, up to 8: rt g Flannels, regular 12 l-2c. Q . UJU $2.50 to $3.00 at BC 150 pair Ladies' Shoes $3.50 to $1.00 at .98 riannels-Kcd, r,ViXy !hui AVlito j, h(r 0 fl ,,)a,ia 7&--. Joe RAIN COATS That keep out the rain. $25.00 Coats at OVERALLS $1.00 and $1.25 Overalls . Sheetings 94 width unbleached. Iioirular 4 1 - l5-w0 Coats at. 27c, to go. 19C $12.00 Coats at $12.50 $6.48 ift.yo I C5C Extra lie;n-r fnll HP SHOES SHOES 200 pair men's Shoes. Not one pair of these WOPK- QUtdtc i?noes retailed under $3.50 and most of them ' 1 ll n 1 1 . ; .uuve pness are positively only good for the seven days of Ms colossal Sa1eh, v , UUZ UDUndanCe Of momVirmAXcty c Vm-n inr yw, titc ufiQi; luimrauy inousanas ot baraams hvp hct Mr ' ,y " are $1.00 and $5.00 ; to clean m . . $2.48 48c 100 pair $3.00 to 13.50 $1 98 can not quote you one tenth of them here. Entire stock is in Ms sale. Not one thing reserved-COME! !! ET T TATT rkirTiirio iri i rm liuh MUlflCK DErAKllUclH N RF seventh st. at madison 14 Jl uil nw nruu tjttt