Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, December 04, 1913, Page 5, Image 5

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H TS RATHER HARD to buy Xmas gifts, isn't it?
H Not that you dislike the idea of giving, but you
B are at a loss to know what will please Father.
You will not have this trouble if you will
consult us, for we are specialists in the selection of
the right gift for the right person.
H""" -re just a few of the many suggestions
we can make to you:
FOR MOTHER A beautiful piece of Silver
ware. A gift that would be in excellent taste and
would be greatly appreciated by her.
FOR FATHER A watch, a real man's gift. A
good watch will give him a lifetime of accurate
service. Here you can choose from the world's
greatest watches, namely: Waltham, Elgin, Howard
Hamilton, South Bend and Ingersoll Trenton.
He would certainly be proud of a gift like this.
FOR SISTER A locket of the latest and most
exquisite design. She would certainly be pleased
with a gift like this, with a nice chain to wear it on.
FOR BROTHER A Waterman fountain pen
one that never clogs, sciatches or refuses to
write. He will find it a mighty handy convenience
and therefore, a very acceptable gift.
FOR BABY A spoon it's about the nicest
gift you can give a baby.
These are only a few of the things which we
are able to suggest. Come in and look over our very
complete stock and you will get a great number of
Ijiiriiicistcr Jliulrcscii
' Oregon gity Jewelers
Suspension Bridge Corner
Joseph Fellows, of Springwater,
was in this city Tuesday. .
D. H. Harms, a well known stock
man of Aurora, was in Oregon City
on business Saturday.
Robert Beatie and family of Beaver
Creek, visited relatives in Orecon
Revisit Old Home
Hits Nan Cochran Local Editor
Mrs. .T. Friel nf Oherrwille. has re
turned to her home, after spending a
lew aays in mis ciiy.
Dr. E. A. Sommer, of Portland, was
this city on professional ousiness
Robert Berthold, of Eldorado, was
in this city Saturday. I
J. Crandall, of Molalla, was in this
city Tuesday.
Pierce Wrieht. a nrominent resi-
fldnf nf lWnlnlla. was nmnnff those
visiting , in Oregon City Wednesday
and rnursaay.
AH-nrnev Chria Schuebel. who has
ken at Riverside, California, on legal
business, has returned to uregon uiy
after an absence of several days.
Mica RiiTinv Owenhv. who has been
very ill at her home in this city, for
several weeks, lelt lor Seattle, wasn.,
where she will visit for a number
of weeks.
M on1 Mrs. Charles Snrincer and
little daughter, Margaret, spent Sat-
nrHnv nn H RiiTiHav in Orftp-nn Citv. be-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. neroeri nannuin
Mice ITSralvn TTurrlintr. whn has
been spending the Thanksgiving hol
idays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs
George Harding, of this city, has re
turned to the University of Oregon
to resume her studies.
Miss Mildred Krnse. instructor in
the Blind School at Salem, after
(mpnrlin: Thank BOMvinO Wpfilf With her
mother, Mrs. Anna Kruse and sister,
Miss Nettie Kruse, has returned to
Mr. and Mrs. William Wiggins and
lamuy 01 roniana, dui iormeriy res
idents nf Oiwnn Citv. snent Thanks
giving in Oregon City at the home of
fro Wmmn'a nomnta Mr anii Mra.
James Wilkinson of Fourteenth and
Main Street.
Rev. and Mrs. V,. S. Bollineer and
daughters, Misses Helen and Alice,
of Portland, spent- Thanksgiving in
Oregon City at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. P.hnrloa Rnllinireiv Mrs. Rnllin-
ger remained for several days before
returning to ner nome.
Mrs. J. N. Wisner and son Nelson
Jr., who recently left this city for
their home at Moneivedeo, South
America, where they are to join Mr.
New York Saturday. November 29, it
requiring 36 days on the sea to
reach their destination.
Here is a list of prices on
groceries which will help you
to reduce your living expenses.
2 small cans Pork & Beans 15c
2 med. cans Pork & Beans ..25c
2 large cans Pork & Beans ..35c
2 large cans Best Salmon ....25c
a cans Vegetable Soup 25c
2 cans Best Peas 25c
3 cans Good Corn 25c
2 large can Libby Pineapple 45c
1 gal. can Dill Pickles 50c
J gal. can apples 30c
J gal .can Apricots 35c
J gal. jar Tomatoe Catsup ..90c
3 lbs. Best Macaroni :.25c
1 large jar Best Asparagus 20c
2 large pkgs. Best Oats ....65c
large pkgs. Wheat Flakes 55c
2 9 Id Bag Corn Meal 65c
Cream Oats in bulk lb 5c
Urge bottle Libby's Catsup 20c
W lb. Bag Salt 20c
Seventh and Center Sts.
On the Hill
George Anderson, of Eldorado,
was in Oregon City Saturday.
B. E. Reynolds, of Molalla, was
transacting business in this city Fri
day. Mrs. J. B. Robinson, of Portland,
visited relatives in this city Wednes
day. .
Frank Wells, of Salem, was an
Oregon City visitor Saturday and
Mr. and Msr. George Ingram, of
Cams, spent Thursday with relatives
in this city.
R EV Williams, nf Salfim. returned
to his iiome after spending several
aays in mis city.
Mr artA 'Mrs A V.. RtpVftna nf
Maple Lane, were Oregon City visi
tors i nanKsgiving uay.
William Robinson, of Portland, but
fnrmprlv nf this rit.v. was visiting his
friends in this city Wednesday.
Carter Smith, of Muhno, accom
panied by his son, Sidney, transacted
business in uregon uty oaiuraay.
Ola Scott, of Molalla, was in Ore
gon City Wednesday, and Thursday,
registering at the Electric Hotel. '
Miss Fdna Devoe. a well known
school teacher of Boring, was in Ore
eon Citv Wednesday and inursuay.
Mro P A Sphnenhorn. of this
n( WriHnw with her daughter.
Mrs. Nathaniel smytne, oi roruanu, ,
formerly ot this city.
Misses Mollie and Clara Mitchell,
who spent Thanksgiving at their
home at Sandy, where they attended
a family reunion, returned to Oregon
Citv Thursday evening.
C. M. Jones, of Denver, Colorado,
was among those registered at the
t.'i; Hfol Fridnv. Ha was ac-
companied by A. A. Benme, also of
Mr anA Mrs R. H. Bonnev. of
n.,.. WncVi nmro in Orpcnn Citv on
Wednesday and Thursday, and while
in this city registered at me tuetuit
Chauncey E. Ramsby, formerly of
Oregon City, out now enga .
farming at Molalla, was in Oregon
City visiting .friends Saturday and on
Sunrlnv. '
G. Dietrick, of Carus, accompani
ed by his daughter, Mrs. Herman
nf thnt nlape. were in
Oregon City where they visited with
Mrs. Edward Sheahan and children
.ji n ii Pior r r. whn have been
in this city for the past month, being
cuests at the home of William Shea
han of this city, returned to their
Via mo
of this
u-i -r t Prtrflarif-i Wftfl 111 UrG-
Cliy, uul iiuw uj. t t ,
eon City Friday and Saturday, hay
nmo tn this citv to attend the
li.p . , - u.. J-U. T?1 Aa
dancing party given uy me
v;1o-,t ond O. Finlev. of
Ballston, New York, who have been
in this city, being the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. E. J. Daulton and family,
have gone to Portland, where they
will visit before returning home.
t i t nrocnn whn has been in
ljBUIiaiu Ljam-"'"t , .
Portland for the past year, having
been connected with the fcvang onoe
. ..i..j tn his home in
Store, nas rewm ---- . .
this city and is for the present with
the Oregon uty snoe awi.
. tt . V Worron nf Port'
Mrs. narry j .
land, was in this city Wednesday af
ternoon, coming to this city to at
tend the funeral of her uncle, the late
. -n, m ni.mn ocpnirraan-
J. M. ware. ",-" r ,
ied her father, Henry Clay Myers, al
so of Portland.
. n .U. nf this citv.
Miss Bessie neym"""
who recently underwent a surgical
operation for aPPe"d,t,sen"'
Vincents Hospital, Portland, has been
. A rt hpr home in
?his6 city but wiFbesral weeks
bef ore she will be able to resume her
position her position as book-keeper
for Miller. & Parker.
Mrs. Don Meldrum is recovering
from her illness of several weeks.
Mrs. Bly of Carus, transacted bus
iness in Oregon City Tuesday.
E. L. Palfrey, of Molalla, was in
this city Tuesday and Wednesday.
Judge G. B. Dimick went to Aurora
on legal business Tuesday afternoon.
W. A. Cunningham, of Ontario,
Oregon, was in this city Monday and
Harvey Schuebel, of Eldorado, vis
ited with friends in Oregon City on
William Irvine, of Bandon, Ore.,
was in Oregon City the first of the
M. N. Crisel, of Aurora, is in this
city, being one of the jurymen of the
Circuit Court.
Mr. Graves, the Mulino merchant,
was transacting business in Oregon
City Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brown,' promi
nent residents of Cams, were Ore
gon City visitors 'luesday.
Mioo Hnt.tip Trwin. nf Barlow, is a
at. the home of Mr. and Mrs.
George Hall of the West Side.
John Calverly and family arrived
from Detroit, Oregon, Monday and
aro registered at the Electric Hotel.
A. McConnell, a prominent resident
of Aurora, was in uregon vny on
Tuesday, and is serving on the jury.
Eugene Lammers, a resident of
Beaver Creek, was transacting busi
ness in Orecron City luesday.
Mra Aiicriicta Schnenborn. of this
city, left Monday for Eldorado, where
she will visit her son, narry.
Mi-o Vom flnnfiplH returned from
in trin Wp.dnesdav even-
UCl -r , , ,
ine and resumed her position with
the Oregon Uty isanit.
F. W. McLeran, owner and propri
tr f Wilhnit. Snrinirs. returned to
his home Thursday, after spending
spveral davs in this city on business.
Mrs. W. B. Shievely and daughter
of this city, spent Thanksgiving in
Portland as the guests oi rar. a
Mrs. William Shively.
m. Mr Wwin Wallbaum and
aui. mix ' .
two little children, have returned to
Chicago to make their tuture nome,
after spending the past year in Port
land and Uregon uity.
Miss Gladys . Schuebel, of Carus,
has arrived in Oregon City and is to
take instruction in needjewors at u
i,. nf Mrs. McGahuev. a well
Vnnwn Hressmaker of this city.
Misses Blanche and Maudie lrui-
linger, of Molalla, visited m tnis cny
Tuesday, Deing guests oi um u
: TVjT ccao i: onus ann irrace ocnuc
bel, who are for the present making
their home in this city.
W. H. Mattoon, of Estacada, coun
ty commissioner, arrived in Oregon
City Monday evening aim x.u .--t
t.hfl Electric Hotel
during this month of December, to
complete tne wont oi inc u..j
Court, as the work for the year of
1913, is about compieteu.
Mrs. J. J- Tobin received a teie
trram Saturday from Meridian, Con-
necticut, stating tnai """"'!
n nionn nf that citv. had
suffered from a stroke of paralysis,
and was in a critical condition, w..
Sunday word was again received an
nouncing the improvement of Mrs.
Olson. . . ,
H T. Melvin, a prominent resident
of Barlow, has arrived in this city and
. hio hparlnuarters at the
IS maiwiiK 1 .
Electric Hotel, wnue serving .
grand jury. Mr. meiv.n
6, orator, and has brot
a suDDly of water from Barlow to
last him aunng me y '
ing on the jury, ano is "
tap" at thi Electric. The water sys
tem of Barlow is supplied by means
Of tWO WellS, WHICH IS yuii.j-vv. -
large tank. The water is absolutely
pure, being recently analyzed.
. .., ..u,vu icianvca
City Thanksgiving Day
Miss Erna Petzold returned to
Eugene Sunday .where she is attend
ing the University of Oregon.
Mrs. Norwood Curry, of Portland,
spent Saturday and Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burns.
Commissioner W. H. Mattoon, of
Viola is in the city this week in at
tendance with the county court.
A. J. Lewis of Maple Lane, a well
known fruit grower and farmer of
that place, was transacting business
in this city Monday.
J. W. Smith, county commissioner,
from Macksberg, is in the city this
week attending the regular monthly
session of the county court.
Mrs. Melvin McCord and son, who
have been visiting the former's
mother, Mrs. W. A. Samson, returned
to their home in Portland Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin, promient
residents of Clackamas County, who
are located on a farm near Aurora,
were Oregon City visitors Monday.
Wing, the vegetable gardener of
the northern part of the city, has de
parted for China, where he will spend
several years with his wife and son.
Clyde Green, who has been at The
Dalles, where he has been in attend
ance at the Convention of Confedera
te Clubs,, has returned to this city.
Douglass Anderson, representing
the Western Stock Journal, left Mon
day morning for Willamette Valley
towns, where he goes on business in
connection with the magazine.
Edward Foster, Jr., who is con
nected with the Clackamas Southern
Railroad Company with headquarters
in this city, spent Sunday in Portland
at the home of his brother, H. Foster.
Mrs. Vane Jefferson and son, of
Chico, California, arrived in Oregon
City Tuesday morning, having been
called to Oregon City by the death of
her father, E. S. Follansbee.
Hugh E. Bran, representing the
Photo-Zincograph Company of Port
land, was in this city Monday on bus
iness in connection with the com
pany. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilkinson, of
Vancouver, Wash., were in Oregon
City Sunday ,being the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. John Chambers, parents of
Mrs. Wilkinson, who reside at West
Miss Louise Webber has accepted
a clerical position with the Bannon
Company until after the holidays.
Miss Webber resigned, her position as
long distance operator of the Pacific
States Telephone Company.
Miss Georgia Cross, a student of
the University of Oregon, after
spending the Thanksgiving holidays
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E.
Cross, of Gladstone, returned to re
sume .her studies at Eugene Sunday.
Mr arA Mrs. William B. Howell
have returned from their wedding
trip to British Columbia points, ihey
hoir tnljpn nn thpir rpsidence on 3rd
and Jefferson street in their handsome
new bungalow.
Mica npnroria Mnrrs. nf this citv.
anrtmnanipH hv hpr niprp and nenhew
Evelyn and Edwin Whiteman, spent
Thanksgiving at woodDurn wun mr.
and Mrs. S. (J. Berry, mr. oerry is
owner and proprietor of the Imperial
Miss Lillian Tschirgi, of this city,
a student of the Oregon Agricultural
Prtiiprn whn was appnmnanied to Ore
gon City by Miss Fay Waterman, al
so a student oi tne coiiee, anu wuu
hnvp hppn cuests at the former's
home, returned to Corvallis Sunday.
TVflioa Anno Tnlnnlnr. who is a StU
dent at the University of Oregon, and
who has been spending her Thanks
irntinn fit thp home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Tolpolar, of
this city, returned to her studies on
Mn Pnir Tnhin nf Pnwell River.
1I1IO. J iww.., .. - ,
B. C, arrived in Oregon City last
week, having been called here by tne
illness of her tatner, tne late u.
i?ii.,,iolioo whnco Apath nncurred on
Saturday evening. Mr. Tobin arrived
Tuesday morning to attend the funer
al services.
Hna nf thp Hnnpps nf the season
that is looked forward with interest
is the Military Ball to be given by
Company L, Third Infantry, O. N. G.
Bowker's orchestra of Portland is to
r,..ch tho mnoip fnr riancini?. Ihe
members of the Company will act as
committees of the artair.
v tt Wnllhni'.m. who recently sold
his dairy near Mt. Pleasant, to Frey
& Roth, of Portland, has moved to
PrtrflanH Mr. nnrl Mrs. Wallbaum
have taken up their residence at 409
Taylor Street. Mr. wanoaum, wnnu
in the dairying inauKu-y wuram up a
good patronage. He was in this city
nn business Monday.
H. A. Montgomery, formerly city
engineer of Oregon City, but who
has been for the past six months at
Grays Harbor, near Aberdeen, Wash.,
...unn Up hoc hnnn siinprintendinGT the
construction of a logging railroad
line, has returned to Oregon City to
spend several weeks. Mr. Montgom
ery's work on this line was very sat
isfactory and he expects to return to
that place as soon as the work re
sumes, which is delayed by the se
vere storms in that locality.
N. H. Smith, one of the most prom
inent dairymen of Clackamas County,
was in Oregon City Monday. Mr.
Smith has some oi tne Iinest jerseys
in the county, at the head of his herd
being "Engineer's Bluster," which
won first place at the Clackamas
County Fair at Canby, 1913, also the
championship at that fair; first in
the Oregon City Livestock Show, and
third at the Oregon State Fair of
1913. He also received the first pre
mium on best produce of herd at the
Clackamas County Fair and fourth
at the State Fair in the dairy contest.
"Laura of Cedar Mill" maKing a kouu
record in that class. This animal,
which was raised by Mr. Smith, won
second place at the County Fair. Mr.
Smith has been in the dairy industry
for the past 10 years and understands
the business thoroughly. At the pres
ent time he has 31 head of Jerseys,
10 of which are of registered stock.
An Oregon City pioneer, Mrs. C.
V. Crawford of North Yakima, was
in the city Tuesday for a renewal of
old scenes. She came to Oregon City
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isom
Cranfield in 1847, from Illinois, ar
riving here in the fall of that year.
Mr. Cranfield was in partnership
with Ben Simpson in the sawmill
business, operating the plant for sev
eral years. It was located on the
Clackamas river above this city. At
one time Mr. Crawfield was the Jus
tice of the Peace for this vicinity and
at the same time operated a general
miscellaneous store on Water street.
He lost his entire stock of goods
three different times, this loss being
occasioned by the high water from the
Mn rS.,f,.J -1
x.i.a. vianxuxu occo many eiimiges
in the environments of her childhood
home, yet has been able to locate
several of the old landmarks. To
gether with her son-in-law and her
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Fillom,
of Frontlake, Washington, she visited
the old John McLoughlin home which
held many memories of the kindly
old man ,who performed so many
charitable deeds in behalf of the pi
oneers. Mrs. Crawford's parents took a do
nation land claim number 49 on the
plat at the assessor's office located
at Clackamas station, which she will
probably visit in a few days.
Mrs. Crawford is visiting relatives
in Portland and expects to return to
Oregon City again to further renew
her acquaintance with the city and
historic spots in the vicinity.
Sterioptican Lecture
There will be a sterioptican lecture
in the Presbyterian Church next Wed
nesday night in the interest of the
Sunday school of that church. This
will be a fine lecture and one that
none will want to miss, as it takes
one back to the old southern battle
fields in Tennessee, many of the pic
tures having been taken on these
historic spots. There will also be
some fine views of Oregon in the Cow
Creek Canyon and other scenery
of equal beauty and grandeur and
educational. Mr. Ralph Eddy, who
made his home in Tennessee for some
years will give the lecture, and he is
a very interesting talker and has
made a study of his subjects and will
give a good description of every view
which he has taken with his own cam
era. The price of admission will be
10 CQiits for children and 15 cents for
Children Cry
Here is a Soap
that reduces
wash board
rubbing to a
without in
jury to the
wrm EACH
LaundrvSoan !M
Larsen & Co.
Send the Courier East to your Friends for a Present
t-trBreSTast in a Good J
4Bt$&7 Warm Room
(TJwl j may be enjoyed on even the cold
NibKOTili est mornings if your home is equip-
1CC: pedwitha
J3k, 3 Win
If I 1p; It takes off the chill and makes the
8fi1S ! l&f ' room warm, cozy and comfortable.
LJ And it is so convenient too for
M heating the bedroom, bathroom,
TTauj .ill ... ftSjJljfl -ji nursery and sewing
IP V ' I For Bet Results room. Can't smoke.
ywTf mSfimbW$ We Recommend Doesn't smell. Inex
(MWmJX Pearl Q.1 n(,nsive. economical.
Dealers Everywhere
Z2AJT Standard Oil Company
Adams Depa
rtmenf Store
Individual's Money To Loan.
$1,0003 to 5 years.
$15002 years.
$1,0001 to 3 years.
$5002 to 3 years.
$W)0 3 years.
$300 2 years.
On real estate, trms reasonable.
Stevens Bldg., Oregon City, Ore.
President Title & Investment Co,
Gackamas County Abstracts.
500 Pairs Mens Heavy Shoes. A second
shipment of the Solid Leather Best
Waterproof Shoes
Made by the Dougherty Shoe Factory of Portland
This shipment includes
Low Top
High "
$2.50 to $6
4 to $10