2 OREGON CITY COURIER, THURSDAY NOV 27 1913 STARK'S WEEKLY COMMENTS An inquirer of the Oregonian in recrard to the SS in use on legal docu ments such as summons and the like, is informed that its origin is obso lete; its meaning unknown, and its usefullness nothing, but the custom continues among lawyers merely as a custom without merit. When I was a boy a chum went to the County Seat and "accepted" a position as office sweeper for a prominent law firm at the county seat, much to the envy of yours truly and others. He informed me it was an obreviation of the Latin words "Soakeda Suckera," but he would not translate it Into Missouri dialect, saying it was against the ethics of the profession to tell a lay man a professional secret. As I never studied Latin I can only guess at the meaning, but perhaps some one post ed, like the retiring superintendent of public instruction, could elucidate the matter. Dr. Owens-Adair eays "it" will be before the next session of the legis lature with another and better bill. If not past the age, I suggest "it" be treated to a dose of mutilatization. Its Owen dope. Did you notice? Ortie McManigal, the confessed murderer of so many people, has been released from the pen. That a Congress composed of work ingmens' friends, gave the daughter of an alleged Democrat a two thous and dollar necklace? That the wives and daughters of the exploiting class dress in the silks of the latest fashion, while yours go in shabby out of style garments? The working men are not planning a cruise in the Mediterranean this winter, but "some of our best people" are ? i The prosperity promised 'about i twenty years ago is overdue? The high cost of living refuses to come off the perch? The agricultural colleges, harvester trust ana others tell you how to farm but they don't? Many of the good friends of the working class teach us to -work hard' er, and spend less, but thev don't? If you put every penny in jail (or your little bank) business must soon come to a stand still The priests and politicians. Drofes sors and plutocrats ask you to await tne coming time, or eternity for a gooa time, out they grab theirs now? Those who shout to "protect Ameri can interests m Mexico" are not planning to do any of the field duty? These perspiring patriots think working mens' bodies make fine tar gets? The chaplain prayed peace on earth and the house is planning more bat tleships? The cost of war is more in time of peace than all the public schools? . The rich declare the war and the poor do the fighting and dying? You threw your vote away when you voted for the other fellow to do the governing? Did you notice all this before el ection and then vote with the big crowd so as to win ? Then you are a piebald, two-legged close relation to a donkey. After giving a graphic description of a female Indian, clothed in un-tn- date fashion, filled to the brim with "aqua miraculos," M. J. Browiti writ ing in the Courier, proceeds to argue that the noble red man or woman is not tit lor civilization. After describ ing the high class stunts she pull ed off, I fail to see that this product of Carlisle is not finished, except that bub was posscssea ot tnat native hon esty, and made a street exhibition in stead of doing her prettiest at a New Year's dunce or charity ball. Of course Bne mignt nave joined the D. A. R., W. C. T. U., K. L; X. Y. Z., etc, men u sne got run or "conversation water" she would have kept the streets where the low brows would not have seen her, and no one but a oeiety reporter would get a chance for a write-up. Mr. Brown, you may think because you may win an indictment, you are quumieu to criticize, Put you need a term in jail that monument of mod ern civilization, before you are a graduate. Your think tank leaks at the wrong end; you need a now gas ket. Civilized? Well, I should say a loud yes! John F. Stark. A Consumptive Cough A cough that bothers you continu ally is one of the danger signals which warns or consumption. Dr. Kink s New Discovery stop the cough, loosen thee host, banish fever anl lets you 6lcep peacefully. The first dose checks thes ymptoms and gives releaf. Mr A. F. Mertz, of Glenn Ellyn, Iowa writes: Dr. King's New Discovery, curea a stuoorn cough nttcr six weeks doctoring failed to help." Try it, as it win ao thes ame for you. Best medi cine for coughs and colds, throat and lung troubles. Money back if it fails. Prico 50c. & $1.00. All druggists, bv man, n. jy. uucklen & Co. l'hiladol phia or St. Louis. OUR MODERN FAKES Dr. Turner Shows how American Peaple are Humbugged AFTER SICKNESS OR OPERATION H 1 IB It is a pathetic mistake to accept drugs or alco holic mixtures when nature craves nourishment to repair the wasted body and restore the vigor of health. For forty years the best phy sicians have relied on the whole some predigested nourishment in Scott's Emulsionwhichistotally free from alcohol or opiates. Scott's Emulsion sharpens the appetite renews blood- nourishes nerves strengthens bones and restores the courage of health to make life bright. Scott's Emulsion sets in action the very forces that promote health; it i pure, rich strength. ij-so Conducted by W. A. Turner Naturo path. (A limited number of questions will be answered if addressed to me, care of Hotel Edwards, Portland, Oregon.) Smallpox The season for the periodical small pox "scare" is now approaching it usually comes with cold weather in northern latitude, as stated previous ly. You have nothing to fear from this disease, as it is Nature's house cleaning, and is, caused by internal filth, together with improper atmo spheric conditions and is no more contagious than a broken leg is. The medical doctors have long made a mountain out of this molehill and when a sporadic case appears; the vaccination harvest begins, quar. antine is established, schools are closed and the "scare" is worked to a finish on the ignorant' and supersti tious people. Eat right and keep clean and you will have nothing to fear. You could not "catch smallpox if you wanted to on a bet. Anti-Typhoid Serum The A. M. A. through its parasites the various boards of "health" ad other tools have recently flooded the subsidized press wtih statements of the wonderful efficacy of anti-tphoid serum, stating among other things, the typhoid fever had been wiped out in the U. . army and navy, this ol course is deception, which is a large factor in the work of the medical fraternity. To begin with, soldiers of the army as a body, are nearly physically per fect, enjoy perfect health, lead me thodical lives under the best pos- sible hygenic conditions, and being in such fine physical shape as to be able ' to resist and throw off disease. Many of them are not able, however, to throw the blood poisoning effects of the vaccine, and the deaths that oc cur from ' menigitis," "tetanus, '"paralysis," and kindred diseases, produced by the vaccine and their death is not attributed to anti-tv- phoid vaccination, which really caus es tnese diseases. It is also a large factor, with vac cination for smallpox, in the great in crease of tuberculosis and cancer. Vaccines or serums for tuberculosis. cancer, typhoid, smallpox scarlet lever, measles, meningities and other diseases may kill you and can't cure you. Don't allow it, but consult a drugless doctor. The Stale Board of Health Illegal According to Section 4880 of Lord's Oregon Code "the State Board of Health shall consist of six members and a secretary who shall be reput able physicians." So far, so good. It does not say that they shall all be' iredieal doctors and the Governor of the state in appointing all members of one school, has deliberately viola- ieu me law ana section ol Article 1 of the State Constitution, which forbids class legislation and monopo ly. It is up to any taxpayer to get a writ oi injunction airainst th k board as now constituted as being a monopoly in violation of law. trmrn. fore illegal. This would .cut off $5,000 per yea rpaid to Dr. Calvin S. White, o a uuirier, uesme otner expenses. To be a legal body it must consist of doctors of different schools. State University Medical Department nouse resolution uub at the last session of the legislature finnrnnri'if. ed $45,000.00 for 1913-1914 to sup port the medical department of the State University, supposedly a non partisan institution supported by all classes of taxpayers and which, in reality, is in the hands of a gang of political doctors, who teach only allo pathic medicine, drugs, serums and operations. No drugless school methods are taught. You taxpayers, who are opposed to drugs and op erations, are you going to stand for una mucn longer f Compulsory Vaccination in Pennsyl vania The New York Herald of Sept. 22, 1913 reports: "Raymond F. dee, age five, and Catherine Hynn, age seven, are the uuuu victims oi compulsory vaccina tion. Under the wholly infamous and tyrannical Pennsylvania school law, it (wiupuisiun wan a vengeance. The doctors (allopathic) and health uoarus (allopathic) have fastened wieuiseives on the nn r nnH i, punpie are Helpless." i hanks to the Health Defense j-eague ot rortiand and the National x.eugue ior Medical freedom vaccina tion has been abolished in the Port- lunu pumic schools and it is not com pulsory in Orc&ron. If Vnil Pftro nnif. thing for the future lives of your Miu t uuuw mum to be vac cina luu. Why Not Organize in Oregon Cilv? n ., ,JJ,eulUl Defense League of i oi .ami nas neon doing a wonderful work in ferretinir out cusps oil malpractice protesting against um ov muui moss oac'k methods of deal ing with disease and preventing vac cination for smallpox in the schools and among the employees of the large corporations, and it has kept the city "health" department on the defensive ever since our figurehead mayor took hold. I suggest that the citizens of Oregon City organize a local Health Defense League and if you send to mo I will post you how to go about it. You will need one to off set me uregon Social Hygiene fake I' armors SlinnM ni,;..i One of the most diabolical grafts porpetrated by the allopathic medical fraternity is the Tuberculosis test for cattle. 1 his is one of the biireest Li. . " u,men Elates and it should be resisted to the last by every winner wno owns cows. The diw "I'K hi., in Washington, D C ,, ' t V ,ol'u. it must be sold. Instead of being a "test" in any way it has the same action on cows that tuberculosis 1ms on human be ings; it gives cattle the disease and whole herds of fine cattle have been destroyed by this filthy stuff. It does no good and if a enw i i,tu,.. i. gives it tuberculosis. iho filthy stuff, which has kill.vl on many people, has at last heen mn. minced a failure by the medical pro. -ssion. Once a hnmnn n,n.f ; :.. .....I. i '..viviik in iIt. ui u.uieu win .lUhercu os s nn.1 K ,, usuniiy dies in three or four months. I have heard it whispered that the Beef Trust is. niivirsieu ill in s serum on h i-;n ing off cattle high prices can be kept up for the trust. Of what they please to the farmer i-asieur "KaDies" Treatment He location a Pasteur institute in locality moans "mH and all that is necessary to produce 'rabies" is to ,irnt o .,.....l. . nn ... . ..: ' vl,v 'nere. Ihe institute will see that "rabies" increases and becomes widespread. It means more business for the insti tute. The injection of a "rabies" se rum promotes business and gives, rather than ; cures, the disease. Dogs and children who live near a Pasteur institute are always in danger. In the first place "Rabies" is a disease wholly unknown on the Pac ific Coast, but the political doctors must find cases to produce a "scare" and promote "Pasteur" treatment. It pays well. Dogs, who are improperly fed and who cannot get plenty of good drink ing water, especially in hot "dog days" develope "distemper," but not rabies, and the bite of such a dog is not dangerous, but the "rabies" 'se rum is, and kills more times than it cures. Copy these Articles As previously suggested, any of our exchanges who feel interested in drugless methods of healing are re quested and urged to copy and re produce these articles and spread them in their localities. The city press is owned by the medical frater nity and the only way we can reach the people is through the local press in each community and it works a world of good that way. Give us a lift brothers! I am through. Christ, wherever he has control, can make Christian gentlemen and ladies of the Indian. My wife was principal of an accademy attended by fifty In dian girls, and they were as intelli gent and nice as fifty white girls. God bless you, and help you stay with your job in disseminating use full knowledge through the Courier to its multitude of appreciative read Rev. W. L. Molloy. WILL IT HIT YOU? INDIANS CAN CHANGE Old Missionary Differs with Courier Editor on Poor Lo's Condition Portland, Oregon ll-20-'13. Patton Home. Editor Courier: lam glad that I have had, and still have, the pleasure and profit of read ing your excellent paper, and I think the citizens ought to be proud of the Oregon City Courier under your edi torial management. Yes, you have had some hard battles to fight of late but I am glad you have had the vic tory in every case. And it is hoped that you will continue the conflict be ing waged, until the victory is won in the interest of improved sanitary conditions for your growing city, in an abundant supply of pure, good A Few Facts about the New Income Tax Law Here are a few facts regarding the income tax law that will soon go into ettect: Three thousand dollars, for single persons, and four thousand for a married couple, is exempt from tax. ation. The straight, "normal" rate is 1 per cent annually on all incomes in excess of the exempt sums. That is ii you are a bachelor and earn $3,bU0 you must pay 1 per cent taxes upon $600 not upon $3,600. If you are married and living with your wife or husband, as the case may be, you must pay 1 per cent upon all income over $4,000 not on the first $4,000. If you are on a fixed, stated salary, monthly or annually, your employer must deduct 1 per cent taxes on all income over the $3,000 "bachelor" or $4,uuu "wedded" exemption amounts, The penalty for failure to make a re turn by any one who is not exempt is a line oi $zu to $1,UUU. A line up to $2,000 and imprisonments for not exceeding one year are the penalties for making false or fraudulent returns. Enjoyable Birthday Suprfse A birthday suprise party was giv en Miss Lena Burns, by Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Boyer at the Cedar SDrino-s ranch Saturday evenincr. The pro gramme consisted of erames and mu sic, after which a lunch was served after January 1st, 1914. County Court Orders In the matter of the Robbins road resolutions being passed, surveyor was directed to mane an exununu tion and report. In the matter of the Reisland road resolutions being passed, surveyor was directed to make an examinat ion and report. In the matter of Edward Ham mond, a county charge, receive $50 00 and the sum of $25.UU per month until further orders. In the matter of plat of Carus cem etery; ordered that plat of same be approved. In them atter of making a defi nite location of certain roads between Oregon City and Oswego; ordered that the county surveyor make an ex amination of (same and' report t J this court. In the matter of the application of the Portland, Eugene & Eastern Kail way Co., for the franchise and right of way over certain roads; ordered that said petition be granted. In the matter of the acceptance by Clackamas County Gas Company of franchise heretofore granted; order ed that said acceptance be filed. In the matter of the petition of K. U. Appleby for rebate by reason of double assessment; ordered that said rebate be granted and a warrant drawn in favor of petitioner for $13.06. - In them atter of petition of H. M. Courtright for rebate of tax' for double payment; ordered that same be granted and a warrant drawn for $43.86 in favor of petitioner. In the matter of resignation of 1. J. Gary, County School Supenn tendent of schools; ordered that said resignation be accepted, and that J, E. Calavan be appointed to fill un expired term. In the matter of Local Option in city of Oregon City; ordered that sale of intoxicating liquors be and is pro hibited in said Oregon City on and i ,rr BEATER LEVER 1 I TiTt.S; INDEPCNOI NT TILTINO OF APROU CONTROL I ' SCAT V - ' I APRON LEVER lrvdpfdrit of Btsttr Conrrd Fdinq from4to20fcv , . i i - s pcr JC J ' . f INDEPENDENT RAKE jj" LOWEST-DOWN MACHINE , TeethMdJ of Oil Tapered Spring SM BwduwApronRsiMsUnderRMrAitte "W """ WERAGC HEIGHT j ftCT e'NCHESj HiqhCarbon&cdter Teeth srstaqqered. form if) spiral, (jlv fnqwlde delivery. Simplf Apron 1 . ' SV I 4r CAST-STEEL SIDE BRACKET &Jhiwl Forming tiqn merit Cage Sjfeagjg forMainAxU Rigid undsr ll condition ' '-I --' 2 DOUBLE ANGLE STEEL REACH Giving ITirecl Draft and eliminatinq all strain from Spreader Box A Reach Is as indispensable on a Manure Spreader as It isonaWaqon. ARE YOU LOOKING For a Low Down Easy Loading-Light Pulling Manure Spreader One that will Last a long time and please you better every time you use it? Look no further. WE HAVE IT AND YOU NEED IT THE BLOOM MANURE SPREADER GETS THE MOST OUT OF THE MANURE By breaking it up fine and spreading it evenly Easy, sure control and no horse killer The only Spreader with a reach Farmers who have bought them say they are the best farm machine investment a farmer can make. See the BLOOM at the nearest Mitchell Agency or write us for Illustrated Catalog Northwest's Greatest Impement and Vehicle House PORTLAND, ORE. SPOKANE, WN. BOISE, IDAHO water. The rich can go down and knock at the door of China for pure water, but poor laboring men, women and chil dren cannot, but they can die with typhoid fever. "To poor the gospel is preached." Now, to the poor lot an abundance of pure, fresh water be supplied, and "Do it now." Also, let your fight be continued lor the elevator until this much need cd factor for the public good becomes an accomplished lact. I have read with interest in the Courier the account of the editor's visit among the Indians and his con clusion as to the Indian's nature not susceptiblo of any change. Hut I, as an old missionary among the Indiar.s, have been forced to arrive at a diff erent conclusion. The article seems to think that the white man cannot change the Indian, uui iroiu my worK as a missionary among them, I have demonstrative evidence that God. throuirh Christ. the world's Redeentor. and onlv hone. can change and save the Indian. 1 was associated, in mv worlc among them, with a eoodlv number of intelligent Indian men; one of them was an United States marshal, another was my interpreter and rode with me through the country, and he he understood my language, and when I left out any important point iiu explained. I preached in' the morning alwavs. and he interpreted, and he preached in the afternoon. The Indians would laugh and say: "he beat white man." The mission work everywhere clearly proves that Cod, through Christ .can change tho moral nature of the In- ilian and make him a new creature in at a late hour. Those present were: Emma and G. Haberlach, Mrs. M. S. Shearer and and son, J. W. Bennett and family, Mr. and Mrs. 'lnghouse and sonj John and Peter Shobert, Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Searles, Mr. and Mrs. John Welch, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Dawalt, Mr. Chas. Sisckla, Miss Arlene Ha worth, and Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Boy er and family. Another Pioneer Gone Mrs. Eva Marie Engel, who died at her home near New Era, Nov. 15, was born in Bavaria, Germany, Nov. 8, 1847. She came to America at the age of eighteen and was married in 18ti8 to Peter H. Engel, who proceed ed her in 1908. ' Mrs. Engel leaves to mourn hct death, two sons, Frank and Henry, ot wew r.ra, and five daughters, Mrs Minnie Baumgartner, of Portland; Mrs. Elizabeth Myres, Idaho; Mrs, Lena Young, Oretron Citv: Mrs. Uura Kelland and Miss Mary Engel of New Era. Mrs. Engel was a member of the German Congregational church, a de vout Christian, an ideal wife and mother, and an excellent neighebor. She will be sadly missed by a host of relatives and friends. The funeral services were held at the German Congregational church at union union Hall, Nov. 18, at eleven o'clock. Cause of Insomnia Them ost common cause of insomnia is disorders of the stomach and con stipation. Chamberlain's Tablets cor rect inese a somprs nnn onnh n vnn Christ Jesus. Now, a little more of I tos leep. For sale by Huntley Bros. my experience in mission work and t Co. Don't Dope a Puny Child Parents don't give that puny, ail ing, under-weight child any iu those so-called "tonics" containing alcohui dr dangerous drugs; such stuff won't give relief and health to grown people let alone children. Its purpose is to stimulate for a short time after each dose, just as whiskey or morphine does, thus making you believe it is doing real good. Give that child something that will really build it up replenish the wast ed tissues feed the stunted, dwarf ed, puny muscles make it lively, strong, well full of the animal spirit children are meant by nature to have. Give it Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion. Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion is whole some, nourishing, free from alcohol, and dangerous drugs. It's the ideal nerve, blood and body builder. It does the . work it is planned to do better than any other medicine we know of, and our faith in it is so great that we not only urge you to use it and give it to your children but we guar antee that it will do all we say it will or cost you nothing. Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion should be given to children who catch cold easily. Begin right now, and use it to build up the child's system to such strong health that it can resist colds, croup, grippe, bronchitis, catarrh, pneumonia, and other cold weather diseases. You who are weak and run down, and you who are well now, but liable to suffer from various cold weather ailments, use Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion to get and keen well and strong. For the tired-out, run-down, nervous, emaciated or debilitated the convalescing, erowiner children aged people it is a sensible aid to renewed strength, better spirits, glowing health. Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion king of the celebrated Rexall Remedies is for freedom from sickness of you and your family. You'll be as enthus iastic about it as we are when you have noted its pleasant taste, its strengthening, invigorating, building up, disease-preventing effects. If it does not help you, your money will be given back to you without argu ment. Sold in this community only at our store The Rexall Store one of more than 7,000 leading drug stor es in the United States, Canada and Great Britain. Huntley Bros. Co., Proton Citv, Ore. A lazy liver leads toe hronic dyspep sia and constipation weakens the wholes ystem. Doan's Regulets (25c per box) act mildly on the liver and bowels. At all drug stores. Scratched 40 Years Used D. D. D., All Itching Gone! This In the actual experience of Anne CroTr.ttii.bantaKoaa.Cal., with the won derful 15. D. D. Prescription. D. D. D. is the proven Eczema Cure the mild wash that gives instant relief In all forms of skin trouble. Cleanses the skin of all impurities washes away blotches and pimples, leaving the skin as smooth and healthy as that of a child. Get a BOe bottle of this wonderful Eczema Cure today and keep It In the house. t We know that D, D. D. will do all that la claimed for it. -Tones Drug Co. Oregon City. Notice I am shipping, apples to Oregon City market, as my 'own market cannot use all my apples. They are not "Hood River apples" but are good enough for anybody, and I don't expect fancy prices. My apples may be found at Larsen & Co., and Elliott's. R. S. Coe. Local Evidence Evidence that can be verified. . Fact is what we want. Opinion is not enough. Opinions differ. Here's an Oregon City fact. You can test it Theodore Huerth, Parkplace, Ore gon City, Ore., gays: "For a long time I suffered from lameness across my back, and there was a steady ache over mv kidnevs. The trouble was not severe enough to lay me up, but caused great distress, especially wnen l stooped or lifted. On a friend's advice, I used Doan's Kidney Pills, and they removed my trouble. The endorsement I have previously given in favor of . Doan's Kidney Pills still hold8 good. This remedy made a permanent cure inm y case." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milbume Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR. A A SIMPLE ROUGH CAST COTTAGE. Desltfn 757, by Glenn L. Srxton, Architect, Minneapolis, Minn, ftsraJJI vAwjaiJ, JR3L. --JP JeWwim'1 PERSPECTIVE VIEW-FROM A PHOTOGRAPH. KITCHEN DlhlNGRM 1 13ATH ru. f lf0XII-(r E-tfXII-OT 1 I '"J CHAMBO CTCCFTil GIVING, ROOr- n ShOxKl KM 'I 18-fc XIS-- U CHAMBER " 0X13 fl ilii iu f " PIAZZA R0r v FIRST FLOOR PLAN. WBCOND FLOOR PLAN. Here Is a cottage plan that makes a very eumomlcal home to build. It pro vides for seven rooms and a bath. Size, 24 feet wide and 20 feet deep oyer the main part. First story, 9 feet; second story, 8 feet. First story finish, red oak or birch throughout; second story pine to paint, with maple or birch floors In both stories. Cost to build, exclusive of heating and plumbing, $'2,300. Upon receipt of $1 the publtHher of this paper will supply a copy of Saltan's' book of plans, "American Dwellings." It contains about 250 up to date design W cottages, bungalows and residences costing from $1,000 to $0,0001 For Real Solid Comfort On chilly cold days or for warming "that cold corner" there ii no better heating device than the Wherever there are children or old people it is particularly ) appreciated. Can't smoke. Doesn't smell. Easy to light and take care of. hasy to carry from room to room. Eco nomical, inexpensive. Will last a lifetime. For Best RasulU Wo Recommend Pearl Oil AtM to Sea It At Your Daolera Standard Oil Company (CALIFORNIA) PORTLAND