OREGON CITY COURIER, THURSDAY, NOV. 13 191 8 AFTER ELECTION For years there was sounded a feeble cry, That Oregon City should be made dry. Some thought this a capital joke, but yet, . They labored and struggled to keep it wet. And wet they would have it whether or no, They thought it was right to have it just so. " Admitting it was not nice to get drunk, They said Prohibition was rotten punk. ' Soaked in this opinion they would re fuse, To give up Liberty, Manhood and Booze." "Boasting their noodles were able to think," tie to drink." "Let men do their choosing, and that's the stuff," "Tis manhood to know when you get enough." "The man that's a spineless and brain less thing," "Should abide by his mother's apron string." ""Some men may be babies and sissies, but I, "Will see that this town shall nevei go dry." But there are some other folks who have other views Concerning saloons, drinks and rotten booze. Aside from the men who never take drinks, There's many a lady and mother, who thinks, . . . And these have joined us in raising the cry: "That Oregon City must be made dry." Then forthwith a Guardian Angel arose, Who tenderly mothered the City's cause. The licensed saloon he raised to the skies, And by his wisdom, instructed the "dries." "Be still, ye howlers, and listen to me;" "Each one of these places pays a round fee." " 'Ten thousand' a year from thfe fruitful source" "Will drop prosperity right at our doors. Clinching his reasoning, with both feet he stamped: "Shut up these saloons and your town is swamped." But while that Angel soars high on his pinions Not all of . us folks will share his opin ions. Ten thousand a year is a mighty small sum, For which we should soak this fair city in rum. Ten thousand a year, you say? What will that count, When they will take from us ten times that amount? For years they thus labored (for our interest) Now they are entitled to take a long rest. And now, as they take a lengthy va "T1 .iiflllllli11 I; ,.,fesi.. OLIVE OIL, EMULSION Vm HTTafUOSPMlTEa vq ir OLIVE OIL EMULSION txsn. I SMALLPOX is prevented by vaccination the injection of vaccine. DIPHTHERIA is prevented by the injection of anti-toxin. These enable the body to produce substances which prevent the growth of smallpox and diphtheria germs in the blood. . v There are many other diseases, nearly, if not quite as dangerous, and far more common typhoid fever, the grippe, bronchitis, pneumonia, catarrh, , rheumatism, and a score of others that can be prevented less painfully and more easily by making the body strong to resist germ infection. Ol Is designed for the prevention as well as the relief of disease by enabling the body to overcome the germs. It, at the same time, strengthens and tones the nerves, nourishes the blood, puts the entire system into a proper healthy condition to combat and successfully resist disease. Every person not in perfect health has incipient germ9 of some distressing ailment in his or her system. Cold weather, over-work, excesses of any kind, are liable to bring about just the conditions under which those latent disease germs will get the upper hand, and put you on your back " down sick." You who are run-down, tired-out, nervous Vou who, though not sick enough to give up, still don't feel good You who are apparently well, and Want to stay well Take home a bottle of Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion to day, and use it as a means to get well and keep well Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion is a real nerve-food tonic In this it is different from most other so-called "tonics" which either have no food value and do noth ing more than temporarily stimulate you, leaving you in a worse condition than before or, having food value, still Sold in this community only at The 3toxo& store cation. They go with our hearty congratulat ion. We think this whole transaction was rifrht. And hold against them no personal spite. We dealt a blow at the wicked system, But not at the man who was its vic tim. We talked and we did as to us it seem ed right. , Three cheers for the ladies, who help ed in the fight, And having succeeded, we now shall try, To keep forever this fair city dry. G. F. PARKPLACE Th Ladies' Work Club of Aber nethy Grange voted to have a chicken dinner on Nov. 29, and a bazaar in connection with it. where many use ful articles can be bought. The charge for dinner will be 25 cents. The Grange will be called promptly at 10 o'clock to transact, important At 1:30 Prof. H. E. Lann of the 0. A. C, Corvallis, will give us an hour's lecture on poultry raising. He is an expert in this line and comes by spec ial invitation of the Grange, to give the lecture. The lecture is free to all, and everyone is invited to come and have the hall filled, and enjoy tms treai. Supper served in the evening after the sale is over, and the young people can have games and a general good time. Come and have a good time with the rest. No admission fee. - Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Apperson expect to start in a few days for California where they expect to spend the winter. We hope they come back much bene fited in health. Mrs. C. Rivers and Mrs. E. Press of Parkplace spent Saturday and Sunday in Portland with Mrs. Heeley. Mrs. E. Fellows is home after a week's visit with friends in Portland. CLARKES Mrs. Wettlauger received a tele gram from Everett, Wash., that her mother was very ill. Miss L. Bonfigt was staying at Mr. Bottemiller's for a few days. Buel Brothers rented a field of Mr. G. Marquardt. How many acres rented, is not known. Mrs. Wettlaufer came home from Everett, Wash., last week. Rudolph Haag left for Idaho to stay with his brother and sister, Ida Haag. Miss Elda Marquardt went to town last Sunday. Buol Bros, bought a load of hay from J. Putz. J. Putz, our road supervisor, has finished laying planks on the road. Mr. Smith hauled a load of oats for Mr. Bottcmiller. Miss Erma' and Walter Lee are stay ing in Clarkes with their grandmother. Miss Elsie Elmer is home from Portland at present, and her sister, Edna has left to work in Portland. To prevent resist disease germs Mi- 'if;' . 'J ive Oil (With Hypophosphites) Miss Mary Marshall and her sister Elizabeth were in Portland last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bottemiller were in town last week. Mrs. Zwahlen is in town to take care of her -daughter, Bertha. Otto Elmer came home from Mon tana to spend the winter with his parents. Miss Inez and Gladys Snodgrass went home last Friday and visited their parents over Sunday. MOUNTAIN VIEW Mr. Mautz returned last week from several weeks' visit with friends at North Yakima, Wash. Mrs. Francis Hann who underwent an operation for appendicitis at the Oregon City Hospital, is now at home and improving. An arc light has been put in on Duane St., and is a source of pleasure to the .residents in that part of the city. W. C. Clark has bought an acre of ground of Mr. Scouton and will move onto the property in a few weeks. Mrs. Chanler has gone to Walla Walla, Wash., to visit her children, who reside there. Mr. Ritner atid family have moved in the Owen cottage. Mr. Gruwell wiH leave shortly for another locatHSn, Mr. Imler having re purchased the property. Born, to Bob McClintock and wife, last Thursday, a baby girl. Mrs .Martin fell on the walk at her residence last Thursday and broke her left arm between the elbow and wrist. Dr. Meissner reduced the frac ture and she is getting along nicely. Mrs. Parsons left for California this week after a month's visit with her brother, W. G. Hall. If the doctors must scrap, let them pay the cost of litigation and not dump. the expense on the people. Why not get together and work for an electric line over the hill and ex tend it out 'to Mt. Pleasant, Clairmont and back past the Mountain View part of Oregon City? There are plenty of energetic people who could make a good showing if they would once get started. Put the money that will be used in the elevator, on the electric line up the hill and it would surely he more benefit. Let some one start the movement and they can soon find out what can be done. Tonight Tonight, if you feel dull and stupid, or bilious and constipated, take a dose of Chamberlain's Tablets and you will feel allr ight tomorrow. For sale by Huntley Bros, Co. ' BIRMINGHAM, ALA., F. L. Willis, suffered greatly from asthma and bronchitis. He writes: "I got no re lief until I took Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. It entirely removed those choking sensations, and never failed to produce an easy and comfortable condition of the throat and lugs," disease- Eramsion are so unpleasant to take that many psople can't keep them down. Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion is pleasant to take. The Hypophosphites it contains tone the nerves. The pure Olive Oil nourishes both nerves and blood Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion strengthens you, puts snap and ginger and vitality into your system. It makes you feel better and stronger. It improves your digestion and your bowel action. contains no alcohol nor any dangerous or habit forming drugs. It is guaranteed to be just as represented above to do all that is claimed above to satisfy you in every way, or your money back without quibble or question. Enough for full two week3 ' treatment, $1.00. Sold only at The Rexall Stores the World's greatest Drug Stores and always with a full guarantee of com plete satisfaction, or your money back. Huntley Bros. The Choice There are some who worship the Spineless Man, Afraid to affirm, nor yet says "No!" Whose "can't" and "don't" are guides and plan As the .puppet trips to the Bosses' toe. Some love the man whose life would make i A tale as mild as a babe might tell, Who did no wrong, made no, mistake But clam-like thrived secure in a shell. Give me a man that the Grafters hate, Give me a man that can face a Boss, Give me a man who defies his fate, Though the end be ' death, nailed fast to a cross! Give me a man with a "Yes" and a "No," Give me a man, not a marionette, Give me a SULZER, not a dummy of dough Though he err and sin, I'll back him yet. ! God help the fools that sit aloof I From the fire, and smoke of civic game, But point to a spot on his skirt as proof, Then cry in scorn, "Tis dirt! For shamer God shows where lies the blame! God help the tribe of the Pharisee As they sweat and groan to treble their pile, Too busy to help, too blind to see Him turn the light where the graft was vue. God help the Pharisee! God help him as they lower the shade On the things he tried and the things he did. On the fight he waged and the foes he made, As he ripped the. cover from off the lid! God help them see where the Devil hid! Oh the time is ripe, good folks, to choose With a listening ear and a jealous eye 'Twixt the Rubber Stamps that the Bosses use, And the Man who the thieves would crucify! God help you choose! Junius, Rochester, N. Y. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Pain in Back and Rheumatism Torment thousands of people daily. for so little cost you can get well rid Don t be one of these sufferers wheu of the cause. Foley Kidney Pills begin theirg ood work from the very first dose. They exert so direct an action on the kidneys and bladder that the pain and torment of bachache, rheu matism and kidney trouble is soon dis pelled. i Company EAGLE CREEK F. P .Allen, the Sunday School mis. sionary; was out recently to make the Sunday School a visit. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Strahl, Mr. and Mrs. Brasch, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Doug. lass and Mr. DeMoss, were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Douglass one day the first of last week. Miss Nettie Woodle was over Sat urday and Sunday visiting with her brother Guy. Mrs. R. B. Gibson returned last Wednesday from Pendleton. Mrs. Gib. son had been on a ten days' trip with relatives in Eastern Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass visited with Mr. and Mrs. Murphy Sunday. On last Thursday evening there was a party given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Strahl. Quite a large crowd gathered and spent the evening In playing games and visiting with one anotner. Isaac Woodle is on the hill calling on relatives. EDWIN FOSTER Edwin Foster, of Portland, father of Edwin Foster, book-keeper for the Clackamas Southern Railway Co., with headquarters in this city, died at the Good Samaritan Hospital, Portland, Wednesday, November 5, after an ill ness of three weeks. Mr. Foster was born in the state of New York, September 3, and during tne Livu war enlisted to fight for his country, being a member of the Thirty-fourth and Thirty-eight, Iowa Volunteers, remaining in active ser vice until the close of the War. In 1868 he went to Kansas, making his home at Independence until coming to Oregon in September, where he was accompanied by his wife, and intend ed making his future home in near Portland, where he had mirchased a large tract of land, to engage in the livestock industry. Mr. and Mrs. Foster had, on" several occasions visited with his son in this city, and had made a host of friends, wno regretted to hear of his death Deceased was a Mason in high standing, member of the Order of Elks and also a member of the McPherson rose, U. A. K., of Independence, Kan sas. The funeral services were conducted at the home of his son. Huch Foster. of Portland, Friday afternoon at 2 o ciock, and were largely attended. The services at the home were cnn. ducted by the Order of Elks and the Masonic Order had charge of the im pressive services at Greenwood Ceme tery, the remains being interred in the u A. K. plat. The floral offerings were beautiful. Mr. Foster is survived by his wife Mrs. una foster, of Portland, two sons, Hugh Foster, of Portland. Ed win Foster of Oregon City; four Drotners, uooaell Jf oster, of Indepen dence, Kansas; Jesse roster and Al len Foster of Stroud. Oklahoma, and O. M. Foster of Eugene, Oregon, the latter wno attended the funeral ser vice. Nearly Every Child Has Worms Paleness, at times" a flushed face. unnatural . hunger, picking the nose, great thirst, etc., are indications of worms. Kickapoo Worm Killer is a reliable thorough medicine for the re moval of all kinds of worms from children and adults. Kiekaooo Worm Killer in pleasant candy form, aids digestion, tones system, overcoming constipation ana increasing tne act ion of tho liver. Is perfectly safe for even them ost delicate children. Kick apoo Worm Killer makes children happy and healthy. 25c. Guaranteed. Try it. Drug stores or by mail. Kicka poo Indian Medicine Co., Philadelphia. and St. Louis. are usually thin and easily worried, sleep does not refresh and the system gradu ally weakens from insufficient nourishment. Scott's Emulsion corrects nervousness by its force of con centrated medical nourishment it restores the healthy action of body cells, enriches the blood, sharpens the appetite, and feeds . the nerve centres by distributing energy and power all over the body. Don't resort to alcoholic mixtures or drug concoctions that stimulate ana stupefy. Get a bottle of Scott't Emulsion for your nerves nothing equals or compares with it, but insist on Scott's. EVERY DRUQIST HAS IT E. II. COOPER The Insurance Man Fire, Life, Sick and Accident In surance. Dwelling House Insur ance a specialty. office with UREN & SCHUEBEL, Oregon Olty Dr. L. G. ICE DENTIST Beaver Building Oregon Cit Phones Paolflo, 1221. Home A 18 U'REN A SCHUEBEL Attorneys at Law Will practice in all courts, make collections and settlements of es tates, furnish abstracts of title, and lend you money, or lend your money on first mortgage. Offloe in EntorprlM Bldfl., Oregon Olty, ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT AVcgetableR-cparafionforAs-siraitaring theFoorfantiRcgula ting (lie Stomachs andBowclsi Promotes DigestionJCkerfiJ ness and RestContalnsneilter Opiimi.Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic JBtcpetOMSrSMWmmt Pumpkin Sad- jlhcSmm JMtlltSolls- ftuwmint UtCmtcmkSiia HimSmi Clonfkd Sugar . h'wtajctai Hmr. Anerfect Remedy forConslipn tlon , Sour Stomach.Dlarrhoca Worms ,Convu!sions.rcvcrisn ness andLoss OF Sleep. UttSimile Signature of NEW YORK, Guaranteed under ihe FooJT act Copy of Wrapper, REDLAND J. J. Bargfeld is back home after his sick spell, feeling better than ever. J. T. Fullam has sold a carload of spuds to Hurst & Son per $1.00 per cwt., for immediate delivery. Mr. and Mrs L. Frink entertained Mr. and Mrs. Frink entertained Mr. and Mrs. Thorpe, Mr and Mrs Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Bullard and Mr. and Mrs Clydes Sunday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Bullard's departure for Oregon City, where they expect to make their future home. We certainly regret to see them go, but what will be our loss will be some other community's gain. Mr. Kerr is getting his hume pretty well completed. We have been informed that L. Schwartz has purchased the Swedish v.- The Courier for all the people TO OUR In order to save your DISCOUNT Electric bills must be paid before the J 0th of the month at our office. 617 Maii St. Oregon City, Ore. We have numerous electrical de vices on display in our show room that you will be interested in know ing about. Portland Railway, Light & Powe Company MAIN OFFICE SEVENTH;. ALDER. PORTLAND Phones Main GG88 and A. 6131 Officephones: Main 50, A50; Res. phones, M. 2524, 1751 HomeB25l,D251 WILLIAMS BROS. TRANSFER & STORAGE Office 612 Main Street Safe, Piano, and Furniture Moving a Specialty Sand, Gravel, Cement, Lime, Plaster, Common Brick, Face Brick, Fire Brick C. D. LATOURETTE, President F. J .MEYER, Cashier. THE FiRST NATIONAL BANK of OREGON CITY, OREGON (Successor Commercial Bank) Traniaota a Oentral Banking Business Open from S a. m. to I For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years THK OINTAUN IQlHNf, NKW YORK OITT. store and will do an up-to-date busi ness, for which the prospects are good. Mr, and Mrs. F. F. Wilcox will move into George Lawrence's house as soon as they can get matters settled up at their present home. F. J. Hughes is making preparat ions to show his band of Guernseys at the international fat stock show in Portland in December, at which time he expects to add three more head to his dairy herd. He certainly has the goods, and need not feel backward Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A PATRONS M I lii w