Oregon city courier, Thursday, ndv. e 1913 LOOKING BACKWARD John Slark Muses of the Dim Days of Our First Americans When I read the story of Brown's deserted village, I looked about me at the material evidence of poverty which forbade my visit to the weird spot. Much like in bygone years I had felt a desire to visit ancient Carthage, Pompeii and other ruins of Europe, of which we have some fragment of his tory. But this place out in the desert of America, with no history or legend handed down to us, ot the people or the probable times of occupation, rouses in me that streak of curiosity, to long to go to the spot, where being provided with plenty of snake medi cine, I might lie down and dream these people back to the wonder spot. No doubt investigation would reveal the foundation of their halls of Congress, where the wisest men met and made the best and wisest laws for the greatest nation on earth, and had their ready-made speeches "printed by leave" in the record, all being care fully punctuated by prolonged ap plause printed in parenthesis in up per case type. Also a few interruptions by other members, so as to make it look real to the uninitiated. Where the patriots uckled the van ity of the plain people by telling them: "this nation is built upon the founda tion stones of eternal justice and will endure forever, and anyone living long enough will find the truth of this statement" which of course resulted in re-election at the end of the term. What eloquence was spilled when they pointed with pride to the greatest and grandest civilization on earth, in con templation of which the whole world would stop and hold its breath. Per haps you have heard that before, but not from these mysterious people of the desert. There could be found the Plaza, where people mingled on market day. No doubt they stoned their prophets, crucuied. tlieir unrist and hung their John Brown, and would also have m dieted M. J. had his story got out be fore the grand jury had retired for the night. While the "agitator" if not deported would "silently disappear." Perhaps too, I might find the temple where worshiped these people of the lost Atlantus. Where they sang an thems to only true God, who in his divine wisdom selected them as his or whatever gender their god may haveb een chosen and favored people irom among an the inhabitants of the earth, thereby proving their superior ity over all creation. And I wonder if when any new converts were taken in, the clergymen took and soused them in those big irrigation ditches while the saved ones on the bank sang "pun lor the snore" in appropriate meter, ur uiu ne just turn a hose on them, or perhaps, possibly pour a lit tle out of a cream pitcher on their Un...J HI J. i ' ! Ai- ueaua, wnuuuL Hiruiiung out tne Wig' gle tails? Did he consign the disbeliever to the dismal swamp "where the foul harpies build their nests," where, tho they got cold feet, they could not get , away as "they were rooted there." Did he give out the hymn "I'm glad sal vation's free" while a collection was taken up? Brown tolls us that those men of mystery have gone, and look as he may, he cannot find their foot-prints, nor by listening in that majestic si lence hear the sound of their foot fall. When were they here and how did they disappear we have many guesses as we choose. Perhaps before Mariam gave the phonograph entertainment after the Red Sea episode, those valleys were full of industry, and perhaps the sev en lean years, when Pharaoh, thru Joseph's good management, got a corner on all the visible HUpply of grain; these fields were full of wav ing yellow corn. How, or why did they disappear? Was it owing to the high cost of liv ing or did some race with superior weapons conquer and destroy them in the name of the prince of peace as uiu tne npaniarils in Mexico und I'eru .' But they are gone as many otner peoples luive gone, ns wo will all go, even though our friends fall victims to the tomb stone vender, we will be forgotten and hoso enduring monuments will perhaps some duy serve as poultry grit. Their own, and only true God dis appeared with the worshippers, just as tho countless gods of other forgot ten peoples have disappeared. So will we and tho triple nlliance god disap pear with us; as this bull of mud swings its circuit about, us, thru measureless cycle of years. Perhaps when tho earth shifted its axis, turning the tropics into a frozen Klondike, so., the prospector need not fear the boa constrictor as he digs for tho yellow dross, lo enable ai smooth set of gamblers to play the! smartest nation on earth for a lot of rank suckers. Perhaps then the heav-i ens rolled back like a scroll, allowing no firm grip, while the earth roekec. beneath their feet; there once full ditches went dry and tho earth yield ed no more to sustain life. Perhaps Olive Schrienor will accuse mo 01 plagiarism in my dreams in a desert, but am not guilty, for I havo areumeo a useless dream of the past, while she dreams of the great and goon luture. "Whut shadows we are, what shad ows we pursue." John F. Stark. Engagement Announced. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Eisele of Wil sonvillo announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Alice Leona, to torey nro-.vn ot 1'ortlaml. The wedding will take place November !10 at high noon and will be a very quiet affair. Miss Eisele is well known in Clackamas county. Nearly Every Child Has Paleness, at times a flushed face, unnatural hunger, picking the nose, great tnirst, etc., are indications of worms. Kickupoo Worm Killer is a reliable thorough medicine for the re moval of all kinds of worms from children and adults. Kickapoo Worm Killer in pleasant candy form, aids digestion, tones system, overcoming constipation ana increasing the act ion of tho liver. Js perfectly safe for even them ost delicate children. Kick apoo Worm Killer makes children happy and healthy. 25c. Guaranteed. Try it. Drug stores or by mail. Kicka poo Indian Medicine Co., Philadelphia, and St. Louis. To feel strong, have good appetite and digestion, sleep soundly and en joy life, use Burdock Blood Bitters, the family system tonic. Price $1.00. Itch! Itch! Itch Scratch! Scratch! Scratch! The more you scratch, the worse the itch. Try Doan's Ointment. For eczema, any skin itching. 50c a box. WATCH THE HANDWRITING More than Half Population of State Will Back Dr. Van Brakel Portland, Ore. Nov. 1, 1913. Editor Courier: When I wrote my article last week I was not aware that I had misjudged Mr. Spiess, but I thought I quoted him literally. If I have done him any injustice I desire to apologize to him frpplv and unreservedly for the injus tice was not intentional. I did not know that he merely quoted our friend Dr. Schultze. The fight begun on Dr. Van Brakle ia nnlv a repetition of A. M. A. tactics. The American Medical Association of Allopathic quacks and fakirs are the instirrators 01 tne nirm.. m wmui t.hev are battling to keep their mon opo'listic grip on the throats of all of the people. . They realize that the selection of Dr. Van Brakle is an opening wedge that will burst them wide open and shatter all traditions. This organiza tion of political scoundrels who have feasted on the blood and lives of hun dreds of thousands, poisoning them with drugs and serums, carving and mutilating them with unnecessary and criminal operations, will never break their throttle hold on the people un til comnolled to by popular sentiment. Thev will always find plastic pieces of putty to do their dirty work in the legislatures and courts and if the tax payers of Clackamas County allow themselves to be made the goat to null the Clackamas County Medical Society's chestnuts out of the fire I miss my guess. You should promptly apply the recall to a district attorney who makes himself a tool of this or ganization, and refuse to foot the bills. No one but one who is on the inside will ever know of the nefarious cussedness of the average allopathic practitioner. ineir uest minus nave uctmicu uiai drui?s do not cure, and are entirely ex perimental, that "serums" are a fake and increase disease, which is proved bv statistics: that operations are criminal and unnecessary, for no man can improve on the handiwork of God by cutting away your machinery vou are made in one piece and Nature has use for all vou have in you and any doctor who carves and mutilates, does so from abject ignorance ano for the fee only. It is time that people begin to wake up, think for them selves and throw off the shackles of 'medical" ignorance and superstition. Before we had doctors of medicine we had a race of nearly physically nerfect neonle and the people thrived. With the advent of "medicine" dis ease has inc. eased and new diseases in re beins constantly manufactured The people have ceased in a large measure to be suckers. Of course there are a few who still believe that medicine done can cure, but they are either dying off or being educated out of the idea. I am not supporting Dr. Van brakle because he is an osteopath, for the osteopaths, in their mad desire to get, "recognition" from the allo paths," have practically ostracized themselves from both the medical doc tors and the school of drugless doc tors. I am fighting for principle that no one school of healing shall have an unlawful monopoly and for that T)r. Van Brakle will have the solid support of all drugless organi sations in the State, and they and their supporters comprise more than no hiilf t.hn tionulation. of the State. It behooves the opposition to observe tho ruinrlwritiner on the wall. W. A. lurner. TWILIGHT Mr T. n. Tlvltnn is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Henderson, near Col ton. , , Mr. and Mrs. Mcindl spent the week end with the letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Lazelle. Mrs. Blackabv. mother of Mrs. L. E. Benllv. is confined to her room with nn attack of rheumatism. Tho wood saw did business with the major part of our citizens this week. W. A .IJodds is silgntiy inoisposeu and accompanied Curtis. Dodds, his son, and family, into Portland for the week. G. W. Smith, of Mulino, says, like tho Vaudeville Girl, you have to kick for a living, still we never classed George with the kickers. . The hard surface work recently completed on the south end hill road is highly appreciated by the patrons of that thoroughfare. Bert L. Harvey, who was elected district Rchool clerk to succeed the late Marshall Lazelle, has qualified and is now anticipating a pay day. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bolls, and son, Bill, of Portland, dined with the To tem Polo Ranch friends Sunday. The Postals Savings receipts of the Portland Post Office has nearly reach ed the million mark, with some 0,G00 depositors. Some national representa tive could greatly increase his popu larity by devising a plan whereby a portion of these deposits- might be placed in small amounts throughout the rural district at four or five per cent on real estate security. The idea is not os foolish as some of our money lenders might infer, should you stop toe onsider the proposition. We are aching to gain the confi donee of somo old maid in order to iret her experience on the hald hold ing proposition. My belief is that their side ot the story would develope great er sprinters than tho batchelor king dom ever dreamed of. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Lnzclle partook of the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. A. 11. Harvey at a six o clock dinner el ection eve. Provided the drys of Oregon City do not win out, and thus abate one or two soaks in this community, a bee of some nature is to be promulgated for their especial benefit. Ihere is nothing more debasing than a habitual drunk ard and no plausible reason or excuse therefore can bo attached to tho of fender. A Consumptive Cough A cough that bothers you continu ally is one of the danger signals which warns of consumption. Dr. Kinks Now Discovery stop the cough, loosen thee nest, bamsli fever anl lets you sleep peacefully. The first dose checks thes ymptoms and gives releaf. Mrs. A. F. Mortis, of Glenn Ellyn, Iowa, writes: Dr. King's New Discovery, cured a stuhorn cough after six weeks doctoring failed to help." Try it, as it will do thes ame for you. Best medi cine for coughs and colds, throat and lung troubles. Money back if it fails. Price 50c. & fl.OO. All druggists, by mail, 11. U. Hucklen & Co. Philadel phia or St. Louis. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A HEALTH, NO KNIFE OB DRUGS SECOND OF A SERIES OF HEALTH HINT ARTICLES Conducted by W. A. Turner, Naturo path. (A limited number of reasonable questions pertaining to health matters will be answered through these col umns if addressed to me care Hotel Edwards, Portland, Ore.) NO APOLOGIES TO OFFER The editor of Health Hints expects to point out in these articles the very great advantages of drugless methods of healing over the old school, worn out and discredited methods employed by allopathic medical doctors. In do ing so I expect to hew to the line, let the chips fall where they may and will probably offend some of my med ical friends. The medical profession contains many good, honest and con scientious men who are doing their best to alleviate human ills, clinging to old methods. Many of these are be ginning to see the light and are com ing around to natural methods of heal ing disease as fast as medical "ethics" will permit. The best minds of the medical pro fession now admit that drugs and se rums are a failure. The people are be ing rapidly educated to shun them, therefore there is nothing left for them to do but come to the inevitable. "Scientific" and "preventive" medi cines are mere hogwashes and rot. Sanitation and hygiene are the real "preventive medicine." Pills are doom ed. Those' who feel offended at some j onj of progresSi viz- drugless methods of treating disease. Christ used no drugs or serums, and performed none of those diabol- LARGE TILTING BEATER LEVER INOCPCNDE NT Of APRON CONTROL SCAT Simple Apron Tightener a Both Sides W Vf "UUBLL ANuLE STEELREArH X"E!v I VS" cast-stcelsioe bracket double angle steelreach Civmq LTirect Draft and ellminatinq all strain from Spreader Box A Reach is as indispensable on a Manure Spreader a it is on a Wagon. Htr 1 nl c: e ? I 'V'.jwjji i tor nainwxi i-uqia ARE YOU LOOKING For a Low Down Easy- Loading Light Pulling Manure Spreader One that will Last a long time and please you better every time you use it? Look no further. WE HAVE IT AND YOU NEED IT " THE BLOOM MANURE SPREADER GETS THE MOST OUT OF THE MANURE By breaking it up fine and spreading it evenly Easy, sure control and no horse killer The only Spreader with a reach Farmers who have bought them say they are the best farm machine investment a farmer can make. See the BLOOM at the nearest Mitchell Agency or write us for Illustrated Catalog ical operations. In addition to dealing with drug less methods I shall expose ime of the nefarious cussedness of .ucdical malpractice. I shall deal with facts only and give the nuked truth dome of which will seem incredible. Vf'J can't keep a good thing down and the cam paign of education is on. Read these articles and tell your friends and neighbors to read them, for you will be interested. "It is said that sex instructions should be given at home. True; but how many parents are able and willimr to give it? How many even tta'-h their children simple morality? Fly Swatting One of the latest "sanitation" crazes is swatting the fly, done prin cipally to support the crazy '"germ" theory. Flies are a pest and u nuisance but they were put on earth to act as scavengers. Part of their mis-sion is to eat up decaying vegetation, -'arrion and other filth such as gatherr on sti gar barrels, beer barrels etc. In this cleaning up process they help is pre vent disease. If you clean your premier thor oughly and keep them clean, furs will leave. They must move on it order to find subsistence. We would suffer epidemics of disease if it were rot for the flies. Remove the cause and the effect will disappear. Don't be fooled by "fly swatting." Appendicitis As a matter of absolute fact there is no such disease. The averare v- norant medical practitioner wil! tell you that the vermiform appendi;; is a useless organ. . About thirty years aeo Sir William McEwun, a distinguished Pritisl sur- geon, "discovered " that the anbi ndix I was decidedly useful, being th( hi-(This mixture forms small globules in bricator for the lower bowel, a tact t18 baby's stomach that can be digest- 'already long known to naturopaths. there is not one ease in a thousand that is "appendicitis." It is simply old fashioned inflammation of the bowels, or impacted colon and is eas ily and speedily cured by drugless doctors of all schools. Removing the appendix is done from ignorance and because it is extremely profitable. If you are well enough off to afford the operation you are thoroughly frightened first, then operated on if you are poor you get a dose of salts. The records of deaths in the daily press "from an operation" will tell after it piles up morbid diseased fat you how deadly the operation is. Shun on your body and sooner or later you it as you would the rattlesnake. Com- j will pay the penalty. Nursing moth mon sense will tell you that if you are ers will find it to the advantage of as sick as the doctor says you are, the ' the babv to feed it recrularly once In fearful shock of the operation will nearly always kill. Furthermore, if you submit to this operation you will always be troubled with constipation or diarrhoea. Should you be stricken with this disease, at once flush out the bowels with a high enema, put hot water wet packs over the bowels fast for a few days, drink quantities of grape and pineapple juices in cold water every half hour and have a drugless doctor treat you. Fee Splitting and Commissions Our medical friends say that this is an age of "specialists." A medical "specialist'1 is a man who looks wise, charges- a big fee, which he splits with your family doctor for sending you to him, and who cures nothing and will testify in court for the side that pays him the most money. Many of you can testify to the fact that your doctor has sent you to "his friend" the "specialist." In most cases the "specialist" is a surgeon, who at once advises an op eration as the only way to "cure" you and you fall for it. Your own doctor gets half the "specialist's" fee for his thoughtfullness in recommending the "specialist." The hospitals are owned by the medical doctors and if taken ill you are rushed to the hospital immediately for "observation" or other treatment. APRON LEVER lndpr,dnt of Btatf t Control Fffcdinq from 4 lo20 fc par dir. ) S' M1. LOWEST-DOWN MACHINE Qetmst ApronRjiWsUndfrrWAK If. AVERAGE HEIGHT 3 FEET g INCHES. l ml T I B I jf I CvinqLWt Draft and ellminatmo NlL-i-- K0"nJnJ,,nmen,r.Ca I Unr conditions Here the mysterious "trained" nurse tip toes and talks in whispers, keep ing you scared stiff with her myster iousness at ?5 per day. The charges are $25 up for a room, besides other expenses and the doctor who sent you there usually gets from one third to one half of this for sending you there, as his commission. Isn't that nice? Feeding the Babies First of all, let me tell you that there is not an allopathic doctor in the country who really and actually knows anything about food values scientific dietetics the chemical val ues of foods and the chemistry of cookin.g They are not taught it and to conceal their ignorance when asked for advice about what to eat, usually tell you to "eat anything you want mat agrees with you." This is bunk. Many women do not nurse their ba bies. I am asked daily by my patients and others "what shall I eat?" and "what shall I feed the baby?" I will begin by telling you that cows milk, comine from a bitr. heaw. dense animal, is actually unfit for hu man consumption. It contains calcium and other salts in such large propor tions as to make it unfit for human use in its natural state. The mother's milk adjusts itself to the babv bv changing its quality to meet the needs of a growing baby. Cow's milk does not. Besides, it is liable to come from diseased cows. If you are comnolled to feed the baby get the milk from one goat if you can, if not. pet it from ono cow and prepare as follows: lake equal parts of milk and water add one table spoonful of cream and a pincn ot sugar; mix and warm to' blood heat; do not boil or "Postemize." ed. Cow's milk straight should never be given to babies or children, as it is a food and not a drink; coagulates in to a cheesy substance in the stomach, which cannot be digested or. elimina ted, causing infantile paralysis, ty phoid, ricketts, scrofula and tubercu losis. Condensed milk is a starvation food and if used exclusively as a baby food soon develops the above diseases. It should be prohibited by law. Doc tors who tell you to drink plenty of milk and cream do so through ignor- ance. You can't digest or eliminate it two hours and about half way between of grape or some other fruit juice nursing times to give it a teaspoonful in a little water. The baby likes it and it will do him lots of good. Re member: Be careful how you give cow's milk or milk products. Cow's milk is good for a calf. W. A. Turner. OPERATE DISTRIBUTION And You Will See the Cost of Living Lessened The Tariff Won't Do It Editor Courier: I have seen and read much in the Republican papers about the tariff, saying the democrats have made good their campaign pledges by lowering duties, but can they make good (they ask) in lower ing the cost of living? The wish is father to the thought, hoping of course they can't, and the campaign cry in the future -will be: "You promised to lower the cost of living and have not made good." Now let me nk if a lowered tariff will not reduce prices, will a high tar iff do so? If not, what has either party to offer as a remedy? I am watching and also praying. Do we produce too little, do we consume too much, or is it in the sys tem of distribution, as the Socialists INDEPENDENT RAKE TVethMadf of Oil-TemperedSprinqSrEgl HiqhCarbonBeatei Teeth set staqqewid. forminq spiMI,glv Inq wide delivery. Northwest's Greatest Impement and Vehicle House PORTLAND, ORE. SPOKANE, WN. BOISE, IDAHO claim. Read the following from Tues- day's Telegram and see what conclus ion you come to. 'Washington, Nov. 4. The parcel post is doing its utmost to lower the cost of living at Edwardsburgh, Ida ho, according to a report that reached the postoffice department today. The report shows that ordinary transpor tation charges on a sack of flour from the nearest railway to the mining camp have been $2.50, while the charges by parcel post are only 50 cents. Equally high prices are charged on other commodities, with a corres ponding saving when handled by the government. As ar esult winter sup plies which have to be purchased be fore the big snows set in are being shipped by parcels post. 'It is stated that the inauguration of the parcel post system would probab ly save the camp, which has been threatened by the former excessive transportation charges. The only dis satisfied person in the camp, concludes the report, seems to be the small con tractor.' W. W. MYERS. BIRMINGHAM, ALA., F. L. Willis, suffered greatly from asthma and bronchitis. He writes: "I got no re lief until I took Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. It entirely removed those choking sensations, and never failed to produce an easy and comfortable condition of the throat and lugs." Tonight Tonight, if- you feel dull and stupid, or bilious and constipated, take a dose of Chamberlain's Tablets and you will feel allr ight tomorrow. For sale by Huntley Bros. Co. ELWOOD The weather has been fine for the farmers, and a great many have part of their seeding done. Miss Pond, of Salt Lake City, is spending a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Elliott. Born to the wife, of F. A. Wilson, a son, October 81st Mother and son are doing well. Miss Lillian Fredolph, our school teacher, went to Portland Saturday, and visited relatives, returning Sun day. Effie Cox was home from school over Saturday and Sunday. Joe Granatzki has been at home for a few weeks, but returned to Portland where he has been working for aljout a year. A number of Elwood youngsters at tended a party at Mr. Bauer's in Col ton Saturday night. Elder Laudy, the presiding elder of the United Brethren church, will be here Tuesday, Nov. 4., to hold meeting in the church the rest of the week. Mr3. Carl Anderson went to Port land Saturday. Harlie Freeman went to Crabtree last week to work for his uncle, Mr. Lawrence Bonney, who has a, sawmill. The new bridge over Clear Creek is nearly completed. HIGHLAND. The pumpkin social given by the upper Highland school on rlallowe en was a great success in spite of the bad weather, the house was crowded and the proceeds amounted to $26.60. The program was very good and showed the effects of hard work and practice. Besides the program there was a fish pond and candy booth. The proceeds will buy a book case and some window shades for the school. The sdcial was under the supervision of the teacher, Miss Agnes Taylor, and everybody thinks it was a great success. Business Change at Redland Z. W. Lindborg of Redland sold his general store to Schwartz Bros, last week, and possession has been given Sunnyside Basket Party Sunnyside school will give an old fashioned basket party November 15, to which all are invited. There will also be a program, candy booths, etc. A fine time is anticipated. The pro ceeds will go toward purchasing an organ for the school. Grange Lifs Insurance. Somehow or oilier tho grange has never mrtde much of a sucoess of life luiiurauce. As to grange tire Insurance, there Is much to be sulJ lu Its favor and of Its noteworthy success. The national grange has hod the" subject before it for several years, but it has formulated nothing. The Michigan state granite is now expert meutlug with the problem of working out a sntRifuctory scheme of grange life In surance, but it has not passed the experimental stage. New Hampshire has a small association which has been in business n pood many years, but no effort has been made to lurgely In crease membership, and yet it has been rendering good service to those enrolled upon its books. It is purely mutual. There may be other such life associations, but they are few. It may be that the subject will come up again at the next meeting of the na tional grange, but we imagine it will go the way of all past efforts along this line. The right plan has not yet appeared, and when it does It may be worked out with as great success as the fire insurance, but of this we have verious doubts. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of More Bottles Sold Each Year It is easy to understand why an in nrpacinor Tllimhpr of bottles of Folev'i Honev and Tar Compound is sold TVino Vorrnn 9SR F.Hward St.. Houghton, Mich., gives an excellent rpnann when ne writes: "roievs non- ey and Tar Compound has always offflffivp rpmenv. nincklv relieving tickling in the tnroat, and Rtnnninor the couch with no bad after effects. Huntley Bros. Co. A CARRIAGE THAT IS RE PAIRED AND RE-PAINTED 1 by us you couldn't tell from the new article, for we will make it just as good as it ever was. If your horses need shoeing you will find us good judges of a horse's hoof and what kind of a shoe it needs, and our work will be properly and scientific ally done. If you want anything done in our line we guarantee satisfaction. Owen G. Thomas Fancy Potatoes Highest Market Price paid at all times. Write or Phone WI4 I f TPff I? Phon. Mntaal-18-2 II. sUUlrfUL CANBY - ORE. TO IMPROVE PRETTY HAIR AND BEAUTlr i UlxLil nai tj Wo!,. Roontifier. a deliuht- ful liquid hair, dressing, is just what it is named a hair beautifier. No, matter how pretty your hair now is, it can be made to iook even ucllci u-,r,,r Hair Beautifier. To those who mourn because the hair is stringy, dull, lustreless anu nomeiy, Harmony Hair Beautifier will prove ...... i kLnnino- anrl nlpMsure. It seems top olish and burnish the hair, making it glossy, Sllky-SOIt ano more easy m ,.t- n In frrncoflll WaW folds that "stay put." It overcomes the oily smell of the hair with a dainty, true- rose fragrance, very pleasing 10 uio user and those around. Tr.w ooow tn nnnlv simnlv sprinkle a little on your hair each time before brushing it. it contains no on, will not change the color of the hair, nor darken grey hair. To keep hair and scalp dandruff free and clean, use Harmony Sham r, Thia nuro linnid shampoo eives a ninstantaneous rich lather that im mediately penetrates to every pare 01 hair and scalp, insuring a quick, thor ough cleansing. Washed off just as quickly, the entire operation takes only a few moments. Contains nothing that can harm the hair; leaves no harshness or stickiness just a sweet cleanliness. Both preparations come in odd shaped, very ornamental bottles, with sprinkler tops. Harmony Hair Beau tifier, $1.00. Harmony Shampoo, 50c. Both guaranteed to satisfy you in avorv wnv nr vnur monev back. Sold an this community only at our store line Kexall store qne 01 me more than 7,000 leading drug stores of the United States, Canada and Great Bri tian, which own the big Harmony lab oratories in Boston, where the many celebrated Harmony perfumes and Toilet Preparations are made. The Rexall Store, Huntley Bros. Co., Ore gon City. CUT FLOWERS and Potted Plants; alsovall kinds of Fruit Trees, Roses and Shrubbery for sale at the new green houses on Center and Third Sts. Funeral work done at lowest possible prices. Orders received over phone Main 2511, H. J. BIGGER. Japanese Festival Cars. Most Japanese towns have a shrine or temple dedicated to the tutelary deity of io city. At Ueno. lu the Iga province, several beautiful decorated cars are kept at the shrine, and figure annually in a curious procession. When the day of the festival arrives hun dreds of pious worshipers drag the cars by meuns of ropes through the gayly decorated streets of the city thereby, they believe, greatly pleasing the gods of the shrine. The cars are wonderful examples of Japanese dec orative art. richly ornamented with gilding and lacquer work.-Wlde World. j How Do You Laugh? A French paper has discovered that a person's character Is expressed In hla manner of laughing. If you laugh iu "ha-ha" fashion you are frank if a man mid inconstant und incnpuble of keeping a secret If a woman. If you laugh "heh-heh" you are neurasthenic, melancholy and skeptical. If you adopt a deeper tone and laugh in "ho ho's" you are generous, easy going and good natured. The proper pitch for the fair sex to laugh In is 'he-ue," while people who luugli with a "hoo hoo" effect should be avoided as hypo critical, scandal mongering and mis erly. ANCER IN WOMAN'S BREAST ALWAYS BEGINS a SMALL LUMP LIKE THIS and ALWAYS POISONS DEEP GLANDS IN THE ARMPIT AND KILLS QUICKLY I WILL GIVE $1000 IF I FAIL TO CURE any CANCER or TUMOR I TREAT BEFORE it Poisons Bona orDeep Glands NO KNIFE or PAIN No Pay Until Cured! Ho X TUy or other 1 swindle. An bland plant makes the cure ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE; Any TUMOR, LUMP or I oore on tne up, iaca or body long is Cancer It Nejr Pains until lut stage. 120-PAGE BOOK sent free; testimonials of t thousands oured at home 1 warm to some ANY LUMP IN WOMAN'S BREAST Is CANCER. We refuse thousands Dying, Cams Too Lata. We have cured 10,000 in 20 yra. Address DR. & MRS. DR. CHAMLEY& CO. A 436 VALENCIA ST., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL KINDLY MAIL this to some one with CANCER S.K.CHAN CHINESE DOCTORS 133 Vj 1st St. Cor. Alder. Portland, Or. Dr. S. K. Chan Mrs. Dr. Chan The reliable Chinese Doctors, S. K. Chan, with their harmless Chinese remedies of herbs and roots as medi cine, can wonderfully cure all sick ness. They have cured many sufferers., both men and women, of chronic dis eases, and all internal or external sicknesses when others failed. No op erations. Examination free. Ladies treated by Mrs. Dr., Chan. Call or write for symptom blank. 133!2 First St, Portland. Oreeon (Opposite Oregon City Car Station.)