Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, October 30, 1913, Page 8, Image 8

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My Cost Mark
They Come From Everywhere
And They Are Still Coming
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 X
Wf. Mffm
.1 "N
t' .. IB
There have
been Sales
But-no one has ever yet
dare to hand their cost mark to the
public and say, Here, Come and Help Yourselves.
pair Ladies' Shoes, $2.50 to
$3 the pair. These are ele
gant every day wear Shoes
The pair only
Fascinators and Wool Head
Wraps worth up to $1.50 .
Misses' and Ladies COATS
$10 to $15
These are splendid overy-day
and School Coats
all-wool SWEATERS worth
up to )M.50
pairs Children's and Ladies'
WOOL MI1S, 25c, 35c, 50c
10 c
Children's Plush and Bear
Skin COATS, Caps to match
worth up to $7,50
iik. HI 1
K-l "V
yuu my tUMwp
mark to help
yourself to anything in my big stock I
offer you many lines, and many things in all lines at
1 1
Ladies' HATS - Ladies' HATS
Ladies Hand Made Hats, trimmed, splendid assort
ment, Regular $T.50, $10, $15
While they ffe
last S fi
ACTION in this case must be quick and de
cisive. I am compelled good folks to raise
$ 1OJ00
A T ONCE. Forced hy the inevitable hand
of fate I MUST SACRIFICE. I tried to
mail every one in Clackamas County full an
nouncement of the cause, together with a card
bearing my Cost Mark. If you did not get
one come and see. My mark appears above.
I will pay $100 to any charitable institution named
by finder of a single misstatement in this ad.
J 50 50
pair men's new, up to date Men's all Wool and Mixed
Dress Shoes, all leathers, and UTn, , .
fi , , iL Wf)o1 Drawers and Shirts,
these shoes have not been on
the shelves 30 days. $5 to $C Regular $1.00 to $1.50
Shoes A
$2.48 48c
50 100
Men's Suits, just from the Garments, of Ladies' Heavy
Manufacturer, $15 to $20 Knit and Fleeced UNDER
WEAR. Regular 35c and 50c
$9.00 18c
200 Suitings
Yards Fancy Outing and To- Heavy Plaid
zel Flannelettes Grey Mixtures
REGULAR 12 CENTS . Regular 50c
For this sale For this sale only
8c 18c
Ladies', Misses' and Children's Rain Coats, $7.50
Regular.-While They Last.
Sale Starts Saturday A.
7th & Madison
On The Hill
Sale Starts Saturday A.
Notice of Levy of Additiomtl Koud
Notice is horoliy given that we, the
undersigned Tux l'uyers, consisting of
ten per cent of I ho Tax Papers in
Koud District No. CH, Clackamas
County, Oregon, liorehy give notice to
the Tax Payers of said Uoad District
No. 58 that there will he a meeting of
the Tax Payers of said District in the
ui'lwvil llnliua lit Utii'l-nti nil i liu )'A
duy of November, 191!! at 2 o'clock
ii r j i. t i-i , i
i . ui., ut vote an uaiuiiomu lax in
r.aid District for road purposes, as
provided by an act of the legislature
in l!)l:s, Section 0321, Page 21, of the
Road Laws of Oregon.
Shermon Lyan
A. Johnson
II. V. Ciihson
L. Ilaertlein
1). L. Davis
F. )(. Turner
l!eo. N. Turner
Notice of Levy of Additional Kond
Notice is hereby given that we, the
undersigned Tax Payers, consisting of
ten per cent of the Tax Pavers in
Roud District No. fi, Clackamas
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in tho above entitled court within six
weeks after the date of the first pub
licaion of this summons, and if you
fail to so appear and answer, for
want thereof, tho plaintiff will apply
to the Court for tho relief demanded
in his complaint, to-wit: For a decree
of absolute divorce from the bonds of
matrimony now existing between you
aim uio jMuinuii.
This summons is published in per
suance to an order of Hon J. U. Camp
bell, judge of the above entitled court,
made and entered on the 2!id day of
October, 1913.
Date of first, linlilii'nl inn fWnliov sn
191!); date of last publication Decem-
uer ii,
Robert Scoular,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
tor line of the Oregon City and Mol
alla road; thence Kast 28 degrees 28
minutes East along the center line of
said road J1.87 chains; thence West
15.19 chains to the place of beginning,
except 4.27 acres off of the North of
the above described traut sold to Fred
Wourms, described in deed recorded
in Hook 85. nairo 851. (lipd rprnnla nf
said county.
This nublication is mmln mivcnnnt
to an order of the court dated the 29th
nay ot October, 1913, directing ser
vice on you by publication of sum
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Date of first nnhliriit.imi n..)nW Hi
1913; date of last publication Decem
ber 11th, 1913.
County, Oregon, hereby give notice
to the Tax Payers of said Road Dis
trict No. 50 that there will be a meet
ing of Tax Payers of said district in
Highland S. House a District 111, on
the 22nd day of November 1913, at
one o'clock p. m., to vote an addition
al tax in said district for road pur
poses, as provided by an act of the
legislature in 1913, Section 0321, Page
24, of the Road Laws of Oregon.
jMor. iu l p iiu.,1;
In the Circuit Court of the Stute of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
Thomas E. Ewing, Plaintiff, vs.
Janie Ewing. Defendant.
To Janie Ewing, the above named de
fendant: ' In the name of the State of Oregon
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
mas. Oregon Investment Company, a cor
poration, Plaintiff, vs. Charles
l'riedrich and Etel Friodri.-h lln.
In the name of the State of Oreuonl
vou are herebv renniroH tn innnnr unA'
answer the complaint filed against
you in ine anove entitled cause with
in six -(G) weeks from the date of
publication of this summons, and if
you fail to answer for want thereof,
the plaintiff will take judgment
against you for $1000.00, with interest
thereon at thi rntn nf 7 nu nt i.
annum from February 15th, 1913, un-
ui pauij ior xne iurtner sum of S3. 10.
and for the further sum of $100.00
attorney's fees, together with its costs
and disbursements herein. That the
lien of the mortgage mentioned in the
complaint be foreclosed on the mort
gaged premises, and that the mort
gaged premises be sold according to
law. and the nraoppda nf mth culn
annlied to the nnvmnnt nf tho n,i,,,t
.1 - f---,......vv ..ww(i.uilkO
iiuove set out, tne said mortgage be
ing on mo iouowing described prem
ises in Clackamas County, Oregon, to
wit: A nart nf tho 4ilr.nu tl,lrt ,)
. .... . ... V 1 L 1 T I n IIU
wife I). L. C, in Tp. 3 S. R. 2 E. of the
. m. lseginmng at the Southwest
corner of said D. L. C. and running
thence North 28.03 chains to the cen-
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
mas. Alta M. Mower, riaintiff,
Gale Mower. IWrnnlinit-
To Gale Mower, the above named do-
In the Name of liip Kt:it nf Ornovm
you are nereuy required to appear
and answer the complaint filejj
against you in the above entitled suit
on or before the 6lli day of December, ;
1913, said date being after the expir-;'
at ion of six weeks from the first pub-1
lication of this summons, and if you 1
fail to so appear and answer said
complaint, for want thereof the plain
tiff will amdv to tho Cnm-t. f.ir tha re
lief prayed for in her complaint, to
wit: For a decree dissolving the bonds
oi niacnniony now existing between
plaintiff and defendant.
This summons is nnlilili,,! hv nr.
der of the Honorable J. U. Campbell,
Judge of the above entitled Court,
which order was made and entered on
the 23rd day of October, 1913, and the
time nrescribed for th nnliii,.ntin.i
u . . "
viuTfoi is six successive weeks.
Date of first publication October
23rd, 1913.
Date of last publication December
4, 1913.
John F. Clark
Attnrnev fnr Pluititiff n
gon City, Ore. ' j
Final settlement of the estate of
Joseph Koenig, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned administrator of the es-
i.'lt.P nf Jnsiinh TTnnnitr itnpoacarl Vino
filed in the county court of Clackamas
County, Stute of Oregon, his final ac
count as such administrator of said
estate and that Monday, the 1st day
of December, 1913 a the hour of 10
nVlnrk" a. m Vina Koon fivorl hir ooM
court as the time for hearing of ob
jections to said report and the settle
ment mereoi.
Administrator of the estate of Joseph
Aoenig, deceased.
U'Ren & Schuebel, attorneys for ad
First publication Oct. 29, 1913. 5t
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
Elizabeth Whittle, Plaintiff,
Harry Whittle, Defendant.
To Hurry Whittle, the above named
In the name of the State of Oregon,
VOU are horphv ronurpA tn nnnn.i an.
, answer the complaint filed against you '
in me uuove entitled court witnin six
; weeks after the date of the first pub
' lication of this summons, and if you
fail to so oppear and answer for want
t thereof, the plaintiff will apply to tho
I court for the relief demanded in her
complaint, to-wit: for a decree of ab
, solute divorce from the bonds of mat
rimony now existing between you and
! tile plaintiff.
1 This summons is published in per
suance of an order of the Honorable
J. U. Campbell Judge of the above en
titled court, made and entered on tho
24th day of October, 1913.
Date of the first publication October
30, 1913, date of last publication Dec
ember, 11, 1913. ,
Robert Scoulnr.
Attorney for Plaintiff
Oregon, for the County of Clackamas.
Wait Lancaster, Plaintiff, vs. J. R.
Keep, Defendant.
State of Oregon, County of Clack
amas, ss.
Rv viftllft nf n lllrlrrmont nrHni. Aa-
prpp nnH (in avnrmtinn Inlr Mit
or and under tne seal ot the above en
titled court, in the above entitled
cause, to me duly directed and dated
il-- 1C14.1. J - .j l - n-t n
uie j.oui uuy oi uctooer, upon
a lnilirinpnt vpnrlnroH on1 ontai.p1 i
said court on the 16th day of October,
liuo, in javor oi wait Lancaster,
Plaintiff and against J. R. Keep, de
fendant, for the sum of $992.09, with
interest tnereon at the rate of 6 per
cent per annum from the 17th day of
October, 1909, and the further sum
of $90.00 as attorney's fee, and the
further sum of $16.50 costs and dis
bursements, and the cost of and upon
this writ. rnnimnnHino. mp nut- f tk.
.. , I1IU U U U VI bUC
personal property of said defendant,
and if sufficient could not he found
then out of the real property belong-
on Saturday, the 22nd day of Novem
ber 1913, at the hour of 10 o'clock
A. M., at the front door of the County
Court House in the City of Oregon
City, in said County and State, sell at
public auction, subject to redemption,
to the highest bidder, for U. S. gold
coin, cash in hand, all thp rio-ht titlp
and interest which the within named
dpfpnHnnta nr pithpr nf tliprv. UnA a
i 'V"H V.1WU, IIUU Uil
the date of said judgment or since had
in or to tne above described real prop
erty or any part thereof, to satisfy
saiu execution, judgment order, de
cree, interest, costs and all accruing
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
By B. J. Staats, Deputy.
Dated Oregon City, Oregon, October
28th. 19193.
28th, 1913.
Sheriff's Snl
In the Circuit Court of the State of
uregon, lor the County of Claeka
ing to said defendant on and after the wniot'i t? v, i j a l
date of Judgment to satisfy said sum ! S,..Bssh'm. a"d. A"ton.e
..niiiuiauu, jjaruiers uoing OUS1
date of Judgment to satisfy said sum
oi wvi.vv ana aiso tne costs upon this
said writ.
Now therefore hv virtna nf oD;d
edition, judgment order and decree,
and in compliance with the commands
of said writ, being unable to find any
persoai property oi said defendants, I
did on the 28th day of October, 1913,
duly levy upon the following described
real property of said defendant, situ-
ic aim uemg in tne county or Clacka
mas and State of Oregon, to-wit:
The telephone line known as the J.
R. Keep Telephone Line, consisting of
poles, wires, cross arms and right-of-way
which crosses the following des
cribed property, to-wit: Commencing
UUI I HI .inn V IWlCt Attina
ness under and by the name of
the Firwood Lumber Company
of Sandy, Clackamas County,
State of Oregon, Plaintiffs.
J. R. Keep and Pacific Telephone
nu j.eiegrapn company, John
Doe.. Richnrd Tina onj U
Doe. Defendants.
State of Oregon, County of Clacka
mas, &S.
Bv virtue of a inducement aii.
----- v-utu......v w.uci, uc-
cree and an execution, duly issued out
ui aim unaer tne seal of the above en
titled Court, in the above entitled
Cause, to me dlllv dirontod o..J Jt-J
, - - - j lvvu niiu Ucl veil
the 18th day of October, 1913, upon
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Clackamas County. S ate of Oregon i h "T1 Tdf!:end entered in
in Section 13, in Township 2 sT 4i ion n'f 00 thV S,ftf 0etob
gon. and running -thence h Tan! l9JAinJA WlIlard Bossholm,
easterly direction and passing through i V"Z'a i ",eno"on Partners as the
Sections 18 and 23 Township 2 S R cEi T i Company of Sandy,
5 East: Sections 19 and 20, 2 S. R 5 ! ' 3Sf CT0U 0re??n; Pla'ntiffs
East; Section 21, 2 S. R. 5 East S c su of tj ?nd?nt for
tions 28, 27, 26, 25, and 24. 2 S R. 5 1 ,um STSo ?t 8i,d 'he furth
East; Sections 19, 20, 21. 22, 23 andsT and 'tK !?HheT sum of
25, 2 S. R. 6 East; Sections SO, 31 ! m . " ,f'Jrther , sum of
mk32. 2 S. R. 7 East; Sections 3 I ?J "S a,ttorne 8 te -nd the fur-1
and 4, S S. R. 7 East, all in Clackamas' th.er sum of 15-'5 costs and disburse
County, State of Oregon; and I will, menSi and the costs cf and "upon thi
writ, commanding me out of the per
sonal property of said defendant, and
If sufficient rnnld nnt lia ,j 4.1
OUt Of tho ronl Tirnna., kl i
said defendant on and after the date
i!H.dr irdgeme,!it t0 satisfy said sum
ol $485.05 and also the costs upon this
said writ.
Now therefnrn W ir;-t r u ...
... nifuc ua BalU CA
eCUtlOn. lUnirpimpnt nrAay, J J
and in compliance with the commands
mil, uemg unaDie to find any
personal property of said defendant's,
I did on the 28th day of Oct, 1913 dulv
levy upon the following described real
property of said defendant, situate and
oeinfi' in the Pnimt.. f rni ... .
Oi i A vitttnaillas, and
btate of Oregon, to-wit:
r Tt.-e Te'ePhone Line known as the J
w. Keep Telephone Line, consisting of -
ilOleS. Wire. evno oi-mo J n : ,i.
way which crosses the following de
scribed prrptrty, to-wit: Commencing
QT Q rmri4- nl O 1 t- , a T
... Bt daimy rost uttice, Clack
amas County, State of Oregon, in Sec
tion 13 m Township 2 S. R. 4 East in
'1 Clackamas County, Oregon, and
running thence in an Easterly direc
o8nnT pass"g through Sections 18
and J3 lownshin 9 B D e n
tlOHS 19 and 9fl O O t) c Tn-.i'
East. Sect one sn ?1 j m o i JL
7 f ; S,e?tlons 2. 3 and 4, 3 S. R..
ii. 6, ' u 1 wl"i on oatur
6JyA th.e 22nd day of November 1913
at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M., at the
front donr nf lha r,..i.. cne
in th. " p"4 wunty iourt House
m the City of Oregon City, in said
County and State, sell at public luc-
hi StUfe1 t0 , "Option, to the
mirnest hidder f tt o ' , . :le
cash in hand, 'all Ihe riW,Td
jntewt which the within .named de
fendants. nr aiti,- iL ,cu. ue
naa in or to the above described real
pronertv or onv o- . J .7 real
&i EutioXjudSt
S costs ' CStS Bnd a11 accru"
berSti JSP City' regn' Cto-
Sheriff of Clackamas Coult" Oregon '
By B. J. Staats,