OREGON CITY COURIER, THURSDAY, OCT. 30, 1913 Cottnty Coatt. (Continued from last week.) County Poor W. B. Shively 2.50 L. Adams 6-50 V. Harris 4-00 Oregon City Hospital 77.50 Robbins Bros 3.00 Huntley Bros. Co 2.50 A. King & Co . 10-00 F. T. Barlow 20-00 C. J. Bentley 1-00 Wm. Hammond G.00 Wm. Danforth 5-00 David E. Jones 8-0 W. T. Gardner 1-00 , Mrs. Bradtl 10-00 J. W. S. Owens 1-00 Dunmires Grocery 7.00 Sam Booher 16.00 Niles Johnson 7.00 N. H. Smith 10-00 Dock Mossier 10-00 Mrs. Jessie Allen 10-00 Patton Home I6-00 Henry Spiess 10-00 Alice Carr 10-00 A. J. Rosenthal 20.00 Mary Buol 5- Peter Erickson 15-00 Sarah Gibbons 20.00 Ambrose Pluard 10-00 Ella Payne 10-00 Indigent Soldier Meade Post No. 2 25.00 Election M. E. Kandle 14-1 Oregon City Enterprise 20.50 J. W. Draper 6-00 A. Erma Draper 6.00 James Nichols 6.00 A. Volpp c-0 Bertha Davenport 6.00 Roy Thompson 2.50 Printing and Advertising Oregon City Courier 57.87 The Molalla Pioneer 5.00 Oregon City Enterprise 212.80 Wild Animal Bounty Eli Fellows 1-50 1 Joseph Linhart 3-50 D. B. Gray 17-50 F. C. Hall 16-00 Juvenile Dept. Chas. Miller 12.50 W. J. E. Vick : 11-50 Claude Winslow 5.00 Clyde Morrell 2.10 D. E. Frost 23.60 Tax Rebate H. E. Gregg 45.00 EXPENDITURE IN ROAD FUND FOR THE MONTH OF OCT. 1913. Road District No. 1 O. A. Battin 75.00 C. E. Battin 37.50 C. Davis 29.25 Wm. Strange 50.00 G. Atwood 27.50 J. H. Gibson 43.00 S. Drefs U-25 Wm. Mundion 20.25 J. A. Davis 50.00 Wm. Smart 35.00 D. Guffncy 40.00 A. Avery 13.C0 G. Avery 14.75 J. Brodie 10.00 R. Otty 10.00 B. Coates 9.00 J. Peterson 10.00 District No. 2. Ike Johnson 75.00 Lee Harrington 75.00 E. R. Bennett 90.00 Mr. Jinks 60.00 Robt. Stopper 32.50 A. V. Wicklund 12.50 Chas. Lischko 10.00 G. R. Hobbs 75 W. II. Council 20.30 J. W. Bennett 50.00 District No. 3. W. W. Cooke 17.75 Frank Thebo 17.00 J. A. Stoll 19.00 II. Eicbert 19.00 W. Oehler 2.00 J. E. Siefer 3.00 O. Haugen 8.25 Earl Shearer G.50 W. A. Shearer 8.50 J. Norton 8.50 J. W. Wymore 40.C0 A. II. Ritzau 16.00 R. II. Cooke 2.50 Herman Gerhnrdus C9.00 Lee Stradley 30.55 Joe Tilster '.. 43.75 W. W. Cooke 40.75 C. W. Johnson 44.00 Rodney Crawford 3.75 W. Pilster 2C.00 Charles & Tompkins 4.25 J. C. Elliott & Co 21.05 W. W. Cooke 10.00 J. C. Royer 17.50 P. Thompson 18.00 G. Do Young 5.00 R. DeYoung 6.00 A. II. Ritzau 24.00 Dave Bridenstein 10.00 Fred Hayden 5.00 J. C. Royer 28.00 J. W. Wymore 7.50 Mr. Miller 2.00 Wm. Schwartz 16.00 Theo. Troge 4.00 District No. 4. W. Givens, agent 58.10 W. M. Githens 12.00 II. Githens 17.00 F. Boyer 2G.00 Robert Currin 29.00 L. Cogdon 1.00 II. S. Stubbs la.UO J. W. Dowty 28.00 Chas. Sparks '. 17.00 M. Baurnfeind 3.00 Geo. Walters 3.00 L. Hale 12.00 Jake Moss 5.00 D. Walters 2.00 Fred Bartholomew ,.. 7.00 Lester Hale 2.00 A. Erickson 14 00 Ed Saling 14 00 Harry Kitching 14 00 D. Matson '. 2.00 John Githens 26.25 C. W. Schuld & Son 81.20 District No. 5 Portland Ry. L. & P. Co 292.60 C. W. Schuld & Son 301.70 W. E. Wheeler .' 80.00 H. A. Beck 67.00 F. Werner 31.00 C. Lekberg 67.00 S. Waybill V. 54.00 P. Larsen '. 39.00 B. Johnston 39.00 P. Stone 24.00 M. H.W heeler 55.00 L. Ritzer 31.50 J. Imel 33.50 C. Erickson 33.50 C. Wheeler 23.50 Mr. Sonichson -40 District No. 6 R. E. Jarl 27.75 R. E. Jarl 27.75 Paul R. Meinig 3.00 Ernest Fisher 3.35 R. Keiser : ... . 4.00 Gust Finger 10.75 Chas. Krebs 1-25 District No. 7. Smith Bros 5.70 H. L. Borness & Co 11-56 Paul R. Meinig 15.40 C. W. Schuld & Sons' 176.40 Sandy Lumber Co. . . .. 153.12 A. C. Baumback 27.25 C. Wentland 20.25 Carl Aschoff 39.40 Wm. Wakeman 4.50 Wm. Schenk 7.90 M. Dickerson 7.90 W. Helms 29.80 Gus Aschoff 1-10 F. E. McGugin 40.00 Ottto Aschoff 20.25 H. Ten Eyck 60.75 Jas. Fegles ba.Yo Tom Dampsey 75.35 J. Kock 37.50 G. Hauglum 32.50 Phil Bates 50.00 F. Ryser 35.00 G. Wada 50.00 M. E. Cook 85.00 J. Davis 62.50 Chas. Dampsey 96.25 E. R. Leaf 120.00 R. Shipley 127.50 Homer Motion 43.90 Robt. Shumway 46.10 Tom Hagan 48.40 Geo. Kirby 54.00 Geo. Gibbons 35.15 Fred Gibbons 55.65 J. Gibson 5.65 W. Dawes , 29.26 W. Jepson 32.60 Henry Dickie 29.25 P. F. Harlow 8.00 Wm. Hudson 4.00 II. Aschoff '. 4.... 4.00 Andrew Oak 4.00 H. Pillon 2.00 E. C. Truman 4.00 H. Bradford 2.00 W. E. Fellows 4.75 A. II. Klinger 16.990 Hi A. Taylor 4.50 R. E. Johnson 9.00 F. Kilsky 14.60 District No. 8 Andrew Oak 4.00 District No. 9 A. M. Jannsen 10.00 P. Harder 4.00 R. Miller 4.00 A. Miller 4.00 C. Johnson 4.00 Otto Jonnsen 2.00 District No. 10 Geo. De Shields 56.00 Clyde Inglish 54.00 E. E. Jenkins 54.00 J. II. Tracy 56.00 J. M. Sehultz 40.00 O. I). Califf 32.00 C. C. Saling 28.00 T. J. Reagan ; 12.00 I). D. Trapp 41.00 L. J. Palmateer 50.00 Frank Rhodes 25.00 A. M. Stephens 2.00 Harvey Marshall 28.00 W. A. Holland 28.00 C. II. Duncan 42.50 J. A. Inglish 22.00 T. Yocum 3.00 J. B. Duncan 19.00 A. W. Botkins 4.00 Earl Tracy 7.00 W. R. Woodworth 6.00 J. II. McKennoy 6.00 A. E. Yokum 4.00 W. A .Rhodes 14.00 W. T. SnufTin 2.00 Delft Creek Lumber Co. ..... 5.G6 C. II. Duncan 1.60 District No. 11 Percy Jones 3.00 C. R. Livesny 7.50 It. Tucker 5.00 Mattoon Lumber Co 39.06 Wilson & Cooke 50 District No. 12 Carl Fallert 40.90 Albert Gorber 67.50 F. P. Wilson 45.00 II, Ualsmeier 42.50 I'M Kundig 22.00 Frod Gerber 37.50 Fred Gerber 37.50 O. Verding 21.60 Joe Bulvak 26.00 Hurry Bablor 37.15 Arnold Linder 2.00 A. Christiansen 18.00 Will Tonkin 8.0D Joe Sprague 13.50 Fritz Minder 13.50 John Shuttel 50 A. Mather 1.10 W. F. Ilabci'lach 6.65 Fred Gerber 2.50 II. llablcr 15.75 W. P. Kirchem 2.50 II. Gill 21.14 Fred Brown 1.75 District No. 13 Frank Billiard 7.00 Alfred Schneider 30.00 J. T. Fullam 21.25 District No. 14 W. F. Harris Henry Henrici District No. 15 Oregon Road Oiling Co Pope & Company Wm. Fine G. Grossenbacher August Shunk Dave Thomas A. C. Helms Crist Geiger Wm. Geiger Albert Scheer R. J. Evans ..." L. A. Woodward L. T. St. Clair Chas. Rider T. C. Thomas E. L. Camp J. M. Warnock A. C. Warner Guy Woodard District No. 16 Frank Busch A. Stefani & Co A. S. Newton C. Glazier G. Blanehard Geo. Kelland E. McArthur N. Norton Ed Spulack '. Aug. Staehel t W. G. Randall Dave Rotherford D. Creitser Aug. Staehely ; Herm Fischer . ; W. Gutperlct R. Chinn F. C. Chinn A. Rutherford A. O. Miller T. Penman Herm Staehely E. E. Reed N. Criteser L. G. Sinclair M. Stauber Mic Stauber II. Eastham J. Rettinger M. Hurias Carlton & Rosenkrans Co T. Blanehard II. Staehely N. Norton A. O. Miller N. Criteser G. Hurias W. Gutperlet G. Kelland T. C. Chinn D. Criteser .' Dave Rutherford Aug. Staehely R. Chinn W. G. Randall A. W. Riggs District No. 17 John Walls F. J. Reace M .. 4569 ..ROI HRD O Ivan Dimick Jake Kraft John Robbins John Jackson Wm. Tice A. Bany Henry Pipkey Wm. Bunkey Ed Rupp Russell Jones A. Stefani D. R. Dimick F. C. Herr S. Latourette Joe Thomas Almon Johnson G. M. Jones . . . Glen Irish Harlan Rupp Mrs. F. Turrell A. W. Riggs District No. 18 California Trojon Powder Co. F. Kamrath L. Buckner R. Peterson A. Thomas T. Davis F. Trafton John Evans Wm. Daniles R. Edwards L. Duffy Wm. Thomas District No. 20 Larking & Robbins W. II. Wettlaufer Distric tNo. 21 Oliver Johnson Claude Winslow Louise Pendleton W. C. Smith E. A. Swnnson Alfred Danielson Andrew Johnson E. A. Swanson A. N. Swanson Warner Brnnlund Matt Fetterson Victor Bachman John Seagren .J Thomas Frigaard District No. 22 Robbins Bros Shafer Lumber Co Ball & Ball F. J. Tainter Clay Hungate G. Hungate P. C. Vaughan Geo. Crandell Clay Engle Albert Engle J. H. Towers Geo. Ball L. A. Daugherty P.- L. Boyer L. M. Miller Herman Bahrndt G. Hungate District No 23 B. J. Berg C. J. Gardner Carlton & Rosenkrans Co Stefani Lumber Co R. W. Zimmerman O. L. Roman W. II. Thurston 5.37 3.00 114.40 5.55 52.50 52.50 30.00 34.00 34.00 34.00 32.00 29.00 8.00 2.50 3.50 84.00 36.00 60.00 32.00 32.00 60.00 4.15 35.12 20.00 4.00 28.00 28.00 12.00 10.00 1.25 23.75 47.00 24.00 24.00 35.00 61.00 22.00 16.00 36.00 17.00 34.50 42.00 38.00 34.00 17.00 33.25 31.00 15.50 4.00 32.00 32.00 19.40 25.00 36.25 30.00 21.66 26.87 31.87 26.66 12.91 30.00 14.37 12.93 18.00 12.93 12.00 18.20 40.00 6.00 OOLL 50.00 38.75 37.00 35.00 26.25 2.50 16.00 5.00 22.50 -45.00 ' 1.50 27.50 22.50 12.00 22.50 22.50 22.50 19.25 1.00 15.00 4.25 50.70 14.87 5.00 5.00 4.00 6.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 120.00 18.00 101.00 12.00 10.00 10.00 13.75 1.70 8.00 14.Q0 2.00 6.00 8.00 9.00 8.00 4.00 18.02 18.04 363.69 44.00 24.00 20.00 20.00 19.00 60.00 58.50 8.00 6.00 1.00 19.00 18.00 5.50 2.00 .53 1.25 4.78 16.49 44.50 11.00 1.00 Geo. Loveland 29.00 E. Judy 16.00 C. R. Williams 15.00 W. W. Keebaugh 18.00 II. Keebaugh 14.00 A. Nelson 16.00 A. B. Widdows 4.00 T. Irwin 14.00 Dt J. Parmetter 19.50 A. H. Sage 4.00 D. Shepherd 1.50 District No. 26 Thos. Miller 27.00 Rex Stubbs 3.50 Geo. Carpenter ff.OO E. A. Mallatt 16.00 D. H. Ramsby 6.50 W. W. Everhart 31.00 D. H. Austin 2.00 J. V. Harless ... 5.00 B. O. Cole 7.00 G. V. Adams 9.00 H. Engle 13.00 P. J. Kayler 1.00 Elmer Sawtell 16.00 Lloyd Shaver 5.00 I. C. Steininger 17.50 W. II. Steininger 3.00 Dave Steininger 8.00 District No. 28 W. Freeman 25 00 Jas. Frolich 20.00 L. D. Shank 25.00 J. S. Green 20.00 F. Davis 13.00 District No. 29 W. A. Rogers 54.00 District No. 30 Oswego Lumber Co 146.30 Frank Ford 4.50 0. C. Whitten 4.50 E. F. Whitten ;.. 4.50 Ed Wanker 16.50 Frank Childs : 1.12 J. K. Worthington 12.00 1. Austin 10.50 Ed Wanker 9.00 District No.! 31 J. Bushbaum 2.00 C. C. Schroeder 4.00 R. de Neui 9.00 W. Zl Simmons 3.65 Wilson & Cooke 75 District No. 32 Beall & Company 7.90 O. Ficken 16.00 Paul Stassens 19.00 W. C. Heater 30.00 W. Ogden 12.00 II. Seely 12.00 G. Durst 12 00 S. Atkins 10.00 A. Holznagel 3.00 II. Heater 5.00 J. Gross 4.00 E. Todd 28.00 F. Shamberg 24.00 District No. 33 W. Givens . . .- 148.80 Coast Culvert & Flume Co. ... 43.92 Cary Mercantile Co 2.20 Bert. H. Finch 8.05 Joe Gutridge 40.00 J. M. Stormer 12.00 L. H. Hayner 28.00 G. Wilcox 22.00 C. S. Bard 43.00 Theo. Reid 22.00 R. Wilcox 26.00 W. J. Stry 22.00 W. Bard 26.00 J. Moger 26.00 C. Folsom 16.00 Geo. Gensershbki 18.00 C. Cegenttaler 22.00 Clark Denny 14.00 O. S. Mathews 20.00 L. Baker 31.00 R. O. Morrison 31.00 Elyd Denny 14.00 J. A. Reid 38.75 J. M. Stormer 2.00 C. Hayner 18.00 Geo. Guttridge . . .". 20.00 E. Mathews 10.00 S. Smith 21.00 II. Smith 2.00 F. Smith 11-00 J. Smith T 13.00 II. Spear 6.00 A. Genserwoki 9.00 W. Mayficld 10.00 E. Genserwoki 3.00 L. Henthorn 1.00 E. E. Hannah 2.00 W. Dale 2.00 W. F. Hearst 3.00 District No. 35 Hood & Hutchins 4.40 Coast Culvert & Flume Co. . . 58.05 Fred Wagner 9.00 Robert Lansdowne 16.50 E. E. Van Fleet 13.50 Carl Shctterly 20.75 J. B. Jones 17.33 Wm. Booth 76.80 District No. 40 C. O. Davis 40.00 Floy E. Davis 52.00 J. M. Anderson 12.00 John McCracken 2.00 District No. 38 Clark Kerr 14.25 J. Baumgartner 26.66 Coast Culvert & Flume Co. ... 30.60 A. Mather 13.75 District No. 41 Smith Bros 75 Paul R. Meinig 3.88 H. II. Udell 6.00 Gnylord Keith 6.00 John Bews 2.00 David Miller 9.00 C. A. Keith 17.50 Joseph DeShazer 2.00 A. J. Morrison 4.00 District No. 43 Port. Ry. L. & P. Co 72.80 C. W. Schuld & Son 72.80 Fred Hoffmeister 12.00 Roy Douglass 12.00 J. P. Strahl 12.00 Frank Fucjs 8.00 Wm. Huggins 2.00 Walter Vancuren 2.00 F. J. Shults 6.00 Ernest Hoffmeister 2.50 Gus Fernanda 3.00 Wm. Hoffmeister 4.00 A. D. Burnett 12.00 District No. 44 Wilson & Cooke 3.75 A. Osburn 21.00 C. Reusser '. 16.25 S. M. Warnock 29.00 G. Woodard 4.00 Chas. Rider 37.75 J. Buss 8.00 W .Woodard 5.25 District No. 45 Joe Powers 13.00 Walter Cox 5.00 Arnt Eimin 6.00 F.B.Brown 6.00 Ernest Vallen 2.00 George Brown 4.00 Albert Meilike 6.00 W. M. Warnock 4.00 Rev. J. M. Park 2.00 Jesse Cox 8.00 District No. 46 H. Burger 17.00 Orvel Watts 24.00 Melvin Leach - 26.00 Emerson Watts H-00 L. Leach 13.00 D.H. Watts 17.50 J. J. Hattan 24.00 Elton Hattan 4.00 J. L. Hendry 26.00 Bud Remington 2.00 W. H. O'Mally 25.00 Jacob Martin 14.00 Irwin Hawk , 11.50 Mutton Moak 4.00 Martin Laudine 13.00 Wilson & Cooke .) 1.70 District No. 47 W. II. Counsell 2688.00 Standard .Oil Co 30.50 Milo Pollock . 2.20 Linnette & Emmons 11.50 II. E. Sharrow 2.00 D. O. LaCure ' 43.00 H. M. Clay 44.00 O. P. Roethe 57.50 G. Noaks 6.00 S. Hartooff 1.00 E. ' W. Bower . . ; 1.00 Roy Highland 45.00 Tom Evans 56.25 W. J. Weber 44-00 Buse Bates 27.00 Wm. Cook 5.00 John Bower 7.00 T. A. Timm 31.00 H. Carmichel 22.00 Ira Hart..... 16.00 Henry Smith ... 16.00 Jess Harding 15.00 B. F. Stover 8.00 E. E. Hoethe 108.00 Roethe Bros.- 114.40 W. L. Jones 57.80 Tom Sellwood 296.40 District No. 48 Paul R. Meinig . 32.25 J. G. DeShazer 14.00 Antone Malar 12.00 Gotfried Stucki 4.00 R. Chown 4.00 Henry Keisesker 4.00 Fred Keisecker 2.00 James Lamper .' 1.00 District No. 49 Garfield Mercantile Co. 8.50 Chester Dean 31.00 A. C. Anderson 22.00 Paul Sauer 31.00 H. G. Hunt 37.00 N. Elling 2.00 A. W. Prickley 38.75 L. M. Yocum ... 90.00 Robt. Mattoon 27.00 J. F. Snyder 24.00 R. F. Snyder 24.00 M. J. Anderson 48.00 F. H. Davis 56.00 A. J. Irvin 70.00 E. Krigbaum 53.00 Otis Wagner 68.00 J. J. Honebon 57.50 W. B. Leenon 48.00 Tom Carter 50.00 Julius Krieger 36.00 S. Pusznecker 48.00 C. A. Wilcox 36.00 W. M. Glenn 20.00 G. T. Hunt 85.00 BenT. Rawlins 34.00 II. O. Sanford 20.00 II. H. Anders 32.00 Geo. Hathaway 33.00 H. G. Burd 36.00 E. Snyder 18.00 Floyd Davis 31.00 District No. 51 Port. Ry. L. & P. Co 56.00 J. C. Elliott & Co 32.50 C. Wolfhagen 5.10 A. L. Heacock 45.00 Will Teevin 68.00 John DeYoung 44.00 Jake DeYoung . 49.00 Dean Cline 50.00 Olaf Gran 26.00 Ernest Johnson 8.00 H. J. Hoffmeister 8.00 Jack Ketels 6.00 A. Shepherd 23.00 D. Ragan 37.25 John Johnson 6.00 W. O. Benjamin 24.00 II. Henningsen 14.00 Rodger DeYoung 10.00 Aug. Samuelson 20.50 Cash McCarty 8.00 Harold Wilson 9.00 O. C. Rodlun 12.00 Louis Rodlun 12.00 Frita Boese 6.00 Albert Welch 16.00 Fred Anderson 7.00 A. T. Long 8.00 R. W. White 16.00 M. R. White 12.00 G. Boese 4.00 John Hoffmeister 5.00 District No. 52 W. A. Ulrich 87.00 H. W. Kanne 38.25 J. Loeber 33.50 C. Batz 36.00 Simon Becker 34.00 Archie Strickrott 16.00 J. Bowers J 16.00 J. Rushford 15.50 C. C. Henderson 18.00 Otto Brookman 9.00 C. Rebstock 4.50 District No. 54 W. F. Stanton 35.00 A. J. Lais 9.BO, Canby Concrete 'Co 42.00 S. M. Long 2.00 J. S. Owings 1-00 Clyde Ainsworth 2.25 L. Stanton 2.00 R. L. Calvin . . Geo. Wolf . . . Clyde Kunze . S. J. Nofziger W. H. Bremer R. F. Watts . . S. M. Long .. 11.00 14.00 12.25 26.00 22.50 ' 14.00 16.00 J. L. Stanton 14.00 W. F. Stanton 14.00 John Tweedie 7. 4.00. O. Mahler 12.00 J. S. f isher i.uo Oliver Yoder 5.25 C. C. Wiser 3.75 G. H. Burkert 3.50 W. G. Wolf. rrr 22.90 Blaine Calvin ,. 9.00 O. Mahler 18.67 Clyde Kunze 12.00 S. M. Long 12.00 J. S. Fisher 20.00 Oliver Yoder 18.67 G. H. Burkert 36.00 R. F. Watts 28.00 J. L. Stanton 16.00 W. F. Stanton 13.50 Blain Calvin 6.00 Geo. Wolf 12.00 District No. 55 H. H. Mattoon .' 76.50 J. A. Tidyfnan 58.00 James Hamilton 44 00 B. White 32.00 A. H. Msyer 32.00 Lawrence Roundtree 26.00 James Craft 22.00 C. Jubb 28.00 Ernest Miller 2.00 Joe La Crop 2.00 Jim Sevier 8.00 J. R. Newcomb 4.00 F. E. Cockerline 2.00 District No. 56 Coast Culvert & Flume Co 57.60 Frank Rees 28.00 Nat Scribner ..' 22.50 F. Brunner 14.00 R. Sims .' 16.50 F. T. Shute 8.00 Frank Lewis 20.00 Clay Long 10.00 Oliver Caldwell 16.00 Frank Nicholas 16.00 Joe Parrish v 6.00 Eli Fellows 7.60 Nat Scribner 13.50 Jesse Mayfield - 4.00 District No. 57 S. S. Whally 6.00 David Westberg 10.00 Wm. H. Stuwe 6.25 Aug. Rothenberg 4.00 J. L. Smith 16.00 District No. 59 Geo. Lammers 246.61 W. H. Rumery 44.95 District No. 58 A. Mather 28.75 C. Wolfhagen i 2.00 H. F. Gibson , 2.35 PauLKleim 7.10 Coast Culvert & Flume Co. ... 5.16 J. C. Miller 60.00 Alvin Johnson ' 123.00 C. Christensen 92.00 D. F. Davis 15.50 W. Burghardt 45.00 W. H. Stone 34.00 S. S. Dallas 4.00 J. Hoffmeister 4.00 A. Welch '.. 4.00 A. Welch 4.00 R. Wetzel '. 4.00 GENERAL ROAD FUND C. J. Carlson 85.50 Firwood Lumber Co 19.20 Beall & Co 136.54 Dan Colson 29.00 W. Phillips 14.00 ...-.4 ..9 THMH TH MHT H ARR W. Kaiser 8.00 James Adkins Lumber Co. ... 106.38 Batdorf Bros lb 3.60 Clarence Simmons 70.00 Jim Edmunds 43.00 C. Christensen 48.50 L. E. Belfils 10.00 Standard Oil Co 8.80 Frank Busch 13.45 A. E. Sparks 1.25 R. M. Wade & Co 20.30 Sandy Ridge Lumber Co 220.00 Scripture & Beauliau 3.60 Coast Culvert & Flume Co 35 Wm. Dutcher 45.00 H. Kellogg 26.25 D. W. Olds 33.25 E. D. Olds 2.26 F. Moehnke 6.40 Bittner-Boylan & Co 8.00 Beall & Co 238.00 F. B. Brown 2.50 Walter Cox 2.30 J. Melike 1.50 A. Vallen 1.50 L. N. Vallen 1.50 Jesse Cox - 4.90 C. Bittner 4.20 Jonsrud Bros 9.60 C. C. Schroeder 36.00 R. W. Oldenstadt 26.00 G. Oldenstadt 13.00 J. Bushbaum 36.00 J. Rallies 14.00 C. W. Larson 24.00 R. de Neui 49.50 H. F. Padgham 51.40 W. Ulrich 25.25 August Geppert 36.50 Andrew Becker 13.00 K. W. Kanne 36.25 C. Zimmerman 14.50 C. Betz 14.00 H. F. Sutter '. 29.25 Earl Deardorff 16.75 A. Guidi 1.50 J. Phillips 15.50 C. Rebstock 6.00 J. Bowers 10.00 Royal Zinzer 12.00 H. R. Tyler 7.00 Tom Wrinkle 14.00 H. W. Kanne 10.00 H. H. Johnson 40.00 J. W. Smith 13.20 Robert Mattoon 6.00 W. H. Mattoon 24.15 James Adkins Lumber Co 3.91 In the matter of petition of H. E. Gregg, ordered that said petition be and is granted. In the matter of the cancellation of tax assessed to Wm. Gardner, an in digent person, ordered that said pe tition be granted. In the matter of the Shaber road; ordered that the same be and is dis missed. In the matter of the Lengensend road; ordered opened. In the matter of the Anna Busch road; ordered opened. In the matter of the W. Deveny road; ordered opened. In the matter of deeds from F E. Thomas and Anna Thomas, Kate Wanzer Botkin and A. W. Botkin, Archie Yocum, J. H. and Margaret Tracy for county purposes; ordered that said deeds be accepted and re corded, In the matter of the Morrison road, District attorney having filed an ad verse report, said road is dismissed. In the matter of the vacation of a nnrtion of town of Robertson; order ed postponed pending settlement. In the matter or tne KODDins roau; laid over for the term. In the matter of the resignation of E. P. Berdine as supervisor of road district No. 19, and the appointment of Robert Schuebel in his place; or dered that said resignation be accept ed and that Robert Schuebel be ap pointed to fill the unexpired portion of his term. In the matter of salary of J. A. Van Brakle as Secretary of the Clack amas County Board of Health; order ed that the salary be fixed at $56.56 as provided by law. In the matter of the petition of vot ers of Macksburg for an election to prohibit stock running at large there in; ordered that said election be held on the 4th day of November, 1913. In the matter of delinquent taxes of the Oregon & California Railroad Company; ordered that the sheriff be and is authorized.to accept for taxes for 1908 and 1912 the sum of $24,339. 43 and that said Railway Company shall pay the sum of $162.00 as ex penses of advertising. In the matter of the petition of Clackamas County Gas Company for a franchise; ordered that said fran chise be granted in accordance with the petition be and the same is grant ed. In the matter of sealer of weights and measures; ordered that this mat ter be left with the. County Judge to act. In the matter of change in road district No. 15; ordered that said pe tition be denied. In the matter of the payment of im provement of the River Road; ordered that a warrant issue to the contractor thereof for $2688.00, the work being fifty per cent completed. In the matter of roads pending be fore the County Court; by a resolution passed by the County Court all- pend ing roads were filed with the County Surveyor for an examination. DON'T LET BABY SUFFER WITH ECZEMA AND SKIN ERUPTIONS Babies need a perfect skin-covering. Skin eruptions cause them not only intense suffering, but hinder their growth. DR. HOBSON'S EC ZEMA OINTMENT can be relied on for relief and permanent cure of suf fering babies whose skin eruptions have made their life miserable. "Our baby was afflicted with breaking 'out of the skin all over the face and scalp. Doctors and skin specialists failed to help. We tried Dr. Hob son's Eczema Ointment and were ov erjoyed to see baby completely cured before one box wos used" writes Mrs. Strubler, Dubuque, Iowa. All drug gists, or by mail, 50c. PFEIFFER CHEMICAL COMPANY St. Louis, Mo. Philadelphia, Pa. NOTICE A full line of every kind of Sewing Machine REPAIRING AND SUPPLIES Singer Sewing Machine Co. S. A. BOARD, Agent. Hogg Bros. Furniture Store E. n. COOPER The Insurance Man Fire, Life, Sick and Accident In surance. Dwelling House Insur ance a specialty. ofllce with UREN & SCHUEBEL, Oregon City Straight & Salisbury Agents for the celebrated LEADER Water Systems and STOVER GASOLINE ENGINES. We also carry A full line of MYERS pumps and Spray Pumps. We make a specialty of installing . . Water Systems and Plumb- . . ing in the country 20 Main St. Phone 2682 Dr. L. G. ICE DENTIST Beaver Building Oregon Cit Phones Pacific, 1221. Home A 19 U REN & SCHUEBEL Attorneys at Law Will practice in all courts, make collections and settlements of es tates, furnish abstracts of title, and lend you money, or lend your money on first mortgage. OfRoe In Enterprise Bldg., Oregon City. BROWNELL & . STONE ATTORNEYS AT LAW Oregon City, Oregon