Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, October 23, 1913, Page 8, Image 8

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Thinks Petition Circulators Did Not
Make Mailer Plain to Voters
Clackamas County know what is right
and will do it.
Those who circulated the petition to
refer the bill did not state to the
people that the provision of the bill
that the Superintendent should be re
quired to spend at least four days of
each week from September to June in
clusive -in the supervision of rural
schools makes it necessary that the
office be provided . with competent
help. I cannot stay away from the of
fice that much of the time and leave
it with one who is not competent.
They did not state that there would
be one loss supervisor employed thus
making an actual saving to the County
of several hundred dollars. Some ar
gue that the Supervisory Law will be
repealed. If it should be there will be
greater need for the Superintendent
to be out in the field and therefore
greater necessity for the office help.
I do not bolieve that you understand
the full merits of the measure or you
would not lend your power to defeat it. i
ma uuit'Kauon ln me riouse siooa
solidly for the bill. Do the people wish
to repudiate their action :
T. J. Gary.
(Continued from Page 1)
Oregon City, Ore.
Oct. 21, 1913.
Editor Courier:
In your issue of October lb you
say that it is very probable that the
voters of the county will vote No
on the salary bill of the County School
Superintendent that was passed by
the last legislature, giving as your
reason that the present incumbent
did not announce during the campaign
that he would ask for an increase in
salary. I wish to plead' guilty to the
charge. It is so evident that the sal
ary should be increased that I thought
no patriotic citizen of the County
would question it. Clackamas County
is fourth in the number of children
and fifth in the number of teachers,
but is twenty-fifth in the salary that
it pays its County Superintendent, vices, and will give selections in front
There are twenty-nine teachers in the of the theatre after the parade
county who are drawing a greater Not only will there be good features
this worthy cause. There will be three
performances, the first of which will
ommence at 0 o clock and there will
be a continuous performance during
he evening. At 8 o clock the members
of the Moose Lodge will parade on
Main Street and will be headed by
the G. A. R. drum corps. The old sol-
ers have kindly donated their ser-
monthly salary than the County
School Superintendent. There are
twenty-nine teachers in the county
who are drawing a greater monthly
salary than the County School Super
intendent, whose position is supposed
to Ue or greatest importance. Oregon
ouy pays its superintendent Siuuu a
Did any of your readers ever hear
of a candidate for office who made
it one of the arguments why he should
oe elected that he would ask for an
increase in salary? I went to the Leg
islature tor the increase because the
law says that that is one of its pow
ers. It is also customary. If I am not
mistaken there were others whose
salaries were raised at the same time,
Why do you single me out as an ex
It may be of interest to the public
to know something of the history of
the bill. At the annual institlte held
it the showliouse, but there will be
specialties including a duet by Miss
Anna Snyder and Frank Alldredge,
with violin obligato by Prof. Flecht
ncr; quartette by R. E. Woodward,
Roy Woodward, Joseph Alldredge and
Hugh Kennedy; solo Harry Confer.
Other specialties will be introduced
during the evening.
All should purchase tickets and
help the good cause along. The price
if admission is only 25c. If ou can't
for yourself buy a ticket and add to
the happiness of the blind woman's
little family.
bmce the organization of the
Moose Lodge in Oregon City the mem
bers of the organization have been
liberal in their donations to the needy
and worthy people of Oregon City,
whether members of the Order or not.
Their policy is to be proud of. There
are 300 members belonging to the lo
cal order, and you will always find
last October, the Hon. F. M. Gill, who a Tna monK. tnem. l1 ar? tneea-v
The order has a beautiful new struc
ture at Fox River, Illinois, which wasj
recently dedicated. The Building is
known as "Moose Heart Home" and
is a home for the widows and orphans
of members of the lodge. The orphans
are educated and taught a trade, and
allowed to remain until 18 years of
age. 1 tie widows are given a perma
nent home. Beatiful grounds surround
"Moose Heart Home," making it an
ideal retuge lor this kind.
Help the Moose out and attend the
benefit Friday evening. Tickets are on
sale at the drug stores, cigar stores,
and at George Young's second-hand
was . a teacher in attendance, asked
the teachers in the advance divisions
to make suggestions to guide him in
nis actions as a law-maker. After
several had been given, he asked:
'What about the Superintendent's
salary?" Instantly three men were
upon their feet, the one who secured
recognition said, "If you wish to
know what I think I will say thut I
think it is a disgrace to Clackamas
County." Mr. Gill then said that the
salary was not what it should be but
did not further commit himself. The
man who first spoke said that the
salary should in hia opinion, be not
less than $1000. The next day when
the committee on resolutions reported
it offered a resolution asking the Leg
islature to fix the salary at not less
man iovv. mis resolution passed by
an unanimous vote. Mr. Gill afterward
came to me and said that he thought
there would be no trouble in passing
a um uul requested mat i nave a pe
tition signed by some of the voters of
tne county, 1 had nothing to do with
bringing the matter before the teach
ers, but I did nrenare th nnt.ifinn nrwl
had it circulated by friends who did it
cheerfully wfthout h
Most of the heavy taxpayers of the 8 Physicians Will Not Reply Presents
uunuy signed tne Din. xno only one o . o. i .
that rehmo, na i Jt Some Statements
LmLd0ua ,?d numbe,r Political en- Editor Courier:-
in whichh0m,Hni" .r As Dr. Schulze has not answered
tally interested and much benefitted ye' aa um as desirous as he in
iriema d as 1,6 did 80 that he having the matter he alludes to set
would be pleased to sign a petition to squarely before the people, I ask a lit-
k.vo imb us uiary ox ifz.uuu a year if tie more space in your puper.
it wore not for those supervisors, I I resigned as health officer because
miiu nun wiai i was not responsible 1 found that the State Board had been
ior tne supervisory law, but that it deceived.
was a law that is intended to benefit I want to put this matter squarely
the rural schools, and that I intended before the people that he was de
to stand up for it till it had been giv- fending his brother physicians from
wuii mm, uitnougn i realized ful- unjust aspersions and misrepresents
ly that it was not a popular thing to turns.
no. ii peop o want a man for the of- That certain members of the mcd
lice who advocates a thing simply to ioil fraternity had a right to suggest
Ul nil-reuse in salary, they to uounty Judge Anderson who to ap
don t want me. point from the health end of the bus-
1 1 mut mo people
would vote the measure down because
the present incumbent has had a great
many cases whore he has refused to
recommend teachers for position that
he knew they wore not competent to
fill, or that ho has had a great ninny
perplexing questions to settle, and has
nuido political enemies because he did
not vote just ns evory man thought he
should, you would have had some
reason for your argument, but when
you say that the people will vote it
down because I did not advertise the
flinf tliof T ....... 1.1 j.
...... ,, i nuni usk. ior an increase.
That it was a minister who took the
stump in a political campaign avowed
ly to accomplish the removal of our
loimer efficient health officer, Dr.
That the old doctor had placed an
account against him (the minister) for
meuicai services m tne hands of a jus
tice of the peace for collection. And
he (the minister) took his revenge in
the election.
That a minister recommended to the
county judgo how ho should run the
health end ot his business by suggest-
you are mistaken. The people of ing an irregular appointment for the
of Lake Sbrinqs
ilUi Ijiivi, UlUMiUJM
(Union County, 9 miles east of La Grande)
The hottest and most curative spring in the world
Extensive improvements have been made in all departments
Sfjecial Reduced Rate
from all 0-W. R. & N. stations
Lake have proven a boon to sufferers from Rheumatism , Blood,
Kidney and Liver Complaints. Accommodations at the sanatorium
delightfully completi', and rates within the reach of all.
Apply to any agent for particulars and ask for booklet telling all
about the Springs; or write to G. W. TAPE, the new Manager at
Hot Lake, Ore.
F rst
' ' 'J
of The Week
I sent out 750 invitations to the
good people of Clackamas County
to share with me in my deal as
The Response Has
een Electrifying
In order to hasten the end and
give you the Lions Share, just at
the time when you can appreciate
it most for the next
or while they last I offer as an
Extra Inducement the Following:
( ou have my cost mark; come aiid sec just what I
am doing for you.)
500 Tablets, big fat ones 50 All -Wool Sweaters, 1 1 00 yards Heavy Paid ft ATM TOAT
Regular 5 cents f Childrens MQ Suitings, Reg- 4 AA
At only, each . worth up to 2.50 45 1 ular 50c . I Ot Men's and Ladies' Rain
; . Coats that WILL turn
200 Pair Men's SHOES J 00 Ladies' and Misses' Wool Hosiery, women's the rain Regular $15.00
Values $4 rff) qq Coats worth tfj AQ and children's ' Q A to$18-00
to $6 at OZ.O upto$J0 . . Z.4S Reg. 35c to 50c I Ol Each only
J00 J4toJ7 quart triple 00 Heavy Percale J 00 Garments Ladies' )q) ff )fO)
coated best Enamel ware House Dresses, regular fleeced and heavy knit Un- n
Tus,?lelMc$1'50i QSdrr1" IRp given AWAY
ular $1 and $L254UL now only . y 35c and 50c . Jj rirr i
Men's heavy hygienic 00 yards Outjng Flan- 00 Ladies' Hats tQ eve Lady--" 'The
Fleeced Underwear MM nels, regular J 2c Qp worth up to M Q . . .
Regular 65c 441 now per yard (Si $10, now OZ.45
' : : that magazine o f
Men's all-wool QOp 00 ladies $1.50 AQ 50 pair Ladies' QQ Fashion that retails
$1.50 Underwear yUW Waists at . 401 $2.25 $2.50 Shoes . c everywhere for . . 5c
Elliott Bros. Department Store
Seventh Street at Madison, on the Hill
Oregon City, Oregon
That the new man was not' legally
aiunorizea to use uisentectants.
That new health officer was distast-
ful to the physicians with whom he is
called to labor.
Fools run in where angels fear to
Where was this valiant knight
when Dr. Norris' case camo before the
State Board?
He signed the paper about the be
ginning of March with other physic
ians which was answered through the
papers uy giving the testimony as
taken by tile State Board of Health,
A number of questions were asked of
those M. D's at that time which this
hero might even now answer.
This great man finds it easier to
wait months until after the thine was
none ana men runs m to tell the people
now ii an Happened.
As to that matter of the old doctor
placing an account lor medical serv e.
es in the hands of the justice of the
peace rieaso get dates and names
and let us place these things before a
committee of three to look into and
then publish the results. No harm in
mm is mere :
If Van Krakle was irresrularlv ad.
pointed; and if he can not legally use
msiiiiectanis we nave courts. Why
not use a little of that bluster we read
about a short time ago when you were
going to carry the matter into court,
When Dr. Eheinhart spoke in Port
land last May he said that no phy
sician graduated before 1900 was fit
to be a health officer because they had
had not studied bacteriolncv.
did he mean 1 Dr. White at .the same
meeting said a law must be introduc
ed in the next Legislature to stop so
many murders resulting from opera
tions, improper use of anesthetics,
post operatic pneumonia. What and
who did he mean?
Your quotation "Fools run in where
angels fear to treat" needs no com
ment it speaks for itself.
Henry Spiess.
First liaptist Church
William T. Milliken, D. D., pastor
Bible School at 10:00; H. E. Cross
Superintendent. Morning Worship at
11:00. Sermon: "The Origin of Happi
ness." In the evening Guy Fitch Phelps,
poet, author and lecturer, will deliver
an address upon "The White Slave
1 raffic." Do you know that a call foi
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
mas. Alta M. Mower, Plaintiff,
Gale Mower, Defendant,
To Gale Mower, the above named de-
In the Name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear
and nswer tne complaint filed
against you in the above entitled suit
on or boiore the oth day of December,
20,000 girls has gone out from the un-! ?5,?,r LB Z iJ J 7nll rtT 3
derworld for the San Francisco ex- i Ld 2 TAtZ
ligation of this summons, and if you
position ? Come and hear Mr. Phelo's
new lecture.
Those having no church home are
cordially welcomed at all services of
this church.
Children Cry
Chronic Dyspepsia
The following unsolicited testimon
ial should certainly be sufficient to
give hope and courage to all persons
afflicted with a chronic dyspepsia: "I
have been a chronic dyspeptic for
years, and of all the medicine I have
taken, Chamberlain's Tablets li Rve
done me more good than anything
else," says W. G .Mattison, No. 7.
Sherman St., Hornellsville, N. Y. For
sale by Huntley Bros. Co.
Home-Keeping Women need
Health and Strength
The work of a home-keeDini? woman
makes a constant call in her stremrth
invigorate and restoreh er, and weak
back, nervousness, aching joints and
irregular bladder action will all dis
appear whenF oley's Kidneys Pills are
and vitality, and sickness comes thru
hr kidneys and bladder oftener than
she knows. Foley Kidney Pills will
fail to so appear and answer said
complaint, for want thereof the plain
tiff will apply to the Court for the re
lief prayed for in her complaint, to
wit: For a decree dissolving the bonds
of matrimony now existing between
plaintiff and defendant.
This summons is published by or
der of the Honorable J. U. Campbell,
Judge of the above entitled Court,
winch order was made and entered on
the 23rd day of October, 1913, and the
time prescribed for the publication
tnereot is six successive weeks.
Date of first publication October
23rd, 1913.
Date of last publication December
4, 1913.
. John F. Clark
Attorney for Plaintiff. Ore
gon City, Ore.
Quick Help to Backache and Rheuma
The man or woman who wants ouick
help from backache and rheumatism.
will find it in Foley's Kidney Pills
They act so quickly and with such
good effect that weak, inactive kidneys
that do not keep the blood clean and
free of impurities, are toned up and
strengthened to healthy, vigorous ac
tion. Good results follow their use
piomptly. Huntley Bros. Co.
Notice to Creditors
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas Uounty.
In the matter of the Estate of M.
Lazelle. Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the vm-
dersigned has been appointed by the
County Court of the state of Oregon
for Clackamas County, the Admims
trator of the Estate of M. J. Lazelle,
deceased. All persons having claims
against said estate are hereby request
ed to present the same to me properly
verified as by law required, at my res
idence, R. F. D. No. 6. Oregon City,
Oregon, or at the office of my attorney
Fred J. Meindl, 1524 Yeon Building,
Portland, Oregon, within six months
from the date hereof.
Dated this 24th day of October,
Geo. M. Lazelle,
Administrator of the Estate of M.
J. Lazelle, deceased.
Date of first publication, October
23rd, 1913.
Date of last publication, November,
Fred J. Meindl,
Attorney for Administrator.
A Three-Cornered Proposition
For the better protection from fire
of the big suspension bridge a prop
osition is being considered that the
city will furnish the water, the county
the hose, and the Willamette Paper
to., will keep the bridge clean.
A Gentle and Effect Laxative
A mild, gentle and ef tive laxative
is what people demand when suffer
ing from constipation. Thousands do
swear by Dr. King's New Life Pills.
Hugh Tallman, of San Antonia, Tex.,
writes: "They are beyond question the
best pills my wife and I have ever
taken." They never cause pain. Price
25c at druggists, or by mail. H. E.
Bucklen & Co. Philadelphia- or St.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Maxon of
Clarkes, was in this city Thursday.
Louis Kelnhofer, a well known saw
mill man of Carus, was in Oregon City
A Mrs. Frank Bullard, of Logan,
was in this city Wednesday, and while '
in this city visited relatives.
Eph Lewis, a well known fanner of
Carus, was in this city Thursday.
Jack Griffith, of Carus, was in Ore
gon City Thursday.
Andrew Kocher. a nrominent resi
dent of Canby, was in this city Wed
nesday afternoon on his wav hnmn
from Portland, where he had been on
A Bargain for a Buyer
For sale at a bartrain. house and
lot in Kansas City addition, 6 room
house, lot 100 x 250, cellar, spring,
city water, chicken house for 250
hens, young orchard, nruneci nrf
peaches. If you want this kind of a
place, here is your chance. Paul El
lings, Route 6. box 47. or rail t
Courier office.
Why not get
rom the MILL, dim and
save money? Let me figure
on your lumber bill.
1000 loads of WOOD fnr
sale or trade.
George Lammers
Beaver Creek, Route 3