OREGON CITY COURIER, THURSDAY, OCT. 9 1913 r MEN! SAVE mm 1 r f On Clothing ZPVxJT The Public is Lean ing they can save Cent- by baying their entire sop plies from as. .i-.i..Mi'fcj-;:fcry When You Come to Town come up on the Hill-See the Big Store and Note the Savings on your Purchases 1000 Paks Sample Shoes TO CLOSE OUT IN THE NEXT FEW DAYS that will save you about 50 per cent. in tr I f3r wir Ladies Home Journal Patterns together with the Big gest selection of DRY GOODS to be found in the City 11, 0 Rolls Weather King Roofing PAPER NONE BETTER.:To close oot SI. 35 Per Roll ELLIOTT BROS. DEPARTMENT STO SEVENTH STREET AT MADSION, ON THE HILL OREGON CITY, OREGON ABOUT THE HEALTH OFFICER Rev. Spiess Makes a Few Observations And Asks Some Questions It is not my desire to butt into the sparring match brought on by Dr. Schultze, but as I am interested, in the matter under discussion I would like to make an observation or two Dr. Norris was not removed from office as the result of a political ngi- tation. On the 23rd or 24th of July the Courier and other papers publish ed the removal of Dr. Norris by the State Board of Health. The State Board had the matter before them for several months, and were the body legally empowered to act in the mat ter. In answer to the physicians paper endorsing Dr. Norris Beveral articles were published in which questions were asked regarding the very matter the good doctor expatiates on. The ar ticle was published in your paper March 14. As Dr. Schultzo signed that paper perhaps it will bo just as well to go back to the article published March 14th and answer those ques tions. No one else has done so nnd he is the announced champion; "his hat is in the ring." As to the appointment of Dr. Van Brakle, if the the good Dr. Schultze will make a few inquiries he will find that about the time Dr. Edward's ar ticle appeared in the Enterprise, some one who is not a minister and who fought on the other side, suggested to Dr. Van Braklo to make application and also handed his name to the judge. Now if it is the wish of the doctors as seems expressed in Dr. Schultze's letters to the Enterprise to place the whole matter before the public, and if the Enterprise wants to givo space in its daily for the Pub lication of it, all I ask is to be given equal space with the other side, do not ask for this publication but if the other side wants it, we will not refuse, provided that we are given equal space in the same paper. And all matters can be laid before the public for their judgement. In several ar ticles published as well as in private letters between myself and some of the parties interested, I expressed the desire to place any matter between us, private and public, before a committee and that their findings shall be pub lished. So far this otter has not been accepted. The ministers or any one of them will run no risk in comparing private and public life with any who attack Jhem. I await an answer from the Ed itor. Henry Spiess. 25 Years Ago Monday Oregon City, Oct. (i. At 4 P. M. October G, the first strand of the seven constituting the great cables that are to sustain the weight of the first suspension bridge west of the Rocky Moun tains was thrown across front tower to tower. This was printed 25 years ago, in 1888, and a large number of our long time residents will read it, think back and say: "I am getting old." MADE A NICE HIT Despondency , Is oftenc aused by indigestion and constipation, and quickly disappears when Chamberlain's Tablets are tak- County Library Exhibit at Canby Fai rAttracted Much Interest One County Fair exhibit which call ed forth much favorable comment, not only tor the attractiveness of the ex hibit itself but for the excellence of its purpose, was that entitled "For County Libraries." The exhibit con sisted of numerous original posters, suggesting diuerent phases of the county library work, together with two characteristic groups of books, One of these was a general collection, containing dooks oi interest on var ious subjects as well as several vol umes of fiction and childrens' books, The other was a fine collection of ag ricultural books. The books were loan ed by the state library. Much interest was manifested in the books, espec ially in the books on agriculture. Most of the people who passed stopped to give more than a passing glance at the posters. The one which attracted most attention, or at least furnished the most amusement, was that in which the Canby Irrigator played a prominent part. Miss Trice, the librarian, with Mrs. W. S. U'lien and Miss Myrtle Buchan nan, were present at the booth al most constantly, and did yeoman's service for the cause of county librar ies, in explaining to all who were in terested just what the county library uiea means, and m giving out copies of a letter to voters in which this is carefully set forth. The characteristic feature of the county library system, as distinguish ed from the state system of traveling libraries, and from the centralized city library, struck everyone favor ably. This is the placing of great num bers of small individual libraries in various communities, thus enabling the people to get books without mak ing a trip to the central library, and at the same time to feel an interest in a more or less permanent collec tion of books, which grows with the community, an interest which is lack ing in the traveling library, which moves on every few months. By the county library system, books of ephe meral mutter, such as new fiction, moving on to some other center when the first one is through with it. no bid for members of other congre gations. Strangers cordially welcomed. Two Mares Lost Strayed, two bay and white mares, in good shape, one had hdlter on, and red tail. Write or phone Walter Owen, Oregon City Rt. 1, phone Beaver Creek. GUILTY OF PERJURY Circuit Court Jury Finds C. W. Car- otners uave false Evidence The case of C. W. Carnthevs. uniW indictment for perjury, has attracted considerable interest at the circuit court, and Wednesday night the jury brought in n verdict, nf o-niltv ivitti recommend for mercy. Judge Camp bell will pronounce sentence later. The indictment, was tha nnlmma nf a gambling affair. Clarence Miller was one of the participants, and he pieaaea guilty and was lined 25. Be fore the grand jury Carothers testi fied that he knew tinthino' nf tVio of. fair; that he did not know Miller was tnere, and had never been in a game where Miller had part. The ernnH inrv rntnvno1 nn inJof ment because of this evidence, and me irmi jury Drougnt in a verdict of guilty of perjury. Special Council Meeting Saturday Lack of Quorum nreventnH tha hnA inir of the regular council mootinn. Wednesday night, and a special ses sion for these purposes will be held Saturday morning at nine o'clock. Shaft Smashes Foot A. Roscnbury, an employee of the Hawley Paper Co., had his foot badly crushed by a 250 pound shaft falling on it Wednesday. He is at the city hospital. THE ARMY. The Americans are a shrewd, wise people, usually gifted with foresight, but they have not shown It in their attitude to ward the army and navy pol icy. Congress continues to be reluctant to maintain an ade quate army. It's easy to get money for a militia, for a militia has votes and friends, but a reg ular army is far different There Is a saying that the Lord looks alter children and drunk en men. This certainly ought to be extended to the United States. Of course our separa tion from foreign countries by oceans is cause for not assum ing too heavy a burden, but we are very, very much nearer Eu rope mid Asia ninny, many times nearer than we were in Washington's time. Occasion ally we get a jar and notice our position, but luck lias been with us In the past, and we cannot assume that it will always con tinue thus.-W. II. Taft. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S OASTO Rl A For sale Five acre tract and four room bungalow adjoining County Fair grounds at Canby. Price $3,000. Terms to suit. E. C. Flohr, Canby. Baptist Church News William T. Milliken, D. D., pastor. Bible School at 10:30; H. E. Cross Superintendent. Morning Worship at 11:00. "God in History." How the world was prepared for the coming of the Christ. B. Y. P. U. at 6:30. Topic: The Fact that God has Revealed his will to Men. Evening Worship at 7:30. "The Law of Reaction." Will a Man be a Saint in Heaven unless he is First One on Eorth? The True Test of Sainthood, a horsetrade, not a Sanctimonious Mien on Sunday. The Man Who Fools Himself by thinking that Religion is Only Good to Prepare one for Heaven. tome and hear the true essence of Religion as it is taught bv Modern Churches. Come and learn first hand what we teach, instead of picking up wrong ideas regarding Modern Chris tianity from those who do not know anything about it. Question Box. Write your questions and give them to the ushers, and all sensible ques tions will meet sensible consideration. This church irladlv ereets all hav ing on other church home. We make -rat t mm urn nniwus--; : :. mm IMm if V mm m m m foljOii Ask your dt-uier about the new i,,!! DDCCCUTC Si- T IK.UK.il I U 11,1 for boys and girls thnt go with 'Olympic" Wheat Hearts vi ,-T"gv uri n d T. k i .... J Lia-4 Just the dandiest, cateh- TaiP ie8t" 11,084 ntros1i.il!8 fcS r-S - i j "," novelties iumgina- li Vrf J- I W. MitUllv iiuoorted from (Vrinnnv. V V'A Portland Flouring M , 4 J&ifl Miiu Co. arfts -j;m Notice of Sale Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned Executor of the LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT of WIL LIAM WILD, DECEASED, by virtue of an order heretofore made and en tered by the county court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County will sell at private sale at the office of John W. Loder, Oregon City, Ore gon, from and after the 10th day of November, 1913, tor casn in nanu to the highest bidder, the following de scribed real estate, to-wit: Beginning at a point N. 43 deg. 18 min. E. 31.86 ft. and S. 21 deg. min. E. 326 ft. from the Northwest erly corner of. the Donation Land Claim of Fendal C. Cason and wife, T. 2 S. R. 2. E. of the W. M., Clackamas County. Oregon: thence N. 43 deg. 18 min. E. 380.06 ft. parallel with the Northerly line of said claim to a point in the Easterly line of a tract ot land described at page lUb sooK 101, Deed Records for Clackamas County; thence S. 43 deg. 18 min. E 177.5 ft. to the Southeasterly corner of said tract; thence S. 43 deg. 18 min W. parallel to the Northerly line ot said claim 434.66 ft, thence N. 27 deg. 04 min. W. leaving a thirty foot street along the boundary line of said claim 187.5 ft. to the place of begin ning, containing one and one half acres more or less. It is hereby understood and agreed that a strip of land ot unitorm width of fifteen feet along the entire South erly side of the tract hereby convey ed is to be used as a street in con nection with fifteen feet southerly adjacent thereto and in case said street is vacated the fifteen foot strip above mentioned to revert to and be come the absolute property of Ellen Grant, and I hereby reserve the right to reject any and an bids. John W. Loder Executor of the Last Will and Testament of William Wild, Deceased, French Officers Are III Paid. The poorest men la Krniire are the army ulllcers In fact, they would starve to death If the.v had a family unless they rau duiible their official re sources by private means. A captain has an Income of a year. The average captain, according to statistics, has a wife nnd three children and can not live on less than $1 .(!)' No won der the places of army officers go beg King in Krauce - Boston Post. He Dodged. 'So Burroughs owes you money? Well. I think he'll pay you back some day. but you can't make him hurry." "Don't you believe It The mere sight of me walking iiloug the street has made biui hurry several times lately." Philadelphia Press. Catching Her. She (poiitingi Before we were mar ried you often used to catch me in your arms tie Yes, and now 1 catch you In my pockets -London Telegraph. Modest Fitzgerald. Edward Fitzgerald was utterly care less of his fame. He lived to be an old man, yet not one In a million of his fellow countrymen regarded him as a poet, even if they had beard his name mentioned as an old chum of Al fred Tennyson. Yet he translated "The Rubalyat of Omar Khayyam" long years before his death. He kept It "chucking about," apparently not thinking it worth publication, and when be did print a few copies nobody took any notice of it. Today It is one of the most famous poems in the world. First He'd Heard of It. Harry returned to Sunday school, after a long absence, on the day on which tickets for the annual picnic were distributed. He trembled in his seat when the teacher began a quiz on the lesson of the previous Sunday. Finally his turn came. "Harry, who slew Goliath with a pebble?" "Honest teacher," said Harry, "I don't know; I didn't even know he was dead." New York Press. Just the Other Way. Old Lady (offering policeman a tract) I often think you poor policemen run such a risk of becoming bad, being so constantly mixed up with crime. Po liceman You needn't fear, mum. It's the criminals wot runs the risk o be comln' saints,, bein' mixed up with us. London Punch, Explained. Mr. Agile (to Mr. Stoutmnn, running for a car) Hello, old boy! I thought you were too lazy to run like that. Mr. Stoutnian (languidly) Easily explain ed, my dear boy; laziness runs in our family. Llppincott's Magazine. NOT TOO STRAIGHT. Paths that are both straight and narrow Keep the feet that long to stray. Let your course be like the ar row, , Holding to the certain way. Yet, my brother, walk not blindly In your tense and righteous pride. For the deed that's fine and kindly Never fear to turn aside. If a brother, weak and willful, Stumbles from the beaten path. Though your steps are firm and skillful, Do not turn from him in wrath. Stretch a hand and raise and cheer him. Do not scorn him, do not chide. If the straight path isn't near him Never fear to turn aside. -W. R. Rose. Agreed. Wife Do you know I have a very little mouth. In the glass it doesn't look large enough to hold my tongue. Huslmnd (testily) It isn't London Answers. Men'tire themselves in the pursuit o rest. Sterne Wanted To sell or exchange two good places in Oregon City for small farm. Address P. U. Box 308 Can't look well, eat well, or feel well with impure blood. Keep the blood pure with Burdock Blood Bitters. Eat 6imply, take exercise, keep clean and good health is pretty sure to follow. 11.00 a bottle. A household remedy in America fnr 25 years Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil. For cuts, sprains, burns, scalds, bruis es. 25c. and 50c. At all drug stores. Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Lillian M. Zollar, Plaintiff, vs. Wm. T. Zollar. Defendant. To Wm. T. Zollar. the above named defendant: In the name nf the State nf Oi-ocrnn you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint in this case filed against you in the above entitled court and suit within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and if vnn fail on appear and answer, for want thereof, tne piaintin will apply for the relief demanded in her rnmnlnint tn.-ont. fn a decree dissolving the marriage con tract heretofore and now existing be tween the plaintiff and defendant, and for such further relief as the court may deem just and equitable. inis summons is published in pur suance of an order of the Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit Court of said Countv. ma Hp and ontar-A the 8th day of October, 1913. Date of first, nnhliratinn ntK. 9th, 1913. ' " Date of last mihlicatinn NmnnU. 20th, 1913. John N. Sievers Attorney for Plaintiff. C D. LATOURETTE, President F. J .MEYER, Cashier. Constipation, indigestion, drive away appetite and make you weak and sick. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea restores the appetite, drives away disease, builds up the system. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Jones Drug Co. THE FiRST national bank ol OREGON CITY. OREGON (Successor Commercial Bank) Transacts a General Banking Bus Iness Open from 0 a. m. to 3