Q OREGON CITY COURIER, THURSDAY OCT. 2, 1913 fi n nnlrnrn n A n SI JLJ Jul JL JL)V.JL L LJ J l JL UjLJI.Jw JlJ 1 7 1 1 JLJii LjLJlJU U U U LyULJI IL I Everything from floor to ceiling, including all the fixtures as well as the immense stock, to be entirely wiped out of existence When the terrific blow came closing down the Barde & Levitt chain of stores, involving $140,000.00, it also involved the Oregon City store, Oregon City's biggest clothing house. NOW THIS BIG STOCK IS TO BE CLOSED OUT under FORCED SALE to the public y order of the U. S. Court h the stock falls the hands of Karo and m 0 At Once Without question the most astounding Bankrupt Sale and Sacrifice of merchandise ever known in entire West The public will share in this stock at the Greatest Bargains ever recorded. The best Nationally advertised brands of merchandise make up this big stock: Kuppenheimer Clothes, Schloss Bros. Baltimore Clothes, Florsheim and Regal Shoes, Stetson Hats, Perrins Gloves, Manhattan and Arrow Shirts, Superba Neckwear, Cooper Underwear and Wilson Bros. Furnishings. THIS OPPORTUNITY WILL N IYER COME AGAIN Thousands upon many thousands of dollars of the world's best merandisej hat .must be griped out to Aevery bare walls. Nothing can stop this onslaught. EVERYTHING IS ORDERED SOLD itrtn a 0 e begins ATU K .3 A v 9 4 Pfe. 4-W ".-. T t ! UUUKS Ul llIN H at 9:30 sharp. EAD THE PRICES, THE ENTIRE ST0C1 PROP NATIONAL ADVERTISED BRANDS of CLOTHES to be EXTERMINATED $15.00 Suits and OToats In a large assortment of fabrics, Bankrupt Price $20.00 Suits and (TCoats Absolutely wool, beautiful models, Bankrupt Price Trousers $1.50 Trousers for working wear, Bankrupt and Slaughter Price $3.00 Trousers, fine fabrics to be wiped out at the Bank rupt Price of $4.50 high grade trousers all go at the Bankrupt Price of Hats Choice of all $3.00 Hats at the Bankrupt Price of The great famous $5.00 Stetson Hats will at the Bank rupt Price of Underwear 50c heavy or medium weight cotton underwear, go at Bankrupt Price of $2.00 absolutely wool underwear will goat the Bank rupt Price of $1.50 cotton union suits, fine quality, go at the Bank rupt Price of Collars The Famous Arrow Brank collars, all the latest styles, all sizes, Bankrupt Price, per dozen $ .89 $1.89 $2.89 $1.89 $3.19 $0.39 $1.29 $0.89 $0.95 $25.00 Suits and O'Coats High grade ' wool fabrics to be wiped out at $30.00 Suits and OToats The finest imported all-wool fa brics, Bankrupt Price $1.98 $3.50 shoes for men go at the Bankrupt Price of $4.00 fine and heavy shoes for men will go at the Bank- O J Q rupt Price of $6.50 high top shoes, oil tanned, will go at the Bank- C Q QQ rupt Price of J) U.UU $8.00 High top water-proof shoes, hand made, go at & C AC Bankrupt Price of J) JTw Hose 15c Black and Tan Socks and other shades, Bankrupt & fi fjf Price, pair, 8c, per dozen U.O U 25c Lisle hose, all shades, go at Bankrupt Price, pair,(M CO 13c, per dozen l.uU 35c and 40c heavy all-wool socks go at the Bankrupt & f 1 Q Price of $ U. I 0 Umbrellas $1.00 standard grade umbrellas will go at the Bankrupt ft ft CQ Price of J)U.dU $2.50 Umbrellas, very good qualities, go at the Bank- C 1 QQ rupt Price of 4 I.WU $5.00 Silk Umbrellas, high grade handles, go at the C 0 QQ Bankrupt Price of $ .UU Raincoats, the $15 Grade Made of Water-proof English Double Texture, Bankrupt Price Raincoats, Gen. Gabardine All $22.50 Raincoats, guaran teed material, Bankrupt price Shirts 50c work shirts, extra double stitch, go at the Bankrupt Price of $1.50 Flannel Shirts, fine quality will go at the Bankrupt Price of $1.50 "Arrow" shirts, a large line to choose from, go at Mackinaws $5.00 all-wool mackinaws go at the Bankrupt Price of $7.50 best wool water-proof mackinaws go at the Bank rupt Price of Silk Neckwear 25c silk four-in-hand ties at the Bankrupt Price of each .- 50c pure silk ties, a beautiful line of designs, go at the Bankrupt Price of $ .33 $ .89 $ .95 $ 3.29 $4.85 $0.15 $0.30 Blankets $1.98 to $2.98 Suspenders 10c to 30c Trunks, Suit Cases and Hand Bags all must be sold and turned into cash at what ever they will bring. BOYS' DEPARTMENT ALL BOYS' WEAR GOES IN PROPORTION TO THESE PRICES Hoys' $.1 50 and $4 00 Kood Boys' $5.00 and $5.50 all-wool Hoys' absolutely nil-wool Roya' Knickerbocker knee Blouses, the Famous K. & E. $1.00 K. & E. Blouses and $1.50 Boys' highest and best $1.50 Hats for boys, a beauti- suits, Blzes 3 to 10, Knlcker- Knickerbocker suits, beauti- Knickerbocker suits, Levitt's t8 the t Bo grade g0 at brand, the 60c grades go at shirts, very fine materials, grade blouses and shirts, go ful assortment, Bankrupt bockor style. Bankrupt Price Jul Patterns, Bankrupt Price Beat, at $7.60, are all to go BauUrul)t Price of. .79c the Bankrupt Price of Bankrupt Price 5Jc at 83 Price 8J)c SOe and 75o high grade boys' I Underwear for boys, the best I Boys' wool underwear, the Boys' doublestrength stan- Boys' lljMhoes .de fer Boys' $3.0C i ja W 0to Boys' good heavy work shoes lSrut Price1 of''ed rio f nnd Mo "radc8-Mcr1 Jit't . alTslzeTgo at. . . S It Price . .-8139 Bankrupt Price $189 rupt Price of .....$2 59 best 2.75 grade, go at Sl 79 !e On Hand IFor THis Great Extermination of tine BARDE Ec LEVITT STOCK and Fixtures ED fs Purchaser and in charge O A COR. SEVENTH and MAIN STS regain vaor