OREGON CITY COURIER THURSDAY, OCT. 2 1913 Hid' f &r liiy 3 C P IS m We also bought the sam ple line of the Gotzian Shoe Co. One of the very best lines of Shoes manufactured. Over one thousand pairs of mens i 1 i 1 i women s ana cmiarens SHOES at 60c on the dollar, to he dumped into this sale. AGREEMENT OF SALE By and between M. A. Conyers, of Clatskanie, Oregon, and Elliott Bros, of Oregon City, Ore. 1st. M. A. Conyers agrees to sell a certain stock of merchandise belonging to her and located in Clats kanie and Elliott Bros, agree to buy same at 50c on the dollar of the inventory price. 2d. M. A. Conyers agrees to pay for invoicing stock and deliver same on boat or car as may be des ignated by Elliott Bros. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals on the above date. M. A. CONYERS ELLIOTT BROS. id'?.' 'i! " - ( V )) This picture shows the arrival of part of the TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLAR STOCK bought of M. A. Conyers at 50 cents on the dollar worth of nw fall and winter Merchandise of all kindsDry goods. Mil Hnery, Shoes, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Gloves, Un derwear, Hosiery, Furs, Fascinators, Hoods and Shawls, Sweaters, Com forts. Blankets, Wool Hosiery and Underwear for Men, Women and Children, in fact every thing to dress you warm and comfortable Hard ware, Implements, Wire Fencing, Building Paper, Wagons, Buggies, Etc. OUR MAMMOTH DOUBLE PURCHASE OF CONYER'S STOCK AND THE GOTZIAN'S SAMPLE SHOE LINE AT 50 AND 60 CTS. ON THE DOLLAR ENABLES US TO OFFER YOU The Greatest Bargain Ever Offered in a Merchandising Way! Now, Folks, yot have got just so much to buy lot fall and winter. Perhaps yoti have already purchased it-.-perhaps you have not. If yoa have cot, DO IT NOW! The Biggest Stock to Select from and every thing yoti want. WE GUARANTEE TO SAVE YOU 25 PER CENT. TO 50 PER CENT ON YOUR PURCHASES The Sale of AH Sales Starts To-day at 9:0 A. N. Li I0TT BROS. DE 7th and Madison Streets ON THE HILL Oregon City. OREGON CITY COURIER Published Fridays from the Courier Building, Bihth and Main streets, and en tered in the Postoffice at Oregon City, Ore., as second class mail matter. i)i:G0N CITY COURIER PUBLISHING COMPANY, PUBLISHER M. J. BROWN, A. E. FROST, OWNERS. Subscription Pries $1.50. Telephones, Main 5-1 ; Home A 5 -1 Official Paper for the Farmers Society of Equity of Clackamas Co M. J. BROWN, EDITOR THE CASE OF GOVERNOR WEST "I am Koing out of office with less money than I had when I went in and I will not be a candiduto for re-election." The above statement was recently made by Governor West at a meeting of the emergency board at the state cupitol. l'erhaps no governor in the history of the stute has been more thoroughly toasted over the fires of his poli tical enemies thn Oswald West. An is sue of an orthodox Republicn daily without some criticism of the gover nor is a curiosity. If he asserts that the Holy iiiblo was the Book of God, some "Knight of the Press" would very promptly question his sincerity. If he walked to his apartments at the state cupitol ho was pictured as play ing for tho votes of the people. If he Had he allied himself with the friends, instead of the enemies of vice he would have been just as severely criticised by the opposition as he has during his tenure of office. His car dinal sin is that of being a Democrat and a crime of this magnitude is never forgiven or condoned by the old line Republican organization. Now the governor says that he haw had enough. He has found the gover nor's office both unprofitable, and in many respects unpleasant. He has given his time and ability to the ser vice of the state and now proposes to devote his energies to the work of earning a competence for himself and his family. Thoc ase of Governor West is simi lar to that of hundreds of other pub lic men. Ingratitude of friends, hos tility of enemies and lack of apprecia tion on the part of the public, not in frequently drives the best brains of rode, he wast nrocliihiied mi nriHtoi-rnl-.- If he attended a meeting of the state a "tate out of public office. The game land board it was asserted that he did i 18 hurdly worth the candle and this, so because he had some political ax to lcw realize until alter they have grind If he missed a meeting he waa "enred in a public capacity Albany make some use of the boy-power in its schools. H. W. Foght of the United States bureau of education reports that in the last six years high school students from the manual training de partment of the Michigan town had been employed in the various school buildings. In one summer Sd.UUU was paid for student labor. The boys have repaired roots, laid cement floors, built brick walls and installed plumb ing fixtures. A gymnasium to be erected by the boys is from plans drawn by seniors in the high school. Even at this, it remains to be seen whether the high school boys of Ore gon City can not yet give the Ishpem ir.g boys pointers as regards the use of boy-power during school days; Man-About-Town (By Gideon Cobb) The scene now shifts from Mexico to the world series. S",0()0.00 in paid admissions at the county fair. Not bad. V Good morning! Have you tried the new fire alarm system? Clackamas county baby crop is not to be sneezed at either. excitement among Oregon City Pro- augurated its first annual "Frontier gressives who attended. Days," a vest pocket edition of the , Round-Up. The Dalles will soon have You fellows who thought you were its "Rodeo" and within a year or so too hard up to pay all your taxes last every important town in the West March, can fork over the balance any will be putting on an imitation of time now along with the winter wood Pendleton's famous show. The P. R. L. & P. Co. conductor on the Oregon City-bound car should move up the line about as fast as any of them if genuine courtesy counts bill. Old "Henry" last of the Mollalas has gone to the Happy Hunting grounds with strange tales of the coming of the steam engine into the for anything. One morning last week land of his forefathers. jwhen the train stopped at Seventh . ' street, an Indian squaw, aged and An annlirant for rlivorre alleged rheumatic started to leave the car. here last week that her booze-loving The conductor noticed that the step hiislinnil had nawnnH tho niann amnnc might be difficult for the old Indian othnr thinirs. Such an act., in itself picked her up in his rms and lifted would naturally be followed by a lack her to the ground as tenderly as if sue were nis own granumomer, anu all the time kept a warm, good-natured smile on his sandy countenance, Most any conductor will help a pretty girl from the car; some few will assist her mother, but not many will take pains to see that a toothless old female Indian gets "off on the right foot." Live Wires hummed Tuesday second weekly fall meeting. at neglecting his duties us chief execU' tive of the great state of Oregon. Nothing that West has ever done has pleased his enemies, and what he has left undone has displeased them Democrat. USING BOY-POWER Ishpeming, Mich., is beginning to A Man With a Bank Account is more active than one without. The man without a hank account frequently fears to act. A man with a bank ac count will take cnancea to his profit that he otherwise would not. With the brad and butter problem put several months or a year away, a man will leave one pay ing position to accept a better one; where as if he immediately faced the main is sue, he would fear that he would not make good and remain stationary. Start a bank account now. The Bank of Oregon City OLDEST BANK IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY New Portland and Oregon City rail road seems to be a sure go. Gladstone youth held a noisy wed ding "chivaree Monday night as usual. Why shouldn't Live Wires sizzle when plunged into the water ques tion? The vegetarian should worry over the announcement that beef steak will soon be a dollar a pound. At a late hour no treaty had been signed between the county health of ficer and the "medics." Rumor says the Oreiron Citv "Pro- his" are planning to absorb the wet spots of the town this fall. There are folks who are still won dering over the old question: "When is a chief of police not a chief of co- lice?" An athletic field in Oregon City, easy of access to all, would strike mighty popular chord with manv people here. mm. News note says California messen ger boy has purchased an auto. Not a bit suprising in this day of the generous "tip. Genial Dr. Ford has been chosen to the Oregon City pastorate for the next two years' by the State M. E. C onference. Winter dances are now in order and from indications last year's "steDs" will be appropriate if not fashionable. at thee oming functions. A real, live elephant at tho Canby fair, is said to have created no little of harmony in the home. WW. Old timers agree the state fair is the best ever this year, basing their conclusions on the fact that the sun smiled all through the opening day of the 1913 session, no doubt A New York official has entered in to an indeterminate sentence at the slate prison just to see how it feels to live behind the bars. As New York officials have a habit of breaking into prison, this chap is probably iust ac climating. That little piece of detective work in which local sleuths traced a flour thief a mile or so by a trail of flour, was made possible by a wee little hole in tho corner of the sack Sounds like a Sherlock Holmes yarn, but the "coupe" took place last week in every ueiau. Albert Kidder, the youth who stole the horse belonging to n Oregon City woman a week or two ago, and who was committed to the reform school by Judge Anderson, proved too foxy for the "Salem officials, slipped away and walked all the way to his home in Oregon City. The 10-year old was promptly corralled a second time and was taken back to Salem by a local official. Grown-ups are just kids after all. Remember how you used to play cir cus for months after the "greatest show on earth" had played the old home town ? And remember how every "kid" in the neighborhood did the Quick Help to Backache and Rheuma tism The man or woman who wants quick help from backache and rheumatism, will find it in Foley's Kidney Pills They act so quickly and with such good effect that weak, inactive kidneys that do not keep the blood clean and free of impurities, are toned up and strengthened to healthy, vigorous action.- Good results follow their use promptly. Huntley Bros. Co. Application Coming Fast County Clerk Mulvey was flooded with naturalization applicants last week, following a recent order to the effect that all who had taken out first papers should present them at once, or be forced to begin all over again their desire to betfome citizens of the U. S. Many applicants have taken their first papers, but had failed to come after their final citizenship papers. Saturday night was set as the final time in which applicents could present their first papers and all day Saturday crowds of citizenship seek ers flocked the clerk's office. A household remedy in America for 25 years Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil. For cuts. sDrains. burns, scalds, bruis- same thing? Walla Walla has just in-1 es. 25c. and 50c. At all drug stores. In Memoriam One by one the brave defenders of our Country in its hour of greatest peril are summoned to answer the the final roll call. By the death of Comrade Enos Cahill, who passed away at the residence of his daughter in Portland, September, 7th, laia Meade Post loses one of its most in fluential, patriotic and active mem bers. Almost at the first sound of the bugle Comrade Cahill placed his name on the muster roll of Company I, 80th Ohio Infantry and for three long weary years patiently endured all the privations and hardships that fell to the lot ot the union Soldier, his mil itary career ending with Sherman great march from Atlanta to the Sea After the close of the rebellion Com- rade Cahill removed to Oregon and made his home in Oregon City. He has held many positions of trust and re- sponsibility, and always acceptably and creditably performer any duties assigned him. He was a good and true soldier, an honorable citizen, and his removal to the Great Beyond creates a vacancy in our rapidly thinning ranks that cannot be lillea. To the surviving relatives and friends of the deceased this Post tenders its sincerest sympathies. , Frank Moore Geo. A. Harding H. S. Clyde Home-Keeping Women need Health and Strength The work of a home-keeping woman makes a constant call in her strength and vitality, and sickness comes thru her kidneys and bladder oftener than she knows, toley Kidney Pills 'will invigorate and restoreh er, and weak back, nervousness, aching joints and irregular bladder action will all dis appear whenF oley s Kidneys Pills ar used. Huntley Bros. Co. Indians on Annual Pilgrimage the warm Springs Indians were seen about Oregon City the latter part ot last week, on their way home from their annual pilgrimage to the valley nop yards. The Indians were late in leaving their reservations this year and on the lourney'to the hop yards spent but little time here. On the re turn about 25 or 30 camped at Glad' stone for several days. H i0 Green Stamps L:" FREE If presented upon making purchase of 50 cents or more, these stamps will be in addition to the regular stamp given with purchase. BANNON & COMPANY DEPARTMENT STORE Oregon City, - - - Oregon This Coupon Good for Foley Kidney Pills Succeed Because they are an honestly made medicine that relieves promtply the suffering due tow eak, inactive kidneys and painful bladder action. They of fer a powerful help to nature in build ing up the true excretin? kidney tis sue, in restoring normal action and relieving bladder discomforts. Try tnem. nuntiey Bros. uo. Sheriff's Sale on Execution In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. David Croyle, Plaintiff, vs. James A. Dungey and Vfm. Kruger, Defendants. , State of Oregon, County of Clacka mas, ss. By virtue of a judgement order, de cree and an execution, duly issued out ot and under the seal of the above en titled Court, in the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 2Sth day of August 1913, upon a judgement rendered and entered in said court on the 28th day of August 1913, in favor of David Croyle, Plain. tiff and against James A. Dungey and Wm. Kruger, Defendants, for the sum of $128.42, with interest thereon at the rate of 7 per cent per annum from' the 14th day of July 1913, and the further sum of $25.00 as attorney's fee, and the further sum of $9.70 costs and disbursements, and the Qosts of and upon this 'writ, commanding me out of the personal property of said defendants, and if sufficient could not be found, then out of the real property belonging to said defendant on and after the date of said Judge ment to satisfy said sum of $128.42 and also the costs upon this said writ. Now Therefore, by virtue of said execution, judgement order and decree and in compliance with the commands of said writ, being unable to find any personal property of said defendant's, I did on the 11th day of Sept. 1913 duly levy upon the following described real property of said defendant, sit uate and being in the County of Clackamas, and State of Oregon, to wit: All of Lot 4 of Block 6 of Edgewood Addition to Oregon City, in the County of Clackamas, State of Ore gon, and I will, on Saturday, the 1st of November, 1913, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. at the front door nf the County Court House in the City of Oregon City, in said County and State, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the Highest bidder, for U. S. gold coin, cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which tha within named defendants, or either of them, had on the date of said Judgment or since had in nr t.n t.Vi above described real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said Execution judgment order, decree, interest, costs and all accruing costs. Dated. Oreeron Citv. Ornonn Sor. tember 29th, 1913. n, ... E--T- Masa, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon By B. J. Staats, Deputy. A CARRIAGE THAT IS RE PAIRED AND RE-PAINTED by us you couldn't tell from the new article, for we will make it just as good as it ever was. If your horses need shoeing you will find us good judges of a kors's hoof and what kind of a sho it needs, and our work will b properly and scientific ally done. If you want anything done in our line we guarantee satisfaction. Owen G. Thomas Oregon City, Ore.