'! OREGON CITY COURIER, THU&SDAY SEP 18 1913 8 TODAY WEDNESDAY IS THE DAY ANNOUNCED FOR THE OPENING OF nrv H H JL Jj K T jM O JL vJf SA Ingrain, Fibre and Axminster Rugs Mfc C3 Our stock now complete Brussels and Tapestry rugs ranging in price from $13.50 to $39.00, can not be duplicated. Note a few of our Sale Prices then come in and select the pattern from our immense assortment. All Wool Ingrain 7-6x9, reg. $7.50, now $ 5.9S All Wool Ingrain, 9x9, reg. $9.00, now ... , $ 6.98 All Wool Ingrain, 9x1 2, reg. $1 2.50, now.. $ 9.98 Fibre Rugs, size 9x 1 2, reg. $ 1 2.00, now $ 9.98 Fibre Rugs, size 10-3x12, reg. $12.50 $ 9.98 Axminster Rugs, 8-3x10-6, reg. $18.00, now $15.48 Axminster Rugs, 9x12, reg. $25.00, now $19.93 Axminster Rugs, 1 1-3x12, reg. $30.00, now $24.98 el it. I I i tit m '.. " Hi i -. t. t I I' J mm I Ranges We represent fourteen manufacturers of ranges. Our ranges are made of Wellsville steel bodies, heavy asbestos millboard lined, heavy cast back flues, extension firebox, and warp less oven bottoms, Silver nickle four coated on cop per and will not tarnish. Made with the duplex grate for wood or coal and fully guaranteed. $25.00 Rex Range during this sale will go at $16.00 $35.00 Home Queen with reservoir, Sale $23.75 $37.50 Chicago Range with reservoir, Sale $26.50 $50.00 Welter's Superb, Polished top, Sale . .$35.00 Arcadian Malleable Ranges, our price $49.50 bp The Greatest Event of the Year the Money-Saving Opportunity offered to the public at an opportune time A sale where cash will work wonders where profits have been sacrificed. You are urged to attend. This is by far the LARGEST STOCK IN OREGON Outside of Portland, consisting of Furniture, Carpets Rugs, Mattings, Linoleums, Pictures, Frames, Glass, Dishes, Tin, Granite and Aluminum Ware, Stoves, Ranges and Heaters of every description. Shelf and Builders' Hardware, Roofing, Fence Wire, Nails, Paints, Oils and Brushes, Doors, Windows, Sashes, Mouldings, Etc. Complete in every department. WE QUOTE A FEW PRICES ONLY-EVERYTHING ON SALE: Heavy Potato Mashers . . 5c Wardrobe Hooks, per doz 8c One Quart Tin Dippers 5c Soup Ladles, 20c value, 5c Japanned Dust Pans 4c Jelly Glass with Cover, each 2c 9-inch Pudding Pans 3c Butchers' Cleavers for family use 5c Imported 9-in. Carbon Whetsone 4c Collapsible Lunch Buckets 17c Egg Beaters 5c Fire Kindlers while they last 3c Imperial Stove Polish lc Metal Broom-Holders 3c Wire Soap Stands 3c Nickle plated Copper Teakettle 91c Wooden Cloths Pins, doz -lc Pie Tins, two for 5c Granite- Dish Pans 33c 17-Quart Dish Pans 19c Two Quart Granite Stew Pans 9c 8 inch Asbestos Pads 3c Galvanized Wash Basins 4c 3 Quart Granite Bucket, Covered . . . ,17c -Gal. Granite Bucket, Covered 14c 75 ft. Galvanized Clothes Line 19c Bread Pans, 10x12 in 7c Bread Pans, 10x11 in. 7c Iron Beds Here is a Special. Full sized bed as shown in cut, Yum Yum springs and Excelsior mattress, complete. Sale Price . .$7.69 Heavy iron bed, 2 in. posts, not dam aged or inferior goods but new first class stock. Splen did values. Sale Price . .$5.93 An elegant assortment of full and three-quarter size beds, with brass tops, white enamel or Vernis Martin finish, all greatly reduced. One lot of three-quarter beds, enamel and decorated, col ors, blue, green, cream, white enamel, oxidized and Vernis Martin finish. - r HT 1 Regular $10.75 Heaters. Regular $1 5.00 Heaters. Regular $1 7.50 Heaters. HEATERS You will want a new HEATER this season. Why not buy it dur ing this sale and save from two to seven dollars. Our stock contains every wanted model and design. The cut shows, one which we can recommend, the Sale Price, $4.63. One feature worth considering is the fuel saving qualities of our heaters. Let our salesman tell you all about it. , Sale Price $ 9.35 Sale Price .$13.75 Sale Price $14.95. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS SALE AS IT MEANS SUBSTANTIAL SAVING ON EVERY PURCHASE FOR TEN DAYS SEPT. lTtht to 27tH Oregon; city COR, lltH & MAIN TheCityNews Miss C. Goldsmith has on exhibition the latest styles in millinery. Rev. A. J. Ware from Albion, Wash, arrived this morning to see his father J. M. Ware, who Is seriously ill. Miss Vil'trillin Shliw hna rnfnrnorl in her home after spending the summer with her cousin, Miss Evelyn Rands of Palouse, Washington. Mr. and Mrs." E. J. Daulton and the Misses Daulton, M. IX Latourette and family returned home from the Pendleton Round-Up Tuesday. They went overland in their machines. "Mort" Latourette had a great time with his car. blow-outs and springs, causing much excitement, lie wus lucky to get home alive. The Latourette homo on 5th and High Street was a grand fete for the relatives Sunday lust. About seven teen of the family circle gathered around the bountiful dinner, C. D. and 11. F. Latourette being toast-masters for the occasion. Those enjoying the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Lat ourette were: Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Latourette, Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Lat ourette and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Hamblin and daughters, Miss Elaine and Lucille, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Buchanan and son Charles, Jr., from Cornelius, Ore., E. L. Shaw and daughter, Miss Sedonia, Mr. and Mrs. John A. MeQuinn. Our fall and winter hats are the latest creations. Miss C. Goldsmith. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Lillian B. Davis, Plaintiff, vs. Jesse E. Davis, Defendant, To Jesse E. Davis, the above named defendant: In tho name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed IlirilinKl. vnll in t.llA nhnvn an ifln1 onif on or before the 1st day of November, ivu, wnicn is more tuan 6 weeks alter tne nrsc publication oi this summons, said first publication hereof being made on tllR 1Sith rlnv nf Snntnmlinp lOlli. nilrl if vnll foil t.n Annum nnA answer, lor want tnereol the plam- uii win apply to the court for a de cree dissolving the bonds of matri mony existing between the plaintiff and the defendant herein. This summons is nuliliahuil Ur nn order of the Honorable II. S. Ander son. Judgo of the County Court of the County of Clackamas, State of uregon in the ahsonce of the rCicuit juuge. iviaae ami entered on the 17th dav of Santnmhflr. 101 a. Date of first nublientinn KnnhnnW 10, liUd. Date of last publication October 30, John Ditcliburn, Attorney for riaintiff. , Portland, Ore. MISS LILLIAN BICKNER Teacher of Piano and Guitar OSWEGO OREGON V pk;:t M Satisfaction v IB- VP'' The Housewife who uses DRIFTED SNOW Flour is often asked "WHY IS IT the bread you Imke is always so light and delicious?'' nousewile knows the secret lies In wpepior Hour f he uses. She will answer that baking 1ms mvariably been successful since started using "Drifted Snow." T it m. prove its goodness. It's guaranteed to 8!itlsfv . : . . . . . J the Hour will rntjt vrtn tiAtl.j.... next batch of bread or biscuits. the her she and or Just try it for your ASK YOUR CROCHR FOR "DRIFTED SNOW" SPERRY FLOUR. CO. FARMERS ATTENTION WE ARE IN THE MARKET to .sell or trade your farm. We list your property at a price which includes our commission and we ask a purchaser that price and no other. We have an insurance department and will be glad to insure your buildings, automobiles,' grain, stock or your life. DILLMAN & ROWLAND Over the Courier Office, Ore gon City, Oregon. W. A. TURNER M.T. NATUROPATH NEUROPATH Swedish Movements and Drugless Healing for the prevention and cure of Nervous Diseases, Chronic Diseases of Women and Children; Goitre, Rheumatism, Stomach, Liv er and Bowel Disorders. Positively NO DRUGS given and NO OPERATIONS performed So called incurable cases solicited. Permanently located at HOTEL EDWARDS, at Grand Avenue and Belmont Sts., Portland, Oregon. Phone East 323 CALL OR WRITE "The Fool's Epitaph." Mr. Smith will at East Clackamas at 3 P. M. There Rev. E. A. Smith will preach at preach at Woodstock in the evening. 1 will be good music. The Subject is I Logan next Sunday at 11 A. M., and SPECIAL TRAIN TO THE Mo a a Celebration via the SUNSET 0GDEN&SHASTAI ROUTES The Exposition Line 1915 September 19th A special train will run from Portland to Molalla and return on the above date on the following SCHEDULE 8:35 am Lv. Portland U. D. 6.10 pm 8.45 am East Mo rrison 6.00 pm 9.10 am Clackamas 5.35 pm 9.22 am Oregon City 5.20 pm 9.35' am New Era 5.00 pm 9.45 am Ar. Canby Lv. 4.50 pm 9.60 am Lv. Canby Ar. 4.40 pm 10.20 am Ar. Molalla Lv. 4.10 pm Round Trip Fares From Clackamas to Molalla and return $1.05 From Oregon City to Molalla and return 85c From New Era to Molalla and return..., 65c Further particulars as to faresj train service, etc., from any S. P. agent. PRINCIPAL PORTLAND AGENTS FOR LADIES HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS, ALL THE LATEST STYLES IN ALL SIZES AT 10c & 15c EACH FULL LINE OF EMBROIDERY PATTERNS PRICED AT 10c & 15c. MAIL ORDERS CAREFULLY FILLED PARCEL POST PACKAGES SENT PREPAID TO ALL POINTS WHERE CHARGES DO NOT EXCEED 5 PER CENT OF THE PURCHASE PRICE. Mo velty in Mew Fall and Winer Coats A WOMAN'S fancy can roam far and wide among these new Fall and Winter Coats, whose becomingness assures their person al pobularity with the elect. The variety is large very large. In the entire offering there's not a commonplace style to be found, hence from among them a woman is sure to attain the desired ends namely, "success in dress." You are invited to view our display at $7.90 $t0.90 $17.50 $22.50 to $30.00 Come and make comparisons of prices, fabrics and workmadship. We do not fear meritorious competition. Come To Roberts Bos9 Stot e s$V John M. Scott, Gen. Pass. Agt. ,