OREGON CITY COURIER, THURSDAY, AUG.ff 1913 COUNTY COURT In the matter of the appointment of election officers for Beaver Creek precinct, a vacancy existing. Ordered that A. Staben be appoint ed judge of the day board, that Al bert Moehnke be appointed clerk of the day board, that Frank Jaggar and William Herman be appointed judges of ni tghboard and James Beeson and George Schmidtt be appointed clerks of the night board. Inthe matter of election officers in SodaS prings precinct, a vacancy ex isting. Ordered that A. J. Rometsch be ap pointed clerk in said precinct. In the matter appointment of elec tion officer in Cherryville precinct. Ordered that Aruold Averill be ap pointed clerk of election in said pre cinct. In the matter of the Warnock road. Ordered read first time and laid over for second reading. In the matter of the Annie Busch road. Ordered read first time and laid ov er for second reading. In the matter of the Benson road. Ordered laid over until September term. In the matter of the Schlickheiser road. Ordered laid over until September term. In the matter of E; L. Moore road. Ordered laid over until September term. In the matter of the Fred Anderson road. Ordered laid over until September term. i In them atter of the petition and subscription for improvement of a road in road districts 18 and 19, sub scription amounting to $440.00 in la bor and lumber. Ordered that Clackamas county ap propriate a like amount in money. In the matter of election officer in Macksburg district, a vacancy exist ing. Ordered that A. D. Lorenz be ap pointed clerk. In the matter of the petition of C. Schuebel for settlement of taxes on lots 1 to 8, block 34, Couny addition to Oregon City. Ordered that settlement be made as prayed for. In the matter of old plank road on Clarkes road on districts 18 and 20. Ordered that supervisors in said dis tricts remove said old plank. In the matter of the vacaiton of a road petitioned for by Frank Lewis and others. Ordered continued until September term. , In the matter of the cancellation of taxes on Willamette bridge of the Oregon Electric Railway Co. Ordered that said tax be cancelled as prayed for. In the matter of the removal of Dr. ' J. W. Norris as county health officer, j The State Board of Health having removed Dr. J. W. Norris as secretary j of the Clackamas County Board of Health, Dr. W. C. Schultze was elect ed as secretary of the Clackamas Board of Health. In them atter of the appointment of a state veterinarian. On recommendation of the state veterinarian, Dr. W. S Eddy is ap pointed county veterinarian. In the matter of the appointment of Frank Jaggar as deputy shsnff . Appointment confirmed, he to serve without salary. In the matter of the Annie Busch road. Report read second time and refer red to district attorney. In the matter of certificates of de linquincy filed by H. M. Courtright., Ordered submitted to district attor ney for opinion as to law. In the matter of application of S. A. D. Hungate for appointment as deputy sealer of weights and meas ures. Ordered that said application be con tinued. In the matter of bid of W. S. Jubb for wood for county court house. Ordered that bid of $3.48 per cord for second growth fir be rejected. In the matter of the tender of W. S. Hair for coal for county court house at $7.50 per ton for 2000 ' pounds, delivered in basement of court house. Ordered that said tender be accept ed, for delivery of not to exceed fifty tons. In the matter of the appointment of M. F. Meldrum as deputy sheriff. Ordered that said appointment be confirmer, he to serve without salary In the matter of the appointment of W. E. Kelso as deputy sheriff. Ordered that appointment be con firmed, he to serve without salary. In the matter of the application of John W. Loder for cancellation of taxes. Ordered that this be referred to as sessor for certificate of double or er roneous assessment. In the matter of vacation of Bol ton. Ordered continued to September term. In the matter of the petition for va cation of certain streets in Robertson Ordered continued to September term. In the matter of the application of Mrs. Ira Smith for county aid. Ordered that warrant be drawn for $10.00 in favor said applicant In the matter of the deed from Ro berts and others for a county road. Ordered that said deed be accepted and recorded. In the matter of the Kamrath road. Adam Hemrich Ordered that same be dismissed. Al Cook In the matter of the application of Jas. Roots Ella Jayne for county aid. Ordered that she be allowed $10.00 per month. In the' matter of the incorporation of the city of West Linn. The vote for incorporation being in the affirmative, said West Linn, said city was declared to be duly incorpo rated under the corporate name of West Linn. In the matter of the Schlickheiser, Frank Lewis road; E. L. Moore road; I. H. Benson road; Fred Anderson road; O. Nedvidek road. Ordered that all of the above road matters be continued to the Septem ber term. Alvin Smalley Justice of the peace Cont'd EXPENDITURES FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST GENERAL FUND County Court Nort Criswell ? 10.00 N. Blair 30.00 W. H. Mattoon 30.00 District Court S. A. D. Hungate 39.20 E. Cross 39.60 C. C. Borland .'. 40.20 S. F. Sharp 40.80 A. J. Hodge 40.20 Theodore Miller' 3.00 George H. Young 3.00 Levi Stehman " 12.00 P. A. Rloostra 2.20 Fred Josi 25.40 P. Hull 6.00 Claude Curtis 6.20 Fred Rounds 6.40 C. Owen 6.50 C. H. Dickey 2.20 S. R. Green 2.20 G. Russell 6.40 Leslie O. Eaton 21.30 I. A. Miley 35.40 C. P. Farr 18.20 George Koehler 26.00 B. N. Hicks 2.20 George Warren 2.50 T. Crowley 2.00 Edna Allen 2.20 George Fitchett 4.60 Mary Carothers 2.20 Edward J. Faulkner 4.60 Carrie Allen 3.20 Olive Allen ,. 3.20 E. L. Shaw 2.00 Robert Cox 6.00 C. Stricklin 6.00 L. Adams 2.00 Charles McCormick 3.00 J. W. McAnulty 27.20 R. D. Wilson 2.00 I. N. Farr 3.00 Harry Greaves 3.00 Ralph Miller 3.00 William Dale 33.00 R. B. Holcomb 30.80 H. Swales 32.40 T. R. Worthington 37.40 A. W. Cooke 31.60 W. W. Tucker 39.00 H. B. Gibson 31.40 John F. Risley 22.40 Philip Streib, Sr 20.80 D. E. Frost 2.00 Mrs. Mooreland '. 3.25 Joel Jarl 26.60 Justice of the Peace John N. Sievers 129.10 D. E. Frost 142.50 J. H. Hartman 3.50 Harry Melvin 3.50 nl. to take a Sundav'CbhneEGa J. W. McAnulty 27.20 A. Paterson . . . . 3-50 ng's 1 uosuog joio Mrs. Ida Hartman 3.56 Mrs. F. E. Van Winkle 3.50 M. N. Van Winkel a.&y l Mrs. C. A. Hansen 3.50 Mr. C. A. Hansen 3.50 E. Ernson o-ou Wm. Frowmal L70 Mrs. Joe Frowmal . . . . 1.70 Louis Maddex l.'U Enix Anderson 1.70 J. I. Gould Mrs. J. I. Gould 2.70 Arnold Nelson 2.70 W. L. Ames 2.70 Arthur Cliff 2.70 Lester Comer 4.50 Mary Wyland 6.30 Myrtle Wyland 6.30 Loula Crouse 6.50 Scott Carter 6.50 Chas. Phillins 6.50 A. Miles L. Shaw John Green Bert Staats Ed. Rechner Doc. Eddy MT Wise A. L. Long Ben Trenkman ....... H. O. Aldrich' P. J. Maher Tennant Mrs. G. W. Alexander Geo. Gardner John T. May Harry Greaves Henry Strebig -W. F. Schooley J. M. Garmire . .-. Chas. Terrill .... Chas. Terrill O. Dillman E. L. Johnson Harry Kellogg L. Swafford E. Pomeroy L. A. Davis John Scales Oscar Smith H. Krebs H. Parrett E. Beckwith H. Miller H. Mills Henry McGugin ...... E. F. Gunert Casper Junker Geo. A. Blockner D. Phelps Geo. Bigham ........ C. A. Worthington ... W. Givens Edwin Bates Roy Davis Allen Johnson Bill Hastings Tom Odell Dave Morris Frank A. Wilson Geo. Hass A. M. Groshong 8.10 Mrs. James Nicholson ; . 6.50 James Nicholson 6.50 Mrs. Isaac Sharp ' 6.90 Oliva Hughes '. . . 1-70 E. L. Shaw 1-70 D. E. Frost 1.70 A. R. King 1.70 Tom Moome - 1-70 Harry Kellogg 1..20 Chas. F. Terrill 1.20 W. C. Wilson 1.20 H. W. Graves 1.20 E. L." Johnson Henry Wachand Lettie Tipton Richard Soloman David Hice Chas. Chields 1.20 1.20 2.10 2.00 2.10 1.70 H. W. Trembath 1.20 John T. May 1.20 Conrad Priester 1.20 Thomas Miller 1.20 J. M. Turner 1.20 R. Steadman 1.20 Wm. Bradley 1.20 Levi Stehman 1.20 Wm. Bowerman . 3.50 Bryan Bowerman 3.50 Henry Edwards 1.70 Elsie Uticer 3.10 Jimmie Spidell 3.10 R. L. Hart 3.10 Mrs. J. L. McArthur 3.10 Frank Hattan 2.90 Bertha Bachman 2.90 Joe Bachman, Jr., 2.90 Steve Huneate 1.70 Herman Gerhardus 2.90 Herman Gerhardus, Jr., 2.909 Dora Hermich 2.90 Ludwig Hermich 2.90 3.50 Fred Clack 7.00 1.70 'John Karlick 5.00 1.70 l. Adams' 6.25 2.90 Mr. Lamp 5.00 OregonC ity Hospital 12.50 Doctors Mount 50.00 Wichita Mercantile Co 6.00 A. R. Stephens 5.00 H. S. Clyde's Cash Store 5.31 Dr. J. W. Norris 5.20 Farr Bros. 10.00 R. B. Beatie 14.25 Robbins Bros 2.25 C. R. Thorpe & Co 12.80 L. Adams 6.66 Dr. H. V. Adix 10.00 Denis Donovan 12.50 Roswell L. Holman 60.00 Fashion Livery Stable 5.00 Mrs. G. E. Woodward 20.00 G. & S. Batdorf 21.35 Louis Nobel, Jr 8.00 Frank Busch 4.50 A. King & Co 10.00 City of Oregon City 95.00 F. B. Schoenborn ' 4.50 Mrs. Leliths Smith 3.00 C. E. Swan 15.00 Wm. Danforth 5.00 David E. Jones 8.00 C. E. Burns 5.00 W. T. Gardner 10.00 Mrs. Bradtl 10.00 J. W. S. Owns 10.00 Dunmires Grocery 7.00 Sam Booher 16.00 Niles Johnson 7.00 S. M. Kelso 10.00 N. H. Smith 10.00 Dock Mosier 10.00 Mrs. Jessie Allen 20.00 Patton Home 16.00 Henry Spiess 10.00 Alice Carr 10.00 A. J. Rosenthal 20.00 Mary Buol 5.00 Peter Erickson 15.00 Ivy Kinney 10.00 arah Gibbons 20.00 Sarah Pluard 10.00 Sheriff Pacific Highway Garage . i . . . E. F. Donahue F. A. Miles Postal Telegraph Co B. J. Staats Western Union Telegraph Co.. Miller-Parker Co E. T. Mass W. S. Eddy Ed Reckner . D. E. Frost .. Ed Reckner D. E. Frost W. Jones Tax Department Cis B. Pratt Clerk Adams Vonderahe & Booth ......... The Irwin-Hodson Co W. L. Mulvey Elsie Telford Recorder E. P. Dedman Louise Cochran Edith Smith Treasurer Alicet Dwiggins Coroner T. J. Myers Wm. A. Long H. W. Greaves M. E. Dunn W. Trembath Philip Kohl W. O. Adams Watson Hussick Augusta Gadke T. McCausland Dr. J. W. Norris Gilbert L. Hedges W. J. Wilson Dr. E. R. Todd Supt. of Schools Brenton Vedder Viola Godfrey . . A. O. Freel Lena Ulen D. S. Burns & Co J. Gary E. Calavan Howard M. James Social Hygiene Society Roberts Bros Lulu Porter . Edith Carr Margaret Curran F. J. Tooze Assessor Clara Mitchell Gertie Wilson M. E. Gaffney Surveyor A. D. Hungate D. Thompson Meldrum Bud Thompson Harry Gray .' Robert. Daniels Kilham Stationary & Printing County Vtenerian Fashion Livery Stable W. S. Eddy , Fruit Inspector O. E. Freytag Board of Health H. Dauchy . Current Expense Home Telephon Co Pacific Telephone Co Court House Frank Busch Oregon City let Works German-American Ins Co. Kelly & Chapman agta E. H. Cooper & Co Straight & Salisbury L. Adams S. W. Hair Jail Straight & Salisbury J. E. Seeley E. T. Mass L. Adams . County Poor Mrs. Eli Smith 3.60 3.60 3.60 3.60 3.60 3.60 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 3.10 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 9.50 5.40 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 i.oo 1.00 1.00 4.75 6.30 6.25 11.85 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.10 10.00 3.50 46.45 1.70 3.75 1.70 . .45 46.60 8.00 36.00 3.60 36.00 3600 6.00 31.25 .. .50 1.50 .. .65 10.00 30.00 10.00 65.00 65.00 44.00 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 10.00 7.00 30.65 5.00 18.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 4.00 24.88 25.00 , 25.00 60.00 2.00 , 25.00 , 20.00 , 25.00 , 25.00 , 54.00 . 54.00 . 42.00 . 13.50 . 147.10 . 38.00 . 37.50 . 4.00 Co. 6.10 . 17.00 . 33.33 . 13.75 Indigent Soldier Meade Post No. 2. G. A. R. ... 40.00 Insane F. A. Miles. 16.20 Dr. J. E. Webb 12.50 Western "Union Telegraph Co. .25 Dr. J. W. Norris 5.00 Dr. Guy Mount 5.00 Dr. Hugh S. Mount 5.00 F. A. Miles ' 7.60 Election W. L. Mulvey 40.00 E. C. Warren 15.10 L. D. Shank 3.88 F. H. Dungan 21.30 Geo. V. Ely 75 M. E. Gaffney 5.90 R. A. Junken 11.10 Canby Hdwfe.&Implement Co. 1.68 Frank Ott '. 1.10 Solon Kinzer 14.84 E. J. Maple 9.44 J. O. Staats 3.40 G; W. Harrington 19.50 Ernest Mass, Jr 12.83 0. A. Welsh 15.75 1. M. Harrington 3.60 W. A. Heylman ; 7.38 John S. O wings !V. 8.10 Ward B. Lawton 4.50 L. H. Feaster 4.50 Max Telford 4.50 T. M. Long 4.50 S. L. Aldrich 3.00 Belden Ganong 4.50 Walter Johnson 4.50 Glarence L. Eaton 4.70 Chas. Thompson .'. 37.60 Geneva oung 18.00 Oregon City Enterprise 103.10 W. V. Rogers 6.50 J. N. Besselleu , 4.60 Louis Koch 3.00 C. F. Zinser 4.00 J. A. Stoll, Jr ' 3.00 W. A. Ulrich 3.00 Geo. W. Johnson 3.00 Emil E. Oeschlaeger 3.50 Printing & Advertising Oregon City Enterprise 314.50 Oregon City Courier . , r- 50.00 Wild Animal Bounty W. A. Stone ' 6.00 Louis Funk 1-50 Juvenile Court Mrs. C. J. Parker 20.50 D. E. Frost 5.20 Timber Cruise M. G. Nease 10341.16 M. G. Nease 3317.76 O. S. Boyles 149.60 Refund Liquor License Wm. Flynn 100.00 EXPENDITURE FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST ROAD FUND District No. 1. O. A. Battin 25.00 C. E. Battin 15.00 Wm. Mundion 13.50 H. A. Battin 15.00 District No. 2. H. P. Langenberg 20.00 Ike Johnson 20.00 E. R. Bennett 20.00 Chas. Lischke- 9.00 Louie Hornberger 9.900 John McNair 9-00 Norman Lauder H-25 15.00 F. A. Miles 1.70 F. T. Barlow 6.00 14.65 17.25 3.25 .. .90 56.40 90.80 51.00 2.60 18.00 341.04 8.15 .50 108.70 7.00 10.00 20.00 J. W. Bennett District No. 3 J. W. Ymore 10.00 W. W. Cooke 24.50 Earl Shearer 10.00 J. A. Stoll 4.00 H. Paulsen ' , 2.00 C. W. Johnson 7-75 W. A. Shearer 2.10 H. Ritzeau 3.00 J. C. Elliott & Co 20.4& Herman Gerhardus 75.00 Joe Pilster 63.75 C. Henke 36.75 J. W. Ymore 48.75 Lee Strafley 28.75 Edd Cline 6.00 RavmondCline ; 6.00 District No. 4. Jake Moss 4.00 Chas. Sparks 4.00 H. N. Barton 2.00 John Githens 22.50 Harry Kitching Albert Kitching Paul Lovell Neal Taylor Atle Ericlson Norman Linn , Ralph Herbert '. .. Robt. Currin Henry Githens Lester Hale .". Linsey Hale R. GithertS Lee Meyers D. Walters Roy Alspaugh Frank Boyer Dan Matson Noel Sarver District No. 5 W. E. Wheeler F. Werner T. Richey ' M. H. Wheeler W. "E. Wheeler District No. 6 Smith Bros Sandy Fir Lumber Co Jonsrud Bros. ' Oleson Lumber Co Sandy Ridge Lumber Co Chas. Krebs, Jr Chas. Krebs, Sr Herman Krebs Nick Schmitz Ed Suckow Frank Thiess Walter Krebs Gust Finger . Frank Schmitz Ed Flatau H. C. Francis District No. 7. A. C. Park J. Warren L. Lowe B. A. Pulley ... L. C. Lowe Smith Bros. . .". Takao Lumber Co Otto Raderbuck Al Helms F. Klosky Guy Cox Willis Chalker Henry Ten Eyck Tom Dempsey H. H. Watkins Wm. Bell A. C. Baumback . . . . ; Wm. Senske H. Hazeluander John Mitchell A. Shipley Otto Aschoff . ; E. R. Leaf ... F. E. McGugin Edd Ten Eyck Fred Galons ' Geo. Kirby Homer Molton Clark Melugin Howard Power . . '. Marvin Dickerson Joe Haley F. W. Shenke District No. 9. A. M. Jennsen T. Harder G. Zwerman ; . E. Guber ... H. Yazner R. Miller A. Steinke O. Paulsen District No. 10 II. Tracy ' L. J. Palmateer Frank Rhodes M. Shutz George De Shields A. M. Stephens W. A. Rhodes T. J. Reagan Tinglebach R. F. Ludlow J. A. Ingliah C. H. Duncan Richard Palmateer B. Duncan ' Harvey Marshall George Armstrong J. H. McKenney W. R. Woodworth Casper Wheeler S. Osborn E. W. Gibbon II. Huxley Beall & Co Coast Culvert & Flume Co. . . . Cary Mercantile Co McCurdy Lumber & Hdwe. Co. District No. 11. California Trojan Powder Co. Percy E. Jones H. Tucker B. Oldham Theo. Huerth C. R. Livesay N. J. W. Eichner Clifford Guynup Eli Rivers Lester Smith Mattoon Lumber Co B. Oldham E. Rivers '. Theo. Hurth H. Tucker Lester Smith C."R. Livesay F. A. Jonei ... '. H. Hartley C. D. Kirk N. J. W. Eichner James M. Bernard Mattoon Lumber Co Gladstone Lumber Co Wilson & Cooke District No. 12 12.00 12.00 26.00 2.00 18.00 12.00 11.00 24.00 . 23.00 12.00 20.00 8.00 7.00 6.00 8.00 16.00 4.00 2.50 4.00 2.00 2.00 12.50 2.00 1.75 112.26 103.47 215.94 143.00 8.50 43.50 18.25 51.65 4.00 2.00 2.00 12.00 20.50 6.00 8.00 13.50 45.00 9.00 6.75 65.25 1.75 57.50 9.55 9.00 14.05 2.50 2.50 59.75 76.50 18.00 4.50 45.00 27.75 16.85 19.16 45.00 181.00 65.00 . 5.60 10.15 23.30 29.80 26.45 16.30 21.95 18.55 18.55 16.30 32.50 29.00 18.00 21.00 4.00 12.00 6.00 , 2.00 48.50 46.00 40.00 28.00 16.00 12.00 31.00 48.50 36.00 28.00 24.00 58.00 10.00 18.00 6.00 8.00 26.00 24.00 14.00 5.00 3.00 1.50 5.50 43.20 5.15 24.10 16.00 39.00 26.00 ,40.00 ' 24.00 47.50 15.00 4.00 18.00 5.00 34.32 ..22.00 16.00 6.00 6.00 7.00 7.50 6.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 10.00 64.06 1.18 3.85 Harry Babler 9.00 Ben Swales 19-50 C. Christcnscn 18.00 W. Tschopp 9.00 II. Huber 28.00 A. G. McMurry 18.00 Frank Kohl 6.75 John Moser 9.00 O. Verding 8.75 W. Tompkins 11.00 C. S. Mc Murray 6.75 H. S. McMurray 7.85 E. McMurray 11.00 Joe Spragua 9.00 John Walczak N. L. Kirchem Fallert W. McCubbins A. Mather F. J. Wilson Henry Babler Wm. Gaskeli Funk Bullard E. Powers Funk H. Babler District No. 15 August Shunk E. L. Camp Albert Johnson ............. P. Nash Albert Schoenborn W. G. Randall Tom Penman M. Warnock Trojan Powder Co Wilson & Cooke Pope & Co J. Hood G. Criteser Wm. Fine G. Grossenbacker O. Tompkins W. Davis Tom Thomas Wm. Eainey Dave Thomas E. F. Portourer Albert Scheer District No. 16 Kendall & White .. Geo. Randall M. Huras Dietze G. Tuttle Wm. Dietze ; . . Geo. Huras . Wm. Githens O. Lucas Aug. Staegley - F. Engel W. G. Randall T. C. Chinn Herm Staehley Del Criteser , . Wm. Gutperlet H. Engel Geo. Kelland Wm. Staehley David Rutherford District No. 17 Maple & Masterton W. H. Lucke Carlton & Rosekrans Co Bany John Bunkey Ivan Dimick Ed Rupp District No. 17 Cont'd Herman Pipky Henry Pipky John Kraft ' F. J. Reace M. Jones Stefani Jo Thomas i Oscar Anderson F. C. Herr D; R. Dimick Pearl Nicholes Tice Leon Jackson Albert Hess A. W. Riggs District No. 18 Beall & Co Sager & Clark .'. Wilson & Cook L. Moser . T. Evans John Evans Trafton District No. 19 E. P. Berdine Ed Berdine ... Earl Berdine O. Adkins Ren Adkins Holsteen O. Davis R. P. Wales E. Davis Ib .. H. Wilson G. Wilson W. Murry Deremus D. Hart ...i Carlson . C. Mallett District No. 20 W. H. Wettlaufer District No. 21 Joe Carlson Emil Petterson Andrew Johnson E. A. Swanson N. Swanson District No. 22 Ball Bros Robbins Bros W. B. Tull Bill Lay L. Dickey Clay Hungate Clay Engle Geo. Crandall F. J. Painter Albert Engle II. Robbins Paul Robbins G. Hungate J. P. Powers M. M. Jameson Billy Feyrer C. Dickerson Bob Daniels George Ball H. Pendleton District No. 23 Carlton & Rosekrans Co R. W. Zimmerman V. Skinner . . . II. R. Zimmerman J. H. Hartman District No. 24 A. B. Kemmerer F. C. Eyman Ezerah Yoder C. E. Mitts Ralph Randies District No. 25 John Graves Ed Graves District No. 26 D. II. Austen 11.00 22.00 9.00 4.50 30.00 1.00 21.50 8.00 12.00 2.00 4.00 22.00 5.00 30.00 2.00 1 2.00 44.00: 12.501 24.00 8.00, 28.00 16.20 3.30 2.20 3.70 2.50 65.00 57.50 40.00 61.25 61.25 62.50 44.00 6.00 30.00 26.00 4.00 22.00 8.00 6.00 3.00 8.00 3.00 8.00 15.00 16.00 '16.00 30.00 20.00 18.00 4.00 6.00 9.00 8.00 10.00 3.25 6.75 6.69 57.50 60.00 51.25 52.50 27.50 45.00 55.00 50.00 38.00 25.00 22.50 22.60 25.00 35.00 26.25 2.60 6.0J 6.00 15.00 100.00 21.31 .85 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 22.50 10.00 10.00 15.00 10.00 14.00 15.00 13.00 19.00 4.00 3.00 8.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 4.00 ' 4.00 5.00 4.00 300.00 8.10 6.57 2.00 2.00 2.00 10.00 8.00 11.00 22.50 1.00 1.00 7.00 6.00 , 6.00 , 1.00 4.00 . 4.00 . 12.00 . 1.00 G. A. Marts F. Coleman Oren Cutting J. M. Cjwss W. Beck .; W. W. Everhtrt ......... H. Wilson Jesse Bagby Hammer & Brougher J. E. Nelson .., District No. 27 Wm. Brown Dexter Roberts Roy Nicholson ........ Joe Miller John Barth Fred Mott .....V........ District Nol.28 D. Adams & Co E. Nelson L. Brougher .......... Giger Bros i. B. Davis F. Jones Jason Jones . R. McFarlane M. Wilson M. E. Gray Ad Wyland Leslie Shank Ray Wyland Ed Wyland M .Groshong Hoyt Vorheis Frank Kokel ............. Ed Crite . . .' Clarence Vorheis Chas. Slaughter Ben Wade B. Wade W. M. Bird .'. Earl Bird Blaine Bird Perry Vorheis Wheeler Dave Fox Sackett W. Ferlan Hugel James Gray Ed Ringstad Nick Sabe D. Shank Sowa H. Edwards Roy Thomas ............ Floyd Ferguson W. C. Hewett Ben Thomas District No. 29 . B. Taylor Joseph Kelly W. Sporalsky Fred Sohn W. Sohn .' W. A. Rogers ........... Yergen Huffstutter M. Huffstutter District No. 30 Glenmorris Quarry Co. . . . . District No. 31 , H. Baker 2.00 J. Bushbaum , 8.00 A. H. Borland 8L00 L. Schaber 8.00 R. Bushbaum 4.00 C. W. Larsen 4.00 R. De Ueui 47.60 R. W. Schatz 2.00 1.73 12.00 8.00 6.00 1.00 1.00 8.00 2.00 11.26 .60 1.00 7.26 10.00 10.00 10.00 28.00 28.50 2.00 31.50 28.00 4.00 96.40 9.75 2.00 8.00 6.00 23.00 12.50 I. 25 .50 15.02 6.75 62.22 22.00 26.00 26.00 24.00 20.00 15.00 31.00 49.00 27.00 18.50 . 15.00 5.00 38.00 28.00 22.00 28.00 16.50 19.60 26.50 19.00 9.00 17.00 25.00 16.00 8.00 .18.00 20.00 9.00 10.00 10.00 .. 50 4.00 4.00 6.00 2.00 6.00 6.25 , 8.00 4.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 54.50 II. 50 20.00 10.00 15.00 W. District No. 32 Raggelson Heater A. Obust W. Obust W. C. Heater . C. Snider Shamberg . Tooze .' E. Murdock !. Haynes District No. 33 v Givens V. Schmidt V. R. Schmidt Geo. Guttridge Folsom Theo. Turell Gutridge A.Reid W. Strunk C. Denny . H. Conway W. F. Herst R. O. Morison L. Baker B. Park .... C. Richard P. Bletch P. Howell E. Day R. S. Thomas ............. E. Mathews R. Mattoon W. Howell.. L. H. Hayner C. Folsom Joe Gutridge ...... ... . W. Wooster Theo. iRed Shock C. S. Bard J. Moger Ed Clossner W. Bard J. M. Stormer w. Bietch A. Mathews E. Stry C. Howell Clark Denny ............. McCurdy Hardware Co. . . . Cary Mercantile Co. , C. W. Schuld & Sons ..... E. Lewellen District No. 34 C. Zimmerman E. Tiedeman F. Sinclair C. Christensen ........... G. Gross W. Scott E. Batdorf N. Melrin J. Schauber R. Canton wine K. Schrackenback ........ C. Logsdon J. Zimmerman E. Gross 7.00 3.00 4.00 8.00 48.00 14.00 16.00 4.00 18.00 42.70 105.00 8.00 7.00 ' 7.00 18.00 15.00 8.00 24.75 , 11.50 ltJ.OO 10.00 6.00 16.00 15.60 7.00 8.00 3.00 16.00 11.50 10.00 2.00 12.00 ..30.00 19.00 24.00 14.00 23.00 14.00 26.00 16.00 26.00 , 81.00 , 21.00 . 14.00 , 27.00 . 25.00 . 22.00 . 26.00 . 8.00 . .50 . 2.05 . 111.00 . 20.00 . 52.50 . 37.50 . 60.76 . 81.50 . 21.60 . 32.00 . 22.00 . 26.00 . 24.00 . 9.50 . 27.60 . , 13.60 . 62.00 . 9.60