OREGON CITY COURIER,, THURSDAY, JVUG. 28, 1913 DELINQUENT TAX LIST, 191 2. This advertised list of delin quent taxes for the year 1912 for Claokamas Couni.v. State of Ore. f gon, is in pursuance of an act of the State Legislature which is embodied in Chapter 301 of the GENERAL LAWS OF THE 1913 TIVE ASSEMBLY. The taxes on the following ad vertised real property became de linquent on April 8th 1913, and are subject to a penalty of 10 per cent and interest at the rate of 1 2 tier cent ner annum until they shall have been paid. - : Any day after the expiration of six months alter tne taxes charged against the following real property are delinquent the Sher iff is authorized, upon demand of any person making application, to issue to them a certificate of delinquency upon payment of the taxes, penalty, interest and cost of advertising. Certificates of delinquency shall bear interest at the rate of 15 per cent per annum from the date of issuance until the certi ficate is redeemed. ADA ORCHARDS Estacada Orchards Inc., lots 1 to 17, inc $18.92 ARCADIA F. F. Johnson, tracts 1 to o, inc i.ou ATKINSON Elizabeth B. Munly, lot 5 12.80 M. E. Freeman, lots 8-9.. 16.32 Mary N. Munly, lot 15. . BARLOW 12.10 XJU1LL UUUUSUll) block '2 -. . . being that portion of blk. 15, described in bk. 84, p. 123 FIRST ADD. TO BARLOW John D. Carson, lots 3-4, blk. 15 BELLVIEW Elizabeth Denny, lots 1- .64 4.90 2, blk. 2 1.43 BOLTON P. R. L. & P. Co.. lots 1 to 10 inc., blk 7 10.00 Erick Lindauist, lot 6-7 8, blk 22 . . . 4.20 BONITA MEADOWS Nellie A. Barker, lot" 13. BORING JUNCTION O. A. Palmer, tract marked O. A. Palmer. . BRIGHTWOOD Walter Anderson, lot 8, blk 7 " Fred Leupold, lots 3-4, blk 1 Edd Ganoung, lot 1, blk 14 A. E. Trogen, lots 5-6, blk 14 .50 1.40 .16 .33 .16 .33 BUENA VISTA John W. Loder, 100x274 feet of blk A 6.50 CABLE ACRES A. Shuttlesworth and L. K. Brimhall, blk 3...... 14.80 Chas. M. and Albert L. Fraley, blk 4-5 19.43 CANBY William and Gretta R. Knight, lot 7-8, blk 4. . 7.13 Daniel Danielson, lot 10, blk 21 85 DEDMAN ADD. TO CANBY Henry A. Dedman, lot 1, blk 4 3.99 H. A. LEE ADD. TO CANBY Lewis Tice, lot 1, blk 2. . 1.14 ROTH'S ADD. TO CANBY John & Charlotte Samuel son, lots 1-2, blk 1 John O. Roth, lot 5, blk 2 John O. Roth, lot 6, blk 2 2.28 1.14 1.14 WEEDS ADD. TO CANBY J. H. and Anna Colby, lots 1-2-3, blk 1 10.55 CANBY GARDENS R. J. Woicka, lot 2 CANEMAH Clara Fields, west 20 feet of lot 7-8, blk 8 E. M. Lewis, trustee, northerly 12 and 33-100 feet of lot 7. blk 17. ... 9.27 .72 .18 Richard McMann, lots 3-4, blk 23........ 2.88 A. E. Waite, lot 4, blk 25 .90 Chas. Joseph, lots 2-3- 4, blk 31 ' 3.24 Chas. Joseph, lot 7, blk 31 .72 Gladston R. E. Ass'n, blk 57 1.80 Gladstone R. E. Ass'n, blk 58 1.44 Harry E. Jones, lot 7, blk - A 4.50 Louisa Cole, lots 3-4-5- 6, blk B ..... T 8.37 H. J. Fisher, trustee, lot 2, blk C Christian Trochsel, lot 3, blk C Thomas Gibbs, triangu lar parcel of land bound ed by streets called 8 and 8 1-2 and Center FIRST ADD. TO CANEMAH E. G. Caufield, lot 5 ,blk 1 Gladstone R. E. Ass'n, lots 6-7-8, blk 1 CLACKAMAS HEIGHTS .90 .90 .72 .72 2.16 Doretta & Laghey Stew art, N. 75-100 acres of blk 58, and S. 50-100 acres of blk 59 11.70 SUB. DIV. OF CLACKAMAS HEIGHTS . Ida Burgess, lots 1-2-3-4, blk 19 6.24 CLACKAMAS HILANDS- Lizie Stiles, blk 2 9.88 Bell P. Whitcomb, blk 18 7.15 CONCORD W. E. Graham, S. 100 feet of blk 9. 8.55 CORA ORCHARDS Estacada Orchard Co., lots 1 to 21 inc 33.33 Estacada Orchard Co., lots 22 to 32 inc.. ..... 18.15 DEER PARK Herbert C. Holmes, lot 2-3, blk 7 DOVER PARK William F. Janlz, lot 20, blk 1 William F. Jantz, lots 1- 2-3-4, blk 2 William F. Jantz, lot 14, blk 2 Elida Gottfried & Selma Benson, lots 9-10-11... Carl B. Nelson, lot 23. . EL ROD ACRES .53 .64 2.56 .64 7.60 4,25 J. O. Elrod, lot 37. .. 1.95 J. O. Elrod, lot 42 4.03 ESTACADA Sam L. Beary, lot 12, blk 2 7.60 A. Morrow, lot 15, blk 2 14.25 Sam L; Beary, lot 3, blk 4 26.60 P. R. L. & P. Co., all of ex. N. 22 feet of lot 6, blk 4 3.80 Sam L. Beary, lot 3. blk 7 15.20 William Stubbe, lot 12, blk 7 . .... 9.50 Frank Morris, lots 10-11-12, blk 13 20.90 Mrs. Ida M. Corphill. lot 10, blk 14 1.90 K. A. uorptnill, lots 11- 12, blk 14 4.56 A. E. Sparks, lots 7-8. blk 15 26.60 Hilda L. Glass, lot 4, blk 17 13.30 Albert Suavain, lot 9, blk 18 1.90 FIRST ADD. TO ESTACADA Estacada State Bank, lot - 5, blk 23 1.90 Estacada State Bank, lot 8, blk 23..? 1.90 John H. Tracy, 161 feet feet long by 4.67 at E end and 14.84 feet at W. end, lot 3, blk 26...... .95 Almond Morrow, lots 1-2 -3-4, blk 27 20.90 Mrs. F. L. Heylman, lots 8-9, blk 32... 34.20 W. W. Boner, lot 13. blk 32 13.30 Jennie E. Bonner, lot 14, blk 32.. 1 90 Fannie L. Heylman, lots 23-24-25, blk 32 7.60 lirace E. Loder. lots d-4. blk 34 6.84 ZOBRISTS ADD. TO ESTACADA E. E. Hannah, lots 1-2, blk 3 7.22 A. D. Schmidt, lots 1-2. blk 8 7.22 Alex Sweek, lot 7, blk 10 1.71 Harold G. Enton. lots 11-12, blk 23 !.. 3.42 ESTACADA HEIGHTS E. S. Womer. lots 10-11. blk 1 13.30 Ella M. Stryker, lot 1, blk 3 .... 1.40 L. H. McKenna, lots 2-3, blk, 3 2.80 ESTELLE ORCHARDS Estacada Ocrhard Com pany, lots 1 to 14 inc... 10.67 Estacada Orchard Com pany, lots 15 to 20 inc.. . 6.93 FINAVON Mrs. L. L. Cox lot 47 2.14 Northwestern Trust Co., fr'l lot A, all B, C, D 1.14 E. L. FRALEY'S SUB. DIV. OF A TRACT OF LAND IN SECTION 28, T. 3 S, R. 4 EAST J. W. Reed, East 1-2 of lot 3 1.90 .E L. Fraley, all of Ex. W. 86 feet and E. 16 feet of lot 11 1.14 FRUITDALE W. W. Raymond, lots 1-2 45.50 W. W. Raymond, East- -erly 4 acres of lot 5, all 6-7-8 52.00 GLADSTONE Chas .G. Miller, lots 3- 4, blk 4 5.60 Clarence & S. Simmons, lot 15, blk 5. , .. 3.51 E. G. -Caufield, lot 10, blk 6 3.50 Samuel E. Lowe, lo stl9- 20, blk 13 13.72 Sarah E. Stewart, lots 19-20, blk 14 15.12 C. G. Miller, lots 1-2, blk 16 - 7.28 John W. Loder, lot 15, blk 19 16.80 John W. Loder, lot 16, blk 19 2.93 John Anderson, lots 1-2, Morris Rosnethall & Jo seph N. Mason, lots 9 to 14 inc., blk 30 30.24 Henry Pecover, lots 3-4, blk 33 6.31 Gladstone R. E. Ass'n, lots 9-10, blk 34. 6.72 John W. Loder, lota 9- 10, blk 49 5.60 Mrs. Etta Chase, lot 5, blk 60 16.24 D. K. Bill, lot 7-8, blk 83 11.20 Gladstone R. E. Ass'n, lot 9, blk 84 1.68 Simeon P. Slawson, lot 3, blk 90 . SO Orlando J. Mock, lot 6, blk 90 56 Chas. N. Wallace, lot 7, blk 90 56 APPERSON'S ADD. TO GLADSTONE John W. Loder, lots 20- 21 2.24 PARK SUB. DIV. OF BLK. 135 GLADSTONE W. S. Griffis, let 13, blk 135 7.97 SCHOOLEY ADD. TO GLADSTONE T. E. Gault, lots 1-2, blk 1 ..V 1.68 T. E. Gault, lots 7-8-9- 10, blk 1 4.20 T. E. Gault, lot 13, blk 1. ;84 T. E. Gault, lot 8, blk 2. 1.12 T. E. Gault, lots 10-11, blk 2 2.24 WEST GLADSTONE Jos. Collins, lots 9, 10, blk 4 4.48 John W. Loder, lot 8, blk 11 6.16 John W. Loder, trustee, lot 17, blk 11 1.96 D. E. Henderson, lot 13, blk 12 1.96 GLEN ECHO William A. Henderson, blk 3-4 29.70 GLENMORRIE Glennmorrie Company, blk 2 21.00 R. M.-Eccles, blk 3.... 21.00 Cora M. Rea, blk 7 17.50 The Glenmorrie Co., blks 10-11-12 .... 25.00 GORDON GLEN HOME . TRACTS E. B. Wood, tract 7.... 6.30 HENNEMAN'S ACRES Fred and Katherine Schneider, blk 9-10.... 26.00 HOODVIEW ACRES Ten Broeck & Howard Whipple, blk 9 1.54 Ten Broeck & Howard Whipple, blk 10 1.54 Ten Broeck & Howard Whipple, blk 15 5.06 HYDE PARK I. D. Bartle & R. G. Gale, lots 2-3, blk 1 .46 Joseph H. Fletcher, lots 13 to 18 inc., blk 3 1.38 Josie Courtoes, lots 17, blk 4 23 Guerna Lowell, lot 30-i 31-32, blk 4 .69 H. T. Giddings, lot 33, blk 6 23 J. R. & A .D. James, lots 5 to 16 inc., blk 8 2.76 C. H. Clemens, lots 1-2, blk 9 92 Thomas Hughes, lot 6, blk 7 . 46 A. T. Striker, lot 9-10, blk 10 46 Flora Peters, lots 17 to 22 inc, bik 11 ......... 1.38 Isabella Johnston, lots 1- 2-3-4, blk 12 Isabille Johnston, lots 29-30-31-32, blk 12 Sarah E. Palmer, lots 9 .92 .92 to 24 inc., blk 14 3.68 J. Kreckenbauer, lot 7-8, blk 15 J. R. & A. B.. James, lots 17 to .22inc, blk 17 Edith Butcher, lots 23 to 26 inc., blk 17 Rein hold Griesel. lots 3-4, blk 18 IDLE WILD H. W. & Vera Lang, lot 10, blk 3 Thomas E. Dowling, lot 13-14, blk 3 J. W. & Mary Maulding, lot 3, blk 4 J. W. & Mary Maulding, lot 6, blk 4 IRVINS LITTLE HOMES E. F. Riley, blk 1 JENNINGS LODGE .46 1.38 .92 .46 .16 .34 .17 .17 8.75 Lewis S. Winters, S 1-2 of Ex. a strip of W. end of S. 1-2 of blk 1 1 G. D. Boardman, E. 1-2 .30 of blk 8 9.10 Edith Caroline Truscott, blk 14-14 . Marcella W. & R. W. Welsh, 7 feet and entire length of S. side of lot 40 16.64 1.04 FIRST ADD. TO JENNINGS LODGE Janie Curtyn, lot G. H. & I 23.40 Temperance C. Rice, lot 4 10.40 BOARDMAN'S ADD. TO JENNINGS LODGE The Shaw Fear Co., lot 23 6.24 MORRIS SUB. DIV. OF JENNINGS LODGE Ends Swan, lots 8-9, blk 2 '3.90 1.30 2.60 2.60 S. M. Goff, lot 15, blk 2. . . Ends Swan, lots 16-17, blk 2 S. M. Goff, lots 18-19, blk 2 Ends Swan, lots 20-21. blk 22 2.60 S. M. Goff. lot 22, blk 2. 1.30 E. Swan, lot 24, blk 2 LEO 1.30 1.82 J. N. Alger, lot., 12, blk 1 GIBSON SUB. DIV. OF LOGAN TRACT C. A. Evans, tract 12.. F. W. Akin, tract 17 . . . 5.50 10.45 LOGUS TRACTS Henry Naegeli & Henry Anderegg, that portion of E. 177 feet of tract 1, lying north of O. W. P tract E. E. Radding", W V-V of lot 7 4.27 22.80 MAPLE HURST George D. Kilton Co., lot 26 1.60 MARCHBANKS Johanna Buckley, lot 35, blk 7 D. J. Buckley, Jr., lot 36, blk 7 Wm. Buckley, lot 37, blk 7 C. A. Gove, lot 1, blk 9. . Hariet Lee, lots 2 to 6 inc., blk 9 C. A. Gove, lot 8, blk 9.. John W. Loder, lot 9, blk 9 J. L. Frazier & G. Svar end, lots 12-13-14-15, blk 9 C. A. Gove, lot 16, blk 9 .57 .58 .57 1.15 2.88 .58 .57 2.30 1.15 SHERIFF DIVISION CLACKAMAS HEIGHTS Thomas T. Pankey, N. 1- 2 of blk 22 3.25 W. W. Anderson, S. 1-2 of blk 22 13.65 MARSHFIELD W. H. H. Gentry, part of lot 1, blk 2 4.80 I. O. G. T., lots 3-4, blk 10 4.80 M. E. & F. Henrice, lots 2- 3-4, blk 11 10.80 ROOTS ADD. TO MARSHFIELD Emma B. Thompson, lots 4- 5, blk 1 2.76 Emma B. Thompson, lot. 12, blk 1 48 Chas. F. Street, lots 3- 4, blk 2 6.72 TALBERT'S ADD. TO MARSHFIELDS Rosa B. Imel, lots 1-2, blk 16. 2.40 MAYWOOD Blinn C. Snow, lot 10, blk 3 16.00 MILWAUKIE Anna & H. M. Mullan, 20x100 feet of lot 6, all of 7-8, blk 29....: 37.31 Bishop B. W. Morris, W'ly 57 feet of lot 4, blk 30 4.80 Unknown, blk 39 10.40 DUE R ST ADD. TO MILWAUKIE . John M. Stuckey, lot 5, blk 1 12.36 James Oliver, lot 4, blk 3 2.60 KERR & SHINDLER'S FIRST ADD. TO MILWAUKIE Daniel Mass, lots 13 to 29 inc., blk A 16.90 Elsie A. Gallager, lot 21, in blk A 16.90 QUINCY ADD. TO MILWAUKIE T. R. A. & J. M. B. Sell wood, lot 7, blk 5 1.56 R. M. Ham, lot 4. blk 7.. 1.56 George A. Gledhill, lot 7, blk 10 6.76 STRIBES FIRST ADD. TO MILWAUKIE W. F. Lehman, lot 11, blk 5 11.70 GALEY FOUR MILWAUKIE HEIGHTS Shirley Buck, lots 1 to 6 inc., blk 45 8.58 Emilie C. Shaw, portions of vacated streets, and ave. adjoining said lots and now belonging to E. . C. Shaw 3.96 P. R. L. & P. Co., lots 1 and 2, blk 49 2.64 MILWAUKIE HILL CREST Hibernia Savings, Bank, lot 1, blk 11 ; . 1.81 MILWAUKIE PARK John Conway, lot 6, blk 1 1.49 MILWAUKIE PARK John Conway, loj, II, blk 1 1.81 Anders G. Wibon, lots 14-15-16, blk 6 5.78 John Riopel, lot 13, blk 18 3.45 John F. Troutman, lot 18, blk 21 1.98 Mrs. Utchman, lot 4, blk 24 3.96 Mrs. T. B. Johnson, lots 5- 6, blk 24 2.64 Lewis D. Louden, lots II. 12, blk 25 .... .... 3.30 Eliza Caldwell, lot 3. blk 26 1.32 Eliza Caldwell, lot 4. blk 26 1.32 E. G. Rmdell, lots 1-2, blk 27 1. Theresa Flaherty, lots 4- 5, blk 27 4.46 E. K. Wins, lot 6, blk 27 . . , v 3.45 FOELLER'S SUB. DIV. OF BLK. A, MILWAUKIE PARK C. W. Hodson, 10 feet along the N. side of lot 1 .92 REPLATTING OF MILWAUKIE PARK M. E. Freeman, lots 11- 12, blk U 4.37 Mathias Fleller, that por tion lying north and west of west line of lot 7, blk U, lot 1, blk V .58 M. E. Freeman, lot 6, blk V 5.18 Daniel Zaklan, blk 13... 5.75 MINTHORN Chas. Raabe, lots 19-20, blk 13 1.68 Chas. & Amelia Raabe, ' lots 21-22-23-24. blk 13 4.81 Mathews and Lauglin, lots 25-26, blk 14 ...... 1.17 Fred J. Dunn, lots 47- 48, blk 16 1.18 Wilfrid Kempthorne, lots 12-13-14-15-16, blk 17. 6.33 Mathews and Laughlin, tots 9-10, blk 42 1.04 O. H. & E. M. Hedden, lots 18 to 21 inc., bik 42 2.60 W. M. & R. E. Lea, lots 17-18, blk 43 1.04 Catherine Philport, lot 35, blk 43 52 Catherine Philport, lot 36, blk 43 .52 Jasse A. Keck, lots 37- 38-39, blk 43 11. G. W. Lindsay, lots 37- 38, blk 44 1.04 Thomas Mille, lot 7-8, blk 69 1.04 Ira Erb, lot 47, blk 69. . . -.39 . G. A. & L. M. Smith, lot 1, blk 72 38 MINTHORN Chas. Henry, lots 15 lo 17 inc., blk 72 2 08 Ur. A. & h. M. Smith, lots 24 to 26 inc., blk 72 11.96 ' G..A. & L. M. Smith, lots .1 to 13 inc., blk 73 6.76 G. A. & L. M. Smith, lots 31 to 39 inc., blk 73. . . . 4.68 Mathews & Laughlin, lots 40-41, blk 73 1.04 Mathews & Laughlin, lots 34, blk 77 69 Oregon Land Co., lots . 16-17, blk 78 69 John Jost, lots 33 to 38 inc., blk 82 2 .07 John Jost, lots 1 to 10 inc., blk 87 3.45 Luella H. Hess, lots 11- 12, blk 88 .69 J. H. Black, lots 12 to 14, blk 89 1.03 Luella H. Hessj lot 25, blk 89 35 Luella H. Hess, lot 26, blk 89 35 Chas. B. Craven, lot 38 to 42 inc., blk 90 ...... 1 73 Chas. B. Craven, lot 1 to ,4 inc., blk 91 1.38 Chas. B. Craven , lots 34 to 40 inc., blk 91.. . . . . 2.42 Mathews & Laughlin, lots 10 to 15, inc., blk 95 2.07 Mathews & Laughlin, lots 25 to 31 inc., blk 95 2.41 Mathews Laughlin, lots 14 to . 19 inc., blk 97 2.o7 Mathews' &' Laughlin, lots 1 to 9, blk 98 3.10 A. G. Loundagin, - lots 10 to 20 inc., blk 98.... 3.79 A. G. Loundagin, lots 1 to 4, blk 99 1.38 EVERHART'S ADD. TO MOLALLA R. E. Hamilton, 50x100 feet, of lot 5, blk 1 60 MULINO D. E. Scott, lot 1, blk 12. .16 Chas. T. Howard, lots 5 to 12 inc., blk 17 2.56 Chas. T. Howard, lots 1 to 12 inc., blk 18....... 2.08 Chas. T. Howard, lots 1 to 12, blk -19 2.08 Chas. T. Howard, lots 1 to 12 inc, blk 20 2.88 Chas. T. Howard, lots 1 to 12, blk 21 2.40 Chas. T. Howard, lots 1 to 10, blk 22 1.76 Chas. T. Howard, lots 11-12, blk 22... ,32 Chas. T. Howard, lots ; 1 to H, blk 23 1.76 Chas. T. Howard, lots 1 to 12, blk 24 2.40 Chas. T. Howard. lots 1 to 8, blk 25 1.92 Chas. T Howard, lots 9 to 12, blk 25.; 96 Chas. T. Howard, lots lots 1 to 12, blk 26 1.92 Chas. T. Howard, lots 1 to 12, blk 27 1.92 Chas. T. Howard, lots 1-2-3, blk 28 - .72 Chas. T. Howard, lots 4 to 12 inc., blk 28 2.16 Chas. T. Howard, lots 1 to 12, blk 29 2.40 Chas. T. Howard, lots 1-2-3, blk 30 1.60 . Chas. T. Howard, lots 1-2-3, blk 31 1.60 MULTNOMAH ACRES Smith Waggoner Co., blk 8 8.10 Drinker & Van Alstin, blk 10 9.00 Drinker & Van Alstin, blk 11 and 12 18.00 MULTNOMAH ACRES NO. 2 Smith Wagner Co. Blk 1 18.36 Smith Wagner Co. Blk 2 13 05 BEAL'S ADD. TO NEW ERA H. P. Eastman, lots 3-4, blk 4 1.88 NOB HILL E. M. & Anna M. Howell, lots 1 to 60 Inc. Blk 1 21.60 E. M. and Anna M. How ell, lots 17 to 22, Blk 2 2.16 J. W. Coughlin, lots 1 to i 24 Inc. Blk 7 2.88 J. W. Coughlin lots 1 to 10 Inc. Blk 8 1.20 J. W. Coughlin, lots 1 to 9, Blk 10 1.08 J. I). Claverie, lots 3 to 7, Blk 12 60 E. M. and Anna M. How ell, lots 1 to 12, Blk 16 2.88 OAK GROVE W. H. Loitner, undivided 1-2 Int. in N. end 170 feet of east 200 feet Blk 35 ... 22.20 FIRST SUB DIV. OAK GROVE Mary E. Guthrie, lot 1, Blk 7 22.20 Sellwood Land & Imp. Co. all of ex. N 120 ft. of lot 4, Blk 7 2.22 Sellwood Land & Imp. Co. part of lot 2 and 3, Blk 30 7.40 Lucinda J. Bunell west 215 feet lot 3, Blk 30 ... 24.05 Sellwood Land & Imp. Co. all Ex. west 220 ft. of lot 4, Blk 30 3.70 s. P. and A. u. iJigham east 44x124 ft. of lot 3, blk 41 7.40 S. P. and A. C. Bigham lot 4, Blk 41 26.83 A. G. and Bessie Suter, 140x138.9 ft. oUt of SE corner of lot 3, Blk 48 10.17 William Cederson lot 2 Blk 57 14.80 DeRoo Weber lots 1 and 2, Blk 62 35.52 John and Jessie V. Glea son, all east of O. W. P. Ex. R of W of O. & C. R. . 1 to 8 Inc. blk 88 2.60 C and H. Zanders, lot 4. Blk 64 11.10 R. R. of lots 3-4-5-6, Blk 72 27.01 John and Jessie V. Gloa son, all east of O. W. P. R. R. lot 4, Blk 77 19 George Bingham, lot 6- 7, Blk 87. 14.80 2ND. SUB DIV. OF.OAK GROVE R. P. Mortenson, lot 6, Blk 96 2.78 Ray A. Gilbert, lots 16- 17-18, Blk 96 1406 L. E. and M. C. Arm strong, Jots 1 and 2, Blk 98 3.70 Joshua Elmere Sub Div. of tract 3 and east 1-2 of tract 2, Oak Grove, lot 6, Blk 1 , 2.22 OAK GROVE PARK Mrs. Paul S. West lots 5-6-7-8, Blk 1 . 5.40 F. J. Eichtenberger lot 5 Blk 2 1.62 F. J. Lichtenberger lots 8-9, Blk 2 3.24 Anna M. Root lots 11 to 20 Inc., Blk 8 16.20 Carrie L. and C. C. Craw- ford lots 18-19-20, Blk 9 4.05 James A. Bunnell lot 2, Blk 12 1.62 ORCHARD HOMES McDaniels & Colt lot 0 and 1 to 5 Inc 25.25 McDaniels & Colt lot 12 2.38 J. H. Colt part of lot 13 .32 McDaniels & Colt lot 21 3.40 McDaniels & Colt lot 26, Blk 4.25 McDaniels & Colt lots 2829 6.80 McDaniels & Colt lots 45-46-47 5.10 OREGON HOMES Dora A. Whitworth lot 20 2.40 Mrs. Nellie Reed lot 28 2.40 OREGON CITY James Wilkinson lots 1 and 2, Blk 16 26.00 James Wilkinson lots 7- 8, Blk 16 13.00 M. E. Church westerly Ex. R of W & C. R. R. lot 1, Blk 25 32.50 Winona B. Miller W'ly 1-2 of lot 1, Blk 39 ... 29.25 Theresa Griel lots 4-5, Blk 45 ... 32.50 John W. Loder lot 2, Blk 46 21.13 John W. Loder, easterly 39.23 ft. of lot 7, Blk 46 3.25 M. H. Clark all of Ex. easterly 39.25 ft. lot 7, blk 46 9.75 Mary E. Rosenstein east erly 1-2 of lot 1, Blk 47 16.25 Mary E. Rosonstein east erly 1-2 of lot 2, Blk 47 4.88 Caleb E. Cross lots 1-2, Blk 64 45.50 Caleb E. Cross part of lots 3-4, Blk 64 64.51 O. W. Eastham easterly 55 ft. of lot 1, Blk 67 22.75 Mary D. Huntley N'east erly 1-2 of lot 5, all of lot 6, Blk 67 11.37 John W. Loder lot 1, Blk 75 ; 4.88 John W. Loder lots 2-3- 4, Blk 75 ..14.63 W. F. and J. V. Lehigh 1- 2 Int. lots 1-2-3-4, Blk 77 ...... 3.25 Daniel F. Leh'eigh 't-2 Int. lots 1-2-3-4, Blk 77 3.25 J. H. Walker, lots 2 to 6 Inc., Blk 78 6.50 Harry and Marian Steven son lots 4-5, Blk 79 . . . 3.25 Eastern Inv. Co. lots 1 to 8, Blk 87 5.20 W. F. Leghigh 1-2 Int. lots 1 to 8 Inc., Blk 88 2.60 Daniel F. Lehigh 1-2 lots 1 to 8 Inc., Blk 88 2.60 Annis L. Farr lots 1 to 5, Blk 92 2.60 Annis L. Farr lot 6, Blk 92 ' .65 John W. Loder lot 5. Blk 93 f 4.88 Wm. M. and Sarah A. Smith 33x35 ft. lot 2 and 35x66 ft. lot 3, Blk 98 13.65 . Mary Koerner lots 1 and ' 2, blk 108 60.12 Grace E. Loder lot 7-8, Blk 114 22.75 E. M. Howell lot 1 and 45x105 ft. of lot 2, Blk 115 3.25 C and M. Simmons lots 3-4-5-6, Blk 119 3.25 C. and M. Simmons lots 3-4-5-6, Blk 122 3.25 D. C. Latourette lots 1- 2- 3, blk 126 4.87! D. C. Latourette, lots 5- 6, Blk 126 3.25 ; Mary S. Mills 33.75 ft. by 62 ft. lot 1, Blk 132 ... 4.07 C. E. Nash Fr'l. lots 1 and 2, Blk 134 12.35 C. and M. Simmons lots 3- 4-5-6, Blk 147 4.88 Anna B. Gintner lots 1- 2, Blk 149 8.94 Anna B. Gintner lot 8, Blk 149 9.75 Dellah Shannan lot 8, Blk 156 27.62 Chambers Howell lots 3- i 4, Blk 167 24.38 W. T. Whitlock lot 5, Blk 173 5.68 OREGON CITY ANNEX F. J. Nelson lots 1-2-3- 4; Blk 1 1.44 F. J. Nelson lot 5, Blk 1 .36 John Campbell, lots 3-4 Blk 2 72 George W. Woellener lots 15-16, Blk 2 .72 Thresa Findo lot 18, Blk 2 : .36 F. J. Nelson lots 11 and 12, Blk 3 63 Leopold Troondle lots 1- 2, Blk 4 63 F. J. Nelson lot 10, Blk 4 .32 F. J. Nelson lots 3-4, Blk 5 ... 63 F. J. Nelson, lot 1-2, Blk 6 63 W. I. McDormott lot 4, jjljj 8 3i F. J. NeisoA'lotVe.'Blk 8 ., 32 W. I. McDeermott lot 17, Blk 8 .32 F. J. Nelson lot 4, Blk 13 24 F. J. Nelson lots 6 to 13. Blk 13 1.92 F. J. Nelson lots 15-16 17-18, Blk 13 .96 Frank Warren lot 2. Blk 18 24 BEATIES ADD. TO OREGON CITY- Fred Dauger, lot 1, blk 2 4.55 COUNTY ADD. TO OREGON CITY Beatrice Alldridge, lots 5-6, Blk 42 26.00 Catherine Taylor lots 3 5-6- 7, blk 46 17.23 lieien storey lot 8, Ulk 46 7.31 DARLINGS ADD. TO OREGON CITY . Marie Rothe 50x100 ft. blk 4 3.25 Chas. E. Martin 50x100 ft. Blk 4 1.63 DARNELL'S ADD. TO OREGON CITY Emma L. Welch, lots 3 to 10, blk 3.90 James H. Bogges all of Blk 6 4.88 EDGEWOOD ADD. TO OREGON CITY Mary E. Brown lots 5-6, Blk 1 ... .'. .. 1.56 Theo. F. Brown lots 7- 8-9, Blk 1 1.56 Theo. Jj. Brown lots 20- 21, Blk 1 2.08 Mary E. Brown lots 22- 23, Blk 1 7.93 J. D. Vallet lot 10, Blk 2 ... 1.04 J. D. Vallet all of Ex. 45x 32 ft. of lot 11, Blk 2 . .78 M. E. Johnson lot 17, Blk 6 1.30 FALLS VIEW ADD. TO OREGON CITY Mrs. A. Alldredge lot 4, Blk 2 3.25 C. E. Nash part of lots 8- 9, Blk 14 65 B. F. Linn lot 13, Blk 14 13.00 D. K. Jackson lot 11, Blk 20B 2.44 Helen L. Stratton lot 13, Blk 20B 3.25 LADDS SUB DIV. OF HEDGES ADD. TO OREGON CITY Win. M. Ladd south 2 A. of Bik 2 5.88 Wm. M. Ladd lot 1, Blk 3 7.05 Wm. M. Ladd lot 2, Blk 3 7.05 Wm. M. Ladd lots 1-2, Blk 4 16.45 Wm. M. Ladd lot 1, Blk 15 1.17 Wm. M. Ladd lots 6-7, Blk 15 9.40 Wm. M. Ladd lots 30-31-32-33, Blk 15 28.20 METES & BOUNDS ADD. TO, OREGON CITY Reuben and Emma Steadman 130x105 ft... 11.38 A. M. Williams and A. . W. Cheney undivided' Int. in Singer Mill sight . . . 6.50 SHERIFF DIVISIONS Frank Ventress Oak Grove part of Blk 26 . . . 6.11 J. H. Walker Oregon City ,1-8 of lot 1, Blk 78 ... ',16 J. H. Walker Oregon City 7-8 of lot 7, Blk 78 ... 1.1,4 L. E. Armstrong 1st Sub Div. of Oak Grove 138.90 ft.xl70 ft. of lot 2, Blk 48 6.29 MOUNTAIN VIEW ADD. TO DREGON CITY Susan C. Linn, lot 6, blk 2 g 25 Ura's. 'Grewelf lots' '3- 4-5, Blk 12 4.38 PARK ADD. TO OREGON CITY E. H. Vonderahe lot 8, Blk 9 2.92 Henry Vonderahe lot 9, Blk 9 12.68 Clara Bucklein lots 6-7- 8, Blk 10 5.20 E. F. Riley Fr'l part Blk D 1.63 PLEASANT HILL ADD. TO OREGON CITY Augusta May lots 8-9, Blk 8 13.81 PLEASANT PLACE ADD. TO ORE GON CITY G. W. Hendershot, lot 1, blk. 3 2.60 Mary A. Bradloy, Pleas ant Place Add. to Oregon City, lot 1, Blk 6 .... . 2.44 Mary A. Bradley, Pleas ant Place Add. to Oregon City, lots 2 to 6, Blk 6 20.31 Mary 'A. Bradloy, Pleas ant Place Add. to Oregon City, lot 11, Blk 6 2.28 SIIAWS FIRST ADD. TO ORE GON CITY - H. F. Reese lots 1 to 5, Blk 1, 2.60 H. F. Reese lots 1 to 11, Blk 2 II. F. Reese, lots 1 to 15, Blk 3 H. F. Reese lots 1 lo 12, Blk 4 H. F. Reese lots 1-2, Blk 5 H. F. Reese lots 1-2, Blk 6 II. F. Reese lots 3-4, Blk 7.15 9.75 7.80 1.04 1.04 10.04 H. F. Reese lots 3 to 8. Blk 7 4.68 H. F. Reeso lot 10, Blk 7 .78 H. F. Reese lots 14-15, Blk 7 1.56 11. F. Reese lots 17-22, Blk 7 9.88 11. F. Reese lots 2 to 6, Blk 8 3.90 H. F. Reese lots 7 to 25 . Inc., Blk 8 14.82 H. F. Reese lots 1 to 13 Inc.. Blk 9 10.14 H. F. Reeso lots 15-16, Blk 9 1.56 H. F. Reese lots 1 to 9, Blk 10 7.02 C. T. TOOZE ADD. TO OREGON CITY M. G. and Mable Christen Ben, lots 4-5-6, blk 1 .... 4.87 E. K. Campbell, West Side Add. to Oregon City, 10 to 14 Inc, Blk 3 ... 10.00 SOUTH OREGON CITY NO. 1 C. H. Dye trustee lots 5-6, Blk 5 2.35 George F. Gibbs lot 12, Blk 5 1.18 Emma L. Welcu, lot 15, Blk 7 1.49 J. J. Aschwanden lot 1, Blk 9 94 Emma L. Welch lots 9-10-11, Blk 20 3.17 OSWEGO Portland Cement Compa ny, lota 8 to 14. blk 8... 14.00 O. I. & S. Co., blk A. . . . 18.00 O. I. & S. CO., FIRST ADD. TO OSWEGO Chas. Morrel, lot 1-2, blk 2 9.00 O. I. & S. Co., lots 10-11. 12, blk 25..., 10.35 C. N. Haines, lots 11-12, blk 32.... 12.00 C. N. & Norma F. Haines, lot 8, blk 48 13.50 Joseph McConell, lot 20, blk 61 ,60 Lizzie Cannon, lot 14, blk 117 .45 SOUTH OSWEGO Laura C. Parrish, lots 1- 2, blk 14 1.60 Robert Patton Heirs, fr'l blk 51 .so J. M. Pearcy, lot3 1 to 9 ' inc, blk G 9.00 OUTLOOK George E. & Flora Car son, blks 9-10 12.04 J. J. & A. Edarfin. hit H O S J. J. Edgren, blk 13 J. J. & A. Edgren, blk 14 Mary J. Dicken, blk 26. . Mary J. Dicken, blk 30.. N. J. Bergland, blk 33 . . C. A. E. Peterson, blk 39. E. C. Schwartz, East 1-2 blk 45 v. Anna M. Lee, West 1-2 of blk 45 9. 3.60 14.00 2.90 9.10 6.30 4.86 4.80 FIRST ADD. TO OUTLOOK Mary j. Dickens, lots 1 to 5 17.22 PARK PLACE W. A. Holmes, lots 1 to 10, blk 1 ....... Cora Holmes, lots 5-fi7- 28.60 8, blk 2 15.34 Carl G. Hodes, part of lot u. hlk a k on APPERSON'S ADD. TO PARK PLACE II. E. & Alice Carr, lots 1 to 4, blk 6 6.24 H. E. & Alice Carr. lots 13 to 16, blk 6 10.14 Chas. Gable, lots 1-2, blk IP . t la STRAIGHT'S ADD. TO ' PARK PLACE Pacific Stoneware Co, lot 10, blk 1 1.95 Paoifio Stoneware Co , lots 9-10. hlk 2. . . 9 in PEOPLES TRANS.-CO. LOTS Daniel Harvey, lot 1 90 PINEHURST The Ross Co., East 1-2 blk 14 a 4 a PLEASANT LITTLE HOMES ' INU. b A. R. Burford, lots 17 to 21,blk 5 ............. A. R. Burford, lota" 13 to 17 inc.. hlk fl 1.60 1.60 POMPEII George L. Campbell, lots 1-2, blk A Anna A. Manniner Into 3 .67 to 6, blk A 1.35 k. Hu. jl. Simmons, lots 1 and 2, blk B Francis G. Cowing, lot 5, blk D B. F. Holt, lot 6, blk D.. George W. Holt, lota 1-2, blk 6 J. S. Patten, lots 5-6, blk C . ' .67 .33 .34 .68 .68 .88 .34 .67 .33 Willard F. Hawley, lots 7-8, blk 4 Augusta T. Gather, lot 3, blk 5 O. C. & A. M. Yocum, lots 3-4, blk 11 Harry Jones, lot 2, blk 12 RHODODENDRON The Rhododendron Min eral Springs Land Co., lots 4-5, blk 9 A. A. Hoover, part of lot 9, blk 11 The Rhododendron Min eral Springs Land Co., part of lot 15, blk 11... .34 .25 .6ft William H. Curtis, lot H. Curtis, lot 10, blk 5 , William" . 12, blk 5 1.32 1.65 Lydia A. Harlow. Inf. blk 10 3.63 B. & W. R. R. Co., part of lot 12, East of the R. of V., blk 13 ,99 Jonn H. Nash, Westerly . 1-2 of lot 2, blk 16 .... John R. Nash, Westerly part of lots 4-5, blk 16. John R. Nash, that part of Third avenue, between blk 16 & 24 L. L. Grav. lot 10 hlk 4 7 1.16 1.48 20.46 2.47 L. L. Gray, lot 12, blk 17 16.50 ROCKLAND-L Mathew Brown, lot 1. blk 5 ROCKWOOD ACRES J. & O. Olsnn. Int. 1 9... . .27 12.10 8.60 ROSE WOOD O. I. & S. Co.. lot 3 . . r. . . Thomas A Kflwnrd. Inln 52-53 7.56 Emma A. Bunker, lot 56 3.60 Melvin & Armstrong, lot 64 J. & A. Bauer, lot 76 .... O. I. & S. Co.. lot 77 3.60 4.60 3.42 SANDY Sandy Land Co., Eas! 1-2 of lot 3, blk 8 O. . WCnssfiHv. Int. K hlk A .92 3.33 JUNKER SECOND ADD. TO SANDY . Caspor Juhier, lot 5, blk 4 .46 JUNKER THIRD ADD. TO SAJNDi Casper Junker, lot 5, blk .33 SANDY LAND CO. FIRST A Tin' TO SANDY Sandy Land Co., blk H. . 1.84 SANDY LAND CO. SECOND ADD. TO SANDY Sandy Land Co., lot 10, blk 4 .67 Sandy Land Co., lots 1 to 5 inc., blk 15 1.15 Sand Land Co., lota 6 to ' 10 inc, blk 16 1.38 Sandy Land Co., lota 1 to 5, blk 16 1.15 Sand Land Co., lots 6 to 5 10 inc, blk 16 1.38 Sandv Land Co.. Int. 1ft. blk 17 Sandy Land Co., lots 4-5, blk 20 SHANNON ACRE TRACTS .34 .69 Wm. 8. Turner, lots 1 to 34 inc $122.68 Wm. S. Turner, lot 35. 3.20 SILVER SPRINGS ADD Wm ! Da Mnrf Into 1-2, blk 4 A. J. & L. W. Reiahardt, lots 4-5, blk 5 ; 3.30 3.30 SUJNSET CITY Roy P. Sunderland, lot 2, blk 5 7.50 u. uuaner, lots i-z-3, blk 8 , WEBSTER ACRES J. O. Elrod, lot 20..... J. O. Elrod, lot 21 .... WITCHAW T. Rambo, South 1-2 of blk 5 WILLAMETTE FALLS Alice M. Graves, lot 6, blk 8 Mnrtrnrof T. PofHnr? lnf 7.50 10.20 12.60 7.13 15.67 6, bik 8 2.21 James and Anna Down ey, lot 9, blk 8 4.12 James and Anna Down- Continued on pag&