OREGON CITY COURIER. THURSDAY JULY 31, 1913. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. C. C. Paxton, Plaintiff, . vs. Letha Paxton, Defendant. To Letha Paxton, the defendant above named: In the name of the- State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed herein against you in the ahove entitled Court and cause within six weeks from the date of the first publicat ion of this summons, namely within six weeks from the 10th day of July, 1913, that being the time fixed by the Court for you to appear and answer, and if you fail to so appear, for want thereof plaintiff will apply to the Courtf or the relief prayed for in his complaint to-wit: For a decree against you forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing be tween you and the plaintiff herein on the grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment, and for such other and fur ther relief as to the Court may seem just and equitable in the premises. This summons is served upon you by publicaion once a week for six consecutive weeks, by order of the Honorable J. A. Aiken, Judge of the above entitled Court, made and entered in said cause on the 7th day of July, 1913. T. M. Morris Attorney for plaintiff. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka . . mas Ella Nissonger, Plaintiff, vs. t Walter E .Nissonger, Defendant. To Walter E. Nissonger, Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are heieby required to appear and answer the complaint of the plaintiff filed herein against you in the above entitled suit on or before the 16th day of August, 1913; said date being after the expiration of six weeks from the first publication of this summons, and if you fail to so appear and answer said complaint " for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in the complaint to-wit: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and defendant, and for such other and further relief as to the Court seems equitable. This Summons is served upon you by publication in the Oregon City Courier, a weekly newspaper printed and pubished in Clackamas County, Oregon, pursuant to an order of the Hon. J. U. Campbell, judge of the above entitled Court made and enter ed on the 27th day of June, 1913; said Summons will be published for six consecutive and successive weeks, and the date of the first publication is July 3,1913. John F. Logan Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clack amas. Florence Johnson, Plaintiff, vs. Carl P. Johnson, Defendant. State of Oregon, County of Clacka mas ss. Bv virtue of a judgement order, decree and an execution, duly issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled Court, in the above entitled cause, to me duly direct jd and dated the 25th day of June, 1913, upon a judgement rendered and entered in said court on the 13th day of June, 1913, in favor of Florence Johnson Plaintiff and against Carl P. Johnson, Defendant for the sum of $500.00 and the costs of and upon this suit com manding me out of the personal prop erty of said defendant, and if suffic ient could not be found, then out of the real property belonging to said de fendant on and after the date of said Judgement to satisfy said sum of $500.00 and also the costs upon this said writ. Now Therefore, by virtue of said execution, judgement order and de cree, and in compliance with the com mands of said writ, being unable to find any personal property of said defendant's I did on the 28th day of June 1913 duly levy upon the follow ing described real property of said defendant, situate and being in the County of Clackamas, and State of Oregon, to-wit: All of the defendant's Carl P. Johnson, interest in Blocks numbered 112 and 113 of Gladstone, in Clackamas County, Oregon. And I will, on Saturday, the 2nd day of August, 1913, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door of the County Court House in the City of Oregon City, in said County and State, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U. S. gold coin, cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which the within named defendants, or either of them, had on the date of said Judgement or since had in or to the above described real property or any part thereof, to sat isfy said Execution judgement order, decree, interest, costs and all accru ing costs. E.T. Mass Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. Bv B. J. Staats, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, June 28th, 1913. AM Ml THROAT AND IUN0 TROUBLES 3 GUARANTEED SATSFACTORY Off Kt mnuE.D POLK'S- OREGON and WASHINGTON Business Directory ntnurtrv nf Anph Citv. Town and villain irtvlne descriptive sketch of each place, location, population, tele nil hlnnlnfl. and b&nkin tolnt: also Clarjlfled Directory, compiled by business and profession. B. L. FOLK CO, BEATTLE iKiULTMieOUGH) I mof 3UCHS fcRict bo a i loo ilvH?UJ.0S flTRTAt BOTTiE fREI I CITATION In the Circuit Court of the State of ..Oregon for the County of Clacka mas Pearl Hamilton, Plaintiff, vs. Fred Hamilton, Defendant. To Pearl Hamilton, Plaintiff above named: In the name of the State of Ore gon: You are hereby cited and re quired to appear and be in the Cir cuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas, at the court room of said Court, on the 28th day of August 1913 at the hour of 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, then and there show cause, if any ex ist, why you should not be punished for contempt of the order and decree of this Court herein made and dated May 6th, 1913 and why the decree herein should not be modified and the custody of the minor child Gilber Ham ilton, should not be awarded to the paternal grand parents or said child or to the defendant. Witness the Hon. J. A. Eakin Judge of said Court this 7th day of July 1913. W. L. Mulvey," Clerk By F. W. Greenman Deputy Clerk. C. D. and D. C. Latourette, Attorn eys for Defendant. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, For the County of Clack amas Oregon Investment Company, a Cor poration, Plaintiff. vs. Charles Friedellck, Defendant. To Charles Frederick, Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled cause with in six (6) weeks from the date of pub lication of summons, and if you fail to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will take judgement against you for the sum of One Hundred and Fifty-one 67-100dredths ($151.67) Dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of six (6) per cent per annum from April 26th, 1913, until paid, and for the further sum of Forty no-100-dredths ($40.00) Dollars, and for its costs and disbursements herein. This is an action upon a promissory note signed by the defendant, in favor of the plaintiff, and this publication is made pursuant to an order of the court made on the 1st day of July, 1913, directing service on you by pub lication of summons. Date of first publication July 3, 1913. Date of last publication August 14, 1913. Woerndle & Haas Attorneys for Plaintiff Sheriff's Sale on Execution In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. D. P. Mathews, Plaintiff, -- vs. L. E. Williams and A. R. Williams, Defendants. State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss. By virtue of a judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly issued out of and under the seal of the above en titled court, in the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 7th day of July, 1913, upon a jud gment rendered and entered in said court on the 2nd day of January, 1913, in favor of D. P. Mathews, plaintiff, and against L. E. Williams, and A. R Williams, Defendants, for the sum of $275.00, with interest thereon at the rate of a per cent, per annum Irom the first day of March, 1912, and the further sum of $75.00 as attorney's fee, and the further sum of $14.25 costs and disbursements, and the costs of and unon this writ, commanding me out of the personal property of said defendants, and it sufficient couia not be found, then out of the real pro perty belonging to said defendants on and after the date of said judg ment to satisfy said sum of $275.00 and all the costs unon this said writ Now. therefore, by virtue of said execution, judgment order and decree, and in compliance with the commands of said writ, being unable to hnd any personal property of said defendants, I did on the 9tn day oi jury, duly levy upon the following described real property or said aeienuanis, sit' uate and being in the County of Clack' amas. and state of Oregon, to-wit: Lot 3 and 4 of block 72, Minthorn and all of the right title and interest wh ch the within named defendants had or now have on said lots, and I wil on Saturday, the 16th day ot August, 1913. at the hour of 10 ociock A. M., at the front door of the county court huse in the citv of Oregon City, in said county and state, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, lor u. . gold coin, cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which the within named de fendants, or either of them, had on the date of said judgment or since had in or to the above described real pro- nertv or anv part thereof, to satisfy said execution, judgment order, decree interest, costs and all accruing costs. to. 1. 1V1A&B, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Ore, Bv B. J. Staats, Deputy. Dated Oregon City, Oregon, July 9, 1913. Administratrix's Notice Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed ad ministratrix of the estate of M. H. Flanagan, deceased, and any and all persons having claims against said estate mus present them, duly veri fied, at the office of my attorneys, Dimick & Dimick, in Uregon L-ity, ure gon, on or before the expiration of six months from the date of this notice. Dated this 17th day of July, 1913 Kate Flanagan, Administrates Dimick & Dimick, Attorneys for Administratrix. i Notice to Creditors Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed by the county court of the State of Ore gon, for Clackamas Cointy, admin istrator of the estate of J. J. Gard, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby re quired to present the sarre to me pro perly verified as by law required at the office of U'Ren & Schuebel, Ore gon City, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Date of first publication, Thursday, July 24, 1913. Roscoe Gard Administrator of the Estate of J. J. Gard, Deceased. j U'Ren & Schuebel, I Attorneys for Administrator. FINAL NOTICE Notice is hereby sriven that the un dersigned has filed his Final Heport as Trustee of Henry Kerbs, Gus Ger del and Ed Bittner with the Circuit Court of ths State of Oregon for Clackamas County and that all per sons having any objections to said report must file said objections witn said court on or before four weeks after date of this notice. Dated July 10th, 1913. Jacob Mrosik, Trustee. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clack amas. Julia M. Raab, Plaintiff; vs. John C. Raab, Defendant. To John C. Raab, the above named Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon. you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the 29th day of August, 1913, said date being more than six weeks after the first publication tot tnis summons, and for want of answer, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in plaintiff's complaint, to wit: tor a decree disoivinir tne Donas oi matrimony existing between yourself and the plaintiff, and for permission to resume her former name, viz. Julia M. Rambo. This summons is published by order of Judge J. A. Aiken, Tudge of the Circuit Court for the State of Ore gon, First publication July 17, 1913. Last publication August 28, 1913. M J. McMahon SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon tor tne county ot uacna mas. John W. Loder, Plaintiff, vs: C. E. Ronell, also all other persons or parties unknown ilaiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the com plaint herein, Defendants. To C. E. Ronell, also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the com plain herein, defendants above nam ed: In the Name of the State of Ore- eon, vou are hereby required to ap pear and answer the Complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before Saturday, the 16th day of August, 1913, said date being the ex piration of six weeks from and after the date of the first publication of this Summons, and if you fail to so appear and answer for want there of, the plaintiff will apply to the above Court for the relief demanded in his complaint on file herein, and will take judgement against you as follows, to-wit: That you defendants be required to set up in your answer to said com plaint the actual nature of your sev eral adverse and contacting claims to plaintiff in and to the following de scribed real property: All of Lots Three (3) and J) our (4) in Orchard Hill, in Clackamas County, State of Oregon, in accordance with the duly recorded plat thereof, of rec- ord in the office of the Recorder of Conveyances in and for said County and State, and for a decree that plain- tiff is the absolute cwner in fee simple of said real property above described and every part thereof, and that you defendants and any person or persons claiming or to claim by, through or under said detendants or anv of them, have no right, title, es- tate. lien or interest m or to the said real property or any part thereof, and that they and each of them be forever barred and stopped from as serting or claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in said real pronertv or any part thereof. That plaintirt's title m and to said real property and the whole thereof, be forever quieted, for plaintiff's costs and disbursements herein and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem just and equit able in the premises. This Summons is published by or der of Hon. R. B. Beatie, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County, which . order was made and entered on the 30th day of June, 1913. Date of first publication of this summons, Thursday, July 3rd, 1913, and the date of the last publication thereof is Thursday, August 14th, 1913, and the time of the publication of said Summons is six full weeks from and after the date of the first publication thereof. Dimick & Dimick Attorneys for Plaintiff SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. Hazel Bahnsen, Plaintiff, vs. Martin Bahnsen, Defendant, To Martin Bahnsen, tho above named Defendant; In the name of the State of Oregon You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court within six weeks after the date of the first publication of this sum mons, and if you fail to so appear and answer, for want thereof, the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the re lief demanded in his complaint, to wit: for a decree of absolute divorce from the bonds of matrimony now ex isting between you and the plaintiff, suance to an order of Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled Court, made and entered on the 14th day of June, 1913. Date of first publication June 20, 1913. Date of last publication August 1st 1913. SEITZ & CLARK Attorneys for plaintiff, Not Feelinir Just Right? Read This Mr. Jack Maltos. Coppeiopolis, Cal if., would not make this statement were it not absolutely true. H could hardly Btand on my feet, and when sitting down could hardly arise on ac count of pain in my kidneys. I tried three bottles of Foley Kidney mi and thev entirely cured me, and have had no kidney trouble since. Ask him. Huntley Bros. Co. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas Fred L. Widell, Plaintiff, vs. Martha Widell. Defendant. To Martha Widell, defendant: In the name of the btate ot uregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint ot the plaintiff filed herein against you in the above entitled suit on or Deiore the 11th day of August, 1913; said date being after the expiration of six weeks from the first publi cation of this summons, and if you fail to so appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in the complaint to-wit: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and defendant, and for the care and custody of the minor chil dren of plaintiff and defendant, and for such other and further relief as to the Court seems equitable. This Summons is served upon you by publication in the Oregon City Courier, a weekly newspaper printed and published and having a general circulation in Clackamas County, Ore gon, pursuant to an order of the Hon. K. B. -Beatie, county judge, in tne aD- sence of. Hon. J. U. Campbell, judge of the above entitled Court made and entered on the 25th day of June, 19- 13: said Summons will be published for six consecutive and successive weeks, and the date of the first pub lication is June 26, 1913. Walter G. Hayes . Attorney for Plaintiff 516 Fenton Bldg., Portland, Ore. Executor's Notice Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned execuor of the last will and testament of William Wild, deceased, pursuant to an order heretofore en tered in the county court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas county, in the matter of the estate of William Wild, deceased, will sell at public auc tion, to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, from and after the 25th day of August, 1913, at the front door of the court house at Oregon City, Ore gon the following described land, to wit: Beginning at a point N. 43 deg. 18 min E. 31.86 feet and S 27 deg. 4 min E. 325 ft. from the Northwesterly corner of the Donation Land Claim of Fendal C. Cason and wife, T 2 S. R. 2 E. of the Willamette Maridian in Oregon; thence N. 43 deg. 18 min. E. 380.06 feet parallel with the northerly line of said claim to a point in tne Easterly line of a tract of land de scribed at Page 106 Book 101, Deed Records for Clackamas County, Ore gon; thence S. 43 deg. 18 min. E. 177..5 ft. to the Southeasterly corner of said tract; thence S. 43 deg. 18 min W. parallel to the Northerly line of said claim 434.66 feet; thence N. 27 deg. 04 min. W. leaving a thirty foot street along the boundary line of said claim 187.5 feet to the place of be ginning, containing one and one-half acres, more or less. It is herbey understood and agreed that a strip of land of uniform width of fifteen feet along the entire south erly side of the tract hereby conveyed is to be used as a street in connection with fifteen feet southerly adjacent thereto and in case said street is va cated the fifteen foot strip above men tioned to revert to and become the absolute property Efo ellnm hrfdw absolute property of Ellen Grant Dated July 24, 1913. JOHN W. LODER Executor of the Last Will and Test ament of William Wild, Deceased. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. Nellie Waller, Plaintiff, vs. SampsoriM. Waller, Defendant. To Sampson M. Waller, Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of the plaintiff filed herein against you in the above entitled suit on or before the 6th day of September, 1913; said date being more than six weeks from the first publication of this summons, and it ou fail to so appear'and answer said complaint, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in said complaint, to-wit: for a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimonv now existing between plaintiff and defendant herein; for the sole care and custody of the minor child, Burt Waller, and such other and further relief as the Court may deem ust and equitable. This summons is served upon you by publication in the Oregon City Courier, a weekly newspaper of gen eral circulation printed and published in Clackamas County, State of Oregon, pursuant to an or der of the Hon. R. B. Beatie, the Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County, made and entered on the 22nd day of July, 1913, ordering the publication of said summons for six consecutive weeks, and the date of the first publication is July 24, 1913. W. P. Hibbard, Attorney for Plaintiff. Straight & Salisbury Agents for the celebrated LEADER Water Systems and STOVER GASOLINE ENGINES, We also carry A full line of MYERS pumps and Spray Pumps. We make a specialty of installing . . Water Systems and Plumb- . . ing in the country " 20 Main St. Phone 2082 E. n. COOPER ' The Insurance Man Fire, Life, Sick and Accident In surance. Dwelling House Insur ance a specialty. office with URN & SCHUEBEL, Oregon City DOOMED TO A LIVING DEATH. French Convicts Leave Hope Behind When They Enter Cayenne. Cayenne red pepper to the world at li.rge, hell to the few thousand of con victs transported to this Isolated northeastern corner of eqiintoriiil South America. Here, it wns rumored, exist ed one of the world's most antiquated and revolting penal systems, where thousands of irjen are exiled and donyi ed to a llvinc death Men from French Guiana had intimated conditions which vied with the cruelties of the old con vlct ships. Groups of convicts lounged about or lay sick and Incapacitated on the ve ntndas At nljtlit the barred Iron door of each dormitory Is locked, and out side paces a guard, revolver In hand Sometimes under cover of darkness the inmates settle feuds. Occasionally to establish leaders rival gangs fight with cudgels, knives and even paving stones Some disabled, others dead, the most Indomitable are reconciled and form n tyrannical secret society. Many n poor wretch dreads the night hours, and one suspected of In forming may be set upon by an en raged pack. Occasionally murder Is committed In profound silence, and daylight finds a dead or dying convict In the passageway or entrance. Ques tioning Is useless, and few guards will risk life in entering the barracks when smothered cries and cursings warn them of Internal strife. All the men I talked with were well disposed toward ue, one In particular a tall, well educated mun with n pair of dark rimmed glasses and large, eyes fearfully strained through Inability to secure proper lenses. "Vou must not lose hope," I told a group mid almost swallowed my own words "nope!" burst out the rich, tremulous voice of the tall num. "It is always the same: there is no hope here." "No: no hope here!" was the echoed murmur of his comrades. Charles Wellington Furlong In Har per's Magazine. Restoration of Entry of Lands in Na tional Forest Notice is hereby given that the lands described below, embracing 65 acres, within the Oregon National 1'orest, Oregon, will be subject to settlement and entry under the provisions of the homestead laws of the United States and the act of June 11, 1906 (34 Stat., 233), at the United States land office at Portland, Oregon, on September 24, 1913. Any settler who was actu ally and in good faith claiming any of said lands for agricultural pur poses prior to January 1, 1906, and has not abandoned same, has a pref erence right to make a homestead entry for the lands actually occupied. Said lands were listed upon the ap plications of the persons mentioned below, who have a preference right subject to the prior right of any such settler, provided such settler or applicant is qualified to make home stead entry and the preference right is exercised prior to September 24, 1913, on which date the lands will be subject to settlement and entry by any qualified person. The lands are as follows: The SW 1-4 of SW 1-4 of SE 1-4, Sec. 24, the N 1-2 of NW 1-4 of NW 1-4, the N 1-2 of S 1-2 of NW 1-4 of NW 1-4, the N 1-2 of NE 1-4 of NW 1-4, the N 1-2 of NW 1-4 of NW 1-4 of NE 1-4, Sec. 25, T 2S., R. 7 E., 65 acres, subject to an ease ment for public highway over the land. Said tract was listed upon the ap plication of Benjamin B. Totten, of Welches, Oregon; List 6-905. Ap proved July 14, 1913,' C M. Bruce, Assistant Commissioner of the Gen eral Land Office. dd Rpirislrations for the recall elec tion in Clackamas county close Fri day night, at five o'clock not Thurs day night, as has been printed. This is authoritive is given out by County Clerk Mulvey. No woman can vole at the recall election August 16 unless she is rcg gistered and no man can vote unlesn he was registered in 1912. It is the duty of every voter in Clackamas county to register and vote at this election. It is a matter that should have a full expression of the county no matter how you stand on the recall, express it. And you lady voters of the county, you have given to you what the ladies of England are fighting lor ana De coming criminals to get. Use it. Vote as your judgement dictates. HUT VOTE. FRIDAY NIGHT AT FIVE Registration for Recall closes at this hour. If you huven't. Register. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. Loui B. Taylor, Plaintiff, vs. William G. Taylor, Defendant. To William G. Taylor, Defendant: In the name of thte State of Ore- e-on. vou are nereuy req'ureu wo p , , 1 a pear and answer the complaint 01 tne Dlaintiff filed herein against you in the above entitled suit in or before the 8th dav of September, 1913; said date being after the expiration of Bix weeks from the first publication of this summons, and if you fail to so ap pear and answer said complaint, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in the complaint for a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and defendant, and for such other reliet as to tne Court seems equitable.' This summons is served upon you by publication in the Oregon City Courier, a weekly newspaper printed and published and having a general circulation in Clackamas I ounty, ure eon. mirsuant to an order of the Hon, R. B. Beatie. County Judge, in the absence of the Circuit Judge, of the above entitled Court, duly made and entered on the 22nd day of July, rJ13 Said summons will be published for six consecutive and sucessive weeks, and the date of the first publication is July 24, 1913. Walter G. Hayes, Attorney for Plaintiff, 616 Fenton Bldg., Portland, Oregon 111 ' , i r'j7Ln.sM m to 'l$l!'N! ALCOHOL 3 PER CEN1 Awgelable Preparation ForAs similaiingttefoodanilRcgula ling Uie Stomachs andBowds of Promotes DigesKonflieerful ncss and Rest.Contalns neither Opium.Morphitic nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. HecpeiiFOUlkSMMmam flmiiiia Seed' jllx.Smim :0rtiii Horn, wed - Clarified Suptr . Mimamai lane. ADerfect Remedy forCcmsIipa Hon , Soui- Stomach.DiarrlKM mm Worras,Convulsions.rcvcrisli ness ondLoss OFSieep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. . ,-nd.Tj mm Exact Copy of Wrapper. , ., mMl 1 1 ll P Hi 14v L if) Sold by dealers everywhere and the STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CALIFORNIA) PORTLAND SAN FRANCISCO U'REN & SCHUEBEL Attorneys at Law Will practice in all courts, make collections and settlements of es tates, furnish abstracts of titlo, and lend you money, or lend your money on first mortgage. Office In Enterprise Bldg., Oregon City. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE BEGINS its forty -D nh school year September is. IS13. DEGREE COURSES i" mnnyphnsesof AGRICULTURE. ENGINEERING, nomi ECONOMICS. MININQ, FORESTRY, COM MERCE. PHARMACY. TWO-YEAR COURSES 1" aoricul- TURK, HOME ECONOMICS. MECHANIC ARTS, FORESTRY, COMMERCE, PHARMACY TEACHER'S COURSES " uinuuui training, agriculture, domestic science ,uiid art. MUSIC, including piano, string, Dana nstruinents and voice culture. A BEAUTIFUL BOOKLET entitled "Tint Knrichmknt 01' Rural iji'B" and a Catai.oguk will be mailed free on application. Address II. M. Tbnnant, Registrar, (tw-7-15 to 9-9) Corvallis, Oregon. Dr. L. G. ICE DENTIST Beaver Building Oregon lit Phones Paolflo, 1221. Homo A 19 BROWN ELL & STONE f ATTORNEYS AT LAW Oregon City, Oregon Why not get your Lumber from the MILL, direct and save money? Let me figure ou your lumber bill. 1000 loads of WOOD for sale or trade. George Lammers Beaver ureeK, Rome j m For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought . Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years THS OCNTAUR OOMPANV. NSW YORK CITY. Registration of Land Title- In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. In the Matter of the Application of Martin J. Olson for the Registra tion of Title to the following de scribed land: Beginning at the N. E. corner of Sec. 25, T. ! S. R. 1 W. of the W. M., the same being mark ed by a stone 14 inches by 7 inches by 9 inches and running thence S. 89 deg. 52 min. W. on line between Sec. 24 and 25, 14.42? chs. to an iron rod; thence S. 0 deg. 8 min. E. 2.75 chs. to an iron rod; thence .S. 44 deg. 52 min. W. 2.00 chs. to an iron rod; thence S. 87 deg. 52 min. W. 4.095 chs. to an iron rod; thence S. 0 deg. 3 min. W. 85.58 chs to an iron rod at the S. W. corner of the S. E. of the N. E. V of Sec 25; thence S. 89 deg. 58 min E. 19,952 chs. to a yew post at the V Sec. cor. between Sec. 25 and 30, thence East 4.875 chs. to the center of the county road; thence N. 46 deg. 88 min. E. 3.35 chs.; thence N. 2 deg. 34 min. E. 12.34 chs; thence N; 89 deg. 40 min. W. tracing ,.the S. boundary of the Albert Fish D. L. C. 7.85 chs to the S. W. cor. of the said claim; thence North on the Willamette Maridian line 25.18 chs. to the place of beginning, contain ing 88.534 acres, situate in Clack amas County, State of Oregon, vs. Amanda A Reasoner, Trustee, Elmer E. Gleason, Trustee, Walter A. Dimick, Administrator of the estate of John R. Dimick, deceased, Mar tha A. Runge (formerly Martha A. Taylor) and H. Runge. her husband and all to whom it may concern, De fendants, TAKE NOTICE That on the 21st day of July, A. D. 1913, an application was filed by said Martin J. Olson in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackmaaa County, for initial registration of the title of the land above described. Wow unless you appear on or before the 2Gth day of August, A. D. 1913, and show cause why scuh application shall not be granted, the same will be taken as confessed and a decree will be en tered according to the prayer of the application and you will be forever barred from disputing the same. W. L. MULVEY, Clerk of Clackamas County, Oregon, and Exofficio Clerk of the Circui; Court therein. By I. M. HARRINGTON G. B. DIMICK, Deputy Attorney for Applicant. AW mv m. m m mm