7 n I 1 Stock of Merchandise Stock of essonable etchaxidise 5 M jRemaiinide f of the O Jt THrn r1. W Stock When we; purchased the stock, grounds and buildings of Mr. D. C. Ely we had to accept all of his future orders for merchandise, comprising much merchandise of all kinds both for immediate use and new fall and winter goods WE HAVE WAITED for the finish of this sale until all goods were in. They are here making over TWENTY-FIVE THOASAND DOLLARS in this stock yet to be sold. NOW We Don't WIlt a sne ars worth of his stock as we intend buying entirely new stock out and out for our Big New Department Store and the prices we are going to sell it at, a few quoted below, is evidence to you we mean business. Now for the Crowning Event, Unprecedented, Unrivaled Finish of the Sale of This Large Stock NEVER BEFORE SUCH A MAMMOTH SLAUGHTER OF MERCHANDISE There arc' no better goods than offered in this stock, and stock is offered in its entirety, nothing reserved. Crisp, new, snappy merchandise piled high all goes This Gigantic Finish Sale Starts Friday, August the 1st at 9:00 o'clock A. POSITIVELY CLOSING SATURDAY, AUGUST 6th, AT 9:30 P. M. M Fourteen Solid Selling Days of Slaughtered Merchandise. Not One Single Dollar's Worth of This Stock Must be Left Over at the Closing Hour. 1500 YARDS 1000 Yards Foulards and Silks One Lot of Summer Dress Goods Amoskeg A. F.C. Ginghams DIMITIES, MULLS, ETC. unn j l t Lawns, Swis.es and other Summer Wash Goods, regu- RfiguIar pr5ce 25c tQ 35c Tq 300 yds' reguIar price' 75c to OF ALL KINDS, REGULAR PRICE RANGES FROM 15c to 35c per yard. COME 1000 yards. Regular price, 1 cents. To go Iar price, 12c to 20c per yard. Togo ' ' $1' T g AND GET THEM. 5c Per Yard 12c per yard 35c the yard 7c the yard 6c per yard Kobe Silks 350!Yards 100 Yards Ribbons 150 soo yd, o..TL . 200 YardsfSilks 11 poplins and pongees 0ne lot abot boo yards. Reg- Wash Belts Giflgbams Outing flannels Regular nrice 11c To Regular price, $1.00 to $1.25. i . oe t Regular price, 10c and 12Jc Regular 35c to 50c. To go Regular price, 35c. logo P ular price to 25c. Togo Regulaj 25c. Togo Regular price, 10c, to go - the yard, to go . ' 15c Per Yard 48c the yard leper yard 7 c each 5c yard 5 c the yard 25 C the yard 500 YARDS 100 Yards Galitea Indin Linons Ladies Waists Ladies' Waists Ladies' Waists 150 Yards Silks OfwhE.frSun,n,er.dearfyFa11.R.gu. . Reprice, 15c ,o 25c. About 100. Regular $1 ,o $2. Ge !o, $1.50 $20, o go Abou, 25, reguW $4.00 ,o $5, & Togo To go to go Regular 75c to $1.00. To go lar 25 to 35c per yd. Togo Regular 20c. Togo 48c each 12C Per Yard 11c the yard 6c the yard 25c each cec $1.98 35c the yard Muslin Underwear I Henriettas, Cashmeres, s--- W,aPpe,s Corsets Ladies' and Men's Sweaters and other Woolen Dress Goods , , cnn . so, regular $1.50 to $2.00, to 100, regular 65c to $1.00, all I Skirts, Chemise and gowns. Regular $1.50 to $2.50. and ' 500 garments- go 100 Sweaters, regular price, $2.00 to $2.50. To go T0 go most all colors, regular price, 75c, $1, $1.25 the yard. To go Regular 25c to 35c, to go g 78c the Garment 38c per yard 1 5c each 75c each 25c 98c each Ladies Hats Hand Finished Muslin Drawers Neckwear p-, -JZsm Emtroideries Ladies. and Men's Sweaters - nP lor aKnt inn rpcmlar About 10 dozen, ranging m Ladies' Silk Gloves 5 Hundreds of yards, regular to 200, ranging in price from $3.00 to $7.00. Come and ne 101 aDOUl iUU' Ter price from 50c to $1.50. Come CjIOVCS 25 th dT 200 Sweaters, regular price $2.50 to $3.50. To go getthem 75c to $1.50, to go and pick 'em. All go at Regular 75c to $1.00. - Regular $1.50 to $2.00, to go " g 98c each 35c each 18c each 28c the pair 88c the pair 2c the yard $1.48 each LOW Shoes and Oxfords ies Bf ad Brim MenCstrw 200 Pair Hose Binder Twine Shoes Shoes Heating Stoves OailOrS and Cloth HatS Regular 25c to 35c the pair in Standard Men's and Ladies' regular $3.00 to $4.00 to go Regular, 75c to $1.00 Ranging in price from 50c to Ladies' and Children's To go . Entire Shoe Stock Buy them now and save half You will need one in 98C the pair 25c each lOcTach I4ctHePait 1S. iu,,.,. Sewing Machines Men's Hats nderweaT Men'a Pants- shirt5' Boy'' W!-Fd Hardware Don't overlook these. The best made at prices that Regular $2 50 to $3 00 Li!s The best reular $125' Clothing, etc. Gateg amJ Steeples, will save you from " Regular 50c to 75 garment. Shelf Hardware, Roofing, Paper, Builders' Material, qq " 70 EVERYTHING GOES. Buggy and Hack Wheels Pitchforks, Rakes, Hoes, and all garden utensils to go. $25.00 to $35.00 98c 35c . ' Mowers, t d r 17 Quart Dish Pan enameled pint drink- Old HickorV affOnS Rakes, tOVeS anges om orts' Tripple coated enameled roll ING CUPS 700 J 5 cHiuv puw.' Kitchenettes and Blankets rims, white coated inside. Will . SuUey flows, and Quilts not turn black, regular $1.25, Regular 15c each, tripple. We will sell at cost 10 JOHN DEER BUGGIES. We Harrows , Kitchen utensils too numerous o go coated, to go Pieces of enameled ware. Tripple coated, the best and willsellatcost Discs, etc to mention, all go in this sale. v NOW o n ' all kinds of them, at practically 50c on the dollar. All go at cost. Joe zc eacn Gome 0 Wc arc determined that this entire stock must go, and will have extra sales peo ple to serve you. There ate literally hundreds and hundreds of other bargains we have not the time or space to quote that await you. ENTIRE STOCK IS TO GO, Nothing Reserved ow Polks, Come end (Set These Don't wait four or five days or a week and then come around asking for them. They may be here and they may not, but when this advertisement reaches you we will have plenty, and we are setting the opening day far enough ahead that everybody will have an equal chance, as we are anxious for everyone to share these bargains. COME ON NOW, BE HERE AT THE HOUR OF OPENING. ELLIOT! 0 Successors to D. C. ELY 7 ;h St 1 tie joli NOTICE We Will Pay $50 to any charitable institution in the county named by the finder of a single misstatement "in this ad, or if we fail to produce quantities advertised on Opening Day. v