OREGON CITY COURIER, THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1913 SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of . Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. C. C. Paxton, Plaintiff, vs. Letha Paxton, Defendant. To Letha Paxton, the defendant above named: In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed herein against you in the above entitled Court and cause within six weeks from the date of the first publicat ion of this summons, namely within six weeks from the 10th day of July, 1913, that being the time fixed by the Court for you to appear and answer, and if you fail to so appear, for want thereof plaintiff will apply to the Courtf or the relief prayed for in his complaint to-wit: For . a decree against you forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing be tween you and the plaintiff herein on the grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment, and for such other and fur ther relief as to the Court may seem just and equitable in the premises. This summons is served upon you by publicaion once a week for six consecutive weeks, by order of the Honorable J. A. Aiken, Judge of the above entitled Court, made and entered in said cause on the 7th day of July, 1913. T. M. Morris Attorney for plaintiff. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka . .mas Ella Nissonger, Plaintiff, vs. Walter E Nissonger, Defendant. To Walter E. Nissonger, Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are heieby required to appear and answer the complaint of the plaintiff filed herein against you in ' the above entitled suit on or before the 16th day of August, 1913; said date being after the expiration of six weeks from the first publication of this summons, and if you fail to so appear and answer said complaint for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in the complaint to-wit: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and defendant, and for such other and further relief as to the Court seems equitable. This Summons is served upon you by publication in the Oregon City Courier, a weekly newspaper printed and pubished in Clackamas County, Oregon, pursuant to an order of the Hon. J'. U. Campbell, judge of the above entitled Court made an4 enter ed on the 27th day of June, 1913; said Summons will be published for six consecutive and successive weeks, and the date of the first publication is July 3,1913. John F. Logan Attorney for Plaintiff SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clack amas. Florence Johnson, Plaintiff, vs. Carl P. Johnson, Defendant. . State of Oregon, County of Clacka mas ss. Bv virtue of a judgement order, decree and an execution, duly issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled Court, in the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 25th day of June, 1913, upon a judgement rendered and entered in said court on the 13th day of June, 1913, in favor of Florence Johnson Pteintiff and against Carl P. Johnson, Defendant for the sum of $500.00 and the costs of and upon this suit com manding me out of the personal prop erty of said defendant, and if suffic ient could not be found, then out of the real property belonging to said de fendant on and after the date of said Judgement to satisfy said sum of $500.00 and also the costs upon this said writ Now Therefore, by virtue of said execution, judgement order and de cree, and in compliance with the com mands of said writ, being unable to find any personal property of said defendant's I did on the 28th day of June 1913 duly levy upon the follow ing described real property of said defendant, situate and being in the County of Clackamas, and State of Oregon, to-wit: All of the defendant's Carl P. Johnson, interest in Blocks numbered 112 and 113 of Gladstone, in Clackamas County, Oregon. And I will, on Saturday, the 2nd day of August, 1913, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door of the County Court House in the City of Oregon City, in said County and State, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U. S. gold coin, cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which the within named defendants, or either of them, had on the date of said Judgement or since had in or to the above described real property or any part thereof, to sat isfy said Execution judgement order, decree, interest, costs and all accru ing costs. E.T. Mass Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. By B. J. Staats, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, June 28th1913. ttlLLTHECOUGH miMKIUGS IE17DISC0VEQY UofOUGHSQct ruROLDSOs 50ftl.00 TBIttBOrrtifRH AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES GUARANTE0 SATSFACTORr Off ffowgy ffCFvvvEt. POLK'S- OREGON and WASHINGTON S Business Directory W a Directory of each City. Town and I Village. (Ivlng descriptive "ketch of I each place, location, population, tele- hlnnlnr and banklnr point: I ales Clanlfled Directory, compiled by bualneea and profeulon. , R. I POT.K CO.. SEATTLB CITATION In the Circuit Court of the State of . .Oregon for the County of Clacka mas Pearl Hamilton, Plaintiff, vs. Fred Hamilton, Defendant. To Pearl Hamilton, Plaintiff above named: In the name of the State of Ore gon: You are hereby cited and re quired to appear and be in the Cir cuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas, at the court room of said Court, on the 28th day of August 1913 at the hour of 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, then and there show cause, if any ex ist, why you should not be punished for contempt of the order and decree of this Court herein made and dated May 6th, 1913 and why the decree herein should not be modified and the custody of the minor child Gilber Ham ilton, should not be awarded to the paternal grand parents or said child or to the defendant. Witness the Hon. J. A. Eakin Judge of said Court this 7th day of July 1913. W. L. Mulvey, Clerk By F. W. Greenman Deputy Clerk. C. D. and D. C. Latourette, Attorn eys for Defendant. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, For the County of Clack amas Oregon Investment Company, a Cor poration, Plaintiff. vs. Charles Friederjck, Defendant. To Charles Frederick, Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled cause with in six (6) weeks from the date of pub lication of summons, and if you fail to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will take judgement against you for the sum of One Hundred and Fifty-one 67-100dredths . ($151.67) Dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of six (6) per cent per annum from April 26th, 1913, until paid, and for the further sum of Forty no-100-dredtha ($40.00) Dollars, and for its costs and disbursements herein. This is an action upon a promissory note signed by the defendant, in favor of the plaintiff, and this publication is made pursuant to an order of the court made on the 1st day of July, 1913, directing service on you by pub lication of summons. Date of first publication July "3, 1913. ' Date of last publication August 14, 1913. Woerndle & Haas Attorneys for Plaintiff ' Sheriff's Sale on Execution In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. D. P. Mathews, Plaintiff, vs. L. E. Williams and A. R. Williams, Defendants. State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss. By virtue of a judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly issued out of and under the seal of the above en titled court, in the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 7th day of July, 1913, upon a jud gment rendered and entered in said court on the 2nd day of January, 1913, in favor of D. P. Mathews, plaintiff, and against L. E. Williams, and A. R. Williams, Defendants, tor the sum oi $275.00, with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum from the first day of March, 1912, and the further sum of $75.00 as- attorney's fee, and the further sum of $14.25 costs and disbursements, and the costs of and upon this writ, commanding me out of the personal property oi saia defendants, and if sufficient could not be found, then out of the real pro perty belonging to said defendants on and after the date of said judg ment to satisfy said sum of $275.00 and all the costs upon this said writ. Now. therefore, by virtue of said execution, judgment order and decree, and in compliance with the commands of said writ, being unable to find any personal property of said defendants, I did on the 9th day of July, 1913, duly levy upon the following described real property of said defendants, sit uate and being in the County of Clack amas, and state of Oregon, to-wit: Lot 3 and 4 of block Ti, Mintnorn and all of the right title and interest which the within named defendants had or now have oil said lots, and I wil on Saturday, the 16th day of August, 1913. at the hour of lu o'ciocK a. so... at the front door of the county court huse in the city of Oregon City, in said county and state, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, lor u. s. gold coin, cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which the within named de date of said judgment or since had in or to the above described real pro oertv or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, judgment order, decree interest, costs and all accruing costs. T. MASS, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Ore. By B. J. staats, Deputy. Dated Oregon City, Oregon, July 9, 1913. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas Rose Miltonberg, Plaintiff,. vs Morris Miltonberg, Defendant . To Morris Miltonberg the above nam ed defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby requiied to appear and answer the complaint of the plaintiff, filed against you in the above entit led court and cause, within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fail to appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief pray ed for in the said complaint, to-wit: for a decree dissolving the marriage contract existing between you and the plaintiff, and restoring to the plaintiff her former name, Rose Phil ips and for such other and further relief as she may be entitled to. This summons is served upon you by publication in the Oregon City Courier, pursuant to an order made and entered in the above entitled court on the 11th day of June 1913, by the Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of said court. DITCHBURN & DOWNES Attorneys for Plaintiff Date of 1st publication June 13, 1913 Date of last publication July 25 1913 Notice of Final Settlement Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned administrator of the estate of David K. Bill, deceased, has filed in the County Court of Clackamas Coun ty, State of Oregon, his final account as such administrator of said estate and that Monday, the 28th day of July 1913, at the hour of ten o'clock, A. M. has been fixed by said Court as the time for hearing of objections to said report and the settlement thereof. John Loder, Administrator of the Estate of Dav id K. Bill, deceased: FINAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has filed his Final Report as Trustee of Henry Kerbs, Gus Ger- aei ana caQ Dinner wun me iiruun. Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County and that all per sons having any objections to said report must file said objections with said court on or before four weeks after date of this notice. Dated July 10th, 1913. Jacob Mrosik, Trustee. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clack amas. Julia M. Raab, Plaintiff, vs. John C. Raab, Defendant. To John C. Raab, the above named Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the- above entitled suit on or before the 29th day of August, 1913, said date being more than six weeks after the first publication bf this summons, and for want of answer, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in plaintiff's complaint, towit: For a decree disolvmg the bonds of matrimony existing between yourself and the plaintiff, and for permission to resume her former name, viz. Julia M. Rambo. This summons is published by order of Judge J. A. Aiken, Judge of the Circuit Court for the State of Ore gon. First publication July i7, 1913. Last publication August -28, 1913. . M J. McMahon SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas, John W. Loder, Plaintiff, vs. C. E. Ronell, also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the com plaint herein, Defendants. To C. E. Ronell, also all other persons or parties unknown Claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the com plain herein, defendants above nam ed: In the Name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the Complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before Saturday, the 16th day of August, 1913, said date being the ex piration of six weeks from and after the date of the first publication of this Summons, and if you fail to so appear and answer for want there of, the ' plaintiff will apply to the above Court for the relief demanded in his complaint on file - herein, and will take judgement against you as follows, to-wit: That you defendants be required to set up in your answer to said com plaint the actual nature of your sev eral adverse and conflicting claims to plaintiff in and to the following de scribed real property: All of Lots Three (3) and Four (4) in Orchard Hill, in Clackamas County, State of Oregon, in accordance with the duly recorded plat thereof, of rec ord in the office of the Recorder of Conveyances in and for said County and State, and for a decree that plain tiff, is the absolute cwner in fee simple of said real property above described and every part thereof, and that you defendants and any person or persons claiming or to claim by, through or under said defendants or any of them, have no right, title, es tate, lien or interest in or to the said real property or any part thereof, and that they and each of them be forever barred and stopped from as serting or claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in said real DroDertv or any part thereof. - That plaintiff's title in and to said real property and the whole thereof, be forever quieted, for plaintiff's costs and disbursements herein and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem just and equit able in the premises. This Summons is published by or der of Hon. K. B. Ilea tie, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County, which order was made and entered on the 30th dav of June. 1913. Date of first publication of this summons, Thursday, July 3rd, 1913, and the date of the last publication thereof is Thursday, August 14th, 1913, and the time of the publication of said Summons is six full weeks from and after the date of the first publication thereof. Dimick & Dimick Attorneys for Plaintiff SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. Hazel Bahnsen, Plaintiff, vs. , Martin Bahnsen, Defendant, To Martin Bahnsen, the above named Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court within six weeks after the date of the first publication of this sum mons, and if you fail to bo appear and answer, for want thereof, the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the re. lief demanded in his complaint, to wit: for a decree of absolute divorce from the bonds of matrimony now ex isting between you and the plaintiff. suance to an order of Hon. J. U Campbell, Judge of the above entitled Court, made and entered on the 14th day of June, 1913. Date of first publication June 20, 1913. Date of last publication August 1st 1913. SEITZ & CLARK Attorneys for plaintiff, SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas Fred L. Widell, Plaintiff, vs. Martha Widell, Defendant. To Martha Widell, defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of the plaintiff filed herein against you in the above entitled suit on or before the 11th day 'of August, 1913: said date being liter the expiration of six weeks from the .first publi cation of this summons, and if you Tail to so appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in the complaint to-wit: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and defendant, and for the car and custody of tne minor chil dren of plaintiff and defendant,' and for such other and further relief as to the Court seems equitable. This Summons is served upon you by publication in the Oregon City Courier, a weekly newspaper printed and published and having a general circulation in Clackamas County, Ore gon, pursuant to an order of the Hon. K. a. lieatie, county judge, in the ab sence of Hon. J. U. Campbell, judge of the above entitled Court made and entered on the 25th day of June, 19- 13: said summons will be published for six consecutive and successive weeks, and the date of the first pub lication is June 26, 1913. Walter U. Hayes Attorney for Plaintiff 516 Fenton Bldg., Portland, Ore. Executor's Notice Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned execuor of the last will and testament of William Wild, deceased, pursuant to an order heretofore en tered in the county court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas county, in the matter of the estate of William Wild, deceased, will sell at public auc tion, to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, from and after the 25th day of August, 1913, at the front door of the court house at Oregon City, Ore gon the following described land, to wit: Beginning at a point N. 43 deg. 18 min E. 31.86 feet and S 27 deg. 4 min E. 325 ft. from the Northwesterly corner of the Donation Land Claim of Fendal C. Cason and wife, T 2 S. R. 2 E. of the Willamette Maridian in Oregon; thence N. 43 deg. 18 min. E. 380.06 feet parallel with the northerly line of said claim to a point in the Easterly line of a tract of land de scribed at Page 106 Book 101, Deed Records for Clackamas County, Ore gon; thence S. 43 deg. 18 min. E. 177..5 ft. to the Southeasterly corner of 'said tract; thence S. 43 deg. 18 min W. parallel to the Northerly line of said claim 434.66 feet; thence N. 27 deg. 04 min. W. leaving a thirty foot street along the boundary line of said claim 187.5 feet to the place of be ginning, containing one and one-half acres, more or less. It is herbey understood and agreed that a strip of land of uniform width of fifteen feet along the entire south erly side of the tract hereby conveyed is to be used as a street in connection with fifteen feet southerly adjacent thereto and in case said street is va cated the fifteen foot strip above men tioned to revert to and become the absolute property Efo ellnm hrfdw absolute property of Ellen Grant Dated July 24, 1913. JOHN W. LODER Executor of the Last Will and Test ament of William Wild, Deceased. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. Nellie Waller, Plaintiff, vs. SampsonM. Waller, Defendant. To Sampson M. Waller, Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of the plaintiff filed herein against you in the above entitled suit on or before the 6th day of September, 1913; said date being more than six weeks from the first publication of this summons, and if you fail to so appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in said complaint, to-wit: for a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant herein; for the sole care and custody of the minor child, Burt Waller, and such other and further relief as the Court may deem just and equitable. This summons is served upon you by publication in the Oregon City Courier, a weekly newspaper of gen eral circulation printed and published in Clackamas County, State of Oregon, pursuant to an or. der of the Hon. R. B. Beatie, the Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County, made and entered on the 22nd day of July, 1913, ordering the publication of said summons for Bix consecutive weeks, and the date of the first publication is July 24, 1913. W. P. Hibbard, Attorney for Plaintiff. Straight & Salisbury Agents for the celebrated LEADER Water Systems and 8TOVER GASOLINE ENGINES. We also carry A full line of MYERS pumps and Spray Pumpa. W make a specialty of installing . . Water Systems and Plumb ing in the country 20 Main St Phone 2682 CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tha Kind You Have Always Bought . Bears the Signature of LESSONS LEARNED BY JOSEPH'S BRETHREN. Genesis 44 June 1. 'Contest therefore your tint one to another, tml pray one for another, that ye may be iM:Jo.met S:ie. R. V. CODAY'S lesson shows that Jo seph's experiences, mixed with faith, worked out for him a grand character, wholly obedi ent to God. But by a different process, Joseph's brethren were exercised by remorse, and became more sympathet ic, more brotherlyklnd, more loyal to their father Jacob. Life's experiences are Intended, under Divine supervision. to be corrective and helpful. .Confi dence in God, however, 13 necessary as a basis for any such blessing. After the feast in which Joseph had given Benjamin five portions, the breth ren departed ror home, well pleased with their experi ences. Joseph, how ever, desired to test their sympa thy for their father and their loving in terest in Benjamin. Therefore he caus ed his silver cup to be placed in Ben jamin's sack of "The cup wot found in Benjamin' t tack." wheat. After the brethren had got ten fairly started homeward, Joseph sent servants to demand his cup. The brethren protested their inno cence, and declared that if the cup were found in their possession, they would willingly become slaves. The search was made, uud the cup found. In great distress the company wended Its way back to the palace. r Again Joseph was austere and -re proved them, that they might have op portunity to abandon Benjamin. Pro testing Innocence, they declared their willingness to become Joseph's slaves. But he answered that only the guilty ono Benjamin should become his slave, and that the rest should return home, and continue to enjoy the favors of Egypt. This proposition he knew would test them. Had they the same heartlessness that they hod exhibited when they sold him into slavery? Then Judab. who had pledged him self tliut Benjamin should return in safety, made an eloquent appeal, and entreated that he be accepted ns a slave in Benjamin's stead. He ended with the question, "How shall I go up to my father, and the lad be not with me? lest 1 see the evil that shall be fall my father." The evidence of a change of heart was satisfactory to Joseph, ond Is to us all. Those who love righteousness re joice in righteousness, as those who love sin rejoice in it. When we per ceive so marked a change in those men, we rejoice, not only for their sakes. but also nt the general lesson furnished. The conviction is borne in upon us tliut. much of the sin, the meanness, the cruelty of today may be attributed to inherited weaknesses and Immature experience. We say, "How great a change would probably be ef fected by a broader, deeper knowledge of ourselves and others!" And do not life's dally experiences tend to give us the broadening of sym pathies, and thus character-development? Doubtless there are exceptions to every rule, but it is our conviction that a sufficiency of the likeness of God remains in every member of our race to permit him at times to appre ciate the good, the noble, the pure. It Is because he Is surrounded by sin and selfishness that these godlike senti ments are so rarely brought Into ex ercise. When Will Men Profit? Some will say, "Admitting that life's trials teach men the sinfulness of sin and the wisdom of righteousness, where would be the profit of such instruction If only the saintly, who walk in Jesus footsteps under u covenant of self-sacrifice, are to share in the Kingdom? How will the remainder of the race profit by their experiences, If death ends all hope?" The answer is that we have made a mistake respecting the teachings of the Bible. The Scriptures nowhere say that all hope of salvation ends when we fall asleep In death. So far is the Church is concerned, It is true that death ends tholr probation. But this Is not true concerning the world. The Church alone Is now on trial. The world's trial time will be In the next Age. Christ's Helgn will be the great thou sand-year Day, in which will be deter mined the worthiness or unwortliiness of everlasting life of all humanity. Those found worthy will eventually bo perfected, and granted the Divine blessing of ever lasting life.. All then found un worthy will be con demned as unfit for life, sentenced to the Second Death. The experiences of the present life, good or bad, will have their bearing upon the future trial, but will not "Boi tftall I go to my father tctthout . ike lail" Jeclde the case for any one. Because of misuse of present opportunities and knowledge, some will enter upon the future life disadvantaged proportion ately. These disadvantages will be their stripes, their chastisement, for present fullureft. Others, rightly exer cised by the trials and difficulties of life, will be made more Just, more lov ing, ns were Joseph's brethren. Thus they will lie the better prepared for a Kpod.eutranee Into the Messianic King dom." now, we believe, near nt hand. Children dry FOR FLETCHER'S CAS TO R I A Not Feeling Just Right? Read This: Mm T1 niaUna P.nnnprnnolifl. Cfll- tfavn iuaiww xswj'rwvj j if., would not make this statement were it not absolutely true, "i couia hardly stand on my feet, and when sitting down could hardly arise on ac count of pain in my kidneys. I tried tk... hnttlna nt FnloV KMnCV PUIS BJ t,Ar nfirlv jMired me. and 1 iiu viioj uv..vij - ' ' 7 -- , nave naa no Kiuney uwuw" omvo. Ask him. Huntley Bros. Co. The Secret of Motor Car Economy lies in the use of a perfect lubricating oil, an oil that eliminates friction and allows all the power of the engine to be utilized. The Standard Oil PORTLAND SteamsMps Run By the Sun. SCEINCE SOON TO DISPEL DISEASE. The radiont enerirv fallintr on the dock of a steamer crossing tlio ocean is suf ficient, If It could be utilized, to propel the ship with greater sneed than Is now obtained from coal. Only one-third of tho radiation is cut off by the air. Light lias a chemical energy so intense s to destroy miero-oriranlc life. This enorgy in its different manifestations is a power In continuing life and curing dis ease. The X-ray which Is really concen trated sun light, when applied io some oi the loss fatal chronic ailments of germ origin has proven very effective as a curative agent. This is the experience of tho skilled specialists at Dr. Pierce's In valids' Hotel and Surgical Institute In Uullalo. Although this institution was founded many years ago by Dr. E. V. Pierce as a genuine home tot a hospital for those allHi'ted with chronic disease yot It has kept abreast of the times and its trained specialists have become Med ical authorities In their various linos. The violet-ray treatment, another In teresting proceeding, is produced by con centrating the light, rich in the violet or chemical rays from an arc light with a specially prepared caroon, upon any por tion of the body that may be the seat of pain. Sufferers from, neuralgia, sciatica, rheumatism, strains, sprains, also from those oliseuro exhausting pains (tho origin of whieli cannot at times be accurately determined) frequently find Immediate relief from a single treatment aim usuany with a llttlo persistence in the use of this aid, obtain comfortable health or porfect recovery. Tho incandescent light bath, consists of a cabinet In which the patient is bathed In the combined rays of many electric ight globes. This treatment has pro heed really wonderful results Is diabetes, ciutiea, rheumatism, obesity, anemia. :ind somo forms of kidney and heart ti'imiilii If. Inn also nroveii vuluablo In chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma and various, skin diseases. As a general hy gienic measure its olliclency can scarcely bo ovcr-estlmatou. Tho sick who have been treated at Dr. Plerco's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., Imvn mne.li tn sav lii rcirnrd to this won derfully equipped Sanatnrium, whero all tho above electrical apparatus, as well as electric water baths, Turkish baths, static electric machines, high-frequency cur rent, and other most modern and up-to-date ap ratus is used for tho cure of phrnn ie. . isnnses. Tho treatment of chronic Iseases that aro peculiar to women n,.ve tor many years uoen a lais tor in tho cures affected at the Invalids' llnt.nl iiml Snnrlcul Institute. .Tho physicians and surgeons employed aro among the most experienced and skill ful in tho country, men who have made thoso diseases their life study, and whose hlghost ambition Is to excol In their treat ninnt.. How well they have succeeded may oo judged from tho fact that their practice embraces cases from every State and Ter rltory of the Union as wen as irom ior nii7,i Innilu Munv thousands are annu ally treated, oltlier through correspond ence or at Dr. Pierce's Institution, It la an old adage that, " Kxperlence makes perfoct," and tho skilled specialists In this field of practice cure thousands of cases which have been abandoned as Incurable by general practitioners. Hundreds are brought to the Institution from far dis tant states ond they go home In a few weeks well and strong. Quito as marvel ous are the thousands of cures annually aw.niiiillihiHl thrniiuh correspondence. while the patient remulns quietly at home. Utliers consuil III person, uu iLfi.nr Imlnir examined are nrovlded with specially prepared medicines ttnif return homo to carry out tho treatment. In medicine tliero has been rapid ond rol nrnirrnAHcliiriiiLr recent vears. and Dr. Pierce has kept up with the times In that he has had the manuiuciuro mm inurem ents in his well-known remedies Improved I,, n. mftfWn lahnratnrv bv skilled chem ists, tho greatest care being exorcised to see that the Ingredients entering Into his well-known medicines Dr. Plerco's Ba vorlte Prescription as well as tho "Golden Medical Discovery" are extracted from the best variety of native medicinal roots. These are gathered with great care and ao Wie proper Beusuu oi m" jcu'j"" their medicinal properties may bo most reliable. , , These extracts are then mado soluble In pure trlple-rellned glycerine and bottled. Everyone who consults the specialists, Whether by letter or In person receives the most careiui aiu'emm. riroat. pure Is exercised not to over en courage those who consult the specialists of this Institution that no false hopes miiv Iia ruiSMfl. Consultation by letter or In person is absolutely free no charge whatever so that tho public when aftliotmi are Invited to write l)r. Pierce at the Invalids' Hotel and Hurgicul Institute, jiuiiuio, xh. x. E. M. COOPER The Insurance Man Fire, Life, Sick and Accident In surance. Dwelling House Insur ance a specialty. office with UREIM A 8CHUEBEL, Oregon City U'REN & 8CHUEBEL Attorney at Law Will practice in all courts, make collections and settlements of es tates, furnish abstracts of title, and lend you money, or lend your money on first mortgage. Offloe In EnterprlM Bldg., Oregon City. mm for Motor Cars accomplishes exactly these results. Hundreds of owners of motor trucks tell us that ZEROLENE is one of the main factors in the reduction of their maintenance charges. ZEROLENE, the carbon proof oil. Sold by dealers everywhere SAN FRANCISCO RELIGION AND YOUTH. Religion must begin in youth. I have often heard people say that it is not right to bring up' a child In any religion; thnt the child should be allowed to decide the question for himself when he is matured. Let me suggest that tho person who makes Buch a statement Is either himself de ceived or Is attempting to de ceive some one else. One of the first principles of physics Is that nature abhors a vacuum, and it applies In morality, too, for the person who is without religion is filled with irrellglon. The man who at twenty-one does not be lieve in God has already re nounced hliu, who docs not be lieve thnt the Bible Is the word of God bus placed it among the works of ninn. The man who at twenty-one does not believe Christ Is divine has discarded him as u mere man, Foolish is 1 .the parent who does not per ceive tliut responsibility rests with the parent for the building up of n child's llfo.-AVilllum Jen nings Brynn. , THE GREAT QUESTION. When we before the gods in Judgment stund And deed and purpose of our life aro scanned, This question shall there be ere questions end: "Were you while living called by some one friend?" Arthur Wallace Teach. 80CIAL JUSTICE. The function of the modern rubbl is twofold to teach Jew ish ideals to the Jew and to in terpret Jewish ideals to the Christians. The modern rabbi is not the priest of an ancient the ology, but his is the tusk of the prophet. Which counts most, so cial Justice or the fear of criti cism and opposition? No slave, no coward, can help the cause of Justice. There nro those of us whose hearts remain dumb and unstirred to the appcul for social justice. They cure not for Amer icuu principles. The literature and the history of America are unknown to them. Indifferent or cynical, they must be roused to recognize responsibility to acknowledge and fulfill duty. The mission of America is social Justice. It is engraved upon the heart nud inscribed on the ban ner of our leader, the president It Is visible in the patient suf ferings and hopes of the Jewish peoplo In ages past. Even now are there not those who still must suffer for their Jewish man hood nnd their love of Justice? Are there nevertheless some aipong us who despise, who dare even scoff nnd Jeer at, this holy call to action? America means progress. America means social JiiHtice.-ltnbbl Leo Munnhelmer. When baby suffers with croup, ap ply and give Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil at once. Safe for children. A little goes a long way. 2Gc and 00c. At all drug stores. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE BEGINS il forty .fifth school year SEPTEMBER 19, 1813. DEGREE COURSES i many phasesof agriculture. emqintebino. home economic. Mining,, forestry, com merce, PHARMACY, Two-year Courses in aqricul- TURE, HOME ECONOMICS. MECHANIC ARTS, FORESTRY. COMMERCE, PHARMACY TEACHER'S COURSES in uianuul training, agriculture, domestic science and art. MUSIC, including pUno, string, band instruments and voice culture. A BEAUTIFUL BOOKLET entitled "Thk Enrichment op Rurai, hivK" and CataloguH will be mailed free on application. Address H. M. Tknnant, RegUtrar, (tw-7-U to -) Corvallis, Oregon. i i ti it 'hi 1