Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, July 24, 1913, Image 6

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Written to Be Read By Every Subscriber
OES the Courier meet with your demand? Does the merit
of its news-worth measure up to the standard you have set?
r . i - a.
we ieei mai ii aoes or you wouia not De one
of our patrons year alter year. The Courier is
fighting a battle of principal and needed reform.
Where do you stand on the question now at
stake? If you are an enlisted soldier in the cause
then you are ready to fight and help.
Whether the rural peoole of Clackamas
A Special Appeal to
Courier Friends
County will receive a just return from the capital they have invested, and the amount of en
ergy expended in daily toil: that is the question. There is a curable reason why the farmer
does not get as high a price for his salable produce as he should. There is a curable reason
why the farmer is not organized, as other great fields of labor, to protect his interests and
home. The Courier stands to harald and protect just such rights politically, socially and
economically. If you are a beliver in the cause, see that your neighbor gets the Courier.
TPHE Courier is now carrying on a great subscription cam-
paign. It is a call for 1000 new subscribers. Are you
ready to do your part? It won't be a great task
but you can help by securing at least one new
subscription to the Courier within the next 24
hours. Do it now, and enable the Courier to
carry its war cry into hundreds of new homes.
This is the one big way you can help along the
cause. Do it now get one subscription and turn
it into the Courier office at once. You will help the Courier; you will help your favorite
contestant to win a trip to the World's Fair or get some other prize, and you will serve your
county, your state and your country as well.
, The least you can do, if you are interested, is to pay up your own subscription from
three to five years. Look the list of contestants over and pick out the winner and help.
Now is when your help will be needed because the first trip will most likely be given this week.
This Is the Point We
Are Getting At
Miss Mary Parry, Beaver Creek, 22,225
Miss Hazel Erickson, Mulino 19,500
Miss Kate Cooper, Oregon City 1 1,700
Miss Noama Armstrong, 1 1 ,625
Mr. G. G. Flechtner " 11 ,000
Miss Esther Larsen, Willamette 10,600
Miss Mary Green, Oregon City 9,550
Miss Zillah Kirbyson " .. 8,300
Miss Lucile Ford " 6,850
Miss Anna Stefani, Canby 5,900
Mrs. Worthington, Oak Grove 5,700
Miss Gladys Burr, Damascus 5,600
Mr. Kenneth Joe, Oregon City, 5.500
Miss Bertha Larsen, Aurora 5,350
Miss May Hampson, Clackamas 5,325
Miss Dorothy Stafford, Oregon City 5,150
Miss Kate Stein, Oak Grove 5,000
Miss Idie Reed, Sunnyside 5,000
The Grand Prizes in the Great $2,000 Subscription Campaign
Second Grand Prize
The Beautiful Eilers
$750 Bungalow
Player Piano
Call at the Courier Office
and hear it play. Every
evening, 7 to 9
Third Grand Prize
Own Part, of the Earth
Be a Land Owner
Two Beautiful Summer Resort Lots in
Solano Beach, Washington, one of the
most beautiful summer resorts in the
Pacific Northwest.
Every .Contestant That Turns in Not Less Than $10 of Subscription Money Will Win a Prize
No. 1. Any person is eligible to
become a Contestant.
No. 2. This contest shall continue
for a period of six weeks.
No. 8. Candidates shall be fur
nished with weceipts to be given for
all payments of subscriptions.
No. 4. No employee of the Cour
ier's or member of any employee's
family will be allowed to participate
in this contest.
No. 5. A change of name at the
same address by anyone now receiv
ing the Courier will not be consid
ered a new subscriber.
No. 6. Votes obtained by one Con
testant and not turned in to the of
fice cannot be transferred in any
way to another Contestant.
No. 7. Subscriptions must be sent
or brought direct to the contest De
partment. If mailed, postage must be
fully propaid.
No. 8. Special votes will be allow
ed on subscriptions as follows:
Price Votes
1- year Sub...
2- year Sub.. .
8-years' Sub.,
4-years' Sub..
6-years Sub.,
No. 9. Votes will also be allowed
on coupons to be printed in the Cour
ier and for nomination coupons.
No. 10. When the 800th new sub
cription reaches the office of Courier
from contestants, the contestant
having to his credit the highest num
ber of votes will receive one tour to
the Panama-Pacific Exposition, Cali
fornia, 1915 as per itinerary of the
Panama Pacific Tours ompany, Port
land, Oregon.
No, 11. When the 600th new sub
scription reaches the office of the
Contest Department a second trip as
in No. 10 will be awurded.
No. 12. When the 900th new sub
scription reaches the office of the
Contest Department a third trip as in
No. 10 will be awarded.
No. 13. When the 1000th new sub
scription reaches the Contest Depart
ment the contestant having the great
est number of votes will receive as
1st grand prize, one $750.00 Eller's
Player Bungalow Piano; the one re
ceiving the next highest number of
votes will receive as 2nd grand prize
$100.00 in U. S. gold coin; the con
testant receiving the next highest
number of votes will receive one lot In
Solano Beach, Washington; the con
testant receiving the fourth highest
number of votes will receive one lot
in Solano Beach, Washington,
No. 14. Each and every contestant
that fails to win one of the regular
or Grand Prizes will be compensated
in accordance to the value of the work
No.15. For all subscriptions com
ing by mail, the date w hen a subs
cription is mailed, will be dtermlned
by the dato of tho post mark of the
office through which safd subscript
ion is mailed.
No. 16. The name and full address
of each subscription must accompany
all remittances.
No. 17. Under no consideration
shall the votes in the scheldule given
above be reduced, but they may
from time to time, at the option of
the Contest Department, be increas
ed. No. 18. No Contestant can win
more than one trip to the World's
Fair 1915, but any Contestant win
ning one of the World's Fair trips
will be eligible to compete for one of
the Grond Prizes.
No. 19. The Grand Prizes will not
be awarded unless 1,000 new subs
scriptioiiB reach the Ccontest Depart
ment by 6 T. M. Aug. 19, 1913.
No. 20. All contestants must ac
cept and agree to abide by the above
Special PAzes
Three Trips to the World's Fair in
San Francisco in 1915
We invite your attention to our itinerary, in other words, what you secure for your trip.
1 . First-ctass railroad fare to San Francisco and return.
2. Standard Pullman berth to San Francisco and return.
3- Transfer of baggage to and from hotel in San Francisco.
4. Bus accommodations to and from hotel in San Francisco.
5. First-class hotel accommodations for at least 1 4 days European plan.
6. Ten admissions to Exposition grounds.
7. Admission to ten concessions or amusement attractions within the grounds.
8. A delightful steamer trip on San Francisco Bay, including trip to Vallejo and
Mare Island Navy Yard.
9. Trip to Ml. "Camalpais and Muir Woods, toiih ride on the "Crookedest Rail
road in the W orld.
10. Trlley trip through the city of San Francisco (personally conducted.)
11. Trolley trip through Oakland and Berkley, vitb visit to the famous Greek
Theatre and Idora Park. t
12- Auto sight-seeing trip around San Francisco, visiting Golden Gate Park, Cliff
House and other points of Interest. '
13. Choice of any of the following side trips
(0 One First-Class Fare from San Francisco to San
la Clara Valley and Santa Cruz ACounlalns and
(b) One Flrtt Class Fare from San Francisco to San
ta 'Joju or Napa Valley and return.
(e) One Firstclass Fare, via steamer from San Fran
cisco to Sacramento, the state capital, and return.
REBATES It is provided that should the Sub
scriber share hotel accommodations at San Francisco
with another Subscriber, then and In that event the
Company) shall rebate to said Subscriber the sum of $7
and rebates Kill also be made on sleeping accommoda
tions as provided under ' 'Pullman Sleeping Accom
modations. ' '
1. What is the total value of the
prizes ? Ans. More than $2,000.
2. How many Contestants will win
regular prizes? Ans. All Cnotest
ants who collect $10 or more in new
subscriptions win a prize.
3. How may votes be secured?
Ans. By securing subscriptions to
the Courier and by clipping coupons
from each issue of the paper.
4. Will the prizes be awarded all
at the same time? Ans. No. They
will be awarded one at a time.
5. When will the Grand Prizes be
awarded? Ans. After the 1,000 new
subscription reaches the Contest De
partment, providing that said 1000th
new subscription reaches the Contest
Department before Aug. 19, 1913, 6
P. M.
6. Can any one contestant win two
trips ? Ans. No, but he may continue
in the contest until tho end, in ex
pectation of winnin gone of the
Grand Prizes.
7. When will the first prize be
awarded? Ans. When R00 new sub
scriptions to the Courier have been
turned in to the Contest Department
8. When will the cnotest for the
first trip close? Ans. -When the
300th new subscription reaches the
office of the Courier from contestants,
but votes will be allowed for all sub
scriptions or coupons mailed on or
previous to that day, altho they
reach the office of the Courier a few
days later. For example; Suppose the
contest for the first pri?.e closes Mon
day noon, and a number of votes were
mailed, Monday morning, from some
district Post office, but did not reach
the office until a few days later
these votes will count in the awarding
of the first prize.
9. If by mail, what will determine
the date on which the subscriptions
were sent? Ans. The post mark of
the post office through which the sub
scriptions were mailed.
10. When will the second trip be
given away? ns. When the 600tli
new subscription has reached the
Contest Department from contestants.
11. When will the 3rd. trip be
awarded? Ans. When the 900th new
subscription reaches the Contest De
partment. 12. Will votes once issued to one
Contestant be transferable to anoth
er? Ans. Positively NC.
13. What does it coat to enter ?
Ans. Nothing.
14. How may I enter? Ans. Clip
a nomination blank from an issue of
the Courier, fill in your name and
send same to Contest Department of
this paper. Or you may send name in
without using nominating blank.
15. On which day should one en
ter? Ans. Today.
16. On which day should one be
come active? Ans. Today.
17. On which day will the contest
close? Ans. August 19, 1913, 6 P.
18. How many votes will it take
to win? Ans. One more than the
Contestant who has less than the
19- . May any person who is not a
subscriber to the Courier enter the
contest? Ans. Yes.
SPECIAL NOTICE A Cash Prfce of $ i 0.00 Will Be Given to Person Nominating the Winner of the
First Grand Prise. See Nomination Blank