OREGON CITY COURIER, THURSDAY JULY ,17, 1913. n nnn ?riri nn7rp r 1 ' 1 fl n I) r Robinson & Co., Portland's Finest Clothing Establishment, in the hands of a receiver. We -bought the replevined Clothing Stock of Robinson & Co. of Portland at 0 the DollaF 1 1 p '' Every Suit of the celebrated Stein Bloch make of Rochester, the highest grade Cloth ing made in America 350 of tSiese celebrated SteiiBlocl Slits Will BeThrown on the Market at 60 Cents on the Dollars CAN . If OU BEAT THAT ? Thev iust arrived from the factory when they were replevined. All the late shades, browns, blues, greys, mixtures in box backs, conservative and English models; We can fit you all, stouts, leans, sums, longswe have them all. Robinson & Cos. $25:00 Suits at Robinson & Co's. $27.50 Suits at $16 75 Robinson & Co.'s $117 $30.00 Suits at W 11 Robinson & Co.'s $ t P $35.00 Suits 75 BLIE.KIIB-KI:IK SSdD SO COME EARLY WHILE THE PICKING IS GOOD . . th WET Sale Opens Tuesday, July 15th at 8:30 A. M. Store Closed on Monday, July 14 to arrange stock ; y u aM-nnAiHhinitir' of a Ufc time. Snecial reductions will be offered in all our departments such as Hats Shoes; Furnishings, Trunks and Bags and Boys Wear. Get m the game, save your money while you can such sterling values are not ottered every day. r , We" Give "SAW Green Trading Stamps l(o)' WHERE CLOTHES FIl This Coupon 20 &ri Stamps GIVEN WITH EACH ONE DOLLAR PURCHASE Sift NOT GOOD AFTER AUG. 15 lift 6TH AND MAIN STS. OREGON CITY, ORE. II I J