OREGON CITY COCRIKH,THORSBAy. 3vhY 17 1913 JONES n i " i i n k) MJoiiol rSNl ilfi i OR 01 Fine Toilet Articles We have all of the best toil et requisites. The creams, lo tions, perfumes, powders and beautiners that are worthy will always be found here. The demand for such goods during warm weather is on the increase. SPECIAL ORDERS. In case we happen not to have some article that you hear of or see advertised, we shall always be glad to order it especially for you. There will be no extra charge for special orders. Riveris Talcum, Special, 25c. Mennin's, 15c. Colgate's, 15c. UG COMPANTS n.n nnn n n nnnnnnn n I II II I I I 11 f x It If J 1 II II 1 I 11 J Mm M w a fr kl.:.. - a fc; m ft JH s- St" fc W t II "Mm V M Safety From Sunburn I1111111111111111111111B The Comb that's guaranteed not to break. If it should your money will be refunded. Made of cotton. Something new. Special Prices, 25c, 50c, 75c. Both Gents' and Ladies'. JUST ARRIVED A Fresh Stocr of fffl!!22? Chocolates & Confections We are agents for the "World Wide Known" Whitman and Lowney's Candies. We buy di rect and get them in fresh every few weeks. Every piece in ev ery box contains a written guar antee. Put up in boxes ranging in price from 5c to $3.00. If you carry home a box we know you wiU be back for more. Fly Frenzied Cattle It is but humane that you should protect your cattle and horses from tormenting insects, even if it did not mean a finan cial saving to you. Protect your stock from flies with our NO FLY. Cows will give more milk and horses will work harder if their energy is not wasted in fighting insects. No Fly is harmless and it gives perfect protection. Special Price: Qts., 35c. Ji-Gal., 60c. 1 Gal., $1.00. We carry So-Bos-So Pacific Fly Repeller, Flyo-Curo Spray Pumps, etc., at reduced prices. Silence the Song of Mosquitos Mosquitoes and other noctur nal insects will not long remain where our guaranteed lotion is used If you want to enjoy the comforts of a good night's rest, don't allow these insects to pes ter you. Get a bottle of OUR MOSQUITO LOTION. It can be used as a protection indoors or out. Directions for using are printed on each bottle. Better be on the safe side by taking a bottle with you on your vacation trip. PRICE, 25 CENTS. ulm When You Buy Paint Here it U like buying directly from the company operating the largest paint and varalah plant In the world the makers of the "Acme Quality" paints, enamels, stains, varnishes. You can get exactly what you. want in the ACME QUALITY kind for touching things up, painrinf inside or outside or for any other uie. In buying, ask for the new authority "The Acme Quality fainting Guide Boot" If you are looking for anything in the Paint, Oils, Glass, Varnishes, Stains, Brushes, or anything to be had in any up-to-date Paint Store, you will find it here. Let us quote you prices. "Old Sol" is apt to play hay . oc with fair faces and spoil out-of-door pleasures. You can find protection in a jar of our NYAL'S COLD CREAM Its use insures a soft, clear, velvety, skin in all sorts of weather. It is a healing and soothing preparation. Applied before going out of doors, it prevents tan, sunburn and freckles. Price, 25 Cents. Tooth preparations are varied and numerous. Some are harmful and others are beneficial. One must be careful in choosing those that will not wear the enamel and that are not injurious. We have in stock all kinds of dentifrice in Powder, Wash and Paste. One in particular, a Paste, "Ora Dent," we are recommending as absolute ly harmless. Regular Price, 25c. Special Price, 17c. m i V COMES OUT A RIBBON LIES FLAT ON THE BRUSH ri? rv ieiicious and antiseptic. 1 he dentifrice which combines efficiency with a delightful after-taste. - Just a Fewof OurSpecial Carnival Bargains Peroxide of Hydrogen, Regular Price 15c, Special 4oz. bot. 10c Peroxide of Hydrogen, Regular Price 25c, Special 80Z. bot 15c Peroxide of Hydrogen, Regular Price 40c, Special Ipt. bat. 25c Wine Cardiu, Regular Price $1.00, Special. i . 85c Cuticura Soap, Regular Price 25c, Special 20c Syr. Figs, California, Regular Price, 50c, Special ...... 40c Mellins Food, Regular Price 75c, Special 65c Mellins Food, Regular Price 50c, Special 45c Horlick's Malted Milk, Regular Price $1.00, Special . . . 90c Horlick's Malted Milk, Regular Price 50c, Special 45c Scotts Emulsion, Regular Price $1.00, Special 85c Pierces Favorite Prescription, Regular Price $1, Special 85c Pierces Golden Medical Discovery, Reg. Pr. $1, Special 85c Lyons Tooth Powder, Regular Price 25c, Special 20c Welches Tooth Powder, Regular Price 25c, Special .... 1 0c Pinkhams Compound, Regular Price $1.00, Special. . . 85c Wisdoms Robertine, Regular Price 50c, Special 40c Cameline, Regular Price 50c, Special. 40c Peruna, Regular Price $1.00, Special 85c SSS, Regular Price, $1.75, Special $1.60 Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Regular Price $1.00, Special 85c Hood's Sarsaparilla, Regular Price $1.00, Special 85c Rubifoam, Regular Price 25c, Special 20c Herpecide, Regular Price $1.00, Special 85c Stuart's Dysp. Tabs., Regular Price $1.00, Special 90c Hind's Honey & Almond Cream, Reg. Pr. 50c, Special . 40c Pompeian Massage, Regular Price 50c, Special 40c Listerine, Regular Price $1.00, Special 85c Frostula, Regular Price 25c, Special 20c Bromo Seltzer, Regular Price $1.00, Special 58c Castoria (Fletcher's), Regular Price 35c, Special. ..... 25c Tanglefoot, 5 Sheets for. 10c Special Prices on all Bulk Goods and household Remedies. Satisfied Soda Drinkers usually return to the same place for their drinks. Judging from the great number of people who make our fountain their regular drink ing place, we are sure that they are pleased with our beverages and the dainty way in which they are served. COME TO OUR FOUNTAIN and try some of our refreshing sola water and you'll never again be satisfied with ordinary soda. It is worth going out of your way even on a hot day to drink where the soda is so delicious and the surroundings so pleasant. Made of Pure Fruit Juice flavors, Filtered carbonated water, the famous Hazelwood Cream and served under the most perfect san itary conditions. . GET THE HABIT ." Make our Fountain your regular drinking place. We are serving a big glass of Hazelwood Lactoid Buttermilk for 5c. Ice cream in bulk, 25c pt, 40c qt., 75c gallon. Special prices in Gallons. THE RICH MANS BATH BRUSH At th Price Every One Can Afford I Here is the greatest necessity and the great est luxury combined the ideal modern bath brush gives Bath, Shampoo and Massage All In .one no plumbing no ex pense. The Knick erbocker Spray brush attaches to any faucet instant ly. The water showers in hun dreds of dashing streams through . the fine rubber ducts or "teeth" and these "teeth" give every part of the body a thor-frp; oufrh. inviKoratmsr-. massage that gets the dirt out of the pores as no bristle brush or cloth ever could. Guaranteed for One Year Will Last Five The cheapest luxury and the best health Invest ment for the entire family. Brings Cleanliness, Good Circulation and Beautiful Skin. Knickerbocker Spray brush th DAYS IAL If not Mttifled your money will b refunded. Erery Bpraybrcuh No.1, lllurtrated, U 5 H In. long, V In. wide, with 696 hollow teeth, tlx feet of fine red rubber tubing ud one Ingle fauoet onnectlon guar ftnteed to tit my ta-uoet eil complete, VC Mil nicely boxed. prioe 9vi(JU Other style 99.00 and 94.00. Special Shampoo Braeh $2. OO WphonAtUcentforhoxiieiwlUioatbainioiM 0.90 fc"Gt Knickerbocker Spraybrngh today It wake every bath a recurrent delight .Your money back II not satisfied As a special inducement we - . , . y will sell these sprays for a lim ited time at actual cost. One third off regular price. WhenYojjBuyAPen, GET ThlPen that (nkthe Poinj THE KIND THAT HAS . THE 7 We are featuring the Parker Lucky Curve, The Moore, The Conklin. All thoroughly guar anteed and standard makes. Carry one of these home with you on a thirty days' trial at our expense. At the expiration of that time if you are not satisfied or don't want the pen return it. If you do, call and pay us. Prices, from $1.50 to $10.00. SI Cut Out THis Coupon Ten Stamps . GIVEN WITH Every SOc Purchase NOT GOOD AFTER AUGUST 15 'ill 1111 OWES D1UG CO. Near Suspension Bridge, OREGON CITY, ORE. Send us your mail orders. We will mail free of charge within the 50 mile limit any and all packages accepted by parcel post regulations A Cored Without Operation. mi MOT Here Is Sworn proofs STATE OF MINNESOTA, ) ( X, Richard Jahrciss, of Owatonna, Minn., being first duly sworn, do say that I am the person bamed in and who subscribed the fol lowing statement and the same is true of my own knowledge. in every particular: I had severe pains in my right side, just a- " bove the A ppeadiz. I went to the doctor and he pronounced my V&j case Appendicitis and advised an operation. Instead I went to .amuuui oros,. iJrug atore ana Dougnt a Dottle ot (Adlcr-i ka) Treatment. After taking it the result was indeed wonderful. The pains stopped and I felt like a new man. I heartily recommend -(Adler-i-ka) Treatment to anyone troubled wita Appendicitis, as I know itjhas cored me J' c. . 1 c , o .t Sinea RICHARD H. JAHRE1SS, Mate 4 jf Seal. Subscribed and sworn to before me June 29 1905. W J. NEWSALT, Notary Public, Steele CountyT Appendicitis I tweom In g worse and worse, and everyone should know of this wooderfullf Dma.fl treatment. A ralunhlc bonk, showlnir many plctoresof that curious and little known orTTh. Suman Appendix, and telling how Appendklti. iscaused, how It can be treated without on?r'.vi and how you can easily (fuard yourself against it, will be given FREE to anyone caJling at Wtfatora.' Our guarantee is back of this preparation. After using the contents of the bottle if you are not satisfied return the empty bottle and we will refund you your money. 1