OREGON CITY CaURIKR.THURSDAV, JULY 17 1913 " TEN-DAY' BiflSES3E3E5523KES!38S! MT N DATE OF SALE TEN DAYS 111! CUT OUT THIS COUPON TWENTY STAMPS Given itln Each ONE DOLLAR Purchase m 11 COUPON N0T.G00D1 AFTER AUGUST; 15 THE GREATEST AGGREGATION of UP-TO-DATE DRY GOODS Ever Placed on Sale in OREGON CITY miwrnriwnimn Royal Worcester Corset Reg. $1.50 $1.00 Style 2 1 4; a regular $1.50 Royal Worcester All sizes made fcr average figure with low bust. BARGAIN CARNIVAL PRICE $1.00 Reglar 10c to 25c C -TOILET SOAPS, at Best 10c, 15c and 25c brands of fancy toilet soups, Kirk's Juvenile, Jergen's Violet Glycerine, all lead ing makes. BARGAIN CAR- rft NIVAL PRICE Ob Middy Blouses CA 10 Doz. on Sale, Each OvC All sizes in girls and misses' mid dies, navy, or scarlet trimmed, marked for a quick clearance. BARGAIN CARNIVAL cnn price . DUG Outing Skirts QOp KHAKI AND f.AIATFA SKIRTS VOL KHAKI AND GALATEA SKIRTS Well-made skirts for outing pur poses, all sizes, an ideal skirt for vacation days. BARGAIN CARNIVAL PRICE 98c Women's SIS Suits $5. The constantly changing styles demand clear racks at the end of each season, hence we say" any suit in the store, BAR GAIN CARNIVAL PRICE ........ $5 Shoes! Shoes! $1 OR Buy them for the whole family 7 Button shoes, pumps and oxfords for worn en, in all leather and leading makes, vaU'.e? to $3.50, BARGAIN CARNI- LVAL PRICE;. , .V. .... . . $198 50c WOOL DRESS GOODS, Yard A vast collection of new summer serges, and fancy woolens, all shades and our regular 79c qualities. BARGAIN CAR- Clln NIVAL PRICE JUb at$1.25 HOUSE DRESS CLEARANCE An immense lot, consisting of our regular $ 1 .50 to $2.25 dresses in all colors and sizes, placed in one pile and marked at the BARGAIN CARNIVAL frl HC PRICE JI.ZJ 5 Doz. Leather Hand Bags Values to 98c . . 39c A mixed assortment, consisting of our regu lar 75c and 98c lines of bags priced for rapid clearance. BARGAIN CARNIVAL QQV PRICE UUli 50c MEN'S $1.00 SATEEN SHIRTS One of the best $1.00 shirt values you have ever bought, 30 dozen placed on sale at half price. BARGAIN CARNIVAL C fl PRICE JUL Infant's I E r Buckskin Moccasins AQp Soft Soles, pair f 3 All Sizes to Large 6's 200 pair infants' high or low cut WoTr'id Children's Indian . . moccasins, all sizes, hot weather soft.soles, regular price 39c a pair. foot comfort at little cost. BARGAIN CARNIVAL 1 Cft BARGAIN CARNIVAL nnft PRICE . : ... . . ... .... DC PRICE . . . .. .... UQU LAWN , Sun- 1 KIMONOS bonnets W 20 doz. lawn Kimonos neat dols Gingham sunbonnets for Harvest and flowered organdie designs, . , , ' , selling regularly at 50c each. A days, large and small shapes, the big lot." BARGAIN CAR- OCn best 25c qualities. BAR- 1C. NIVAL PRICE . ; 0 3 U GAIN CARNIVAL PRICE J I L . 1 WOOL jCA Nottingham lQf BATTS pl.tw Lace Curtains, Pair oVi Full 2 lb. wool batts in one large KI ... , . ' r r, . Qa i j . Neat designs in white or ecru, lull roll, size 7zxo4, packed in neat box, limited quantity, to go at 2 1 yards long, our regular 7 Jc and BARGAIN CARNIVAL M En 85c quality. BARGAIN QQn PRICE JI.JU CARNIVAL PRICE JjU Men's Porous Mesh CAn Men's 50c Shirts 9 C n Union Suits, Each UV and Drawers OK All sizes iff Porous Mesh Union Men's summer weight, natural and colored underwear, closing out Suits for men, closed crotch style, three complete lines at half srice. I the entire" suit at BAR- Crtn BARGAIN CARNI- OC GAIN CARNIVAL PRICE JUU VAL PRICE . ZjU Feather Pillow 10r 500 YARDS OF ifc Now, Each oyi RIPPLETTE, Yd. Plain and fancy tick covered feath- The rough dry fabric, sold regular - er pillows filled with good quality ly at 19c a yard, all colors on sale breast feathers. BAR- lfn at BARGAIN CARNIVAL 1 fln GAIN CARNIVAL PRICE JOU PRICE, per yd. . . , I UU "Comfy Cut" jOU Sleeveless Vests 1 Plain or fancy trimmed "Comfy Cut" sleevless vests, the kind that won't slip at the shoulders, all sizes. BARGAIN CAR- 1 0ln NIVAL PRICE........ IZ2U Remnant Clearance, Yd. Hundreds of short lengths 2 to 8 yard pieces in Swisses and lawis, ginghams and dress materials. Regular values from 1 0c to 20c a yard BAR G A I N CARNIVAL PRICE-. ............ . . is . . 5c 5c Valenciennes Laces, per Yard Thousands of yards of pretty de signs in Val. laces and inser tions, wide and narrow widths, BARGAIN CARNIVAL PRICE f... 2c 2c Great Milinary Clearance flJO QQ 100 SPRING AND SUMMER HATS CO AT A great variety of shapes, kinds and colors must go to make a complefe clearing in this department. BARGAIN CAR NIVAL PRICE ..... $2.98 EMBROIDERIES Per Yard 5c Hundreds of yards of neat designs in fine cambric edgings and inser tions, regular 1 0c and 1 5c' quali ties. BARGAIN CARNI VAL PRICE, per yd. 5c $1.50 to $2.50 SUMMER WAISTS 89c Making way for the new Fall waists, a quick clearance of the entire stock, values to $2.50 30 dozen waists. BARGAIN CLEARANCE PRICE 89c Girls' 50 Cent Straw Hats 19c Straw Hats for sunny days, dainti ly trimmed and a score of styles to choose from. BARGAIN CARNIVAL PRICE 19c WOMEN'S REAL fc 50c STOCKING i VI A big assortment of 30 doz. real lisle hose for women. All colors in the very best 50c qualities. BARGAIN CARNIVAL PRICE 19c Rubberset Tooth Brushes 17c A regular 35c brush, thoroughly sterilized and packed in a sealed box, best 35c kind. BAR- 1 7 GAIN CARNIVAL PRICE Mb Boys' Knickbpocker Pants JQ Reg. 35 and 50c qualities All sizes, 4 to 14, boys' wool mixed knee length pants. BARGAIN CARNI VAL PRICE 19c NEEDED NOTIONS ' AT LITTLE PRICES Childs 10c Hose Supporters Sc" WOMEN 5c CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS 2c Best 5c Hair Nets . . . 2c Common Pins, a pkg . . 1c Large Brass Safety Pins . 2c Card of Snap Fasteners . 2c REMEMBER THESE DATES-JULY 15th TO JULY 25th ) m mm wm m mm mmm mamm mamm m m mm urn wmm m hmm MASONIC TEMPLE BLDG., OREGON CITY, OREGON NEEDED NOTIONS . AT LITTLE PRICES 10c Wilson Dress Hooks . Sc 10c package Wire Hairpins -4c WOMEN'S PAD HOSE SUPPORTERS, . 9c 12k Ocean Pear! Buttons, Doz. Sc 10c Brass Ext. Curtain Rods Sc 45 yard spool Darning Cotton 1c r3