CITY COURIER, THURSDAY. JULY 17, 1913 11 " 2 UNITED WE LIVE DIVIDED WE STARVE OREGON EQUITY FJEWS Vol. 1 OfficialRepresentative of the Farmers Society of Equity PROFITABLE PRICES f OR f ARM PRODUCTS No 20 OREGON EQUITY NEWS lHAT THE EQUITY IS DOING ... . i?-Aav in enniunc- tOTrheC threat of the "Farmers' Society of Equity. ADVERTISING rates given upon application. PUBLICITY COMMITTEE t i.,iu nrpcon Citr: R. C. I nZi clnbi: E. Ochlschloeger, Clackamas, R. No. 1. SUBSCRIPTION discount to Any Man COUNTY MEETING AT BEAVER CREEK A LIVE ONE Large Attendance and Keenest Inter est in Considerations The largest attended and the mos important meeting of the J""8 Society of Equity was held at Beaver Creek last Saturday. The meeting ws iiu charge of the work of organizing the state witn power w -uuvo ..... - sistants who shall work under his di rect supervision at tne same vy. The state organizer and assistants to work in counties having no county organizers only. . , When a county union is formed, the duty of completing we orgamsowu.. in that county rests with the county organization and they are hereby rec ommended to choose a county organiz er who shall choose his assistants. -.,fi.0 nnw organized are hereby urged to maintain a county organizer at all times. , The compensation 01 tne buk-b t- eanizer and nis assistants 1 nn ini Hnl arl lor eacn cnarter Oregon Equity News is subject to mistakes as well as other papers. We itr.-maA hv n fimmiflfint EaUltV ttIC "llul iii-v. " J l - - tKia niinfv who states tnat our "write up" on the Equity Fourth was misleading in tnat n. !nnoi Mr T,nni Kelnhofrer of Cams who was actually the man in charge and gave all the credit to the chair- ! 1.1. . . urn a TlAT man oi tne committees " even on theg rounds, we wish w m .W'. i-- 8 Elmer SW0Pe, Oregon City R ier uui pw jsjr m:QoV. Our Stnne: Pres. T. E. Brown: Special Low who Farms. t metine was presided over dj . i .--j' snhsnuent mem. President S. L. Casto and was canea " " . unlesa he forfeits ADDRESS at an early hour his commission long routine of work that was laid out without organizing f0rth6tyf MVrelleandTeorg union forfeits the contract of 1 composedof M. J. Lazei e ana ueorg ortranizer or assistant unl an the nmmeii of M. J. we"" ' u .v.vv'1;- ri.i. ;,,. nr assistant unless BlUi ioon reported the egaldelega J " b" the board. An secretary an umuua 1C1 VUl ftfviu; explain the way of the mistake. Our reporter who was on the grounds that a t tVio Fourth was a straneer to UOJ - v..- ---- - t both parties and noticing um i".f. jaiiKcuicii - - 1 , . .nmon notnrnHv suDDosed tnat he was the chairman of the committee that he had read of m previous issues f F.naitv News. We trust that this will explain matters and will be satis factory to an concerned on Saturdays to see Editor. STATE OFFICERS ounty anu wic ... . cerretarv all unions orgamzeu ao auui deWull swing. tWs possible after organization is com Early in the day it w.. . - 11. a rrru fi.iii 11 naa - . , . LIIO . . .... . which Jonn i W6.....w.. ,i rpnniution kuiiiihivvw w . . . a -f-m iNationui ucau- Stark of Maple Lane, was rma". contracts from tu. .niut.innB were presented, read quart aim . Schulmerich of nd re-read, carried, f!bJrMS to report to President Will. WashingtonCo.. , .....J.f dunnf rby state secretary at Vice-President-w m -- , of ft . n montn. least once each G. Buchanan of of Clackamas Co Sec. Treas. F. , 1 r UiacKamaa . Directors: A. R. Lyman of Mult nomah Co; F. M. Hall of Columbia Co- P. H. McMahon of Yamhill Co, J. W. Smith of Clackamas Co; E. E. Wnahincrton UO. xne f ident and vice, ors also. t far was the adopting of a p 4 Kir l- W. 1VI HI KUUil V 1 uuscu 1 j . the Mt pleasant local to complete the organ- in over the tieaos 01 bui -r. ,j 1 n,tin wpro inclined lmlQ !".e'""?D ""Hit ions alone. The ungton vo. inn 1 leave prcaeui. w. - - it pft Presldeni are pner - --Jrom thig Federal Aid to Dairymen Tha fnllnwina notice has been -1.. 1 r'llono onH refers to the riCUltUIBi w6" " ... V 1 j : j: .(-a that will be placed in this state by the Dairy Division of the 5XcKAMAsTcOUNTY OFFICERS k'ttaE will see to it that thi, .matter -3. of these men will is taken up neiore mo "- be given ,n the sections wneic mc Pres. S. L Vice. Pres.- mascus Local. Sec. Treas. F Pleasant Local. Directors: W, Sunny side Local; Casto of Cams Local. J. H. Bowerman of 1- G. Buchanan of Mt take over business agency established by the wi. onH Mnnle Lane Locals was carried and in this , connection u.-a ui,Koi muntv business J. Bowerman oi agent made some very )?"" r .T fi. Rover of Da- marks, showing wimw r."r;i r X rCSTwi 5ri.enthwaita of ready accomphshed. Beaver Creek Local. rantrements to sell the entire output ue v, . . . 1 e proper time. most intere?t ,n dairying , bnw A resoiuiou wi" f-, -" tVl. where the Dest prospects io , I IrrrnnlZRLlon ta&e W" v... , . Sec. G. F. Mighells, Oregon City R. 3. Mt Pleasant: fres. f. w. Mere dith; Sec. F. G. Bucjianan, Oregon City, Oregon. n.w v.rtL- Pres. Au?. staeneiey: Sec C. B. Riverman, Oregon City, K. 1 Needy: Pres. J. D. Ritter; bee. UT.s. Anrnm R. 2. Shubel: Pres. Unas. A. wenKe; stn-Pres. T. E. Brown; Sec, U T Avara rlnclcnmaa R. 1. 11. w, - Sunnyside: Pres. R. P. wady; Sec E. E. Oeslschlager, Clackamas K 1. w.t Ttntteville: Pres. James far ett; Sec J. R. Woolworth, JNewDerg, R. 2. Wilsonville: Pres. M. C. Young; Sec R. B. Seely, Sherwood, R. 5. Nominate Some One AND MAKE TEN DOLLARS IF THEY WIN THE PIANO It COSTS Yo NOTHING ALONG EQUITY LINES We all multiplied our patriotism. w have all sune our songs and said our praises to our government, President Wilson and a number of of potatoes and at a gooa jn. i.. .niH everal tons of twine and hv aaved the farmers money on n.iAKit rtrtiirtfl find have ordered anotn tin Have also bought wagons binders, mowers and rakes. . On one o,o tVio farmer S35.0U. tie .....L- noil thot. t.hia kind of bus what will mane me uyj j f the ltiHustrv. lhe Oreeon City Commercial Club should take tne initiative m """e . aid for Clackamas county as this is an ideal dairy country and better re sults COUld not D6 OUtameu an) j"v in the state of Oregon. STATE AND FEDERAL AID FOR THE DAIKIMAJN m.- TT;i-d stntps Division of Dair- X 11C Uiw. ' vine in cooperation with the Extens ion division of the Oregon Agrcultural n-n ,;ii in the fnt.ure maintain a liUllcKB, wi " v.. . . dairy field man who will assist the farm dairy men 01 "' . many problems ot succcssiui uauv- ine. Professor W. a. oarr iia V - n : . t -i n f wnrtf selected ior tnia iiiiii,ijo L..jorii at r.orvallis. His assis- a i- 4-uA .oiianf iAiintv meetinir a member sueeested that the Equity Gnniatr OtIAII H nfl TTHirK KUU1 CW -t that ia rinne bv certain people who are taking an active part in lostering tne oiiuivy inur.... The speaker referred to a committee iL.i . nnnintal ti lnnk 11 D the tfiat WOO a.pyvilv ' , .. strawberry proposition and actually spent several days oi tneir yiuhu. i.:. :iV. kic .knoi grill hllCPTT and time witn iio ai.wo -700 - made a complete report as directed to do. The lack oi appreciation iQr.t onH was not mentioned at tne r I HyTnAtinrv lllt w hile the sDeak er was on the floor he should also added that some one did some rustling A ,.,.-L. In hrinor nhnllt the EdUltV Fourth of July and that was also not mentioned, r&rt oi xne cunnm . a rima QnH TYinnPV to Hlftke 9, tayc iiicu -1 fhn ITAiii-fli fnr the EauitV Society and while thanks will not buy anything, it always masea hAftnK it art ma nnf nh vs. vuu uiu the best you could and your enorts are appreciated." This is just a sug thnt mqit hrino- heneficial re teoifiuil inav iiij '"o . 1 ; ;ntanloJ nnlv to assist tho onntinneH advancement of the Equity Society. REFORM OF COURTS. 1 u.A tha feelinK that A unto some day the Socialists might di rect their attack on the unequal and unjust auminisirnuou law the raiiure to nuuuuut" the criminal law with certainty by which criminals so often es cape punishment ror crimen w ... .. n imnHonn. wrncn tney uenervo ment The existing conditions In this regard are a disgrace to the civilization of this country and should be remedied. There are none better equippea w ac complish these reforms than the members or tne Dar. mo room Is not the place to gamu.o .v.- 1. or w must keep Willi V"" , , Uw and Justice together In order to JUBtlfy law. William ti. iiu (CUT THIS OUT) Nomination Coupon-Good fof S 000 VOTES NOMINATE A CANDIDATE And Win Nomination Pike in the Courier's Great Contest. I Nominate Address '"' Phone No " Signed Address ....... Only the First Nomination Blank Cast for Each Candidate . Will Count as 1,000 Votes. Names of persons making nominations will not be divulged. VoteThis Coupon For Them and Pay Your Subscription FOR. THEM Til nmnWl ua llBllfil Said 1 we would nave nay weatner At-u u..t mnfh hair ia n it in tne ruin 1 lto mnr neoHa t he Cut DaulV. However it is a good time to set out kale. whn nur orovernmeuij id. ,v , .1 VMW o - n.Am aoo Mr. Mf.nueuei CUlliCO a wn 1 . the. rru w r,H Fireside says is in plete stock of groceriesand deals in desired. suggestions on building mood to grant the farmer anything all kinds o bS P fM o ' a he wants. One senate committee says the government of West Virginia must be reconstructed, made over. Have you any opinion of Clackamas County. According to Mr. Mulhall, congress has been making laws for the Amer ican Manufacturing Association that represents ten billion of dollars in stead of the common people. We suspected something was wrong on! nrioea we received irom uui waco f . and the prices we have to pay and we suspect there will have to be a change nr. kn..onola are not regarded BOOH. Il ""J " . as respectable not even very : because we have put up with all this robbery without becoming thieves. 11 things keep going this way we are liable to get news from hades that tne recording angel has been indicted for mistakes in the sulphur bill and the news will be peddled all over perga tory by our best legal talent. Growers of Turkish tobacco in cent ral California have organized. The melon growers of Dinuba, California, have organized. The farmers of Clark County, Washington, claim to have reaped benefits from organization. The prune growers of Dundee, Cal., will build a packing plant and handle their own output this season. Bro. Parker, president of the Equity Ware house Co., is a leading spirit in this move. The farmers of France have 4000 co-operative subordinate combinations r:ermanv has 19.000, Austra 7000, l.l.. D'JI'I Unlirium nnurlv 2000. Den lMiy uuau, J ' , , mark has a little over 2000 and the farmers are in absolute control. The United States has 66,000,000 cattle, Argentina hus only 29,000,000 Free trade will not multiply their herd. More than one-third of the homes in Oregon are mortgaged which is about an averago as compared with other states. Belgium had a political strike and n; Jkti nne mnn'H vote was worth as much as another. Now Prussia is th a similar strike. wnnHnr if the farmors of America a.v .""- - , i m H mi L' t: 1 1 1 c 1 1 v udioi hnt. no rlnubt those that are not mem- - at,Mnn anH records of bers will soon join when they see the I d ftnd m.,k weights. The use of the direct beneiu as nuo vearlv record book oi eacn cow win ,t hv the ftountv Business Agent. ...u.u fh nrnfitahle cow :!..:. that were De snown, v..r i-Li. A? . rf7h" r"U T.taMtah may be selected and the unp the meeting place of the county meet- "- rit.. tho snnnnrtra of TVi,.f nf i.o nn rnnfe 2 cot no naD- nMn f ir. tiu Aava lnsir. week and then CIO aw "" " - - , i-uaa Mma ot nne time. It seems tnat " " tii, wkitinin'i ouhRt.itute has not ant onto the rones vet or there is something the matter somewnerc. We hear that we are to have the hrirlcA. which Will be a eood thing and will develop a large scope of country that needs the chan ce. LOCAL OFFICERS OF CLACKA MAS CO. could accomplish any good by taking a month or two off and rest up. demand little. The for food might increase a The taxpayers of Oregon City ..u,,l,l ta verw irrateful to their officers for looking up hungry hobos after supper and turning them loose hefnre hreakiast. me kiu jj i.Wnt ihem for hovcottinit Sheriff Mass boarding house during potato and -rryn. m.r-nn rifv t.hft flUDDorters oi which contended that this would re lieve the locals oi tne worn ot ent- i. Tv.ii, i-aonintinn was relec- tauiiiiviit. nw . t. . ted mainly upon the ground that this was a farmers organization best to keep the meeting in the coun- T resolution demanding that a new system of organization in this state be reccommenoea to tno caused a heated argument in which National Organizer uutting maistcu on entering into. This was rejected as it covered the same ground that the organization plan that was proposed . . . . . :. 1 J nrl.ntnl Dy Mr, iviereuitu mm buui"- It was suggested by some individ- ...,l J,.lm,o that, a reHolutlon should UUl U51CJvo - .. oHontH minnortinif the recall Huur wl- 1 . , . movement against Judge ceaue i pnn,:aiiinniip Rlair hut as a very unu vuiiiiuiw'"' . - large majority of the Equity members are already taxing an active yon. this matter it was ueuueu uum du. .. ..:.. nnt nopeHRarv. ni:i.iuii . " " , . , Mr. T. A. Harper, president ot tne E,il Warehnuae ConiDatlV. was n., mil in verv nleasimr manner exDlained along his particular line the . 1 . . 1 MT I. .. rt tkA advantages ot tne narenuuoc w Equity memDers. ear. nuruer wen onH maria manv new friends. 1 VU "' . , Mr. Cutting was present and made several addresses upon equity ihbi,- o1 vtatnA that while ha was not U1IU oiawu - - as active in the organization work as formerlv. he was heart and soul In tarcsted in the work. Th l.wiiua nt the vlcinitv SDread I bountiful dinner at noon and all far mers present expressed tneir apprec iation DOtn in woru aim ueeu. The meeting place for the next quarterly meeting was left with the board of directors. M. J. Lazelle, who has been editor of Oregon City Equity news for the past three montns resign tiit f.;r. oa hu umrk will take him away from thiB county for several months. He recommended tnat a complete new publicity committee be appointed as nf tho memhara of the present nmm tta were inactive, tie aiso nr.i..H P W Meredith who is not a vnn nt IViu nmmittee. hut has uiuinuvi ui vii -- i each week contributed an important part to the Equity Official raper. P. W. Meredith, W. W. Harris and i.-kr. ctorlf are under consideration by uuiiii .T. 1 the Executive Board to iiu tne vac ancy caused by the resignation of the The meeting was a hummer from start to finish and it is to be hoped ii i. l.ij i:i. ; l that many more win oe nem it m this county. Much credit is due Beaver may wo b""-" " . . , , cow detected and eliminated from tne herd. Prnfessor Barr calls attention to the need of better cows. A profitable herd, he says, can be had within four j:..- hr uaincr a nure bred Or live jcoin - r - sire and making the actual record the guiding factors in selection, .nsoia ance will be given committee in the selection of dairy bulls, the organiza tion of cow testing associations, aim in every way possible, without any cost to them. CnntlviiMia f.fWfll klM""J . itl. c..,,,ui,lo luteal Union No. i no ii . . " j " . . n.n . i.u. b a nt V met In rotrular Oi lim i-. v. , : - session in the Sunnyside school house July 6, 1913. , , aii nfflrers and seven members of . tntoi nf 24 were present. Minutes of the last meeting were j j .nnmiuil Two members made paymenU on their share of stock of the Equity Warehouse Co. Farm topics were discussed, ine : .J,-t. rf the community are eooA. Some of the fall sown oats are laying down. o.M.eUer Secretary ..r. i:-.n onraH m of EC UOan a viiihiiw. - ---- - . .L-i v.j .iiniil m for a long zema mat -, r, ,, n " time. The result was lasUng,'--Hon. S. W. Mathews, Commissiener, wioor Trained Agriculturists Wanted Thnt the graduates from the agri cultural courses of our colleges are most in demand is quite evident by that thev are occupying in this state. The following mention in tne press uunenn nr. A fmpnU.ural Colleee should be an "eye opener" to the young men of this county tnat are at an that it is up to them to plan their life work. Always keep in mind that the right star is half the battle.. fortunate enoueh to draw a prize of $50 on the Fourth from a hardware iirm w He bought a buggy a wnue ago ana got the lucky number with it. Alberta Pres. Jesse Mayfield. Sec. Ferris Mayfield, Springwater R. 1. fVeek: Pres. Fred Kamar- ath; Sec. W. W. Harris, Oregon City R. 3. Canby: Pres. Geo. Koehler; Sec R. C. Brodie. Canby R. 3. Cams: Pres. A. J. Kelnhofer; Sec S. L. Casto, Oregon City R. 3. nanVamoo' Pres. J. A. Sieben; Sec. Frank Haberlach, Clackamas Oregon. rinritenrPrea. Albert Gasser: Sec. John L. Gard, Oregon City R. 4. Pnlton: Pres. J. E. Sandall; Sec. W. S. Gorbett, Colton, Oregon. Damascus: Pres. J. C. Royer; Sec. H. T. Burr, Clackamas R. 1. Eagle Creek: Pres. W. G. Glover, Sec C. C. Longwell, Barton R. 1. Highland Local Pres. M. E. Kan dle; Sec. S. S. Palmer. Laurel Ridge Local Union Pres. G. C. Heiple; Sec N. E. Linn, Estacada, Rt 1. Logan: Pres. W. E. Cromer j Sec, P M Tfirphem. Oreffon City R. 8. Macksburg: Pres. C. D. Keesling, Sec. J. W. Smith, Aurora, R. 1. Maple Lane: Pres. H. M. Robbins, THE WANDERER. Love comes back to his vacant dwelling The old, old love that we knew nf wire! We see him stand by the open With his great eyes sad and bis bosom swelling. xx a miiiM sa though in our ormn renelllnff He fain would He as he lay tAfnre. LoVe comes back to his vacant dwelling The old, old love which we knew of yore. Ah, who shall help us from over spelling That sweet forgotten, forbid den love? E'en as we doubt, in our hearts once move, With a rush of tears to our eye lids welling, Love comes back to his vacant dwelllngi Austin Dobson. Individual Vote Coupon The Oregon City Courier's Subscription Campaign Good for 25 Votes For M Address rru: ...V, nn naatlv rlinneH out. name and address i. ; Krtnfiif trt aftnt. to the Camnaicm ie- partment of the Oregon City Courier, Oregon City, Ore wdl count as 25 votes. Be sure to clip out neatly and do not roll but bring or send in flat packages. Not Good After July 23rd 1913 C. D. LATOURETTE, President F. J .METER, Cashier. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of OREGON CITY. OREGON (Successor Commercial Bank) Transacts Qaneral Banking Business Open from 8 a. m. to t Causes of Stomach Trouble Sedentary habits, lack of outdoor exercise, insufficient mastication of food, constipation, a torpid liver, wor ry and anxety, overeating, partaking of food and drink not suited to your J nKolmn Pnrrert vour hab- its and take Chamberlain's Tablets and you will soon be well again. For sale by iiuntiey nros. vo. A Good Investment nr n mi; a wall Vnown mer- chant of Whitemound, Wis., bought a stock of Chamberlain's meaicine bo as ha .hie tn onnnlv them to his cus- ".w-. rr.': iL u. v: tomers. Arter receiving mem no mm i toil-on oieir and savs that one CU vrni ...... " - - t small bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, rkAl anH niarrhnea Remedy was worth more to him than the cost of his entire stock of these medicines. For sale by Huntley Bros. Co. Office phones: Main 50, A50; Res. phones, M. 2524, 1751 , Home B251, D251 WILLIAMS BROS. TRANSFER & STORAGE Office 612 Main Street Safe, Piano, and Furniture Moving a Specialty Sand, Gravel, Lemeni, iime, nasicr, vummuu Brick, Face Brick, Five Brick Let Jones Save You Money If you don't know about Jones Money Saving prices ana aoou . ,uuuu, u.u, esty and quality of every article Jones Cash Store cames-Yo are actually losing money every day. NOW is the time to ACT Start savmg Today. Whet i you buy of us you buy direct. Very often you can buy cheaper than your local dealer and we will prove it. Our Buyers Guide is the test-There, in have a description of almost every article you ever have to buy and the Price IS AI wavs Printed Plainly. Then one trial order will convince you that tne Price is Right nnd that duality is absolutely me peso anu cxamj .Ci,vvw - j--. aDd U"? " JL ,, ,v today, sure. Start saving NOW. REMEMBER the' OU)ES I MAI L OR O ER IlOU S E on the cc8t Established in 1882, over thirty year. ago. VRAM OF SQUARE DEALING." We are "THIRTY Creek for the loyal support they gave to all niauers oi impurwii bu mau to the ladies who showed their inter est and faith by serving such a fine t . 1 it...!. .If A.t.lunnA trt 4)lA lUUCn BUU UIWU .vwuuaiiVB v meeting in the afternoon. RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED l. I' u Moolinff Jiilv 12. 1913 rtl v' . , - That the county organization take over the business agency esmunsucu by Mt Pleasant and Maple Lane Loc- f hat we endorse the policy of the Courier in this county ana reccom mend the appointment as a state pa per. ORGANIZATION TLAN-Farmers SLlLW: W. M.rMth and adopted by the County Convention of Clackamas County. The State Board shall employ a state organizer who Bhall have the I I 0 P 100 IBS. I $470 5 1 CM NIT U U W III 1 - . ii Mn nun I pr nuw SUSnRI high the market remains the same for the month If the market goes hfllow our price, we trfve you the benefit. Dry Granulated, 100 lbs... $4.70 MASON FRUIT JARS Pints Per Doz 50c Gross $5.75 Quarts Doi. 60c, Cross6.rS Half Cal. Do 83c, Cross 9.50 GROCERIES Canned Tomatoes, pr Dot 98c Canned Corn, per Dox. ....9$e Canned Salmon, 1-lb. cam per Dozen o8c Bayo Beans, per lb 05c rink Beans, 25 lbs. for.... 1.35 25 lbs. good rice for 1.25 Dried reaches, per lb. C8e Jones Leader Soap, 36 k0() Arm & Hammer Soda, pkg .05e Soda Cracker, per box.... .58 Gold Dust, large pkg 19 Karo Syrup, 10.1b, tln......58e Carnation milk, per case.. 3.75 Aster milk, per case,.... 8.60 8 lbs, ground chocolate .73c 10 lbs. Macaroni 56c These are just few sample of our prices. FENCING All trade, ixtttrnt d six, 22c per ana up i on 40 er ceaU POULTRY A fine mixture containing over 94 per cent calcium carbonate. Per hundred poun ds 63c rovsTH. RRIT i . u - per 100 pounds Ground Bone, 100 pounds .$2.30 JONES' SHELLS I 104 US. I ASK FOR BUYERS GUIDE NO S3. tD(DNE& CASB1 STOKE Front and Oak Sts. PORTLAND, ORE., The Best Light AT THE Lowest Cost ELECTRIC LIGHT is the most suitable for homes, offices, shops and other places needing light. Electric ity can be used in any qaanhty, large or small, thereby famishing any re quired amount of light. Furthermore electric lamps can be located in any place, thtis affording any desired dis tribution of light. No other lamps possess these qual ifications, therefore it is not surprising that electric lamps are rapidly replac ing all others in modern establish ments. Portland JRailway, Light & Powe Company MAIN OFFICE SEVENTH m ALDER. PORTLAND " Phones Main 6688 and A. 6131 SUtistica, Augusta, Me.