QREGjQH CITY COURIER,, THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1913 10 COUNTY COURT In the matter of the petition of S. M. Warnock and others for a county road; board of county road reviewers to meet at the place of beginning of said road on the day of July, 1913. In the matter of the petition of Frank Smith and others for vacation of road; this matter laid over on ac count of insufficiency of bond. In the matter of the Wm. Deveny road, report of board of viewers read first and second time and referred to the District Attorney. In the matter of the Langansand road; report of board of viewers read first and second time and referred to District Attorney. In the matter of the Edmiston road; the board of county road viewers having filed an adverse report the pe tition is denied and the proceeding dismissed. In the matter of the incorporation of the city of Molalla; ordered that an election be' held within the proposed boundaries on the 15th day of August 1913. - In the matter of the incorporation of West Linn; ordered that an elec tion be held within the proposed boundaries on the 14th day of Aug ust 1913. In them atter of the W. 0. Vaug han road; the report of District at torney being favorable, it is ordered that said road be opened as a county road. In the matter of deeds from C. W. Bryant, Charles P. Bryant and Inez Bryant, Cordelia E. Lane and E. L Lane, T. G. Rees and wife and the Oregon Iron & Steel Company to Clackamas County, for road purpos es; ordered that said deeds be accep ted and recorded. In the matter of a gravel .pit pur chased from Geo. A. Harding, Jennie B. Harding, Antoinette Stout and Lansing Stout; ordered that the deed be accepted an.d recorded and that the County Clerk issue a warrant on the general road fund for $888.60 in pay ment for same. In the matter of th e petition of Isaac Jacobs et al for vacation of a portion of town of Robertson; order ed continued until August term 1913. In the matter of the appointment of C. A. Worthington as Constable for District No. 6; ordered that C. A, Worthington be and is appointed as Constable for Justice of the peace No. 5 for balance of the term. In the matter of town plat of Coat es Home Tracts; ordered that same and is approved. In them atter of the application of Sarah Gibbons, an indigent person ordered that she be granted the sum of $20.00 per month until ufrther or der of this court. In the matter of the Schaber road; on motion of the petitioners, this pro ceedings is dismissed. In the matter of Peter Erickson, an indigent person; ordered that the al lowance of Peter Erickson be increas ed to $15.00 per month. In the matter of Mar yMarco, an indigent person; orderod that a war rant be issued to Baid Mary Marco for the sum of $5.00 In the matter of the Oregon Iron & Steel Company for privilege of lay ing down maintaining nd repairing water muins over certain streets and roads around Lake Villas; ordered that the petition be denied. In the matter of the petition of M. G. Neaao for extension of time within which to complete the cruising con tract; on account of extteme depth of snow in the mountains, the time is ex tended to July 20th, 1913. In the matter of the application of -I'luard and family for county aid; ordered that $10.00 per month be granted said family. In the matter of the application of D. M. Klcmsen for appointment as deputy sealer of weights and meas ures; ordered that said application be continued. In the matter of the claim of Sadie Thurston for damages in the sum of $4,000.00 for damages by reason of defective road; ordered that claim be denied as county is not liable for greater sum than $2,000.00. In the matter of the application of O. O. Goosh for privilege of construc ting a foot bridge upon a dedicated street in Willow Park; ordered that applicant submit plans and specilifr ations of said bridge. In the matter of road tax collected in city of Estacada; ordered tlmt a warrant issue in favor of said city cor $111.85. In them atter of bids, specifications and profile construction of "River Road;" profile and specifications ap- proved and County Clerk, directed to advertise in the Mornhg Enterprise for bids, to be received not later than July 19th. In the mutter of the petition of An na L. Snyder for cancel'ation of tax es, she being an indigent person; or dered that said tuxes be cancelled. General Fund Warrants Issued fol the Month of July, 1913 Circuit Court R. B. Runyon .. 16.00 Harry Goulding 2.G0 Wnu Dyer 40.00 Jerome Avery 41.40 A. D. Gribble'.. 41.40 John Gaffney 39.40 Frank Sawtell i . 43.00 J. C. Bradley 39.00 D. C. Howell 39.40 Mrs. Moreland .. 3.26 Earnest Miller , ..." 4-40 . Ralph Ackerson .... 6.00 Milton Shipey 2.50 J. Wood.. i.. i 3.60 S. Winther Chas. Bickner W. E. Bull F. Keller Robert L. Cox P. A. Baltimore H. Leap C. L. Amsbury J. F. McCann W. C. Medsker T. H. Elston John Payne .. James B. Beeson Otto Owen J. W. oDwty Leslie O. Eaton John F. Risley R. B. Holcomb I. A. Miley C. C. Borland T. R. Worthington Joel Jarl Fred Josi H. S. Gibson Henry Swales A. J. Hodge W. W. Tucker John Yoder A. W. Cooke Wm. Dale Philip Streib E. Gross John Keisecker S. F. Sharp C. P. Farr Solon Kinzer H. L. Vaughan C. Kocher L. P. Horton J. W. McAnulty Geo. Koehler S. A. D. Hungate Winnson Craft Hugo Hansen C. W. Carothers John Stuwe Lewis T. Mueller Noah Egli Jake Mitts John Schwabauer G. E. Thomas Kenneth Davidson S. A. D. Hungate Chauncey Ramsby David Jones, Jr., County Court H. H. Hughes Fashion Livery Stable W. H. Mattoon N. Blair Nora B. Crisswell".. Justice of the Peace L. A. Bentley J. N.'Sievers D. E. Frost Dalene Scott E. Galliger F. C. Burke Robert Sartin Harry Greaves Ed Surfus W. F. Schooley Harry Tjembath M. Nedantal Steve Hungate W. Givens Edwin Bates Sheriff B. J. Staats Postal Telegraph Co F. A. Miles Miller-Parker Co Wilson & Cooke D. E. Frost Ivan Wood Ed Reckner M. F. McCowan John Morris J. W. Jones F. A. Miles . . . Western Union , W. S. Eddy Fashion Livery Stable Tax Department Cis B. Pratt Clerk W. L. Mulvey Irwin-Hodson Co Recorder A. R. WilliamB Edith Smith E. P. Dedman Louise Cochran Treasurer Alice Dwiggins J. A. Tufta - Coroner H. W. Trembath M. E. Dunn T. J. Meyers John Bradley , D. E. Frost J. B. Edwards A. E. Frost Dr. E. A. Sonimcra Dr. C. II. Moissner Gilbert L. Hedges Wm. J. Wilson .. J. L. Swafford George Kirk George Boyd E. L. Shaw Dr. M. C. Strickland Supt. of Schools F. J. Tooze F. B. Guthrie Sdna Deyo II. M. James -. Lens Ulen J. E. Calavan C. R. James Margaret Curran .... T. J. Gary Fashion Livery Stable Assessor E. W. Randolph W. H. Holder Louis Funk . . B. L. Hagemann M. E. Gaffney ; D. Engle Abel Thomas J. A. Kuks L. P. Duffy Claude Woodle Clura Mitchell Gertie Wilson Surveyor D. Thompson Meldrum , Paul Dunn Bud Thompson Harry Gray A " I. Z.OO 2.60 3.50 2.60 2.00 2.00 2.60 3.60 2.50 2.60 2.50 2.00 4.00 6.00 42.20 12.20 13.40 12.80 14.40 13.20 13.40 16.60 37.20 36.80 14.40 13.40 18.00 6.60 13.60 18.00 13.40 . 12.60 17.00 13.80 12.20 6.60 15.00 11.80 2.20 12.20 14.00 12.20 4.60 3.80 6.60 5.60 5.60 5.60 5.20 6.40 2.60 2.60 14.60 2.60 3.10 6.00 8.00 22.00 24.60 20.00 1.70 17.45 19.30 1.70 1.70 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 7.50 1.20 2.50 6.65 10.75 2.49 96.70 19.45 1.00 5.00 60.00 67.00 48.00 3.00 6.00 15.00 .50 7.60 5.00 62.50 10.00 .40 2.00 65.00 5.76 65.00 44.00 2.00 2.40 2.40 2.40 1.20 2.40 . 1.70 1.70 12.60 101.00 14.90 18.90 1.20 1.20 1.70 1.70 10.00 50.00 50.00 20.00 130.65 35.00 119.30 2.00 124.15 16.07 4.00 15.00 6.00 15.00 15.00 60.00 39.00 27.00 22.60 12.00 76.00 60.00 50.00 74.00 60.00 60.00 22.60 Frank Langensand 8.00 Fruit Inspector O. E. Freytag 18.60 Board of Health C. H. Dauchy 26.25 1 W. J. Wilson z.ou Current Expense Home Telephone Co 16.90 Pacific Telephone Co 21.45 Huntley Bros. Co 42.20 Court House Wilson & Cooke .60 Board, .water Commissioners 17.00! Hartford Fire Ins. Co 28.20 Miller-Parker Co 50 James Adkin Lmbr. Co 9.53 Frank Busch 39.00 Portland Ry. L. &. P. Co 8.60 L. Adams 1.20 Griffin Roberta 11.25 Jail E. T. Mass 172.24 Frank Busch .'. 6.00 V. Harris 45 - Indigent Soldiers Mead Post No. 2. G. A. R 30.00 County Poor Mary Marco 5.00 C. R. Thorpe & Co 18.50 Sarah Gibbons 20.00 Louis Noble Jr 8.00 Huntley Bros. Co 1.00 Oregon City Laundry ........ 1.80 F. T. Barlow 12.10 Oregon City Hospital ........ 3.00 F. T. Barlow . . . . ; 20.00 J. Bickner & Sons 9.95 F. Clack 7.00 A. R. Stephens 5.00 Oregon City Hospital 10.00 Farr Brothers . .- 24.20 B ... 4 .... H HTTH ARAARAAOI Cottage Undertaking Parlars 21.75 Mrs. G. E. Woodward 20.00 Brunswick House 14.00 A. King & Co 10.00 Wichieta Mercantile Co 6.00 Robbins Bros 8.00 Wm. Hammond 5.00 Der.nis Donovan 12.50 Mrs.. M. E. EJchison ......... 7.25 C. E. Swan 15.00 Wm. Dabforth 5.00 David E. Jones 8.00 C. E. Burns 6.00 W. T. Gardner 10.00 Mrs. Bradtl 10.00 J. W. S. Owens 10.00 Dumrees Grocery 7.00 Sam Booher 16.00 Niles Johnson 7.00 S. M. Kelso 10.00 N. H. Smith 10.00 I Dock Mosier 10.00 Mrs. Jessie Allen 20.10 Patton Home 16.00 Henry Soiess 10.00 Alice Cairr ;. 10.00 A. J. Rosenthal 20.00 Mary Buol 5.00 Peter Erickson 15.00 Ivy Kinney 10.00 Timber Cruise O. S. Boyles 185.05 Henry Russell 66.00 M. G. Nease 2,539.62 Wild Animal Bounty Harry L. Hubert 1.60 Printing and Advertising Oregon City Courier 39.15 Oregon City Enterprise 271.70 Election Glass & Prudhomme 14.17 Chas. Thompson 22.00 Oregon City Enterprise ...... 27.35 Insane Insane F. A. Miles " 4.40 Dr. J. W. Norris 6.00 Dr. Hugh S. Mount 5.00 Juvenile Court D. E. Frost 75 Mrs. C. J. Parker 20.30 Experting County Books William Shannon 25.50 E. C. Hackett 417.00 Road Warrants Issued for the Month of July, 1913 Road District No. 1 O. A. Battin 520 C. E. Battin 38.75 Wm. Smart 20.00 Wm. Strange 25.00 J. A. Davis 65.00 D. Gaffney 5.00 G. Newton 22.50 J. Coates 33.75 Wm. Mundion , 83.75 J. Luther 11.25 Wm. Mrickley 5.00 District No. 2. Grant Mumpower 7.72 Wilson Dawalt 6.00 E. R? Bennett J7.85 Ike Johnson 10.00 John McNair 11.25 Alex Daue 4.50 A. Heinrich 1.00 J. W. Bennett 22.50 W. H Haberlach 4.25 District No. 3. " H. Paulson 14.00 M. Alblanalp 10.00 Otto Vogel 10.00 S. C. Young 8.00 Fern Thebo 10.00 Frank Donley 7.00 Rome Donley 6.00 Otto YKel 3.00 J. A. Stool, Jr 1.00 C. Wolfhagen 12.85 J. C. EJliott .'. 41.85 H. Seibert 51.00 J. Pilster 62.50 C. Henke 60.00 C. Proebstol 22.60 W. W. Cooke 61.40 T. O. Cooke 62.90 M. V. Newall 14.00 Earl Shearer 48.00 Edd Pilster 26.00 Renzo Crawford 27.00 Lester Newell 2.00 W. A. Shearer 8.00 C. Proebstol 4.00 C. W. Johnson 7.00 Earl Shearer 3.00 A. II. Ritxeau 8.00 J.i A. Stool, Jr 32.00 O. O. Parrett 6.00 Dill Donley 24.00 A. Osterback 4.00 Joe Eberhart .. ...f. 14.00 Herman Gerhardus .... 45.00 J. Wymore 35.00 Joe Pilster 2.50 C. Henke ..' 2.50 District No. 4 W. Givens 105.00 C. W. Schuld & Sons 105.00 F. Boyer . 38.00 R. Currin 64.00 H. Kitching 54.00 P. Lovell 50.00 .4 m.,U ..P4. THH THH THHT E. Sailing .. 32.00 C. Sparks 30.00 A. Erickson 34.00 L. Hale 30.00 J. Moss 29.00 Dan Matson 22.00 Noel Sarver 10.00 D. Walters 25.00 G. Walters 19.00 M. Baurnfiend 18.00 A. Kitching 38.00 W. Wade 19.00 John Githens "40.00 Iver Erickson 8.00- J. W. Dowty 8.00 Norman - Linn . .' 40.00 J. O'Connoe 12.00 John Dowty 12.00 Noel Sarver 16.00 L. Y. Condon 6.00 Lindsey Hale 6.00 Chas. Kitching 10.00 Atle Erickson 6.00 R. Coop 8.00 W. Githens 32.00 Henry Githens 5.00 Edgar Heiple 7.00 Walter Looney 24. Neal Taylor 7.50 District No. 5 J. W. Roots & Co. 4.10 Wm. Wheeler 46.00 Fred Werner. 32.00 C. Lekberg 8.00 H. Beck .... 30.00 O. Boring 8-.00 B. B. Johnston 24.00 T. Richey 26.00 B. Stone .... 8.00 L. Ritzer 30.00 W. Card 6.00 B. B. Johnston 24.00 M. Wilmarth 7.00 M. Horning 3.00 F. Werner 3.00 M. H. Wheeler 36.25 District No. 6. Smith Bros 75 Oleson Lmbr. Co 10.92 R. E. Jarl 24.25 Jonsrud Bros 2.40 Paul R. Meinig '. 28.85 Nick Schmitz 65.90 Frank Schmitz Jr 14.00 Chas. Krebs, Sr. .. 109.50 Chas. Krebs, Jr 13.00 Geo. Krebs, Jr 12.75 Herman Krebs 34.50 Wm. Senske 2.00 Gust Finger 20.60 Frank Theiss 8.00 Walter Krebs 2.00 District No 7. Smith Bros 11.25 Paul R. Meinig 36.25 Chas. Dempsy 78.00 Tom Dempsy 50.00 Wm. Bell 28.00 J. McCormack 48.00 M. McCormack 50.00 H. H. Watkins 68.00 J. A. Rowe ; 38.00 Roy Mitchell 46.00 Henry Ten Eyek 96.00 E. R. Leaf 101.25 Wm. Senske 82.00 Jessie Stafford 15.00 Gilbert Vanderhoff 62.00 A. C. Baumback 68.00 Chas. Greenwood . . . V, ....... 16.00 Jas. Flegles r... ...... 9.00 Tom Kubitza 28.00 Jesse Vanderhodd . . . . . . . . . 12.75 S. B. Egbert 40.00 Geo. Kirby 40.50 Edd Ten Eyck 60.00 Howard Power ' 46.00 Wm. Harrison 24.00 Geo. Sharnkie 4.50 Chas. Rutherford 4.50 E. E. McGugin E.00 H. Aschoff 1.00 Joe Haley. 27.00 M. Dickerson 20.00 Homer Molton 40.00 Clark Melugin 44.00 Fred Gibbons 30.00 Geo. Gibbons 80.00 H. Cooke : 8.00 District No. 8. J. T. Freil 24.00 Joe Wall 8.00 Fred Kinnicker 8.00 Chas. King 4.00 Ray Murray 12.00 Andrew Oak . 4.00 Carl Raithal '3.00 Chas. King 1.00 Fred Bechill " 22.50 Albion Meinig .'. 16.80 District No. 9. McCurdy Lmbr. & Hdwre. Co. 4.80 A. M. Jannsen 30.00 T. Harder 6.00 H. Schmitz 2.00 G. Zwerman 8.00 E. Guber 28.00 F. Lins 15.00 H. Joyner 6.00 R. Miller 15.00 A. Steinke ..' 4.00 A. Miller ' 4.00 N. J. W. Eichner 27.00 B. Oldham 13.00 H. Tucker 30.00 H. E. Kreaft 13.00 Theo. Huerth 25.00 E. J. Rue 16.00 Cecil Jones 18.00 P. E. Jones ..... 18.00 R. Mattoon 9.00 C. R. Livesay ... 43.75 Wilson & Cooke 75 California Trojan Powder Co. 15.25 District No. 12 ! N. L. Kirchera 49.05 Henry Huber 13.50 W. McCubbin 31.60 A. McMurry 20.25 F. Kohl 22.50 Joe Sprague 23.50 Fred Guerber 19.50 P. M- Kirchem 4.50 Elmer McMurray 33.75 C. Cristensen 32.75 W. Tompkins 27.00 L. Hampton 6.75 John Walzak .' 31.50 G. Strahan 27.75 H. Tschoppe 9.00 O. Verding 29.25 C. Fallert 53.00 B. Swales 42.00 Ed Kingding 11.25 H. McMurry 21.25 C. McMurry 15.75 A. Mather 188.65 B. Swales H-00 L. Hampton 6.00 G. Lesch 12.00 Ed Kingdig 12.00 Geo.. Kohl l&.OO A. Friderick 13.50 P. Kirchem 13.50 C. Fallert .' 13.50 District No. 12 Cont'd A. J. Johnston 13.50 C. Johnson 14.00 H. Fouts 2.00 J. McCubbin 8.00 F. Riebhoff 2.00 E. McMurray 6.00 J. Moser . 7.50 Tom Allen .. 6.00 A. Funk .' 6.00 F. Kohl 6.00 B. Frederieki, 4.00 Harry Babler 62.50 A. Mather V ' 5.00 J. Schwartz & Son 461.12 Fred Brown 3.75 District No. 13. F. E. Cockerline 1-50 Wilson & Cooke 1.75 California Trojan Powder. Co. . 93.50 J. T. Hindle 12.00 A. M. Kirchem 1.50 J. W. McCubbin 8.00 John Mattoon 20.00 Milford Hinkle 10.00 E. Hinkle 20.00 Paul Courtrigrt ' 2.00 Lloyd Allen 28.00 F. Bullard 32.00 J. T. Fullam 88.00 District No. 14 Geo. Strong 27.60 Chas. Jones 20.00 J. E. Smith 18.00 Tom Myrick 22.50 H. Olsen 18.00 Tom Myrick 20.00 H. Olsen . 18.00 Edward Myrick 22.50 A Thomas 2.50 Abraham Thomas 20.25 Di Thorn ... 4.60 Fred Henrici .'. 35.60 District No. 10 J. O. Duus 40.00 L. J. Palmateer .. 38.00 O. D. Califf $ 82.00 F. E. Thomas 82.00 J. H. Tracy 48.00 J. P. Steinman 20.00 G. T. Beebe 24.00 H. D. Trapp 8.00 J. M. Schultze 13.00 George DeShields v 20.00 Frank Rhodes 10.00 Coast Culvert & Flume Co. ... 60.20 McCurdy Lmbre & Hdwre Co. 52.20 District No. 11. F. A. Jones 66.00 Clifford Guynup 56.00 C. D. Kirk 60.00 L, Lundberg 86.00 Henrv Henrici 37.60 J. Shelly 44.00 Llovd Henrici 60.00 Chas. White .; I: ..... 40.00 Pete Bluhm 25.00 Fred Force ........ 55.00 Tom Blackburn 36.00 Wm. Henrici 33.00 Henry Henrici ' 24.00 Wilson & Cooke 7.80 A. P. Schneider 2.10 District No, 15 Oregon Engineering Sc. Construction Co. 55.90 Wm. Shea .7.... 128.00 J. W. Warnock 32.00 J. Yaunker '38.00 C. K. Quinn 28.00 Wm. Shea 153.75 Clyde Simmons 27.60 J. H. Garner 27.60 E. Smith 27.60 D. Smith ..' 27.60 M. Pollard ' 27.60 Jim Shea . 19.20 Oregon Eng. & ConBt Co. ... 6.00 Wm. Fine '. 57.60 G. Grossenbacker 67.50 O. Tompkins 45.00 L. W. Davis 62.60 Tom Thomas 43.75 Wm. Rainey 22.50 Dave Thomas 41.00 W. J. Kennedy ..... 28.00 Albert Scheer 23.00 August Shunk .... 18.00 E. L. Camn ..... 8.00 District No. 16 H. C. Kanne H-00 Aug. Staehly ..... 88.75 W. G. Randall ........ ,18.00 T. W. Blanchard . . 6.00 N. Criteser 27.00 Del Criteser. ..... ... 27.00 Wm. Gutperlet ......... 14.00 F. C. Chinn ........... 82.50 L. Ferguson -50 N. Norton 17.00 J. R. Cawthorn , 7.00 E. Gelbrich 4.00 A. O. Miller 10.00 Herman Staehly 26.50 Frank Engle 4.00 Geo. Randall 7.00 Tom Penman 20.50 District No. 17 Randall & White 14.00 Carlton & Rosenkrans Co. ... 12.50 A. Tice 16.00 Joe Larson 13.50 Pearl Nichols i... 3.50 Almon Johnson 15.75 F. C. Herr 22.00 Tom Grimes 18.00 D R. Dimick . . v 30.00 G. M. Jones 16.00 Ivan Dimick 34.00 Glen Irish A. B&ny Leon Jackson L. Griffin Wm. Raddatz Geo. Brenner Earnest Gilbrick Emil Gilbrick District No. 18 Wilson & Cooke T. Davis L. Buckner L. Buckner J. T. Edmiston A. Trafton F. Wesenbeck Fritzie Kamrath F. Kamrath Wm. Martin District No. 18 Cont'd W. C. Martin C. Baker L. Buckner A. Buckner F. Trafton D. Evans E. Sheppard J. T. Evans John Evans W. Sheppard A. Trafton C. Stewart J. Bluhm District No. 19 E. P .Berdine Edwin Berdine Earl Berdine , B. Chindgren R. Chindgren S. Holstein S. Holstein-. J. Evans H. Wilson C. Wilson G. Wilson .... F. Murry E. Davis O. Davis O. Adkins H. Darnell W. Murry Mr. Huffstetter Mr. Chieve W. Waldorfi C. Evans D. Evans T. Evans 1... D. Graves R. Schuebel .-. H. Schuebel G. Anderson R. Bullard ... Hult Lumber Co District No. ?1 Hult Bros Alfred Danielson John Anderson August Anderson G. Asplund ' P. E. Ostrom Walter Gorbett Chas. Swan U. S. Dix Archie Bonney Alfred Swanson John Jones A. N. Swanson . . . . . , ...... Erick Trygg . Joe Carlson J. D. Craword E. A. Swanson R. D. Ball D. C. Ball Claude Winslow Alover Johnson P. E. Bonney W. H. Schiffer Alex Erickson John Erickson Evert Erickson ............ District No. 23 ; R. W. Zimmerman O. Slaughter D. Shephard A. H. Sage M. King A. Nelson H. C. Howe ...... H. Gilbertson S. Erickson H. R. Zimmerman .......... V. Skinner ...v.... V. Berg ....Vw.. M. Widdows R. O. Vetoto'... C. Potwin W. D. Fish A. Ausve J. H. Hartman S. H. France A. Bachert i .. . E. Judy B. J. Berg S. B. Berg J. M. Blaue District No. 24 ' D. D. Hastetler S. H. Kauffman Carlton & Rosenkrans Co . . . Arthur JHarnack ;? A. B. Kemmerer Sam Hondrick ............. Ezereh Yoder Ernest Theil Fritz Stageman John Yoder C. E. Mitta District No. 25 G. M. Graves J. Ganske, Jr. Leonard Whener . Andy Gribble. ,. ;. J. Fenske ...1 Chris Lorenz E. Mert J. P. Cole Wm. Gelbrick Jesse Hepler John Graves Ed Graves District No. 26 Duane Robbins L. Dickey ...'... Clay Hungate F. J. Painter Jack Freyer G. Hungate Frank Vaughan Bill Lay Bud Lay Albert Engle .' J. H. Powers C. Dickerson 8.00 7.00 9.00 2.50 16.00 8.00 9.00 23.00 1.50 6.50 205.1 2.50 4.25 4.25 4.50 1.50 10.75 6.25 6.75 2.50 ' 2.00 6.50 6.50 ' 1.50 6.50 4.50 8.00 . 3.50 2.60 1.00 9.00 62.50 32.00 2S.00 . 2.00 2.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 9.00 3.00 9.00 2.00 12.00 12.00 20.00 4.00 4.00 10.00 4.00 7.10 6.00 5.50 7.00 11.00 5.00 1.60 1.50 10.00 16.00 244.81 35.45 48.00 1.00 8.00 8.00 18..00 24.00 24.00 . 24.00 , 24.00 33.75 22.00 12.00 12.00 6.00 30.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 , 9.00 20.00 22.00 20.00 11.50 67.00 5.00 24.50 . 61.00 65.00 60.50 22.00 39.00 29.00 . 39.00 ,; 34.00 11.50 13.00 20.50 17.50 24.50 18.00 20.00 16.00 20.0i . 5.01 .69 62.00 67.50 2.40 14.54 6.00 2.00 2.50 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 ' 27.60 14.50 4.00 13.50 11.50 ' 19.00 18.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 4.00 3.00 40.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 16.00 24.00 16.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 27.00 12.00 12.00, Neil Jackson 12.00 Wm. Freyer 12.00 C. Freyer 4.00 Joe Freyer 9.00 Ben Steininger 12,00 M. M. Jameson 12.00 Geo. Crandall 10.00 H. Robbins 8.00 Geo. Baty 8.00 Felix Baty 2.00 Robbins Bros 3.40 Mark Hungate '. . . . 48.00 Geo. Marts 38.00 J. M. Cross 16.00 Oren Cutting 10.00 Solon Scherd 12.00 D. H. Austen 10.00 W. Beck 10.00 D. H: Ramsby 31.00 Harry Frazer 4.00 O. Looney 14.00 L. Vick 4.00 Ben Steininger 4.00 G. W. Carpenter 4.00 J. R. P. Vick 8.00 Hugh Cutting 8.00 Ira Steininger 32.00 Ed Johnston 8.00 E. A. Mallatt 24.00 W. H. Engle 40.00 Geo. Kirk 8.00 Rollo Echerd 17.00 R. W. Davidson 2.50 W. W. Everhart 28.75 District No. 27 Giger Groa S. G. Nicholson Mike Oster '.. F. L. Skirvin F. L. Skirvin Joe Oster Dexter Roberts Henry Asboe Joe Miller Wm. Brown J. Barth J. C. Marquam District No. 28 Al Rometsch Herman Bock Ben Sherman Frank Sherman Lloyd Fish J. H. Green D. W. Fisher S. A. Johnson Nick Sabe Chas Alughter Earl Groshong N. B. Wade Frank Kokel Ora Coover Floyd Ferguson Dan Groshong Jos. Frolich Ben Johnson A., Carter Clarence Myers Ed Ringsted A. Hugal Scott Certer , Chas. Thomas W. Ferlaane , . . Guy Dibble John Novak P. Boyles Geo. Cuss Mark Lewis , L. D. Shank Ernest Lehman , Robbins Bros ..... , Leslie Shank John Ferguson Roy Thomas W. C. Huitt H. Edwards James Nicholson Frank Brosig E. Sowa Ben Thomas Dave Fox A. Sackett Vernon Pitman E. Clester ', Earl Bird Blaine Bird W. M. Bird Clarence Vorheis Al Wyland Ray Wyland District No. 29 JT H. Huff stutter t . M. Huffstutter A. G. Gray R. H. Crisswell ; Albert Eisner G. Yergen O. B. Taylor H. Kee W. A. Rodgers f W. Sohn W. Whitworth ; J. P. Bartles W. C. Murray Carl Korman 7...'. . 6.48 16.00 44.00 18.00 30.00 44.00 14.00 6.00' 18.00 23.00 30.00 . 1.05 84.00 9.00 16.00 7.00 13.00 10.00 11.00 20.00 50.00 50.00 15.50 34.00 40.00 8.00 32.00 21.00 19.00 25.00 24.00 30.00 30.00 48.00 20.00 13.00 16.20 22.00 18.00 ..22.00 18.00 18.00 65.00 141.67 20.83 72.00 62.00 34.00 34.00 ' 30.60 63.00 66.00 12.50 62.50 46.00 18.00 .19.00 5.00 33.00 32.00 41.00 56.00 67.00 60.00 District No. 30 Geo. Nagl .,, Geo. B..Rate & Co ....... Ed Whitton ............. Ernest Whitton Frank Whitton O. C. Whitton ....... A. Neilson J. G. Nagle W. Nagle t.,.. Roy Foster Ed Wanker ; Einfield Baker ....... Harry Borland C. C. Borland John Raicy . J. P. Cook ' Hugh Baker Albert Helms Clarence Whitten Robert Wanken F. W. Wanker W. Papoun Frank Childs ' District No. 31 Glenmorrie Quarry Co. .. Wilson & Cooke , W. Z. Simmons V. Thompson C. C! Schroeder R. W. Schatz , E. Pamperene H. Elligsen R. Bushbaum , E. Athy ' G. Failmetzger , 20.00 ' 14.50 4.00 ' 2.00 2.0& 28.00 '.; 2.00 16.00 76.50 7.00 9.00 7.20 2.50 3.00 18.60 10.50 22.00 28.00' 36.00 30.00 19.00 11.00 10.00 - 11.00 64.25 40.00 ..16.00 16.00 20.00 8.00 : -10.00 ; 20.00 12.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 1.00 66.00 .90 2.05 19.00 2.00 6.00 6.00 16.00 2.00 2.00 10.00 Continued on page 11