i e OREGON CITY COURIER, THURSDAY JULY f 1913. 3 ET) .. D ) "i Hi i 1 1 ir 1 ojin ft1 pi 1 1 Portlands Finest Clothing Establishment in the Hands of a Receiver We Bought the Replevined Clothing Stock of Robinson Co., of Portland at 60 Cents on the Dollar Every Suit of the Celebrated Stem-BIoch Make of Rochester The Highest Grade Clothing in America 350 of these Celebrated Stein Bloch Suits will be thrown on the market at 60 Cents on the Dollar COPYRIGHT 1912 MICHAELS, STERN fcfia ROCHESTER.. N. . CanYouBeatlt? They had fast at rived from the factory when they were replevined. AH the latest shades browns, bices, grays and mixtures in box backs, conservative and English models. We can fit yoo all, stoats, leans, slims, longs we have them all. Robinson & Co's. $25.00 Suits, $ 5.75 Robinson & Co's. $27.50 Suits, $16.95 Robinson & Co's. $30.00 Suits, $17.95 Robinson & Co's. $35.00 Suits, $22.75 Remember This Represents the Cream of Their Stock Only 350 Suits. Come Early While Picking is Good Daie upens Store Closed Monday, July 14th, to Arrange Stock u JuMb AT 8 O'CLOCK A. M. It's AN OPPORTUNITY of A LIFE TIME Special Reductions Will Be Offered in All Departments, such as Hats, Shoes, Furnishings, Boys' Wear, Trunks and B&gs GET IN THE GAME AND SAVE YOUR MONEY WHILE YOU CAN Such Sterling Values Are" 'Not Offered to Yot Every Day PMC E P 6th and Main Streets whete clothes Fit" Oregon City, Oregon