OREGON CITY COURIEEt!il913 i rlbe ORE GON CITY GOU ER'S G JIM IRFAT I -s n n rs s m m r IV Officially Opened Tuesday, July 1st IT'S NEW, ITS ORIGINAL - - GET IN AND WIN All Aboard ! FOR THE. World's fair San Francisco . 1.9 15 AN UNPARALLELED OPPORTUNITY FOR WIDE AWAKE, AMBITIOUS MEN AND WOMEN TO WIN VALUABLE AWARDS AGGREGATING MORE THAN Two Thousand Dollars. Campaign open to every one in Clackamas and adjoin ing Counties. IT COSTS NOTHING TO TRY! Piano! (Set Of! filers Beautiful Bungalo Player Piano 3 JEWS T TQ1G! AT San Francisco 1915 14 Days Trip to the Panama-Pacific Exposition, with Side Tips to the noted resorts in California NOMINATION WEEK The Oregon City Courier's great subscription campaign opened last Tuesday. Over $2000.00 in awards will be given to readers and friends of this paper in exchange for effort. The campaign is just get ting started, and to delay entering as a candidate is overlooking the "best bet" of the year Don't put off sending in your nomination or that of a friend until tomorrow. Tomorrow never comes Just a little effort during the next six weeks may win an award thai will lead to affluence. THIS IS NOMINATION WEEK. Candidates may be non inated at any time during the campaign, but RIGHT NOW IS THE PSYCHOLOGICAL MOMENT. It will pay YOU to consider this cam paign seriously. The awards are not toys as a glance at the list of awards signifies but are worth hundreds of dollars. The list of awards being headed by a beautiful $750.00 Eiller's Bungalow Plav er Piano, and to include trips to the world's fair in San Francisco in 1915., and side trips to all the noted California resorts. YOU CAN WIN ALL THIS AND IT DOES NOT COST YOU A CENT. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS TO DEVOTE A LITTLE OP YOU RTIME IN CALLING ON YOUR FRIENDS. CALL UP THE CONTEST DEPARTEMNT AT ONCE AND GET STARTED. Phone Main 51. Here It Is! The Beautiful Eilers $750 Bungalow Player Piano It is now on Exhibition in the Courier OlFice Come in and look it over. You can win this Piano! Every Contestant that turns in not less than $10.00 of Subscription Money will Win a Prize SECOND GRAND PRIZE in RULES AND REGULATIONS Gold Bond Certificates $1000.00 in Gold Bond Certificates will be issued during the contest. See one of the Contest Men. No. 1. Any person is eligible to become u Contestant. No. 2. This contest shall continue for a period of six weeks. No. 3. Candidates shall be fur nished with receipts to be given for all payments of subscriptions. No. 4. No employee of the Cour ier's or member of any employee's family will be allowed to participate in this contest. No. 5. A change of name at the eame address by anyone now receiv ing the Courier will not be consid ered a new subscriber. No. 6. Votes obtained by one Con testant and not turned in to the of fice cannot be transferred in any way to another Contestant. No. 7. Subscriptions must be sent or brought direct to the contest De partment. If mailed, postage must be fully prepaid. No. 8. Special votes will be allow ed on subscriptions as follows: 1- year Sub.... 2- year Sub 3- years' Sub... 4- yeais' Sub... 5- years' Subr, . Price 1.50 3.00 4.50 6.00. 7.50 Votes . 800 . 900 1800 3000 4500 No. 9. Votes will also be allowed on coupons to bo printed in the Cour ier ami for nomination coupons. No. 10. When the 300th new sub cription reaches the office of Courier from contestants, the contestant having to his credit the highest num ber of votes will receive one tour to the Panama-Pacific Exposition, Cali fornia, 1915 as per itinerary of the 'Panama Pacific Tours company, Port land, Oregon. No. 11. When the GOOth new sub scription reaches the office of the Contest Department a second trip as in No. 10 will be awarded. No. 12. When the 900th new sub scription reaches the office of the Contest Department a third trip as in No. 10 will be awarded. No. 13. When the 1000th new sub scription reaches the Contest Depart ment the contestant having the great est number of votes will receive as 1st grand prize, one $750.00 Eiler's Player Bungalow Piano; the one re ceiving the next highest number of votes will receive as 2nd grand prize one $200.00 set of furniture; the con testant receiving the next highest number of votes will receive one lot in Solano Beach, Washington; the con testant receiving the fourth highest number of votes will receive one lot in Solano Beach, Washington. No. 14. Each and every contestant that fails to win one of the regular or Grand Prizes will be compensated in accordance to the value of the work done. No. 15. For all subscriptions" com ing by mail, the date when a subs cription is mailed, will be dtermined by the date of the post mark of the office through which said subscript ion is mailed. No. 16. The name and full address of each subscription must accompany all remittances. No. 17. Under no consideration shall the votes in the scheldule given above be reduced, but they may from time to time, at the option of the Contest Department, be increas ed. No. 18. No Contestant can win more than one trip to the World's Fair 1915, but any Contestant win ning one of the World's Fair trips will be eligible to compete for one of the Grand Prizes. No. 19. The Grand Prizes will not bo awarded unless 1,000 new subs scriptions reach the Ccontest Depart ment by 6 P. M. Aug. 19, 1913. No. 20. All contestants must ac cept and agree to abide by the above rules. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. What is the total value of the prizes? Ans. More than $2,000. 2. How many Contestants will win regular prizes? Ans. All Cnotest ants who collect $10 or more in new subscriptions win a prize. 3. How may votes be secured? Ans. By securing subscriptions to the Courier and by clipping coupons from each issue of the paper. 4. Will the prizes be awarded all at the same time? Ans. No. They will be awarded one at a time. 5. When will the Grand Prizes be awarded? Ans. After the 1,000 new. subscription reaches the Contest Department,-providing that.said 1000th new subscription reaches' the Contest Department before Aug. 19, 1913, 6 P. M. . 6. Can any one contestant win two trips ? Ans. No, but he may continue in the contest until tho end, in ex pectation of winnin gone of the Grand Prizes. 7. When will the first prize be awarded? Ans. When KO0 new sub scriptions to the Courier have been turned in to the Contest Department. 8. When will the cnotest for the first trip close? Ans. When the 300th new subscription reaches the office of the Courier from contestants, but votes will be allowed for all sub scriptions or coupons mailed on or previous to that day, altho' they reach the office of the Courier a few days later. For example: Suppose the contest for the first prize closes Mon day noon, and a number of votes were mailed, Monday morning, from some district Post office, but did not reach the office until a few days later these votes will count in the awarding of the first prize. 9.. If by mail, what will determine the date on which the subscriptions were sent? Ans. The post mark of the post office through which the sub scriptions were mailed. 10. When will the second trip bo given away? ns. When the 600th new subscription has reached the Contest Department from contestants. 11. When will the 3rd. trip be awarded? Ans. When the 900th new subscription reaches the Contest De partment. 12. Will votes once issued to one Contestant be transferable to anoth er? Ans. Positively NO. 13. What does it coot to enter? Ans. Nothing. 14. How may I enter? Ans. Clip a nomination blank from an issue of the Courier, fill in your name and send same to Contest Department of this paper. Or you may send name in without using nominating blank. 15. On which day should one en ter? Ans. Today. 16. On which day should one be come active? Ans. Today. 17. On which day will the contest close? Ans. August 19, 1913, 6 P. M. 18. How many votes will it take to win? Ans. One more than- the Contestant who has less than the .Winner. 19. May any person who is not a subscriber to the Courier enter the contest? Ans. Yes. Own Part Of Earth Be a LAND OWNER. TWO BEAUTIFUL SUMMER RE SORT LOTS IN SOLANO BEACH, WASHINGTON ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL SUMMER RESORTS IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST. Everyone who could possible afford it, should own real estate of their own. It is the surest road to indepen dence. The Courier offers two excell ent properties as award3 in this cam paign. They were purchased from the Solano Land Co., and arc in the beau tiful Solana Beach tract located on the Washington shores near the great Oceon Park resort in Pacific County, Washington. This beautiful spot is an ideal place to spend your summer va cation. With the broad waters of the Pacific on one side and the waters of the beautiful Willapah harbor on the other. The waters of the Willapah harbor are filled with every kind of fish and the woods along its shores are live with game. A short distance north of the Solano Beach tract is lo cated the town of Oyster Ville, where great quantities of the finest oysters in thee ountry are gathered and pack ed. These come from tho great oyster beds throughout the whole of this beautiful Willapah harbor. (CUT THIS OUT) Nomination Coapon Goo J for ) 000 VOTES NOMINATE A CANDIDATE And Win a Nomination Pi ize in the Courier' Great Contest I Nominate . Address Phone No. Signed , Address - Only the First Nomination ltlmik Cast for Each Candidate Will Count as 1,000 Votes. Names of ucrsons making nominations will not be divulged. Two Expert .Contest Men will be at yoar service during the Entire Campaign The OREGON CITY COURIER Special Notice: A cash prize of $10.00 will be given to the person nominating the Winner of the First Grand Prize. See Nomination Blank Individual Vote Coupon The Oregon City Courier's Subscription Campaign Good for 50 Votes For M Address This coupon when neatly clipped out, name and address properly filled in and brought to or sent to the Campaign De partment of the Oregon City Courier, Oregon Civy, Ore., will count as 60 votes. Be sure to clip out neatly and do not roll but bring or send in flat packages. Not Good After July 10th 1913, 1