OREGON CITY COURIKR.THURSDAv, JULY 3 1913 fu JOl W f! 11 u J J kJJ ljl wLl IF ? 7 FROS1 A solid mass of humanity has daily surged up and down isle after isle and around counter after counter, gathering up the thousands of bargains literally by the armful-trohi one room to another Dry Goods Department Clothing Department, Fur nishing Department Hat Department, Notion Department, Hardware Department, Implement Department, Never stoping until loaded down with Bargains I am going to tell you something and it is worth your while and dorit you hesitate one single moment when you get this news hut get up and hustle or you might he late on this. When we bought out Mr. Ely he had several orders placed for merchendise for future delivery the orders we had to accept now we dorit want this merchandise any more than we wanted that on his shelves. That mercnandise has begun Jo arrive and as it does right into this sale it goes, head first, and at prices that will hardly let them stop in our house. Hundreds of people are visiting our store daily and keeping the phone busy watching and enquiring for arrival of new merchandise. Tomotfow morning there will be several cases of Dty Goods and Furnishings arrive in which there are several thousand yards of CALICOS WHICH WILL GO IMMEDIATELY ON SALE AT 4C Pei Yaf A Hundreds of yds. of . Ginghams and Wash Dress Goods tOO numerous tO mention go On Sale at prices to move OUt About 100 Pairs Ladies' Oxfords, Regular $3.00 and $3.50, Patent Lace, Button toe and Straps it B-4i We have gone through out Shoe Stock and piled oat 200 pahs ranging in price $3.00, $3.50 and QQr I JQ 06 $4.00. These have been placed on sale at - - - - - - - - OL til JQ tj) I 70 AbOUt 100 COrSetS. all SiZeS, regular tO $1.00 tO gO at 38c WAGONS-Yoa canbtiy any wagon in stock at exactly cost-only a few on hand-boy now DRILLS Best made, at cost. GET THEM NOW Ladies' Handkerchiefs, Regular tO 15C tO gO at 2c SHELF HARDWARE Thousands of articles too nomeroasto mention. All to go. KITCHENETTES Pare Food Kitchenettes. The best and most useful article in&A QE Ladies' Hosiery, hundreds of pairs, regular 15c to 25c, to go at 7c the world for the housewife, sold the world over for $22.50. to g0 at M.u u BUGGIES AND HACKS-all go at cost. Save $J 5 to $25 by buying now. Ladies' Summer Vests, all sizes, regular to 15c, to go at.. 8c riding PLows-Tammg and disc, at cost. , ,,at.wtt . , - . . HARROWS, PLOWS, Hay Rakes, Hay Carriers, Rollers. All Implements Go. Nothing Children's Heavy and Light Weight Hosiery, regular 15c, to go at. 7c Reserved and Price not considered. Bar&in Gounter No. U RetnetllheP Dorit fail to visit this counter if you do you will miss the . ' . x A, .' treat of your life. We have assembled from all over the This entire stock is to be closed out; nothing reserved and house hundreds of articles, many worth up to $1 .00 and V?" B miss the chance of your life time if you fail to piled them all out on this table. Nothing in this mass of visit. this store daily--as new lots are piled out from time bargains will be sold for over 25c, The greatest mass of to time as room 1S made brganized bargains ever assembled. See counter No. 4. COME COME SUCCESSORS TO 7th St. &t Madison D.C.ELY STORE CLOSED ALL DAY FRIDAY THE FOURTH On Ibe Hill ii ji