n OREGON CITY COURIER, JUN 1913 KRYP LENSES KRYPTOKS embody two . .. 1 A. pieces or, glass, or aiirerem re fraction,'coale8ced with intense heat into one,' and ground into a lens having two distinct focal points. Without seam or ce ment, no edges to catch dust or 'to become cracked and jagged in cleaning.' Ask your optician K irntrrvrAir . 1 to show you KKiriuru. h Burmeister & Andresen Oregon City Jewelers CITY NEWS. Jamea Beatie, of Meadowbrook was in this city Friday. W. E. Mumpower, of Stone, was in this city r riday. Miss Mabel Valkmar is visiting friends at Marquam. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pope ivsited relatives in Portland If riday. Two fine Jersey cows for sale. Ad dress James Petty, Oregon City, Ore, Robert Snodgrass, Jr., of Mulino, transacted business in Oregon City on Wednesday. J. L. Mumpower, a well known far mer or Stone, was in this city on bus iness Friday. Miss Berha Eggman, of Homedale, made a business trip to Oregon City Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Gustavo Schuebel, of Shubel, were visiting relatives in Ore gon City Wednesday. W. A. Heylman, a well known at torney of Estacada, was in this city on legal business Friday. Louis Funk, of Redland, one of the thrifty farmers of Clackamas county, was in this city on business. I have for sale 2,000 cedar fence posts, 7 feet long; will deliver them if desired. M. Paveletz, Cahby, Rt. 1. E. Ray Jones of Mulino, who has been in Oregon City takintr teachers examinations at the Masonic Build ing, has returned home. Quite a number from here will at tend the barbecue at Aurora Satur- day. There is a one and a third round trip fare on the S. P. Miss Alice Walker, of Mulino, who has been among those taking the ex aminations for teacher's certificates, has returned to her home. Grant Dutcher, of Akron, Mich., is visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs. C. A. Nash. Mr. Dutcher has been spending the winter in California. Mrs. Rodgers and daughter, Miss Rodgers of Portland, were in this city Saturday, on their way to Molal la, where they will visit with friends. - Miss Myrtle Heckman, has return ed to this city, where she will visit her cousin, Miss Mary Turner. Miss Heckman has been visiting several weeks in California. Mrs. Elmer Cooper and daughter were among those who enjoyed the excursion to Latourelle Falls given by the Baptist Sunday School Friday of last week. Mrs. Adams, mother of L. Adams of tnis city, has been a Portland visit or for the past week. She has en tirely recovered from her recent ac cldent in Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Helgerson of Rain- eer, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Helgerson's mother, Mrs. Maggie Cross. They expect to make this city uieir nome in tne near future. Cherries for Sale Black Republic ans and Royal Annes. Will sell cheap on trees. Address C. R. Achiles, Ore gon City, Rt. 5, Bx. 20; one-half mile west of Bolton. Take car to Bol ton. Word has been received from Miss Clara Ueutte, who eft ast week for Chicago, that she has reached her des tination, having a most delightful trip, but the weather onrouto was un usually warm. Miss Dcute will remain tor about six weeks. Miss Josephine Newton, of Phila delphia, Pa., hus arrived in Oregon City, where she will spend the sum mer with her mother, Mrs. K. L. Newton of Tenth and John Quincy Adams street. Miss Newton hus been spending the winter in the southern states. Friends have heard from Miss Bess Warner, who with her mother, Mrs. Thomus Warner of this city, left for an eastern trip recently, that she is now in Texas. They have enjoyed the trip very much so far, and the weath er has been warm, but very comfort able for traveling. Kay Nash, of Eastern . Oregon, is Fred Bohlander, a well known far visiting with friends in this city. mer 0f Beaver Creek, was in this city Misses Pearl and Ruby Francis Thursday. were visiting in this city Wednesday. Miss Katharine Hysell, of Oklaho ma, was a visitor in Oregon City Sun day. Mrs. P. J. Schrader. of Belline-ham. Wash., has returned to her home after Monday. G. A. Harding was among those at tending the G. A. R. Encampment at Newberg. Mr. and Mrs. J. Walton, of Chicago were visitors in this city Sunday and Miss Hollie Mitchell "has gone to Aschoffs near Mt. Hood, where she will spend two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. William Ginther of Shubel, visited relatives in Oregon City Wednesday. Theodore McLaren, of Wilhoit, was among the visitors in this city Sun- I THE HUB ! Baked Beans Coffee and Bread If you like BAKED BEANS you should not fail to gel a can of "Yours Truly" The balance of this week we will sell a large 3-pound can- regular 20c size at only 15 C'ts, Don't forget that "II VU SPEC IAL COFFEE." at 3.1c nor lb. It is tine. The next time you buy bread. ask for BLUE KIBBON it's different. THE HUB GROCERY Seventh and Center Sts. visiting in this city, Miss Nellie M. Dugan and Miss Eva McCreanor, of Helena, Montana,' were visitors in this city Sunday. Wanted Experienced school teach- er in school district No. 61. Isla Gib son, Oregon City, Ore. Rt. 2. Mrs. George Kirbyson, of Shubel, day and Monday, was in this city Thursday and while For Friday Specials watch the win- in this city visited with her daughter, dows of W .L. Little's 5, 10, 15 Cent Mrs. Josephine Shewman, Mr. and Store, 512 beventh btreet, Mrs. Tyra Warren, of Risley, spent Noah Christner of Carus, a well Sunday in this city visiting friends, known ranchman of that place, was Mrs. Charles Collins, of Arlington, in Oregon City Ihursday Eastern Oregon, is in this city visit- A. A. Baldwin, a Drominent school ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. August teacher, whose home is at Aurora, Schunk. was in Oregon City Monday and Tues- Miss Kathryn Whitcomb. of Port- day. land, was in this city Saturday and Mrs. N. M. Alldrede-e. who attend Sunday, being the guest of Miss Se- ed the Encampment of the W. R. C doma Shaw. at Newberg, has returned to Oresron Miss Reta Burns, of North Yakima, City. Wash., who has been visiting in this Jack Herman, a Drominent resident city, returned to her home the lat- of Beaver Creek, was in this city on ter part of the week. Thursday, and while here visited with Mrs. Augusta Tonkins- returned his son. Tuesday from Elma, Wash., after a John Siever, of Viola, one of the visit of several adys with her parents, prominent residents of that place, ivir. ana mrs. nerman oenraaer. was transacting business in Oree-on William Avison, of Molalla, was in city riday. this city Sunday and Monday.. While Miss Mary Parry, who is operator in this city he visited his sisters, Mrs. 0f the Beaver Creek telephone line, IT T71 T T 1 J -iT I TT HjT I . . ... , ' n. cj. rienury ana mrs. kj. n. ivieiss- made a business trip to Uregon City "er. Wednesday. . ... . .i " Miss Clara Wieversiek has been el- Miss Ida Berdine. whose home is ected to a teacher's position in the Mt. Ut Mulino, is visiting in Oregon City Pleasant school for the fall term, and has been taking the teachers' one was iormeny a teacner in tne LO- examinations. i i gan suiooi, Miss Ev Wallace nH sister Mra. Rev. E. A. Smith will preach next Fred Woodsida. who have heen via. Sunday at Logan. The subject will be iting in this city, have returned to a pa none one: - my country, ine their home at Mulino. , mus,c win consist ot patriotic songs. Wanace Caufield left Saturday for b ,.....6. Astoria, where he will enlace in tim- Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Green. Mrs. ber cruisinc durine- the. summer. He Carl Green and daughter, Dorris, recently returned to this city from the usih lur oeasiue, wnere mey win re- University of Uregon. mum uurinif uie summer, returning a r ,.i;., ,i ;. u.. this City in September. enerateH nnnn at. the fWnn Ctrl Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Kidder and chil- Hosnital for the removal nf his limlv dren left Wednesday for Seattle to has improved so that he has been able visit a sister of Mrs. Kidder for sev- to be removed to his home on Sivth erai days and later will proceed to and Center street, iwiyuiiun, mmn., wnere tney will George Derrick and WilWH Pie formerly of this ct.v. hut now resiH- Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Grossmiller, of inar near Chico. California, who have Shubel, made a business trip to Ore- been visiting their parents in this gon City Monday. Mr. Grossmiller re- city, will return to Calfornia Satur- curnea to ms nome tne same day, but day. mis w e proceeaeo. to roruano wnere Mrs. A. Naterlin and snn. Antnne will leave next week 1nr Astoria ir:e i tti..'a- i ., ... . . . ' rviiireu vviine, iormeriv or wis wnere tnev will snend several weeks city, but now living in Portland, being with the former's husband, Antone maintenance manager 01 me united Railways, whose offices are m that ? .ly'.vlsAl.?a nis parents Mr. and Mrs. Miss Anne Tolnolar. who has heen W d Whita F thio .. .. .. .. . ' .. . t, vino Ubj, UUIJ. arrant inn. tha I numwci.T f I has returned in her hnma in tnio Alexander bhield of Portland, was citv where she will snenH her Hum. in this city Monday visiting his f rien- mer vacation with her narents. Mr ,1., 1 1.1 "..11 1 . .. . . t m . . ' uo aim uiuuiiig mem iareweu oeiore ana mrs. i, xoipoiar, , H wi u (ry ', r'.f, Harry Schoenborn spent several Shield will .leave this week for that days in Oregon City visiting relatives place to make hu future home, his returning to his home at Carus on family accompanying him. . Friday, and was accomDanied home Ilarrv Schoenhnrn. nf FlrWnrln hv hia niRfor Miaa TTlaio CtnnnnKni who spent Sunday and Monday in this who will visit at Carus until Snndav u.y vmiung ms moaner, mrs. Kicnard Mrs. James Dawson, who has been Schoenborn, returned to his home visiting with friends at Selma, South Monday evening. He was accompan- ern Oregon, has returned to Oregon led to this citv bv his sister. Miss El- nu au :.j i.l.:Bu: s e who spent severa days at the her daughter, Miss Bernice, who has old home of the Schocnborn's. iust comnleteH an eio-hf nmnty. rar. ana Mrs. William schu tz. after or school at that d ace visiting relatives in Washington and Miss May Smith, who has been at Dakota for the past five weks,, re- tending the University of Oregon at turned to their home n Oretron Citv K,ran k.. 0..;..j rL r" . A.-i." Monday While in Dakota they ex- and is for the present visiting her porienced some very warm weather, brother, William Smith and wife of omu suim umt luiu is uauiy neeoea Dy canemah. r,. .,. c, . j . . LI1C viiriHuan anueavor society of Mrs. FhlliD Sterner and sister. M as Uho -.i u ..i... . n ti V. , ' v.. vwiiicKciuviioi J1U1CI1 Ol lulS Mary Parry, of Beaver Creek, were In Lit,, ..rill :i . "u.. " c ,l;u u ' iT "-i.j "in a ouLiat ut tut uuurcn n" .i ,c" m, uy, n,ome lrom parlors Friday evening of this week, lu.uunu, ou.may. iney naa been vis- Admission 10 cents. Refreshments mug tneir sister, Mrs. Roland, who nartiallv free with other thi recently underwent a surgical onernt-Uol i j xi 1,j,c..u.l..Lia. mis. ivonana is and all are cordially welcomed improving. . v . n.-. . iU THE SOCIAL SIDE Marriages, Receptions, Musicales and Other City Matters of Interest The formal opening of the Carnegie Library in this city was held at the Library on Seventh and John Adams street Saturday evening, at which time many of the residents of Oregon City took advantage of this occasion and visited the handsome new build ing. Large bowls filled with graceful terns and bright colored roses beauti fin is one of Oregon City's prominent musicians and the recitals given by this instructor and his pupils have always been most delightful musical affairs. A number of the friends of Mr. and Mrs. A. Harrison were entertained last Friday evening at their residence on Monroe Street and a delightful musical treat was enjoyed . Mrs. Des Larzes. whose aDDearance tenia auu uriLmt coinreu ruses npa hi. -t . . '. . fied the rooms, the decorations being !,rZ7?,? r in choro-o c w c TT'Pon 5 follc ws one of the'chief performen in charge of Mrs. W. S. U'Ren and Miss Myrtle Buchanan. During the evening the rooms of tne bunding were thronged with peo- Derformers ana ner beautiful singing was receiv ed with much aDolause. mi . . - ... ine special feature of the evening WHEN ere uironireu witn oeo- n . .!... .. , . pie, who were received by Miss Helen ' f'T "2" frice, Mrs. John Adams, the former J:j '," ""rVu V- ri i , . , i.i... .' . i did voice and the fine lnterroretat. uuiariau ana ine laii-er assistant 11- . u: u j u- i. L brarian, Mrs. W. S. U'Ren, Miss Myr- Zll ln Zt T shYetdihlm b? 5 tie Buchanan, Mrs. E. G. Caufield, uff n4 ""if0 ISplente1 caPtlvfated Mr, t v tiuVirro lviva v p pri nls audience. Mr. Evans has just re Mrs! Charles Caufield Mrs gently come to Portland from Wrie.. Loder, Mrs. E. Kenneth Stanton, MrJS MS become notea ln mus DuVing the rendition of the pro- L 1 lhJrtnn- gramme the lecture room, in which bhautauoua i n r TaHc ZZ T Prtr this took place, was filled to its cap- WgfS J. E. Hedges. "resident of the Jev"1"?.ana w?re ch "PP- board, presided. Miss Marvin, state '.fT ,?' ?P.oke "UbX Ue.velP7 son and Haro Id I Swafford mem miss iNortnev. librarian at ti. ... nK'VerK Jes Swafford, Mr? and Mrs.' 11 mahunt es?A val seW- tion was rendered hv Mrs. T.enn n. ...j",. ' - "VY.6W Larzes, lora. ivirs. Kemmer At Hnrt anrl u , one of the prominent and fav- t?p w f w.j n m,:"'ts " f soloists of the city, who ford MiM Caufield of Portland. Miss orite soprano responuea to a nearly encore, ana Alice RniW Mr MoUnr v It was followed by Miss Florence Grace SS&Xfa ? fcSs7M?He ke witn a piano solo, who was received di A TIC- TT 1 J O e& v t nH .n ..( ;rfi iw- uj "t 1"'.MUU naro'u owanora ana s ied MiPHce, S '1 uoranan, stating tnat ne would not pian5 du-t T t D raVRlpri Mi. take t me to make a sneech. hut wish.. - 7t T1' i1 .ue Vava.'5r1' Mls" j -V i I II. i I i 1.1. ses narrison vocal solo, "Xn Mav- wRirt0th,eI?e0PLe't0 wath"s time," Miss Moreita Hickman; Vocal grow." Before closing his remarks he Solo. "Proloeue Paeliacci" Mr F spoke of the comparison of the higher Z ?:fiS V?'. ,r.!?, uBr education availnhle tn all in tne nnhj i""'"." .v""; . Tu1 PlrQ 01 lie library. Mr. Osea Lawrence Wood- V!:!': .M?3 fin pleased his audience with one of SkVoldlwa fio STVcSl soheZi his vocal selections and was encored. q vnl. ' T - ?'t- . Mr. B. T. McBain closed the program- Vocai soloa "Had Z.1 me of the evening with a most in- m nI 45L??iS ?u1rsa. ?ln; terestmg account of the origin and High the Cranes siveCrv " c rnrA growth of the library in Oregon City Wm" " Mr 73,1. pT3 and its plans for future extension. ZtR Evans ; Read- Harrison; Vocal solo, (a) "Ritournel- At the Presbvterian church Snnlav le," (b) "Dreams." (c Plaints-of : 1 1 , tnira Mi T n T 17 1 evening a sacrea musical was given ucuu uca uanes; vocai under the auspices of the choir, and so! (a) "King Charles; (b) Moun- the services were largely attended. taln Lovers," Mr. E. Maldwyn Evans. During the evening the pastor. Rev. J. R. Landsborough, made a few re- Mrs. John Crawford entertained in marks. Among the soloists of the ev- a most charming manner some of her ening were Mrs. Leon Des Larzes and former schoolmates at her home on Mrs. Angus Matheson. The interior of Eleventh and Jefferson Street Thurs the church was nrettilv decorated day afternoon from 2 to 5 o'clock. with roses and spring blossoms. The afternoon was devoted to needle- Ihe following is theprogramme: work and both vocal and instrumental given during the evening: music. During the afternoon refresh- Prelude, "Nocturne:" Eveninsr ments were served. Nater n Sr who i llln th! P' "Savior- Breathe an Evenin8 MrS' Crawford's guests were: Mrs. summer at trnlace P g Blessing;" hymn 11; anthem, "Sing W. B. Gould and daughter Marjorie, summer at that place. Jovfu Sont,.. nrnvpr. .snin- n5 Mrs. John Hnlme. Mr, rwiec that Madest Earth and Heaven," Mrs. oiuhm, Mrs. Melvm McCord and son, Angus Matneson: scrmture: anthem. Liinwooa, an of Portland. Mrs. John "The King of Love My Shepherd Is;" Lowry, Mrs. Bert Roake, Mrs. J. A. prayer; response, "Hear My Prayer;" Koake, Mrs. Delbert Hart of this city, ladies' chorus, "O Taste and S"1"' announcements; ottertory, "Consolat ion;" solo, "Just as 1 Am, Mrs. Leon Des Larzes; anthem, "Jesus, Lover of My Soul;" remarks, Rev. J. R. Lan dsborough; anthem, "Hark, Hark, My aoui; nymn lb; benediction; postlude "iviarcn Komaine. PRESERVING FRUIT You not only want the' Fruit to keep, but want it heatchful and sanitary. Fruit preserved in Foster's. "Seal Fast" All 4 Glass Jars are absolutely sanitary FOR SALE BY ar$en"& Co. it9 ' mmmmmm)ll -4 1001-1003 MAIN ST. OREGON CITY T ri t . JivitiKo i-'autiacis vi tile rjUlSCO- rTv 11ShanAlon left . Sun for Pal Church wish to extend their many Glass Valley, Oregon, where he was thanks to those outside of the organ- Sffll hlS ht?,? S?n a"d ization in heIPine make the enterSn- thi, iHrwifni o Z 7 T". 1M &lven "y thcm a success. And , i.ltyJ,1,thi" a.-feways- ,hls they appreciate the help accorded Y"u.vu "in iciimui ui uraas vauey, them by all. ?r X!8itin, th?ir au.nt Committee. ing his home at th.t nlnre Rudolph Biersman, who has been Mr mo n ii t it , employed by the b. C. Gadke plumb- famii'v v krt Hart and ing establishment, nas resignd his family of Kansas City Addition, have position, and will leave for California moved to Mulino, where they have Saturday. He will locate near Chko purchased . a general merchandise Ri u(n.e o,l ,.,ill tv..:- i. W1U1 Uie 7", 7 V" ,, 1 "E,r, " at uaqKe Establishment for the past 3 that place. Mr. -Hart has been sup- years. ' erintendent in one of the deniirt.nienta , .. ,1 .... of the Oregon City Mfg. Co., and re- y T U "J8"' of the cently resigned hisyDoSi? ion ' 9re?on Agricultural College, has ar- Mr m ' cu .,.Jve '"y ltv t.?Pend.a few and daughter, Miss Erna of South Da- William H. Godfrey He expects to kota after yimtmg the former's un- return to Corvallis within a few days e e Ilenrv Ho ninn nnl ra..,:i f ,.,1 i. u x .j r.. , ' ' 11 n 1 i' .. -"""v 1 "'"'" j una ucccpifu a position dur- Beaver Creek, for the past two ing the summer. "TV,"', Knm" 10 uus mY iuesday, and Mr nd M T T w.1,1. . t. while here they purchased a home it ..:..:,Ja!l.d .Mrs-..J,.fJ- Waldr?n who Willamette, as they were so imnres,- liZ1, "'U'..S0I'' tlarol at Wewberg ed with Oregon, ami export to nuike biintdnZxA Zin--their future home at that place. order when he was among those be Mrs. K. Moulton returned Werlnoa. in iniflutd it iL day from Chico, Calif., where she has order, have returned to their home been snemlinu- tlm nnf th... : ..u:' .. ... , . . -7 . "" been spending the past three weeks with relatives. While in that citv Rhe attended the wedding of her neice. Miss Clara Putney and Mr. E. Fan- lam. Mrs. Moulton rcporU that the weather at Chico was extremely hot. She will leave the latter nart of this week for McMinnvillo, where she will visit with her son and other relatives. Miss Helen Price, librarian of the Oregon City Library, who has been at Tacoma, Wash., where she has been in attendance at the Pacific North west Library Convention, hna return. ed to Oregon City to again resume her duties. Miss Price, since coming to this city, has made many friends while performing her duties as li brarian. She is a graduate of the Ill inois Library Schoo . and nfter mm. pleting her course at that institution had experience as librarian in that suite as well as in tho Middle West. Otto Hansen of Applcgate, South ern Oregon, who has been in this city as a guest at the home of Judge and Mrs. U. B. Dimick, left Tuesday for ms iHiino. ine iaa. wno is hut n venra of age, is one of the promising stock men or mo suue. He is well posted on stoekgrowing, and has on the iamuy iarm, roiand China swine be side some fine Short llnrn !Hle which he will exhibit for prizes at the Juvenile fair to be held by the "ppit-gaie scnooi m the near future. Ho visited tho Dimick Stock Farm in company with Judge Dimick Sunday, where he was shown some of the fin. est registered Poland Chinas in the state. This is the boy's first visit in in this citv. Mrs. Waldron left fnr M. lalla Sunday evening, where she is spending the summer camping with her husband. Miss Hetty Baker Gray, who arriv ed in Oregon City last week from Cal ifornia, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 0. Brownell at Court ney Station. Miss Baker is a cousin of Mrs. BrownelPs and resigned her pos ition as librarian at Hartford, Conn., and has been spending several months in California, where she has been gathering data for a large moving picture concern. Miss Baker is the author of many successful photo plays that have been and are to be produc- eu uy me company oy whom she is employed. She will return to her Eastern home in a short time. Lost or Strayed Light gray horse, weight 1400. wane roached, shoes on, brand I. K, on left shoulder. Seen near Kelso, Ore' uiib ww Bjfw. Liiuerai reward, i'hone k. c. jori or write to E. E. Hutchin son, Boring, Ore., Rt 2. Canemah School Officers benool District No. 3, Canemah, held its annual school election at Can emah Tuesday eveninir. C.'C. Snenrer was re-eieciea scnooi director, and Samuel Stevens , school clerk. Miss Nellie Miller, who taucht the nrim. ary grade last year, was re-elected, but will be principal the coming school year, she to fill the vacancy ... ,a.1 ,.. tl,. u : i muacu uy tne resignation OI MISS Rickabaugh now Mrs. Klemsen. Miss The pnmmenpement avomca. if McLnUP-hlin Institute wore holH ot tne Jack Feyer McLouehlin hall Wednesday evening. ? Hungate june is, at wmcn time the hall was filled to its capacity by relations and friends of those taking part in the programme of the evening. Every number on the programme was hear tily encored and several responded to encores. The address of the evening was made by Most Rev. A. Christie, u. u., or rortiand, who also presente ed the graduates with their diplomas County Coott. (Continued from Page 3.) L. Dickey 16.00 Clay Hungate 12.00 J. F. Painter 16.00 16.00 8.00 Clay Engle 6.00 Frank Vaughan 16.00 M. V. Stuart 6.00 Bill Lay 16.00 Budd Lay . . . . 16.00 A. rJngle 18.00 J. H. Powers 6.00 C. Dickerson 8.00 Neil Jackson 6.00 C. Feyrer ' 8.00 THE BEST WAY TO VISIT THE Worlds Greatest Exposition SAN FRANCISCO, C4L. 1915 is to use the plan of the Northwest Panama-Pacific Tours Co Get all information and pamphlets FREE Make your reservations NOW. Write our local agent. U'Ren & Schuebel's Office Oregon City Bank Building OREGON CITY, OREGON B. Kuppenbender The salutary was given by Miss Lor- Billy Feyrer t 8.00 aine Forsberg, and the valedictory Joe feyrer 6.00 by Francis J. Champion. hudd Robbins 2.00 The programme, which was in Ben Steininger 8.00 charge of the Sisters, was one of the M- M- Jameson 8.00 most eniovable ever riven nt. the Mp. Geo. Crandall 4.00 Loughlin Institute. The following is Grover Graves ' 4.00 tne programme: vuves .uu Onenine- March. .Tosenh finHke. '14. Ed Graves 7.00 Eva McAnulty, '15: "Merry June," Hepler & Walsh 6.04 TWO rart Uhorusl MeLono-h in ee - cinoii, at va o.ou Club; Salutory, Loraine Forsberg, '13; Ednest Kruse 28.00 Piano Duet, "Forget Not Mazurka." Henry Toedtemeier 28.00 Margaret Brady, Anna Lenon; Dia- August Koellemeier 14.00 logue, 'Cyril Justin and John Graser; Wm- Koellermeier 2.00 Piano Quartet. "The Marionettes." H- L- Reimers 16.00 Veronica McMillan. '15. Marie Mich. R- Sumner 12.00 els, '14, Ursula Schuld, '15, Susie Rot- J- Hansen ,. . . 6.00 ter; Snow Ball Drill; Piano Quartet, Coast Culvert & Flume Co.... 191.42 "Soirees De Vienne" Nn. S. Anno Rnse Estacada Mercantile Co 14.76 Tanzer, Lena McMillan, Maud Koh- Robert Mattoon 12.00 ler, Grace Silcox; Recitation; Vocal nerman mtzeau . . . v.vv Duet. "The Nightingale." Minnie Jus- Earl Shearer 9.00 tin, '14. Maud Kohler. '15. Francis J. Champion, '13; Recitation, "The Boy's complaint Leonard Thompson, '15; Piano Quartet, "Polonaise" On. 64. Opal Rains, '13, Addie Wright, '15, W. W. Cooke 11.75 A. W. Cooke 3.00 C. Wolfhagen 1.00 Buffalo Steam Roller Co 74.00 Fred Beehill 7.50 Joseph Gadke, Eva McAnulty; "O Andrew Oak 6.00 Happy Days Gone By," Class '13, c- Alt i 5.55 Soprano, Opal Rains, Anna Nemec, A- Malar 7.08 narriet r orsoertr. Marearet ThomD- x " " ijumuer vo. son, Clara Weber. Alto. Loraine Fnrs- W. H. Mattoon bersr. Minnie Justin. Frank W. Rhipo N. Blair Nicholas Michela. Tennr. Vmncio R. B. Beatie Champion; Piano Duet, "Spanish City of Oswego uance wo. b, satie Uancey, '11, An- V;! .ol anuy na McMillan, '14: Valedictory. Fran cis J. Champion, '13; Presentation of Diplomas, By His Grace Most Rev. A. Christie, D. D.. Address to Audience and Uass, Most Rev. A. Christie, D, 20.28 , . 29.00 , . 30.90 , . 5.00 .1,377,38 . 964.67 City of Milwaukie 1,815.19 Road Warrants Issued for the Month of June 1913 . District No. 1. Beall & Company 7.20 H. E: Sharrow 9.00 G. Newton 20.25 Mrs. T. W. Clark entertained the J. Coates 21.50 Wednesday Afternoon Bridire Club C. E. Battin 26.25 and a few additional guests in her us- Brodie 37.50 ual pleasant manner Thursday after- Wm. Mundion '. . 18.00 noon. Bridge was played at six tab- T- Keile 2.25 a. uarKe lfi.75 B. Davis 11.25 H. A. Battin 35.00 J. A. Davis 35.00 30.00 20.00 C. V. Sunday 6.00 J, Pilster 42.50 L. W. Warner 41.85 Henry Bock 24.00 J. Weimore 22.80 Earl Tong 16.00 Elmer Tong 10.25 Herman Ritzeau 77.00 T. O. Cooke 38.50 Marion Tong 36.50 M. V. Newell 36.50 C. Eckert 18.50 Earl Shearer 40.50 J. C. Elliott 22.70 District No. 3. J. E. Shearer 7.00 W. W. Cooke 12.75 Garett De Young 15.00 Martin Troge 12.00 Edd Pilster 6.00 Herman Ritzeau 4.00 Earl Shearer 11.00 J. C. Elliott & Co 16.55 C. Wolfhagen 80 District No. 4. John Githens 35.00 J. W. Dowty 6.00 Chas. Sparks 18.00 Jake Moss 28.00 Marftin Baurnfiend 20.00 Noel Sarver 14.00 Dan Matson 10.00 Walter Loony 7.00 Albert Ketching 20.00 Dwite Walters 10.00 Harry KKitching ' 8.00 Kobt. Gurran 32.00 Paul Lovell 24.00 Arvard Erickson 36.00 George Walters 14.00 Niel Taylor 7.00 Beall & Co 34.55 Clackamas Saw Mill Co 42.20 McCurdy Hardwaie Co 13.40 District No. 5 Beall & Co 5.50 M. Sonnichsen 8.00 M. H. Wheeler 52.50 L. Ritzer 34.00 B. Johnston 22.00 W. Card 20.00 William Miller 6.00 M. Horning 4.00 U. Letcberg 4,00 W. E. Wheeler 80.00 H. A. Buck 62.00 A.' Johnston 44.00 F. Werner .., 62.00 C. Lekberg 46.00 Jack Miller 3.00 W. Miller 22.00 District No. 6 Beall & Co 10.00 Nick Schmitz 40.50 Chas Krebs. Sr 73.00 Chas. Krebs, Jr 9.50 Frank Schmitz 1.00 Chas. Chapman 29.50 John Bramhall 29.50 J. Fitzierald 30.00 Ed Suckow 24.00 60.94 75.00 45.00 Oreiron Citv nd ' k u Mh..l Drumm will he nWV. V. . Z ""X. .1,"?. r"'XLr"" "m " wl" "e. , .-f .v . nn- ivovu- ajjct,a' Buioisis. ine programme will pressed with the city. er. commence at s -is V les and prizes were awarded to Mrs r.. Hendry and Mrs. Lena Char. man. Dainty refreshments were serv. ed. Those present were: Mrs. (.;. 1). Latourette. Mrs. M. D. u. GafTney .atourette. Mrs. Louis Morris. Mrs. J. Wm. Smart Tobin, Mrs. E. A. Chapman, Mrs. Wm. Strange 35.00 iNeiia Lawrence. Mrs. -John Humnh. J. Luther 5.75 reys, Mrs. Henry O'Malley, Mrs. Viola G. Avery 13.50 uoatrey, Mrs. j. N. Wisner, Mrs. H. -ooK 15.75 o. mourn, ivirs. rj. r. Kands, Airs. J. District No. a. r. keatmir. Mrs. Harris. Mrs. A I. Pn.t r..i.i. . ci n ;',! .; """s161"' Misses well John Heinrich v-ouiiem, uiaitiey, Harris and Mrs. I. Kelly bt'PP- Walter Mundhenke 70.00 Ike .Inhnsnn OA The marriasre of -Miss Essie M Rillv .lnno ' ' ' 7i'o Block, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilson Da Walt'.' 47!50 li. DIOCK. to Mr. Lester I.. Knner nf H P innUn M 15 Chicago, will take nlace Siitnr.lnv .1. w Uonr.cn ct'so evening, June 28, at the Sherman Ho- Theo. Da Walt ' .' . .' .' . '. .' .' .' .' .' .' '. 20.25 iei vmcago. ine ijiocks were former- John McNair 22.50 ly hi Oregon City and Miss Block is a J. H. Younir 22.50 prominent musician. E. P. Bennett 50.00 E. R. Bennett 50.00 Robert Mattoon 27.00 Elmer Shearer 11.25 M. S. Shearer 7.50 W. W. Cooke 39.70 W. W. Cooke 4.25 Herman Unrhardus 60.00 H. Siebert 54.00 C. Hauk 54.00 j 14.25 264.05 108.00 20.00 18.00 16.00 Herman Krebs District No, Paul R. Meinig Henry Ten Eyck ..... Alvan Meinig Dave Douglass , James Fegles W. H. Watkins 18.00 Jason Clark 22.00 A. G. Baumback 24.00 J. A. Rowe 16.00 Otto Ascholf 8.00 Edd Ten Eyck 54.00 Geo. Kerby 64.00 wm. Harrison 54.00 Jerome Cockelrease 24.00 Steve Robinson 19.00 Tom Kubitza 50.00 Geo. Gibbons 44.00 Geo. Schankv Geo. Ten Eyck Arlie Mitchell Lee Udike Clark Melugin Howard rower Chas Ruther Invitations are beinc issued to a re. cital given by Mr. Oscar Lawrence Woodfin on Monday eveninsr. June 30 at the Willamette Hall, when mem- pers or his class on piano, will appear 46.00 20.00 20.00 30.50 30.00 30.00 2u.nn S. B. Egbert 14.nn Henry Helms 6.00 H. Helms 2.01V R. A. Ten Eyck 3.00 Gilbert Vonderhoff 12.00 Jesse Vonderhoff 1.50 K. Leaf 117.00 Homer Molton 39.00 t red Gibbons , . 39.00 Harry Updyke 12.00 District No. 8 John T. Friel 56.50 Fred Kinnicker 8.00 Joe Wall Andrew Oak Ray Murray Fred Bechell Firwood Lumber Co. Paul R. Meinig A. M. Lar C. Alte H. H. Watkins District No. 10 W. A. Rhodes 22.00 Harvey Marshall ' 27.00 Richard Palmateer 7.00 8.00 20.00 26.25 35.65 380.13 33.55 84.65 69.64 10.00 R. G. Palmateer 6.00 E. E. Jenkins 18.00 O. D. Califf 15.00 Frank Rhodes 24.00 Eloy Beebe 6 00 Fred Crawford 9.00 L. J. Palmateer 34.00 J. M. Shultz 12.00 J. O. Duus . 32.00 J. A. Inglish 30.00 O. P. Califf 34.00 F. E. Thomas 36.00 J. H .Tracy 36.00 J. P. Steinman 30.00. G. T. Beebe 20.00 H. D. Trapp 12.00 Chas. Duncan 38.50 Garfield Mercantile Co 9.20 McCurdy Lumber Co 17.80 Chas. Duncan 1.60 District No. 11. Percy Jones 36.00 J. R. Livesay 17.00 Theo. Hurrth 20.00 Clifford Guynup 36.00 H. Tucker 20.00 C D. Kirk 14.00 N. J. W. Eickner 4.00 H. E. Kraeft 14.00 C. R. Livesay 27.50 Wilson & Cook .. , 1.10 Mattoon Lumber Co ... .... 23.75 district No. 12 Harry Babler 64.00 Fred Gerber 22.00 Tarn Allen 6.00 L. Hampbton 26.00 G. Lesch 13.00 A. J. Johnston 4,00 B. Swales 10.00 Ed Kingdig loOO H Babler 50.50 J. Schwartz && Son 35.00 G. Fischer 24.00 District No. 13 R- Kerr 274.42 Wilson & Cook 9.20 Kilmer & Kinzel 230 C. Hinkle 1200 Milford Hnikle 8 00 Paul Courtright 8.00 Loyd Allen 8 00 F. Bulard i0;0o A. C. White oa nn J. T. Fullam 99RH District No. 14 George Eggrman 6.00 O. Shockley 5.00 Fred Henrici i'nn Jim Shelly . : ' 1 'on Henry Henrici 2325 R. Harrington 1M W. F. Harris 3.53 Disfrcit Wn 15 Wm. Fine ' 10 cn Albert Scheer iq'qq W. J. Kennedy 10 00 H. McCormack " 2 0 C. H. Rider ' " m'nn T. C. Thomas .'.'.'.' 400 District Va 1 R . - w. u. Kandall Aug Staehly rreo uninn Dl. Criteser N. Norton' . Wm. Burgoyne 39.00 30.00 24.00 22.00 6.00 ne 4(1(1 Bryan Newton 4;00 N. Criteser Ph. Studer .. Herm Staehly r.ngei A Blanchard .. jg 17.00 3.00 8.00 12.00 00 Wm. Gutperlet District r irt W. A. Winder Banv Henman PIttL-.t n p n- ri ' 3U.0U U. R. Dimick . . oi r. T , &.OU 8.00 11.90 25.00 30.00 Alman Johnson r. U. Herr Tom Grimes 1 8.00 9.00 4.00 Reaee Greer 17.00 5.00 W, B. V. Scholler 2 O T3 -ou H. W. Brown John Wells District No. 18 2.00 2.00 2.00 fn.l. rt ,. Wilson & Cooke " "V HjZ h":- 27:55 John Hughes . Martin Wm. Martin G. Pryce Jones A. Thomas . Hollman Bohland er Wm. Daniels Kamrath ..33.00 27.00 25.00 13.60 34.00 L 1.00 . 1.00 . 1.00 42.00 H; Lesley H fQ Heft Coxy Thomas D. Martin ... V. Bohlander 8.00 13.00 400 62.00 62.00 1 " " " V V'vvn IT VVU (Continued on Page 3.)