v.. OREGON CITY COURIER, JUNEit, 1913. Arrange For Your ''Book Tickets" at Once and Save 50c on your Purchase. Books of 10, $2j Otherwise $2.50 WE RE MX YOU TENTS GLADSTONE PARK TWENTIETH YEAR amette V Two Weeks CAMP LIFE IDEAL ' ' H f ''1 if GREATEST IN YEARS EVERYBODY WILL BE THERE MAKE YOUR PLANS TO-DAY programme it "AW ' ' ' ; y, -ikfinv i,- V- - -ii Half-W Cat Ser- tf&P, VMfi $T'i CO vice Direct to Park 25 YW.V'- X'jCK AWQrMfr wy4 'v(J W : fr- V- - v- C-j. 7Kn.MH v4 I .... ). ?3 T - O.-hjijA ;;i'VX ; j - - -"L. - - : - , I PORTLAND LADIES' BAND MEMBERS ARTISAN LODGE EXCELLENT MUSICIANS 24 CONCERTS 7r i ; ' ' ; 1 ' ''' K" THIRTEEN j "1 Summer School A 'l n.A n A vc "X i Classes of In- XJ BIG DAYS - terest ToAl) V '( Tickets Now On Sale , ..,c, i 1 7 -7- ili j E .G. LEWIS Lecturer ... 1 d -5 t : $1'' Founder of University City, Mo. I ' , " Vv t l; vfi?T s , - it ' - i ' I ' ' ' U 7 -'23' I i GRACE LAMKIN Mrs. I I V ' - 'I -r i rn-f I '.'Supervised Play" S. V. Hutchinson 5 V' vf" , "" ? A Great Novelty. Soloist I 1 ' 4 : ; ' A i' 'A MAUDE WILLIS COL. BAIN ... "(v Js ? : -j Reader Lecturer I ' I : , . . f V '- " ' t DR. W. B. HINSON, Pastor Portland White Temple ' ifS , ' X ''V J I i Head of Bible Department . Y' ' i ? I ' v . : 1 i , v . - - ; t I V-.'-v- Xj8-5! I !-1 SWj fMawiwtiasy y la lyK:;i' ;i . ' L v. -i '"';;- : ; 1 ?l XwlilfH V-jk.: PROF. F. T. CHAPMAN . - III "V Jldx Xv ' l Head of Music Dept Jk f V 1 . 7 ' i . I . l ii . i C "V . ry- aQSrV 1 1 1 "j fi I 7 ? DR. FLETCHER HOMAN " J I 1 -v. V? yj '1 President of the Chautauqua Ji MATT S. HUGHES, Lecturer ' j; . ? A ' 7 . - ;, i ' f ) Ov 7 70' Vv - M M k I; jaw " Lf s 1 '- i-' . i" I V J ' ' "' i tr 4 A." I WALT HOLCOMB TYROLEAN-ALPINE SINGERS. Vi! v .gfi' ,", m j Lecturer r 1 ; rmSki ;7 hLSSJ 1 Frances carter Partial List of Features I vZTy jhere re Many Others Head of Elocution Department IttlUOlLiaiui l6Blulv' 1 ZIZIIZZZI ' I I , 11 ,, ' ' " ' v MAIN AUDITORIUM NG. POON CHEW Chinese Statesman-Lecturer , J 7 ...,,7 ' PAULINE MILLER-CHAPMAN Mezzo-Soprana 7 i '"V'.'X 1 , ... in. PAMAIIASIKA and His Pets. BAUMGARDT, Scientist-Lecturer GREATEST ARRAY OF PLATFORM TALENT EyER ASSEMBLED ON THE PACIFIC COAST Season Tickets - $2.50 Books of Ten - $2.00 Child's Sea'n Ticket $1.25 The Southern Pacific stops all local trains when patrons desire such stops, from all Willametta Valley points, within a hundred yards or so from the gates. The Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. run their half-hour car service from the station at First & Alder, Portland (OREGON CITY CAR) directly into the gates of the park, having a branch line from the main road at Gladstone a great convenience for patrons. From Portland the fare is 25c for the round trip. From Oregon City Be each way. The Southern Pacific grants a Chautauqua rate during the assembly of one and one-third fare for the round trip from all points in Oregon touched by their line, providing the patrons use the certificate plan, getting the certif icate from their local agent and having it signed by the Chautauqua secretary at the grounds. Baggage is shipped to the park in the usual manner, freight cars on the electric making daily trips into the park. The S. P. de posits the baggage of the patrons at a point within 200 yards of the park gate, where it may be hauled cheaply into the grounds. Thus easy access to the grounds is provided over either line. Daily Admission - 25c Excursion Rates on All Roads I : " "T Full Information Tickets, Tents, Reservations, etc.. Address H. E. CROSS, Secy, Beaver Building, Oregon City, Oreaon 5;i r