Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, June 13, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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that will
Stark's Comments
Make You Think
Do you know what Congress is do
ing? Have you had any idea wheth
er the laws passed are to your bene
fit, or do you think every law is for
your good? Or do you think it makes
no difference what Congress is do
ing? Let me say to you, that the gen
tlemen who are piling up those big
fortunes know what Congress is do
ing. Also whom.
Whenever any bill is introduced
which is against the exploiter, these
fellows are prompt to put them to
Suppose Congress was to pass a
law that the working class must give
up the best food, the finest houses,
and the finest clothes to the non
producers? Just suppose the law .read
that way in plain English? What do
you suppose would happen? Well
the Diaz-Huerato revolution would be
a mild affair. Yet that is exactly the
effect all laws have had, and we the
most enlightened nation on earth,
stand for it without a squeak.
The reason is we fail to reason
from effect back to cause, and if any
one attempts to point the conclusion,
he is branded as an anarchise, a dan
gerous persons, and the victims of
these unjust laws will join in the
cry for his blood. That is the result
nf wronc habits of thought, of accept
ing without question the teachings of
. i t. 'I. AT i. 4U
the ruling class, ii you win u m
rulers mix in pontics for pastime,
cruesa atrain. You may be simple-
minded enousrh to do that, but the
rulers know the game and play it
to win.
Twilight Correspondent Sheds Light
on those "Resolutions"
It seems this is going to be a dark
old world in the future. The Internat
ional Bible Students' Association at
its Little Rock meeting, has resolved
for ministers to cut out the hell fire
stuff, and tells us Hades or Sheol is
the ancient name for tomb, wno win
be able to find his way up the golden
stairs if the fires of hell will no long
er lie-lit the way?
It would seem that many a good
soul will stubb its toe and land
Many of the holier than thou peop'
le would be deprived of eternal hap
piness if they could not lean over the
battlements of heaven and ask some
sinner they had known in former days
'days, "Is it hot enough for you?"
I should advise them not to lean over
too far least their lungs get filled
with sulphurus fumes, and take a
tumble to themselves.
Surely the world is in a great shad
ow. Only last week a bunch had the
nerve to take a vote on infant dam
nation without even cracking a smile;
happily the "no's" had it by a large
majority. So after all men can be
found in whose breasts the milk of
human kindness has not turned to
limburger cheese.
"Court compounds theft of $1,400
000." Get that? No, that is not out of
a Socialist paper, but is the headline
in the fifth column of the Oregonian
for June 7th this year. A gentleman
by the name of Shrouds swiped that
much from a Philadelphia banking
concern nearly two years ago, but the
news was suppressed. It is reasonable
to suppose, from the press report,
that the bank in its sworn statement
carried the shortage as an asset, all
of which goes to show that bank
statements may look all right but be
In this particular case Shrouds re
fused to give up the stolen bonds un
til he was cleared of all criminal
charges. We are also informed that
ho had made a fortune in Europe
by speculating with the stolen funds,
which shows tha t fortunes usually
are made by theft in some form.
While we are about itspeculation
and peculation, are in reality the
same, the difference is only in the let
ter S. There iB something remarkable
about the wholo affair. Why was it
that ho got off so easy ? Could he tell
some bad Btories on those "higher
up?" It would look that way to a
simple-minded hayseed who cannot
comprehend how God moves in mys
terious ways, his wonders to perform
(I mean the real business God."
Now just imagine what would hap
pen to a down and outer if brought
before this "stern and upright judge"
to answer to the charge of stealing
a ham sandwich after suffering hun
ger in this glorious and prosperous
country. Well, if you think he would
miss the high water mark, you are
emerald. "Plate sin with gold, the
lance of justice harmless, breuks.
Clothed in straw tt pigmy straw doth
pierce it."
The Canemah spasm, giving birth
to a resolution condemning the recall
movement and incidentally our fel
low citizen Geo. M. Lazelle, for the
part taken by him with reference to
the rating and expenditure of a spec
ial road district tax in district No. 15
two years ago, representing but a
small per cent of Canemah's promi
nent citizens, and m Mr. Ganong'
communication he very tactfully
avoids, even approximate mention of
the number present, when the reso
lution was passed. It has been the ef
forts of the Courts friends to pur
posely mislead on the road tax prop
osition, and the same tactics made
this resolution possible.
These pseudo friends of the court,
when referring to the unexpended bal
ance of this special tund, give
out the impression that the south end
road residents are sore, because
was not made use of in their part of
the district, which is not correct, and
cannot reasonably be deduced from
any statement made by Mr. Lazelle
No one in this portion of the dis
trict denies Canemah the right
withhold- the expenditure of her
third $900.00 of this fund, but as
claimed by the opponents of the
court, the other two-thirds were ready
and anxious to receive the benefit of
their share at the earliest possible
At the time this charge was made
this same court, or its particular f ri
ends, admitted some $1600.00 remain
ed unexpended, which they now re
duce to $1375.00 and that but $35.00
of that amount stands to the credit
of the south end road, while a little
earlier in the game they gave us the
disposal of a little over $100.00. Take
their last figures and credit the dis
crepancy to their already proven sys
tem of loose book-keeping, and they
are still withholding $475.00 of this
money that should have been made
use of on the Central Point and the
South End road fifteen months ago,
and this is just what Mr. Lazelle
showed up in his statement made to
the mass meeting recently, in session
at Oregon City.
Now that the railroad company has
come to the rescue and put on a hard
surface street through Classic Cane
mah, we take a step farther in our
generosity and suggest the use of
their special tax fund in the build
ing of tennis courts and croquet
grounds, on this gratuitously con
structed thoroughfare, thus keeping
the grass down, and the cows from
trespassing thereon. This will also af
ford the necessary physical culture
and intellectual training for the crea
tion of additional resolutions without
reasonable cause for existence.
The shower we had Sunday was
very bneeficiul to the crops.
K. C. Vannntta spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. J. Vannatta.
Mr. W. P. Roberts presented his
wife with a fine steel range.
A. Updegrave is having a hydraul
ic ram put in place at his home.
Miss Ruth llart is spending the
summer with the Updcgraves family.
Miss Alice Wheeler closed a vory
successful term of school May 21.
Each pupil attending the school was
promoted to a higher grade. The
Eighth grade pupils passed the coun
ty examination successfully.
A dunce was given at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Engdahl last Saturday
night. Everyone present report a fine
Two services were held at the M.
E. church Sunday, one in the morn
ing and one in the afternoon.
Childrens' Day will be observed at
the church Sunday June 15th.
Guaranteed Eczema Remedy
The constant itching, burning, red
ness, rash and disagreable effects of
eczema, tetter, salt rheum, itch, piles,
and irritating skin eruptions can be
readily cured and the skin made clear
and smooth with Dr . Hobson's Ec
zema Ointment Mr. J. C. Eveland, of
Bath, 111., says: "I had eczema twenty
five years and had tried everything.
All failed. When I found Dr. Hobson'a
We have an old horse that in some
respects exhibits better sense than
his master. Others brave enough to
confess will please stand up.
The rose carnival is claiming the
attention of the majority of our peo
ple this week.
Everybody is doing it eating
strawberries-, which are quite plenti
ful and unusually palatable.
Mr. Nash, employed in a lumber
mill near Cazadero, spent Saturday
and Sunday with his family.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Smith of Mu-
lino, reposed their feet under thi
writer's table last Friday.
Quite a bunch of our young people
attend church services in Oregon City
Sunday evenings.
Notices arej being posted ffor (a
school election June 15th, when two
directors and a clerk of "the board are
to be chosen. More interest should be
taken by the patrons of our school,
in these annual meetings.
Miss Marie Harvey and her friend
Claudia Bromley of Atchison, Kans.,
now visiting the former, are spending
several days of this week at the rose
GJass . fs&a never better (at this
time of year, than it is at this writ
ing, and as a result live stock of all
kinds are doing unusually well.
Miss Edna Elmer went to Portland
last Saturday.
The Highland Grange band had a
basket social last Thursdny evening.
The Highlund Grange held a Chil
drens' Day Saturday.
Miss Vick from Molulla was visit
ing her uncle and family Sam Elmer,
last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Welsh from Ore
gon City, were in Clarkes visiting
their friends last Saturday.
Mrs. Clarence Lee and baby from
Oregon City, were visiting the for
mer's parents Mr. P, Sargent and
Mrs. Mary Lee and Lewis Maxson
went to Hood River to pick strawber
ries last Monday.
Mrs. W. A. Bottcmillcr was in town
Mr. F. Marshall is hauling oats to
Mrs. Grimes and Mrs. Johnston of
Union Hall were in Canby trading
Henry Smith was in Canby Satur
day on business.
Harry Smith attended the rose
show in Oregon City Saturday.
Strawberries are getting ripe now
and the people are bringing them in
for sale.
Elmer Jack and wife started for
Eastern Oregon, last Tuesday. Mr.
Jack has taken up a homestead and he
is going to live on it.
Mr. Hall has a friend from Port
land visiting him for a few days.
There will be revival meetings held
at the Christian church, beginning the
8th of this month.
Mr. Phillipine is getting ready to
have his new home plastered.
Mr. Hart is having a lot of stove-
wood sawed on his place at the pres
ent time. .
Several people have commenced to
cut their hay.
Morley Mack was hauling hay for
Mr. Griffin.
Strawberries were selling in this
place last Saturday for four boxes
per quarter.
Mr. Westley Riggs is building a
new house on his lot in Canby.
James Wilkerson is having his
house painted.
Mr. and Mrs. Rape were visiting at
the Hilton's last Sunday.
Rollins Porter and his wife have
moved back to Canby, and he is at
present helping his father.
There was an interesting grange
meeting last Saturday. There was not
a large attendance but an interest-
The Rose Carnival at Portland is
luring so many there that it is use
less to enumerate them, but with all
of Portland's glory we of Oregon City
feel proud of, the Rose Festival here
last Saturday and it shows what we
can do if we all work together.
The No. 4 Hose Co. here have their
building almost completed and it ad
ds more to a good appearance than
the old one. Now if some of the resi
dents would cut the weeds and vines
along the sidewalk, 'we would not
have to go single file to get through.
Mrs. Katie Harrintrton. who has
been living for the past year and half
Silver Springs, on the O. W. P., has
rented her property there and moved
back to Mountain View with her
motherinlaw Mrs. Maggie Harring
ton on Pleasant Ave.
Dr. Harvey Hickman and wife of
Fossil, Oregon, while attending the
Rose Festival in Portland, visited his
mother Mrs. C. A. Hickman at this
place during the week.
The Ladies Aid of Mountain View
met at the church last Tuesday and
quilted a quilt and they brought their
dinners and such a spread as was fit
for the millionaires of the land. 16
ladies were present.
Mrs. O. H. VanHoy returned to her
home from a visit with her daughter
at Goldendale.
Mrs. Mautz is very feeble and not
able to be up.
J. Llewelyn is on the sick list this
week. Strawberry picking is the fad
now and a good many are going out
to the fields every day.
Mr. Llewelyn is preparing to build
on his lots- in the south west part of
town and he has the foundation al
ready in for a cottage.
Jennie Stilllwell is quite sick at
present, but otherwise everybody is
well and busy.
Statistics Showing Wonderful Growth
of Adventist Sunday Schools
During the past four years the
Sabbath Schools of the Seventh-Day
Adventists denomination in North
America gave $632,778.30 for the
furtherance of the gospel in foreign
lands, according to a report rendered
by the Secretary George B. Thomp
son, before the delegates at the world
conference of Seventh Day Adventists
now in session at Washington D. C
An extract of this report has been re
ceived by Miss Clara Miller, Secre
tary of the Sabbath school of the
local Adventist church and the mem
bers were much interested in the pro
gress mentioned in it.
During the quadremial period of
1905-1908, the sabbath schools gave
$1,73,141 jto missions, !the increase;
over this amount during the quadre
mial period ending in 1912 being
The motto adopted at the present
session of the General Conference for
the coming four years was "A Million
dollars to Missions." The report fur
ther showed that in 1908 the denom
ination had 3,747 Sabbath Schools,
1,260 of which were in foreign fields
and 2,478 in America.
During the four years of the Gen
eral Conference period , the schools
had grown to 4467 of which 1,845
were in foreign lands and 2,014 in
home fields, making an increase of
574 foreign and 136 home Sabbath
schools since the last general confer
ence. Four years ago there was a mem
bership in these Sabbath schools of
88843, of which 22,011 were in for
eign fields. During the quadremial
period there has been an increase in
membership of 25,170 of which 23,-
678 has been in foreign lands and
To spend in discomfort Running water in the home brings many
conveniences and comforts theBath Sanitary Toilets the Wash Room-
Hot and Cold Water, Etc., Etc City people wouldn't be without them and they
are now within the reach or all rural or
suburban residents. Every dollar
invested in a
will return you eventually $10 worth of comfort to say nothing of fire protection.
The- Mitchell-Leader System furnishes you cool water anywhere you want it, under
any pressure you want, up to 125 lbs. Hundreds of home owners right here
nave round the solution ot their water supply problem in this system.
Let us send you our Book, "The Question of Water" with circular
containing cuts of homes and letters of Northwestern parties who
have installed them. It will surprise you how reasonably
you can secure a Mitchell Water System that will
satisfactorily take care of your requirements.'
Write Us At Once.
Spokane Boise
Chicks Make Chickens
The proper heating of the brooder
is an important item and the heat
should come from above. Under the
hover, the temperaturo should be
fully 95 to 100 degrees for the first
week, 85 to 90 degrees for the sec
ond week, and reduce to 70 degrees
when the chicks become stronger. The
chicks themselves are the best ther
mometers. When they cry and huddle
together they are too cold, and
when they won't go under the hover,
and try to get as far from the heat
as they can, they are too warm.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tha
Signature of
ing program was given and arrange
ments were nearly completed for the
4th of July celebration. Mr. and Mrs.
S. Tenny were present, he being
the master of the Springwater grange
and a director of the Clear Creek Tel
ephon Co. He attended the grange and
board meeting on the same day.
As it has been decided the special
tax money is available, the new road
to the proposed Clackamas bridge
will be opened.
Road Supervisor, Henry Babler,
had a force of teams and men haul
ing gravel last week but discontin
ued on account of the unsafe condition
of the bridge across Moore Creek.
The net proceedings from the re
cent childrens' day picnic were $9.20,
hich will be expended in supplying
swings for permanent Mse in thl
grange park. They will be ready for
use on the 4th of July.
A large automobilo recently ran
off of the north side of the embank
ment at the East end of the Clear
Creek bridge and surprising as it
seems, remained on its wheels with
out damage. The woman occupant was
badly frightened.
The Logan ball team went to Dam
ascus last Sunday and gained a vic
tory by a score of 12 to 14.
T. W. Foster went to Oregon City
last week to receive medical advice
and treatment.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Kirchem and
daughter Irene, have returned from
their visit to Crook Co. They think
tho advantages of that section of
the country are more in the health
fulness of the climate than anything
There is another automobile in Lo
gan. F. J. Mozer is the happy man.
Who will be next?
"Generally debilitated for years.
Had sick headache, lacked ambition,
was worn out and all run down. Bur
dock Blood Bitters made me a well
woman." Mrs, Chas. Freitoy, Moos
up, Conn.
Mrs. Tracy Clester made a trip to
Portland last week.
H. S. Gibson went to Oregon City
James Gibson is the proud owner of
a fine young colt.
Mr. and Mrs. Erdman spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Guy Woodle.
Mrs. A. G. Dix was the guest of Mr
and Mrs. Howlett over Sunday. He
held services at their home Sunday
morning at 11 o'clock and at the
school house in the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Moehnke were the
week-end guests of their daughter,
Mrs. Koy Douglass.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Woodle, Claude
Woodle and Miss Myrtle Woodle took
dinner Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Woodle.
Mrs. Katie Douglass, Mrs. Ray
Roy Douglass and Mrs. R. B. Gibson
and Miss Edith Chapman spent
Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Wal
ter Douglass.
Card of Thanks
We wish to thank our many friends
and acquaintances for their kindness
during the illness and death of our
loving husband and father, and also
for the beautiful floral offerings. We
also wish to thank the W. O. W. for
their kindness and also for their beau
tiful floral offerings.
Mrs. Alice Caseday
Carl Caseday
Nathan Caseday
Erma Caseday
No person need hesitate to take
Foley Kidney Tills on the ground that
they know not what is in them. Fol
ey & Co. guarantee them to be a pure
curative, medicine, specially prepar
ed for kidney and bladder ailments
and irregularities. They do not con
tain habit forming drugs. Try them.
Huntley Bros. Co. Orron City.
1,492 in the home fields; the member
ship in the foreign fields having doub
led during the past four years.
During the four years 3542 of the
Sabbath School scholars have been
converted, and most of them baptiz
ed. Since 1867 when the first depos
it for missions was- made by tho)
schools, they have donated $1313580
for missions. The record of offerings
to missions in 1912 from the Sabbath
schools was said to be especially en
couraging, as during the year $228,
029 was given, which was an increase
of $71,540 over 1911.
Four years ago the Sabbath schools
of the denomination were giving less
than $2,000 a week to missions; now
they are giving almost $5,000 a week.
The members of the local Sabbath
school are especially interested in the
recommendations made to the general
conference, which are as follows:
That attention be given as never
before to make the Sabbath schools a
great power in saving souls; that
some plan be devised at the confer
ence which will result in increased
study of the lessons; that the Sabbath
school workers' training school should
be continued; that the officers of the
Sabbath school be elected the same
as other church officers, and serve
for one year instead of six months
as at present, and that the secretar
ies for the Sabbath school work in
the various conferences be chosen so
they can give their entire time to that
Children Cry
Farmers, mechanicians, railroaders,
laborers, rely on Dr. Thomas' Eclec
tic Oil. Fine for cuts, burns, bruises.
Should b kept in every horn. 25 and
Children Cry for Fletchers
The Kind You Have Always Booght, and which has been
in use for oyer 30 years, Las borne the signature ol
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health ot
Infanta and Children Experience against Experiment.
"Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare-,
, gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It
- contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic -eubstance.
Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishncss. For more than thirty years it
has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation,
Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and
Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, -assimilates
the Food, giving healthy and natural Bleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
Beaver Creek School Closes
After a very successful term of 9
months under the direction of Mr.
John Fiske, the Beaver Creek school
closed Wednesday June 4th with ap
propriatte exercises by the children, a
ball game by the coming athletes and
a generous picnic spread, prepared by
the mothers, and enjoyed under the
trees by young and old alike.
Gifts were presented to pupils for
proficiency, punctuality, etc., the
school closing with the remarkable
record of but eight tardy marks
against an enrollment of forty-seven
scholars for the entire school year of
nine months.
During the afternoon the lately or
ganized Parent-Teacher Association
held a meeting in the schoolroom,
several new names being added to the
membership. Mrs. Mary Sayre of
Portland gave an entertaining talk on
some 01 tne live issues ot tne day
particularly those pertaining to the
work that women are accomplishing
along various lines.
The closing day of the Beaver
Creek School proved a very enjoyable
occasion for all present, the one Re
gret being the departure of the teach
er, Mr. Fiske, from the community.
Card of Thanks
We desire to express our thanks to
our many friends who so kindly as
sisted us during our recent sad be
and family.
Children Cry
Should Convince Every Oregon City
The frank statement of a neighbor
telling the merits of a remedy,
Bids you pause and believe.
The same endorsement by some
stranger far away
Commands no belief at all.
Here's an Oregon City cse.
An Oregon City citizen testifies. 2
Read and be convinced.
A. G. Woodard, prop, cigar & con
fectionery store, 412 Main St., Oregon
City, Oregon, says: "I suffered a
great cjeal from (kidneys and my
back. My back was weak and painful
and often my rest was broken. I kept
getting better steady after I began
using Doan's Kidney Pills and I was
soon well. You may continue publish
ing the endorsement I have given
Doan's Kidney Pills before. I still
have great confidence in them."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Co. Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the Unit
ed States.
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
Do You Want a Good
Home cheap, or a paying business,
well established? If you do go to H.
S. Clyde. Lots in Oregon City from
$500 to $25. Land from $15 per acre
to $300. All kinds of bargains in im
proved and unimproved land, houses
and lots. Call at room 4, Weinhard
Bldg., cor. of 8th and Main St., Ore
gon City, Oregon.
Bilious? Feel heavy after dinner?
Bitter taste? Complexion sallow?
Liver perhaps needs waking up.
Doan's Regulets for bilious attacks.
25c at all stores.
The Best Light
Lowest Cost
ELECTRIC LIGHT is the most
suitable for homes, offices, shops and
other places needing light, Electric
ity can be used in any quantity, large
or small, thereby furnishing any re
quired amount of light. Furthermore
electric lamps can be located in any
place, thus affording any desired dis
tribution of light.
No other lamps possess these qual
ifications, therefore it is not surprising
that electric lamps are rapidly replac
ing all others in modern establish
ments. Portland Railway Light &
Powe Company
Phones Main 6688 and A. 6131