OREGON CIT.Y FRIDAY JUNE 6. 1913. -'!, l l 't.l'.MH II I I I "I I 1 ' " ' '' - - 11 " - ' f Sterling Silverware Did you know that this store can place before you an array of depend . able goods in Sterling Silverware? We do not touch anything that we are not glad to guarantee and han dle nothing but the output of the most famous makers. Now, it ought to be worth a good deal to you to know this. You need never hesitate about the probable quality of anything in this line if you come here for it because we assume all responsibility, and positively guar antee our Sterling Silverware. We carry a complete stock of the well known flat Silverware patterns, viz: Fairfax, Paul Revere, Lafayette, and Mary Chilton. A fine assortment of odd pieces such as bowls, trays, salt and peppers Mayonaise dishes, Sugars and Cream ers etc. Burmeister & Andresen Oregon City, Oregon the city come and worship with us. in one of the sister churches of the city. You will be heartily welcomed -uj, mcuu utneis at, nansens miss Kuth Gregory, who is at Bakery, seven for 25 cents. present teaching school at. Ha Mrs. James McFarland nf Pnweii Washington, where she has met with River, B. C, a former resident, is vis- mu.cn success, has been elected teach-, at any, ltmg old fnends here. er.ln one or the public scohols in Ho-J Teacher Training Class in the pas- For Sale-Smith Premier Tvne- .TO l' J? d?SeN 2rt M evening. Bible writer No. 2., large, clear type $20.00 h 'L A"" ""s! o Woof. IT-: t.-i :r -. J 6 yi -n"u m uie west un. T xc,eepn on", from the East about a year ago, will When vou want a irnnH mm nt , , . ... . . . vvu vwu vuucc i snoni nai oiimm An .... .: i t Tlor,00 n.i,. ;. i...i. """ '"" wii,p ner Bw w ""Mil, luaiu Sireet. sister Mm M R rV,.H:j . itr.n near nnat nffi T "- """uBO iu ixinm ana washincrtsin street iur. ana iwrs. uustave Schuebel. r. -...... . w . vuiubiivD Vi. kllUIJCIi YVCIB I n i . ... in this citv Mondav aftpmnnn h;J B,xul s"ght uame -, f 1 . '"5 come to tnis city to attend the funer Sixth The White Sox, the commercial club ball team won its sixth straight game at Salem Sunday. Saturday of couver, Wash., spent Sunday in this ' "pieman Park, they city, being the guests of the latter's M"" w" rorwana team- parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Chambers of the West Side. al of the late Richard Schoenborn. Mr and Mrs. Roy Wilkinson of Van. Class Friday evening this week. The regular prayer service on Thursday evening. 1 1 a i yn ounoay afternoon the pastor win speaK at the Mount Pleasant schoolhouse at 8:00, "THE COUNTY FAIR" Mr. and Mr. Kidder, of Fourth and Horse Dropped Dead John Adams St., who formerly resid- UZZ of IE whT T ed in Minnesota, will Rnnn JL Jrnier rado, while going to that state, where they will m lL,!! 90 home in Royalton. X,h. IT. "!S. arge' v5o n, reatucia lor uoara oia. aroonca neari. j j . anu rooms auring tne summer school at Gladstone park. Mrs. Anna Mat tlev. Seventh Street TTtnl Pifi. ' -WVW. 4 aUllL n phone 1292, Home A 253. Home cheaP or 8 Paying business, Ti tr:i L , well established? If vou do iro to H. iiuuio "".Mimii, who nas oeen con- q ri,io t f ; n , pamcipate ana nected with the Vrh..t t - Lots ln 0regon City from Libwoh tuoa wimnvowiu ljailU VKflll 4. VOC 1 - i t'.wtj VUVOG III V.Iiai 1 K L IIHrH I'H n .A.f!?" .fa " City- resigned 7300. All kinds barti nHn! be no f.0"1! of - Do You Want a Good Kings Daughters will Put on this Lively Play June 17-18 The Kings' Daughters of the Epis copal Church, at a called meeting this past week, decided to stage a home talent musical entertainment "The Clackamas County Fair" on the ev enings of June 17 and 18. The production will be stated and coacnea Dy Annie Dora Brock, who has had most flattering success thru- out the east. The Oregon City perfor mance will be her first performance to De given east of the Rockies. Ihe Co. Fair is a reproduction of tne old time county fair scene on the stage. Between 150 or 200 people will participate and from the interest dis- in charge there can coTre he wfflS h ?-ed and unimproved land, houses home. Z.7T i "einnara -c, . omg., cor. oi etn and Main St., Ore- w., ijhh , AUI1I1CI1V (II I trim I tw irarrrtn - U.. U.-j. i . , ' 7 "VI. 6""' vyoiiujr uut jiow oi x-omano, was in this city Wednesday on her wav hom after spending the past week in Can- by, where she was the guest at the nome of Mr. and Mrs. Soper, a variety of possibilities as may be expected at a county fair. The farm ers and fakers and gold brick men all with appropriate dialogues will be present, ihe various committees are making every effort to secure promi nent and well known people for these An Oregon Incident Mrs. Frank Sherman, while riding parts, who will make their lines most CITY NEWS. Girl wishes to assist with' light house work. Address M Schwerin, Or egon City, General Delivery, Mrs. Howard Brownell, who has been visiting friends in Astoria, has returned to her home in this city. Mrs. Fred Miller of Cardo, North Dakota, has arrived in this city and is visiting her mother, Mrs. Piper. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cowing and children of Portland, were in this city Sunday, making the trip in their automobile. Miss Kathryn Montgomery left on . Tuesday for Centralia, Washington, : where she will visit with a month with friends. Henry Hettman and C. Hornshuch of Shubel, were visitors in this city a nday. 1 hey are well known resi dents of that place. Mrs. George Fox and sister, Mrs. A Morrell of Portland, were in this city Friday visiting their sister, Mrs. Wil liam Andresen. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Pierce and two children, who have. been visiting rel atives at Hillsboro, have returned to their home in this city. Mrs. A. F. Buche and son, Karl, of Timber Grove, visited in this city Sat urday. They also visited Portland be fore returning to their home. Sawmill for sale Almost new, all complete except engine. Will sell or trade for live stock. Price $100. F. Mayfield Springwater, Rt. 1. . Mrs Steiner and son Phillip and the latter's son, of Beaver Creek, were among those visiting in this city Sat urdy. J. C. Zinzer, who resides on his farm near Salem, who has been visit his family in this city for several days, left for his home Monday mor ning. Mrs. J. N. Graham and daughter. Miss Mildred of Portland, whoh ave been in this city visiting with Mrs William Andresen, have returned to their home. Mrs. Walter Wentworth has gone to Starbuck, Washington, where she will remain for about three weeks, the guest of her sister, Mrs. B. W, Myers. Mrs. J. L. Waldron spent Saturday and bunday at her home in this citv Mr. and Mrs. Waldron will spend the summer at Molalla, where they have erected a house tent. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schoenborn and young son Donald, of Eldorado, were in this city Saturday having Deen called here by the death of the former's father, Richard Schoenborn Mr. and Mrs . Charles Tobin left left Friday for Molalla, where they win enjoy camp life for several weeks. This will be the first time that Mr. and Mrs. Tobin will have enjoyed camping in Oregon, and have select ed a most inviting place for their camp on the property of John Tobin of this city. nn the runiro a ..i.nlA -P : l I Mr. and Mrs. Harry McCarver and " ' 3,." vT. . f " Roses everywhere. daughter, Miss Leila, and Mrs. Chas which full. ,7 the i A songs, choruses, dances and Babcockjr., of Portland. i Ttd nlL f 5,be wil1 make UP Pt Judge G. B. Dimick will make the city Tuesday, coming here to attend 7h ZI... tr 01 6, 4th of July address at Loran. the funeral of Mrs. McCarver's fath- ,vV f J,f-"v " " , music is very attractive and ... " er, the late James Marrs rB"""6, "ulao wa aDie to catcny the Kind that can not but get Miss Fnia WMta i... i ' B ml,B "mes marrs. Det and fondle the vnnn tv, I ;f .u- li.-j . 6 . . ' nw ma utemer- M , M r ,, . , , , s ....Bo mm muz mc uioou m tne participants and lously ,u at her home in this city, ii Lri Mourning left ie mother deer off a short distance good singing and dancing mus be the aoie to De out again. I "v",OTi ,ui meir i"un.inB uh aim uui very mucn fright- result. I TnTTTiei. nnme wIiaka 1-U ;j I , . J Hir1ll- I Rehearsals will begin June 5. erry Crates And HALXOCKS Sold at PORTLAND FACTORY PRICES -BY- Larsen & Co.- Grocers, Commission Merchants PRODUCE 100I-I003MAIN ST. OR.EGON CITY Agents For WIZARD FERTILIZER former home. wViora thAw win Miaiin r; ' XITU 1 1 ' i . t m i coiUQ. vvvi. ATAumtia x 1UI1COI . tt ueii iuukiiik ior oanrams wnv not Mr Mourninir hnn hn wifh tu cv- call at W. L. fJt.B k m ik I r, . . u I DMCCI 1U1 U year past and has made manv frienHa lhat Bunch of Trouble ior himself. ine Uswego rioters and strikers store, 512 Seventh Street? W. L. Beatty, of Fresno, California was among those visiting in this city ounaay and Monday. He was occom pamed by E. C. Ehret of Fresno. Miss PLAY NICE SUCCESS year, perhaps, for the water scare put a brake on, but all the same a nice, steady growth. Don't you miss Saturday's bic dav x r r ' ,J at uregon wty. Both on the streets Mrs TTennh Pete t v " l"CMS wm De eIe' . A v. vv . ovii ui liUiriiH. i era nr enstit-a nwtri I .1 who has been visiting at the home of ."7 1, "i v,?'. . 8"Q. tne h. " - I vw ouvn an uu3l.Il a Ilall Will np n u lit Jt U1CC11. IlaN ris I Qnllf nnlv r turned t her , ' """" OCC" 1,1 "regOn. nogg oros. new hardware and fur. Aimee Bollack, of Portland. spent oaiuraay ana Sunday at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. A. uoiasmitn or f ourteenth and Main street. When VOU ti-ke a wnllr who had a hearing here Friday last l .11 . . I X it. v l city you win see new residences bob- 7. uvcl lu e grano jury, bing up all over. Not as many as last . ns. y' th? man who did the shoot- ."6, io iiciu in jau, penuing extradit- Senior Class Draws Large Crowd at Opera House Friday Night "Ihe Merchant of Venice Ud to Date" was presented at the Shively THE HUB Some Suggestions for Your Sunday Lunch Basket NATIONAL BISCUIT CO'S PACKAGE GOODS Vanilla Wafers, Cheese San dwiches, galtines, Saratoga Flakes, Nabisco Wafers, Fig Newtons, . Cocoanut Dainties, Baronet Biscuit, Uneeda Bis cuit and assorted cookies. HEINZ PRODUCTS Dill pickles, sweet pickles, sour and mixed pickles, bulk olives, mustard, peanut butter, baked beans and ripe qlives. Dried beef, corn beef, devil ed meats, sardines, kippered herring, canned salmon, BLUE RIBBON BREAD and CLEAR CREEK BUTTER, You will find all these at THE HUB GROCERY Seventh and Center Sts. Mrs. A. I. Hughes of Logan, who niture store on Main street is nearly is one of the best posted women in completed and will be opened in a tne dairying business in the state, few davs. The hnilHinr h w .... . . . 1 - 3 ..Ma ttt,ll Cll- waa In thin i.r I n 1 i: l 11. . " "usmess rnaay. wreiy remodeled and makes a hand Frank Moore is home from Yacolt. som store home. Washington, where he has had char- Miss Belle Gray, of Marquam, who ge of the "Bulletin" a Dublieation nf has made her home in this ritv fnr H..4 !. j . 1. , . . : .na, city uunng tne aDsence of the u,le ye nas arrived in this editor and proprietor. city, where she is the guest of her Mrs. J. P. Lovett. who recentlv nn- sister, Mrs. A. F. Jack of Eighth and aerwent a surgical operation at the lllaals'n street. She will remain in St. Vincent's Hospital, Portland, has this citv foJ about a month, improved so that she will be ahle tn Miss Mar'v fiilverp "i tAi. n. 1 JALl i ' t " OLUUCUb Ui tile be returned to her home in this city Mount Angel Academy, who has been during the present week. ' spending a few davs in thU r.it Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schoenborn of the uest of her mother, Mrs. Agues Eldorado, were in this city Monday. Silvws, has returned to Mount Angel. They came ,to this city to attend the She n return to this city within a funeral of the former's father, Rich- ieyf weeks to spend her summer va- ard Schoenborn, which was held at t'011- ;he latter s home on Seventh Street Mrs. Labowitch and son Edward of 1 i c otiocK. xnsiey, were in this city Wednesday, narry Montgomery, formerly city &uesuj at me nome or the former's engineer, has gone to Elma, Washing- cousin, Mrs. Charles Babcock. Mrs. ton, where he has accepted a good Labowitch returned recently from position. While in this city Mr. Mont Marshfield, Oregon, where she visited gomery made many fnends, and while Ior several weeks, accompanying her hi tne employ ot the city did very sat- "U!"na. .oiai-.uiy wo,. jjorn, Sunday, June 1, to the wife Mr. and Mrs. William Schultz left 01 "oward M- Latourette, of Portland May 28th for Worms. North Dakota a daughter. Mr. Latourette was for. where they will visit with Mr. and merly a resident of this city and the Mrs. Godlope Rempherd, the latter yungsters grandparents, Mr. and being their daughter. They will also Mrs-. C- D- Latourette, of this city, are visit in Washington and expect to be r? ce'ving congratulations over the ar rival or their first grandaughter. ion to Wyoming,, where he esnanerf ypera house Fndav eveninc kv the ii om ine penitentiary. Maher, one of students of the Senior class of the the strikers, arrested on charge of H'h School, before a large and ap wire cutting was acquitted. It is preciative audience. Mrs. H. B. Cart. said that Reams, the man who was lidSe wh is instructor of English at shot, is not getting alone very well that institution, had charge of the and there is danger of poisoning affair, and much credit is due her for setting in. the excellent work of those taking part During the evening the High School orchestra played manv of the And We Wonder Whv latest selections, and the audience Weeks ago there was nublisherf i was very appreciative. the Portland Journal a news note The cast of characters was as fol- that one of the jurors on the Gault ows: murder trial had been aDDroacheH "Duke of Venice," Peter Rotter: with an endeavor to influence. Antonio, Joseph Sheahan, "Bassanio, Immediately it was given out that Edwari Busch; "Gratiano," Lorraine this report would be run down nnrf Ostrom; "Shylock" Shelby Shaver: that the grand jury would investi- Tubal" Leonard Williams: "Launce- "gate. Mot Gobbo," Roy Finnigan; 'The Pro- But nothing more has been heard of f6ssor John Dambach: "Policeman." it. The Journal reporter told this pa- Wallaee papoonj "Polly" Miss Hazel per the charge could be made eood Mitchell; "Portia" Miss Adah Mass; any time an investigation was de- S- Gobbo; Miss Genevieve Mum- manded. And after the fuss we won- po enssa," Miss Irene Hanny; CONEMAK EXPLAINS Resolutions Passed Regarding the District Money Held Up Whereas, charges have been made against the County Court by George w. gazelle, a citizen of Clackamas County, residing on the south end road from Oregon City, wherein the said Lazelle states: "That a six mill special tax, levied by road district No. 15, for the purpose of building roads in said district and raising a fund of about $2700.00 is partly being retained by the County Court with out just cause and contrary to wishes of those who paid the tax," and Whereas, the members of the Can- emah Progressive League have per sonal knowledge of the facts in the matter of the charges made by La proved at the expense of the Railway Company. That of the funds on hand of about $1375, the South End or Lazelle'g road has received all of its $900, with ",B BAtepuon oi about ?a&, the Cane mah Road is entitled to the full am ount of her unexpended portion of $900, the balance belongs to the Mc Cord Road. That the money expended for road purposes in the said district has been intelligently spent and properly ac counted for. THEREFORE BE IT RESOf.VKn that we severely censure the action of George Lazelle. in makintr less charges against the county couit, and of the socalled mass meeting committee, consisting of M. J. Brown. 1 holvmnni L O.I 1. 1 i . zelle regarding the road funds for and s I r. T 1'a aecr?.tory; Road District w ik onAh.T and S-. Casto, who had questioned absent for two months. Miss May Kelly, teacher in the Portland schools, spent Saturday and uimoy in una city visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Kelly. Miss iveuy win spend most of her sum mer vacation at her cottage at Lone ucai.ii nasnington. Mrs. Charles bpnnger. and little oaugnter Margaret who visiting with the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hannifin of tnis city, returned to their home in roraand bunday evening. Mr. SDrinir. er arrived in this city Sturday even- Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Swift and young son, Richard, who have been making Portland their home riiii-ino the winter, have moved to th rest. dence of Mrs. Vernah Shewman at uoncord, where they will reside dur ing the absence of Mrs .Shewman in Pennsylvania. John F. Jennings, who has been critically ill at his home at Jennings Lodge, suffering from stomach troub le, was able to be in this citv Satur day-morning. He accompanied John F. Risley in the latter's automobile. Mr. Jennings has a host of friend in this city. Judge Thomas Ryan, of Salem. spent Saturday and Sundav with -ha family at Gladstone. Mrs. Rvan. who ! haa koan .w.'l-jn.. Ill - i 1 . "iwwiij iii bi ner nome in Salem, has improved since arriving at her home near the mouth nf the ciacKamas river. Mr. Ryan will soon leave with his family for Newport, where they will spend the Rummer of their cottage at that summer resort, saving one oi tne most attractive cottages at that summer reaort. he. ing ouiit last season. Miss Maude Booker of Walla Wi la, Washington, who has been ftnenii ing the past month in this city visit ing with Miss Myrtle Cross and other friends, left Sunday for Vancouver, Washington, where she will visit for several weeks before going to Seat tle, Washington. She will visit the latter place until about the middle of July when she will return to her home. Miss Booker, who has been in this city for the benefit of her health, was formerly a resident of nMm. City. Mr. and Mrs. Jensin and little who have been visiting Mrs. Jepsin's sister, airs, wattle and family of 8th and Madison Street, have returned to their home in Portland. Mrs. Jepsin is jrst recovering from a severe attack Oi. typhoid fever. Her little son re ctrtly died in Portland from an at tar k of typhoid fever. Mss Helen Gleason, who has been teaching in the Cottaa-e Grove ntihlip i i r . i . r - scnoois ior tne past year, has return ed to her- home in this citv to snenil her summer vacation with her mother Mrs. James Gleason and sister. Mian 1 K . ' mayme oieason. She is one of this city's most successful teachers, and was re-elected to teach the eighth grade at the commencement of the iau term or school. L. P. Harrington of Cresswell, Ore gon, was in this citv on hnine0 luesuay. Mr. Cresswell, who was re to Mr. J. J. Moran of Portland Sat. trial worker for the state dennrfmonf 1 ri i h ... r Dy state superintendent Alderman, iiaa visiueu me scnools durine- the past three months in 12 different counties. His duty is to interest chil dren in the local school fairs, ennnt.v j it . . . . ' mirs ana tne state lair. Miss Florence Moore will leave soon for St Paul, Minn., where she win visit with relatives and friends. wiiaH raoores iormer home v at at. raul, coming to this city about 3 years ago. She will be accompanied East by Mrs. F. A. Beach of St. Paul wiiu iius oeen spending several weeks in Oregon, part of the time at the Moore home. Mrs. Beach is at present visuing at aaiem. Miss Tillie Myers, who holds a re sponsible position in the Oregon City Woolen Mills, will leave within a fa days for Paradise, Mont, where she will act as bridesmaid at the wedding of her cousin, Miss Clara Wimmer. She will remain in Montana about a month. Miss Myers, before levninfr stated that she has had two vacations' during the past four years, the first of which was enjoyed at Mt Angel, while the second will he in P.ri- the names of the two although some distance from each other, make it . peculiar incident in which Miss My ers will enjoy her rest from her dut ies as shipping clerk. der WHY it was not pushed. The Live One , When collections are a little slow and trade a trifle dull, a merchant conclude he will "save" some expenses Dy cutting out his advertising for a time. If he were advised that he could al so save money by closing, his store JnnK. f f J . lew oays or weeKS ,or Jessica,' Miss Marv Barhur.- "Teacher" Miss Elsie Telford. A. C. Beaulieu Injured A. C. Beaulieu, who owns a wairon lives on the corner of Sixth and Cen ter Street, was Quite badlv ininrerl . " snop on upper Main street and whp Saturday afternoon, bv an exolosion oi steam in a wagon hub he was ir. oning. The fragments were blown in. through discharging his clerks or hv to his ftiP and abdomen, making ser. :u 1 i i ... . I Iniin iiiminjn A . 1 . f 1 'wua "vuuuo. council oi pnysicians was neid iuesday night and a few days will determine whether an op eration will be necessary. Mr. Beau. Meu has been suffering severe pain a trained nurse is in attendance. moving into qurters half as large, he would scoff such advice. Yet such a course would be exactly on a per as a business policy with that of dropping out of the procession as an advertiser. The merchant who has the sand to INCREASE HIS ADVER TISING when the "pinch" of poor business comes, is the merchant who deserves to win and who DOES win, FIGHTING OVER MILLS Willamette and West Oregon City Both Want big Properties The West side has a little scrap on hand that will be watched with inter esta fight to see which will be able to gobble the paper mills and enclose them in its corporle limits. Last week Willamette put one over the west side prospective incorporat ors by calling a special election for June 28 to extend its corporation lim its and take in a good sized chunk of the mills. But Tuesday night the residents who are behind a West Oregon Citv move to incorporate, held a meeting anu put a crimp in Willamette plans by outlining a corporation linr't ihat will tt'ke away the mills from Will amette and give them to the propos ed incorporation. The matter will be put up to a vote of the people on the west side whether they desire to be long to Willamette or be a citv of their own. A meeting of the incoroorators will be held June 18, at which tima a call for an election will be made. Manager McBain offers a SIR nrize for a name that will be adon,d for the new city, and all names must be in by June 18. Judge Campbell. Judire Dimick and Rev. Robinson will be the judges. Ihe engagement of Miss Bertha Barry and Mr. Arthur McAnulty, well known young people of this city has been announced, the marriage of wnicn win take place at the St. Johns Catholic church Thursday morning at Miss Cis Pratt entertained the Gyp sies at her home on Sixth and Water street Saturday evening. Cards were the main features of the evening, when Miss Marjorie Caufield was awarded the first prize, and Mrs. E J. Daulton the second nrize. Refreoh. ments were served during the even ing. Preceding the meeting the mem bers of this club went to the home of Miss Caufield on Eighth and Monroe street, where they presented her with some kitchen utensils, her en gagement to Livy Stipp recently naving Deen announced. Miss Pratt's guests were Miss Aim ee Bollack, of Portland, Miss Zida Uoldsmith, Miss Marjorie Caufield, Miss Helen Daulton, Miss Bess Daul ton, Miss Bess Daulton, Mrs. L. A. Morris, Mrs. E. J. Daulton, Mrs. J. N. Wisner, Miss Dollie Pratt FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH William T. Milliken, D. D., pastor On Sunday morning June 8. Dr. Milliken will speak upon the subject: "Yellow Men or White. Which Will Hold in His Hand the Destiny of the World?" In the evening there will be song service followed by a sermon upon the theme: "Do We NEED a New Religion?" Durine the hot weather the evening service will close promptly at 8:45. When in discomfort one cannot worship with undivided mind. Leave your coats at home, men on Sunday evening. Working men are especially welcome here, as most of our congregation is made up of such. If you have no other church home in Go to church somewhere, If not here Mrs. J. J. Moran of Portland was in this city Tuesday on her way to Liberal where she will visit with her sister, Mrs. G. W. Donnely. Mrs. Mo ran was formerly Miss Mabel Ohms of Liberal and was united in marriage to Mr. jn. j. Moran of Portland Sat urday May 24, the wedding taking place at Seattle, Wash., at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank DuCetts. The bridesmaid was Miss Georgia DuCelt or Seattle, and the best man was Mr. Pal McCann of Portland. Mrs. Moran was formerly a Clack amas County young lady, residing for two-and a-half years with her sis ter, Mrs. Donnelly at Liberal, beforn making her homte in Portland, and made many friends while residing there. Mr. Moran is a business man of Portland. For the present they are making their home on Eighteenth and Flanders street. Road District No. 15, and that the ac tual facts are as follows: That at a road meeting duly called anu neid on the 122nd day of Novem ber, 1911, in Canemah and attended by Lazelle the following resolution was offered and carried: "RESOLVED, that we do now vote and levy a special tax of six mills on the dollar on all the taxable real and personal property within Road Dis- tnct Number Fifteen (15) Clackam as County, Oregon, for the purpose of improving the county roads within said district with crushed rock, laid thereon in a thorough and busine.tiH. like manner, to the standard width, the description of said roads and the initial and terminal points of said ruds between which said imnmve. ments are to be made and the esti mated cost of improvements on each are as follows: 1. The river road commonly eallert the Canemah Road from the North boundary of Canemah, Clackamas county, Oregon, to Fly Creek, esti estimated cost Nine Hundred Dollars t$uuu.uu.i 2. The South End Road from Wm McCord's store southerly to end nf said Koad District Numher Fifteen (15) Clackamas county, Oregon, esti mated cost Nine Hundred Dollars ($900.00.) 3. The Central Point or Kellogg Road from south east corner of the Mt. Pleasant School playground to top of McCord Hill, estimated cost nine hundred ($900.00.) RESOLVED FURTHER, that the levy nereDy made shall be based up- several of our citizens and also the nairman and secretary of the road meeting, and were in possession of the facts, in submitting a misleading report in relation thereto, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we deplore any action upon the part of some of the citizens of our county to cause the taxpayers to as sume and pay the sum of $3000,00 or more covering the exDenses of a re. call election, based as the charges ev idently are, upon erroneous and mis leading statements and reports, sim ilar to the statement and renort con. cermng the Canemah Road Matter and ' , Be IT FURTHE RRF.SOT.VF.n that we express our confidence in the. integrity and business ability of the members of the Countv Court. R n Beatie, Judge; N. Blair and W. H.' Matoon, County Commissioners, and FURTHER BE IT RESm.VF.n That a. copy of this resolution duly nuii oy tne secretary of this meeting be forwarded to the news papers of Clackamas County, espec ially to the Oregon City Courier. State of Oregon, County of Clack amas. SS. I hereby certify that I was Secre tary of a regular meeting of the Can emah Progressive Leamie. ed and held on the 3rd day of June, 1913 and that at sairi meeting th. foregoing resolution was unanimous ly rracied. BELDEN GANONG Secretary ThlQ ia wiiiiI. .J. -1 i. ..it on the valuation of the tov.M. v.: "IV" ' uu "uoul "oining. if a,, e -j j ,. . "!"'- "" writers 01 that tetter will read Fiflen u N,Umhet the rePort of the ss meetTng Zy Fifteen (15) as shown by the last will find that he repor read- certificate of the County Clerk next "INSOFAR AS THE MONEY IS proceeding this meeting." CONCERNED THIS IS TRITF" M mat ior many years nearly all of . The money WAS held ,,. th. t.. the road money from the Canemah nrer'e 'V V"""- . ,m UuiCi iaua reported. And 1- it. . . and only a few dollars in Canemah in ' er n xCtion "S and upon the Canemah Road. That made at the time St taxpayers Tor this special tax of six mills nrnrl,.!the r u j ".""1 ""Payers of ed a fund of about 0'", accordance with the resolution each 'it held up y nted road would be entitled to about $900. This is" the third time this has That the citizens of Canemah hH heen i-.j .. U1IB " been for sometime negotiating wi rf. T" " ? . the Portland Railway Light and Pow-jfrom TJSSS er Company upon the question of im- may use it as long a ttw oir5 Provnir Ma n Street therein . D..1. ... VT, a" tney care to. uiuu a oui wnat tne neoble want i . of the worth while charges explained. proving Main Street therein portion of which street the track of tne Kailway Company was located. That during the pendency of such negotiations was that the street car track was removed and the full width of the road or street is now being im- Ohildren Ory for nrrcnnrs C ASTORIA ii ! ' "Generally debilitated for years. Had sick headache, lacked ambition, was worn out and all run down. Bur dock Blood Bitters made me a well woman." Mrs. Chas. Freitoy, Moos up, Conn. L Li 4 EXIT dfcr ' i . u in nmmmmmmfiimmmimmmmmfimmmmmmimmmmmmm Jit i .i--.i 7L ZZ'SSZiJ. "1 "t . it U..i i'v. H I')., h kl m f i it i i I T-T1 .Trim", .jphtttti "' ''I 1 r ilii'. iln nij mtxju minim u Only 35c Per Rod In spite of high prices prevailing elsewhere we offer our 48 in. fence at just the same old price, 35c rod Frank Bush Oregon City The Courier, "It's Different," and it Gas the circulation