ORJEGON CITV.fcOURIKR, FRIDAV. MAY 30 1913 f v? i IT in V41 I'M Is "Red Letter Day" at annon's Bring Your Green Stamp Books and receive $1 worth of Stamps FREE. No Purchase Necessary! Big Red Letter Day SPECIAL SALE OF Children's Barefoot Sandals Children's Moccasins Men's Summer Underwear Women's and Children's Underwear, and All Styles in MIDDY and BALKAN BLOUSES, for SATURDAY'S SALE f'i i iinnri mi- inn i Tim mmm i uninn nj ii i. i m n m MASONIC TEMPLE BLDG. i HORRIBLE ACCIDENT Boys Put Dynamite Caj on Stove One Dies, Other Badly Hurt A frightful accident occured at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Marsh at Milwaukie, Monday afternoon when their two young sons Roy and Law rence, found a dynamite cartridge near their home, which exploded tear ing the arm from Roy's body, badly lacerating his face and painfully in juring his brother, Lawrence. They were hastened to the St. Vincent' Hospital where every care was given them, but Roy died from his injuries. His brother will probably recover. The little boys had returned to the family home shortly before the accl dent occurred, hving been at play with several other little playmates They had in their possession the dy namite cartridge, and asked their father what it was. Having the ap pearance of a blank crtridge, the father not carefully examining as to what the boys had m their posses sion, was horified to hear the explos ion and seeing his little sons fright fully mangled before his eyes. The family is in poor circumstanc es and the good people of Milwaukie are taking up a subscription to which all are freely subscribing. The father and mother are prostrated ov er the accident and a gloom has been cast over the town as the family is well known and held in the highest esteem. The dynamite was left by careless workmen. STRUCK BY AUTO OREGON CITY, ORE. OREGON CITY. Coffee, sandwiches and cake served at Hansen's Bakery, Main street. Born, to the wife of Mortimer Park y. R. C. Friday, Memorial Day, have a son. The youngster arrived at the been perfected. At 9:45 o'clock the Park home May 27. ! G. A. R. and Sons of Veterans will Mrs. L. H. Maddox, of this city, form in line and escorted (by thei and her son Harold, are visiting fri- Drum Corps and Company G., 0. ends in Portland this week. G., will proceed to- the bridge, when The roses are working overtime to flowers will be strewn on the waters supply an abundance for the rose of tne Willamette in memory of the show June 7. ( dead Following the procession will Mrs. Colman and daughter of Can- Proceed to Shively's Hall where a lit. by, the former who was Miss Carrie erary programme will be given, after Bair of this city, were in Oregon Z the column roeed City as visitors Wednescday. I Mount"'n View Cemetery where the I impressive services will be held and Mrs.'M. D. Latourette and young the graves of the departed decorated, son Edward, are spending the week The pupils of the schools of the at Hood River, visiting with Mrs. L. ' city will march in a body as is the Henderson, formerly Miss Edna Cu-j usual custom, to Willamette Hall, field of this city. where a short progrmme will be giv- J Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Pierce and two en. children residing near Clackamas COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES Outline of Graduating Exercises at the City High School As the time is nearing for the close mg of the Oregon City schools for the summer vacation, the programme ar- Will be Fittingly Observed bv Old incr nf thn twplvn Mv i;,v,n ranged by the city school Superin- Soldiers nd Citizens I arrested in connection with the recent ent F. J. Tooze will commence on Preparations for the programme to 1 strike riot and shooting at Oswego, J'JIJJT be carried out bv the G. A. R. and was bei"g held beiore Justice Sievers " . "? , MEMORIAL DAY Telephone Cases are On. At time of going to press the hear- at the court house. Prof. Thomas Shaw it of the schools will be on display in the gymnasium of the Barclay School on Twelfth and Madison st., to which all are invited to view. The expert aVicuItuS wili be Tin Ore- 7"L , " W n W o-nn r.i in ffca noo, ft, D.f " "OIU I W O C10CK P. M. and Saturday from 9 to 12 A. M .irUrilT IT d 7 to-9 P. M. On Saturday ;V ;;: Merchant of Venice" least -cost. Further win h . U be Panted at the Shively Op least cost. Further notice will be giv en. Prof. Shaw will be here under the auspices of the Oregon City Commer cial Club. Colors Have Not Changed It has been published that the Rose House under the auspices of the High benool Seniors. On Sunday evening Prof. F. J. Tooze will deliver the baccalaureatte sermon for the grad uating class of the High School at the Presbyterian church. The Seniors will plant their class Heights left Thursday morning for Hillsboro, where they will spend a few days visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Gordy and daughter, Miss Retta, of Carus, were in this city Wednesday. Mrs. Gordy will visit in this city as the guest of Mrs. Frink. Killed in Long Beach Accident Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Davis of this city, received word from Long Beach California, this week announcing the death of Miss Lillie M. Holmes, at that place, her death resulting in the collapsing of the auditorium at Long Heach last Saturday, when 36 lives Miss Mae Erickson, who has been were lost. Miss Holmes was a very at- stenographer for the city attorney has resigned her position and taken an office room in the Barclay build ing, where she will act as public stenographer. Mrs. B. M. Hicks wife of Attorney Hicks of thm city who recently un derwent a critical surgical operation at the St. Vincents Hospital, Portland has been brought to her home in this city but is still critically ill. Mrs. J. M. Vokmar and daughter, Miss Babel, left this city Wednes day morning for Gresham, where they visit with relatives. Miss Volkmar is still Buffering from her injuries she received last summer. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Scott, former residents of this city are visiting Mrs. Scott s parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. II Gregory of Seventh and Jackson St, Mr. and Mrs. Scott have taken up a claim at Pine Creek. W. II. Gordon, formerly of this city but now in business at The Dulles was in this city Wednesday. While in this place he visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Lageson of Twelfth and Main street, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Cheney, for mer residents of this city but now of Portland, were in this city on Fri day on business. While here they closed a land deal, when a house and lot on Eleventh and Jefferson street was sold to John E. Boyer, who will take possession immediately. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith and three children, who have been spend ing the past two months at Los Molin os, California, with the former's brother E. R. Smith, have arrived in this city and are now the guests of Mr. Smith's sister, Miss Edith Smith. of Gladstone. Thoy were accompanied to California by Mrs. Smith's sister, Miss Bessie Sargeson of Seattle, Wash., who will visit in Gladstone about ten days before returning to her home. tractive young woman and was. k close friend of Mr. and Mrs. Davis, with whom she had visited in this city, and expected to spend the sum mer in Oregon City. Her home is in Denver, Colo., but she was formerly a resident of Phihv delphia, when Rev. and Mrs. Davis resided before coming to this city. Miss Holme's custom was to make a trip to Long Beach Cal., where she enjoyed several months of each year at mat resort. Society has changed its official colors tree Wednesday a i .toel us to red, white and blue. This is an er- 1 "!tm y' ror, the colors pink and green as al- Prida morni f next week th ways On account of these colors be- graduatfng exercf8es of the ei ing hard for business places to drape Lj m. t,..,. with tr,v mill r-aA ,v,it oj """ iiiace. xue Barclay " - "i i uv J.VU) Tilling CillU kllUC I exercise to be held in the morning and and this gave rise to the report of Eastham in the afternoon. change of the society's colors. There will be a meeting of the Rose Society at the Commercial Club par lors Friday night, June 30, for final arrangements for the rose show, and every member is urgently urged to attend. MRS. J. R. WALKER Friday evening the commencement exercises of the High School will be held at Shively's Opera House. " Edward Hughes of Parkplace, Sus tains Broken Leg and Bruises Edward Hughes, 23 years old of Parkplace, met with a serious and rather unusual accident Wednesday, when stepping from behind an auto that had just passed, near Busch'i store on lower Main street, he stepped directly in front of another, driven by Dr. M. C. Strickland, was struck and had his leg broken. Dr. Strickland was returning from Gladstone, where he had been called to set the bones of a broken limb. In the car with him was a nurse. The car was running slow, but as Mr. Hughes stepped directly in front of him, there was no time to turn or stop the ac cident was unavoidable. Dr. Strickland took the injured man to his office and gave him surgical and medical care. Splendid Time at Eastern Star Tuesday evening Mount Scott Chap ter of Lents paid a social visit to Pi oneer Chapter of Oregon City. After the usual routine of business the degrees were conferred upon a candidate, and the way the work was done without a mistake was supnsing to some of the older members of the order, that were present from "Mar tha Washington" chapter of Portland, Great credit is due to the untiring efforts of Mrs. William Gardner, who is Worthy Matron, Clarence Eaton, Worthy Patron, Sisters Matheson, Spencer, Walker, Anderson and. all the rest of the officers of the Star for the beautiful way the simbolic de grees of the Order were exemplified, After the meeting refreshments were served in the banquet hall, Great credit is due for this part of me penormance to head cook Ernest P. Rands and assistant Fred Green man and Spencer. It Won't Work It is reported to this office that ef forts are being made by those who CLAIM to be working for the recall, to induce candidates for judge and commissioner to get in the field, ther- by breed contention, and if possible to divide the strength of the recall movement. This scheme is too bald to work. The men behind the recall are not fools. When candidates are selec ted the full sentiment of Clackamas county will decide them; there will not be any "frame up" or favorites played. The candiadtes will be named in an open and public mass meeting, and there is little doubt but what the taxpayers will back them. Divided the county court would win. Bridge Club Entertained The Wednesday Afternoon Bridire uub was delightfully entertained by Mrs. J. J. Tobin at her apartments in the Electric hotel Wednesday after noon. In bridge the honors went to Mrs. H. S. Mount and Miss Nell Caufield, the prizes being a handsome brass candlestick and dish, the lat ter being of silver deposit ware. A luncheon was served during the afternoon. Mrs. Tobin's guests were: Mrs. Theodore Clrk, Mrs. E. A. Chapman, Mrs. L. L. Pickens, Mrs. II. S. Mount, Mrs. L. A. Morris, Mrs. E. P. Rands, Mrs. Theodore Osmund, Mrs. William Mulvey, Mrs. J. R. Humphreys. Mrs. Henry O'Malley, Mrs. II. E. Ilendrv. Mrs. C. D. Latourette, Mrs. Lena Charman, Mrs. N. Lawrence, Miss Noll Caufield, Mrs. Charles Tobin. Asleep, Struck by Train Respect Memorial Day The business men of Oregon City close business on Memorial Day, Fri day May 30th, from 9 A. M. until 1 P. M. and the church bells toll for An unknown man, asleep on the five minutes t 12 M., that we all may iracK, was struck oy a south bound with reverence remember our dear passenger tram and probably fatal- departed dead comrades. For every ly injured between this city and Can- one has laid to rest some dear one, emah Wednesday afternoon. It is re- either mother, father, wife, sister or pori.eu a Doitie oi nquor was iound on brother. Let us gather together and his person. strew flowesr on their graves for we He was sitting on the end of a tie must all pass away and it will be a and was asleep. The engineer blew pleasure in life to think we will be tne wnisue ana tried to stop the remembered in death. We hope this heavy train but could not in time, day will be kept sacred to the mem The engine hurled him about 20 feet, ory of the dead and that no sports uutwn ioma anu nempsteaa were and revelling be allowed summoned and an examination show ed the man was seriously injured, and he was rushed to the city hospital. The name Andrews Homeh, No. 117 was found on a roll of blankets and tools he carried and his Iclothinel bore an Iowa dealer's mark. It is not thought he can recover. H. S. CLYDE Patriotic Instructor of Meade Post G. A. R. MATTERS BEFORE COUNCIL List Your Lands Gentlemen: List your Oregon City and Molalla lands for sale with us, we make a specialty of them. Homer G. Day Co. 607 Yeon Bldlg. Port land, Ore. HOMER DAY CO. Cheapest accident insurance Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil. For burns, scalds, cuts and emergencies. AH druggists sell it. 25c and 50c. The annual memorial service of the G. A. R. and W. R. C. were held this year at the St John's Catholic church ininday morning. The church was fill ed to its capacity. Archbishop Chris tie of Portland assisted by Rev. A. uuiebraiul, officiated. Special music was rendered by the choir. The G. A, R. visited the McLoTTT- lin Institute Tuesday morning where an appropriate programme was given by the pupils and addresses made by members of the G. A. R. The hall was prettily decoi-ated for the occasion. The drum corps headed the procession to the Institute and rendered some of the war ime tunes. Constipation Cured Dr. King's New Lifo Pills will re lieve constipation promptly and get your bowels in healthy condition again. John Supsic, of S"anbury, Ta., 3ays: "They are the best pills I have over used, and I advise everyone to use them for constipation, indigestion aim nvcr complaint. " Will help you I rice 25c. Recomended by Iluntlev Bro3. Co. Double Wedding May 27 a double wedding was sol emnized at the St. John's Catholic church, the contracting parties of whom reside in this city and were: Miss Rose Campbell and Maxwell Market Inspector, Liquor License Ad- Buse! Miss Stella Zak and John Gal- plications and Other Matters IOW- lvev" " ""'eorana penormea The draft of the Woman's Club tne double marriage ceremony, market insnfictnr orHinnnpo who sented to the council Wednesday wanted 15 to 20 good goats. Phone Main 3068 Oregon Citv. ad- and stores must be cleaned once a u "as x- 100ze "gon (Jity. week; bread and pastry be wrapped and wrapper unbroken at time of Rheumatism Quickly Cured sale; tish to be kept on ice and en- "My sister's husband had an at closed in glass display cases: markets tack of rheumatism in his arm" to hav screen doors; milk daries to writes a well known resident of New- be cleaned twice a day, and stan- ,n' S?ve. him a bottIe of dards established as to quality; pro- ,? t u 8 Llnlmen$ whlc?. he aP; visions and market artices istLs fiSfi ft ZLZ to be kept from dirt, and many other For chronic, muscular rheumatism provisions in favor of eater. you will find nothing better than A new garbage can ordinance to Chamberlain's Liniment." Sold by . . - . T T Al T- take tne place ot one defeated recent- "u"ey cros. m. Best Medicine for Colds When a druggist recommends remedy for colds, throat and lung troubles, you can feel sure that he knows what he is talking about. C. Lower, druggist of Marion. Ohio. writes of Dr. King's New Discovery: "I know Dr. King's New Discovery is the best throat and lung medicine I sell. It cured my wife of a severe cold, after all other remedies failed." It will do the same for you if yu are suffering with a cold or any bron chial, throat or lung cough. Keep a bottle on hand all the time for every- ! . ji a x . . " uiie in me iamuy to use. it is a nome doctor. Price 50c and (1.00. Guaran teed by Huntley Bros. A FEW BARGAINS For rent: 80 acres, 20 acres in crop, xui pasture, gooa ouuaings. 4 years lease, at $160 per year, Cash. For Sale: Two and a half acres at Willamette all cleared, a splendid little nome. onlv S3UU per acre. For Sale: 5 room house, full lot, on CU Oi. J- l i . . m uiii ot. in city, anyone lOOKing ior a home this is a snap, $900. One-half casn, juai. to suit. For Sale: at Gladstone. 3 lots, rus tic house, 16 by 28, garden all in, owner leaving, onlv $600. For Sale: A fine suburban home at Concord, 8 room house and one acre with all kinds of fruit and berries, just what you are looking for. O. W. EASTHAM & CO Over the Oregon City Bank. New and Second Hand FURNITURE Stoves, Ranges, Tinware, Granite Queensware, Shelf Hardware and Notions J. H. MATTLEY, ly, was also introduced. It provides that all garbage shall be kept in a tight receptacle, which shall be emp tied at least once a week. Plans for changing the grade of High street, between Third and First streets were allowed. Applications of Anton Kirscher for a liquor license at 207 Eighth street, was referred to the license committee as were the applications of Davis & Lovm and Reckner & Cole for the re funding of $110.26 for the unexpired part or their license fees, following the revocation of their licenses. Claus Krohn asked permission to transfer his saloon from Seventh street and Railroad avenue to the building form erly occupied by D. M, Klemsen on Main street between Fourth & Fifth. The street committee was empow ered to enter into a contrct with the Oregon Road Oiling company for oil ing the streets at a rate of $40 per mile. A bid of the Pacific Road Oil ing company for $43.75 per mile, was turned down. Straight & Salisbury Agents for the celebrated LEADER Water Systems and STOVER GASOLINE ENGINES. We also oarry A full line of MYERS pumps and Spray Pumas. We make a specialty of installing . . Water Systems and Plumb- . . ing in the country 20 Main St. Phone 2CS2 An Opportunity roiey n.ianey ruis repay your vuiuiuence in tneir neanng and cura tive qualities. Any kidney or bladder disease not beyond the reach of med icine will yield to their use. Mm I Cordelie Copelan, Ardeola, Mo., says: "I had kidney and bladder trouble for over a year and 5 bottles of Folev jviunt-y x ins cureu me . it is the same story from everyone that uses to get a fine Upright Piano if bought right away. This fine instrument is in storage in Oregon City and in order to save further expense will make a sacrifice on the price. If interested write to Postoffice Box 947 Portland, Oregon I With the gearless transmission the Cartercar is made strong just where the ordinary car is weak. It is delightfully easy to driveand is capable of traveling any road. Combined with these priceless feat ures you have the most attractive appearance and utmost luxury. Unlimited speeds one lever control power to climb 50 per cent hills. Electric Starting and Lighting You merely have to press down a small knob at the driv er's left and the engine is in stantly cranked. Then by turning this same knob you light all or just as many of the lamps as desired. All Cartercars are completely equipped nothing to buy. Ev erything controlled easily and simply from the driver's seat. Four splendid models Touring Car, $1,850; Roadster, $1,750. New catalogue ready. Let us prove to you just what this re markable car will do. W. B. Lawton, Agent Phones, Farmers 131 and Ash 10 Oregon City, Rt. I bs: Fifteen Hundred Thousand Clean Kitchens Like this. 1,500,000 home are equipped with the Now "Perfection Oil Cook-stove and wherever there it NEW PERFECTION you find a clean kitchen and a contented houiewife. She hai no eoal or wood to lug; no soot or ashes to dirty up the house. The NEW PERFECTION burns oil, -the cleanest, most econom ical fuel. It gives any desired heat; cooks anything cookable. If you want light work and a clean kitchen ask your dealer for a Nem Perfection Cook Stove. ttx Beit Results Ws Recommend PEARL or EOCENE OIL i"neisiisininiHMi.iiat u' miis' ' -rMinirmwin .uj4jjjjj:1i jIVijj Sold in hM and cntt PORTLAND SAN FRANCISCO Round -Tri) Fare TO THE Portland Rose Festival VIA THE fw sunset m ONE AND ONE-THIRD FARES from all main and branch line points; from points on the C. & E. S. F. C. & W. and I. and M. SALE DATES Eugene and all points north including branch line points, June 8 to 18 inclusive; stations south of Eugene, June 8-9-11-13. Final return limit June 16. For illustrated booklet on the Rose Festival and leaflet giving full program, call on any S. P. Agent or address: .JOHN M. SCOTT, GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT PORTLAND, OREGON V the m(hsiti RMsni R 1010 7th St., OREGON CITY I" :nem. ah say, "they cured me." unuey uros. jo.