2 OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY, MAY 9 1913, ITS LABELED, TAKE IT Don't Reason, Just Believe, Shut Your Eyes and Swallow No doubt you all have some idea of telepathy. A vague unexpressed thot that your thoughts are shared by someone tho absent in person, is ever near you, and at times you almost put 0f Jordan. They will wait out your hand to touch this person You think surely this person is think ing of 'you. Now don't blush, all great men have that same weakness, in fact I have this feeling at this moment I seem to look deep into your eyes, ear ly expect it will be of benefit to us, I would suggest that room be made for them in the home of the feeble minded. Surely the most of the pres ent inmates are not so easy. We are told that Wilson is to hand us free sugar, not just now of course, but bye and bye. Perhaps to sweeten the fruit that grows on the other side a while, then give us a little at a time, because we are not used to it as it is too rich for our blood. On the other Hand I know swarms of staunch Republicans, shabbily clothed, living in miserable, rented THE MAN WITH SAND He has to Stand the Criticism of the Spineless Onea The hesitancy of a great majority of the people to demand their just rights, and publicly express their honest opinions when opportunity of fers, apparently is responsible for AMERICAN FREEDOM We Will Never Have it so Long as Christians Vote for Open Saloons (Read at the W. C. T. U. by Mrs. N. M. Alldredge Tuesday) Every true American, boy or girl. loves the grand old "stars and strip the open censure so frequently visited es' because that flag has been bap- upon the few, possessing the ability Uzed m the blood of heroes. and nerve to do so. Mr. George Lazelle represents the minority class m this nest thoughtful eyes, and no matter shacks, or burdened with debts, who wnere you are your eyes are looning would g0 up ;n the air jf you sug. gest that "protection" has been of no benefit to them. Oh that blessed word. You see its on the label. Don't be impatient with me, thot ful reader, because I am feeling of your pulse for such a long time. Your tongue is badly coated and into mine, looking through me like through a window, looking into my soul for an answer to the riddle of the sphinx. "Your answer or your life," I can hear you say. My life is not so important, for the shadows are stretching afar o er the lea, or at least life'ss sun has long passed the your By8tem is saturated with noxious noon mark as we reckon the span of matter from the dope you have been "I8, swallowing for many years, regard- But "your answer" is your urgent less of results, simply because the di demand. I know by that physhology rections said "take it" and it has been which we feel but dare not or cannot on tha market several generations express, that my many friends, or at Oh, but the case is urgent and you least a large part of you, are often must have relief at once. Pray be not wondering what remedy 1 would pro- so hasty. I have been a sufferer for pose for the ills which afflict us as a many years and have gotten over people. all of those symptons. Really you re We are a patent medicine people, mind me of the Irishman who saw We look at the label very closely take pig that had become sick from eating a hasty glance at the directions and too much malt. He said: "Poor piggy either discard the stuff or gulp it you thinK you win die, int you down and expect to be O. K. by the won t. morning, tho we do not know what I'm going to give you my renvdy the remedy consists of or even un- alright, but you must steady your derstanding the cause and nature of nerves and when I do give it, I am the malady. The directions say "take sure you will throw-it-up, because it it," if it is labeled "chloride of sodi- hasn't got the label to suit your fan urn," we fall for it, but if it reads cy, and the dose is guaranteed to re "salt" in a plain simple word "none move the tape-worm or in case of of it in ours." death, ring up the coroner. But I will There are ever so many specifics not 8lve it m this issue, for the edit. abroad in the land, all of them guar- or has no supply ot abestos paper on antced or your money back, but I ob- hand and believe me its going tj be a serve the sexton at Evergreen is kept hot one; but 1 hoPe to have the C0Py busy. No one inquires into the whys or ready for my next- Ia the meantime wherefores. No one thinks of living a ur- vy'"w K" vyuson; w natural, wholesome life. We are a busy people and life is short so we must hurry and get to the end of it for we are told fortune never comes to him who waits, so also with the end of our lives, we hustle at a rapid rate to overtake it. I am do ing that way, so I Know very near ly just how you are doing. Just like a great throng coming out of the thea tre of life; those before can neither turn back nor halt the current of hu man stream behind, but must go on out, or be trampled under foot, where we would be out of the running. It is late at night, and as I sit alone no, not alone, for I can see you all be fore me, I can hear the ceaseless rus tie of the wings of time, while out side of this shelter, which is typical of what we workers call "home," the elements are at work delivering a drenching rain and I think of the many of my brothers and ah! the terror of it, alas, some of my sisters have no place to lay their tired heads. Do you tell me I should be thank soothe you into a good night's rest. JOHN STARK AN ASTOUNDING RECORD $100,000,000 worth of Fords Built and Sold during March The Ford Motor Co. built and sold during March 1913, 17,364 Ford auto mobiles. That makes an average of 6G8 cars every hour of a 9 hour working day. 17,364 Ford cars would fill 2,170 big automobile freight cars, which would make about 50 big train loads. The April output will be 1,000 cars per day. No wonder every third car you see is a Ford; soon it will be "every other car is a Ford." Not more than two or three other factories will make as many cars in a year as the Ford factory made and sold in March alone. THERE'S A REASON WHY. Un ful I am not also among them sharing htionably the Ford gives more val their trials, that I should find reason to be happy in the possession of what would seem a luxury to these the least ue for the money than any other auto mobile built. It is the best hill climber. It costs the least to run and maintain DO biiQ icnai .. ... ... , - . - . , of my brethren? But I cannot feel " wm B JUBl r Iar ,n 8 7 that wav. I feel thfi inaeruritv of pvnn 88 anV Car and ll Wl11 over roads these humhl surmmulincr Bn Inn that many cars cannot travel a all. fw. r, i;f Immense production has again reduc path I may find my feet gliding from f P8" e f8' "J 8e" under me. Surely any newspaper I for b75i Raters for $000. If you pick up at random tells me of the hu- want a Ford y. order it now man crafts which are constantly be- or J ma not ?ete lt! to e7n Lthe ing driven on the rocks. Many of them v""1""' ui "? ""-""J felt sncure in the r nnsspsR nn nnH V faLC w""' w,c were looking toward the end of life's journey on a calm sea. Do you say you are not at fault? Others may say the same when the same happens to you. If you were a savage in a primeval tropical forest, as yet untouched by the priest, tho politician or the com mercial exploiter, you might feel safe for Nature is bountiful and the eurth brings forth in joyous abundunce. If you were an Esquimaux on the bleak shores of Labrador you might rest se cure in your prowess to have an abun- Our second carload of eight order ed for February delivery has just ar rived three months behind time. Don't delay if you want a Ford this spring. PACIFIC HIGHWAY GARAGE Sole agents for Clackamas Co. 12th and Main St., Oregon City. WILSONVILLE Mrs. Dr. Brown has been somewhat under the weather of late. Mrs. N. W. Young is able to be out dance of blubber, but being civilized, again after three weeks' illness you must seek a market for your lab- I uul Jaegar was accidently struck or power or tho products of your la- on the forehead with a base-ball bat bor, or it may be you are an expert Thursday of last week, requiring med. at the game of crab, but remember "-'' attention the Bchool of stern necessity is turn- Reed Graham and Joe Thornton ing out many graduates. Like the 'do a fishing trip to Oregon City child who is nlwuys crowding the last week, but came home only to tell futhor off of tho map, so tho younger 01 tne catch ot others. student may snatch life's bread from Miss S. M. Graham and nieces have before your face, that is competition, moved home on tho Graham farm for once labeled thu lif of trudo, but its tho summer, trado is death to those who would M. U Young and funnly, Mr. and have a fellow feeling, or those whom Mrs. Henry Aden motored to Oregon circumstances have forced into the Lily baturday to attend the Booster- thick of fight and have, like Uriah day in Mr. Young's new car, Silver been left unsupported by their assoc- Leaf bally, iutes. Quito a number of our people are Perhaps you are impatient and will going to attend Chumpocg's grand Bay: "Your answer or your lifo, solve celebration Friday. A party of 18 or the riddle, give us the remedy. No -U are to go in Mr .Stangle s launch: one will bo more ready to write out a others will drive and go by auto. The prescription than the quack. steam-boat also always gets a large You know Lawson laid bare the crowd, who come here by car and then workings of standard oil in his iron- take the boat to and from the place. zied finance, and promised to spoon Ihe Parents Teachers Association out tho remedy. is sending 10 delegates to Reed Col- The past winter acres of law were lego May 9, 10 and 11 to attend tho written, the "reformer" was busy conference of tho conservation of hu supplying tho law libraries with laws man life. regulating tho morals, or the immor- als, to be more proper,. Among them EAGLE CREEK were sterilization, health certificates to matrimonial candidates, anti "cig," Again we have some fine weathei neighborhood and as a result is often times severely censured by public opinion for things he never thought of. We have no better citizen than Mr, Lazelle, who has gained the dislike of many, simply by reason of his fear lessness of expression, applied to mat ters public' interest. Without George M. Lazelle Twilight wouldn't be on the map and yet some of our own people are free to lend an ear to out side criticism without protest, thus giving it their support through lack of nerve to express themselves. If a favor is needed, Mr. Lazelle is the first man they think of and he never disappoints, yet when opportunity presents a kindly word unspoken, lends weight to unjust criticism. It has frequently been stated, thru the dislike of the County Court for Mr. Lazelle, the south end road has been 'neglected and has been made an eye sore to Clackamas County, when as a matter of fact George Lazelle has had far less criticism for this honorable board than many other of our citizens. Our only wish is that we had more citizens like him. A vote is cast in favor of the rum traffic. Look out for the result. It will surely come. Jf not your boy, then the boy of someone else will be the victim. He or she, who casts a vote in fav or of the saloon, is in great part re sponsible for the downfall of the thousands of men and women, and boys and girls. When the religious people awaken to the fact that it is in their power I to righ this great wrong through the Men and boys have marched un der that flag and laid their lives unon their country's altar for FREEDOM! proper action in politics; when they They left happy homes, wealth, have the moral stamina to vote their luxury, children, wives, mothers and convictions, then, and not until then. A Mr. Delano, from Montevilla and Mr. Page, of this locality, have ex changed their realty holdings, each all the sacred home ties; endured all kinds of hardships that this country mignt be a shelter for the oppressed of all nations. In days gone by, many times has that flag dripped with the blood of youths, who were the support of some mother or sister. Today, all over the land are mothers mourning for their slain, yes and their worse than slain They have given their all for their country. How has our country recompensed these noble women? It has placed in the pathway of youth, men and women, the most hor rible incubus, the most demoralizing agent, the most death dealing and ac cursed stumbling block that the world has ever known. The Licensed Saloon. Search history and amongst all the records of crime, nothing can be found equal to the train of vice, woe, an guish, sorrow and butchery as that caused by the licensed drink traffic. Our beautiful flag, baptized in the blood of heroes, waves over every sa loon in America, protecting it and proclaiming to the world, that for can they say: "My child is safe." Gladstone declared that the liquor traffic is the cause of more misery than was pestilence and famine. Why will Christians allow an evil to con tinue that is a menace to the church to vivil institutions and an enemy of their own familv nrosneritv? 1 X ) . It is within the power of the Chris tian people to blot out this accursed trafic. Our party leaders say that the sa loon men buy the right to carry on this traffic. How can one buy the right to do wrong? Christian citizens, when this fact that there is a traffic in life and souls become vivid by the glaring proofs that surround us, will you not take a firm stand against this horrible liquor traffic, and see to it that you VOTE as you PRAY? If "3 III LOGAN There was an interesting meeting of Harding Grange on the third. The old folks did not turn out in full force but there were enough to give some interesting pioneer experiences, and MYERS jr-W pumps r jr m w COMPLETE SYSTEM LIFE IS TOO SHORT To spend in discomfort Running water in the home brings many' conveniences and comforts theBath Sanitary Toilets the Wash Room- Hot and Cold Water, Etc.. Etc. City people wouldn't be without them and thev are now within the reach or all rural or suburban residents. Every dollar invested in a l SYSM TE Skg fr, -i''-: -' ...... . iiiy Ml Ml T KM iff ST iKSf cEADER Water System ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT" AVfcgelabkPreparalionforAs simifal ine (hcFootf andRpduta ting die Siomaclis andBowck am HI ml mm: mm Promotes Dteeslionfkerful nessandltest-Coiitainsncillicr Opium.Morph.ine nor.Mineral. WOT NARCOTIC, Rmplth Sred" MMIeSelts- AiiuStti flpptrmit- IltCartowbSMii WamSerd- flmlkd Sujar . tiinlwpiai Ham. AnerfectRemedv forConslipi Hon, Sour Stomach.Dlarrta Worms ,Convulsions.l'cvcrisn ness andLoss OF Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YOBK. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of At AW mm In Use For Over Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper, 35 Secretary and Treasurer, O. D. Rob- bins. The usual assessment of $6 was levied and the board was authorized to borrow, and not to exceed $500, to build the main lines in first class style. THI OBNTAUH COMPANY. NSW YOUR OITV. MOUNTAIN VIEW will return you eventually $10 worth of comfort to say nothing of fire protection. The Mitchell-Leader System furnishes you cool water anywhere you want it, under any pressure you want, up to 1 25 lbs. Hundreds of home owners right here have found the solution of their water supply problem in this system. I Of Ma aonrl D 1. TL. St I! I llr , I, .1.1 Uu uu Luun, j ue vjuesnon or vvaier ivith circular containing cuts of homes and letters of Northwestern parties who have installed them. It will surprise you how reasonably you can secure a Mitchell Water System that will satisfactorily take care of your requirements.' Write Us At Once, STOVERS GOOD ENGINE 3411 East Morrison Street PORTLAND Spokane Boise laws, hat pin statutes and an endless to enjoy, list of similar rubbish, oacli and all of Mr a"d Mrs. Ed Douglass attended them. If any effort was obtained it lno a" K at Estacada the other consisted of new avenues of graft be- May ing opened up on the one hand and a l'ie entertainment and bow-social larger catalogue of victims on the Riven by Miss Echo Githens at the other. None, or all of them put togeth- school house Saturday evening was er, were worth tho ink it took to write them, so far as being of benefit . to the .men who work or the women who weep. Few of you who read this will endorse this statement, but if any of you have been benefited by these laws, 1 shall doom it a matter of Justifyable self defense to put an extra pad lock on my chicken houso if I hear you are coming to my neigh borhood. Congress is now engaged in an av alanche of words. Tutting a lot of new patches upon the threadbare tariff garment that has served as a parti san scare crow in the most enlighten ed nation on earth. Strange as it may seem, I liavo never met a Democrat who really believed that any good would come to him out of all of this uproar. If the men In Congress real-j quite well attended and the bows sold fairly well. Fourteen bows were sold, bringing in the sum of 122.10. A. W. Cooke not being able to be present to auction off the baskets, J. P. Strahi acted as auctioneer. Miss fcdith Chapman, recently from Los Angeles, California, is to be the guest of her sister, Mrs, It. B. Gibson during tho summer. Miss Hazel Cithers attended the er tortainment at the school house SoU tmlay night Dick Gibson is the proud owner of a fine young colt Children dry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA occupying the other's home. belt communion usually convinces us that our neighbors as a whole are all right and that a loose wheel in our our anatomy is responsible for our grumblings. J. M. Jack, L. E. Bentty and A. H. Harvey have leased the Fancher place for the present season. Chicken thieves have again paid this neighborhood a quiet call, neither knocking or leaving their cards. Social duties on the part of the la dies of the community is quite lax, as viewed from a masculine standpoint, E. L. Bcntly's sister from Eastern Oregon stopped over Sunday on her way home fro mher mother's bedside near Woodburn. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kelland hooked two salmon below the falls Sunday, but they got away, as so many big fish do. The past two weeks have been ideal weather and as a result spring seed ing is far advanced. L. E. Bontley as a ring artist, may bo able to come back, but was recently knocked out m the first round by a Rhode Island Red Rooster, and as a consequence used a wooden leg for a few days. We are roliabaly informed that Mr. and Mrs. George Kline of this com munity have agreed on a separation without recourse to the courts, and have made an equitable division of their property. Mrs. Kline retains their ranch home here, together with their children, while Mr. Kline will return to Spokane, where they for merly lived and still own property. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Jack were Port land visitors Wednesday. Earl Bontly hob-nobbed on the streets of Oak Grove Tuesday, Marshall J. Lazelle has been ap pointed editor of the Equity page in the Courier and we predict his suc cess. A man living at Auburn, New York had a severe attack of kidnev and bladder trouble. Being a working man. not wanting to lose time, he cured himself completely by using Foley Kidney Pills. A year later he 'says: "It is a pleasure to report that the cure was permanent." His name is J. A. Farmer. i gold those dens of infamy are licens ed to drink that poisons brain and body and ruins the soul, for it shuts the drunkard out of heaven and sends annually thousands of souls to drun kards' graves This licensed sin, lays the train of vice and debauchery that exists thru out our country. Glance at the daily papers; evi dence of man's brutality caused by intoxicants, may be seen by the hor rible account of fights, murders and suicides that will send chills to even depraved hearts. What hero of the past, who fought and died under the flag, if he could return to earth, would say, I am proud that my country derives revenues from the sale of drink, that curses mankind ? What one would say, I am proud to see my flag wave over sa loons and protect those who are ruin ing the nation? No loyal woman likes it and she is going to vote against it. We want a clean flag and we are going to pro tect it with our votes. Year after year votes are cast for rum, ruin and rev enues. The living monuments of our nat ion's shame stand protected by that flag. Protected by the votes of a CHRIS TIAN, civilized people. It has been truly said: "It is not all of life to live, nor all of death to die." There are living deaths before us all the time. Christians should unite and sweep from off our continent the curse that will ruin the grandest country on earth. Alfred T. Hampton tells us that spiritual life and civic righteousness should go hand in hand. They act and react, one upon the other. Tens of thousands of our so-called Christian people in America go to the polls and by their ballots pronounce a benediction upon the liquor traffic. The reaction is clearly shown by the dark pages of our nation's history. In forty years two and one-half mil lions of our citizens have gone down to drunkard's graves. In this we see the law of action and reaction clearly demonstrated. personal experiences. H. S. Anderson, O. D. Robins and T. W. Foster were the principal speakers and the latter gave an account of the formation and progress of the emi grant train in which he crossed with as a boy. , . A children's day picnic and pro gram will be given at the Grange park on May 24th. A committee of five was appointed to arrange for a Fourth of July celebration. M. H. Kiebhoff has purchased a car load of feed to be disposed of at his store. Mrs. N. L. Kirchem is visiting her brothers and. Maurice Ward and fam ily in Crook County. Mrs. Marsh and Mrs. Fleet, Mrs. H. R. Anderson's sisters, were with her at the grange meeting. They will vis it here for some time. There has been considerable excite ment and aprehension concerning the badly contagious cattle disease that had gained such headway before be ing discovered. It is hoped it is now under control but everyone should keep a keen lookout Frank Whiteman is receiving many congratulations on his auto good for tune. We can blame Logan for a share of his success. Frank Riebhoff and Eva Newkirk were married April 22nd. They have now returned from a wedding trip and will settle down on the Riebhoff farm. The children of Logan, Redland, Vi ola and Stone, are invited to attend and take part in the childrens' day picnic and exercises at the grange park May 24th. Mr. McMurry had a bad runaway last Sunday and was very fortunate in having none of the family injured. It happened near Mr. Strahm's and the horse happened to turn away from the hillside or it would have been much worse. Jacob Gerber will visit relatives in Wisconsin and Missouri. At the annual meeting of the Clear Creek Mut Tel. Co. on the 6th, the following officers were elected: Pres ident W. P. Kirchem; Vice-Pres. Henry Babler; other directors, F. P. Wilson A. M. Kirchem and L. Tenny, Glorious weather this, and every body busy. The sick people are on the up grade and this beautiful sunshine will make us all happy. Ray Welsh and bride were serenad ed last Monday night with old cans, cow bells and firing of guns, but thev nave just settled down like old folks. Mr. Vanauken is painting the resi dence he bought, formerly owned by Mrs. Kays. Wm Hall has gone to Kansas on a combined business and pleasure trip to his old home. Mr. I. W. Imbler of Ardenwold, was in our part of the city' last Monday. Leonard Gates, from near Albany, visited Frank Albright and familv aaiuraay. George Gillett is busy getting his residence on Duane Street in condition to move into. Mr. Setara moved into his new home last Monday. If a few more old fences were replaced by new neat ones the sight would be more pleasing to the passerby. Rev. Ford preached to a good sized audience last Sunday at the little church at this place. He holds servic es every two weeks at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. We hope the committee on city wat er will decide on the deep well system tnen we know the water will be pure. This system has proved satisfactory wnere it nas Deen used. John Darling was quite sick last week, but is improving and is much better at this time. The two Martin brothers have gone to a logging camp in Washington where they will work this summer. Arthur Haskell has leased the Buckner ranch and will move on it as soon as he can rent or sell his resi dence on Duane St. REDLAND Rev. Coop gave an ice cream social at the M. E. Church 2 inst, the funds to go toward improving the church. While Mrs. Frink was coming home from town Sunday two boys were racing motorcycles on lower Main street and had Mrs. Frink not yelled one would have ran into her rig, as the rider was looking back. Such care lessness ought to be punished. Some of our people are having quite a time with their cows, as an infect ious disease has become started in some of the herds and by infection has spread as far as Garfield. All af fected stock is being put under quar antine by Dairy Inspector Fullenhar ker, for treatment, this keeping some from spreading and eradicating the disease in a few months. John Hugh had quite an experience with a Portland Commission house. A ' buyer was out and engaged John's hog at 13c for date delivery, but lo, and behold, when returns came they remitted him 11 and a half cents. The firm that he shipped to goes by the name of Shrewe, or Some such name. LADIES, WANT A JOB? CLARKES At last the weather clerk has awak ened from his long and peaceful slum ber and is giving us some nice weath er and it is hoped he will not cease as the farmers are behind with their spring work. Highland Grange met Mav 3rd at the hall with a large crowd in at tendance. Five candidates were initi ated in the first and second degrees, namely Fred Hep and wife, Henry Moehnke and wife, and Mrs. Collier. It was decided to remodel the hall and make a stronger building as the grange is growing so fast that the hall is hardly large enough. Vernon Larkins left Wednesday for Los Angeles, California. Milwaukee Happenings Always Inter est uur Headers . After reading of so many people in our town who have been cured bv uoans ivianey nils, tne question naturally arises: "Is this medicine equally successful in our neighboring towns?" The generous statement of this Milwaukee resident leaves no room for doubt on this noint. Mrs. Clara E. Cook, R. F. D. No. 2, Box 105 Milwaukee, Ore., says: "For years i suttered irom pain in my back much more severe if I over-taxed myself or caught the slightest cold. The kidney secretions were unnatural. Doan's Kidney Pills proved to be just me remeay i neeaea. iney gave me quick relief from all the troubles. A few times since then I have used Doan's Kidney Pills and thev have al ways given the best of results.. You may continue publishing my former endorsement" For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mflburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Fell lancruid. weak, run down? Headache? Stomach "off?" A good remedy is Burdock Blood Bitters. Ask your druggist. Pries S1.00 You are Eligible in Every Precinct on the Registration Boards The following letter was written by the county clerk of Marion county to the Aurora Observer, and will be in teresting to the women of Clackamas county: "The law for the permanent regis trafJbn of voters which goes into ef fect June 3rd, requires the appoint ment of a permanent official registrar in each precinct. Owing to the recent enfranchisement of women, it is im portant that the registratrion of vot ers be conducted in respectable places where all women may go and regis ter without embarassment to them selves and among surroundings that will be conducive to a large registrat ion of women voters. On account of the permanent nature of the registra tion it is necessary that the registrar have a good hand writing, in which the fair sex usually excel. Women may be appointed as official regist rars on the same terms as men, and the appointment of a woman regis trar in some precincts would certain ly be conducive to a lage registration of women in that precinct. The. fees paid for registering voters are ten cents per name, and certain other minor fees for other official duties. A little publicity in the precincts of your community calling attention to the eligibility of women to this ap pointment, might bring out women in the various precincts who would do a good service to their recently enfran chised fellow-electors and be entirely satisfactory to all the voters in that precinct. Any information you can give vour people along this line will be appreciated." A FEW BARGAINS SETS' t For rent: 80 acres, 20 acres in crop, Bal pasture, good buildings. 4 years lease, at $150 per year, Cash. For Sale: Two and a half acres at W Ulamette all cleared, a splendid little home, only $300 per acre. For Sale: -5 room house, full lot, on 5th St. in city, anyone looking for a home this is a snap, $900. One-half cash, Bal. to suit. For Sale: at Gladstone, 3 lots, rus tic house, 16 by 28, garden all in, owner leaving, only $600. tor Sale: A fine suburban home at Concord, 8 room house and one acre with all kinds of fruit and berries, just what you are looking for. O W. EASTHAM & CO Over the Oregon City Bank. List Your Lands Gentlemen: List your Oregon City and Molalla lands for sale with us. we make a specialty of them. Homer G. Day Co. 607 Yeon Bldlg. Port land, Ore. HOMER DAY CO. We Dav hio-Vvocf ; rhlrkonc nnl-. it . . "r""6 v.. -taunts notei SeaItho Eesort- Phone Main Route 2, Box 175. and 3051,