Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, May 02, 1913, WOMEN'S EDITION, Page 9, Image 9

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County Free Library
When the library gets into the new
building, anyone in Clackamas Coun
ty can take out books without ex
pense and on the same terms as the
people of Oregon City. It will be the
distributing center for the traveling
libraries managed by the State Li
brary Commission.
Hood River County has a county li
brary. It levies two-tenths of one mill
on all property in the county for it3
support. The central library is at the
town of Hood River and there are dis
tributing stations and reading rooms
over the county.
Wasco County has a county library,
and the county court of Klamath has
made a levy for this purpose.
With the Oregon City library as a
beginning, Clackamas County might
have similar advantages with compar
atively little expense.
Mr. J Vannatta is on the sick list.
Miss Elma DeShazer has been very
' sick the past week, but is fast recov
ering. Mrs. Joel Jarl and family of Kel-
so, spent a week with her parents Mr.
and Mrs. W. P .Roberts.
A suprise party was given at the
E home of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Roberts
i in honor of Miss Alice Berghouse and
Mr. W. B. Roberts. 76 people were
present and everybody reports a good
Miss Alice Berghouse, Mrs. J. Jarl,
W. P. Roberts, and W.B.Roberts
made a trip to Portland last week.
Mr. W. P. Roberts presented his
wife with a new sewing machine.
Mr. John Roberts returned home
from Corvallis to attend the wedding
of his brother, W. B. Roberts.
Miss Alice Berghouse and W. B.
Roberts were united in marriage at
the groom's home Sunday April 27th.
The guests were the immediate rela
tives of the couple. Everybody unites
in wishing them a long and happy
wedded life.
Easier Than Swatting.
Editor Courier:
How to kill flies? To clear the
room of flies, carbolic acid may be
used as follows: Heat a shovel or any
similar article and drop thereon 20
drops of carbolic acid. The vapor
kills the flies.
A cheap and perfectly reliable fly
poison, one which is not dangerous to
human life, is bichromate of potash
in solution. Dissolve one dram, which
can be boufcht at any drug store, in
two ounces of water, and add a little
sugar, fut some of this solution in
shallow dishes and distribute" them
about the house.
Sticky fly paper, traps and liquid
poisons are among the things to use
in killing flies, but the latest, cheap
est and best is a solution of formalda
hyde in water. A spoonful of this li
quid put into a quarter -of a pint of
water and exposed in the room will
be enough to clear all the flies. To
quickly clear the room where there
are many flies, burn pyrethrum powd
er m the room. This stupifies the
flies, when they may be swept up and
If there are flies in the dining room
of your hotel, restaurant or boarding
house, complain to the proprietor
that the premises are not clean.
The pupils of upper and lower Lo
gan schools gave an interesting pro
gram on April 19, under the direction
of Miss Bachman. Dr. Pierce gave his
lecture on the new view of human life.
The lecture was mostly an account of
what has been and can be accomplish
ed by scientific sanitation in the pre
vention and cure of contagious and
other diseases. The doctor answered
many questions about preventing con
tamination of well water, which so of
ten causes typhoid fever.
A large number of our people went
to Oregon ' City for the Booster day
Arthur Funk had his foot in shape
to appear in his band uniform. Such
a prospect proved quicker than medi
cine. Harry Babler stepped on a rusty
nail, which penetrated his foot recent
ly. He too, was in shape Booster day.
Mrs. II. C. Anderson is enjoying a
visit from two sisters from the east.
Ernest Gerber has a two- wheeled
chug-chug machine and is breaking it
in to ride. He hopes to have it train
ed soon.
Potato buvers were offereing 30
cents a sack for potatoes about here
this week. It was not considered
enoueh to Day for the work.
The first ball frame of the season
was played last Sunday with the East
Oregon City nine and resulted in a 3-4
score in lavor ot the visitors.
The first Saturday in May will be
Old Folks' Day for Harding Grange,
and old people are expected to fur
nish the program. The next month
the young folks will distinguish themselves.
Parent Teachers' Bureau
The Parent-Teachers' Educational
bureau had a formal opening of their
rooms in the court house in Portland
on Monday afternoon April 24.
Among the many visitors were sev
eral county officers who were much
interested and pleased with the edu
cational plans.
The object ot these rooms, as the
name would indicate, is for the edu
cation ot parents, and it will be a very
wise father or mother who can visit
these rooms and not learn something
useful. There are charts on the walls
which are well worth reading. Une
gives advice about the teeth with il
lustrations, ana announces tree dental
work at city hall, tor the poor child
ren ot the schools, uther charts are
on the sins of the fathers, sex educa
tion, eugenics, the mating ot the un
fit, the care of the baby, the "do's and
don ts and the "keep wells.'
One room will have literature for
distribution with leaflets on cigarette
smoking, boy teaching, the girl to
save, from youth to manhood, Luther
Burbank, alcohol and tobacco, etc.
The furniture ot this room was
made by the boys of the Portland
Trade school. The Eugenics room is
prepared to give instruction to Uie
expectant mother. The day of the
reception a trained nurse grave dem
onstrations as to the dressing, bathing
etc.. of infants., while another young
woman demonstrated the sterilizing
of, the milk and the care of the nurs
ing bottle. '
This bureau is free to the public
and is open daily except Sunday from
10 a. m. to 5 p. m.
For rent:--80 acres, 20 acres in crop;
Bal pasture, good buildings. 4 years
lease, at $150 per year, Cash.
For Sale: Two and a half acres at
Willamette all cleared, a splendid
little home, only S300 per acre.
For Sale: 5 room house, full lot, on
5th St. in city, anyone looking for a
home this is a snap, $900. One-half
cash. Bal. to suit.
For Sale: at Gladstone, 3 lots, rus
tic house, 16 by 28, garden all in
owner leaving, only $600.
For Sale: A fine suburban home at
Concord, 8 room house and one acre
with all kinds ot truit and berries
just what you are looking for.
Over the Oregon City Bank.
Items The Oregon City Eater Is Inter
ested In.
Now that spring has come, and with
it the fresh, crisp vegetables, which
you may see every day in my window
that the 'spray keeps fresh THEY
You that are eating meat will want
some prepared mustard to make it
taste better; we have it already pre
pared tor use, the Kina you maice your
own salad dressing wun. vve aiso
have some very fine- tomato catsup
for relish.
Just for a change we have some
smoked salmon, and fish by the bar
rel, which would taste good to you. If
you think so, come here after them,
Just to make the pancakes slide
down, you should have good syrup.
We have the MArLiHi ana uvjkin in
different size cans.
You probably have doubtless heard
of Reddaway's Special. Coffee and
thought you would like to try it. We
have it,, and the people who use it say
that it goes farther than other cof
fee; try some of it. We have the one-
minute Fostum also.
You should try our cookies and
snails. If you do, you will come back
after more.
Dates are one of the things that
people seem to be using more every
vear. We have VERY good ones we
are selling by the pound. .
Would you HKe some good iiiia-
mook cheese? We have some that
we know will bring you back for more.
We have some nice tresh garden
seeds, and flower seeds. Now is the
planting time.
We carry the choice brands of
flour, Dement's Best, Snowdrift, Vim,
and Pure White, feed, potatoes; in
fact everything in the line of the
There is notning mat manes us leei
better than an occasional "drop in
and say "howdy," even if you don't
purchase anything.
UtiUKlitti IvrjIJIJAWA X ,
The Grocer.
Teachers' Training Class Banquet
The banquet given for the Teachers
Training Class last Friday evening
hv the Ladies of the Presbyterian
Church was one of the most enjoyable
occasions afforded the delegates dur-
ing their three days sojourn- m this
city. There were fifty-five present,
Prof. R.'R. Steele presiding as toast
master. ' -i
Mrs. Fisher, of San Francisco re
sponded in a delightful manner. Three
piano selections by Miss Mabel Volk
mar, one of Oregon City's most tal
ented musicians were appreciated.
The table decorations were beauti
fully arranged in colors of whi.e and
yellow by Mrs. A. C. Bealieu who had
charge of the supper. Cut flowers in
profusion were presented by Mr.
F. M. Darling, the iiorist.
The committee in charge of the
banquet deserve great credit for their
Can now be sent to customers
on any Rural Route
Your Order to us and we will
fill it by mail delivered at your
Time and Worry, Cost of Ex
Expressage, Days in Deliveries
Can Buy Drugs and
from us Cheaper than
farther away.
in Cities
Saved is Money Made. If you
want Proof of Our Bargains
read Special Order
Odd Fellows Celebrate Anniversary
The ninety-fourth anniversary of
Institution of the Odd Fellows Lodge
was celebrated at the I. O. O. F. Hall
Saturday evening April 26th. The fol
lowing program was rendered:
Violin solo: Harless Ely, accompan
ied by Carol Ely; address by Rev. E.
A. Smith; violin solo Harless Ely;
readine. Miss Eschol Armstrong; voc
al duet, Miss Naomi and Eschol Arm
strong; violin solo, Harless Ely.
Light refreshments were served af
ter the program.
For Sale A fine seven room shingled
bungalow, with all modern convenien
iences. For sale at a bargain. Lot 75
ft. by 105 ft. Back of Eastham School
House on Division St. House No. 505.
Jones Dru.o. Oregon ity
For any itchiness of the skin, for
skin rashes, chap, pimples etc., try
Doan's Ointment. 50c at all drug
List Your Lands
Gentlemen: List your Oregon City
and Molalla lands for sale with us,
we make a specialty of them. Homer
G. Day Co. 607 Yeon Bldlg. Port
land, Ore.
Yours truly,
I Jit The Art of Proper
Moiiolk Ho. 4 I
There are two kinds of clothes to
wear-one is commonly called
clothes and the other is proper
both in fit, fabric and
Our aim has always been
the country's most repre
sentative product most reason
ably priced.
Don't fail to see the newest creations in
the celebrated CLOTHCRAFT Clothes.
Priced $12.50 to $20.00.
Seeing is belie ving. We deem it a pleas
ure to show our merchandise.
One of the social events of the
week was the marriage of I) rank
Busch, Jr., of Oregon City, to Miss
Nettie Burgoyne, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John Burgoyne of New Era,
which was solemnized at St. John's
Catholic church on Wednesday after
noon of last week. Only the imme
diate families of the bride and groom
were present. The ceremony was per
formed by Father Hildebrand. The
bride was given away by her father,
and she was attended by Miss Teresa
McMillan of Portland. The groom
was attended by his brother Edward
Busch. After the ceremony the brid
al couple were served with luncheon
at their future home, corner Twelfth
and Water streets, which had been
completely furnished. Mrs. Busch is
the daughter of an old and prominent
resident of Clackamas county. Mr.
Busch is the eldest son of Frank
Busch and he is associated with his
father in the furniture business. He
is a member of the commercial club
and is well known in musical circles.
Money to Loan.
Oregon City Abstract Co.,
Main street.
Missionary Ladies Meeting
The monthly meeting of the Wo
man's Missionary Society of'the First
Presbyterian Church was held at the
residence of Mrs. Roehl Tuesday. The
subject was India.
A social time followed the program
and refreshments were served by the
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. In the matter of the estate of James
Thomas Buckner, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been, by order of the
county court of Clackamas county
State of Oregon, appointed adminis
tratrix of the estate of James Thomas
Buckner, deceased. 'Any and all per
sons holdiner claims aeainst said es
tate are hereby notified to present the
same to the undersigned at the office
of Jno. W. Loder, Stevens Building,
Oregon City, Oregon, on or before
six months from and after the date of
this notice. properly verified with
vouchers as bv law provided.
Dated and first pumtsnea may s,
Administratrix -cf the Estate of
James Thomas Buckner, deceased.
John Loder, Atty. for Administratrix,
to offer
I have a cure for . superflous
cheap enough to be within the reach
of all. Will not harm the most deli
cate skin or leave any scars. Is not a
depilitory powder. Address Mrs. M. E.
Longly,15 and Jackson St., Oregon
City Ore.
Farmers, when trading on the hill,
call at Seventh St. Hotel for reason,
ably priced meals.
We Give Green
The Willamette Valley's Leading Clothes Shop!
6th and Main Streets
Oregon City, Oregon
A slight cold in a child or a grown
nerson ho ds DOSSlDUlties ot a Brave
nature. Croup may come on suddenly,
bronhitus or pneumonia may devel
nn. Kevpxft catarrhal troubles and con
sumption are possible results. Foley
Honev and Tar Comnound nips a cold
at the outset, cures croup quickly,
ia neais
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clackamas.
Joseph M. Rieg, Plaintiff
Hiram Maden. J. L .Ketch and Gen
erva Ketch, his wife, Patrick Murray
and A. W. Morev. Defendants.
Rv virtue of a iudcement order, de
cree and execution, duly issued out of
and under the seal of the above entit
ld ponrt. in the above entitled cause,
to me duly directed and dated the 29th
day of April 1913, upon a judgement
rendered and entered in said court on
the twentv-sixth day of April,
1913. in favor of Joseph M. Rieg,
Plaintiff and against J. L. Ketch and
Generva Ketch, his wifo, Defendants,
for the sum of $250 with interest the.
reon at rate of 8 per cent per annum
from the 8th day of October 1910,
and the further sum of $75.00, as at
torney's fee, and further sum oi 87.
75 costs and disbursements, and the
costs of and upon this writ, com
manding me to make sale of the fol
lowing described real property, situ
ate in the county of Clackamas, state
of Oregon, to-wit:
Beginning at a point in the south
boundary line of the Franklin Pierce
D. L. C. numbered 38, 2056.4 feet
West of the Southeast corner of said
claim; thence West along said boun
dary line 873.6 feet to the intersect
ion of the North boundary line of the
O. W. P. railroad right of way; thence
Southeasterly along said right of way
1048.17 feet to the Southeast corner
thence Northerly 545.67 feet to the
place of beginning, containing 6 acres
more or less. All of said lands Deing
Section 28, Township 3 South,
Range 4 East of the Willamette Mer
idian in Clackamas County, State of
Oregon. '
And all of the right, title and in
terest which either of the above nam
ed defendants had, or now have, at
the time of this judgement.
Now Therefore, by virtue of said
execution, judgement order and de
cree, and in compliance witn the com
mands of said writ, I will, on Satur
day the 31st day of May 1913; at the
hour of 10 o'clock A. M., at the front
door of the County Court House in the
City of Oregon City, in said County
and State, sell at public auction, sub
ject to redemption, to the highest bid
der for U. S. gold coin in hand, all
the right, title and interest which the
within named defendants or either of
them, had on the date of the mort
gage herein, or since had in or to the
rty or any
id execut-
above described real property
part thereof, to satisfy said
ion, judgment order, decree, inter
ests, costs and all accruing costs.
E. T. MXsT"
Sheriff of Clackamas County,
Sheriff of Clackamas County,
By B. J. Staats, Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., April 30,
checks a deep seated cough, and
inflamed membranes. Huntley
A General Line of
and Tinning
Main 3813 A-48
D. 3. Burns & Co.
The modern sanitary store where
satisfaction flows with every pur
chase. .
Fruits and vegetables in season,
fresh every day.
Our 5, JO and 1 5c counter is
worth investigating.
Lime, Cement, Hay, Grain, Poul
try Specialties and Hardware.
Wood yard in connection.
8 L ; 1 ' ! : : ' 1 .